xt7bzk55hn5f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bzk55hn5f/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1989-04 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, April 1989 text GLSO News, April 1989 1989 1989-04 2019 true xt7bzk55hn5f section xt7bzk55hn5f APR" 1989 @ L5 65
N EWS 5 Free at Selected Business Locations
Home Delivery at $5 per year
Despite a dark cloud looming over the month earlier at the direction of President
basketball program, Dr. David Roselle's Roselle. Nonetheless, they both displayed a
presidency is bringing new vitality and lack of sensitivity on the gay and lesbian
direction to the University of Kentucky. issues which were covered. Their remarks
Another cloud has appeared which will receive and actions at the "Principles of Leadership“
less public attention than the current NCAA workshop have been reported to the Human
investigation . _ Resources Development division and to
A "Prejudice Reduction Committee" was members of the "Prejudice Reduction
formed this spring to investigate perceived Committee."
discrimination at the University, and to GLSO knows these are not isolated
identify ways to reduce prejudice on campus. incidents. We heard a rumor of a UK
The committee was appointed after the uproar employee being terminated because of sexual
caused by Trustee Happy Chandler's use of orientation within the past few months. From
the word "nigger" at an administrative stories we hear about gay bashing on campus,
meeting. we know these incidents have been increasing
UK sponsored a "Prejudice Reduction in the last two years. Despite regular
Workshop" during October because of the appearances at UK classes by GLSO's Speakers
committee's work. Members of the UK Bureau, we learn of verbal harassment by
administration and the Division of Human faculty and staff. Anti-gay jokes and AIDS
Resources were required to attend. The jokes abound. The "Prejudice Reduction
"Prejudice Reduction Committee" is considering Committee" needs facts about the prevalence of
homophobia, but its focus is primarily on homophobia at UK. The committee cannot hope
racial and sexual prejudice. Nonetheless, gay to address problems gay men and lesbians
and lesbian issues were discussed at length encounter at UK if it is not provided with
during the October workshop. accurate information about homophobia on
In November, Human Resources staff campus. GLSO will serve as your conduit to
conducted the annual “Principles of provide anonymous information.
Leadership" workshop. Attended by 16 to 18 We ask faculty, staff, students and
managers representing a cross section of the alumni to send us letters detailing their UK
Lexington campus, the intense two-week experience. Do NOT include your name,
program focused on administering UK address, or any identifying details, but be as
personnel policies and improving management specific as you can about your personal
techniques. knowledge of prejudice against homosexuals at
At the morning session on November 15, UK. GLSO will not pass on any material which
group leader Marsha Collins of Human we suspect may allow the writer to be
Resources Development discussed an identified unless specific, written permission
anticipated policy for employees with AIDS. from the author accompanies the letter. We
She referred to gays as “those people who act will then compile the responses and forward
funny," with limp wrists flying to illustrate them to the "Prejudice Reduction Committee.“
her point. This idea is similar to the Congressional "Hate
Dr. Jack Blanton, Vice President for Crimes Bill" we've reported in previous issues.
Administration, addressed the workshop two The University will not act on rumors or
days later on delegating authority. To make a speculation, so we need to quantify the
point he told how parking attendants are problem to create credibility. Complaints have
abused by being called names ranging from already been filed on Ms. Collins and Dr.
"faggots to gestapo." .Blanton. We'll go to bat for you, too, if
Ms. Collins and Dr. Blanton had both you‘ll take the time to write us about your
attended the "Prejudice Reduction Workshop" a anti-gay experiences at UK.


l] Please send me a free introductory
issue of CLSO News and information In response to some recent concern
on CLSO. about the confidentiality of the newsletter's

mailing, GLSO would like to detail its policy

D I'd like to become a voting Member. about this. GLSO has never, and will never,
of CLSO, including home delivery give or lend its mailing list to any individual
of the GLSO News and discounts or organization. 0n the infrequent occasions
at GLSO functions. My Membership that a group would like to send a mailing to
fee of $10/year is enclosed. people on our list, GLSO insists on handling

the entire process.

