xt7bzk55hv3k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bzk55hv3k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2001-02-05 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 05, 2001 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 05, 2001 2001 2001-02-05 2020 true xt7bzk55hv3k section xt7bzk55hv3k LEFT OF CENTER

”3'1th ‘Mxeitcntt

Why I love


Kung-fu fighting
Check }
out the
review 7

| (i


Here are some things I


found humorous over
the weekend:

Being criticized all night
for ruining my
friends' artful ways
of picking up girls in
class by means of a
past LOC. Evidently
my advice was
intercepted by
female readers and is
being used against
men. Sorry!

Watching the XFL.
Placing bets on what
will occur first: A
camera man getting
run over, an implant
exploding during a
dance routine, or a
season ending injury
occurring during the
opening dash for the
ball (in lieu of a coin
toss if you happened
to miss it). Oh wait.
the last one has
already happened.
The crowd at the Las
Vegas game was
comparable to that at
a wrestling match,
but with less class
and less teeth. The
gimmick will wear off
in a year or it will
have a cult following
bigger than NASCAR.

The same underage
group trying to see
which ID looks the
most like them. And
better yet, one of the
girls asking how old
she is. "l was born in
April of 79, am l 21 or

Going to a country bar,
not being a country
fan in the least,
knowing half of the
songs anyway, and
having a truly good
time. The company
may have helped.


607W“ 0/”



Playing intramural
basketball, having
the clock run by an
on locker, and
wondering how they
are going to staff a
larger, new Seaton
Center when they
can't find enough to
do the job now.

Going to a chain
restaurant so much
they know you by
name. Maybe that is
actually more pitiful
than anything, but a
good happy hour is a
good happy hour!


-Ron Norton


c i x

4.6 3.?

The cold weather just
won't go away. Spring
Break will be here before
you know it.

tic: .


VOL. mos ISSUE tt91

Revue “1:2,. ’
Call: 257-l9l5 or write:


By Jay Salyers


words. then the photographs in The (‘en-
tury Project speak volumes.

the student organization responsible for
bringing the exhibit to catnpus to promote
Eating Disorders Awareness Week at the
end of this month

nude photographs and personal state-
ments of women from the moment of birth


Professors put



spin on chemistry

With science: Professors create a web site that uses comic book
characters to help people understand the elements of the periodic table

By Ferrari Robinson

For decades comic book authors have turned to
science for material for their work. now science has
struck back and the periodic table has turned. all
thanks to two UK professors.

Chemistry professors Jack P. Selegue and 1“.
James Holler have put the science back in science
fiction with their Periodic Table of Comic Books
web site, an endeavor that allows its visitors to
marvel at the involvement of the elements in the

world of comic books.

Now in its sixth year.
the 400-page web
site allows its visi-
tors to see how
the elements
have been

used in
t h e

pages of comic books over the years. Selegue and
Holler said there are currently 300-350 pages dis-
played with atomic references. each assigned to its
corresponding element.

Within the site one can find characters ranging
from Batman to Uncle Scrooge putting the elements
to use. The range of material reveals that comic au‘
thors varied greatly in their understanding of

To the site's creators. looking at this mix of ac.
curate scientific information and blatant misuse of
the principles of chemistry can make the site really

“We love that because kids can learn some stuff
from the pages." Holler said. “We also love the out-
rageous stuff that pops up that‘s not only wrong.
but just so completely and utterly off the wall that
you just can‘t believe it."

Selegue and Holler said the project began as an
outlet for their pa$ion for comic book trivia. but it
has now grown into much more. With 1,000 known
links to the site and now nearing one million hits. it
has become quite a success.

“It‘s pretty well known among comics fans and
chemists." Selegue said.

They said it has also become quite popular as a

teaching resource with teachers

around the country using the

site to spark interest in their

students. Selegue said a

teacher in Dayton. Ohio

even had her students cre-

ate their own comic book

characters based on the

"It‘s a stimulus for learn-

ing." Holler said. who cred-

its comics for his early inter»
est in both reading and sci-

According to Selegue and

Holler. outside involve-

ment in finding and even
creating material for the
site has been overwhelming.
"The thing is starting to have
a life of its own with kind ofa
narrow but dedicated clien-
tele." Holler said.

