xt7c2f7jqg1g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7c2f7jqg1g/data/mets.xml Scribner, B. F. (Benjamin Franklin), 1825-1900. 1887.  books b92-82-27254786 English Donohue & Henneberry], : New Albany, Ind. ; [Chicago : This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. United States History Civil War, 1861-1865 Personal narratives. United States Army. Indiana Infantry Regiment, 38th (1861-  1865) History. United States History Civil War, 1861-1865 Regimental    histories How soldiers were made ; or, The war as I saw it under Buell, Rosecrans, Thomas, Grant and Sherman  / by B.F. Scribner, late colonel Thirty-eighth Indiana Veteran Volunteers, and brevet brigadier-general, commanding brigade, First Division, Fourteenth Army Corps, Army of the Cumberland. text How soldiers were made ; or, The war as I saw it under Buell, Rosecrans, Thomas, Grant and Sherman  / by B.F. Scribner, late colonel Thirty-eighth Indiana Veteran Volunteers, and brevet brigadier-general, commanding brigade, First Division, Fourteenth Army Corps, Army of the Cumberland. 1887 1887. 2002 true xt7c2f7jqg1g section xt7c2f7jqg1g 


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             B. F. SCRIBNER,



                    BY B. F. SCRIBNER.

Donohue  Henneberry, Printerv and Binders, Chicago.






This page in the original text is blank.



    jsHE subjects herein treated have been
         so well portrayed by skillful writers,
     g and so thoroughly described by offi-
         cers of high rank, with all the help
     D ff of statistical information, and with
         complete official reports at hand, that
         to enter the field without such equip-
         ment would seem egotistical and su-
         perfluous. I deem it proper, there-
         fore, to explain the motives which
         prompt me to this undertaking.
            The works of Generals Grant,
Thomas and Sherman, together with the official
documents issued from the War Department,
afford all that could be desired to make his-
tory, and yet leave ample room for works of
less pretension. My purpose is to describe the
events as they appeared to me from the posi-
tion of my rank, command and location. Not
having been in possession of the plans and
intentions of my chief, I will not attempt the



official exactness so well accomplished in the
works above referred to, but will deal with
such experiences as soldiers talk about when
they meet each other at their re-unions and
camp-fires. It is also my desire to treat the
subject in an introspective manner, from a per-
sonal standpoint; from the inner life; emotion-
ally and subjectively, and thereby refresh in
the minds of my comrades their own impres-
sions and feelings.
   In mitigation of the charge of vanity dis-
played by this course, reference is made to the
fact that a story related by an eye-witness, even
if unskillfully told, possesses a certain interest,
and that those most capable of describing stir-
ring and tragic events may not happen to be at
hand to be moved and inspired by them.




                   CHAPTER I.
   The clouds gather and break - Southern sympathy-
A divided community -My service in the Mexican War
-The Spencer Grays offer their services -The Battle of
Buena Vista-Fort Sumter fired upon-The shock and
agony thereat-The Union sentiment aroused-Gov.
Morton organizes the Indiana Legion-My appoint-
ment as colonel in it-The making of soldiers com-
menced - Inward struggles - Gov. Morton consulted -
Waiting for my turn-The Twenty-third go to the field
- A borrowed sword - More inward struggles - Duty
prevails - Appointed colonel Thirty-eighth Indiana Vol-
unteers....                                    JI

                  CHAPTER II.
  Gen. Robert Anderson in command at Louisville-
Buckner's threatened invasion -The Thirty-eighth joins
Sherman at Lebanon Junction-Wade Rolling Fork,
march upon Elizabethtown, Ky., and drive out rebel cav-
alry there - We take position at Muldraugh Hill - Short
rations and incomplete equipments-The long roll-
To arms-A false alarm-A council of war in which
no counsel was asked-Another interview with Gen. Sher-
man in which I do the talking -Traits of Sherman -The
column advances to Bacon Creek -We enter upon the
business of making soldiers-The typhoid fever obstructs
-We move on to Green River-Willick's Thirty-second
Indiana has a fight-A Texas regiment under Col. Terry
defeated-Col. Terry killed-Whipped by the Dutch