El I don't wish to become a Member but In more specific terms, in these
please send me the GLSO News each situations GLSO mails out the material. The
month. I enclose the $5 annual fee. dedicated volunteers who fold-and-stuff GLSO

News each month then donate another evening

Name: of their time to fold, stuff, label and mail out
the material. No one other than newsletter
staff ever sees our mailing list.

Address: The situation which created this concern
about confidentiality was a March mailing for
the Women's Performing Series benefit for

City, St, Zip: AVOL's Solomon House. At AVOL's request,
GLSO staff mailed invitations for the event to

Mail to: Newsletter, P.O. Box 111471. individuals selected randomly from our mailing

Lexington, KY 110575 list. Because the benefit was women-oriented,
we chose as many women's names from our list
as the limited seating would allow.

. We trust this will answer all issues

surrounding use of our mailing list. We will

GLSO News is published monthly by the be glad to address any other concerns you
Lexington Gay Services Organization, Inc. may have about GLSO. Please write to us
ld.b.a. Lexington Cay/Lesbian Services anytime when questions or thoughts arise.
Organization), Box 111l7‘l, Lexington, KY ll0575 Our address is on the title page, and our
- phone number is in the directory in this

Steve Savage, Editor . issue.

Craig Clere, Asst Editor, Events Calendar -—__-_—-_

Esmerelda Ink, Asst Editors for Esmerelda CLASSIFIEDS

Aunt Mary, Advice Columnist
Additional Contributors: The Advocate, Dave, #
AVOL, Angela, Alan, Outlook, Carol, P., GWM, 32, 5'9", 150 lbs. dark brown hair/eyes,
Teresa, Jim, Vickie, Melanie, NCLTF, Keith, clean shaven. Looking for that "someone
NGLTF; Typists: Craig, Alan; Equipment: special," 18-29, slim to aver. wgt., clean
Dave; Typesetting: Matt; Layout: Alan, shaven, w/smooth chest, for friendship and
Gerry; Mailing: Dave; Courier: Kenneth; possible relationship. Serious inquiries only.
Folding 8 Stuffing: Mark, Dave, Brian, Reply to: J.C., P.O. Box 12225, Lexington,
Gerry, Paula, Cindy, Alan, Keith, Jim KY 110581.
Views or opinions expressed in GLSO News are CWM, 23, good-looking, straight-acting,
those of the authors and do not necessarily intellectual yet physical. Likes the arts,
represent those of the Board of Directors. books, running, politics. Values the ability to
Submissions are welcome. All submissions talk articulately about these things. Seeks
become the property of CLSO and must include similar for friendship, whatever. Send
the full name and address of the author. letter/photo to: Box 769, University Station,
Anonymous submissions are not accepted. The Lexington, KY 140506.
editorial staff reserves the right to alter any
submissions (including advertising) to meet Roommate wanted. CWM seeks mature
publishing requirements. responsible man to share large contemporary
The placement of advertising in GLSO News home with pool on east end. Reasonable
does not denote a person's sexual orientation price. Non-smoker only. Call 266-5555 or
nor a business's customer preference. 272-1100.
2 GLSO April I

