xt7bzk55hs90 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bzk55hs90/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-11-07 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 07, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 07, 1988 1988 1988-11-07 2020 true xt7bzk55hs90 section xt7bzk55hs90  

Kentucky Kernel


Vol. XCII, No. 63

Established 1 894

University of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky

independent Since 19 7 t

~10 's A”


Kemp leaves UK following investigation of theft at |

H)” 'I‘1I\ISI’:\I,IDI\(.
Sports Editor

Sean Kemp. under investigation tor the
theft of two gold chains taken trom l'K
uuard Sean Sutton‘s‘ Wildcat Lodge room
in September, has lett l'K. Athletics Dil'et'
tor t'litl Hagan eontirmed yesterday,

Kemp has indicated his intention to en
roll at 'l‘riiiit) Valle) (‘oinmunity (‘ollege
iii Athens. 'l‘exi l'K coach Eddie Sutton
said iii a prepared statement

llaigan said the problem Wlll] “the pub
lieit). the .\'('.\A lll\'(‘SllLlilllt)ll and this lat
est iiieident‘ were the probable eauses oi
Kemp s departure Hanan said

Kemp. a ti toot ll iorual‘d and native oi
l‘llkbai't. little was one oi the top high
si'liool basketball players in the nation last
‘\eari but “as ineligible to play lttl‘ the
Vtildeats beeause he had not met
Proposition tit. requirements tor ineoiniiii;

Kemp's latest troubles revolve around a
tliclt a Wildcat Lodge in September

Sutton. a sophomore guard. reported
that l\‘\t) gold chains were .s'lttlt‘ii trom his
room in the lodge in September

(In itet 22 police recovered th) gold
ebaiiis that were panned at a lA‘VlllLthHi
paun shop in Kemp

Kemp had panned l\\t) necklaces
north $71M at Johnson's l’aiiii Shop.

But because Sean Sutton, the son oi I'K
eoaeb l‘illtltt‘ Sutton. could not make an
“uiiiiiistakeable identitication” oi those
too eiiaiiis. no charges \H‘l‘t‘ tiled and lies

'l‘lie t'nnersiti, under the direction oi
l)eaii ill Students Hourt Wilson opened its
own llttt'Slithlliltll into the ttieit last \ieek

But Hagan said Kemp ‘»\.'l\ iioi pushed
out heeanse oi the ltlt‘ltit'til

'\o not at all that s a matter that the
dean oi students has to consider and lie
hasn‘t,{otteiiaioiiiidtoiliatf Hauaiisaid

President election
aside, election to
have little effect

h t H \IlllnS \Htl I‘l:

\‘ stit‘iatiitl l’ii'ss

I' l-t.\\lil“t Jll'll k3
(ii-little Hush and
Hit liael ltukakis
xtlii‘eil a ltlll'llt‘ll but
tie loi Keiitiiek} .s
presidential electoral
itiit 'l'iiesiliii’s




Campaign '88
hair a minimal eiieet

Hi the state s halaneeot political pimet‘

l‘lt‘l ’iiiil

‘i’ :"t‘lltllit'lil miiuressiiien \‘.t'lt‘ '

and llt'lliia rats
-p lopiszded ii;; iii!»

to .Hli re election

'il‘ltlii"t"l ti ls

~ iii lvitli houses oi the t lenei‘al \sseiiittljx

\‘ii‘h iio :e'.eiiioisliip or [' S Senate seat

. Hill the \o ;’ attention getter oi Keii
"it l-it lia'liit Has not a partisan i'aee lilll
ssiie uh: 'llt‘l' to amend Kt‘lllllt‘hx s ‘t‘,

i v

xi-ir old tiiiisti‘ntioii to permit a state iov


‘\iiiitlit-i lialltit issui- llit' proposer!
’ll‘t‘tl :iiiieiidnient, lll't'tl pa
iii the eastern Kt‘tilll('k_\ etialtields

lii‘ tltlt.ilt‘llll\ l'.l|l.\t'tl lilllt‘slll't'lSt".\llt'll‘

iii It'lv‘ O'wfltt‘


\‘iitl inst iiiiie eleetoral \tiliis_ K¢ttill|i'l-\g
it! ‘.it tiitll‘lt
'itwsltli'll'iiil iiiiitendei's Ell the past
owl l llllxlllriik t banned that in lttttit

ltiilsaliis iiiaile ltilil' i'aiiipaiilii trips to 'lie
titit '.‘.lttllillL’ the lteiiioei’atii

lush ioiii'ted llepiibliean tai'litul 'll


ii‘l'i‘tH'tl attention

ct ll‘ liliH}!



