xt7bzk55hr8v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bzk55hr8v/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-08-31 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, August 31, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 31, 1979 1979 1979-08-31 2020 true xt7bzk55hr8v section xt7bzk55hr8v e ‘ z r
Vol. LXXII. No. II K r l Unlverslty of Kentucky
Firtday. Adgut 31, I979 an Independent student newspaper Lexlngton. Kentucky
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ives saf counseling support ~--
By BOB COCHRANE happening to them. Often. the throughout the country along withthe 7,47,, .V
Staff Writer marriage had been a happy one for a momentum of the women ‘s ‘ ”.52,” 5
year or more." movement. However. Fritsch ,7’213‘,
From the street it doesn‘t look likea Next. the woman goes through a discounts the idea that spouse abuse is 5%,?" I, ’
~ refugee camp or a fortress, although a period of self-doubt. Physical abuse is a strictly feminist issue. -I --5. - 1, .. . II . . ”tea, 55
. high. barbed wire fence encloses the usually accompanied by verbal abuse. “It‘s a family issue.” she says. “It‘s ' ' " .- ",- e 77,7 ”If
rear of the building. Inside are which can be more destructive to a destructive tothechildren whowitness 7 I " . ' 7774 yx’
elaborate alarm systems and double- woman's self-image than beatings are it, and obviously the man isintrouble. ,4 ‘ . I an“: " ' /r¢a¢,,;
bolted doors. to her body, Fritsch said. Until we reach the men. it‘s going to 5 5 ’ 1' ' ”a
. “This is the first night in thirteen “The husband will say.‘You‘re ugly. continue. , 5 j 77/”,
. - n - . - . .. . . - 5/ . 5 ' /
years that I can sleep in safety. said You re stupid and fat. You re a whore It s not Simply the male attitude 5;."- ZMZ 1 - «5 6,
one resident of the YWCA‘s Shelter and you need me.'”she said. This leads toward women that produces the ”/32” .- * '
for Battered Women. women to the conclusion that they are violence, but a man‘s attitude toward 74/ V,-=, . $ ' ”7a
_' The building houses up to fifteen failures in their homes and they doubt his own manhood,“ Fritsch said. For 7 " 1’ Wfit ‘ 5
‘ refugees — women and their children they can survive on their own. this reason. counseling is often 1- 1 I; ' 5 . 1 / .
who are forced to seek shelter from The problems faced by women who successful — if the husband is willing / ' , I ' /
_ domestic violence. do leave their husbands are enormous, to accept it. ' I ' I ,5 ,5 - 1r V ‘ '
VI There are thousands of women like Fritsch said. In the first place, the act The same need to feel strong that 1. .5 ” II WI '- 1. 55 5-1? ., 1. 573:}
her in Kentucky. A recent Louis of leaving will triggermoreviolence. If creates a violent husband may also 5 I I ‘ .. a... 1' 7 I 55 1 ‘
' Harris poll. the first of its kind in the she runs to her family he will follow; lead him away from counseling. which i“ ' ' 1% , .. ' , a» -flg -~ -
' nation. revealed that 80,000 Kentucky thus she endangers her family as well. he perceives as evidence of weakness. 7 ' ,7, 7m . ' .
women were abused last year— 30,000 If she goes to the police her husband Among those who do accept .. - ”a 7' 1 I ’ ”t > _ _ ,
. of these women were severely abused, will usually be free ina matter of days. counseling. there are some hopeful 1 ,aa a -I- ,, 3r 5 7% ,
' One in my five “mucky wives if "m "M sisns- it a , a a
has been abused by her husband at One woman who entered the UK A survey or women who have " ' ' ‘ .
- some time in her life, hospital after she was beaten was returned to their husbands after “-7173 7 ’ e” W 1‘ ”V 7:. . '
, Why do men do it? found by her husband. Fritsch said. leaving the shelter showed that 92 ,1. “5%,, I -;2 a” , I - .5, A, ls.
1 “They learn it at home,“ says Travis The husband dragged her from the percent of those who could belocated 5;, g V a z - h ‘ V
Fritsch. director of the shelter. “That‘s hospital. and beat her again. (75 percent of the sample) had suffered - '1 .. "5 a! 7/)" 5 a. 7 - " a gs:
the only place in our society where a A call to the Crisis Line(255—9808) no abuse. “:3ij , " ~.1-,-».," , a 5 "I1 .‘ .
