xt7bzk55hv45 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bzk55hv45/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2001-10-22 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 22, 2001 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 22, 2001 2001 2001-10-22 2020 true xt7bzk55hv45 section xt7bzk55hv45 LEFI 0F CENTER


Advice on
how to get
a date


October 22 . 2001


Drive leaves
unfulfilled | 4



With me road trippin'
this past weekend
you'd expect that
today's rail would be
something stupid like
"How to Survive the
Highway" or "Things
not to do in the Car,"
or even "Ways to
explain to the police
that all the evidence
they have on your
indecent exposure is

But alas. this article was
written while two
drunk ladies were
screaming in my

I wrote it before I left on
Friday because I
knew that I wouldn't
be "awake" enough
to complete it on

With that said, today's
rail is all about
finding that special
someone. On a side
note. this rail is not
intended for
freshmen seeing that
finding a girlfriend at
their young and
immature age is as
about as likely as
someone finding me
witty and irresistible.
Please massage my
ego by proving me

Speak with a French
accent and tell her
how beautiful she

Girls talk about
themselves all day so
they are obviously
looking for a guy that
only talks about

Nothing wins a girl over
like the wonderful
aroma of Hai Karate
cologne. Fifty million
rednecks can't be

Don't assume that the
girl of your choice
eats food. You may
have to ask her at
which hospital, rather
than restaurant.
would she like to
have her l.V.

If a girl persistently
turns you down.
don't be discouraged:
it's just her mating
dance. A restraining
order is just a more
advanced version of
her love mamba.

Girls are sensitive,
sweet, proper, and
smart, so what
makes you think they
want something
similar? Just keep
being your heartless.
rude, disgusting and
dumb ass self.

Jonathan Ray
roll editor


7.7 5.9

0K, turn the heat off
and the air conditioner
back on.


VOL. 3108 ISSUE M0


News tips?


Call 257-l915 or write





mm | xtmrswr




mourn» | KERNELSTAFf

By Alonso Soto

Downtown Lexington was the scene for
confrontation and tension during the first
Ku Klux Klan rally to come to the city in
more than 50 years.

The Fayette County Courthouse, sur-
rounded by more than 70 police oflicers on-
foot and on horses. transformed into a ver-
bal battleground when six members of the
Louisville based group, the Southern Sav-
iors Knights of the Ku Klux Klan ap
proached its front steps and began their
demonstration Saturday.

Members of the KKKrallied for one-
hour on the steps of the courthouse.

A crowd of more than 200 gathered to
see the rally. Among them were university
students, church activists and city residents
who where protesting against the rally.

John Grimes, a black part-time student
at Transylvania University, said this was
the first rally he had witnessed. He said it
demonstrated the pervasiveness of racism in

“We have a long way to go as a country
and a community." Grimes said.

While the majority of the crowd was
protesting the rally, few supporters of the
Klan showed. A group of four young skin-
heads and three older men wearing military
hats and sweaters stood in the crowd. salut-
ing the Klan members Nazi-style.

Under a rain of insults and verbal
threats provided by the crowd. the members
of the Klan. waving two flags with Nazi sym-
bols on them. exuded their traditional
rhetoric. James Mclean. a member of the
Klan who holds the rank of Imperial



Hot dog stands


mving inside

M {big My


Joriiionsori I KERNEL SIAFf

Millan Gomez, a vending services employee, says the chilling
temperatures have forced the stands to move inside.

Burrrrr: Cold weather puts a chill on employees;
stands relocating from Central Campus

By Joe Anderson

Students roaming Central
Campus will have to travel a lit-
tle further to find hot dogs.
bratwursts and corn chips as of
today. The infamous hot dog
stands that dot UK's campus
have been forced inside due to
the impending cold. As a result.
they have been squeezed out of
Central Campus

Valerie (farrico. the manag-
er of Block & Barrel who over»
sees the stands. said the stands
will leave Central Campus be
cause she could not find a build-
ing that would allow them. “No
one will let us come in." she
said. “They don't want the
smell. the trash and the

Carrico said the smell will
not be overpowering because
the stands will now use boilers
instead of grills.

Millan Gomez. a vending
services employee. said he is
looking forward to the move in-
side. Gomez. dressed in a thick

blue coat. said. “It's too cold to
be out here. Last Monday we
were freezing."

Carrico said student em-
ployment was one reason for
keeping the stands open. “We
want to give students employ-
ment. to keep a job for them."
Carrico said Gomez is the only
fulltime em-
ployee. and
the rest of
the jobs are
for students

A l e )4
an architec
ture fresh-
man. said he theAcademic-
will miss the Technical Build-
convenience ing.
of the hot dog
vendors. “If
you‘re walking around campus.
where else are you going to get
that high-grade meat?“

Hoffmann will also miss
the ambiance of the stands.

“They gave a little bit of a
different flavor to everything."
he said.

The stands
at UK will move
to Dickey Hall
and the Peter-
son Service
Building. A
stand at lCC -
will move to

Three, two, one and
you're on the air

Journalism seniors
Danny Tenkman and
Rebecca Hampton
ready themselves
between takes.
Each newscast is
anchored by differ-
ent students in an
advanced television
production class.
Students write,
edit. voice and pro-
duce all aired



Byllelly Sanger


For those looking for some-
thing different on TV’. UK's
journalism students. through a
class in the School of Journal.
ism and Telecommunications.
is giving them just that. Just
turn to channel 16.

The class is JOU 404. ad-
vanced television production. It
meets more than four hours per
week and allows students to
generate news ideas. videotape
segments. as well as research
and edit news stories.