At the time this issue of GLSO News Lexington's celebration as one of the best in
1 went to press, there were not yet any plans the country. This success was only possible
; for this year's Pride Week. However“, a because of the large, dedicated committee
I committee was forming and has scheduled its which organized the week. There's always
, first meeting 8 pm April 17, at Craig Clere's plenty to do, and always plenty more that
| home. As every year, the committee includes could be done if there were only one more
; at least one representative from each of the person to help. Anyone who would like to be
) lesbian and/or gay organizations in Lexington, a part in creating Gay and Lesbian Pride Week
j as well as any additional interested people. 1989, or would just like to help with small
A June, 1988 issue of The Advocate tasks, please notify Craig at 266-8887.
2 included information which presented
- Inspired by "A Town Meeting on Several men are considering producing a
Equality: Securing the Rights of Lesbians and gay men's musical or play during this year's
i Gays'l sponsored by the'Lexington Unitarian Pride Week in June. Anyone interested in
- Universalist Church in February, a group of joining in, on stage or backstage, please call
- men and women are considering creation of a Alan at 253-241“ AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!
gay and lesbian political organization. A
) meeting to discuss this possibility will be held GAY MEN'S LITERATURE GROUP TO FORM
j Tuesday, April 18 at 7 pm. The evening's
discussion will attempt to gage the degree of E.M. Forster, Christopher Isherwood,
; interest in political activity within our Edmund White, Robert Ferro, Gordon Merrick,
community, and will include consideration of and you. Inspired by the Lesbian Passion
; purposes, goals, objectives and procedures for group (a womyn's literature group), several
| the group. men at the March GLSO forum have decided to
i The meeting is being organized by Steve start a gay men's literature group. Our first
-. Savage, and is tentatively scheduled to be meeting will be Monday, April 17 at 7:00 pm.
held at his home. Anyone interested in For more information call Alan at 253-2010.
- attending the meeting should call Steve at
-. 266-8887. Anyone leaving a message on his APRIL GLSO FORUM: VACATION PLANNING
answering machine should be sure to include
their name and phone number in case the Vacation time is fast approaching, and
group should require a larger facility than his as the saying goes, who wants to have to play
home. it straight on vacation? At our April meeting
we will be examining various options.
ICBE EVENTS PLANNED Included in the meeting will be a travel agent,
2 a woman who has experience with the various
| The Imperial Court of the Bluegrass music festivals, and traveler of Europe. It
I Empire expects a busy April. They plan a should be informational for all. Join us!
show at Great Moments on Wednesday, April 5,
beginning at 10 p.m. This event will be GLSO SEEKS NEW BOARD MEMBERS
co-sponsored by .ICBE, Great Moments and
Jacqueline Parrish. Admission proceeds will Nominations are being sought for election
benefit both the Court and the AIDS to the GLSO Board of Directors. President
Volunteers of Lexington. The $3 tickets will and Vice-President positions will be elected, in
i be sold at the door. addition to three at-large board seats.
3 The ICBE annual Coronation is scheduled GLSO's Board of Directors is responsible for
l for Sunday, April 30, at the Holiday Inn, I-75 the overall operation and long-range planning
and Richmond Road, beginning at 7 p.m. for the organization.
Representatives from the Courts in Denver, If you are interested in learning about
Los Angeles, Fort Worth and Madison, WI have the Board, contact GLSO's Nominating
2 already confirmed their intent to attend. Committee, Craig Clere (266-8887) or Melanie
' Coronation tickets are now available from ICBE Otis (252-3106). The Board will present its
2 members. Reserved seats are $10 each, with slate of nominations at the May GLSO Forum
' general admission priced at $3. Meeting, with elections to follow in June.
April GLSO 3

by Melanie D. Otis

The current struggle for gay rights It is unfortunate, but true, that some
frequently echos refrains from the civil rights racism, as well as other forms of
movement of thirty years ago - the desire for discrimination, survive in the gay and lesbian
equal protection and equal treatment under the community. What is also true is that we as
law, the unfairness of arbitrary discrimination, members of an oppressed minority group
and the need for America to truly reflect its cannot afford to become participants in a game
commitment to the equality of all humankind. of scapegoating in order to try and secure a
Many of our attempts to assure the forward place in the fabric of America. We cannot
progress of the gay rights movement have attempt to balance the scales by offering other
mirrored images of the march on Washington, minority groups as pawns in a trade-off. If
DC in the 1960's and the non-violent civil we truly believe in our rights as human beings
disobedience approaches which were used by than we must extend that belief to everyone.
Martin Luther King, Jr. and his followers. In closing let me assure you that I am
This is far from coincidence. In fact, gay not making a blanket accusation toward gay
men and lesbians working on gay rights issues men and lesbians. I know that the gay and
have reaped many valuable lessons from the lesbian community is replete with individuals
years of struggle by African-Americans. who truly believe in the equality of all people