in tlie

the till [tisti'ii‘ i‘t' route to iitliii‘i
\lill'lli J. pi'nziai‘}, tlii n iitiiii‘ued ll\l
l'he lit'tiltiilti’atIS lawn-ted Keiitiiek} ill
pulls t‘lttst‘ earl}. llltiklllll
s' slates lli .\lltt'li the tele
taii pi‘oieit a ‘.\Itlllt‘l' ,\
lii'i‘e_ llieiii‘t. nettl.
siioatdiall t-tleet western
t aliioi'iiia
l‘h- lti rim iat» billed Kentuek) as a he;
a {'t‘L’ittl‘iiil slt'aleL‘} one tit
small that
.itltit‘tl tilt lii it Jitt'i- liltil L

l‘t‘t .iiisi :tr

Kiili I] '.o in"

lttLl lli'

,ioiili‘ on


tttlttltitta't‘.~ til
i li.:l‘.tthti i‘ :v-latixelji states
'il-.t-i' i .3 Mode
t' t‘ll i ’iifal' 'i‘i s

the li-ittt-s' o! lxertui'kx s l‘tiilLZl‘l'SSl'tlliil
3tti' .it! lllsltit‘l. '\‘.ltt‘l't' itit'iiti.
ieiisoii'at t'ai'l l'liris l’erkiiis lit
a tliiid lull li't‘ili
a lttt'tlil'l' l’tke

.a '> «as at:
tielil l
ltlttlf” ia~
“i. llt‘titl‘iliia'i \‘.'il l‘ Srvitt

liiititisiwl lily

tint" “ltlL’t‘

l' 't.. 'l“il ltis'i'it'
\lai’ie ' *i »' lladelitt tiled in aiiseat the
i "iii‘ki s i'iitiQI'lisstiilllil ilt‘lt'

\\illi;iiti ll \atiliei ot

i‘if. iiyii

it‘l'l‘l'tl \i'iiif. \lai



tip. at.” tiis l \ lloiise serit iii

elm "tilt ls,'tt>‘.' it 'oi' iieiei'

“ Illt |lll\.i’:i

l‘lcction '88 continues as
the candidates “ind doon
their campaigns.

See Pages 4 and 5.


UK student injured after
being struck by automobile

\llt \Ill-.l,l.. .|t|\li.\
Stall \lr'ztei‘

\ haiidieapped student \\.is iniured last
l‘lLlll .if't‘l lit‘tllL‘ struck in a \llll"
ei‘oss tllL‘ Euclid r\\ Nine in his \\ heelehaii'

John llylia a 1K senior. was i'i'ossini.‘
l‘luelid at erossualk in iront oi the l K \‘tii
dent ("enter at about it to last night \\lit‘tt a
tircen \eeord LX struck Hyde. who xias
apparentli returning to Holmes Hall

lee's eondition “as iioi .l\'.'illtlltlt‘ last
night~ but uitness‘es to the accident said he
was not st‘l‘lttllSl}' iniured. although his
wheelchair \ias llt‘sli‘tttt'li Hide \\a.s taken
t0(iood Samaritan Hospital

l‘K l’olii‘e declined to released the ll'\
er's name until this ttlltt'tlitiu

.lt‘lll't'\ Hollan. a ii‘eshiiian dei'
was crossing the street as the ('.tl' ‘ttl‘ttt‘ti
oil a hill on to Euclid ;\\t‘lillt‘ 'l‘lie iai‘ slid
iiitothestudeiit’s \iheelehair

Ste\e 'la\|oi a resident ail\isei
lloliiies Hall. said "he s alright as tai as l

I think the .lt't'ltlt‘lll \ias \er) untortii
iiate. Ken (irabaiir a resident oi Holmes
Hall ‘I think it's eaiise tor norm and l
lllllll\ it probabh “I” send out a iiiessace
that more needs to he done tor the hand
ieappedoncampus "




last night's iceident on Euclid was not
the iirst iii\ol\ ing handieapiwd students
Sophomore Kent inerstreet “as In Hit.“ at




55 -60'

Today Partly cloudy
Tomorrow Same




llolriies llal last war \\llt'ti a handicapped
sttideiit mas killed ina earai'e'dent
‘.‘.ll\ 'liat not hit that
Hierstreet said "l‘liese lel\s
don' kind oi i'eileetors or aiii
thine out people should look out tor them
,in\\\ e. l'he\ knou that this is where the

