xt7bzk55hm8n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bzk55hm8n/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1910-09-22 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 3, No. 3, September 22, 1910 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 3, No. 3, September 22, 1910 1910 1910-09-22 2015 true xt7bzk55hm8n section xt7bzk55hm8n  
  I H E I D E A PERQ   .  
IS OF rm: snrron m il
  ""““‘°‘“°" U niversity of Kentucky A A A l"
  ::,.;__L¢  . _, ,____,j"';_t`  """ 7*7* ";··‘ 4——i•·· ;»>—----—-···--—-—--~----· A- —..-e . 7 .1;.
D I   ll
. Vol. III LEXINGTON, KY., SEPTEMBER 22, 1910 No. 3 l
 ···—·-Y· ···· — ·*··—···* ···· ·· ·· 7 ·· ,___,___j._....*—i_... t:;;;:;‘  ..._...—_........_  »-Q-——....—... _____ll
Here Are the Fr1ends of the UHIVCYSIYY
2 the Merchants of Lexmgton
Whom Everyone of Us F
¤ Should Patromze
Q Men’s Outfitters. Cream Flour.
` (}r:u·¤·s. Fm & (‘o. I,+·xin:‘tm1 H<»Il<·1‘ Mills l`<».
(lrmlely & Bmtllvy. _
Killlllzlll (`lutl|iug_· (`4»_ CIKBTS Mid Tobacco.
l"’°\"°l'l““A· I,<·xing·t¤»n (`ig·:u· (`<», A
' lmlny zm¤¤ff*¢¤r¤- Amusements.
lE"'l"`Y "'“l """‘l‘*"‘Y- l1ipp·»·1»··»me· (\';uulseville·>.
l‘·‘<#·l l**l"""‘”’· Star 'IAllt‘IllI't‘ (Moving I’i¤·tur<·s>.
'l· l*· “"l"’"· 'I`h<· IAl'Ill('(*SS (Blowing IAl(‘llll‘(*$l.
I{aunl`mzm, Straus & (`¤».
S Furniture,
Drugs and Sundries
IC. I,. l\Iau·<·l1. `
('aulcu Drug (To.
(`o¤»pe—r uml Ilunm. Jewelry,
IA‘XIlI{j'llIll I)I'll{I I`0. _ ‘
I·`. .l. Ilvmtz.
barber Shops. _
Chna and Glassware.
Ilvml II¤»\•·l. SI1¢·1·n1a1u Strain. I’r·»p. _ ` H __
l"u').l,tl(.• ('Ug.S\\.0ll and B},l,"ll• I)l,U})S· I`4. ( IIIII\ I\l(I$<*llll*‘l}' £!`lliU`· has received the Rhodes Scholarship Law at Ashland. Ky. •  
HINGE tl1<‘ lll Pllld ll<‘¥‘l]m-U€m and will leave for Oxford. England. Mr. G. C. Thompson is practicing l _ .
Sll%lDf‘-l Allfl illlilli tltlilm that where he will enter the Oxt`ord l`ni- Law ill Mississippi. M-im Street East  
all of T-lll’S*‘ lllilde to Your versity. Mr. Hamilton taught in the Mr. E. H. \Vebb. Principal of Grad-   ’
lll"a*lll`*° fo" Academy last year. where he nlade gd Sphlml at Sadieville, Ky.. and will l
$ 1 5 l)l103(;y friends among the student lnpgltp next Sljllg at Perio. lll.  
"W 1910 GRADUATES. J _
_ Mr. P. R. (`assady. manager of (ll th·e student. body of Ky.
We alre the only houisc tin last years` class foot ball. l.ppllintell classical and gcleutllglc State University last. yealr
l¤‘Xl¤£!t0U 0i' (`F‘¤l1‘8l Kim- Mr. M. A. (`leveland to act as man- Mn R_ A·Ed“,m_dS.PreSld_llll Ul- lh;. had their pictures made at
tllU_kY “'ll0l`{‘ You gel the ager in his place. until the class elects lglll (glass ls prlnolpal of th`) l~l(,dl·m.(l h I   u'
I.]ll~0D Label in every gaI‘nieHt a. manager. Mr. (`leveland and Mr. High S(,lmUl' R(,(lfm.(l_ K}-_     S u  
      Hart. the Junior Manager, are to set Miss Small lllmslmll is lmplltllg in
129 me M · sl. i thi; dm f"" ‘l‘° ‘l""""` *""‘ S*‘***···‘ l.llwllllll·l»lllll—¤. Ky. _ . . TH.ERlE’8 A mason
mn ' class gamg Miss Marietta ("assidy is teaching · h_cl W k
UNION LABEL W"' in Versailles Kv.   tagzrvjcgr ,
Mr. E. H. Webb. ’11 graduate, was M. B   Hwdpn lg taking posh P l
iii tcwn Saturday wd Slmdayl visit- ..,..,.l].?;l..(i;iliik lllnlc i’·li~···¤~ii>‘- O0uI;i>(;;u¢;1i'i‘rLe31i,AT1is
ing friends. Mr. Webb is Principal " Ml§ Llda _l0m.S is lpapllillg lll lllp To STUDENTS
  of th° G”d"d S°h°°l at S“dl°"ill°· citv S('llOOlS. l341 W t Mai St et.
