xt7bzk55ht4m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bzk55ht4m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1993-01-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 26, 1993 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 26, 1993 1993 1993-01-26 2020 true xt7bzk55ht4m section xt7bzk55ht4m E.





was“ y.v.W~W‘MU'QQo-m ...1. .. -g..t_....._..-


'1" -... a.




if their opinions
mattered to CHE


By Brlan Bennett
Senior Staff Writer


They were invited to come and
give their opinions, but students
now are wondering how much it
really mattered.

University students from across
the state were urged to participate
in the state Council on Higher Edu-
cation‘s public hearings the past
two weeks regarding a proposed
tuition increase and a recommenda—
tion to set rates annually.

The handful who came to each
meeting were opposed almost uni-
versally to the prospect of paying
more for their educations.

But comments from the council‘s
top officials Thursday night indicat-
ed that the increase is already decid»

“1 think. at this day turd time, (a
tuition increase is) really tlte most
realistic approach we can take and
the most responsible.” said Joe Bill





Campbell, CHE chairman.

The hearings were spurred by a
recommendation from the eight uni-
versity presidents that the council to
raise rates already set for 1993-94.

Those eight opinions seem to
have mattered more than the opin-
ions of the dozens of students who
testified and the elected representa-
tives of about |()U.(l()(l state univer-
sity pupils.

“When all the univcr‘ ity prcsi-
dents get behind soiiieihing. cliancr
cs arc that's going to happen." said
Clay Edwards, student member of
the CHE.

Students‘ testimony didn‘t seem


Higher price of higher education at UK




93-941 840
proposed s $2,120
increase 720 __‘__.~ _ L-...-_._g
93-94— 3 $1,760 2 fizmmunny College;
— $700 —»———~-—»—~ , 1 p
92-93 $1,680

91-92 31,620

90-91 $640 $1,500

89_90—| $600 $1.380

Independent since 3971





87-38_ $560 $1,320
86-87_ $540 $1,240//
I 85-86 $520 51,144
it 84-85 — $468 $1,040
1983-84— “14 $934 1
. so 3300 3126667 sr'foo‘

LSOURCE: UK, Councn on Higher Education




Bates says
he will run

for SGA




to matter much to the council,
whose members weren’t visibly
swayed at the hearings.

Council members _. an average
of about nine of the 17 members at-
tended cach hearing _ asked few
questions during the meetings.

Members for the most part sat emo-
tionlcss, occasionally jotting a few
notes and sipping ice water.

“The council did not seem to be
impressed or moved by what stu-

dents had to say at the hearings."
said Western Kentucky University
student president Joe Rains. who at-
tended one hearing.

(‘ouncil members said students
were most effective when they put a
face on the issue, telling their own
stories of hardship. like:

°(‘had Monlrie. a non-traditional
student at the University of Louis~
villc who said he struggles to pay
for school and support his twivyear

TYRONE JOHNSTON! Kernel Graphics

old daughter. ()ltcn. he said. he
must choose between paying the
utilities bill and putting food on the

'Ttilll l’earcc. a lornicr l' of l.
student who said he was forced out
ol school by increasing tuition
costs. Pearce fought back tears at
thc liniisiille hearing as he begged
the council not to approyc “()ption
Two." which would raise rates.

See TUITION Page 11

Allied Health dean says college not being eliminated

. F





GREG EANS/Ke'nel Staff

College of Allied Health Professions Dean Tom Robinson says, despite calls suggesting the
contrary, his college was not cut in the Universitywide restructuring process.

m Karaoke bars let would-be B-52’s eroon


The Wildcats return to Rupp
Arena tonight to do battle with
the LSU Tigers. Story, Page 9.


‘AIive,’ a film about a plane crash
in South America. offers a
compelling look at human
survival under incredible
circumstances. Review and
story, Page 4.


Those who contend that allowing
gays and lesbians into the
military will harm it are missing
the point. Column, Page 6.


Because of an editor's error,
articles in the Jan. 13 and Jan.
15 issues of the Kentucky Kernel
incorrectly reported the price that
has been set for in-state tuition
for the 1993-94 academic year.
The correct price is $880.


