xt7bzk55ht2f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bzk55ht2f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1990-09-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 10, 1990 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 10, 1990 1990 1990-09-10 2020 true xt7bzk55ht2f section xt7bzk55ht2f UK Should Reopen

Wethington should withdraw;
Oekerman should resign;
Universitywide strike needed

Kentucky Kernel Editorial



good state university that granted diplomas. But after a decade of strong leadership. innovative
plans and a lot of sweat, it is on its way to becoming a great University.

Unfonunately, the events that have transpired since last November concerning UK’s presidential
search have left many wondering where UK stands as it approaches a new century.

To many. the presidential search has been less than a serious search for a strong academic leader and
more of a way to dole out patronage and repay political allies.

Therefore, we believe UK should reopen the presidential search, Charles Wethington should remove
himself as a candidate for the presidency and Foster Ockerman should resign as chairman of the UK
Board of Trustees.

It is necessary that faculty, staff and students be willing to show their commitment to a fair and Open
search by holding a Universitywide strike.

The state’s flagship university deserves better treatment in selecting its leader. Many have given up on
the presidential search by calling it a done deal. But by resigning ourselves to that scenario, we not only
fail ourselves, but also the future generations of this state.

On Dec. 28, UK’s Board of Trustees appointed Wethington interim president over strong objections
from many. The trustees allowed the interim president to be a candidate for the presidency. Their refusal
to take action planted a seed of suspicion that the search was stacked in favor of Wethington.

Wethington is a friend of Gov. Wallace Wilkinson —— who made his dislike for former President David
Roselle no secret -— and Ockerman, who is chairman of the Board of Trustees and the Presidential
Search Committee. was appointed by Wilkinson.

When UK began looking for a president. Ockerman promised the University community and citizens
of the commonwealth that a fair and open search would be conducted to find a replacement for Roselle.

However. he has done little to reassure us that the presidential search is not a thinly veiled attempt to
railroad Wethington into the Administration Building. To many. the engineer of the train is Wilkinson,
who has been a disgrace to this state since he entered office.

It should be little surprise to many. then. that the quality of candidates for president has been substan-
tially worse than what the University had in 1987, when it was looking for a replacement for Otis A. Sin-

This week, the UK community will have the opportunity to meet the two individuals the presidential
search committee chose as finalists.

The University of Kentucky is at a crossroads. For years, it was considered by many as simply a

Presidential Search



While both candidates — reported to be Wethington and Peggy Gordon Elliott ,_. may have strong
credentials. neither has impressed faculty nor students as individuals with the proper qualifications to be
UK’s 10th president.

Today, some faculty members will consider a resolution that calls for the presidential search to be reo-
pened — and the UK faculty and faculty representatives to the Board of Trustees to withdraw their sup-
port of the search.

This is a step in the right direction.

The faculty have the academic interests of the University as their primary concern. something the
search committee lacks. This concern is shared in the minds of students who come to UK seeking the
best education the state has to offer.

We are not persuaded by those who argue that reopening the presidential search may cause too much
hardship for the University. When one considers the long-term repercussions of selecting a new univer~
sity president. any short—tenn difficulty in finding a top~notcb candidate becomes trivial.

lfthe resolution passes. faculty must be willing to back up their words with strong actions to derail
Wilkinson’s political patronage express. or the resolution will not be worth the paper on which it is writ-

lfthe presidential search is not reopened, the University‘s faculty should stage a walkout. The move
would require a good deal of courage, but we feel that it is the only way for faculty to underscore the im
portance of the University’s next president.

Students and staff also should support the faculty’s action by demonstrating their strong disapproval ot
the way the presidential search has been conducted. similar to concern they showed for the LTniy'ersitv's
future last November in front of the Administration Building. ‘

Any new presidential search should be free of the political pressures that wrecked the current search.



Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XCIV, No. 23 Established 1894

University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

Independent since 1971 Monday, September 10, 1990



Faculty to voice
Views of search

Senior Staff Writer

tron in the search.
The search ‘has not been an open one
and “we should not lend any more support

Contributing Writer

One UK employee has become as addic-
tive as morning coffee for many people
who pass through her gate each morning.

For almost two years. Elizabeth Jelinek
has spent seven and a half hours of every
workday in a glass box —— known as Gate
Two on Washington Avenue— distribut—
ing passes. giving information. and writ-
ing tickets.