Kr- Mr- W<=l>b sradiwteri from the lll,. Hamm- wnsllll is ml-lliiiu in as m to ` 1635 X
Nl AN l E LS Law D·am*¤··¤¤*- ll,. li.-.lllalll·. ` F“"°°‘°° Ph°”° ‘,
-_'— Mr, John \Vilcox is t`arming. ___--T_;;__—-;__-—;;sg»;,?;;-_;—s_;_—;—_
Mri (llawlwe Bimuetk an ,08.   Alpha Hubbard is takin: law in
M. E. graduate. is in town on a visit. the I-nlwl_Sll\._        
M §;e\_;“Lllllf);v; fliggaewvoglxkllxlgltlelx Miss Katherine Schoene is taking A
Nllr. Azul}. lfiiker is practicing: Law E.     l’ll&ll‘lIl‘&l(‘(¥lllll'&llS, Mlediciucs, {
"' ""*‘" "‘· Y· Iilruizs, |J·ru;:···isit Siumhws,
M Mr. (I`.   Baldwin is practicing Law Inllorter and llealcr in l lnarflumls mil xlulguzucsl  
at `eei hio.
° . . . . . 1 . , . 1 *s . l l
Mn ll .l._ pl"}. ls l,l.m,m,m: lm`, In CHINA cur ( 1 Ass sn vm BRAB l rGEN(,¥ ( .\l.l.- A I`- .
Lexington. Ky. AND PLATED WARE. l or °  
      Mir. 'I`. (`. (`arroll is |ll’Elt‘ll(lll{{ Ilaw  
• in llouisville. Ky. LAMPS ELEC'l`ROLIl•]RS, FANCY mumll
(l11col`l>o1‘att.ctl;i Mr. \V. (i·.v(`lu£ston is nracticin;:‘ DISHES NOVPJIJTYS &(._ cuunrsiiouzu   C()_
LEXINGTON _ _ KY l.aw in the \\est. °"}°•“}°£°°
Ml? J` (iX im`}? is lmwmmgi M", *17 W MUN N"' *`h°¤° 985 N. W. mr. Main illltl hlllle,
zitxll-·iiil·llc2`cillflll-klml ii Iimwlilling YOURTRADE SOLICITED _'_— Both l’honle—l23. ll

_· r TH E I I) E A
  S i Waterman Fountain Pcns,SiIvor Poncil Holders, Pan and Pencil Safaty Clips
B1 est ·~ EIN Z JE ELER
l ( { e ` _     `
Q, I _ /iw.   _ _ i »0i©$ i
 Ml,  rrr   Q! §> 1H§5> IC l  ri E
l »l · ¢~· Y é,   _ ii . . Hfiil IIT PH ‘ Thai PIOHQG l
 ,¢:\ •;<§,~  i ii 1
T k » /_ g ;l    ARE MAl)l·Z l
_;`   v_ ig  ` BY I
    il l" im \ll' [ 1) l
[ il ill  i / gy P. ,..(i Hf;. fi, ,€d}"Ql_ _ I _ “"l""'l‘*'l""· M 'l**‘ <**’<‘¤¤i¤¤;:‘wa» rmi, {       ;
,   l % ` _,  ,lq;4i>.»ii .1 ma Mwlllf iii fl¢l,}¢HHllm¤~ut was soon nmqp rn {hp ' l
'rv » · ‘ I ·
I   ‘I§ . . \   hqmig elif ‘l1l;• lill'g‘€Sl, llllH\b~‘l" uf flu' *l·ill||'i' llilll limi illv l'(*Hl2`llll(lf*|' nf [hg l    
W 1;;,  J   ‘~ dents smcv Starter b€·¢·:1m9 21 lllll\'0l'#li)'2 hmv spent in q \·(·,·y jH[‘,,mm| (lmuw I QUALITY i
  ¤ / x if gmumg tlwm :111* lll2lll}` \\'lI<¤5¢‘ ¥i\l*‘lll* l)P2lH llzlmiltam spout S;i{i—y.l·;y qu,] l l