- More sickness - A hard winter-We march and coun-
termarch - On to Bowling Green - Buckner evacuates
-We make our entry into Nashville -I am ordered on
a board of commissioners - Schemes to defraud the
government-We are transferred from McCook's Divis-
ion to that of 0. M. Mitchell-We try to catch cavalry
with infantry-A fifty-one mile march in one day-
Rebel Gen. Adams driven across the Tennessee-Another
expedition-WVe cross the Cumberland Mountains-
Skirmish at Sweeden's Cove -Chattanooga threatened
--A perilous recrossing of the mountains at night -A
hard march to Tullahoma-Only a mile to camp-On
the march again -The army assembles at Battle Creek
- Rousseau supersedes Mitchell - I write a letter to
Rousseau -The Thirty-eighth assigned to Ninth Brigade
under Gen. Sill - We are sent to Deckard - Buell and
Bragg on a race to Louisville- Buell comes out ahead
-Battle of Perryville-The pursuit of Bragg ...... 20

                 CHAPTER III.
  I am assigned to the command of the Brigade - Gen.
Rosecrans relieves Buell - Edgefield Junction -Rebel
stores captured at Springfield, Tenn.- A new flag pre-
sented to :the Thirty-eighth at Camp Andy Johnson-
Battle of Stone River ............................. 64

                  CHAPTER IV.
  Bad weather-Railroad destroyed by guerrillas-
Short forage-How to convoy a train-Working out
war problems - Foraging expeditions - A predicament
-A pleasure party spoiled-That's shucks-A hard
road to travel - A change for the better - Comfortable
quarters- Our wives and lady friends from home visit





us - Guerrillas attack the train - Why don't he stop the
firing-Gay times-Anecdote of Libby Prison- All
Fools' day-Gen. Thomas gives a lesson in drawing-
Brigade drills-An expedition toward Hoover's Gap-
The missing sentinel -Bugle calls and signals ..... 87

                  CHAPTER V.
  The Tullahoma campaign -The country overflowed
by rain - A sharp combat at Hoover's Gap - Uninvited
guests to dinner - Anderson's Station - More good
times - Vallandigham visits the South - His advice to
his friends-The logic of events modifies opinions-
The Southern women-Their beauty, intelligence and
prejudices-The hardships of Southern Union men-
Lincolnian philosophy-Horrors of war -War not all
evil..........................                 12I

                  CHAPTER VI.
  Our hotel at Anderson-More mountain climbing-
Dug Gap - We escape from a trap - Hay fever again -
The Battle of Chickamauga - A metaphorical hurricane
- A night of gloom - Followed by a day of glory - We
bring off the rear- Gen. Thomas in bivouac - A char-
acteristic interview with him - Position at Rossville
-We again bring off the rear .....................1 I39

                 CHAPTER VII.
  A great battle; its length, breadth and thickness-
Bragg's efforts to cut off our supplies -He succeeds in
shortening our rations-Gen. Thomas relieves Rose-
crans -Grant and Sherman join us - Grant in command
- The army reorganized - The Battle of Lookout
Mountain - "Not scared but exhausted "- The men




assume command qnd charge up Mission Ridge -The
emotion of victory- Pursuit of Bragg- Adventures of
a night-A South Carolina major-A    sleepy town-
At Taylor's Ridge we fight by the book - Headquarters
on Cameron Hill-A freak of nature.    .......... I65

                 CHAPTER VIII.
   Incidents before and after the battle-Crossing the
Tennessee on pontoons-The horse boat at Brown's Ferry
-The negro philosopher at Ringgold -The astronomical
Joe - Pete's appeal - Mr. Anderson again - He wants
his Mary-An interview with Lieut. Col. Griffin-More
inward struggles-The Thirty-eighth re-enlist as veterans
-Influence of a few over many-Different kinds of
good officers -How field officers are estranged by tat-
tlers and mischief-makers -Lieut. Col.Griffin, his lovable
character-The Thirty-eighth on veteran furlough. I96

