xt7bzk55hz12 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bzk55hz12/data/mets.xml Teetzel Directory Co. Kentucky -- Boyd -- Ashland Kentucky -- Boyd -- Cattletsburg Teetzel Directory Co. 1902 volumes 24 cm. Call Number: F459.A7 A183 books  English Cleveland, Ohio: Teetzel Directory Co.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection.  Ashland (Ky.) -- Directories Catlettsburg (Ky.) Boyd County (Ky.) Advertisements Ashland and Catlettsburg Directory, 1902 text Ashland and Catlettsburg Directory, 1902 1902 1902 2021 true xt7bzk55hz12 section xt7bzk55hz12 ASHLAND

" Dmmmk 2c; ,,




1:083 W, Greenup Avl, ASHLAND? KY;

Afifirthing‘ fix a Woman 6r.ChiId td Wear.

, 13th and Winchester Av , ASHLAND,- KY . =




OBB ERS Doors Sash: nd Blinds, Rifle and Blasting Powder Ruh-
ber and leather Belting- Mantels. Fronts and Grates
Sewer Pipe TM All kinds of Steam Fittings. ‘ , T”





’ And Dealers in -‘



S. P. HAGER, Vice President. jOHN S. HAGER, Assistant Cashier.

QWW Wm WM . Wm ,


‘ $50,000.00;


s. P. HAGER,
j. c. HOPKINS,


106325246 ,8 301168,


and SHOES.



123. 16th St. (Jfiroabwav), cor..(Breenup Elva,
Elshlanb, “Kentucky.







" 11-"

1 /,
,_. / _ ,6, ‘


. , ‘



raw we“





Special attention given the preparation of Wills,
Deeds, Mortgages, Assignments, &c.

Negotiated on Real Estate,


“Poage’s Old Reliable Agency,” has imitators but no Equals.

It is “Time Tried and Fire Tested.” Lowest Rates for Highest Class

Indemnity in Leading American, German and English Companies.
I have purchasers for Real Estate at fair prices.



flflflliflflifll flflfl Bflilflfli

Manufacturer of





SHOP—Cor. Carter Avenue and
22nd ”Street.



“ERHWI Illllllllillillllllllil lllfll
ml um I mun








Telephone 246.

RESIDENCE-630 East ' Carter.





s.,...___.~_._\. n 1,;VWV,‘;_.......-.-u’~, .-


1: um _ fi-,¢rm\_.__-ri"





THE flLflTfllEfl [11H] FHHNISHEB.


The Best and Cheapest.

Don’t forget to Call at

106 W. Greenup Avenue, Between 15th and 16th Streets,


1M. J. O’MARA,

Sanitary Plumber, Steam and Gas '


Fitter. Estimates\ Furnished. All
work Guaranteed. “9%
’Phone 2 I 7.

207 E. Greenup Ali/e},



WM. LONG, a:

420 E. Greenup, Ave.,

General Contractor. An n
Jpecialty of Parquetry Floors.-




E E mewman


The Leading Dry Goods and‘
Clothing House. a: «a: _.a=


104 m. (Breenup Eve,

Hsblanb; 1kentuch9.’ > 3








5’   \ , Directory,
‘1 ' 1901-1902.

Comprising Miscellaneous, Alphabeticai and Busi-
ness Directories of the Cities of Ashland ‘
and Catlettsburg, Ky. ‘;

l ._—__

Subscription Price, $3. Publisher’s Price, $4.

Voiume l. ' -_

173 Taylor St., CLEVELAND, omo.



_Four years have elapsed since the first. 'directory of Ashland
and Catlettsburg made its appearance. But the publishers of the
present edition believe that the development of this directory field
is sufiiciently assured to enable them to revise their work three
years hence and to promise bienniel revisions thereafter. Thanks
is due to those public spirited business and professional men of
the two cities, who have by their patronage made the present
volume a possibility. The publishers trust that their efforts to

produce a complete directory may satisfy all patrons. '



Cleveland, 0., Feb. 1900.








BROWN c2 YOS 7 '.
Watchmakers, Jewelers, and Opticians,
‘ Center and Main Streets, CA TLETTSBURG, KY.




fishlaad Miscellaneous Directory.

City Officials. ‘
. Mayor——W~A Ginn; Clerk—R C Richardson; Attorney—J M
, Burns; Assessar—LW Webb; Treasurer—Robert Russell; Em
C‘ ‘ ‘ gz'neer—C D Boggess; Polite fzalgeiG D Davies; C/zz'ef Police——
V . ., , \ G F Worthington; C/zz'ef Fire Drift—W A Gehringer; Health
t! Officer—Dr T R Young; Station Home [{eeper—J J Evans. \

\ ' . _ ‘ City Council
v E I. ; Meets in City Hall first Monday evening of the month.
l I i first Ward—Henry Herbst, C K Rose.
: . ' Second Ward—Douglas Putnam, W H Fearing.
w]? L? x f ‘ lez'7d Ward—W H Bagley, T A Field.
' : Fourt/z Ward—G W‘Sands, W H Apple.