{ lj { ,r·,,;Z, will add murli to tho yem·`s pl<·a>=ur¢·. Smillav in |,.,,,j“-ill,. ` l PHOTOGRAPHER l
li ’/ l ~ {fr '7 • 4 r ' r · · · i ·   I
Q   *     , ‘¤·’ Miss l\[¢·( liesiieyt, of l)2\(lll('llll. is www [`Im is g},.. first ypm. [hm mt, giI_lS» 1 311 West Main Street. `
{ l' /ml,/F; ly  •‘ if of our new pimimti. uhml Miss l,<>r<·<·n f`|·;1(_ri;i{ipg |,m·,, “.m.k(,d Hmlm, Paw l ______  
l   V%¤°  ,4% Aimikm¥Y· "l i···¤¤~~‘¤ll¢*· l‘l"}‘ (IW lll‘ll(‘Ill¢' rulw. uml as l’le~¢l2‘<· DRY is   ll. S.—·T;_V 2lSS|ll‘lll!` ns }’<>u  
L - | ’·,`j ; / X _ vmlm. _ . lll? HIM nf Uvtnhor, rushing- pm-tips l HTG H. l>> Wl1¤>`¤l¥*l AUM ill`? lllll{‘ll in vngiio. l~];i4·h nfl glip fum- l SWW lvUlV<‘I`%lT}’. :1 9»'p¢‘013l
` Ilyy /7 ypruru are M1ss·Iul1Zz1l)€ll1 l‘¢*l'§'\l$<*l\· ll'2ll¢·|‘l11t1¢·s, _\l}»l|;|, (hmmm [)p|gn_ ' Y'2ll€ IIIHY lif? 0l)l`?llllt`·(l_
\     vis, lpiiligy C4»llu·r, NISSPS M}'1'11 mul Alllllil Xi l)e·lta1. Kappa l{;1pp;1 (him-  —-—..—.
_,·   {   lmlnrx Chilton. V mil Hml Ep~H (_h_mi(__\l Wlm {IUPUI I tl Q, t   _
E I, · · · eu ir . 41 0 mr m
e / 2   . -
§ X · § Z ‘l‘}°_ · _ . `_   _ _ NNI \\‘<*<·k. IS hawk an s¤·li·»¢»l, [Ip iii-- en°°°
  / , Nl1s> Sniuli Sllllldll, of Nlt. Sl(‘ll- . . .
  f , _ _ _ _ _ __ (‘ll[lll'1l his suit 111 ll\`¢ll'illlll(‘< 'l`m·<—
g   .¤ f mg, visited MISS »\l11W‘ N¥¤‘l'¥lll l*‘*l (].,\- MH] mmh, .1 . ll. ·t tm i l \rOll t·1l’•* "'l`l1¤· l;‘m ' ° at the Llll\`0l'S1l}`. W I ) _‘ _ I H
~/ /  { L mss Lum S(_lmm_‘._ __I· HM, [-M_ _ .1 nb-} l¤.})l<-1 aninirll. ll M.·.·1.;..i- SHERMAN STRAIN,
7%%->.~ · · w- · · °i . ,2 " .` ` " " · 1 ‘ )• `•
·/ 724 3 gz, wi·sity nl l Ill(‘lllll1lll, hans <·n1i·r<·l?|l4·· l)[yg|y]q·$$    
[IMT IS mn. HM`. --\·_H.Sh\. l HQ _" tho UH im,. M- Wim',] W1 1 l<*:lllll lllZl(ll‘ lUl' ll9   l ‘\‘l]()H;:' quy lgigf >'p;][">; g‘|';](l[[;\t(*$   ··I Elllllllllllh ll. x.lt‘('llLll|\-
H t S h   & M ; “_(‘ find H ‘_HHlIN\\_ of svhnnl In;H_nlS; ('KI . U A|lli>\'l U, lh llU\\` \\lll| [ll(‘ • V
l FOR COLLEGE MEN. 1 sitiim in llaxriismi Scluml ·»l` this vity: l·""*"xi_ Qi *ll'*l‘ \i•‘¤')i #·>l‘¤‘i»’ rmt ilu . 9
uiss Mm_i·_ml ( ,u$Sm\_ is M Mm,u_m.l_t mw . r. .<·mmt m<·< witi us lllli P
· . l ‘ . · . , .   .