Selegue says there are

more than 100 pages wait-
ing for inclusion. Their
biggest drawback.
they said. is that
they don't have
enough spare time
to dedicate to the

\ “If we both had our
\ druthers we‘d prob
ably both be
spending most of
our time with
3- this web site,"

Holler said.

50 I'LL


WITH you!



German club
gets a start
with students



The Max Kade German House, located on 212 E. Maxwell St., is a
renovated Victorian house that dates back to 1904.

A common ground: Club members hope to
form a cohesion between German students
By Mac McCarthy


l’or the first lllil“ in l'l\"s history. Herman students tinaih
have a club to call their on n.

The l‘lx' Herman l‘ltib held its inaugural lTlW'lIIlL’ \Vednes
day night at the Max Katiei'ierinan House. in hopes of \Illl‘llllt' a
prominent and prolitabit- \llllll‘lll organi/ation

"This is all to help undr~rgraduate cohesion between (ler
tnan students." said John Ar
begust. president of the (NT
man (‘lub "Basically. it's so
we can all get to know each
other better.”

Though Aria-gust is pres]
dent of the club. he insists
that everyone in the club has
an equal say in what occurs.

“Everyone here is on a
common ground." Arbegust
said. "There's no set. estab
lished order "

l)r. Jeannine Blackwell.
chair of" the Department of (it‘l‘lillllllf' Languages and latera
tures. thinks the club is an excellent idea.

"It's a great way for our llllllltl\ and majors to communr
rate." Blackwell said, "Also with our new German house. they
all have a place to get together "

The .\la\ Kade (ierman House. a renovated Victorian hotise
from lilo-l. has been a part of the department since last October.
Along with several dorm rooms. the house provides an environ
ment for lipi-ll dialogue for (ierinan students. and now for club

Though the club is still in its infant stages. plans have al
ready begun to make it one of a kind

“We have plans for :1 DH) player which club members
could utilize." Blackwell said. “They could also have the oppor-
tunity to be a part of a true academic honorary. which we will
soon have."

While being a German student is a plus. Arbegust suggests
that it is not a necessity for being a club member.

"Anyone who is interested in German culture can join." Ara
begust said. "The only perk is learning."

Gennan house

The next meeting is Tuesday,
Feb. l3 at Ramsey's on Woodland
Avenue. If interested, call the
Department of Germanic
Languages and Literatures at 257-
4642. The Max Kade German
House is located at 212 E.
Maxwell St.


Eating disorders devour


If a picture is worth a thousand

At least that's the hope of [TR CARES.

The (‘entury Project is a series of

college-aged men and women

Body image: Photo exhibit will visit campus during Eating Disorders
Awareness Week, explores the different types of women's bodies

through 100 years of age.
Cordelle. have been displayed at universl
ties such as Cornell. Dartmouth and the
University of North Carolina.

(‘ordelle stays with the exhibit while
it's being displayed so that he may speak
personally with those who view it. said
Gabriella Pessah. senior staff psychologist
at ['K‘s (‘ounseling and Testing (‘enter
and UK (‘ARl-IS adviser.

The exhibit contains between 50 and
60 photographs.

taken by Frank Be m
Eating Disorders
Awareness Week

starts Feb. 25 and
ends Mar. 4. The

Century Project will

be displayed from
Mar. 5-9.The loca-
tion of the exhibit

is not known.

See EATING on 2








z I aorta". FEBRUARY 5,2001 l amucrrv scarier


The Low-down

To me
be a
noon in
the old
Vic for
the rest
of eter-
nity. ”

- Anthony
Hopkins. 63,
admitting to

People that he
prefers the
bright lights of
Hollywood to
performing the
Bard in London.

McAuliffe takes over as chairman
WASHINGTON Promising a more aggres-
sive and harder working Democratic Party. the
man who once wrestled an alligator for a cam—
paign donation won election Saturday as chair»
man of the Democratic National Committee.
Terry McAulitl‘e. best known as a prolific fund-
raiser for Bill Clinton. said Democrats would
waste no time. beating Republicans in local elec—
tions before the year is out."That's tny mission:
to win elections. And to win elections. we must
create the best run. the best managed. the best
organized and the best funded political party in

America." he said in his acceptance speech.