'l he last his

third ”line


ham~ lint.

ln itirt'.’ liaiith lle\\i.s'_ a handicapped stii
dent «is sll‘lil‘h and killed lt\ .t i'ai' \\llllt‘
'i'wtic 'e \oiilh street in
liisxiheeli lt.l|l'


lleiisle: ‘ii

iioss l,tltit'slttllt'


pi‘oiiipted le\ini1ton
l‘ouneilii onian l tebra
eoniinittee in\esti
espeeialh 'or the hand

lt'llll .t 1|!




'. liiH


No Kernel
this Tuesday

Stall i'epm Is

The Kt‘ttllltk\ Kernel .\lll not publish
l‘nesdai in itltsi‘t'\ anee oi eleetion da)

'l‘bi- Kernel \Hll resume publication on
\h-diiesdai \\ ith iiill election eoVei‘iiue
t‘lasses iiso \\tll not be held on l‘iies





“I'm sure that it wall-d out '.\|lli
the coaching stall,~ llauaii milll ‘itddu-
iSuttoni and l haw talked about the situa
tioii oli and on and iihat Keiiip

"It's an unusual s'illtllittll ioi a llltli
ipialitier He has no «holai‘ship no ant oi
any kind He t‘;|ti' it i. we

Hagan told the \\l\\ l l 'iiaiiiiel Satin
day night that Keiiip liai' not been eoiiiioi'
able at Keiituek\ He .ittttati'i'll) '.‘..i~~til
making the iieeessai; I‘tilii‘t ii iii» riiidim
and Hagan said the leer ioii ill in -'
Kenipaiid all paitw- tt"lt well


-lii‘:sl llil

'tii ’!

Kemp could litil t-t t. it w! to:
last night

l'K lit-{ill l'lrlilie «all!
through a pi'epaied statliiieiit ia-‘ : "
that he \\a.s "soi‘i '. ‘o-ei-

"We \iisli hiii. tin
college and all his ilillit .:


eoai ll strain

hen; ;_l'
liiik :i.


ltt's' ttl



.: ailtlt' .it'

-l \lt'lit'it‘lal

' lulu"
tiaiiii s
li‘elll. \


'.“i litttilll“. filth”


‘t't‘ lulu-ts
t‘Vltlltlllttl‘ l

l a‘ lliipp \‘t't: i at'tl


(ltl’,l;]ttl ,_ ~.

mil \

“1—)is—tribution of basketball,
football tickets starts today

Stall ieiioi ts


rt '


'\ “

909“ ., Mo


‘.\ “HUM l’l I \l s

st at '0» 'i


'4‘ a» t

i‘iittti‘i .
vliikttt '=‘ “t iklt
’tit'itiii‘ liiit 'tti” i-


lkllt‘ 1il\ l

iiia'ix um ilt‘i s n



\lIHlt‘ ixiials.
‘|\ l'\ i.ll'tii int ‘.
.it'e Yat'tii'i
l |\' lltlt'
llHW slilliiuo-Iis i'i-t-

l! , L:lt:lt! ',


ones b


ir'l rt . ‘ ,i/M-

ecoming trains

Argentinian writer to sp a: k

lh \ll‘Iltl'iltl'l'lll It'll l”
Statt \\'ritei


l'lie Ii'eigi’titi
l.atin \iiiei‘iia
termini-d .i itli
itii's lieeaiise oi 'tie in
\ol\enieiit oi e\er\
intellectual ii politi
cal iiie iieoi'diiii: to
\l'L‘l‘ltlltltali :oiii‘iialist
and \lenpo

liiardiiielii \\lil
ll leetiii‘e tiiila\ it
p in iii
lllletii'e oi llttllilt ~


iiire \‘tttl
t\\eeii politii s tll'l ill

xii‘iters n his tttlitllt'\ ‘ei-i
ll\t' in tLitttil‘iitlt't‘ oi politii at ex en‘s

'\ll oi iis are xei‘x passionate .l
\ieeiitina he aii’ lit tit

net“. tlllllt iilt lli "- it sit
peopleii ithout known: tthat





itiiildiiii: iii

If) l-E‘.\\I|\lt:]]
on l,.ll‘li iii 1'


il\i':i\s 'iieaii




twa' :ioi:

ties ill
ll‘_\ ll is

'1] 'ii



t‘JH't‘ ’tti-l'i





..l ,.n]tsi

isiiit t.i


‘trlliif 't‘ l'l’i'tl

-, thy

‘ l

|\'\\ "'n‘.

it. iiiii“







Former professional
wrestler makes his
movie debut.