'l`l1<· tl‘<>us¤·1‘s kw » in ilznvu l l`·»ll4·;·i·, \\·rs;iilli~s; Miss l·.l1x:ilwtli )"“·  
. l ' . n i . . l ,.,. . .
I \\‘l1lm\lI s\ls[wl1l!1>¤¤ll ut l,illl(‘il¤lQ'l' 1»
l will :1 lrvll v\'<~!1. .\ml _\‘t)ll XIiS lll‘\'l‘lU`|> lllw ll;;‘\|1‘i‘, Miss Lo .lllll0 Slwlll {liv \\'t‘t*l{ vml Ml>*1>$¤}>}¥l \\‘:l# on llll‘ (uiiipiis [uq l \\__ ll ( IT U; 1 _
· · · · . · a ‘· : · { · i. ‘ i ·s
I   S El Sllllllll lllEIl{l‘l',   ` lllll ;\l Sl|('ll)y\'llll_ “'U(ik·   Klllyllilll \\'(lS QI Illt‘[[\l)(*|' nl h _{_l .ll\( Il UH lvlll ll “ ll ln
lN‘S‘i. l`lllllg‘[1lUlI<* in vlolllvs- '|`|u· Smii-·r girls limi- miiir iiuilv Ylw Flaws •»l' HHH, “‘H H1" l" N `""""‘ ‘
' Illillilll! l‘<>·|' lilly _\'<·2ll‘N. ;i sl·iis;1ti·»ii this _ve·;1r. 'l`lIt*_\l :u‘¤· \l1<· M1'. -l. li. l·lst¢·s. `lll, (i‘ixil_ is mil,
i l . first plus; xxl.i4·li luis ulntanimwl $•·ni<>l‘ HS |`··¤’ il |'*‘~ ¤l:¤)‘<. __ FRENCH BRIARS AND
‘ l     l)|`i\'ll(‘u'(’S lllllll lllill I' (`lll`l$l`·llll<• illlll \ll.·     SlH·lll_\'. WN,. Nlllllllf, l(‘l·l  
I *» l i - I ·r '1 ·`Il l»···»m¤· ·· »i·<·<·•·- i`·»¤‘ ll li;ip¤·~ ;iii.l ~i;.·$
' ‘ nl   “‘l"*l l" ’·"l’l’.‘ .\"ll t|,(.l-0},)- ;ir..l.,iii;;· {Ip mivy uml laugh Nlv. l’. l'. ·|l·>¤l¤·s l¤·au‘i·< this work ;‘,·,,,,l Wim.}, I`, ,.h,,M._ /
**]*0 “‘ll‘ }""f' "l"ll‘*`* *""l i-i·;»;..·l1 of rlirir 1.·» ¤`··i·¤u¤·u¤·· t·» ¤···su¤m· his im-1; ui i1..· Nami ‘\ll l,m,._s ,-wm
1 “·mIm'|ll°iS‘_ \\°,` _ "r°._ h°`l_Hl` ;iss¤»<·i;1los. x\l'ili'l \'l>lI to luxe l;ui11l_\‘
0   l·`ri4l;1y, Sep'. lllll. l‘il1;ll\ [L lll. lllltl l‘l`ll‘IItl*<. M1'. Nlurks is with thi- Druggjgtg
'l`l ·la ‘ ~f Putter: ll llull was l¤·•·— \\'i·.·t *l'll l·ll•·¢·\i·ir l` »., ut l`|1i -:1: ». .
°°mP¤¤>'- " ""T`.   _ ` . ., \`_` . , , _ _ `.,. Q . _` . .` _ l mn. u...i i<.·..l..i“-li
  mqrlpql wil;] lillllbllls uml .l HI} .l!. lun)!. l.\!l. lh, . rw |llll<‘. l|.\>
‘**•  plpugguil (’\'(*l\i|l;[ was slwlll ll)' lllt‘ l'(*[\|l'll('(l this \\‘q·ul{ In (`vl;|rl; l'|\l\`|*['·
girls g4·ltiii_,;· au·qu:•inl•·¤l uml vaitinu siiy .»t' \\'.»..;il·r_ Mugs,

 DUSI.   I"
    the purpose of electing otlieers t`ot· —- A · A l .