                  CHAPTER IX.
  The Atlanta campaign - A hint to critics - Arms and
ammunition tested -.Buzzard Roost and Rocky Face-
A grand and heroic advance - Sharpshooters - How
two can play at the same game-A peace conquered-
Barney's fears of goblins - The toothless recruit - The
Battle of Resaca ..........  ... 220

                  CHAPTER X.
  The capture of Rome - Pursuit of Johnston - Mc-
Pherson in trouble at Dallas -Seeking the rebels' right
- The night battle at New Hope Church - We are com-
plimented in orders -The cracker line again established
-Johnston yields Allatoona Pass-The evolution of
the soldier-Fighting Joe Hooker-State prejudices



overcome - Regulars and volunteers in harmony -
Learning how to behave -The soldiers' settlement of
the knapsack question -Sherman's liberal allowance of
baggage to officers - Wash day interrupted - Old tactics
criticised - Old andl new troops contrasted -How breast-
works were made-Hardships increased by the rain-
Trenches and rifle-pits overflowed-A rebel's opinion
that bullets are impartial --A lady's wardrobe sought at
brigade headquarters- The chagrin at finding it.... 237

                  CHAPTER XI.
  More rain-A battle in a thunder-storm-Leather
Breeches a hero - We relieve Gen. Harker at Kenesaw
-Are furiously bombarded-The lines still advance
-We relieve Gen. Kimball at Bald Knob- The soldier
still develops-The safest place in battle-The best
strategy -How to win victory -How an officer gains
the respect of his men - How he loses it - Rousseau's
popularity with the men accounted for-An analysis of
his character- Some advice to the future volunteer-
Joe Redding-Incidents of his career ...... ....... 266

                  CHAPTER XII.
  More about Bald Knob - The soldier as a wit - Illus-
trative anecdotes -The dog story- A soldier's reasons
for a furlough-A circus rider's feats-The various
trades of the men and their utility - Leather Breeches
again - His contract is violated - He is deceived thereby
-A substitute for a battery - Artillery-men's prejudice
against bullets from small arms- Leather Breeches is
scarce of horses - Sherman exposes himself to dan-
ger - He is expostulated with - Interview with Gen.
Thomas - Incidents connected with him - The assault



To                  CONTENTS.

of Kenesaw-Frightful loss -Sherman decides to aban-
don his communications and to turn the rebel flank-
Our division delegated to hold the left and to fortify it
- We work all night -The enemy gone next morning-
A close pursuit - Atlanta approached - I break down
- Am sent to the rear - My mortification thereat -
Hallucinations-A shirk's excuse-I am sent home-
My hay fever approaches - My resignation - Our coun-
try's generosity to her soldiers - What she cannot pay
for.                                            284

   CONCLUSION.....................             308




         EW   ALBANY, Ind., my birthplace
       1! and home, is situated on the Ohio
         river opposite the large and flourish-
         ing city of Louisville, Ky.  The
         social and business relations between
         the two cities have always been inti-
         mate.  The Louisville daily papers
         are simultaneously delivered by car-
riers to subscribers in both cities. New Albany,
before the war, was extensively engaged in the
building of steamboats. The largest and fleetest
boats which plied the Ohio, Mississippi and
other rivers in the South were built here. These
and other considerations tended to make New
Albany essentially a southern city, and to cause
her to share with the South the same principles
and prejudices. Therefore at the beginning of
the secession movement after the election of Mr.
Lincoln, the public sentiment of the majority