“We treat the class as a
working newsroom with my of
(ice as the assignment desk."
said Yvonne Cappe. a journal


ism assistant professor and the
course instructor for the past
three years,

The broadcast. .IAT News.
is aired on cable channel 16 and
is available to more than 60.000
homes in the Lexington area.

Supported and funded by
the school. the class has helped
show the need for increased
funding. This year the depart-
ment received $400000 to pur-
chase new video equipment.

Members of the class said
the hands-on approach of the
course w ill be useful,

“I‘ll walk away with a new
wealth of information for the
field." said Jessica Quast. a



 z ”I VMONDAY. OCTOBER 22. zooi 1 “Eric“ “mm


The Low-down

“The aim
of life is to
live. and to
live means

to be

8W8 l't‘.

— Henry Miller
writer, Tropic
of Cancer and
Tropic of

Despite regis , sex offenders living near day care

l.l..“. s,.. .. M" a-

a .4”, It

— ..Ooor__ so. - iii-p ac. sun


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 cg & t? . Pdilltk Avery
g‘ «1 :5 metre itiilur
k .M H . ,u. , . 7 wool


gets in the fast lane

Not again: David Lynch creates a film that leaves
the audience scratching their heads and wanting more

By Patrick Avery
sci tit [0| l 0R

As far as eonfnsing movies go. Di-
rector David Lynch is the master of the
genre. But no matter how great he is at
creating a visceral journey. if the pieces
of the puzzle do not fit in the end. it
leaves the audience frustrated.

MulholIaml hricc. Lynch‘s latest
labyrinth. starts with a car crash and
ends with a blue haired woman uttering
the word “silencio.” There are scenes of
disillusion in the opening credits. scenes
of laughter during a botched murder and
scenes of lesbian sex. And such is the
plot of the movie.

Lynch‘s focus is not on the story-
telling but rather the performances. Ac-
tress Naomi Watts stars as Betty. an ea-
ger newcomer to Los Angeles. She
moves into a Hollywood flat when her
aunt moves out to film a movie.

Betty discovers Rita (Laura Herring)
in her shower and finds out she is the
survivor of a horrible accident on Mul-
holland Drive.

Watts serves as the character that

‘ ' comes to Hollywood innocently and real

izes it is a nightmare. Herring is the
character who already lives in this hell.
taking Watts into the dungeon.

The story takes an odd turn in the
middle choosing to focus on the women‘s
sexual relationship. This marks the
turning point from a somewhat coherent

story structure to an abysmal plot de
seend into nothingness.

Watts" performance is over the top.
which is the point. but it is still hard to
take her seriously.

The second sex scene is in the movie
is another over the top scene. it goes far-
ther then most movies in terms of female

()ther characters fleet in and out of
the movie but are not develo ed. Lynch
leaves them as question mar s to fill in
the endless holes of the story structure.

Composer Angelo Badalamenti ac-
complishes a lot with his devious film-
noirish score.

Peter Deming complements the
movie‘s music with the cinematogra hy:
Deming and Badalamenti are 0th
Lynch regulars working with him on
most of his films.

Lynch‘s The Lost Highway offered a
similar visual ex rience while Twin
Peaks: Fire Walk ith Me offered compa-
rable comedy. But just like those, Mul-
holland Drive makes no sense in the end.

It seems not to matter to Lynch
whether the audience figures out what is
in his mind. Therefore we are left with a
visual maze of wonder.

Mulholland Drive fulfills Lynch’s vi-
sion. but the audience leaves wanting
resolution — which they will most likely
never get from Lynch.

Grade: c+

from Mulholland Drive

laura Herring and Justin Theroux

Michael J. Anderson


l' MORE Flllil'lil'R

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Drew and Steve's baby blues

-W Drama

Riding in Cars with
Boys places l5-
year-old Beverly
(Drew Barrymore)
with an unplanned
child and an unhap-
py marriage. Bever-
ly's predicament is
only made brighter
when she llnds out
her best triend, Fay
(Brittany Murphy)
is also preqneant.
Steve Zahn plays
her unhealthy hus-


Student Development Council
Senior Giveaway
Tuesday 23Ell &
Wednesday 24m

88E Atrium & Anderson Hal

Seniors - stop by to pick

up your FREE giltl!


Kelly Services is currently accepting applications
for seasonal warehouse posmons at a Lexrngton
e-commerce Fulfillment Center l




It's a boy: Barrymore takes on motherhood in heart-wrenching film

By Stacie Meihaus

ASSlSlANl SCEM [0"064

Stitiiehmy the [)l‘i'\'ll‘\\\ «it

Riding in (‘m‘s ii'irli liars leaye
us. the pl‘iixpet‘llyt' :iiuhenre.
thinking that the life story nt‘ a
pregnant l.')r_\'eat‘r<)l(l With a
drug: addir'terl husband will he :i
light and funny movie (‘iiiilil
we really he w l';l.\ll\' inlsleil‘.‘

True to "rhirk flirk” t'axh
inn. snit'tles :inil whs eehueil the
theater, The film explores the
highs and many lmys til the
('haraetei‘s' lives am] when
wraps the aiiilieiii'e in an elite
tienal roller master

Ridingr iii (tli‘S it’ll/I Hm"
gees hark anrl trirth hl'le‘l‘ll a
itJyear-iilti Reyet‘ly l)'t)niit'i'iu

lllrexy lliitxniwi'e» ‘lllti her
litek start.

The pet litu'ilh mth a tie
liuhttiil MW e' it ' mat: lleyerly
t,\lil=..'i [lill'lit'lll i ini.":.', hei tar
the] tint tint-3t up in l \l) \he
(tilt Mirth the it‘entiwn ml the
luv; til hei‘ :hi iiiLw

i\- the