- the presen. year. 'l`he tollowing l I
Issued weekly by the students of Kentucky State University. "lll"*"`* “`*‘*`*‘ *‘l¢‘·‘l¢*¤li s Mr, I
  L,l`l‘Sl*lt‘|ll 'l`om ltobt·|‘tsott_
o. ic. mmm, Editor it. Chief, S_lf_;___l,f_{Q"l‘;;Q__  """"·  Ud€”t••• I
R. VV. Tinsley, Assistant Editor. ·|·I.(,I‘Sm.(;I,_ (. il.! S IiIIk_ l ` ·
S. C. EBBERT .................... . ................. Business Manager. "Yens" it-elim.], wits t·`|i··t ·| - I nvm. in mind that tho Mix- I
F' IA'   · · · · · · · · · · · · » · - · . . . . . . . . . . . . , , , , , , , _ _ , _ _     u('.()l, ‘,t'   vl"‘<` t·‘N‘;   {t {Ill   I     (`()·       I I
    · · · · · · - - · · · · » · · » . . . . . , . . , , , , , , , _ , _       ·] _‘·lg$(.’ll |lIl` ‘|·`t   JIM I         I ·`
J. B. SANDERS ........................... Assistant Advertising Manager. hint tht. |p,,,.;,, i,l‘ ,|,,l,i,..·)il, iiiipll iii-Nin i .ml`d 8 lilmjtml ammml of il" I l
V. 1.. nowxixc- ................................... stiiistatpntm manager. mt. Stunt u,.,.,.·s 1,, Q", (;.l,.l.· (till   t°""""t·i““ will l"` »*"`“"t"‘l L '
W. A. LURTEY .......................... Assistant Subscription Manager. mall],. Lmhl,. lo,.] gp,. {lim (ltr,.]-\-\|i·,.,ai:\. I you And that it is tl"` llli'"` 4 I
 --————————·——-———- 'l*€‘* his lll'|!.L'S tor all there iis in hint I to buy your  
Entered at the Post-office, Lexington, Kentucky as mall matter of h "l ""*`l`}' ¥'·"'l*‘ lllltl <'\`t‘¤'\' Miller time l ·
second class. t 9 that yelling is needed, l iS0DA WATER"
_ _______H__I___________________II_ }"¤‘vm a standpoint of the ntnnbet- ETABLETS, I
ni- M   7 M N l-llr in 'niw—'r""""“ i"";;T;_:;"i “";°i" iii   of credits >resentetl_ the n·t·st·pt l
The following members got out this 'Dhe following members will get out l*`reshman clalss seems about the best IPENCILS and l
“;· it ll·‘Q¢‘\'. G. C`. Meadors, e\'€l'. 'l`here are t`ewer_ot‘ tlpni with IBTATIQNERYI    
Y`. (`, llnncan. J, O_ l,ewis_ Vtllltlllllllls than has ever been the case   ‘l
Wi. H. 'l`ownst·nd. F, L_ Nlrtty in the past ami the dtans ot` the l \,\,’jl] also Cash vom. (.he.(.kS i
Miss Addie Dean, A,IBall_ I various I dr·oartments are expecting I whpn they are g0(;d_ pomp in I
Miss Mariam Taylor, great things ot' them. ' and we will certainly do the li
 T;-;_-;-_-iiié;--_-;T-;-_I   ’”`“““‘_‘_·#·—·——- best W9 can for ytill, {
Mr. (.`. S, litnnett. an old li. ntucky Rcspoptfullyi
The paper is subscription list is not rl`llt'l‘e are at tltttnber ot` stutlnts who Stal? lv|ll\'€‘l'Sil)’ lllilll, is in town for
increasing as it should. Manager l\il\`e Work all through the day. some 3 f9W days. Ml'. Bennett is eniployetl L • t D C