Signs of epidemics emerging in India

KOTADI. India In a destroyed town near
the Pakistani border. Dr. Anuyha Ghose treated
the sick and injured Saturday. providing the
first medical care the villagers have had since
an earthquake devastated this corner of western
India eight days ago. While tending their
wounds. Ghose. a CARE India staffer. also (lis-
covered a new problem: Nearly all the children
she saw had respiratory infections a harbin~
ger of possible epidemics to come. “Pneumonia
is the leading cause of child death in India. We
are afraid these children will develop severe
pneumonia." Ghose said. surrounded by chil-
dren coughing as they waited for antibiotics.

Bush, Democrats define budget fight

WASHINGTON President Bush and his
Democratic congressional rivals are dueling
over who gets to define this year‘s budget battle
to the public. At stake are trillions of dollars in
projected federal surpluses. For Bush. the goal
is to portray Democrats as wanting to carve
money out of his budget centerpiece. a big tax
cut. to feed their habit of wasteful spending.

The president plans to send Congress an
outline of his proposal on Thursday. He said in
his weekly radio address Saturday. "It is broad
and responsible. It will help our economy. and it
is the right thing to do.” The plan is expected to
closely track the $1.6 trillion. 10-year reduction


The star of a
show about
nothing is doing
just that these

“I do nothing,"
Jerry Seinfeld
told an audi-
ence at
Rascal's come-
dy club
Seinfeld, 46,
has lcept a rela-
tively low pro-
file since his
series ended its
prime-time run.

Opera star
returned to the
Trump Taj
Mahal Casino
Resort on
Saturday, per-
forming a con-
cert to make
amends for the
Nov. it show he
through while
suffering from a

in income and other taxes that he campaigned on.

Barak in search for votes

KIRYAT SHEMONA, Israel W Trailing bad-
ly in the polls, Prime Minister Ehud Barak des-
perately sought support Saturday in a town
where most voters favor his challenger. Ariel
Sharon. in Israel‘s election this week. Barak
told a crowd of about 1,000 people in Kiryat She-
mona that Tuesday‘s vote is “perhaps the most
fateful in the last generation" and called it a
choice between a chance for peace and continu-
ing conflict. He reiterated that he would seek
separation from the Palestinians, if not through
a peace deal then through unilateral, gradual Is—
raeli steps.

German man charged with kidnapping

THESSALONIKI. Greece ~— A man accused
of luring a Florida teen-ager to Greece over the
Internet was charged Saturday with kidnapping
and sexual assault. Konstantin Baehring. 35. a
German who lives in Greece. was arrested
Thursday after an international police investi-
gation into the disappearance five months ago of
the 15~year-old from Mulberry. Fla. Baehring
claimed he did nothing wrong. “I love the girl
and we want to get married," he said before his
arraignment. The girl was released from protec-
tive custody to her mother and US. consular 0f-
ficials Saturday.

Furstenberg and Diller wed

NEW YORK e USA Networks chief Barry
Diller and designer Diane von Furstenberg have
wed after 26 years of friendship. “It was nice,“
von Furstenberg. 54. said of the small. private
ceremony as she and Diller. 59. walked out of
the city clerk‘s office. The ceremony took place
Friday in front of eight relatives and was fol»
lowed by a party for 350 guests at von Fursten-
berg‘s Greenwich Village home. The wedding
grew out ofa discussion of the couple‘s plans for
Diller‘s birthday. which was also on Friday.
Diller unexpectedly proposed to von Fursten-
berg. saying. as she recalled: “We always say
we‘re going to do it. maybe Christmas. maybe
my birthday. and
we don't.“

Compiled from wire reports.





Continued from page At

“The first time I saw the pic-
tures, I was so incredibly
moved,” Pessah said.

Pessah said the exhibit
gives people an honest view
of the human body.

“What we see on televi-
sion and in print media
aren‘t real people. We are
looking at images that aren‘t
real," Pessah said

At any time, 80 to 90 per-
cent of her cases pertain to
eating disorders, she said.

“Students come to col-
lege. an unfamiliar atmos-
phere, and are really worried
about what other people
see." she said.

Megan LaFollette. a di-
etetics sophomore and UK
CARES member. thinks the
exhibit will shed light on a
subject many people want to

“Photographs are a
much more powerful way to
reach people who want to
close their eyes to the seri-
ousness of the subject."
LaFollette said.