Police Department.
p323, C/zz'ef—G A Worthington; Palz‘eeme7z‘—VV H Anderson,
W" ' Hogan Hightchew, George Riddle, E H Rye, Jacob Young.


.Fire Department.
C/zz'ef—W A Gehringer; Savage Hose Co No I, City Hall;
7, Putnam Hose Co No 2, 1000 W Winchester av; Harris Hose Co
\ ! . ‘ " No 3, Winchester av, nr 27th.

Board of Health . ‘ I
. . Meets at call of City Council or Health Officer.
V Health OflicerfiDr T R Young; L E Veyssie, L R Putnam,
F C Friend.



; . Board of aducation
:1 r . . Meets in Central High School Building last Monday even-V

. >.._ : ing of the month.
5: 9,“ ‘ f Pretz'dent—F B Moore; Secretary—W H Apple; B C Hyman,

V. "“1 ‘ ‘J G Graber, J W Henderson, J N Fitch, John Kobs, D W'
H ‘ ' ‘Steele, C FWeaver. ‘



’0, 1/. GAMMON,


Cigars, Ice Cream and Cool Drinks.
119 W. Winchester Ave, ASHLAND, KY.




Public Jchools,

J G Crabbe superintendent of schools.
Central Hzgh School
I W Bradner principal; I M Owen, Corinne Rice assistants;
' Lizzie E Ogden. Nellie Reyi’iolds, S Josephine Ogden. Barbara A
’Fugeman, Laura E Dibble, Dallas G Lisle, Jerrie A Weaver,
Anna M Schmauch, Edith A Chapman, Minnie A Chatfield,
grades. ‘ ‘
Old Central School , .
Hattie M Faulkner Nellie 0 Fisher, Edna P'Smith, Mary E
Alexander, Nellie R Bagley, Emma T Hemlepp.
Car ter av School
Ida H Scott, Bessie Bell, Susie G Chatfield.
East A shland School
, / S Elizabeth McNaughton, Bertha L McClelland .
f" ' West Ashloma’ School /
i. ’ ' Nellie A Shepard '
Winchester av School (colored) .. .5
T J W Rogers, Myrtle Jones. , _
1 wt; ..

1‘ _.
‘, Li.





Primte ‘J'chools.

'Ashlaml College. Under control of the M E church. , p .1 j .

FACULTY , ‘ ' ,
A H Harrop pres and prof Classics; C G Crawford prof . fl,

Mathematics, Mrs Myrtle C Harrop prof Literature; Carrie Bell- ‘ x i "f'

mer instr Piano.’ _ ‘ ‘

Holy Family Parochial School. In charge of Six Sisters of St
Francis. Sister Anastaria Superioress.



German Lutheran Parochial School. In charge of the pastor, ~>
Rev J A Rimbach. _ . ,
[{zndergarten, 106 E Bath av, Myrtle J Chatfield teacher. . j "'


r’ ' , . ‘ ' Churches. , '
" ‘ " ' FIRST BAPTIST—17th and Winchester av. _Rev Rylaud ' . ,_ ' .
V Knight pastor, Services 10 a m and 7 p m, S S 9 a m, Sun- ‘ I 7 l3“
beam Society 2. 30 p m,, B Y P U 6. 30 p in. Prayer meeting '
Wednesday evening.’







I Hardware

J. S. Ogden & Bra, Cutler, y

Rochester Nickeled Ware, Stoves, Etc. ”9% «a: «9‘ «9‘
’Phone 227. 114 West Greenup Ave ASHLAND, KY.


NEW HOPE BAPTIST (colored)——-924 W Central av. Rev
VVJ Price pastor, Services 11 a m and 7:30 p m,’ S S 9 am,
Prayer meeting Wednesday evening. ‘

CHRISTIAN—'315 17th, Rev H B Smith pastor, Services IO a m
and 7 p m, S S 9 a m, C E 6 p m, Prayer meeting Wednes—
day evening.

CALVARY EPISCOPAL—-14th and Winchester av, Rev w M
~Washington minister, Services 10 a m and 7 p m, S S 8:45



‘ a m.
GERMAN LUTHERAN—213 W Winchester av, Rev J A
Rimbach pastor, Services To a m and7 p m, S S 9 a m.
METHODIST EPISCOPAL—rsth and Carter av, Rev C ,W
Sutton pastor, Services IO a m and 7 p m, S S 8:45 a m, E
L 6 p m, Jr ,E L 2 p m, Prayer meeting Wednesday evening.
METHODIST EPISCOPAL SOUTH—13th and \Vinchester av,
Rev S A Donahoe pastor, Services 10 a m and 7 p m, S S
8:30 a m, E L 6 p m, Jr E L 3 p m, Prayer meeting Wednes-
day evening,
EAST ASHLAND M E SOUTH—1205 E \Vinchester av, Rev
, M M Wakefield pastor, Services twice a month.
ST. JAMES’S CHAPEL, AFRICAN M E—513 “7 Central av,
. Rev \V H ‘Crowdus pastor, Services 11 a m and 7:30 pm,
S S 9:30 a m, Prayer meeting Wednesday evening.
METHODIST PROTESTANT (Ashland Mission)—500 \V
I . ‘Vinchester av, Rev M E Spriggs pastor, Services 10:30 a n1 /
and 7 p m, Prayer meeting \Vednesday evening.