‘.\ spring; schedule


Friday November 7. 1988


 2 — Kentucky Kernel, Monday, November 7. 1888




Information on this calendar of events ls collected and coordinated through the
Student Center Activities Office. 203/204 Student Center. University of Kentucky. The

information is published as supplied by the on—campus sponsor. with editorial privi-
lege allowed for the sake of clarity of expression. For student organizations or Uni-
versity departments to make entries on the calendar. 0 Campus Calendar form
must be filled out and returned to the Student Activities Office.

DEADLINE: Forms will be accepted no later than the Monday preceding the

publication date.




oAcademics (through 1103): Advance
Registration tor 1989 Spring Semester

oConcerts; SCS Benefit: Live Bands; $3;
Babylon Babylon. 8 pm.

-0ther: "Reflections About Human
Rights in Argentina" by Mempo Giardi-
nelll; Classroom Building Room 122; 3 pm.

oConcerts Senior Violin - Jill Chrisman;
Free; SCFA QeCrtal Hall 8 p.m.; Call 7-

. ReligiOus Student Talk on Medjugorie;
Newman Center Rooms 3 and 4; 7:30
p m

Election Day


Get Out and Vote

‘,‘r * 3r * .‘r * ,‘r ‘k ,‘r * ,‘r i ,‘r * ‘s‘r * 9r



-Movres (through 11 12). Ordinary Peo—
ple: $195 Worsnom Theatre, 7-30 p.m.;
Call 7880.7

. Movres (through ll 12): The Odd Cou-
ple $1 95 Worsnam Theatre. 10 p.m.; Call

oConcerts Graduate Guitar Recital
Mark Francis Free. SCFA Recital Hall; 8
pm. Call 74900

°$emanT Mr. Jeff Medin. UK, “Nuclei
Disassembly and Reconstitution in Vitro";
Free. MN 483. 4 pm Call 7-7060

~Seminar "Neural Networks and Brain
Function George Reeke. Rockefeller Uni-
versrty Free POT Board Room. 18th floor;
4pm Call 78737

~Retigious Vocation Talk.
Center Room 8 7 30 p m



-Sports; UK Men's and Women's Swim
Team vs. University of Florida; Away; Call

~0ther: Flags of Excellence; Free; Con-
cert Hall; 1 p.m.; Call 7-4929

~Semlnar: Psi-Chi Psychology Honorary
Graduate School Seminar; Free; Student
Center 228; 7 p.m.; Call 254-2711

-Workshop: "Assertive Behavior"; Free;
Student Center Room 203; 2—4 p.m.; Call

- Religious: National issues Forum; New-
man Center Room 4; 7:30 pm.

0 Religious; Catholic Tradition; Newman
Center Room 8; 7-30 pm,


special events



weekly events




0Academlcs 11/7-11/23: Advance Registration for
1989 Spring Semester

~0ther - 11/7: "Reflections About Human Rights in
Argentina" by Mempo Giardinelii; Classroom Build.
ing Room 122; 3 pm.

. Other — 11/10: Flags of Excellence. Free: Concert
Hall; 1 p.m.; Call 7-4929

~0ther - 11 /11: Coilegium MusicumJonathan Glix-
on. director; Free; SCFA Recital Hall. 8 pm. Call 7.

~0ther — 11/11: Residence Halls Fail Formal; $7 sin;
gle. S9 couple; Hyatt Regency, 9 p.m.i am- Call 7.

IOther — 11/11; "New Age Music“ Sam Holland
Free; Peal Gallery; Noon; Cali 7-8634

OOther — 11:12: Greek Carnival; Free. Seaton Field.

OOther — 11/12: "Copyright and You: A Layper—
son's Guide" presented by UK Community Educa
tion; 9 a.m.-1 p.m.; Call 7-3294

OOther - 11.13: Rent-a-Greek $25.2 people for 3
hours; 1-5 pm.

