xt7c2f7jqh36 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7c2f7jqh36/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1889-01-jun5. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1889-01-jun5. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1889-01-jun5. 1889 1889-01-jun5. 2011 true xt7c2f7jqh36 section xt7c2f7jqh36 

MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 5, 1889 - page 81

    The Board of Trustees of the Agricultural and Mechanical
College of Kentucky met in the President room in the
College June 5, 1889 at 3 P. M.

Present                  WN. B. Kinkead
                         R. T. Spurr
                         R. A. Spurr
                         Philemon Bird
                         Hart Gibson
                         W. D. Nicholas
                         L. J. Bradford
                         J. D. Clardy

     In the absence of the Governor Ex Officio Chairman,
W. B. Kinkead Chairman of the Executive Committee took the

     The Secretary announced the resignation of J. M.
Unthank. Whereupon upon motion of L. J. Bradford seconded
by Re. A. Spurr Philip P. Johnston was unanimously elected
to fill the unexpired term and the Secretary was instructed
to inform him of his election.

     The Chairman of the Building Committee reported the
acceptance If the new building from the contractor, with
certain minor defects to be mended before the full amount
of the contract price is paid. The heating capacity of the
Heating apparatus is to be made satisfactory, the contractor
giving bond to secure the results contracted for according
to the specifications of the contractor. See Minute
marked " A ss



    The Secretary was then directed to read the Minutes
of the Executive Committee since the last adjournment of
the Board in June 1888. The Minutes were read and the
proceedings recorded therein approved and ratified.

     The report of the President of the College was then
read and on motion referred to a committee consisting of
Hart Gibson and J. D. Clardy with instructions to report as
soon as practicable.

     The Reports of Heads of Departments submitted as part
of the Report of the President were referred to a committee
consisting of L. J. Bradford and Philemon Bird with
instructions to examine them and report thereon.

     The report of the Treasurer was laid on the table
of the Board and an appointed committee directed to examine
the accounts and vouchers submitted and report thereon
Committee R. A. Spurr and Philemon Bird, L. J.

     An informal communication from the Governor was
presented by Hart Gibson as follows:

     The Board of Trustees met in the Presidents room
in the College at 3 P. M. June 5, 1889.

Present                  W. B. Kinkead   Chairman
                         R. J. Spurr
                         W. D. Nicholas
                         P. P. Johnston
                         L. J. Bradford
                         R. A. Spurr
                         J. D. Clardy
                         Philemon Bird
                         Hart Gibson


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 5, 1889 - page 83-84

    Major Gibson from the Committee on the Presidents
report, presented the report of the Committee marked " B "
ordered that the report be received and filed for future

     Mr. Bird Dresented the report of his Committee on the
reports of Heads of Departments. Ordered that the report
be received and filed, Marked ' C "

     R. A. Spurr presented the report of his Committee on
the report of the Treasurer Viz: tt We the Committee appointed.
to examine the report made by W. D. Nicholas Treasurer of
the College, to the Board of Trustees find it to be correct
both as to the accounts of the A. & M. College and the
Experiment station " Report received and Committee

     On motion of Mrs. Blackburn   salary is fixed at
$500 for her services as instructor in the Preparatory Dept.
and $15O for her services as Matron.

    On motion the salary of Prof. Shackleford, Vice
President of the College is fixed at $1750 that of James G.
White Dean of the Faculty of Instruction of the Scientific
course of study of John H. Neville Dean of Faculty of the
classical course of instruction and of Alex L. Peterman
Dean of Faculty of the course of instruction in the Normal
School of the State College are each placed at $1750
the increase in salary being allowed on account of the extra
duties and responsibility.

     On motion Wm. Newbrough was elected to the full
Professorship of engineering - salary $1500.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 5, 1889 - page 84-85

    Attention was called to a communication handed to each
of the members of the Board of Trustees by A. R. Crandall
late Prof. in the Dept. of Natural History reflecting in
terms of great severity upon the President of the College,
J. K. Patterson the President was conceded the privilege of
the floor to make such statements as he thought the occasion
required. After the statement of the President the following
Resolution offered by P. P. Johnston was unanimously

     " Resolved that the Administration of President Patterson
has been obedient to the Board and harmonious with the law
and its purposes.

     That his official acts have been either authorized by
the Board or reported to it by him and received its approval,
and that he is entitled to and receives the full confidence
of the Board."

     On motion T. H. Morgan was elected Professor of Natural ?;1lw 
History, salary $1200 and W. H. Garman   elected Professor
of Agriculture in the College of Entomology and in the
experiment station salary 1500, on the conditions and
limitations set forth herewith, viz - that the elections
hereby made shall be for one year only from the official
tender on the one hand and the acceptance of the positions
tendered on the other and that neither of the parties contract-
ing is bound beyond the collegiate year 1889-90 to a
continuance of the relationship thereby established
but that each is at liberty to contract further or
decline to contract without further notice or
prejudice to either party.

     On motion W. D. Nicholas was authorized to contract
with J. C. Oliver for the superintendence of the Mechanical
Dept. and'for the care and repair of machinery, gas and
steam apparatus & etc. The college is to have the control
of all his time and the salary shall not exceed $60
per month.



The Board then adjourned until 3 P. M. on June 6th.

    The Board of Trustees met June 6th,
in the Presidents room in the College.

Present                 W. B. Kinkead
                        R. J. Spurr
                        R. A. Spurr
                        L. J. Bradford
                        W. D. Nicholas
                        Philemon Bird
                        P. P. Johnston
                        J. D. Clardy

at 3 P-i; iM.


     On motion W. B. Kinkead, W. D. Nicholas , R. A. Spurr,
R. J. Spurr and Philemon Bird, were elected an Executive
Committee for the ensuing year,

    The resignation of W. e). Nicholas as member of the
Ex. Com. was off'ered and on motion accepted.

     On motion P. P. Johnston was elected vice W. D.
Nicholas resigned, and secretary of the Board of Trustees
and of the Ex. Committee.

     On motion W. D. Nicholas was elected Treasurer for
the ensuing year, salary $300.

     On motion 950. in addition to that already allowed
was added to Mrs. Blackburnts salary as Matron.

    On motion the salaries of Prof. Prewitt and Professor
J. W. Newman were fixed at $900  each for the ensuing year.

- page 85-86


Missing report(s)