Jelinek. a full-time staff member. has
acquired a bit of campus notoriety during
her post at the gate.

Every morning. she sticks a different
sign in the front window of her booth.
Some days a funny slogan — others a
Snoopy cartoon.

“It started out as a sun shade." said Jeh-
nck, who used to tape newspapers in the
window. When the newsprint “started
looking tacky." she made signs providing
people with the outcome of UK sporting





For almost two years, Elizabeth Jelinek has spent her time greeting UK students. faculty and staff as they pass through
Gate No. 2 near Washington Avenue. She has gained notoriety for her creative, cheerful messages.

Motorists ‘get a laugh’ from UK attendant


“Some people come through (late Two
looking glum.“ lelinek said. “Then they
see the sign and get a laugh out of it."

lelinek said as long as she‘s working,
she may as well make the best of it .

”I’ve got to be here so many hours. why
not enjoy If?"

She also keeps flowers In the window
and makes her own holiday costumes to

See JELINEK, page 7




Because only two tandidares remain an
lJK‘s presidential search the ('ntyersity
Senate is expected to \il\(ll.\\ a resolution
asking faculty not to participate further in
the “fatally flawed" search.

The senate will have their first meeting to~
day at 3 pm. Other resolutions may be pro-
posed. including one asking for a reopening
of the search. and another asking that the
Board of Trustees” Sept. in \ote be delayed.

On Friday. one of three finalists. l Iniversr-
ty of Akron President William \' \lusc. an-
nounced that he would not \ l\'ll campus this

Originally. search committee .hairman
Foster ()ckcrman ‘s‘r. planned to bring four
people to campus. Now only lTK mtenm
President (‘harles Wethington and Peggy
Gordon Elliott. the chancellor ol Indiana
University's Gary campus. remain.

Carolyn Bratl. .i laculty trustee and mem-
ber of the search committee. blamed the tact
that the interim president was allowed to be
a candidate as the reason for \luse's depar»

“l was very disaptxitnted betaoxc he
(Muse) was a waffle candidate.” liratt \iltl.
“It makes the search \ery ditlitiilt when the
field is narrowed to only No tandidates and
that the search \ytls negatively .itfecled by
the interim president being .1 candidate."

Wethington is rumored to be :he ironi-
runner because he was allowed to seek lhe
presidency while \Cnlng as the interim liK
chief. And some faculty beheye that the \c.
lection is a done deal.

“it's over." said mathematics professor
Paul Eakin.

“i think that it‘s tMuse leaving) just more
evidence that the search process isn‘t work»
mg." said past senate t hairman Don Leigh.

This tells faculty that “this is not a really
an open search. They think In effect he‘s
(Wethington) already been selected." Leigh

“I was sorry to see him (Muse) with-
draw.“ said mathematics professor Mike
Freeman. “1 think it Just bears out the fears
that a lot of us had at the beginning of this
whole process."

A number of resolutions could be brought
before the senate. the strongest of those be-
ing a disavowal of the search. which would
request that faculty take no further participa-

to the process.“ freeman \ rid.

How in that disapproval Vslii go. ii to the
point or faculty trustees not young at the
board meeting, tould he open to debate.

At the senate meeting. the senate will he
briefed on the process by Loys Mather. a la-
eulty member of the search committee.

Many faculty believe that Bratt. Mather
and William Lyons. the other faculty mern
her on the search tommittee. were outnum-
beer and forced to keep quiet by a you .

“They r: . lettrly outnumberedf
\thtl. “l don t think they‘yc betrayta trte
culty. l'hey're iust outnumbered. leehnr .
ly. there may not have been anything \A.’
with the process."




SGA sponsoring a blood
drive from 10:30 am. to
3:30 pm. in the Student
Center Ballroom.



Young golf team lac.
es challenging year.

prepares to tour the


Story. Page 3

Campus Calendar .......................... 2
Diversrons.. .

Sports... ....,

Viewpoint ..................

Classifieds ............ .,






Kernel. Monday, September 10. 1900
V j



Student Activities. Office 203/204 Student Center

:',i ..... ..

I " - ‘~ A ' “a -4 I
.. . ‘ \th .'