OOther - 11/13; Opening Reception tor "Forgotten
Pioneers. . Free; Peal Gallery. 2 pm, Call 79401

0 Religious - 11/7: Student Talk on Mediugorie.
Newman Center Rooms 3 and 4. 7 30 pm

0 Religious — 11’9: Vocation Talk. Newman Center
Room 8; 7:30 pm.

~Religious - 1110: National issues Forum New-
man Center Room 4; 7:30 pm.

oReliglous — 11r’10: Catholic Tradition Newman
Center Room 8: 7:30 pm,

oReligious — 11,13: Spaghetti Dinner Newman
Center Rooms 3 and 4. 6 pm








~Sports (thr0ugh 1113)- UK Women's
Tennis Rolex Regional Qualifier: Time TBA:
Call 73838

oSports UK. Men‘s and Women's Swim
Team vs indian River College: Away; Call

'SemanTS Kevin Harbol. UK. "Mass
Spectrometric investigation of Multiply-
Charged Diatomic Species"; Free: CP
137. 4 p m . Call 77060

00ther Coilegium MusicumlJonathan
Glixon. director, Free SCFA Recital Hall; 8
p.m.; Cali 7-4929

oOther Resrdence Halls Fall Formal; $7
single. S9 couple Hyatt Regency: 9 p.m.-
1a.m. Call 7-4401

0 Other; New Age Musrc“ Sam Holland;
Free; Peal Gallery. Noon; Cali 7-8634

oMeetings “Follow-up ot Sleep Apnea
in Healthy Older Persons"; Free; Sanders-
Brown112 Noon 831135741


OSports: Wildcat Football vs. Florida;
Free with UKiD; Commonwealth Stadium;
1:30 p.m.; Call 7-3838

~0ther: Greek COTanOl: Free; Seaton
Field; 9 a.m.-Noon

- Sports: UK Cross Country NCAA District
lll; Gainesville, SC: Call 73838

0Concerts: All-State Music Day/UK Fac-
ulty; Free; SCFA Concert Hall; 10 am.-
noon; Cali 7-4900

oConcerts: Ann Bingham and Monica
Gale Heard - "20th Century Works tor
Clarinet and Piano": Free; SCFA Recital
Hall: 8 p.m.; Call 7—4900

-0ther: “Copyright and You: A Layper-
son's Guide" presented by UK Commu-
nity Education; 9 a.m.-1 p.m.; Call 7-3294

oSports; UK Cool Cats Ice Hockey vs.
Cincinnati: 53: Lexington ice Center; Mid-
night: Call 269-4873




oMowes Ordinary People; $1.95;
Worsham theatre. 7 pm .Call 7-8867

0Concerts Cente' Sunday Series:
James Campbell. percussron and Sam
Holland keyboards Free. SCFA Recrtal
Hall. 3 p In. Call 74929

'Concerts Faculty Piano and Percus-
sron Recrtal 5 Holland and J Campbell:
Free. SCFA Recrtal Hall 3 pm, Call 7.

oOther Rent a-Greek. S25 2 people for
3hours lop-m

~0ther Opening Reception for "For-
gotten Pioneers . Free. Peal Gallery: 2
pm . Call 79401

-Reiigious Spaghetti Dinner. Newman
Center Rooms 3 and 4. 6 pm



SI Terr/“1
looking ahead




11:17-11/19 — Theatre Joseph and His
Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat by Tim
Rice and Andrew Lloyd Weber; S4. 55:
Guignol Theatre. FA; 8 p.m.; Call 7-1385

11 i7 — Other; Alpha Gamma RhO/AI-
pha Delta Pi Greek Night at the Oscars;
52; Memorial Hall: 7 p.m..Cal18-6707

11/18 - Sports; UK Cool Cats ice Hock-
ey vs. Tennessee; Away. 8 p.m.; Call 269-

1M9 — Sports: Wildcat Football vs. Ten-
nessee; Away; 1 p.m.; Call 73838

1119 - Sports Wildcat Basketball vs.
Duke; Away; Call 73838






0Concerts - 11.7: SCS Benefit Live Bands S3 Bab-
ylon Babylon. 8 pm.