Partly sunny today; high around
40. Mostly clear tonight; low
between 20 and 25. Partly. sunny
tomorrow; high around 40.






Diversrons .................................. 3



Sports ........................................ O
..‘ '



By Amy Barnes
Contributing Writer


First there were roller blades.
Then there was bungee jumping.
Now. there’s karaoke.

Karaoke originally was a Japa~
nese hobby but has grown into a $2
billion intcmational entertainment
industry, according to some esti-

It was first introduced to the
United States in l984 and was
strictly reserved for bold beer drink»
ers who belted out song lyrics flash-
ing across the karaoke machine
screen in local night clubs.

However, the machine now is vir-
tually everywhere — from parties
to picnics. even in grocery stores.

The largest promotion for ka-
raoke was sponsored by the Pcpsico
lnc.’s “Uh-Huh” tour for Diet Pep-
si. Celebrity-seeking Americans
could experience a few minutes of
fame between the potato chip and
soda aisles, along with the Uh-Huh
girls and a Ray Charles cardboard

Karaoke also is being used at car
dealerships. malls and weddings.

UK campus organizations are
quickly latching on to the trend.
Holmes Hall hosted a karaoke party
during the fall, and Sigma Pi social
fraternity recently held a karaoke
party as part of its spring rush.

“It's become a lot more popular
over the past year." Holmes Hall
resident adviser Dave McClements

said. “There's been talk of starting
an area karaoke program for this
side of campus, but it‘s still open
for disc ussion."

McClcments added that past ka-
raoke parties have gone over well.

On Thursday and Saturday even-
ings, students can practice karaoke
at Southland Bowling Alley. Ad-
mission is free.

“We have a huge selection to
choose front, and Saturday nights
are packed." said Sue Grimes, a
Southland employee. “Some people
come just for karaoke."

Two versions of each song will
be played at the bowling alley:
first, the original version. and then a
second version consisting only of
background music. Lyrics are pro-
vided for the second version, and a
tape of it is available for purchase

At the Raddison Hotel. located
d0wntown. every night is karaoke

“It‘s really big during week-
nights, but on the weekends we get
more dancers than singers," Radis‘
son bar manager Samoni Biancon-
cini said.

“After the crowd members have
finished their attempted singing, we
give them a free cassette,“ she said.
“We get a lot of UK students in
here on _week nights. Their favorite
song is ‘Love Shack‘ by the B-

Students interested in having
their own karaoke parties can pur-

See KARAOKE. Page 11

uuamww- ‘ ~ aflw


By Tammy Gay
Senior Staff Writer

Students in the College of Allied
Health Professions can rest easy to-
night because, contrary to rumors.
their college is not being considered
for elimination.

The rumor about the college's
closing staned after UK President
Charles Wethington released his re-
structuring report last week.

According to this report, health
sciences education, one of the nine
divisions in the College of Allied
Health Professions, is closing. Be-
cause of the wording of the report,
some students in the college be.
lieved the entire college was clos«
ing. '

Allied Health Professions Dean
Thomas C. Robinson said he has
heard at least 20 inquiries about the
closing of the college.

Robinson said the college will
work with the students enrolled in
the health sciences education pro-
gram to help them get their degrees
but will not allow new students to

“We have to let the people know
the College of Allied Health is alive
and well," Robinson said. “I wanted



to make sure students see we're
phasing out this program. but that's
only one small, low-enrollment pro

Health sciences education has 20
part-time students enrolled in the
bachelor's degree program and 1-1
students in the master's degree pro-
gram, -

Robinson said the closing of this
division will not affect the college

Fifteen years ago. he said. the
college only had 400 students en-
rolled. Today, it has more than
1,350 students.

The college is the youngest col-
lege at [K Hospital and the one
with the largest enrollment.

“Students find out that these are
not only worthwhile and challeng-
ing professions. btit there are jobs
out there." Robinson said. “That’s
one of the reasons our enrollment
is growing."

The college is divided into two
deparunents. clinical sciences and
health services. There are live divi-
sions under clinical sciences: clini«
cal laboratory sciences. clinical nu-
trition, communications disorders,

See ALLIED. Page 11



VICTMA ”Vim our

Rachel Lee, an lB-ycar-otd communications major, tries out a

karaoke machine yesterday In a Lexington Mall music store.