, FIRST PRESBYTERIAN—réth and Winchester av, Rev W C

Condit pastor, Services 10 a m and 7:30 p m, S S 8:45 a m,
~ C E 6 p m, Prayer meeting \Vednesday evening.

'NORMAL PRESBYTERIAN—Winchester av nr Keys, Cr.

Rev Alfred Erickson pastor.
HOLY FAMILY ROMAN CATHOLIC—“Winchester av bet 9th
and 10th, Rev N N Gosselin pastor, Sunday masses 7:30 and
IO, S S 2 p m, Vespers and benediction 3 p m,-




When in need of Medicines, if you want the best, have your
Prescriptions Compounded at

Chas. J. Lordier’ 3 Pharmacy,

117 West Winchester Ave. ., - — ASHLAND, KY.



Miscellaneous J'ociez‘ies,

Catholic J‘ocieties. ‘
Ancient Order of Hibernians—Parochial School Hall—2d and 4th
St Joseph’s Society—Parochial School Hall—2nd Sun.
Young Men’s Institute—Clermont Council No 228—Y M I Hall
—-—4th Sun.

Ashland Lodge No 350 B P O E—Oddfellows’ Hall—Ist and 3d

Ashland Lodge No 28 53 K of H—A O U W Hall—

King’ 5 Daughters.

Meets at homes of members

Philadelphia Tent No 9, K O T M—Oddfellows' Hall—Ist and
Ashland Hive N02, L O T M—Oddfellows’ Hall—Ist and 4th
Friday. I

Poage Lodge No 32 5 F & A M—Masonic Temple—Ist Tues.
Apperson Chapter No 81, R A M—Masonic Temple—2d Fri‘; _
Ashland Commandery No 28, K T—Masonic Temple—3d Thurs.

\ National Union.
Ashland Council No 138

' » Oddfellows,
Lincoln Lodge No 252, I O O FL—Oddfellows’ Hall—every Tues.
" Ashland Encampment No 72, I O O F—Oddfellows’Ha11—2d ;
and 4th Wed. ‘ ‘

Daughters of Rebecca—'_Margaret Lodge No 29—Oddfellows ‘
Hall—2d and 4th Fri.







\Watchmakers, Jewelers, and Opticians,
Center and Main Streets, CATLETTSBURG, KY.



G‘rand United Order of Oddfellows—924 W Central av 2d and


4th Mon.
Pythians. ‘
Golden Rule Lodge No 3 5, K of P—«Oddfellows’ Hall—every
Monday. '
K of P (colored)—924 W Central av—zd and 4th Thurs.
L Red Men.
I 0 Red Men—Oddfellows’ Hall—every Thurs.
Order of Railway Telegraphers—A O U ‘V Hall.
. woodmen.
Ashland Camp No 29, W of \V—A O U W Hall—every Mon.

A O U VV—their Hall—every Friday.

‘ Pasta/ice.

Postmasterr-Thomas Boggess, Jr; Assistant Postmaster—«T R
Young; Jr. General Delivery open 7 a In to 8:30 p m; Sundays
8:30 to 9:30 a n1. Three business and two residential free deliv-
eries daily. ‘

Jtreets and finenues.

Bath av, E and W from 16th, sixth S of the river.
Broadway, the popular name for 16th.

Carter av, E and W from 16th, fourth S of the river.
Central‘av, E and W from 16th, fifth S of the ‘river.
Eighth, S from Front av to Central av

Eighteenth, S from the river to Hilton av.

Eleventh, S from Front av to Bath av.

Fifteenth, S from the river to Lexington av.






Palace of Sweets,

0. v. GAMMON, Prop.,
119 W’. Winchester Ave. ASHLAND. KY.




Fifth, S from Greennp av to Winchester av.

Fourteenth, S from Front av to Lexington av.

Fourth, S from Greenup av to Winchester av.

Front av, E and W irom 16th, first S of the river. ,

Greenup av, E and W from 16th, second S of the river.

Henderson, N from Winchester av, second W of 4th.

Hilton av, E from 16th, ninth S of the river.

Lexington av, E and W from 16th, eighth S of the river.

Main, (unopened), N from Winchester av, first E of westernl'city

Market, E from 17th to 18th, bet Greenup and Winchester av.

Montgomery av, E and \V from 16th, seventh S of the river.

New Rd, N and W from \Vinchester av, first W of 4th.

Nineteenth, S from Front av to Hilton av. ,

Ninth, S from Front av to Central av.

Railroad a1, E and \V from 16th, bet Carter and Central avs,
(houses number as rear of these avenues).