I a
t ‘11

university 0' Kentucky The information is published as Supplied by the oncompus sponsor For Student Organization or University Department s to make entries on the Calendar. 0 Compu Calendar Form
must be filled out at the Student ACTH/flies once Submission of Photographs a Graphic: are encouraged. Deadline: No later than the Monday preceding the publication ode.



Monday 9/10
_ - Exhibit: 'lmages of Appalachians
Coalfields'(thru 10/ 21 ); Free; UK Art
Museum; Call 7-5716
- Art Sale: Prolific Art (posters from
various artistsKthru 9/ 14); Student
Cents 245; Call 7-8867
- Exhibit: Rebeca Simmermacher
'Paintings'; Free; Rasdall Gallery;
10am-5pm; Call 7-8867
Wednesday 9/ 12
0 Movie: Bruce Connor Film Series (5
short films); Free; Pence Hall 209;
7pm; Call 7-7617
0 Concert: Guest voice recital; Free;
SCFA Recital Hall; 8pm; Call 74929

0 Movie: 'Pretty Woman'; 52; Worsham
Theatre; 7:30&10pm; Call 78867
Thursday 9/ 13
' Exhibit: Lexington Philharmonic 'A
Retrospective Exhibit'(thru 9/ 25) ;
Free; SCFA President's RM;
8AM-4'30PM; Call 7-1706
0 Movie: 'Pretty Woman'; $2; Worsham
Theatre; 7:30&10pm; Call 7-8867
Friday 9/ 14
0 Concert: Guitar Socrety of Lox-Central
KY; 38; SCFA Recital Hall, 5pm; Call
0 Movie: 'Pretty Woman"; S2; Worhsam
Theatre; 7:306:10pm; Call 7-8867
0 Movie: 'Monty Python 8: the Quest for
the Holy Grail; $2; Worsham
Theatre; Midnight; Call 7-8867
Saturday 9/ 15
0 Movie: 'Pretty Woman'; $2; Worsham
Theatre; 7:30&10pm; Call 7-8867
- Movie: 'Monty Python 6: the Quest for
the Holy Grail'; $2; Worsham
Theatre; Call 7-8867
Sunday 9/ 16
0 Concert: DiMartino/ Robinson Duo;
Free; SCFA Concert Hall; 3PM; all
- Exhibit: KY 'Festival of Indonesia'lthru
10/28); Free; UK Art Museum;
Noon-5pm; Call 7-5716
. Movie: 'Pretty Woman'; 52; Worsham
Theatre; 7pm; Call 7-8867




UK Art Museum presents the current exhibit “Images of Appalachian Coalfields”
which will run through October let. The UK Art Museum’s hours are 12 to 5pm



Call 255-8666



- Other: Aerobics; Free; Newman Center;6:50pm;

- Meeting: Cyling Club; Free; taopm; Call 233-

- Meeting: SAB Contemporary Affairs Committee
fleeting; Free; audent Center 228; 5:30pm; Call


Call 278-9533
Call 255-8566

- Religious: Holy Eucharist; Free; St. Augistine‘s
Chapel; 5:30pm; Call 254-3726
- Religious: 'Encourrter'; Free; St Center 205; Tom;

Other: Aerobics; Free; Newman Comer; 6:50pm;


- Religous: NC2; Free; Newman Center; 7:30pm; Call

-Religious: Fellowship of Christian Athletes; Free;
502 Woodland Ave; 9pm; Call 8-6556


- Religious: Mass; Free: Newman Center: 6pm; Call


. Religious: Mass; Free; Newman Center.
9,1130, 5 I 6:30; Call 255-0566

- Religious: Holy Eucharist; Free; St Augie-
tine's Chapel; 10:30am; Call 254-3T16

- Religious: Holy Eucharist I Fellowship; Free;
3 Augistine‘s Chapel; 5:30pm; Call 254-3726