There is another lesson to be learned and who live their lives based on these
from the civil rights movement, however, and beliefs. But, it remains that we are all
it has less to do with how we fight the fight socialized in a culture that seems to thrive on
than it has to do with how we live our lives. qualifying human difference and unless we
If, in the process of our own struggle for make a point of overcoming the negative
equality, we perpetuate prejudicial attitudes aspects of this socialization, we will
toward some other oppressed group, the undoubtedly carry some narrow attitudes about
essence of our beliefs are compromised. If, those around us. It is important to recognize
within our own movement, we give way to that we are not immune to prejudicial attitudes
racist ideas and discriminatory practices, our and that, in many ways, we have a particular
cries for equality are reduced to mere obligation to confront such attitudes - both in
rhetoric. ourselves and others.


The Hospice of the Bluegrass organized Caper's Restaurant, 818 Euclid Avenue,
a seminar for AIDS caregivers at Spindletop hosted three performances of a special Women's
Hall on the evening of March 7. Dr. John Performing Series during March, and has
Fryer, a psychiatrist on the faculty at additional performances scheduled for three
Philadelphia's Temple University College of Sunday evenings in April. Produced by
Medicine, led the two hour program. Earlene Huckleberry, the net proceeds of the
Attendees included AVOL Buddies, Hospice performances are being contributed to six
staff and volunteers, social workers, and non-profit causes in Lexington. The Rape
nurses. Dr. Fryer illustrated how people Crisis Center, Solomon House (AVOL's house
assume their immortality, and discussed how a for PWAs), Galilean Home Ministries,
positive HIV result challenges that perception. Syncopated, Inc., the Spouse Abuse Center,
He relayed his personal experiences with AIDS and the Lexington Child Abuse Council will all
patients and friends, and expressed concern benefit from the Series.
about the effect the disease may ultimately Performers who appeared during March
have on patient care. included the Reel World String Band, Night

Dr. Fryer enjoys a national reputation Lite, and Roberta Guthrie. Because of the
for his work on hospice issues, and has limited seating capacity at Caper's, each
extensive experience with AIDS patients and benefiting organization circulated its own
support programs across the country. The invitation list. GLSO addressed some extra
program was co-sponsored by Hospice and invitations to those on our mailing list at the
AVOL. Funding for the seminar was provided request of AVOL, operators of Solomon House.
by ACT-Lexington.
ll GLSO April



On April 29 groups from all across have the funds to house the homeless.
America will. converge on Washington, DC for a The march calls many communities to
multi-issue march protesting, among many stand united against the ruling minority and
other things, the government's negligence in demand our rights. As individual
AIDS research and care, and the homophobic communities, Gay, Lesbian, African-American,
and oppressive policies of the present and Womyn, or poor, we can do nothing to stop
preceding administrations towards Gay and the powers that be. But as a united front we
Lesbian people. The march is being supported can force change. Join us in April for
in Lexington by Socially Concerned Students yourselves, your sisters and brothers, and for
of UK and the Worker's World Party. the future. We won't take four more years!!!

Initially the march was organized and
planned for the weekend of April 10 by THE KLAN IS COMING!?

Students Against Racism on Campus, but soon

the call went out to other oppressed minorities Twenty-seven Ku Klux Klan supporters
and working class organizations. The scope held a six block march followed by a rally in
and focus of the rally soon changed from Pikeville on Sunday, March 19. The Lexington
anti-racist to the present multi-issue format Herald-Leader estimated 500 people gathered
which includes a call for the end of racism, for the event. Some simply watched; others
sexism and homophobia, a demand for more actively protested the march and rally.
AIDS funding, less military spending and During the event the Klan distributed
increased health care and education membership applications in the hope of
opportunities for the poor and uneducated. acquiring new Kentucky members.