Seventh, S from Front av to C & O Ry

Sixteenth (popularly called Broadway), S from the river to Hil-
ton av, forming the dividing line for east and west avs.

Sixth, S from Greenup av to Winchester av. ,

Tenth, S from Front av to Central av.

Thirteenth S from Front av to city limits.

T h1rt1eth S from Front av.

Thirty- fifth, (unopened), S from Front av.

Thirty- first, S from Front av.

Thirty- fourth, S from Front av.

Thirty-second, S from Front av. ,

Thirty-seventh (unopened), S from Front av. .

Thirty sixth, (unopened), S from Front av; ’

Thirty-third, S from Front av.

Twelfth, S from Front av to Montgomery av.

Twentieth, S from Front av to Hilton av.

Twenty-eighth, S from Front av.

Twenty-fifth, S from Front av.

Twenty-first, S from Front av to Hilton av.

Twenty’fourth, S Front av to Hilton av.

Twentyfninth, S from Front av to city limits.

TV'Venty-second, S from Front av to Hilton av.

' Twenty-sixth, S from Front av to Hilton av.

Twenty- seventh, S from Front av

Twenty- third, S from Front av to Hilton av.

Walnut, N from Winchester av, 3 W of 4th.

Winchester av, E and W from 16th, third S of the river.\




. ' AWE—5 T."T,“ZF:§‘ ,




.1. S. OGDEN & 3120.,

.a‘ .3: NICKELED WARE, ETC. .3‘ .5?-
’Phone 227. 114 West Greenup Ave. ASHLAND, KY.




Ash/and Directory,
« 1901-1902.


Agt, agent; a1, alley; av, avenue; bds, boards; bet, between; bkkpr,
bookkeeper; br, branch;clk, clerk; cor, corner; ct, court; e, east; engnr,
engineer; extn, extension; ft, foot;h, house or home; lab, laborer; mgr,
manager; mnfr. manufacturer; n, north; nr, near; opp, opposite; opr,
operator; pl, place; pres, president; prop, proprietor; r, rear; rms, rooms;
5, south; secy, secretary; sq, square; stenog, stenographer; supt, superin-
tendent; treas, treasurer; w, west; wid, widow; wkr, worker; wks, works.

Alphabetical List.

A O U W Hall, 1111}; 15th
Abrams John L, farmer, bds 2II W Winchester av,
Abrams Thomas J, (Abrams & Murphy), bds 211 W Winchester
Abrams’Wm M, h 211 W Winchester av
Abrams 8: Murphy (T J Abrams, John Murphy), ferry foot 15th
Adams Express Co, 117 15th, H W Shute, agt
Adams Florence,* domestic, bds 311 20th
Adams George M, brakeman, h 306 11th 1
Adams George M, electrician, bds Hotel Ventura
Adams James A, savvyer, h 919 E Carter av
Adams James M, carpenter, h 316 11th \
Adams John Q, postal elk, bds C &. 0 House
Adams Pearl G, stenog, bds 919 E Carter av
Adams Thomas H, tmstr, h Winchester av, Clyffeside
Adams Thomas M, pres Norton Iron Works, bds Hotel Ventura

‘ Addington Wm, laborer, bds 510 W Winchester av







W..-» M “WW";Wfihb ,__ 2W- ._ .‘H


nishes, and Window Glass. 1;" Prescriptions a specialty.
117 W Winchester Ava, Ashland, Ky ‘


Adkins Andrew A, teleg opr C & O, 11 1215 W Winchester av
Adkins Lizzie (wid Leander), h 633 E Central av
Adkins Virgil V, dentist Coles Bldg, rms same

Ah Hay, launderer, bds 114 16th

Ah Hing, launderer, bds 114 16th

Ah Sing, launderer, bds 114 16th

Ailes Sarah E (Wid Wm P), 11 1324 E Winchester av
Ainsworth .Robert M, ironwkr, rms 22121; 16th
Akers,Mrs Lulu, h 509 W Greenup av

Alexander Charles'D, clk Ashlancl Fnrn Co', bds 409 17th
Alexander Harry, clk J H McCleary, bds 409 17th
Alexander J Willard, engnr rod mill, bds 409 17th



Alexander Joseph H (Ashland Furniture Co), 11 106 W Mont- , ,

gomery av
Alexander Maggie E, bds 409 17th
Alexander Mary E, tchr Old Central, bds 409 17th

Alexander Smith K, greaser rod mill, bds 409 17th

Alexander Virginia D (wid Joseph H), boarding house, 409 17th
Alke Elizabeth, bkkpr Jacob Leicht, bds 409 I7th

Allen Clinton, sailor, bds 311 E Greenup av

Allen David K, laborer, h 1224 E \Vinchester av

Allen Seward W, grocer 401 W Greenup av, 11 same

Alley Hanna (wid Lindsey), bds 1510 E Front av

Allison Frank?" barnman, h 416 W Montgomery av

Allmond Emma, domestic, 321 17th

Amann Frank X, laborer, 11 422 W Greenup av

Amann John, laborer, bds 422 W Greenup av ,
Amman Catherine (wid Joseph), bds 723 W Winchester av
Amman John L, brakeman h 805 W Carter av
Amman Joseph J, water tender, h 212 9th