[Downing ript rts a startling decrease ltllltlldlltll'}'. st nie shop work and other by the (ielltral l‘lleetric (`o,, at Selle-         0n
over that ot last year. Why is this kinds ot' work. and cannot read dur- nt*<’t¤\lll'S in t`ortn tho habit ol` spetttlitlg their   i\`\_ ' qua ny'
the at`tcrnoous. 'l`his year we have vacant hours in our lN‘ll\llll.ll library   V ` _ - { I
the promise that it will be open all building, instead of loat`i·i;: •·i\h•·r l `~\    
day. 'l`his is tptile an 2ltl\`il|lli\};t‘ o\'t*t‘ around the tlorniitories or tl·»\\‘li town.  `·¤.`    II I I
llt\\'iitg‘ it open only two oi three -——~—·—— —·»rr— · V · I 1
hours in the ai`ternoon. lint still il is FRESKMAN CLASS MEETING. I       I
not patronized as much as it would 'l`ln, present l·`reshinan class. num- i
bc il` it were ke vt open at night and bering about two hundred, held its    
on Sundays. i tirst nieeting l·`ritlay, the sixteenth. lor Chas' I" StrauS• ,989 Manager

T ll Iz' I I) IJ A
l`—__W-I I W _ U I       i'll'l•'Il(' ltlllrllnlts wo-ru Iu·•·`•·utItI_ _" ‘ e ""·’*··’··· 
I , ·I·III_ WIII I. II __I .I. ____ II I    
#"` I · ‘· 1 " """""~‘ "' "* ""‘ """ ""*°"""‘ """‘*"'“’*" '*‘ ‘‘‘‘ "  
ff III   I\\I» II l)ll<·l{ Ilnwltts llt Illll l‘.¤lll¢·:lIl••lt Ing', Iwlll lll Ilt•· Y_ Nl. (I. A. Iwwltt ttttcl  ,,_‘
I I · )IlllI( Ill}!. Wlllt lt•»I Slll'l‘<>IIll.IIltus ¢¤l‘ r·utt¢ltu·It·¢l lly l’l‘¢•II. l":ll'I•tl:tlt!’. 'l`lt¢‘l'(* I
` " Ir ‘   wlmlmllnl IIIIIIIIIIIIIII III II". l"`I’l'I"' WIN PI u···<»·l llII(‘ll•l2lll4*4· lll lltls Iltwt
_I   I ·  I |N·l‘l¢I»l‘ItlHll’*¤* nl` Illv \\’<»l‘l<. lll l`zt¢·I wllll ntlwtlug uml all llslvttowl 2liI•‘lIIl\`|'l\` I
,7  I lwllllllg SHIV IIWISIHIII lt•*;ll‘I illlll lll'ttt Hull with I»Ie·;|sttt·4· tn tIt•· l·1·ttt;1l‘l{s nl` I
IY I I ·'¤‘I<‘¤‘ttt¤¤t=\tt••¤t MI the |>•·:¤t¤. liu- |.:¤w I’•··»t'_ }·';tt-t¤tI»mltt·, \\'t· ..t‘ the Y \l »
} II/ yl / I I ""l"_"""""" "" '{*"""*"<)' SIMM l'lll- I'. t\., ¢·mtsilI\' l)(‘2"lll Its (’{II'('(‘I' |· -' · · · • I
I  II / I - · I I¢I\lIt! El l}l('lIIl)(‘I' nl Iltl· t;u·:tlty wltn
, I   /-' I "·""" ""` ""’*' **"'!"""‘ *"l*l***Y'I*"‘· takes sttvlt at llwp ittt¢·r•·Ill(‘|'S. SIIIS ('illltl. (‘(|llll(l.III, uml sl·|‘l·t|l~ TIN. YI M" (‘_ I\_ I·III,III is I,III.II III I €    
lII'   IIN in IIN IIWIIIIMSI I'IIIIk IIII SIIIIIIIIIVII (l2|\' Zlllll (‘\" •\` lvltv ls \\'t·ll·••ttt•· to ttmkv I
IIIIII   II uul\‘(¤r5Itl(¤s, It tl1»\\'u(•1·t|I)ll·s s|>2l(•l tttttl t·lt_I•>)' tlt•·     I
 _I   I   I I illltl \Y(‘ll—"(IltlI)p('Il ;|I>;tt‘ttttl·ttts_ It QIIIIIIIS IIIIII IIIIIIIIIZIIIIIL IIIIII ,II·I. III III. I   S I