By Joe Braun
Editorial Editor

He’s been talking about
running since Pete November
was elected Student Govem-
ment Association president
last year.

Now Senate Pro-Temp Jer-
emy Bates said he is ready to
enter the race. for student
body presi-

“It wasn't
an easy deci-
sion to
make," he

“There‘s a
lot ol person—
al sacrifices
that need to
be made to
run. and l‘ve
spent a lot of time going
around talking with other
people to see if they believe I
would do a good Job." he
said. “They
were very
supportive of
me running,


and so I
made the fi-
nal decision
Bates said
since he
came to UK

“c ““3 seenHAMILTON

many changes

take place in SGA, and he
wants to be a part of future
changes that occur.

“l’ve been involved in
SGA when it had a lot of in-
ternal problems last year. A
lot of intemal change oc-
curred this year. and next
year we need someone to
lead SGA and develop it even

Bates. a member of Kappa
Sigma seeial fratemity. has
served both as SGA senator
at large and lntrafratemity
Council preSident. He also is
president of the Southeastern
lntrafratemity Conference.

Bates Will be running with
Ellen Hamilton, a political
science Junior from Louts-
villc, Ky.

Hamilton. a member of Pi
Beta Phi social sorority.
served as coordinator for
SGA Voter Education Day in
the fall. She also worked as
the co~chairwonian of the
Community College Out~
reach Program under fonncr
SGA President Scot Crosbie.

Hamilton said that she has
worked a lot in the SGA 0f-
fice this year and observed
how the organization is run.
She said she plans to begin
observing the senate to learn
more about its procedures.
“I’ve worked within student
govemment for about a year
and a half, and I feel not be-
ing as involved as (Batest
will balance our ticket.“

Hamilton said she believes
she will bring the “outside"
perspective to the ticket that
Bates can‘t provide as easily
because of his past involve-
ment in SGA.

Bates‘ campaign co-
chairmen will be Kevin Cicci
and Kary VanArsdale. Cicci
is the chairman of the Greek
Activities Steering Commit-
tee and VanArsdale is an
SGA senator at large.

VanArsdale is in charge of
the petition drive to gather
the names Bates must have to
be eligible to run.

Quinton Dickerson. presi-
dent of College Republicans.
will be the campaign manag-

Dickerson said he plans to
expand it: soup! of people
the cunpoign will be geared

See BATES. Page 11











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Chris McDavld
Kernel Collumnist


I had to be physically restrained
after spotting a pack of bimbo bow-
heads at the Mom'ssey concert two
months ago.

They would have looked more at
home at a Paula Abdul or Bon Jovi
concert. They were the kind of girls
who aspire to appear in Mbtley Criie
videos as the obligatory spandex-
clad greasy babes.

I felt so violated.

I suppose it was only a matter of
time. After all, most of the other
musicians I had championed for
years like the Cure, Nine Inch Nails
and REM have crossed over to the

Not that it is necessarily a bad
thing. It should make me feel a wee
bit superior knowing that I owned
four B-52's albums before anyone
had heard “Love Shack."

But, when you are one of 10 fans
of a band, it makes you feel like one
of the chosen few, the only ones
who are sman enough to realize

how great the group is.

I liked it better when l was hip.
When you are hip, you are a minor-
ity, only recognizable by others
who are hip or New Yorkers (often
the same people). To anyone else
you are weird.

Now I‘m merely cool. Anyone
can be cool, especially if he or she
is between the ages of ll and 17
and has a sizable allowance.

My 12-year-old sister is cool be-
cause she gave up the New Kids on
the Block for the B-52‘s. Mean-
while, the Red Hot Chili Pepper are
right along side Sir Mix-A-Lot in
my 14-year—old brother’s tape col-
lection. My sister said they’re into
“altemative” music.

That word makes me seethe! No
one really knows what it means
(except record company executives
who know it means money), but I
think it is safe to say that when
REM has sold 30 zillion records. it
is no longer alternative.

Which leaves tne to ponder,
when else is “alternative” music no
longer alternative?