sympathized with the South, and was opposed to
the idea of coercion. Public assemblies were
nightly held, and the questions involved were
discussed with heated acrimony. At these meet-
ings it was frequently asserted that " if coercion
wvas attempted by the North it should be over
the dead body of the speaker." Others declared
that "if the South was forced to separate, the
dividing line should be drawn north of New
Albany." Reproaches, accusations and denunci-
ations prevailed; families were divided, and
the ties of friendship severed.  There was,
however, amid all this strife and division, a
minority who were for the Union without an
"if," and who were hopeful that blows and
bloodshed would be avoided.
   I had been a soldier during the Mexican War,
and became twenty-one years of age before my
time of enlistment expired. I took part in the
hard-fought and bloody battle of Buena Vista,
where Gen. Taylor with 4,500 men withstood
Santa Anna with 22,000.  After the war was
over, I published a little book containing extracts
from my private journal entitled "Camp Life of
a Volunteer, by One Who Saw the Elephant."

I 2



  The Spencer Grays, the name of the company
to which I belonged, was, previous to the war,
one of the uniformed companies of the city and
had acquired quite a local reputation for soldierly
qualities. We had taken the first prize at a mili-
tary encampment held at Louisville; this stimu-
lated us to greater proficiency and ripened us for
the war when it came. The news of Gen. Tay-
lor's victories at Palo Alto and Resaca De La
Palma and his subsequent reported danger there
fanned us into a blaze of enthusiasm. We of-
fered our services to Gov. Whitcomb to help
Gen. Taylor, and were accepted as soon as
the call for troops was issued. We were mus-
tered in for a year as a company, under our old
organization, and were assigned to the Second
Regiment Indiana Volunteers, commanded by
Col. William A. Bowles, who to the incapacity
displayed in this position, added disloyalty and
treachery during the war for the Union.
   I had thus at the breaking out of the rebell-
ion some experience, and my taste for military
tactics thus early acquired has clung to me to
this day. I was now animated with patriotism;
the flag of the Union was to me a sacred object,




and I could not bring myself to believe that the
American people would insult or assail it. There-
fore, when Fort Sumpter was fired upon, I was
overcome with surprise, awe and grief; I felt all
the horrors of impending war and, with almost
prophetic intuitions, comprehended its magni-
tude and the sacrifices that would be involved
in it.  By the firing upon Fort Sumpter the
overt act was committed which did much to
strengthen and unite the friends of the Un-
ion. A military enthusiasm was awakened;
companies were formed and the streets ech-
oed with the shrill notes of the fife and the
roll and the rattle of the drum; the spirit of
war filled the air and permeated the minds
of all, and the Union sentiment became domi-
nant and aggressive. Soldiers for the Confed-
erate army, openly recruited in Louisville, no
longer exhibited themselves from the decks of
steamboats which touched at our wharves on.
their way South, and boats from the South
no longer flaunted from their flag-staffs rebell-
ious emblems.
  Gov. Morton, as best he could under the
militia laws of the State, proceeded to organ-




ize the Indiana Legion, and I was appointed
colonel of the seventh regiment, third bri-
gade, and the task of forming companies and
establishing drills and parades was at once
undertaken. The change of tactics from Scott
to Hardee made it necessary to learn them
all over again, which involved much study and
practice. In the meantime the 75,000 men
called for had gone to the front, and the
enlistment to fill the quota of Indiana for a
call just made for three hundred thousand
more, had commenced. Some two thousand
men were soon enrolled in the legion; offi-
cers and men vied with each other in dili-
gence to acquire the duties of the soldier;
night after night at the various rendezvous
throughout the city could be heard inspiring
martial music and the commands of the drill;
the people were earnest, active and deter-
mined that the Union should be preserved.
  A new trouble now assailed me; what
should be done with these men, many of
whom were ready to enlist for the war Al-
ready they had been overheard talking among
themselves, showing a willingness to go, and