III*‘•   ` llZlS tl I`2l(‘lllI}' t·nltlIms1·1l nl. I'll*lt I)l'tl- fIIIIIIII III(.I.I.I “’I. IIISII IIIII-I. IIII. III.“- I
2 . T , I , II i '•f " I fUu"I";\; 'P"'•"I`II' "' I" k"I'“"'°'}:(I I". plllllll', \\'lll('ll (‘\`t*l'}' (lll?   \\'. l(‘(>lll(’ IU     Men,
I "" " '°·°*‘ B ·“ '"°=*¤¤ I"“" II"` """"‘*""‘· I" l"""""'· """· use We w··m the t··»·»m it ·tl1 limt·~
  , I, I . {III l 'I I I i. _ • · |· 4 4 I ,
  ;'”' ‘I"· """I I '··"""'}· "'*` I'*·"' ·""' to pre~se·ttt ;t< twat uml 2llll'il('Il\`(‘ aut- _..._
0 \\'lIlll1 Ill lnltul‘ ls lltw I`·»!' lt:t\'llt<·’ . .. , . I .,‘I * . . ·
I I -— ])t'.lltlll(t‘ .1» INl>§I)l(‘. \\t· ttt·t·tl youu I
"'('(l(‘ l"(‘ ( •'ll(‘£'(‘ I\\’lt=lI 1I N- ·lUIl¥'—‘ (m-t•I)pr;ttIntt tn ktup It sn. \'».¤- elw ll¤·I       I
(ajltlllk)'. zllt itllIIll4>l‘lI)’ ll}N1ll (`UIISIIIU- pxllppt tu Ituvp rules llilllflllf 2ll'•>ll|l(l  
.i ll(I)llZ\l Law. llmt. 'l`lt<»m:ts Nl·»·»l‘(·. mw all IIWI- thu walls, to start- yov in the GYMNASIUM SUITS, I
lil Illv lwst lt*&ll t*SI2ll<* lzl\\’)'t;l'# Ill Ill(* {QW`] (nyppy I]uu· yuu putpy tIu· rtmttt, I
, Bullllll zllltl Ill-(lll. (ll&\|‘l(‘$ l}(‘\'\'. WIIU ]·t·tuu·gtiug you tu llu Iltls nl tml IM   I
""*I"" "'l' I``` I"' ‘*" I ""l“"""""'*· tlo tlmt, hut wv tlo tallw tlti~ tm·:ttt> ··t` I
d }‘A}vIlI'y IIIHII IIWIII IIIIWII UI Law IIII` VIII-}, I.I""'°"'y ""Il *"'('("`—l)` \`(‘(|ll¢·sl-      
0ll)e· tw (·ltt‘u Illl'lII ut. llw \‘t·;tt· III. WIII III III‘ . .‘ . . . . I
_ _ I · 2 I .I>(*l1>t* \\lIll }l»llt >lll(ll\-
l'I`°"'I"'*· I“""""kY ""Y* “"'·'I "' l"'*' lug wltllv tltorv, not to ¢·xpt·l·t·n·;ttt· on   SUPPLIES,  
. yI`III`S‘ IIIIW I'I"" """'l“"'°" I" *""""' the watlls uml tllll`   e
UTHE I SIOIIIIIIIS III. I'IIII`I' `I‘II"`· """' """""‘ nssistttnt·t· Et l{I(‘\)ll|;_f ut,. I-...,III I.,-- . BASE BALL GQQ])3I  
I ttul to i\(‘(Illll't‘ :1 tltomugh legal I]I,I.I\. .IIIII .IIII..II.III.I, I I
COLLEGE   ""‘I""‘**'· ""`Y """" ""'Y """""' "'* Remember Tuesday night is the reg- I and  
FELLOW’S SHOP." I """" """"" ""*""- ·""""¥' "'*‘ '*"°¥‘° ular weekly meeting night and that l COLLEGE Z
I tttttttlnt tlttt lttx lll tlx t lt i I I
I " ~ ' "‘ ‘ `*‘*‘.' "* """‘ every one is more than welcome! I *
I   laltvtl xtra- sttttlvttts t`t·l`I‘ illlllllllttlli lII(‘lI ill'l‘ 7 V ` ` I I I
I t‘llll’l'lll*" tlto l.:t\\‘ xls Illt· lw>{ :l\`t·tttt¢· I  
For the S t college FGIIOWI In Sllvvvss illlll lt•>llul‘; t·;tl·lt }'('i\I' Illv P LL      
I l.l\\V Svltlmls Ill. otll' <·ullttIl'\`. \\‘lIll ¤•lll' ————#— `
I Now on Display   , I , . , ' .    