With the much broadened agenda the Virgil Griffin, Imperial Wizard of a KKK
march's date was moved to April 29, giving sect called the Christian Knights, organized
additional time for organizing in the local the Pikeville demonstration. A North Carolina
communities. Here in Lexington, several resident, Mr. Griffin told the crowd he plans
organizations representing minorities of race, to visit Lexington within two weeks to begin
gender and sexual orientation have endorsed organizing efforts in this city. Klan leaders
the march and are beginning the process of have expressed an intent to march in every
grass roots organizing of a group to travel to Kentucky county seat within the next two
Washington in April. years. Specific plans for a Klan march in

Clearly, the organizers here and at the Lexington were unknown at press time.
national level see the importance of recognizing Although the Pikeville rally focused on
the common cause of our different oppressions. white supremacy, the KKK is equally known
The demands made by the march committee for its anti-gay philosophy. No violence was
reflect our unity in struggle, despite the rich reported at the Pikeville demonstration.
variety of our communities. It may not be
evident what connections exist between the call CENSORSHIP IN S.C.
for reproductive rights. divestment from South
Africa, funding AIDS and stopping racist School district officials in South Carolina
violence, but if we go beyond our immediate have ordered librarians to remove books that
concerns we see a common source for our deal with homosexuality, according to The
diverse oppressions - the multinational Front Page, a gay newspaper of the Carolinas.
corporations and their puppet, the US Officials base the action on the 1988
government. The desire for profits and power Comprehensive Health Act which they say
fuels the horrendously high prices of AIDS forbids students from seeing material
care and drives the slave-labor machine of presenting homosexuality as an alternate
apartheid in South Africa. It is racism which lifestyle.
keeps African-Americans from escaping the Since librarians can not screen all
cyclical poverty of minimum wage employment, materials for gay content, fiction, newspapers,
and it is this same minimum wage labor which magazines, dictionaries, encyclopedia, indexes,
keeps profits high. It is no accident that and instructional T.V. programs are exempt.
women earn less than men for the same work, The Front Page reports teachers cannot
nor is it accidental that the government is refer to homosexual relationships except when
willing to fund an illegal war in Nicaragua to "discussing transmitted diseases, such as the
maintain corporate control of Central America's AIDS virus.“ Teachers who violate the law
economy, while crying that they simply don't may be dismissed.

April GLso 5


The Winter, 1989 issue of Outlook, a National Lesbian and Gay Quarterly, included an
interesting article about science fiction writings for gay men and lesbians. Without recounting the
article, here is a condensed list of titles included in its bibliography:


Return to Neveryon by Samuel R. Delaney

Kindred Spirits: An Anthology of Gay and Lesbian Science Fiction Stories edited by Jeffery
M. Elliot (Boston: Alyson, 1980)

Worlds Apart: An Anthology of Lesbian and Gay Science Fiction and Fantasy edited by
Camilla Decarnin, Eric Garber and Lyn Paleo

Swords and Dreams by Katherine V. Forrest (Tallahassee: Naiad, 1987)

Blackwater by Michael McDowell. (A six-part series including The Flood, The Levee, The
House, The War, The Fortune, and Rain, all published in New York by Avon in 1983).


Quarreling, They Met the Dragon by Sharon Baker (New York: Avon, 19811).

"Human Remains" and "In the Hills, the Cities" in Books of Blood by Clive Barker
(Reprinted in New York by Berkeley, 1986).

Unicorn Mountain by Michael Bishop (New York: Arbor House, 1988).

Sharra's Exile (1981) by Marion Zimmer Bradley (New York: DAW, 1981)

Ethan of Athos by Lois McMaster Bujold (New York: Baen, 1986)

The Winged Assassin by Catherine Cooke (New York: Ace, 1987)

Stars in My Pockets Like Grains of Sand by Samuel R. Delaney (New York: Bantam, 19811)

The Elementals by Michael McDowell (New York: Avon, 1981)

Chronicles of the Vampires by Anne Rice (A series of three books: Interview with the
Vampire (1975), The Vampire Lestat (1985), and Queen of the Damned (1988), all published in
New York by Knopf)

The Boiled Frog Syndrome by Marty Rubin (Boston: Alyson, 1987)


City of Sorcery (19814), Thendara House (1983), both by Marion Zimmer Bradley
(New York: DAW).