. man learns how to be a husband. will put a woman in touch with a If the Lexington sheltercontinuesto '21 a)“; ,.-1 ”V7;
When a family crisis arises. a man trained counselor who will direct her show that itcan help solvethe problem ”'5; )r f 5; . I
tends to react as his father would tothe shelter. Its location is aclosely- of spouse abuse, it seems likely that 7’3" -? .t ‘5. My .-
have." guarded secret. more institutions will find funding. ".5 , - 533' ...; 2;; , , éflgp 5
As a child. one man shot his father In the three months the Lexington There are two shelters in Kentucky 4 V ' '1 «451% ' 5 - ""37" is», i H a if
for beating his mother. she said. This shelter has been open. crisis calls have — the Lexington shelter and one in 5.5: fl 1' .. $4 33.7.5
summer. the man‘s girl friend shot him doubled every month. Besides beinga Louisville. While the shelter is 55 .. - 9n t i: " , firs '5 '
while he was assaulting her. place of safety. the shelter offers sponsored by the YWCA and e” 1 e 1 ' ”/7 ‘ f7 ,7; W a:
Why do women take it? counseling, support groups and a Lexington‘s U rban County 1- ' g ' ' ' V - 5.}: W‘ a5“;-
"First there is denial.“ Fritsch says. comprehensive referral service. Government. its day-to-day existence ” 5 f I " ' 5 sari“ / "I“, -1-,- ‘
“No one can believe it‘s actually Interest in the shelters has increased Continued on p". g 51 it ~ ' .M W77 4,913
a " . :7‘: V ”i: t"
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ICC approval of Law rate increase 1 -. 5
3y CHais BARCLAY 5 'I
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upsets Ky. poIItICIans, coal operators Masked Mme,
LOUISVILLE (AP) _ Kentucky This puts the coalshippers whou se raiIIroads. Forgy safd' ., Keith Clemens a member of the St. (‘lemens Mime partner. Jean St. Johns. were sponsored by the 7
politicmns and coal operators have the L&N at a competitive We Willbelooking at anappeal of C .
reacted with outrage to the federal disadvantage,” said Cloyd MCDOWCll- the rate-increase rulin h said but ompany. clowned around as u" masked man mule Student Center Board. who have lined up the UK
. . 1 . g. e ' Student Center Grill esterda '. ( lemens nd hi C ontem orar Dancers to ert‘orm at noon toda
approval of a 38 percent increase in preSIdent 0f the Kentucky added that he did not know when such y y I s p y p y,
coal-hauling rates for the Louisville & Independent Coal Producers an appeal might be filed. '
Nashville Railroad. Association. Kentucky Sens. Walter “Dee“ " ' ' "
And attorneys for the state and coal “I‘m really surprised and very much Huddleston and Wendell Ford issued Four ma / 0 r c 0 n S tr u c t, 0 n p r 0 l e 6 ts
operators say they will probably concerned that the lCC haS taken this a statement expressing anger at the
appeal the Interstate Commerce action.“ he said. decision. . . .
Commission‘s dCClSlOIL The L&N request had been The ICC “has demonstrated 7 K '
The ICC said Wednesday that the challenged by a hOSt 0f utilities that complete insensitivity“ to the nation‘s are I n the planning 3 tages a t U
full 38 percent requested by the L&N buy coal shipped on the railroad. as energy needs. they said. ’ .
was “just and reasonable” for the most well as by smaller Kentucky coal .. By LISA SUMMERS July I.“ Blanton said. The proposed Ambulatory Care -I
part. The rate hike took effect producers andthe state of Kentucky. Many Kentucky coal operators Reporter Plans are also underway on a facility, to be located behind the new I‘ V
yesterday and applies to all coal Bill Cull. an attorney in the have already been forced out Of proposed $|2.5 million Ambulatory College of Nursing building on Rose 1
shipments that begin on the L&N govemor‘s office. said the ICC gave a busmess because 0f increased The Student Center addition. a Care facility. an $8 million Pharmacy Street. would function as an out- .
except those destined for 24 power break only to those coal shippers who transportation costs.aIndthis deci5ion medical facility and two classroom building and a $6.6 million patient clinic. This would free hospital
plants in Florida, Georgia, South needed it least. big companies that adds insult to injury. the statement buildings are the four construction Architecture building. space for seriously ill patients and , "
Carolina,North Carolina and Virginia have long-term contracts with the said. projects in the planning stage at [R Blanton said the University will sell improve student health care. Blanton .
and one steel plant in Alabama. utilities. The ICC said records indicate “that according to Jack Blanton. vice bonds to fund the new medical said.