Monday 9/ 10
0 Intramurals: Flag Football begins; Call

- Intramurals: Co—Rec Football begins;
Call 7-3928

Tuesday 9/ 11

' Sports: UK Volleyball vs. Wright State;
Memorial Coliseum; 7:30pm

Wednesday 9/ 12

0 Other: Beginner's Weight Training
Clinic; $1; Seaton Conditioning Rm;
7:30pm; call 7-3928 (sign-up deadline
9/ 1 1)

Friday 9/ 14

I Sports: UK Volleyball Big Four at
Indiana; 6pm

may 9/ 15

c, : Wildcat Football vs. Indiana;
Free w/UKID; Commonwealth



. Stadium; lflOpm
{sports UK Volleyball Big Four at
’ Indiana; 8pm





.39- not“


i rm‘ch 59d”
- Cd alv‘i‘





Vincent DlMartino and Robinson Schuyler preform this Sunday
at 3pm as part of the UK School of MUSIC semester events

.\ My


week at glance

- Meeting; Commuter Studutjoerd; . Sports: UK Volleybdl vs. Wright
Student Center 1%,: 5:15pm

State; Memorial Coliseum; 7:30pm

The pattern behind “week at a glance’

M‘ieaehirt-cloui fabric design from
the aroonssmm crests
show it alike UK marl-tum.
frld ay
own?» 2 lm' ormmarm 9. _.
“‘9 W 20.. 1pm 0 Sports; U‘Voileyba g Fofl at



omc lat Gillie” .
- , Rmm“



Where did ou universe come from? When and how
What was there before it exslsted? What lies beyond it? ls our universe
eternal. or does it have an end? How can we even begin to grapple
with such questions? The cosrnologist doesl-vand comes up with some
astonishing answers. Professor Fuketu Bhavfar will share some of these
answers, using illustrations from art, and analogies form every day
objects during his lecture this Friday at lpm in room 209 Pence Hall.



_ _. ,. .‘

- s "j' 0 ‘
k 1m \ l . .
did if begin?






Monday 9/ 10
0 Other: Volunteers are needed at the

Vol Center of the Bluegrass (various
positions available); Call 278-6258

Wednesday 9/ 12
- Academic: LAST DAY TO DROP A



Friday 9/ 14

0 Academic: LAST DAY FOR

Saturday 9/15

0 Other: Training program for volunteers
at Lexington Rape Crisis Center; Free;
Call 253-25d11

Monday 9/17

0 Other: UK Hospital Auxiliary
membership coffee for prospective
members; Free; Carnahan House;
9:30am; Call 233-6023


Monday 9/10

0 Lecture: Brown Bag Series: Audrey
Bradshaw on Campus Recycling;
Free; Center Theatre; Noon; Call




Find out about UK’s Pilot
Recycling Program this
Monday at noon. In the
first "Brown Bag Forum",
Autry Bradshaw, the
programs’ director, will
explain what efforts are
being made now. He will
also explain plans for
campus-wide expansion.
S.A.B.’s Contemporary
affairs Committee
sponsors free lectures
each Monday in the
Student Center Theatre.

0 Meeting: UK Ballroom Dance Sodety;
Free; Student Center 205; 7pm


Tuesday 9/11

0 Meeting: Commuter Student Board;
Free; Student Center 106; 5:15pm;
Call 7-6598

Wednesday 9/12

0 Forum: Middle East Conflict on
Iraqi/US Relations; Free; Student
Center 730; 7pm; Call 252-5740

Friday 9/ 14

0 Lecture: Fuketu Bhavfar Designing
the Universe; Free; Pence Hall 209;
lpm; Call 7-7617

- Seminar: 'Ionazation 8.: Trapping
Mechanisms in Laser Desorption
FT-ICR'; Free; Chem-Phys 137; 4pm;
Call 7-7086

Monday 9 / 17

0 Lecture: Russ Williams- Educational
Rep. on AIDS; Free; Center Theatre;
Noon; call 7-8867





\ .

~ Mommas». a.


“79m .



M/US Nationssmww






Dream over,

Cats deal
with reality

It was a nice dream.

The UK football team was in it. As a matter of
fact. the duration of the dream revolved around the
team. And then there was a take—charge kind of guy
with a bullhom
who was going
to save the team
from terminal

The team was
suddenly going
to play like the
San Francisco
49ers. And I remember the guy with the bullhom
was the center of attention and excitement And
there was all this like glorious music —— I think it
something by Jon Bon Jovi -— and it seemed to
make everyone confident and sure that the football
team would be a smashing success.

Yeah, and newspapers played a big part in the
dream. They like gave the dream some semblance
of reality. Intensified it and tried to make it all al-
most like, fact.