Nothing from Seattle is alterna-
tive. If the word Seattle is used in
connection to anything, a million
flannel-clad skater boys from the,

suburbs will buy it — even if it is
uninspired noisy crap (which it usu-
ally is).

By that same token, grungy flan-
nel shirts are no longer alternative.
They sell them at the Gap, for
God‘s sake.

When hoards of white, upper-
middle class heterosexuals dripping
in LL. Bean invaded the Metro
here in Lexington, it was no longer
alternative. It has closed and is now
a country-westem barn — um, I
mean, bar. See what you people
have done?

People who think that “Supersti-
tion" was Siouxsie and the Ban-
shec’s debut and that the Chili Pep-
pers is a hot new band are not
alternative (and are probably not
too sman, either).

Lollapalooza is not, I repeat not,
alternative. Nice try, though.

So what is left for those of us
who like to be on the cutting edge
(elitist)? Polka, perhaps?

I don‘t know, but I’m sure you'll
pardon me while I search for some-
thing no one has ever heard of so I
can be hip again.

Staff Writer Chris McDavid is a
journalism sophomore and a K in
[ms/(y Kl’rlltfi columnist.




fibrocoun'rés'v'or WA'N '- :-o HE- WECo-n






Once deemed alternative, many bands like — Athens, Ga.-based REM —- have become popular ..
In the mainstream, sending some people into the new music bin for an alternative to alternative. 5

Sherman's Alley by Glbbe & Voigt The 9,355 Conference 5

{You bet It l5. Some maym Msy ”:0":wa

the back pocket 0‘ tne big» _ en. ay e _

money fat cat But where BRIBE A LEGISLATOR
does that leave the wanting

booth at the State Fair
man. who car't afford the big
bribe? I'm the people's grn‘ter

Steinem speaking at Joseph-Beth

'l‘ e






Gloria Steinem

“Revolution from Within: A Book
of Self-Esteem"

Little. Brown and Company




and allow you to bribe me ‘rorr
the comfort of you owr rtome.
Just call my 1—800 number

Senator. 15 it true your
vote on the school reform
plan was swayed Just
because someone gave
you a ticket to the
Tia—State Boat 5.


ational Bestsellt l ‘






Sen Laylowe. does this
mean y0u'll no longer









By Nina Davidson
Stall Critic

Gloria Steinem, editor of Ms.
maga/ine for 17 years and one of
the founders of the modern Ameri-
can feminist movement, ventures
onto personal ground with her best
scller “Revolution from Within: A
Book of Self-Esteem."

“Revolution from Within" is dedi-
cated to “everyone —— women, men,
children and even nations —- whose
power has been limited by a lack of

Steinem argues that children have
an innate sense of self-worth that is
lowered slowly by the injustices of
society. She looks candidly at her
own childhood.

She began taking care of her un-
stable mother at the young age of IO
when her father left. Steinem uses
this and other personal anecdotes to
fuel her discussion of topics like pa-
renting, education, religion and the

She attacks the United States'
school system from elementary
school through college. She quotes
several statistics. including the facts
that boys are five times more likely
to receive the teacher’s attention
than girls and eight to l2 times more
likely to speak up in class, and chil-
dren‘s stories read in elementary
school contain 2.5 times more male




need to unleam some of our respect

for education. since it has under-
mined our respect for ourselves."
Another institution Steinem tack-
les is patriarchal religion. She criti-
cizes this system of religion, “But
if God is white, then whiteness is
godly. If God is a man, then man is
a god. Any religion in which God

class is very different from spiritu»
ality that honors the godliness in
each of us.”

Steinem’s analysis of American
culture and the barriers it imposes
on self-esteem is written clearly
and free of academic jargon. The ti-
tle sounds daunting, but, in fact.
“Revolution from Within" is a
pleasure to read.

“Revolution from Within" is a
synthesis of many disciplines but
does not overwhelm the audience
by its scope. Steinem integrates an
impressive array of sources from
the latest studies in psychology and
sociology. as well as Sigmund
Freud, Alice Walker and Stephen

See STEINEM, Page 4






. . . _ “lthaNewAftawrdbvtlwAutlu



Well-known teminist author
Gloria Steinem will be at Jo-
seph-Beth Booksellers today.
Steinem is the author of ‘Out-
rageous Acts and Everyday


Why 5 —maybe 6 of the 10



Friends. the indictment
is an absolute travesty

charges against me are



I'll take anything spare change






be game day to door?

heaacheeee What
kind of legislation
car yet swap?