Anderson Charles, laborer, bds 917 W Carter av
Anderson Charles, steelvvkr, h 408 E Front av
Anderson George B, laborer, h 917 W Carter av
Anderson James, steelwkr, h 408 E Front av
Anderson Louis, laborer, bds 9171W Carter av
Anderson Margaret, housekpr, 917 W Carter av
Anderson Nancy (wid John), hsekpr, 408 E Front av
Anderson Robert, miner, bds W Winchester av, 4 W of Walnut
Anderson Wm H, policeman, h 614 E Greenup av

Apple Wm H, master mech A C & I, h 603 E Winchester av
Appleton Chas H laborer, bds 700 29th

Appleton J Edward, driver, bds 700 29th

Appleton James E, dairy 700 29th, 11 same c,
Arganbright George A, section foreman, h 207 W Carter av
Armstrong Richard, steelvvkr, 11 619 E Central ai‘?

Arnold Hattie, nurse, rms 123 El Montgomery av

Arthur Benjamin B, laborer, bds 1307 E Carter av “

Arthur Gaie M, bds 730 E Cartenav



Chas. J. L ordier B;‘;§fg,%:?§f{?§:z







m; 2;,


“MAE _, ,‘









‘Artrip James, laborer, bds 1200 E Greenup av




.a‘ .2“ NICKELED WARE, ETC. .2‘ «9‘ ,1
’Phone 227- 114 West Greenup Ave 1 ASHLAND, KY.



Arthur George D, carpenter, h 730 E Carter av

Arthur Harlan D, carpenter, bds 730 E Carter av

Arthur John R, carpenter, h 1307 E Carter av , _
Arthur Josie M, bds 730 E Carter av , , '
Arthur Rena, domestic Wm B Clark ' ’ 1
Arthur Willis, laborer, h 1412 E Front av ‘

Artrip W Harvey, student, bds 410 E Greenup av
Artrip \Vm, steelwkr 11 410 E Greenup av ,
Ash George, bartndr J F Miller, 11 112 W Front av ,
Ashland Artificial Ice Co foot 14th, W B Seaton pres, R C '
, Richardson secy and mgr
Ashland Bottling W'orks, 607 W Winchester av, Thomas How-
ard prop _
Ashland Cemetery Co, Second Natl Bank, Thomas Boggess jr 1, ,
pres, L N Davis secy; Cemetery 29th eth I H Collier supt ‘\

Front av, Douglas Putnam pres, J G Peebles vice pres,
Robert Peebles sec and treas, D G Putnam supt; furnaces,
foot 6th and foot zrst; shops, 1012 “7 Winchester av; store, ‘ ,
foot 9th; depot, foot 13th (see back c’over) » ‘ . i
Ashland College, 310 17th. A H Harrop pres _ '
ASHLAND DAILY INDEPENDENT, 505 W Greenup av, -‘ ‘ ,'
Kentucky Democrat Pubg Co publrs ‘ %

ASHLAND DAILY NEWS (Rep), 104' 16th (Broadway), , ’;_
J M Miller publr ;

Humphrey), 213%; 16th (Broadway) ‘5

Ashland Feed & Produce Co, 210 16th (Broadway) J W Hender- 1 3
son pres and secy, Samuel Swope mgr "

ASHLAND FIRE BRICK CO, 1001 “7 Winchester av, S S
’Sav age pres, E H Gartiell secy, H D Savage asst secy (see
opp inside back cover)

Ashland Foundry & Machine Works, Front av and 17th, Mrs A
Weaver pres, M R Weaver sec, C F Weaver mgr

Ashland Furniture Co (J H Alexander), 215 16th (Broadway)

, ASHLAND HOTEL, 220 W Front av, J N Fitch prop

Ashland Junction C & O R R 6th and Central av * j

Ashland Lumber Co (M W Thomas, O F L Beckette), 17th and , ,
Front av, J A Meredith mgr «1 , ‘,

Ashland Mining Co,109 16th (Broadway), J W Henderson pres, « ,
Mary E Bagley secy and treas ‘;:‘ é

ASHLAND NATIONAL BANK (Capital $105, 000; surplus ' , l
$21,000),102 W \Vinchester av, John Means pres, C W 1
Means vice pres, W C Richardson cashier

ASHLAND PHARMACY (Poage, Elliott & Poage C0), 209

16th (Broadway), F J Duesler mgr





,. -..-..._._,,Iu....~w.a,.-..~:.7..-,...c.‘f. ”.1 , 1


Drugs, Medicines, ,

Chas. J. L ordier pm, 011,, Var-

nishes, and Window Glass. a} Prescriptions a specialty.