All the the sports writers were writing about the
guy who had just taken charge as if he were Christ
himself. Like Christ decided that football was the
channel through which He could best serve human-
kind. In the dream, I think He really was. But it
was a dream, and I’m not real sure.

Anyhow, it was a really good dream. It just kind
of rolled along smoothly. Just kind of merrily roll-
ing, rolling —— and then BAM! Interceptions and
fumbles and downright miserable play came into
the picture. Woke everybody up with a sickly start.
It wasn't even the dream turning into a nightmare;
the inept UK performance was really happening. I
mean they were really bad. Perhaps one of the sor-
riest performances in the last few years.

It was a mean awakening.

And now all that is left is bits and pieces of the
dream in our collective memories to contrast with
this nasty reality.

I mean nobody’s ever been happy about UK
football before, or at least not since I can remem-
ber. And in this dream, everybody smiled when
UK football was mentioned. The man in charge
was going to lead us into the land of pro-style play,
followed by bowl games and then peace and pros-

That isn‘t going to happen. UK will be lucky to
get better than an even record. There will be many
occasions for shaking your head in disbelief at the
sheer stupidity of particular mistakes made by
UK’s players.

The fan’s satisfaction wrll come from watching
the team grow and progress throughout the season.
It will be particularly interesting to see how the
players handle the after effects of the Meadowlands

Despite the utter clumsiness of the Cats, there
were some bright spots.

Take the special teams. Three blocked field
goals. Could be among the best special teams in the

Randy Holleran. He was fired up throughout the
game, even during its most bleak moments. The de-
fense, which was simply overworked throughout
the game, has a leader in Holleran.

There were more dark spots. though.

The offense was impotent.

The play at quarterback was idiotic. Six intercep-
tions shared evenly by starter Freddie Maggard and
back-up Brad Smith. One ridiculous fumble (Mag-

The offensive line simply couldn’t get the job
done. Craig Walker and Al Baker, though no super—
stars themselves, had nowhere to run.

Coordinator Tommy Bowden will have to rise
and shine this week. His hands will be full trying to
figure out how to help his stumbling, bumbling of—
fense execute.

But it will take at least a show of some kind of
sense by his quarterbacks to bring them back up to
a respectable level. The interceptions took little ef-
fort by the Scarlet Knight defense. Maggard and
Smith were very, very nice to the opposing team.
The Rutgers‘ defensive backs were being pleasant-
ly surprised with footballs left and right.

It was ugly. Damn near disgusting.

But, then again, waking up sometimes isn‘t easy.


Sports Editor Bob Norman is an English senior
and a Kernel sports columnist.






Kentucky Kernel, Monday, September 10, 1990 - 3

-;~.‘ I. .a .— aw. .. -‘A-w.

‘Gentleman’ ruggers take sport seriously


Stall Writer

Imagine playing football without shoulder pads and

Imagine a faster, leaner game, featuring almost con-
tinuous play, demanding brains as well as brawn. Ima-
gine a gentlemen’s sport played by barbarians. Imagine
then ——~ UK rugby.

“It’s a pretty festive atmosphere," UK learn captain
Tim Keller said. “And we‘re not out to kill anyone."

Keller, who describes himself as a “mean ugly pack
player," said rugby is the rage in Europe.

“It’s the only contact sport you can play competitive-
ly the rest of your life," Keller said.

Rugby’s origins stem from an intramural soccer game
played at Rugby School in Rugby, England. In 1823,.
American football developed from rugby, and the two
games are similar in many ways.

Tony Schwab, a former UK player who now suits up
for Lexington’s city rugby team, the Blackstones, said
rugby is more complicated than American football.

“Offenses and defenses are not defined in rugby,”
Schwab said. “Your role as a player is always chang-
ing. You have to think a lot. As a result you learn some-
thing new every game.”

Despite rugby’s traditional British image, UK coach
Erik Peterson stresses that rugby is a sport for everyone.

“I’m always teaching,” Peterson said. “It doesn’t
matter how small a player is - there's always a position
open, everyone will get into a match.”

A 15-player rugby team has seven backs and eight
fowards. Each team tries to score by kicking, passing or
carrying the ball until they can kick it over the oppo-
nent’s goal resulting in three points, or by scoring a try.
which is worth four points, by making a touchdown be-
hind the opponent’s goal line.