The ICC saida28.7 percentincrease “I‘d say there‘s an excellent chance L&N‘s financial condition is weak, president for business affairs, building and classrooms. He The proposed Pharmacy and '
temporarily approved last fall and that\ we'll appeal the decision.“ Cull L&N sufferedaloss of $3l.8 million in Construction costs for the Student explained that the state legislature. Architecture buildings would also . .
winter was all that was warranted in said. I978 and Sl0.9 million in the first Center addition are estimated at $4.| which meets in January. must first relieve crowded classrooms in the ' 1
the case of shipments to those plants. Lawrence E. Forgy. the attorney quarter of I979.“ million and will be financed by a SIO vote 10 provide debt service Present buildings. “Both programs .
- LdtN president Richard D. Spence representing the Hazard Coal Spence said that. in addition to increase in student activity fees. payments onthe principaland interest need improved space." he said. .5 5
said the additional money will “allow Operators Association inthe rate case. giving the company needed revenue~1 Effective next fall. the increase will over a 30-year period before the The new Pharmacy building would 5. . ' 5
us to go forward” with a $400 million said. “It‘s a black day for Kentucky‘s estimated by the ICC to beSbO million add $20 to the activity fee for an bonds can be sold. be located beside the College of f-jI 1 .
‘ L program of improving the railroad‘s coal interests." to $80 million a year —— the decision academic year. Blanton said. And. Blanton said he was confident Nursing buildln8~ Whllc the -‘ '
.’. ability to carry coal. The rate increase makes the cost of would “generate confidence on the The addition is being designed now that the medical facility. which is Architecture building is planned for .73. _ '
l" Opponents, however. said the rate eastern Kentucky coal shipped on the part of the investing public to help and the University hopes to receive strongly endorsed by Gov. Julian the corner of Rose Street and Clifton ';_-;I
. .II‘1' hike would price eastern Kentucky L&N five to seven percent more fund our capital-improvement bids on the project in June. “We hope Carroll. would receive the necessary Avenue. across from the Chemistry- 3;.- -
it coal out of the market. expensive than coal shipped on other program. to be able to have it under contract by funding. Physics building. 5;;
t 1’? , ‘
" odayL—————————————————v ’
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THE NATIONAL PARK SERVICE HAS PAIDSlaJtoO A rsauvmv SHIP COMING DOWN riii: Caribbean island of Dominica. killing at least seven peeple 'i-gié '
for a l77-acre Edmonton County farm that will house a new MISSISSIPPI RIVER veered out of control yesterday and and leveling virtually all ‘hc houses “1 ll“ capital. Roseau. :‘f
. Iocal $8 million Job Corps Center. rammed a big butane tank barge. setting off a huge fireball at Prime Minister Oliver Scraphin Isaid yesterday. I . ragga;
. Mammoth Cave National Park Superintendent Robert Good Hope. La. Three cargo ship crew men. all Peruvians. “Thereare I:ery few Stoofs ItemairgngI and vsry fzwdbuIIIdinIgIs 3‘7ij
3 . Deskins said the property. purchased from Alvin Childress. is died. three 0 le were missin and IS hospitalized. Slandlns“ln oseau. crap "I 531 1 9 P" W" “I ‘0 5 A???
’ MEQEETJE‘SB‘ESI: Ecifilflzkfiggfel‘shfiigigith in the northwest section of the park adjacent to the Nolin The bargefiofn fromtheCroogd Hope Refineryloadingdock would go “mucIIiIhigher“in “the worst disaster we have had In "IE; r .I
3, seat now held by Justice Scott Reed but will not submit his River. I . I I I by the impact of the Slat-foot Inca Tupac I upanqui. drifted lIVmS memory. git -
, . . _ . ‘ . . Construction of the center includin its ad ace t downstream billowm flame. At the loadin dock. the in a“?