117 W. WinChester Ave., Ashland, Ky.


Ashland Plumbing Co (George Stephens, George Lauterbach),
115 16th (Broadway)

Ashland Retail Merchants’ Assn, 207%- 16th, T S Newman pres,
W E Faulkner secy, J S Ogden treas

ASHLAND STEEL CO, 500 L Front av, I A Kelly pres,
B H Burr secy, L R I’utnam treas (see inside back cover)

Ashland Supply & Distributing Co 107 14th, F K Johnston mgr

ASHLAND WATER CO, 202 E Winchester av, W A Patton
of Catlettsburg pres and mgr

Ashland & Ohio Bridge Co, 303 13th, A C Campbell secy, W C
Richardson treas /

Ashworth Florence B, bds 400 E Winchester av

Ashworth James S, grocer, 402 E Winchester av, 11 400 same

Ashworth Lenora (Ashworth Sisters), bds 400 E Winchester av

Ashworth Lida R, (Ashworth Sisters), bds 400 E Winchester av '

Ashworth Sisters (Lida R, and Lenora), dressmkrs, 400 E Win-
chester av

Atchison Joseph W, laborer, bds 731 E Greenup av

Atkins Percy, bartndr, bds 215 E Winchester av 51%

Auckerman Anna M, bds 710 E Bath av

Auckerman John B, car inspr, h 710 E Bath av

Auxier Samuel, lab, h r Winchester‘av nr Keys Cr

Auxier Wm A, carpenter, 11 1404 E Greenup av


Baals Frank S, laborer, h 410 W Front av

Baals James G, laborer, bds 410 W Front av

Baals Joseph, lineman, bds 112 16th

Bagby Belle W, bds 102 W Lexington av

Bagby Ella, dressmkr, 106 W Central av, rms same

Bagby Fannie D, bds 102 W Lexington av

Bagby Orra (wid Alexander), 11 102 W Lexington av

Bagley Emma A, trimmer, bds 502 E Greenup av

Bagley Mary E, secy Ashland Mining Co, bds 502 E Greenup av
Bagley Nellie R, tchr Old Central, bds 502 E Greenup av

Bagley Scovell E, bkkpr Second Natl Bk, bds 502 E Greenup av
Bagley Wm H, grocer 500 E Greenup av, 11 502 same .



Bailey Arthur N, City editor News, bds Hotel Aldine _ ‘1’ ,

Bailey Bud, steelwkr, h 1005 E Central av

Bailey Harry E, barberJ V Stiefvater, h 316 W Central av
Bailey James, painter, 710 W Greenup av, bds same
Bailey Louisa O (wid Wm B) 11 710 W' Greenup av
Bailey Ralph, painter, bds 710 W Greenup av

Bailey Richard, painter, bds 710 W Greenup av

Baker Adelbert, K, trav agt, bds 1 17 E Montgomery av
Baldridge Austin, laborer, h 803 E Winchester a'v
Baldridgé James G, feeder, bds 613 E Greenup av















Watchmakers, Jewelers, and Opticians,
Center and Main Streets, CA TLETTSBURG, KY.


Baldridge Nathaniel H, bds 613 E Greenup av

Baldridge Robert H, laborer, h 617 E Greenup av

Baldwin Christina (wid Alexander), bds 10713th

Baldwin Solomon, steelwkr, h 403 E Central av

Ball Elizabeth, bds 506 E Hilton av

Ball John, laborer, 11 506 W Winchester av

Ball Major A, engnr rod mill, h 213 191h

Ball Reuben N, laborer, 11 202 9th

Ball Thomas, laborer, bds 213 19th ,
Ballard Alfonzo, tmstr Crump & Field, h 819 W Carter av



, Ballard Birdie, 11 314 16th

Ballard Charles H, bridge carp, bds 820 W Winchester av

Ballard Edward, clk J H Ballard, h 204 9th

Ballard George, clk, bds 820 W Winchester

Ballard J H, grocer, 822 W Winchester av, Edw Ballard mgr
Ballard Mary (wid Jacob), bds 819 W Carter av
Ballard Mattie, seamstress bds 820 W Winchester av
Ballard Sarah (wid James H), h 820 W Winchester av
Ballou James, * laborer, bds 212 15th

Baltimore Carrie (wid W111), bds 417 W Greenup av
Baltimore Lewis, steelwkr, 11 417 W Greenup av
Baltimore Mollie, bds 417 W Greenup av

Banks Edward, laborer, 11 r 509% E Central av

Banks Elijah J7“ laborer, h 413 W Greenup av

Banks Estherf” bds 413 W Greenup av

Banks James,”e porter E J Staab, bds 413 W Greenup av
Banks James W,* laborer, h 413 W Greenup av -
Banks John,*e bds 517 W Central av

Banks John,* wiper h 916 W Greenup av

Baptist Church, 17th and Winchester av

Barber Henry C, lab, 11 11 side New rd 1 from limits
Barber Jennie, dressmkr 811 W Greenup av, h same
Barber Minnie L, housekpr, 81 1 W Greenup av

Barber Myrtle M, dressmkr, bds 81 1 W Greenup av
Barnes Florence,* bds 415 E Hilton av