The Duel of Sorcery by Jo Clayton (New York: DAW).

Daughters of a Coral Dawn by Katherine V. Forrest (Tallahassee: Naiad, 19811)

Wingwomen of Hera by Sandi Hall (San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1987)

The Godmothers by Sandi Hall (1982)

The Net by Loren McGregor (New York: Ace, 1987)

Silverglass (1986) and Web of Wind (1987) by J.F. Rivkin (New York: Ace)

The Tomoe Cozen Saga by Jessica Amanda Salmonson (A series of three books: Tomoe Gozen
(1981), The Golden Naginata (1981), and Thousand Shrine Warrior (1981;), all published in New
York by Ace)


Christian fundamentalists have mounted a character, Marilyn, has been undertaken by a
massive letter-writing campaign to get ABC to Southern California Women for Understanding.
remove an openly-lesbian character from it The group urges letters supporting the
series Heart/Beat, set in a women's health character and the show be sent to: Aaron
clinic. The Gay People's Chronicle in Ohio Spelling Productions, Warner/Hollywood
reports that the producer of the show has Studios, 10111 North Formosa Ave., Los
received approximately 1600 letters per week Angeles, CA 900116; and to ABC-TV, 133-
demanding the removal of the lesbian Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10019.

A letter-writing campaign to save the


- I . .. . . . .
Interested in jomlng Dignity/Lexmgton.
dlgn' v For only $25 ($20 for students and $15 for
couples) you too can join the Dignity team.
Be a part of great organization. You'll get
DICNITY/LEXINGTON national mailings and informations, plus a lot

P.O.Box 1984.0 Lexington, KY 40593 of pride.

Spring is here! I've noticed it more very little political about us. There are no
this year by the lengthening of daylight which board meetings, no earth shattering decisions
perks me up. Heaven knows as president of to be made -just events that work to serve a
Dignity I need all the energy I can get. community.

Fortunately, my plight is not as grave As president I just kind of see that it
as it sounds. I like being president of all happens. lanswer the phone. I write for
Dignity/Lexington. That's largely because I GLSO News. I've made a lot of friends. I've
find myself surrounded by good people who grown personally. So my energy is good.
seem to share the same purpose that we serve: How's yours? Do you get back from what you
Dignity/Lexington works to serve lesbian and invest? I hope to see you at Dignity soon.
gay people become better people. There is Peace, Keith
Dear Aunt Mary, simply ask those with a green shirt at the

I've finally figured out what I like - restaurant if they are friends of Aunt Mary.
coffee and something else that starts with - Then, enjoy your cup of coffee.
oh, never mind. Anyway, I live in Richmond Note: This may not work the first time,
and what I want to know is how can I meet but try it a few times or try variations on the
those coffee-loving men who share my likes in theme such as "individuals wishing to discuss
my town? the trial of Oscar Wilde will meet ...." In any

-Caaaaaffeine Harry case, what Aunt Mary is suggesting is that
you can DO something no matter how silly.
Dear Hyped-up Hirsute, Aunt Mary recognizes that it's often

My guess is you're looking for a nice difficult to indicate to others one's interest,
evening sipping coffee at the local diner let alone one's sexual preference, but you can
pleasantly discussing the joys of listening to subtly express your interests and then see if
Liza Minelli singing "Richmond, Richmond" with someone picks up on them -- after all, what is
other gay men. Well, Aunt Mary Olson and the probability that a straight male is
her can of Folger's to the rescue. Many gay interested in discussing Oscar Wilde?
men in smaller communities would like to meet In addition to your own clever
similar others from their town and just don't approaches to this problem, you might wish to
know how to go about it. Aunt Mary suggests subscribe to RFD - a country journal for gay
the following - men. They are likely to have several