. name to the Judicul Nominating Commission. . . . . . ‘. . . I J n . ‘ 8 g g 5 5 . file
1 “l‘v .1 d bee d . d b be f G . dormuories and administration buildings. is expected totake Captain Norman burned. Al THORITIESIN Dl BUNJRELANDYESTERDA‘ 355:; .
i C Tl‘ ret‘afi" th n .hvm y . mem hr 0 1 av. Julian ”'0 YCITI- About 300 people livingin riverside subdiviSIonsthree miles CHARGED an alleged lRA time-bomb expen and “0th" ." . ..
‘ “to. ' ‘ at t e appomtment as trad)! been downstream were ordered evacuated when the burning barge man Wllh murderin the slaying 0f 3mm“ Earl Mountbatten. 7‘7 1:
promised to Attorney Genet-I Bob Stephens. Meade. 5|. 1 . . 1 .1 killed when his boat was blown u in Donegal Bay. ‘ ‘
I said m a news conference. “Instead I will run for election to nation struck the riverbank. They were taken to shelters and the Icml I I I P ‘f f 55, .
. . this court.” ' defense director said they would probably remain away from Poll“ said thI also TOUNdCd “ID an “IMP“:l led “:gb" ° ‘5? . .
.' Meade declined to identify the Carroll staff member. but SURGEONS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND their homes for 24 hours. 322:0;Iquestioning m Mb overnight swoop throug ounty ““7
' said he received the information last November. maSPiy-rh‘l‘ iii“ Pefl‘llim v:hsl.Ii;:Ie‘IIieveIIIIIIIILbeIa magical first The8 charges accused them of ”on Aug. 27. in Donegal Bay I"?
- ' mt. Jessie Thomas 33 and a mother of two has been lying . y a Ioc , .‘ Mountbatten contrary to public law. Two members of I
_ .r. . I . . . . . . yesterday he will ask President Carter to take any action he Mountbatten‘s family and a local teen-age boat hand were i , .
5 - motionless "1 the University H°‘P'“l ““09 “"890” removed can” to end the walkout against the financtally troubled line. 1 kn d - l M d - b t x losion for whichthe IRA '-
-5 - x raorasr ovsa HIGHWAY CONDITIONS IN four vertebrseandamalignantturmorthesizeofscantaloupe cm, could. under m M“.- rah... m5 declare an “'50 Ia: '“ “P“? ‘y‘ °‘ ‘ P ' g 5
. ' ' . “VARLAN COUNTY spreadIto "”0 locations yesterday Willi July '71 emergency and order strikers- back to work while a c aime responSI l I y. i .
I 5 . picket lines formIng about Isix miIes apart on Kentucky 987 In a newt conference yesterday. Dr. Charles C. Edwards. presidential ““4",de board swam the dispute and makes l
, 5 . 5 and five buses failed to finish their routes. chief of orthopedic surgery and head of he surgical team. said recommendations. weathef . ‘
. -. ' Parents who contend the condition ofthe highway makes it the woman has been paralyzed since May whenthe tumor was ' . A. -
' ‘ ‘ . unsafe for travel began their protest on the first day of school, discovered. He said the chances of her regaining movement wor'd WIDESPRESAD FOG IN THE MORNING Hazy. VCI’Y ' 5 '
. . -. ‘5 | keepingsome90childrenoutofclassea.The protestenteredits and feeling in her lower body from the spinal replacemeant are 5 warm and humid lomormw- High today and l0m°"°" "“l'e . ' . 5'
_. . fllnlh day yesterday. very good. HURRICANE DAVID DEVASTATED the tiny mid to upper 80s. Low tonight in the upper 60s. ‘ ‘ '
.1 1 1 i
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Debbie McDaniel Jay l-‘oeaetl Mark Green Thomas Chrt Gary Lander! ~
~ ‘ Ediior in Chief Campus Edilm Paul M." Iz'riii-rrai‘nrnrnl Edilur Dim-rm 0/ Photograph
Steve Money
VV Cary Willh Lisa Douseard (‘indy McGee JON ('By David Maynard
‘ J-f Mahatma Mum tit/Hana! Editor ('upi mum Spur/i Edi/or Pholti Manager .