Barnes John H,* gas tender, bds 415 E Hilton av
Barnes Nora,* domestic, bds 415 E Hilton av

Barnes W Wertf“ water tender, bds 415 E Hilton av
Barnes Wm,* 11 415 E Hilton av

Barney A Taylor, laborer, bds 122 3 E Carter av

' Barney Albert, labore1,h 413 E Central av

Barney Emma, bds 1223 E Carter av

Barney George H, laborer, bds 1208 E Front av
Barney George W, laborer, h 1208 E Front av
Barney Henry, farmer, h 1223 E Carter av
Barney James L, laborer, bds 1223 E Carter av
Barney Kate, bds 1208 E Front av

Barney Mary E, bds 1223 E Carter av










Cigars, Ice Cream and Cool Drinks.
119 W. Winchester Ava, ASHLAND, KY.



Barney Wm Edward, bds 1223 E Carter av

Barrett Charles,*‘ laborer, h 1005 W Central av

Barry Edward (Barry 81. Thomas), rms 208 15th

Barry Edward F, student, bds 411 E Central av .

Barry James, sectionman, h 411 E Central av

Barry John, molder, bds 520 E Front av

Barry & Thomas (E Barry, J B Thomas), saloon, 208 15th -
Bartlett Edward, wks rod mill, 11 3,16 17th

Bartrum Boone B, engnr, h Winchester av nr Keys Cr
Bartrum Eflie, bds B B Bartrum

Basham Adeline (wid Wm), 11 421 W Carter av

Basham John, bds 701 E Winchester av

Bassett Mary E, bds 501 E Carter av

Bassett Michael J, filler, h 501 E Carter av

Bassett Theresa F, bds 501 E Carter av

Bateman Floyd L, supt coke ovens, h 713 W Winchester av
Bates Oliver T driver A C & I store, rms 618 W Greenup aV\
Baugh Isom, carpenter, h 610 E Cai ter av

Baugh Jennie, compositor News, bds 610 E Carter av

Baugh Troy B, laborer; bds 610 ,E Carter av

Baumgarten Jacob steelwkr, bds 740 E Greenup av
Baumgarten John, laborer, bds 740 E Greenup av

Banmgarten Joseph, steelwkr, h 7 36 I: Greennp av
Baumgarten Katie, bds 740 E Greenup

Banmgarten Reinhart, engnr Std P M & B Co, h 740 E Greenup av
Baumgarten Wm), machine hand,de 740 E Greenup av
Beach Luther D, barber 219 EG reenup av h 815 215t
Beale George V, steamboat captain, h 1622 E Winchester av
Beale Mary E (wid Richard), bds 1022 E Winchester av
Beam Frank, laborer, bds 217 W Central av

Beam Martha J (wid Wm), 11 217 W Central av

Beam Mattie, bds 217 W Central av

Beam Wm (Richard), laborer, h 3: 5 11th

Beard Joseph W, caulker, h 734 E Bath av

Beasley Albert, laborer, h 723 W Winchester av

Beaty Matilda (wid James), b 123 E Lexington av

Beaty Robert, laborer, bds 12 3 E Lexington av

Beaty Rosanne (wid Robert), bds 12 3, E Lexington av
Beckette O F L & Co, whol lumber, 209 17th "
Beckette Oliver F L (O F LBeckette & Co), h 1 18 E Winchester av
Beckley Mrs Patsyf bds 1200 E Carter av . _ <
Beckwith Mrs Alice C, h 409 11th '
Beech Inez, waiter Aldine, rms 201% W Greenup av

Beere Emma (wid Henry), housekpr 1 17 W Lexington av
Behymer May, stenog, bds 722 E Bath av '

Bell Bertha* (wid VViu), bds 1001 W Central av ,

Bell Bessie, tchr Carter av sch, bds 915 W Greenup av ,

Bell Mrs Caroline*, h 1115 W Winchester av

'_——I8— ‘ ‘







“27—. ‘11“ .‘vfw—fflqwr“ #5,: 4 .













, Biggs Anne E (wid Robertsonl M), h 919 E Winchester av

intern—4:17 m ' -.—~+

‘ Black Joseph,* h r 417 E Greenup av



Watchmakers, Jewelers, and Opticians,
Center and Main Streets, CATLETTSBURG, KY. '


Bell Fred 8, clk I N Pollock, bds 915 W Greenup av

Bell George W, engnr, h 915 W Greenup av

Bell Jan1es,* laborer, bds 1001 W Central av

Bell Jane, dressmkr, rms 315 15th

Bell Janett, stenog, bds 915 W Greenup av

Bell John, laborer, h 1425 E Carter av \

Bell Lydia, dressniaker 315 15th, rms same

Bell Trixy L, bkkpr I N Pollock, bds 915 W Greenup av

Bellmer Carrie, instr Piano Ashland College; bds 409 17th ,

Bellomy Columbus C, laborer, h 702 E Front av v-

Bellomy Wm G, stove tender, h 904 W Greenup av ’ ' '