UK rugby president Jeff Mackey reports that since
I967 the Cats have enjoyed 20 winning seasons.

Although UK‘s I990 roster consists of many first
and second year players, the Cats are a still a tight—knit

“Rugby players are members of the world’s largest
fraternity," Peterson said. “It’s a melting pot, a social
sport,... new members are always welcome.

Mackey said each spring the rugby team holds a
“benefit party" to kick off their annual Bluegrass Invita-
tional Rugby Toumment. The benefit and the touma—
ment raise funds to cover the club’s expenses. The Uni-
versity will match all funds the club generates up to

The Cats, who are members of the Indiana Rugby Un-





ion, kick off their season Sept.15 at Western Kentucky

UK’s home opener is Sept. 22 against Eastern Ken-
tucky University.


UK's Dave Ottis gives a mighty try to burst through a tackler in a preseason scrimmage against friendly
rival UK Law. The Rugby team will begin the season next Saturday against Western Kentucky universaty

UK golfers to hit road with energy, talent


Davis, Leroy expected to lead young team



Contributing Writer

With the fall golf season right around the comer. UK men‘s coach Tom Simpson
faces the challenges of a young squad and a tough tournament schedule that will have
his team playing across the United States.

Simpson is preparing his 1990 Wildcat golfers for a fall season which will begin
Sept 6 in the Colorado University Invitational Tournament.

“I’m anticipating a heck of a fall (season)," Simpson said. “We'll be taking our
guys to Denver, Chicago, and some of the best tournaments in this area.”

After opening their fall schedule in Colorado, the Cats will play in a Chicago tour-
nament at Cog Hill Sept. 21—24. Three days later, the team will participate in the 25-
team Northern Intercollegiate Tournament at Lafayette, Ind.

Those toumamcnts, Simpson said, should be a good warm-up for the regional
matches at Eastern Kentucky University and the Kentucky Intercollegiate Touma-

“It‘s going to be a really tough schedule," Simpson said. “But I think ll wrll help to
make us a better team in the long run. These are tremendous invitations that Will give
us a chance to play with the best teams in the country.

“With all the travel, though, the guys are going to miss some classes. I’ve stressed
the importance of going to all their classes while they are on campus. They're all
good students, so I’m sure that won’t be any problem.“

With no seniors returning from last season, this year's team is young, but far from
inexperienced. The Cats lost only one payer, Greg Layman, from last season.

Juniors Rob Davis and Tim LeRoy have been named cocaptains for this year‘s
team and after improving this summer, Simpson has high expectations for both men.

Davrs, a native of Lakeland, Fla, won the Lakeland Classic this summer wrth a ten-
under~par performance. He also won the Florida State Amateur Toumament and qual-
ified for the US Amateur.

“To win those toumaments in a state like Florida is a tremendous accomplishment,”
Simpson said. “He's averaged about a 72 this summer and that'sjust excellent."

“I think I've had a good summer,” Davis said. “I'm looking forward to this fall sea—
son because it looks like we've got a pretty good group of guys. I‘d just like us to win
at least one toumament this fall. We haven't won one in a long time."

LeRoy, from Lexington, averaged a solid 75 this summer and looks forward to
sharing the captain responsibilities.

“It means a lot to me being selected (as a co—captain)," LeRoy said. “I think I can
help some of the younger guys to come along and get adjusted to the system.“

Brett Bronski, Mark McIntire, and Adam Horwitz, all juniors, should compete for
spots on Simpson’s live-man tournament teams.

Simpson said that sophomores Brad Kurt/.. Swain Beard, Marshall Butler, David
Gordley, and Chris Liner all have the potential to be outstanding golfers.

“Chris Liner had an incredible summer," Simpson said. “He averaged a 72 and
qualified for the U.S. Amateur. Marshall Butler has shown a lot of potential. Those
are guys we look forward to leading us when the NCAA Championship comes to
Lexington in I993."

There will be two newcomers to the Wildcat squad this season.



Junior Tim LeRoy keeps his eyes on tthe ball. LeRoy, who averaged a 75 this
summer. shares captain duties of UK‘s golf team With [UHlOl Rob Dayts.

John Cain, a native of Somerset. and Andrew I’ncc, oi Morrestown, i‘ennu have mi»
pressed Simpson thus far. l’rrtc “on the Tennessee High School (iolt lournamcnt
and participated in the US. High School (iolt Tournament.