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' Teresa Young Irian Richard
’ ed Itvrla s & comm” 5 Annual? Editor Asmlanl Spam Editor
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it \Mls l’t‘pol tsti ill \t'le’ldJ) 's kernel. the Student food services result in higher prices for studenIS‘ food are always $2.70. At the Student Center. dishes were may make elderly students and some non-students feel g
t :tttt-t' Catt-wits ttu it‘l‘gc’l \Cl \ cs dinner. it seems a bit contracts. priced individually. so one could choose only what he out of place. 3
ironic tildl the \Ll!‘l,‘i‘~:'-l .‘chit-i Ul student actmty can But with thousands of meal card cusmmcrs. how waglefijm Spéi‘: mgrcy on. th th 1 There are alternatives. 3"
. no: men itiict‘ .2 ‘. ’i.tl supper, - t, . ~ (:51 cs, net er azcr nor c 0 er wo campus .
. . ; ; much of an increase could that mean. lsnt it worth . . - . . is
Sun on: “it"; .22.: in: htirgcrs or print available at furnishing dinner for students who can‘t eat cafeterias. Donovan and Commons. offer the variety Perhaps the dinner period at the Student Lentcr Ci .
' *lv \‘. “aim tizu. bail trxtt can get to be quite somewhere else" of foods available at the Student Center. At the Cafeteria could bf: shortened somewhat. Or maybe it? .
. .. ml ' Center. one could choose between three or four meat only one scrvmg line could remain open. thus cutting ‘32
y f . l\ lizdfilotl. omit-u .tlldlf‘ \icc president. 50 people who had planned to eat at the 5")de entrees. soups. salads. fruits and vegetables. Andtheir labor “0515- V;
. t“~r‘1.il“\‘d llidl El .\ x \: inn t‘\_t‘t'ttsl\c to staff both the Center Cafeteria have V“) 80 overto Blazer. unlcssthcy food doesn‘t have quite that “mass-produced“ flavor If nothing else, the food services administration '
‘ \ttrtlsttt i .t'tri Hi i’L‘l Hall cafeterias for dinner. "kc the grill 5 high-priced Slideburgcrs and pizza. the other facilities offer. could offer some alternate food items at the grill ,
ll ; \iiltl “my. a no: mangl: business at the Student And if someone withouta mealcard wantstocat at So now anyone who wantsawell-balanccd mealhas soups. chicken.vcgetables somethingofnutritional : .
t t; Jr‘s : g that tzttt: period to cmcr the costs of Blazer. he has to buy a dinner guest ticket. No matter to go stand in the lines at Blazer or Donovan. and the value. Somehow. those burgers and “the best pizza in ;
. i.l\\ mt»: .trtti' lahtlt ‘lc: .itltlctl that higher costs for that he may want only an entree and a Coke; tickets more casualdormitory-dining room atmosphcrcthere town“ could use some competition. Vi .
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CurbIng Inflation lruc. the President has talked about As it is now. most classes are full. As handy asa further reference in cashing It is not my purpose. however. to live ammunition. And who can forget g
x .. . . V ,. hulancmg the budget. cutting we all work part-time to support a check. refute pomt-by-pomt one man‘s the Sight of state troopers “gently“ i f
‘ ‘ ‘ _ ” “ “‘ \pcnding. eliminating unnccccssarv ourselves. we nowfacethe problem of .. . . opinion. Rather.arevicwofrcccnt UK arresting l’K students. or of the tear '- ‘ _.'