Beloat Lydia Z, bds 1508 E Carter av

Beloat Walter, agt Columbia Inv’t Co, 11 1508 E Carter av

Benedict John W, steelwkr, 11 505 E Greenup av

Bentine Wm C, laborer, h 206 12th

BERRY ALLEN G, physician 223 W Winchester av, h 634 E

Berry Andrew, engnr, h 1418 E Carter av

Berry Charles E, clk H Preston, bds 214 16th

Berry Clarence C, lumber inspr bds J M Williams

Berry Daniel J, blksmith 200 13th, h 2 miles s W

Berry Ella L, tchr Catlettsburg ,bds 634 E Winchester av

Berry John M, brakeman, 11 915 W Carter av

Berry Laura B, tchr Catlettsburg, bds 733 E Winchester av

Berry Mary V, tchr Catlettsburg, bds 634 E Winchester av

Berry Wm A, physician 733 E Winchester av 11 same

Bevins James, merchant police, rms 11 1 16th




Biggs A1111ie,*‘bds 212 15th

Biggs John?“ driver H Preston ,
Birch Wm L, warehsemn Union Depot, h 111 12th , 1,
Bird Thomas R, engnr steel plant, l1 foot 18111 ' '

Black Kate, bds 221% 16th

Blair Cornelius, steelwkr, h 1303 E Carter av

Blankenship Jesse, laborer, h 1416 E Carter av ‘

Blankenship John, steelwkr, h 1331 E Carter ‘av H,

Blankenship Mrs Mary, domestic 506 W Bath av f

Blankenship Sylvester, brickmkr, h 406 E Front aV

Blankenship Wm H, laborer, h 1712 E Greenup av _

Blessing Charles T,e11gnr, bds 208 E Fiont av , :1."

Blevins Emma, bds 108 17th

Blevins John, laborer, h 1222 E Carter av '

Blevins Wm A, sectionman, 11 521 W Greenup av

Blum Annie J C, bds 907 W W'i'nchester av

Blum Jacob, foreman, h 907 W Winchester av ,

Board of Education, Central High School, F B Moore pres, W '
, Happle secy






as. art mu, .._.--__.‘,.2-- A w.








, Boyd County abstract Co, 204 16th (Broadway), R D Davis pres,


0; v. GAMMON,

Cigars, Ice Cream and Cool Drinks.
119 w Winchester Ave. ., ASHLAND, ‘KY.




Board of Health, City Hall Dr ’I‘ R Young ofiicer

Bobbitt Elizabeth A (Wid Wm), h 211 20th

Bobbitt Emma S, seamstress, bds 211 20th

Boggess Bertha M, bds Thomas Boggess, t

BOGGESS CHARLES D, City Engineer, City Hall, 11 317 E 11

Central av ;

Boggess M Agnes, bds Thomas Boggess f


Boggess Thomas, secy Boyd County Abstract C0, h I 5th extn _ *
BOGGESS THOMAS JR, Postmaster 116 16th (Broadway), _ , ”- ‘ ‘,
h 15th extn .' 2 §»_-
Bolden Robert,* lab, 11 W side 13th r 1 beyond limits ' 's t,
Boling Vanilla,* domestic, bds 1608 E Carter av * _
Bolt Amandafi" (Wid Reuben), h 315 W Carter av .2 ‘ .
Bolt Olivia,* bds 315 W Carter av ' 1
Bolt Maud, * bds 315 W Carter av , e ’ i
Bonds Albert laborer, bds 702 E Front av ,’
Borie Alfred W, Secy Board of Fire Underwriters bds 701 E ‘ L, 2 i
Winchester av " "
Botts Howard, bds r 5094,; E Central av
Boughton Bertha, stenog C & O, bds 717 E Winchester av
Boughton Henry C, supt C & O, h 717 E Winchester av
Bowling Cora, domestic, 602 E Winchester av
Bowling Joseph, barnman, 204 W Greenup av

Thomas Boggess secy and treas
Boyd Frank,* bds r 417 E Greenup av _ - ‘2
Boyd Wm,* waiter Aldine 2
Boyle Charles H, laborer, h 1317 E Carter av ’ ' ' ;‘
Bracken Robert, machinist, h 210 18th "1
Bradley Samuel M, pres Giles W'right & Co, 11115 205 18th ‘
Bradner James W, prin Central H S, h 818 E Carter av \
Bradshaw George S, steelwkr, h 509 W Carter av
Brain Mrs Hannah, bds New rd, I from limits
Brain Lizzie, bds 305 W Bath av A,
Brain Nancy (wid Joseph), h 10th and Bath av ,/
Brainard Annie M, bds 500 E Carter av
Brainard C Francis, carp A C & I, h 500 E Carter av
Brainard Elizabeth (wid Reuben), bds 500 E Carter av
Brammer Mattie J, bds 1303 E Carter av
Brandis Wm A, nailer, h 109 18th
Branham Flora, domestic, 420 E Winchester av
Brawley Lillian, clk,bds 412 W Front av
Breckenridge Be