'CODCOfTS — 117: Senior Violin - Jill Chrisman.
Free; SCFA Recital Hall: 8 p.m.; Call 74900

OConcerts - 119: Graduate Guitar Recrtal Mark
Francis; Free; SCFA Recital Hall; 8 pm. Call 74900

oConcerts - 11,12: All-State Music Day UK Faculty
Free; SCFA Concert Hall: 10 ant-noon Call 7-4900

0Concerts — 1112: Ann Bingham and Monica
Gale Heard - "20th Century Works for Clarinet and
Piano"; Free; SCFA Recital Hall; 8 pm. Call 74900

-Concerts - 11/13: Center Sunday Series James
Campbell. percussion and Sam Holland. keyboards
Free; SCFA Recital Hall: 3 p.m.; Call 741929

~Concerts — 11r13: Faculty Piano and Percussion
Recital — S. Holland and J. Campbell, Free SCFA Re
citai Hall; 3 p.m.; Call 74900

°Movies - 11’9-11/12: Ordinary People 51 95
Worsham Theatre: 7:30 pm. Call 7-8867

0Movles - 11/9-11'12: The Odd Couple $1.95.
Worsham Theatre; 10 p.m.; Call 7.8867

~Movies - 11/13: Ordinary People; $1.95; Worsham
Theatre; 7 p.m.; Call 7-8867



Tfi'fiéfitfis 1








OMeettngs — 11:11: "Follow‘up of Sleep Apnea in
Healthy Older Persons" Free; Sanders-Brown 112.

OSeminar - 11r9: Mr Jett Medin. UK. "Nuclei Disas-
sembiy and Reconstitution In Vitro“. Free; MN 463. 4
p.m.; Call 7-7060

«Seminar - 1119. “Neural Networks and Brain
Function" George Reeke. Rockefeller University
Free; POT Board Room. 18th floor. 4 pm: Call 7-8737

OSemlnar — 11:10. Psi-Chi Psychology Honorary
Graduate School Seminar. Free. Student Center
228; 7 p.m.; Call 254-2711

0Semtnars - 11,11: Kevin Harbor. UK. "Mass Spec-
trometric investigation or Multiply-Charged Oratom-
lcSpectes"; Free; CP 137; 4p,m..CaiI 7.7060

-WOrtuhop - 11/10- "Assertive Behavior'. Free.
Student Center Room 203. 24 p m .Cail 7-1109



-0ther Judo Club Meeting. Free. Alumni Gym 56 30 pm Call

IOthor Cycling Club Riae- Free: Seaton ~ tront 230 pm Call
233 1438

oOther Cornerstone Music Practice" no talent reaurred - rust en
ergy Free 508 Columbia Avenue. 7 30;) m C01125473714

o Other UK Parents Networking (babysitting coop)

-Rellgious Worship Service a casual time at Singing and we
Free 508 Columbia Avenue Op m Call 25473714

TUESDAY Note: Due to the academic holiday. some events
may be rescheduled Contact sponsor.

~0tnei Campus Aerobics Free KrHouse 4 30 5 30 pm Call 254

~0ther (through it 10) AetODiCS Free Newman Center Room 3
550 7p m Call 26670920

IOtner Game Night Free Student Center Game Room 1 30 Or"
Call 76038

-0ther SAB indoor Recreation Committee Meeting Free Studen'
Center Game Room 78pm Call 76036

-Other Bridge Lessons and Games Free Student Center Game
Room 7 30‘10pm Call 7 oo3o

-Olher UK Fencrng Club — beginners welcome equipment pro
vided Free Alumni Gym 7 30 9300M C011875564

-Religious Tuesday Night Together-Baptist Stuaen' Unior bev
429 Columbia Avenue 730 p m Call 73989

vReiig-OUs Genesrs ll Free Newman Center .‘9 pm CV 27‘

-Rellglous Rite 0' Christian IanIO'tOT‘ at Adui'S rRCrAi Free New
morrCenrer 730 p M Call 255 8566


~0tne' )eri imp Meerrng Free Alumni Gyr" 553C pm . 3.
J 33 3923

- Other ADBD Free Stuaer“ Center 205 1p M Call 3’ oolc

-:)'ner Call at Ctnulhu Role Playing tree Student fewer 59': .
'i 30 p m . Student Center Game Room Call 7 6630

'0tner Table Tennis Meeting Free Seaton Sands" Ra- " ‘ 3r“
0 m Cali 7 0038

-ReirgiOus Studer“ Farts Sharing Free Newr‘ro' :‘er'e' v r-'
Son 255 850C

-Religiou5 «o-y Eucnarry Free 8' Augus‘rrre< Thou-t 5 3C l7 '
Lair 254 3720


- other famous AerobrCs Free Khalise 4 30 5 30 pm i 3/ 254

-0tner Chess Club Free Student Center Game Roon‘ 73’: L ’“
Corr 7 do 30

-0ther Cornerstone Drama Practice no talent required ‘uE'
nterest Tree 508 Columbia Avenue 8 30 p m Call 254 37'4