“We wanted something
that would reach a broad
range of people. something
that would make people
want to come see what was
going on."

Pessah said that the ex-
hibit isn’t just about eating
disorders. it‘s more about
women accepting their

“We aren‘t pointing to
magazines and saying that
those pictures are wrong.“
Pessah said.

“We're saying that
Frank's pictures are reality."






times as many people are
affected by eating disorders than
schizophrenia (2.2 million people
are living with schizophrenia).


out of five 10-year-old chil-
dren are afraid of being fat.


out of five American women
are dissatisfied with their


and 10 million adolescent girls
and women struggle with eating
disorders and borderline conditions.

-Source: http://www.edap.org




6-9 PM




(all 257 -8867 for more information.

Campus Calendar

February 5 - February 11, 2001

I The Campus Calendar is produced by the Office of Student Activities. Registered Student Orgs. and UK Depts. can submit information for FREE online ONE WEE t
PRIOR to the MONDAY information is to appear at: hftp://www.aky.eda/Caraprrs Calendar

MEETINGS M0“ ‘T-N-T Meeting, 7:30pm, Baptist Stud. Union Chapel Tues
'Prayer-n-Proise, Campus Crusade for Christ, 9pm, Episcopal 'Workshop on Chain Mail, UK Medievalists, 7pm, III Old Stud. Ctr,
Church 'Leftist Stud. Union Mtg, Bpm, 228 Stud. (tr.

Aventis Bio—Services
'UK United Students Against Sweatshops Mtg, 7pm, 228 Stud. Ctr '50“ “'0in Bible Study, 73309”, ”3 S'Ud- ("A
'Alpha Phi Omega Mtg, 7:30pm, 359 Stud. Ctr.
m ‘Alpha Phi Omega Pledge Mtg, 6:30pm, 359 Stud. Ctr.
'UK Judo Club, 5-6:30pm, Alumni Gym Loft

. o ‘ w ’Unitarian Universalist Brawn-Bag Lunch, II:SOam, Stud. Ctr. Food Court-Corner
M a ke It ha p pe n WIt h . A I I: ' ARTS MOVIES T0356 of Study Abroad" Info Session I-2 BradIe Hall Rm IOB
0 0 0 ‘ of g . . 'Art Inspires Art, now through April I, 2001, UK Art Museum I ' pm, Y
Aventis Bio-Servrces. -- mm

‘Putch Piano Series, Bpm, Singletary Ctr. RH .—
1 'UK RUGBY Practice, 6-8pm, Club Sports field ‘
Give yourself the 5 pr, n g Break INTRAMURALS RECREATION Tae Kwon Do Club Practice Hours, 6:30-Bpm, Alumni Gym [aft
of your dreams by earning

'UK Aikido Club, 8-9z30pm, UK Alumni Gym Loft ‘Men’s Basketball vs. Florida, 9pm, Rupp Arena
money the e_asy way!


‘Ronald McDonald House, Alpha Kappa Psi, 5pm, Ronald McDonald House
Donate Plasma at Aventis Bio-Services. - Wed ACADEMICS Thurs
We pay the highest fees In the area, WhICh ‘lnternshipi. Shadowing Orientation, Ilam-Ilpm, Stuckert Bldg. Rm IOI
means you make up to $200 a month!

. . . IN
All the benefits of a part-time rob wrthout all the work. figagslmmm‘ Bpm, 228 SM 0,
‘freshmen Focus, 7pm, Bapt. Stud. Union Chapel
‘UK Lambda Mtg, 7:30pm, 23I Stud. (tr.
'Devolionsnvlunch, I2IISpm, Bupt. Stud. Union Multipurpose Roam
‘Campus Crusade for Christ, 7:30pm, Worsham Theatre
‘Golden Key lnt'I Nomi Society Mtg 730w 205 SM (tr 'Christion Student Fellowship: Synergy, Bpm, CSF, corner of Woodland and Columbia
' BaucsofSludy Abrood'lnlo Sessron 4 5pm Braday Noll Rm IOO

~urc no: (Iul) 56309". rim. 0,... Lot. ‘UK RUGBY Practice, erpm, Club Sports Field