t -; max; t ~ hcr tint» d . l l . . \' , ' . . lhc policv on student ticitct -. ; . - it 4
V VV ‘1 VV . V .. VV LV an costyrcgu ations.. ow hcandthc luggllng our employment and distribution is a farce For five history seems to be in order. gas clouds that drifted over the V“,
..‘t...\.c.tttic'_".l . ' ’ltsn't. . . _ . . V . ' . V ‘ ‘ ' . ’ . ‘ ‘ . V V V;
12.2w Tl.l\.‘ ‘nct' V '1‘1~iilllijil tVttVrVVcVongrchs mustactderVimatlcallyto acadbeVmic schcdtijlesb to rectiny the semesters l have seen students Most students on campus wrll recall Student (enter? (If you have any 3:}
’ ' ~ ‘ ' 'c . - , ..;. lln‘tJi‘y 'hrOULh ‘1“:de Yon. t e economy pro dim? (3:568 . y chmnp ace/2t standing out inthc cold.thc snow. the the “disturbances" that shook the doubts about these facts. 100" 3‘ the o
. -, .' " _ _. . i‘tt .lltllCC hilhllh Crhijier'olijca gnaTagfmgm' 32131163) (Tile! : Silliness wo Chg: [5 rain. in everything and I think it‘s nation's colleges and uanCrSIlles cover of the l970-7l llK telephone é
. ,. t 7 ‘ l ‘ ; ' ‘ . . . . , - , -;
- ..:..l,~.. radicalic‘s that ‘ L‘ _ — 5 a 0" l “‘5‘ , C“ r 0’" e a 0 about time the Universny realized following the deaths of four students d‘m‘o') PUbl'Shed b." S‘Udem ‘
_, . ,. . ; fi _. .. . . . common sense. wonder how a course on management - . . , . _ C , ;.
.. . . .tt. i ”in; Hz: \tt‘.:lll\ could be so mismanaged whatan unhealthy attitudethis was on at Kent State Unlvchlly. fewer will rovernmcnt). "
., ' -‘. i’ i'l;"i I. .l i' . _ ‘ I ' . ' ' Y . . . . ; X3“. ‘
l VVVVVVV .. “V , V VV iVVVtVV Mrs. Wayne Midden their part if they want to promote remember the dcmonstratons at l K Yes. Lowe Nunn is so supportive of 9% .
V~ .. .. . ~ .— .- . ~.VtV A. .V Free Enterprise Chairman Kim Allen i‘flrst come. first serve" then they protesting Nixon‘s invasion of “youth issues" that he sent his hired V
~\tiVLL~t’ . . .L.’ ""',.l \Lfiil , , ' . ' , ' .' ‘ i ‘ -
.. V_V V VV Metropolitan “omens Club Jun Gruneisen ought to lust let so many students Cambodia and the tragedy in Ohio. guns to keep usin our place. i wish we ,
Cliff Ramsey through at game time. i believe a Fewer still recall it was this same (iov. could forget him! ‘
_ l i? “ . 't £~l‘~L‘li'lfllt't'll .Businass blues Steve Cecil program where the COHCSCS Nunn who mobilized 80 statetroopers i
it ._ m l ' * .llft‘llc\ Wh lk d V t Keith Sand distrlbbuted the tVIckthsthaszd onVVthe and 250 National Guardsmen in that l
. ’21" ' . ~ _ . . \ trt- 'lliilc' C“ “0 wa e In 0 our Business Administration seniors num er 0 peope W“ ”H at C0 325 Sr ‘
. . . even 1'. Clarke . -
. V . . . , 5‘“ 1m. management class. what we least would be excellent. Those tickets not Ma: Q“ I979;:ndotfiegigfiz;tc?:::§ A & S senior 7' '
_- »';":::.-;:i: . . L“, . .H mm” expected happened. A man came in Mike Robbins taken would be put in a general sen ere w' m e 3
a. i. - pf” as thc and announced that another professor Finance senior student pool for a reasonable amount I 1'
1 l .- .w- “it. mm would be teaching that course. Many oftime before being sold tothc public. . l.' I ’
,. tr: . ; . » -. . Mm. . Um of us had chosenthis particularsection - . ‘
, . L > ) . . suggestlons Face it. there has to be a better way.
. inst because ofthc instructor. but that and an thin would be better
it , a...“ ,. . .31 m. m news was tolerable. Then he said that During my tenure at UK I have y g ' . 9
..~.\ t. l. i its l._ V V} - V _ V
i . scratch it“ u.t"a~t:t'\.tc~t\ ‘h‘ . 9‘0 am. Tuesday Thursday '09de each semester for relatively Buddy Vaughan
.i t- \ than ‘:- w; .ilrcady lll section m WhICh we were enrolled mmor changes. One. the way thls A81 850 homore .V
V 2:...1' . -~. ‘ would now be held at 3:00 a.m. University hands out tickets and two. p The kenlucki' [term/welcomes allcontributions fromthe UK
Monday-chnesday-Friday We were the almighty powerful student ID. community for publication on the editorial and opinion pages.