-Otner ADBD Free Student Center 205 7 ll 30pm Cali 7 6035

-Otner UK Fencing Club . beginners welcome eaurp'nen‘ or:
#090 Free Alumanv'rn 7 3O 9 300 "1 Call 85564

~Reiiglous Decrsror‘ Paint Bible Study Free 508 Columbia Ave
we 8 pm Call 254737‘4

oReIigious D 8 L Grill . Devotion and Lantn 5‘ 429 Columuio Ave
"US 1215:an Call 7 3989

~Religi0us Constian Studen' Feilowsnrp Bible Study PM 502 '" .
himDrO Avenue ‘ c rn Call 233 0373


-0tner ./K (V we Club Ride Free Sea'r'
‘37 741;


-0"‘e' ADBL‘ Variants Free Strider’ Cen'er Game Roan ‘Lr
or“ Zip” Call 76030

-Other Star 7'ek Role Playing Free Student Center 205 7 1:30
0 '“ Call 7 0030

~0'ne' 'wilight 2000 Role Proving Free S'ltdef“ Center 205 7
“ 30:)“ Call 7 64336

-Relig10us Sunday Obligation Masses Free Newman Center 0
cw Cal 255 85m


IQQllgtOrts Cfillegicte Worship Se'wce Free 502 Columbia Ave-
nue aw. Col|233 03'3

IQeth‘OUS Sunday Obligation Masses Free Memon Car"?! “
‘0 ‘l 30 Sana 9 30 Call 2557850c

. Religious Holy Eucharist Free 5' AUGUs""eS 52°09 ‘0 3G '3 w‘
Call 254 372:


~0tne' Judo Club Meeting Free Arumn 6v" 5 830 C” 1 r);
233 3923

~0ther Cornerstone Music Practice no talent recurred ius' er;
e'gv Free 508 Columbto Avenue 7 30 o m Call 254 1 “A

-Other UK Cycling Club Ride Free Seat:r "nr' 2 30 on ’ ()1
23.1 7436

- Other A Parents Networking (DODyS‘t'l'ig r. or

malicious Worship Serwce a casuar time c' singing and w r'vl;
Free 508 Corumbra Avenue 9 o n“ Calr 254 3‘ 14






OSports — 11910: UK Men's and Women's Swrm
Team vs. University at Florida; Away. Call 7-3838

-$ports - 11r11-lll13: UK Women‘s Tennis Rolex Re
gionai Qualifier; Time TBA. Cali 7-3838

oSports — 11 11 UK Men's and Women's Swim
Team vs. indian River College; Away. Call 73838

OSports — 11°12 Wildcat Football vs Florida; Free
with UKlD, Commonwealth Stadium. 1-30 pm. Call

. Sports - 11 12 UK Cross Country NCAA District ill.
Gainesville. SC. Cali 7-3838

OSports — 1112 UK Cool Cats loe Hockey vs, Cin-
cinnatl, 53. Lexington ice Center. Midnight; Call 269‘






KET program highlights UK’s research

Some protects collaborate, will
other schools around the countn
tliie such project is the Very Laruc
Array. Although based in Florida
several l'K professors are lll\tll‘,t -
With the VLA

(‘ontributing Writer

“Racehorses to Robots." a KET
documentary featuring the impact
of science and engineering re
search on Kentucky universities.
aired Thursday night.

The hourlong special featured a
number of [K faculty from various
engineering and related depart‘
ments. It was followed by a “VP
call in session featuring panelists
l'K President Dar/id Roselle and
Leonard Peters. of llK's Experi
mental Program to Stimulate (‘oni
petitive Research ‘ EPS(.‘()R r.

The special focused on research

studies in roboucs. astronomy.
mathematics, and l’)l()lttl.’,lt'ul sci
ences spotlighting many of [Rs
research programs

Agricultural research played .i
significant role in the special

Kenneth Haynes. an entoinolog
ist. described his study of insects
as haying two purposes “to slllll)
the way insects behave and siuur
late field situations to llllllllltll' and
control these pests "

Haynes and his eouiitei'paits
hope to find new ways to control [It
sects “lllltllll harming the eu\ Il'tltt

Several space research programs
all K alsoiippeared on the special

The \‘LA consists of 3'; teie
scopes, each able to detect .: I'lii
watt (‘Bon the planet Pluto