"W9" ‘ "" "WM” (“WW Wm' 9°“ 53°“ PM W “m 209 "Why Have a City CenterT, l2pm, The Gaines (tr. Bingham-Davis House Seminar

'uouxcfilflm‘snmu Visit 645nm midterm

'Art at [par , Torrance Corbin, l2230pm, Art Museum Gallery

'UK A ,6:30~B:30prn, UK Alumni Gym loft

'Medievol and Renaissance European Dancing, 7 9pm, 363 Old Stud. (tr

mantras FI'I
'Cuhural Event in French Mtg, 5-6pm, Keeneland Hall Basement

'Tae Kwon Do Club Practice Hours, 56:30pm, Alumni Gym loft

'Depl. of Entomology Colloquim, 4pm, Ag. Science Ctr. North A]
"Researching the Department Store 8 the City", I2pm, The Gaines Ctr.
BinghamrDavis Seminar Rm.

‘Open Gym-Volleyball, Uplink Campus Ministries, Bpm, Calvary
Baptist Church Gym






'AClU Meeting, Bprn 231 Stud c"

'Dinner in the Doors Hillel/Jewish Stud Org, fr lSpm
Blazer Court Yard anata During Room

'labla EIONOM french Comm Group 4 6pm Blatar Noll Private Dining Room
'Enrountec Cuts for Christ Tprn, 230 Stud Ctr

‘Gcaen Thundt M 730 pm I06 Stud Ctr

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So break out the suntan lotion. There 5 no better way to earn that Spring Break you re wtshrng for. (fifty "GM "M (m M” 6 35"" (my WW"
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‘Newman Center Mass, 6pm


'Tae Kwon Do Club Practice Hours, Ilam-I 2:30pm, Alumni Gym Loft
‘Men’s Basketball vs. Mississippi, Ipm, Rupp Arena


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'Newman Center Mass, 9am, llz30om, 5pm, and 8:30pm

‘Noon Bagel Brunch, Hillel/Jewish Stud. Org, l2:OOpm, Manhattan Bagel on Richmond Rd.
'Phi Sigma Pi Mtg, 7pm, 230 Stud. Ctr.

'8112 University Worship Service, B:l 2pm, Southside Church oI Christ

'Bible Study: Jesus the One and Only, UpIinIc Campus Ministries, 5-7pm, Calvary Baptist Church
‘Romons Bible Study, 8:30pm, Baptist Stud. Union Chapel

'UK Judo Club, 5~7pm, Alumni Gym loft
'Women's Basketball @ Columbia, 2pm

'Master’s Recital, Bpm, Singletary Ctr. RH


or Ailrido Club, l-3vm, utc Alumni Gym loft

“Recreation Night, Uplink Campus Ministries, 7pm, Calvary Baptist Church
Rec. 3 Outreach Ctr.

'UK erdwaterrats Roll Session, Spin, Iancastec Pool, 53


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k e»


 - Two game scoring total
for sophomore point
guard Rita Adams.
Adams set a career
high with I8 points
Wednesday against
Vm‘nia Cormawvedth.
but promptly broke
that career high with
23 against Arkansas
on Sunday.


- Turnovers committed
by UK in its loss to
Arkansas. UK had
committed at least
20 turnovers in six
consecutive games,
including a sloppy
32-turnover disaster
at Arkansas on Jan. 14.


- GymKats that tied for
third place on the
balance beam Friday.
Sophomores Julia
Gore and Mindy
Smith and junior
Jesse temp helped
improve the GymKats'
disappointing beam
scores from last week's
loss to Michigan.


UCLA ..... .....79
STANFORD ........... 73
FLORIDA ST ......... 58
DUKE ..... .. ....... TOO
TEXAS ................. 66
KANSAS..... ....... ...82
N. CAROLINA ....... 82
PURDUE .............. 55
MICHIGAN ST ....... 72
ILLINOIS ..............84
TENNESSEE. ..... 72
FLORIDA... ...... .....82
GEORGIA .............. 7i





UK junior Iorward
LaTonya McDole
battles for a
rebound with two
Lady Razorbacks in
”It's 84-78 loss to
Arkansas. McDole
scored I4 points,
grabbed six
rebounds and
dished out three
assists in more
than 36 minutes.
McDoIe is UK's
leading scorer and
rebounder. The
Cats tell to 5-16 on
the season and 1-8
in the SEC. The
Cats will try to
rebound from their
three game losing
streak when they
travel to Columbia,
5.6. to face the
Lady Gamecocks of
South Carolina on
Feb. It.