I 5



the ever-recurring question would overwhelm
me. Whose duty is it to lead in this mat-
ter The question could not be evaded, but
continually confronted me, imperiously demand-
ing an answer.  The anxiety of mind occa-
sioned by contending struggles between my
sense of duty and inclinations, and my personal
interests and family ties, gave me great dis-
tress at the time, and even now I shrink from
its contemplation. At length the conclusion was
reached to advise with Gov. Morton upon the
subject, and a visit to Indianapolis for that pur-
pose was made. I represented to the governor
that a regiment of men could be enlisted from
my command.     My humiliation was mani-
fested that expressions of willingness to serve
their country in this emergency should first
come from sources other than the command-
ing officer. It was tauntingly charged that the
cause and responsibility of the war rested
upon the party to which we belonged. But I
had a large and increasing family to provide
for and an extensive and complicated business
to manage, and the position of colonel in a
regiment, which would be an improvement in



the condition of many men, to me would be
financial ruin. I assured him that I would
place myself in his hands whenever he thought
it was my turn to take up arms again, or that
it was the duty of one situated as I was to
offer his services, and I would solemnly prom-
ise to do as he should decide, and to serve
at any time in any capacity in which he
should call me.  The governor treated me
with muqh kindness and consideration and
greatly relieved my mind by his assurances
that he would not fail to call upon me when
he thought it was my turn. He urged me
to continue my efforts to develop military
enthusiasm, and to encourage enlistment to
fill the quota for Indiana.
  The Twenty-third Indiana Regiment was
organized, and William L. Sanderson, my cap-
tain during the Mexican War, was appointed
its colonel, and when the regiment was ready
for the field it was escorted to the station by
the legion with our cheers and blessings.
   My internal struggles with contending con-
victions of duty now returned with augmented
force and disturbed my sleep and made me

I 7



restless and wretched. I had made some rep-
utation at the battle of Buena Vista, and had
been praised and embraced on the field by our
brigade-commander, Gen. Joseph Lane, after-
ward senator from Oregon and candidate for
Vice-President on the ticket with Breckinridge.
The citizens of New Albany had presented me
with a handsome sword of honor. In my reply
to the presentation address, I intimated that it
was accepted as a loan, and that should my
country ever need a sword for its defense, my
arm should go with it. Some talk about this
borrowed sword greatly disturbed me. Every
mail brought me offers of detachments and com-
panies, and I felt like one who would do noth-
ing himself, yet would stand in the way of others.
Goaded on by these painful emotions, at length
my mind was made up. My difficulties had
been augmented by the precarious health of
my wife, which made it important that she
should be kept quiet and free from worry or
excitement; but the birth of a daughter some-
what relieved me of this source of anxiety. I
was now ready to act, and without further de-



lay or advice I hurried to the telegraph office
and sent the following dispatch:
       " NEW ALBANY, IND., Aug. 21, i86i.
To Gov. 0. P. Morton or the Secretary of War,
   Washington, D. C.:
   I have a regiment of men nearly ready for
service; do you want them "
   There was no call for troops, the requisition
for three hundred thousand having been filled,
yet within an hour the purport of the following
reply was received from Gov. Morton, who was
then in Washington:
   " You are accepted. Report to Adjutant-Gen-
eral Noble at Indianapolis."
              (Signed)     0. P. MORTON.
   Thus the die was cast, the Rubicon crossed,
and within thirty days from the date of these
dispatches I was in the field at the head of the
Thirty-Eighth Indiana Volunteers.





        EN. ROBERT ANDERSON, of Fort
        Sumpter fame, was in command of
        the Department of the Cumberland,
        with headquarters at Louisville, Ky.
        Gen. Buckner, commanding Confed-
        erate forces, was at Bowling Green,
        Ky., with advance at Green river, and
        with cavalry outposts as far north as
        Elizabethtown, Ky.  The loyal citi-
zens of Louisville were in alarm from apprehen-
sion of an attack which all the circumstances
tended to confirm; almost daily, committees and
delegations of representative Union men visited
my camp to urge upon me the necessity of
being ready to assist them at a moment's notice.
The Thirty-Eighth was mustered in on the i8th
of September, i86i, by Capt. Gilman, U. S. A.,
and on the same day Gen. Anderson summoned
me for consultation. He represented to me that