‘ in.» ‘ i' ”F‘- ‘Hli-Hli‘f‘t it shocked. Only once (and through the Kernel. l - r , . '
.V,V,.. in. , R'Jiiucfi thc lcdcr‘dl The l .. 't th 8 . C Il may I add) have l heard about either, LudICI‘OUS Letters. opinions and commentaries must be typed and triple-
tit" m .i.m\\—titc7‘rttt.trd spending a of aim :V c "Emit: cg; . W , h' l t t th spaced, and must include the writer‘s signature. address and ‘ ‘
.titt l . .n-nlctc a balanced hiitlgct. thei n one!” y Vovcrsu SC" ‘, an Concerning the ID, I WOUld vchy Kent cber.lin8 2'; 7:; er oh e phone number. UK students should includctheir yearand major 3
in. tune giltcrncntnt clttctcncy by 5 par 'Cu ar course ‘5 ,a much like 10 5“ UK PU‘V ”‘5 students editor ( 59"“? ‘ )‘ per aps and University employees should list their position and ,
..lln.VVz..VV“V[_VV.“.VcrldnpmgWflgmmwnd departmental TCQUIFCman We birthdatc on the card. Simple. isn‘t it'.’ feels the immlncncc of the second department. «.
.l,.\._,ml”_;u the VIVVVV ~ discovered that they knew 0f the Probably too simple. but for those of coming. ascribing to former Gov. . VV
‘ V . problem In June when ”19 PTOlCSSOY us who don‘t have any other Louie Nunn such amazing featsV as The Kernel may condense or reject contributions. and frequent 1 .
“'~‘ “A” M- m'li‘ ”le” ”it UN ”l “10 “85 supposed 10 lead! the course identification it would offer single-handedly saving the Red River writers may be limited. Editors reserve the right to edit forcorrect
w + W ”More Viki.“ «ind WM I?“ ‘0’ another posrtion at the end 0f innumerable benefits forevcry student Gorge. building Northern Kentucky spelling, grammar and clarity, and may delete libelous
l::'Ti.i" ‘,~ It) “3th mm- l'kt‘ls and h_\ Spring semester. Why didn‘t they who has tried to convince some University. etc. These statements must statements.
lit." :~r~t*t.a.t ~ lim only the nottfy the40 of us inthat section so we doorman into believing he‘s 2|. The be dismissed as ludicrous by anyone V _ L
‘ - “at :.~ mwumt . l". hnlt :ntlattttn could takefulladvantagc ofdrop-add? student‘s address would also come in having any knowledge of these events. Contributions should be delivered to Room "4 Journalism.
University of Kentucky. Lexington. Ky. 40506.
. For legal reasons. contributors must present a UK 10 before C
the Kernel will a '
NC) SHIT—u, YOU (AM V WE l wHUm SEE i Y3" K be blc to accept the material.
. SEE lixilHEG-lKLS i 5‘ SWE a",
0 SOME G m \s 3
. \I .._,.. w m L YOU PEKVERI 5 ‘ Should be 30 lines or less and no more than 200 words. They
(/3 ‘1'. WA 3 "W ~—.___....—-’ should concern particular issues. concerns or events relevant to
_ FR - ' the UK community. .
. - if; I WELL waist; W (i . - ~-
‘. V, ‘ 0 .Il SAV ' ‘ Y . Opinions:
V \ Should be 90 lines or less and should give and explains position
. ‘ -, . , ‘ 7’ . V pertaining to topical issues of interest to the UK community.
. < . . i Q- a
f _ . . , //"/ /
' . T Q) r / / / '. é j A ' - A , ‘ Commentaries
- . ,fl; / ) / I, . - 9 . .
V _ _ _ g 6 ,, /. _ ,1, , a; y , Should be 90 lines or less. with no more than 800 words. These
" ' . ,' S a g ‘ . z 5‘ \\\\ articles are reserved for authors who. in the editor‘s opinion. have
‘ ' ' g 4’s - > ' ' , , /4, {I I / A. ,9 - special credentials. experience. training or other qualifications to ‘
. . A a A. N ' l / ,,,, “I address a particular subject. . l
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