Cats can't pin Hogs

MATT not I 111111111 51111


Improvement 15 apparent: Mattox' 5 Cats limited
turnovers and showed improvement despite falling to
the Arkansas Lady Razorbacks 84-78 Sunday

By Will Messer


Following last 'I‘hut'sday's loss to
I (‘olonial Athletic Association foe
I Virginia Commonwealth. Bernadette
; Mattox challenged her top players to
I provide her ft'eshman-laden squad
I with much needed leadership.
I .Iunior forward LaTonya 1\ch)ole
I and freslnnan guard Rita Adams
' responded McDoIe with her words
I and Adams with her play.
I .I\Icl)ole could he seen leading
I team huddles and acting as a player

coach at times, Adams. 111eanwhile.



was on herway1111123-p11i11toutburst.
topping the 18-point petformance she
deliyered in the loss to \'Cl'.

Despite the improvements L'K
showed Sunday. the result was the
satne as the \'(‘L' game another I'K

The Arkansas Lady Razorbacks
managed to fend off 11 late LIK rally to
det'eat the L‘ats 84-78.

(‘oach Gary Blair noted his squad
didn't outhustle UK. but they did out-
execute the Cats.

"Kentucky must haye gotten
e1'ery loose ball in the ballgatne
but they' weren't converting the loose





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balls into points." he said.

Arkansas took a 48-87 lead into
the half. largely due to his teams
8-point shooting.

I 111 still not pleased with gi1ing
up :ls.” Mattox said. ""lhey s1 oIed 18
points off is in the first half."

Those 18 points came on only 1:1
attempts. Senior guard Wendi Willits
had H first half points. nine of which
came on :I-point baskets.

Less than three minutes into the
second halt Arkansas built a 10 point
lead but I K managed to stay within
striking (llSIleiLO the whole half.

I' K used a full 1ourt mess to 111
to 1 ut into the lead but Arkansas sju
nior point gu uaId Am “1' ight

When the1 were running thei1
press Amy VII ight did a gteat job of
disse1ting it 1eI1' well 11nd we weie
getting some easy baskets ‘ BlaiI

Both teams were plagued by foul
trouble. which forced Arkansas into a
zone defense and limited UK
freshman center SeSe Helm to only
311211) of playing time.

With 1:18 remaining Arkansas
enjoyed a 7.3-6.1 lead. its largest of the
game. but then L'K turned it on.

B1 the 1: 2.1 111111k theL Cats had 1ut
the le id to 9- 74. but that was as close
and they would get.

Arkansas made »l-of—»i free throws
in the tinal minute and held on to 11 in

'l‘ he I ady R1 11111 backs weI e led by
tt' eshm 1n torw 111d Shameka
(I11 istons career high~tying Bl

L‘K committed fewer than 20
turnovers. 19. for the first time in six
games and also outrebounded

Freshman forward Alyine
Mendeng led UK with eight rebounds
and scored 18 points. Mendeng
started at power forward instead of
small forward 111 an effort to allow
her to become more involved.

"We needed to put her in a posi-
tion where she could get more touch
es and Inore points." Mattox said.

Mattox was pleased with
.\Iendeng's play but described the
play of fellow freshman Rita Adams
as "excellent." The coach was more
impressed with Adams' ball control
and endurance than her 23 points.

"She played 40 minutes and only
committed two turnovers." she said.
"I think she understands what we
need from her."








Elect Gary Ginn, to The Board of Trustees
Depanmcnl oi Mummy 1\' \1'111'ob1ol11g1
('oor1III1alot'. Body chucathal Program

If elected Gary will work for the following:

- Increase Staff Salaries

' Establish a Staff ()rganilation

- Prmide Free-C ollegi Tuition (we. .. ' '1 w. ’1 .