Since all gay men do laundry, why not suggestions about meeting other men in rural
put up a notice at your local washing machine areas. Send a stamped, self-addressed
(no, not your mother) announcing the envelope to RFD, Route 1, Box 127E,
"Friends of Aunt Mary and her dog ToTo" Bakersville, NC 28705. Aunt Mary wishes you
get-together at such-and-such a restaurant at success and wants to hear all about it - so all
such-and-such a time. You might request that you country boys - drop me a line.
all friends of Mary wear a green shirt or Aunt Mary
something (use your imagination). and then

April GLSO 7

 Mill'Cll for
Womc mm

KEEP m April9,l989
Aagggg’“ “=- Washington, DC
'14 Ill)? .
ERA m. mwmm
{WI I fZZfoiijl‘ZZm’


 'pfi’ what can working with the newsletter offer to
I , us? We can supply the womyn's page with a
, diverse range of ideas and talent. And we,
- ”I SmereIda 5 Patio r as has always been the case with the
" newsletter, can offer all womyn within the
$9.\ Esmerelda Collective the chance to write about
“ . ‘ what is of interest to them and to be read.
y Working with GLSO News supplies Esmerelda
‘ / Ink with greater recognition as a group - we
‘ need more members! It gives our members the
Dear Esmeralda, chance to have suitable works read by the
This is the first edition of Esmerelda's community - it gives us a voice.
Parlour under the guidance of Esmerelda Ink, Esmerelda Ink, as a writer's group, is
the Womyn Writer's Group of Lexington. As interested in writing as an art form. This
such, the April issue of GLSO News marks a emphasis on writing as art is likely to change
new beginning for the womyn's page and a the face of Esmerelda's Parlour over time.
new approach to representation of Esmerelda You may see a greater number of creative
as a Collective. We are all sorry to see the works each month, more book reviews, more
former co-editors of the Parlour, Debbie and feminist essays and opinion. Some months
Teresa, leave. They have done such a there may be no introductory letter or only a
terrific job with the newsletter over the past minimal one. The present format is likely to
year that the community is quite indebted to undergo a lot of changes. If you find that
their willingness to be active and to their you are not pleased with any of these changes
resourceful, creative abilities. it is up to you, the community, to let us
As co-editors, Debbie and Teresa know. We are certainly open to suggestion.
learned some very important lessons about All of the members of Esmerelda Ink
Esmerelda's Parlour and the responsibility that have supplied material to the womyn's page at
it entails. They learned that being various times in the past, but we still feel
responsible for 2~3 pages in the GLSO fortunate that we will not be losing the talents
Newsletter each month is a lot of work for two of Debbie and Teresa altogether. Teresa, as
people to handle. Together they had to drum a member of Esmerelda Ink, will still be active
up ideas, research them, write the articles, in GLSO News, but to a lesser extent. Debbie
search for other contributors, and edit all of will continue to work on the events calendar
the material - while trying to meet their and may contribute articles or poems
monthly deadline. And these two women are occasionally. If you would like to contribute
not couch potatoes by any means - they are to the Parlour, or even work on the womyn's
active in other areas throughout the page on a monthly basis, we would be glad to
community. They have found through their have you! It is not necessary to join
year of experience with the newsletter that the Esmerelda Ink to work with the newsletter and
responsibility for Esmerelda's Parlour should it only requires about one hour per month to
ideally be handled of a group of women. This contribute an article or idea! Please consider
arrangement would theoretically cut down on it - Esmerelda's Parlour exists for you!
the amount of effort required by each As mentioned earlier, Esmerelda Ink is
individual while supplying a new string of actively looking for members. If you are
material and ideas from month to month. This interested in writing, or simply in reading,
is why Esmerelda Ink has stepped forward and and feel you have something to contribute to
agreed to take the helm. other writers and readers, please call 25'4-3359
What is Esmerelda Ink? It is foremost a or 299-ll238. Our next meeting is April 11th.
Womyn Writer's Group. It was formed as a We are looking forward to working with
means of allowing womyn writers and poets in you and for