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Forced to exist in the brutal cold for 10 weeks, the survivors of a plane crash in the Andes Mountains Nando Parrado (Ethan

Hawke). Timon (John Haymes Newton) and Roberto Canessa (Josh Hamilton) endure impossible physical challenges in ‘Alive.‘

Three friends feel ‘alive’ after ordeal


Associated Press


NE“ YORK \\he': .i pia! c
carrying a rugby team crashed in
the Andes. the in
watched their l'iietitls die. then at:
them to who e. Now. the lien Ailt‘

"spi il;‘. he \s.

\ur\ l\ \"i'.\

were s‘c‘ li- tie .sc‘rli‘t‘ U

when the\ stepped .ii“ \ trl i“: the
in W") are relomg i“; .speri

Three ot the \tll\l\tll'\ came to
New York for the
“Alive," .i 53” million him that
spares none ot the gruesome de

“The film was a window ol‘ w hat


Tuesday, January 26
8:00pm Center Theater
Admission Free with UK I.D.


opening ot

about the little things
granted the silly
v‘hl Ritl‘t‘rli‘
(clll:~sl one ot the sunivors.
"\\lieii l drink a glass ol water and N”)-

happe tie d
“in HM tor

thi': s s.ii.f 1"th

suburb and

l tloii': ha\e to melt snow lot it. 1 Canessa.
lililik ~. iic‘ |\ t‘l\\
(Kiticssa i pcili ittit t ti illologist.

was .itciin piiii-til “i No other sur-
\i\ozs. ~1char-iilcl Nando Parrado.
.: tele\isien producer. and 39~year~
old cartitos i’acx. who works in ad-

They are more than lriends.
Along with the other survivors in
their name i’ruguay, they consider
each other l'amily. Most live within


school together.
gather to mark the crash's tinniscr-

llilaiio is named alter the mountain

a two-mile radius tn a Montevideo

li~ycar~old son ism.

range where they crashcd, and Par-
rado are godlalhers to each other‘s
children. The
tluent l:tiglish .
slang. are quick-w died and upbeat

Seated together on a couch in a
Park Avenue hotel room.
movie-star handsome and energetic.
tapping their leet on the table and
pacing around the suite when they
get bored. All three l‘inish each oth-
er‘s sentences.

“We know each other so well,"
Parrado said. “We get along very
well. We have something that bonds
us. it's a very special club."

That club was forged in a crucible
that was so agonizing that
agreed when we were there that
we'd cuhange it tor lite imprison-
ment." l’arrado recalled.


a medical student at the
time. \\ as the last to slice a piece of ”H head ((35- clear.
llesh lroni a corpse and eat it.

war they

it. ho speak

llii and 1 and.
th pilot l’lt/ said


( lite .ss‘t

they are

vors will get the

"I had the idea but I was a cow
:Nindo wants to eat

l’irtado ind Pae/ joke
with each other about the cannibal
Taken out ol context, .
sound callous When someone tells
l’aex. how l’iiiiiiy he is, the two oth»
ers say it‘s because he ate the pilot
and “the pilot was a clown."
l’arrado said the sitriivors are so
well-known in l‘ruguay that when
they hoard planes. the pilot will an
nounce that when it's time tor the
menus to be distributed. the sum—
”passenger list" in»

But the ~iokcs' conceal a struggle

oi~ such dimensions that it‘s as it

dersiand it.

nisni," Pael said.
at tunerals."
“we all

UPC ll Ll C orpse.

source ol nutrition."

“I thought ol‘ my family."
sa said about the first time he cut
“I l‘elt how horrible
Eric is to have such tests as this, But
'I ill\ \\ as

they can't trust anyone else to an-

“The ioking is a defense mecha-
“lt‘s like joking


of the faculty.

b March 1.
K y


You are invited to submit a nomination of a faculty member for the Office of Academic
Ombud to serve the University from July 1, 1993 to June 30, 1994.