“You can say we‘re really young, but these guys haw a lot ol talent.” Simpson
said. “I feel good about this team. They're all excellent students .md most oi them
will be here when we host the NCAA Tournament at the Champions (ioll (‘lub.”


.......... Quorr-r       


“we have a very“"simpie system of delegation:
I take over whatever i want whenever I want."

UK coach Bill Curry on delegating power on the sidelines.






e — Kentucky Kernel, Monday, September 10, 1990


Experts search for lost artifacts of Nazi Germany

Editor's note — Art treasurer
plundered from conquered Nazi
Germany have been turning up from
Mosc0w to Krakow to a tiny town in
Texas. Now, with the two Germany:
ready to reunite. officials hope to re-
store a cultural heritage that was
torn asunder by war. Part of that ef-
fort t's to find the pilfered artwork
and get it back.

Associated Press

BONN, West Germany — In
I945, as the Red Army advanced on
Germany, a Soviet soldier stumbled
across a stunning collection of draw-
ings and watercolors, by masters
such as Rembrandt, Durer and Van
Dyck, stashed in a castle for safe—

The soldier, an architect in an en-
gineering unit. bundled what he
could off to Moscow and stored the
works in a museum. There they sat
for decades. covered and concealed
from the world.

Now. the aging soldier says the
364 pieces should go back to their
original owner, a German museum,
the Kunsthalle in Bremen. West
German Foreign Minister Hans-
Dietrich Genscher has written to his
Soviet counterpart, Eduard Shevard-
nadze, asking that the worlcs be re-

The Germanys, racing to reunite
their politics and peoples, also are
trying to restore their cultural heri~
tagc. devastated by “tit and its plun-

But the task is as monumental as
some of the missing treasures.

During World War 11, German
museums, libraries and churches
packed up their most valuable
works and shipped them off for
safekeeping from Allied bombing
raids. Later, many treasures were
again moved by the Nazis, to caves
or salt mines, to hide them from ad-
vancing troops.

The destruction of war, the multi-
ple moves, incomplete or missing
inventories, and plundering occupa-
tion troops all conspired to conceal
the fate of some of the treasures.

Art historians say troops from
both the West and the East moved
Gemian anworks out of the country
after the war.

In addition. fires were often re—
ported in an repositories. Some his-
torians question whether some of
the fires actually occurred or wheth—
er they destroyed everything that
was claimed to have been lost.

“I fear that much of what was of-
ficially burned is still somewhere.”
said one museum researcher, who
asked not to be identified by name.

In addition to individual instances
of plundering, many art historians
say some treasures were removed
with official sanction for use as cul-
tural reparations.

Although that policy was later re-
jected in the West and many objects
were returned, historians say it is
impossible to tell how much of
what was taken was given back.

”The problem IS that this was
done by forces who were operating
like the intelligence forces, without
documents or with documents that
were not declassified up to now,"
the museum official said. “It was a
problem of all four of the Allies.”

“For many years these things were
considered lost anyway because we
had no information whatsoever,"
said a government source in Bonn
who spoke on condition of anonymi-

“You could say this is one of the
last fields of really finishing with the
consequences of war.”

In July, government and art repre-
sentatives from West and East Ger-
many agreed to establish a Berlin-
based dataka to pool information
from museums, churches and librar-
ies on missing an and its last known

Klaus Maurice, director of the
West German Cultural Foundation
of the States, said the list could be
completed in three years.

“We will make a list of what was
lost, not what must be found,” he
said. “We don’t want to give advice
for police.”

Improving East-West relations
and recent finds have already fueled
hopes that more could follow.

In a Texas court, an East German
church, financed by West Germany,
is fighting the heirs of a US soldier
who the church claims made off
with a cache of priceless objects hid-
den in a mine. US. forces occupied
the Quedlinburg area, 120 miles
southwest of Berlin, in 1945.

The treasures include a silver, ivo-
ry and gold reliquary from the 9th or
10th century, a 10th-century Byzan-
tine rock-crystal flask and an ivory
comb inlaid with precious stones.

An an investigator working with
the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foun-
dation tracked the Quedlinburg
treasures to Whitewright, Texas,
about 60 miles north of Dallas, last


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