Buckner was daily expected; that at any hour
the news of his approach might be received,
that he had no adequate force to resist him,
and he needed my services. A telegram was
at once sent to Gov. Morton for his consent,
and his reply was favorable, provided Gen.
Anderson would equip me. The demand upon
the government to provide arms and accoutre-
ments for the three hundred thousand men now
entering the field had so exhausted the supply
that the Thirty-Eighth could not be furnished
at once. A few muskets had been stored with
the warden of the penitentiary at Jeffersonville
for safekeeping and for an emergency, and these
Gen. Anderson gave me an order for. He also
gave me authority to purchase cartridge-boxes,
canteens, knapsacks, blankets, tents, etc., wher-
ever I could procure them. But he enjoined
haste; not a moment was to be lost.
   Three days after this interview with Gen.
Anderson an aid brought me orders to move at
once and take the train at the Louisville  Nash-
ville station that night; whereupon, notwithstand-
ing our unreadiness for the field, we proceeded
to obey as best we could. Leaving Maj. Mer-

2 I



riweather in charge of the camp to receive recruits
expected to arrive, we started with 750 men upon
the hazardous undertaking, meeting upon the
road the wagons with our knapsacks which I had
purchased from the manufacturer, who said he
had made them for the Kentucky militia. The
column was halted and the men supplied. While
pursuing our way to the ferry we were met in
the street by a delegation of citizens and pre-
sented with a beautiful stand of colors, and
before the boat left the dock a patriotic citi-
zen handed me an elegant brace of revolving
pistols. Arriving at the station in Louisville
we drew ammunition, which had to be carried
in our pockets, we having no cartridge-boxes
or other equipment, except muskets and knap-
sacks. But the situation was critical; invasion
threatened our homes, and war with all its hor-
rors was at our very thresholds. Buckner was
reported on his way to Louisville with a large
force.  All there was to resist him was the
Louisville Legion, composed of two regiments
and Capt. Stone's battery, commanded by Gen.
Lovell H. Rousseau; the Sixth Indiana Volun-
teers, Col. Thomas Crittenden; the Forty-ninth




Ohio, Col. Gibson; the Thirty-ninth Indiana,
Col. Harrison, and two companies of United
States Infantry, commanded by Capt. P. T.
Swaine. These troops had gone forward a few
days before, under the command of Gen. W.
T. Sherman. At 7:30 the next morning we
arrived at Lebanon Junction, Ky. The ground
was strewn with the debris of the camp, and
the rear of the column was just leaving. Upon
inquiring for Gen. Sherman, a plainly-dressed
man in citizen's clothes, wearing a broad-
brimmed, well-worn black hat; was pointed out
to me as the man. He was approached while
he was engaged in hurrying up the tardy ones
into the column. The general was informed
that I was ordered by Gen. Anderson to report
to him for duty. In response he ordered me
to fall in with the column now moving, that
"he was making a forward movement."    I
replied that my men had had no breakfast, that
we wanted to draw rations at Louisville, but was
told that he would supply me. He rejoined:
"That's bad; my stores are all packed up and
on the road, but everything here belongs to the
United States, and you belong to the United




States; so look about and help yourselves to
anything you find."  We found a barrel of
onions and some crackers near the bottom of
some boxes and barrels which I presume the
men had no room for in their haversacks, but
we found no meat or coffee. As my men had
no haversacks, the capacity of their pockets and
the quantity found were both factors in esti-
mating the amount of supplies obtained. Thus
provided we took up our line of march toward
Elizabethtown, arriving at the Rolling Fork of
Salt river, where we found the bridge had been
destroyed and therefore had to ford it waist
deep. Gen. Sherman superintended personally
the operation. He said to the men: " Take
off your shoes and stockings, then put on your
shoes again to protect your feet from injury,
and after you cross over, drain the water from
your shoes, put on your dry socks and you will
find it much better than to march with wet
feet." This good advice was not forgotten.
Crossing over Muldraugh's H ill we entered
Elizabethtown about dusk, putting to flight
some four hundred of the enemy's cavalry, and
bivouacked at the fair grounds, near the town.