‘ lx. S. l ,:tt lltotr Il‘nlll, are ttt;u·<-ltt1t;; _ _ _ I
I ttpwalrtl to rt ltl;;·lu·t· slzttulzml ··t' vlli- IIIIIIII _H`mIIIIIIII wu" IIN. IIIIFI, III II I I
·······~· · .. n . _ , . _ · S(‘l`lt‘S nl l:·t*lllt't·s, nt' l':ltltl·l‘. lttI•»t‘ltt:tl I ·t···
l'lt*llt*). (‘il(‘tl )t*al| Illlt |>•mll\ Italtltvll I Ik I II _ I II_I I I I _ I
nre time pellet mt tltt· ut. mt " ‘ "_ "' “"" ""*‘ "·‘ """""“· . ..
ASK     y-pppeette I`,{‘lI])Ii\·II,II III:] .III .II.:,UIIII_ HV" *'l'),l(‘(’l WHS "ll;ll'ttt•>tt_\',°` uml I   i|l\\'il}'S llt· Qlettl In 509
_·   II _' ·I I _ I I · ·- lwr tl·<·zttttt·~t’ nt` the *|ll}_l‘(‘I slt»w·l   }""'·
THE "F·'·'·°WS AB°U"` Us- I ‘'‘'‘ "‘f "‘   ""‘ """‘ "' “"‘ I ...- t.   .·.—   Intl. .t... .f.t»`...'.`..I.It`I
lam ’ltt`.< <·t·ll·l>t·;tlt·tl wotwls: "(lt` ` `· 'I · " ‘ `
, . . , , ill l ’tt·lt lll'l‘l'.'li\llllllf t` girls. ;t»
  H1"·u)·S |l\·‘n(1     lZ\\\ IlI(‘l`l‘ (‘lIll lN‘ lltl l   llI’l\ll(*\\l· I` IQVIITIT   Il (I\IiII\IIIlII(I ` IIISIQIIII   IIII-
(Hu- “v'()[·d “*ith thu (°()Il(»tr(l {‘(lI2'\'(l Illilll Illill lIl‘l' $('tll IS IlI(' lltlhttlll (   l` I I ' I I II 5 II I
I I I · ¤ , .· _ _ , · M \\'l I lt'¢*tl lvss :t (‘ll llllt illll \\‘t
Bello ·· 'l1·t It trlt It Mt (unl. lwt \··l<·¤· the |t.nttt•»tt\ ot tlt•· I II I III II I _I II . .
\\ h. lll III., I I . _ . _ _ _ I
WWII •• l¤»¤»l\ Iul'\\.ll'•l In t‘\1l'} I;lll\ tlt Iltt·
(‘(lll!lI. some. -2 *· _III_IIIS & CQMPANY
“ lhuttt llauttiltott ltats tatlwtt ·l suite ··t` I IgIII.I.L.SSm.S
CHARGE   Y. M. C. A. rlmttts All l’;tIl\l·rst•tt ll;tlI atttI‘ll(‘l‘ \‘I‘tll lw attt lltsplltlllnvtt I·~
SOLIOITED 'l`lu· oputtttt; ttt•»t¤·tttl·ttt Ittt   Nl. (`. tltt»»t· girls vtlto ;u·t· ttyittg In lt t···ttl··. WEST MAIN STREET
l"]'l)l|l l·(`N[N)|lI$il)l(‘ [unt'- A. W(•|'li HI Ill\> lIlSllIlll|<>lt l•¤l' lltl· us slw t·xI»tt·»`t·t\ tt_ "'|"u· l.l.»;tl
tivS_ pl‘t*>•·ltI )‘l·.ll‘ \\';l> ltvltl lll lll‘· (lylllllil \Yt»l|t;tlt_°°
siuul }•`l·illa)· ‘.\·(•niH!I Sltlnvlllh I-     ' }°"'°""°`°""’
(I()Xll*l IX, (lvl ;lt·l|tt;tmt.•_~tl_ It was in lll(‘ llilIl|I'\' ot' tt lt»ml»im·tl SEE MR. DOWNING OR MR.  -·~··—···-`·*
. Y. M. (`. .\. uml ;llltll·lit· l`&lll_\`. in LURTY AND GIVE YOUR SUBSCRIP-  
I "i"i`”""‘“ ‘“ i’ """ wltivlt lmllt tltv Y. Nl. I`. .\. uml TION TO THE|DEA AT ONCE. L...,.-. o,_.

 as .. ,. iv _ ,
A°ll Ylllll Gll°°°l fm" LITERARY SOOIETIES- the transmission under the \’Rl'l0ll§ CIVIL NOTES