xt7c2f7jqh5c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7c2f7jqh5c/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1899-01-may30. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1899-01-may30. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1899-01-may30. 1899 1899-01-may30. 2011 true xt7c2f7jqh5c section xt7c2f7jqh5c 

MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Dec. 14, 1898 -page 226-227

      Adj ourned.

V. E, muncy

      The Board of Trustees met in regular session in the
President's room in the College Building at 1:20 P. MVI.
on Tuesday, May 30, 1899.

      Present:           Messvs.   Boswell,
                                   Hol t,

      Messrs. Marcum and Mathews were present a few minutes
later. Gen. Hobson was present at 2 P. M.

      Mr. McElroy, was duly qualified by taking the oath
of office and took his seat a member of the Board.

      In the absence of the Governor of the Commonwealth
Judge Holt was unanimously elected chairman of the Board.

      The Chairman then announced the following as members
of the standing committees indicated:


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OP TRUSTEES,May 30, 1899 - page 227

                Committee on the President's Report

Todd, Marcum, Peak.

                Committee on Finance.

Kennedy, Boswell, Gooding.

                Committee on Appropriations.

Frazee, Gathright, Stoll.

          Committee on Buildings and Grounds.

Boswell, Todd, Gooding.

          Committee on Experiment Station.

Flournoy, Kennedy, Stoll.

          Committee on Salaries.

Peak, McElroy, Todd.

          Committee on Internal Expansion.

Patterson, Frazee, McElroy.

     Committee on Military Instruction & Cole Dis.

Gooding, Hobson, Kennedy.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESl.,May 30, 1899 - page 228

                  Committee on Minutes of Executive Com.

      GathrighV, Hobson, Flournoy.

                   Committee on Minutes of the Faculty.

      harcum, Stoll, Peak.

      The minutes of the previous meeting of the Board were
then read and approved.

      Boted on motion ofA Mr. Gathright that the Minutes of
the Executive Comminittee of the Faculty of' the Board of
Control, of the Special Faculties, and the President's
report be referred to the appropriate committees without
reading, it being understood that they should be read in
connection with the reports submitted by the respective

      Attention was called to the fact that the minutes
of the classical faculty had not been submitted. The
Secretary of Board was directed to call the attention of
the Secretary of the classical Faculty to the fact.

      Captain Todd moved to suspend the order of business
and to proceed to the election of officers.

                 Carried .

     The following officers were elected by ballot for
the ensuing year.

Secretary   -  
Treasurer   -   -   -
Business Agent - -

-   Vn. E. Muncy
-   R. S. Bullock
-   J. G. White,


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Ylay 30, 1899 - page 229

      For the ensuing six months the following were

                      Executive Committee.

      Judge W. H. Holt, Chairman,
      D. F. Frazee
      A. P. Gooding,
      J. B. Kennedy,
      R. C. Stoll,

                     Board of Control.

      Hon. Hart Boswell,
      Thomas Todd,
      J. T. Gathright,

      J. K. Patterson, )   Members Ex-officio.
      M. A. Scovell,

      The chairman having ruled that a previous motion did
not contemplate the filling of vacancies in the college.
Mr. Gathright moved that if there are any vacancies in the
College the Board proceed to the consideration of the
filling of such vacancies.


      The President of the College then read the foollowing:

                             Lexington, Ky., Maay 20th, 1899.

President James K. Patterson,
     State College,
          Lexington, Ky.

 Dear Sir:

      In accordance with my purpose made known to you last
fall, I hereby tender through you to the Board of Trustees


MINUTES OF THE BOARD CF TRUSTEES,May 30, 1899 - page 229-230

the resignation of my professorship in the State College
of Kentucky, to take effect at the close of the present
collegiate year.

      I will ever bear in grateful memory the marked kindness
and consideration shown me by yourself, by the Board of
Trustees and their precedessors in office by my colleagues
and associates in the service of the college, and by my
pupils, not only in the year just closing but in all the
years of my life as a college professor.

                        With sincere affection,

                           Respectfully yours,

                             John Shackleford,

      On motion of Captain Todd the resignation of Prof.
Shackleford, was accepted by the Board of Trustees.

      President Patterson read a number of testimonials
and moved to nominate Dr. J. S. Blackwell for the vacancy
in the chair of English Literature.

      After some discussion in which several members of
the Board took part: It was

      Ordered on motion of Mr. Frazee that a committee
composed of Messrs. Flournoy, Patterson, McElroy, Boswell,
and Stoll, be appointed to make a selection to fill the
vacancy in the chair of English.

      On motion of Mr. Gathright ordered that the Committee
have power to act in the selection of a professor, his
salary being fixed by existing rules.


MINUTES OF THE BOA-RD OF TRUSTEES,Yiay 30, 1899 - page 230-231

      Professor John Henry Heville wias unanimously elected
Vice - President.

      The following report was received and approved and
the committee discharged. (See page 211.)

                             Lexington, Ky. Dec. 15, 1898.

To the Board of Trustees
of the A. & D/I. College

      Your committee respectfully reports that they have
heard parties ahd considered the matter referred to them, by
the resolution offered by the chairman of this committee to
the Board and that in their opinion no state of case has
been presented calling for action by your committee on
the Board of the College.

                     (Signed)  J. T. Gathright, Chairman
                                H. Boswell
                                J. C. Flournoy
                                A. P. Gooding
                                W. H. Holt,

      The committee appointed to revise the rules and
regulations asked for more time.

      On motion the committee wascontinued and given more
time to prepare its report.

      The following report was read:

          To the Hon. Board of Trustees
          of the A. & M. Coll1ege.

            The undersigned to whom was referred the
claim of the Sowle Printing Company of $192.00 against
the college for printing a report of the condition of the
zollege to the Legislature respectfully reports that he suc-
ceeded at last in getting the Hon. State Commissioners of
the Sinking Fund of Kentucky to pay and settle this claim,
and it has been settled and paid by the State as the
undersigned is informed by the State Treasurer.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Wiay 30, 1899 - page 231-232

May 30, 1899                      Respectfully submitted,

                                   Wm . H. Holt

      On motion the report was received and approved.

      Ordered that the thanks of the Board be extended to
Judge Holt for his services in securing the payment of
this claim.

      On motion ordered that the Secretary be authorized
on behalf of the Board to extend a special invitation to
Governor Bradley to be present on Thursday to meet
Secretary Wilson and to attend the commencement

      The committee appointed July 5, 1.898 to consider the
advisability of forming an alliance with the Louisville
Medical College submitted a verbal report recommending that
the State College shall not enter into the proposed

      On motion the report was approved and the committee
was discharged.

      The report of the Military Board of Control was
referred to the committee on Military Instruction and
College Discipline.

The Board then adjourned to meet 9 A. M. on May 31,