The Thirty-eighth went supperless to bed, with-
out even the comfort of a blanket.
  The next morning I observed some disor-
der in the camp, and -sought Gen. Sherman,
and informed him that some Union citizens,
in mistaken kindness, had brought whisky to
the men.  At this the General flew into a
furious rage and ordered me to take my regi-
ment out of the "infernal hole." With much
embarrassment, I desired to know the order
of march and the direction. " Never mind
the order of march; get out the way you
caine, regardless of the movements of any-
body." As we approached the town we came
to a road crossing the one from the fair
grounds and were much bewildered, not know-
ing whether to turn to the right or left.  I
halted the column at being accosted by a citi-
zen, who, pointing to a stage-coach and hack
filled with people about to depart from the
door of the tavern, earnestly protested against
my allowing them to depart, "they were all
secessionists and would carry information to
Buckner."  Capt. Prime, of Sherman's staff,
here dashed up and directed to the right,




which I proceeded to take, turning the citizen
over to him.  We soon observed that the
whole force followed in the same road. At
Muldraugh's Hill, we halted, according to or-
ders, and would have stacked arms, but the
Thirty-eighth had not yet reached the train-
ing and skill required to perform so intri-
cate a movement.  The dinner question was
now becoming a most serious and absorbing
one. This was especially so with the Thirty-
eighth, for they were without either sup-
per or breakfast. My quartermaster, John R.
Cannon, was just the man for the place, " alive
all over," with a presence and tone of com-
mand that a major general might have envied.
He soon provided us with an abundance of
beef. Having no cooking utensils, we were
reduced to the primitive way of roasting it
before the fire, which was done in large pieces,
and portions from the outside cut off as they be-
came sufficiently cooked. Salt was in demand,
but only limited quantities could be obtained
by the men from houses in the neighborhood;
so we lived by beef alone until the men
learned to punch with a nail, holes in a tin plate,




making a grater by which meal could be made
from the corn now beginning to harden in the
fields near by. We had hardly finished our
repast when the long roll was heard calling us
to arms; fences were thrown down and the'
battery came swooping down to a position for
action; our lines were formed for immediate
battle, expecting the enemy to come charging
down upon us. Hour after hour we waited,
and thus the remainder of the day was spent.
That night Gen. Sherman sent for me to re-
port in person to his headquarters, which was
a double log-house near at hand. On arriving
there I found assembled Gen. Rousseau, Col.
Harrison and Capt. Swaine.  After the door
was closed, Gen. Sherman addressed us in these
words, forming his sentences after issuing the
smoke of the cigar which he held in his
mouth: "Gentlemen, I sent for you to tell
you what I know, for what I know I think
you ought to know. The enemy, with a force
greater than we can hope to overcome, is
within a few hours of us. We have no means
of transportation to get away, if we were
so disposed. The political aspect of affairs in




Kentucky makes it necessary that a stand
should be made; so I sent for you to tell you
to make up your minds to die right here, and
we will fight them down to the stubs. You
can retire to your quarters." Without another
word the company dispersed. It may be eas-
ily imagined that this one-sided council of war
did not lull me to pleasant dreams.
   Early the next morning I repaired again to
the log-cabin and as soon as Gen. Sherman
would receive me I had my say.  I referred
the general to what he had said last night, and
felt it due to him and to myself that he
should know the condition of my regiment.
We were hurried from our camp of organ-
ization without cartridge boxes, canteens, hav-
ersacks, blankets, tents or wagons; the regi-
ment had not been in line after their mus-
kets were received until they formed to march
to the railroad station to join him, and I
thought he ought to know this to enable him
to justly estimate his available force.  Not-
withstanding these drawbacks, I assured him
that the material of which my command was
composed was of the highest character; they




"were somebody's sons," and all that men in
such a condition could do they would do.
The general put his hand on my shoulder
approvingly, but without speaking. I contin-
ued in some hesitation, in d