According to the University Senate Rules the person must be a tenured member

The person should be able to perform the functions of the Office with fairness,
discretion, and efficiency. The Office requires a person possessing unquestionable
integrity, and a reslute commitment of Justice.

Nominations may be made by contacting J. Russ Groves, Chair, Academic Ombud
Search Committee. Pence Hall, 0041 telephone 257-7628. Nominations must be received

Critic goes through
own ordeal during
new movie ‘Alive’


Starring Ethan Hawke, Vincent
Spano and Josh Hamilton

Touchstone Pictures


By Jason T. Garrett
Statt Critic

l was in a local movie theater
minding my own business, waiting
for “Alive" to begin. Why in the
world they chose to sit right behind
me is anyone’s guess.

it probably was bad karma that
those six mouthy members of some
mystery sorority (with correspond-
ing attitudes and bows in their hair)
decided to be close to me that night.
Maybe I should have just felt lucky.
but instead I was scanning the thea-
ter for another seat someplace
tar, far away.

Sadly, the lights began to dim,
and l was frozen in my seat like a
deer in approaching headlights. “Oh.
my (Jud, Li this movie gonna make
me sick?” Those are the words one
ol‘ my lovely new l’riends used dur-
ing the opening credits, l was think-
ing the same thitig but not about the

“Alive" is the taithl‘ul lilm adap—
tation ol' l’iers Paul Read‘s best-
selling book of the same name. This
true story documents the events fol-
lowing the infamous October 1972
plane crash into the Andes Moun-
lains ol~ South America The plane
was carrying a team ol‘ college rug-
by players l‘rom Montevideo, Lfru-
giiay, to a game in Chile.

ll~ you‘ve heard anything about
this film, it’s probably been about
the survivors having to eat the llesh
ol' their deceased co-passengers to
ayoid starvation arid gain the
strength to hike toward civilization
through the treacherous mountains.
("U/i. gross! I.\ he cutting into
.vmnebody's hull f’ ” )

Obviously, this fact stirred up a
great deal of controversy and specu-
lation at the time. But. as disgusting
as this may sound, the lilm shows
us that this act wasn‘t done without
significant soul-searching.

Ethan Hawke, Vincent Spano and
Josh Hamilton portray Nando Parra-
do. Antonio Balbi and Robert Ca-




nessa, the survivors who become
the leaders of the group. Although
they‘re not huge names in show
business yet, they perform admira-





(Hawke won especially good rat-
ings truth the sorority girls:
“()h.,.my...(lod. Look at his hair.
He LV .w title")

With such grim subject matter, l
was especially surprised at how
funny “Alive“ turned out to be.
Bruce Ramsay turns in the l‘ilm’s
l‘inest performance as Carlitos
Paez, whose l‘antastic doses ol~ hu-
mor made the most intense mo-
ments easier to swallow.

For instance, he gives the other
survivors permission to use his
body as food if he should die, only
it they promise to “clean their

Another masterlul performance
is given by lllcana Douglas, who
plays Lilliana Menthol. one of the
l‘ew l‘emale passengers. Douglas,
who you‘ll remember as Robert
[)eNiro‘s victim in Manin Scor-
“(Iape Fear," does a great
Job at being a riiother-l‘igure, nur-
turing the hungry, the scared and
the wounded lit the group.

5050 S

The him is a powerlul story.

about courage in the lace ol‘ ex-
treme hardship and adversity And.
lortunately tor us, tltc gruesome
story doesn't completely overpow-
er somc fantastically beautitul scen~
t‘r\ .

“Alive" is absolutely a trip worth
taking. Just don‘t travel by plane.
and be careful who you sit by.
("(Jh. my (iotl. Thu! guy l.\ writing

down everything we my" (76!
"Alive." rated ”R ' it showing

at North Park, South Park and Man
0' War cinemas,



Continued from Page 3

Jay (iould.

“Revolution From Within" is at
its best relating anecdotes and sto«
ries. Steinem includes examples
il’ttlll all kinds of people relating
their struggles with sell-esteem fl -
lrom Ghandi lo housewives to it‘s:
bian activists. By covering such a
wide range of experiences. she em-
phasizes the similarities among all

\ L


' Tim/MM



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