. Loer (.roup Health Insurance Ind I o I‘.1_11111nts11fl)rug I’rtscriptions
'l l I" ‘ I

- Parking l-ees l owe-rid 1Q 11111t1111l|1 H |\II\ \IH)





Raucous Rupp
hosts No.14
Gators Tuesday:

MONDAY 1181111111215 2001



GymKats earn
first win with
runner-up finish

Not quite tops: UK gymnasts fall
short of an upset of No. 3 Georgia

B_y Samantha Essld



The women s gymnastic. s team sutTeI ed 11 disap
pointing loss Friday night in its first
tri- meet of the season to No. :1 (ieorgia. but still
managed to claim its first win of the season.

UK fell to the Bulldogs 19.3. 300 to 193 67.3 but
finished ahead of Lleoi ge Washingtons team s1 me
of 190 800 foi second place. The (lymKats improy ed
their Iecord to 1 4 overall but tell to 0-3 in the SEC

UK coach I eah l ittle said her team impro1ed
from its last match against Michigan but still
committed unnecessary mistakes fit It prevented
the L}1'1nK111s tIom upsetting the Bulldogs

Bulldog all Ame111 an senior K1 isti l iche1 won
all- around honors st 111 mg a 9.830 m higher on
every apparatus. She also took home fitst place
honors on the. bal: inee beam and the \' 1.111It

UK sophomore Julia (iore tied t01 fourth place
with a scoi e of 38 800 Gore had personal bests on
the uneven bars and on the balance beam.
Freshman Aronda P1 nnault achieved a personal
best on the beam. also

The G1 111Kats wet e tied with the Bulldogs after
two 91' ents and trailed by only a slim margin after
the third event. Their solid performances in the

vault uney1 11 bars and balanre beam only 1111.11 eded
a disappointing finish during the floor exercise.

UK senio1 Beth Coleman scored UK 5 highest
score on the yault with a 9 1131110 earn third place.

A f1 Ill on the uneven bars 11 as a little upsetting
f01 the team. but it didn t keep them down

“We had our problems but out beam team
really came out strong after a fall on the bars."
junior Katie Toups said. j

UK s strongest event Friday night was the
beam. Gore Jessie Lemp and Mindy Smith all tied '
for third in the individual competition. T

()yet all UK dominated the balance beam with
a score of 48.800 besting UGA‘s 47.600 and GW. who
scoi ed 16 1‘1.

“The beam team had the biggest 1mp101 etnent
this week.' Tittle said

Despite the (‘11 mKats struggles. especially the
disappointing finish on the floor exercise the
(i1' mKats looked solid.

“We were confident tonight."
“We took it one event at a time."

There were originally four teams scheduled to
compete in UK s first quad meet of the season but

Radford was absent front the competition for
unknown reasons.

The (ly 111K1'1ts host Illinois for
on Saturday. Feb. 10 at 7 pm.



Primault said.

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Aliili.iiCi‘ chosen...


The search

covmcrou, Ky. - A

search committee at
Thomas More College
will re-examine its
pool of applicants for
president after failing
to chose from among
three candidates, its
chairman said.

Ted Robinson, chairman

of the search
committee, said he
expects additional
candidates will be
invited to the campus
for interviews soon.



Thomas More's
next president?

The search committee

interviewed finalists
Sandra Estanek, vice
president for student
development and
dean of students at
Alvernia College in
Reading, Pa.; Joseph
Gower, vice president
for academic affairs,
Mercyhurst College.
Erie, Pa; and
Kathleen Owens.

vice president for
academic affairs,
Saint Francis

Loretta, Pa.

At least 35 people

applied for the job.

The new president Will

replace the Rev.
William F. Cleves.
who announced last
year he was stepping
down. Father Cleves
will become vice
chancellor of

the college.

Two plead
guilty in case


people pleaded guilty
in U.S. District Court
on Friday to
counterfeiting and
drug charges.

Deondre Ford, also

known as Deandre
Clark, 34, of Las
Vegas, and Sharett
M. Thompson, 23. of
Los Angeles. pleaded
guilty to conspiracy
to produce, use and
traffic in counterfeit
credit cards. Both
also pleaded guilty to


conspiracy to
possess marijuana
with the intent
to distribute.

The U.S. attorney's
office said Ford

obtained credit-card
numbers from hotel

and restaurant

and produced
counterfeit cards.


Ready to roll.

Thompson helped Ford
recruit r