Its primary objectives are to it‘
tect alien technology in spittt' r'lrt

ans“ er the quest ioii \: ,-
aloiie" "
’l‘lie drx-unientary for use 1

l K‘s celebrated Slit inlllioi- lttl r;
ics program \xhich incorporati ‘is
use of t‘llglllt‘t‘l‘tlltt. pln mi

in HM ar Dillon of the i'llt\‘t‘f“t-
in or l,lr|l|.\\lllt’ !\ t'rilldllttl'ullllu
ur'ti l l\ to study the ltlltlt‘h the
‘tlt'lllill area of t'LllllllL’ pint-es».
t tlietri'ltlol robotics

lf\ has mercolile of “ii-
Harriers that Uth' liltx lxt‘ll it liorri
ucl' pioui'aiiis d\ the r‘ol-otir s i'tt
'ei tliroriuh .i all percent lllt i‘eii-w [t
lt'tll‘lJl lteseat'cti and lit-\eloprricr.‘
iolf,i:'\ \lltllllt‘l' tar'tiu ttl.il 'lt‘llrt‘tl
1.! [k \ t' itlkitlL' .is mile of 'liv ' ',r
vi pntrlic tt' t't" It :r:-' '



lime,» .r'il 'tir- rllslillrlti . r
l\l\('ti irl. lllt ltrittitii‘l lrl t-‘lr
qottai’» rlt‘llJ't'il .lirll oiirur-

Llililiitiii fiiir‘iriils it. ilii

Residence halls holding president dance

E State legislators send
message to Wilkinson

lh \l\|(l\l( ‘HI‘J l t.l0; ‘.'“,tl\-‘ in rnrnedrate and positruu
impact on school board DOllC‘y

iteration Herald i eader (it it “39,“: t


Paid for by Atrixander tor 31"‘00t Board, Lew \, ,y


1" i’Uzl‘thi‘t





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Parties, unions scramble to get out the vote on Tuesday

Ry EILEEN l’l 'l'\l \\

\_\\t)( Hit 3’ l’l't“\


I‘er‘ned about

Republicans are con
voters who would
rather hunt deer than go to the
bolls In t'alitoi'rtia officials worry
that the lengthy ballot will keep
peoplt .ivtay .llltl ttklihoniiiiis
htnk ttit 'icgg: i\e tone of the pies
den' t.iIi - silllllly tiii it-tf t I

“tilt "my Illlli

“\th It'll in iati


Itf eligtiiit \'ttl("r\

out for I‘te-sday s

luii: ‘Itu Me! .i gitestdei' «Ice

president. 33 senators and its
House members will be chosen. Re
piihlieans and Democrats alike are
keenly aware that getting people to
\ ote will be their No I challenge

Political parties, unions and
other groups are running phone
banks to reach swing voters as well
:is party faithful As usual. workers
will hand out leaflets. arrange for
baby—sitters and escort people to
the polls But there are also some
more unusual Sll‘att‘glt's

In \rkansas‘, where the deer
hunting season opened Saturday

TV ads ending with

lh HI I l,\\H-5l \( l:
\sIIII ‘.|lt't' l'vi
\‘y \SlllXt-ltfl
«.IIIIIMILZI: sligipci: my
”Ill: .ittiit'h
It tit-gti

\ presidential
”sound bites
tinishing the

(ltl\ Is

\‘ti'it .ti‘.


gator: lltc



Iltt it titlitt’

“till it Is

;‘ill‘r i’Lts .lI“ lui‘ltItttts .iI‘e’l

‘l'..rti‘r:. pat'y wiyti‘

{l‘.ttlt‘ Int

z...» "is:



tits . will host the tglllt'
piiigi; ‘v\llt(1ttp~~ .i halfrhoui‘ of
iteiiiotia' \lichael ltukiikis fol
lowed by .i but? lltlLll' of Republican
Iieorge Rush ”If each of the three
ritaior networks on election eye


L‘ust per candidate.

The Dukakis program s‘lltmcdses
the Massachusetts governor air
sweriiig questions ”I a town meet
iiig setting and contains footage of
his family and his running matr-
'I‘exas Sen Lloyd Bentsen The
Rush effort summarizes the \It't‘
president's achievements belief,»
and plans for the nation

The two candidates set new re
cords this year for money spent oi;
commercials expected to top $3M
million ‘dplGL‘L‘t and for free air
time iii tit-and 2tt~second ‘souiit:
bites ' on the news its well .is talk
and interview shows

Some say the campaigns also se'
a new record for negative advertis

nearly 51 not


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