xt7bzk55gr65 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bzk55gr65/data/mets.xml Louisiana Louisiana Historical Records Survey 1939 Other contributors: United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Professional and Service Projects; United States. Works Progress Administration. Division of Professional and Service Projects. 13 v. in 14 ; 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call number  FW 4.14:L 23/3/no.26/ser.I. books  English New Orleans, La. : Police Jury, Parish of Jefferson This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Louisiana Works Progress Administration Publications Transcriptions of Parish Records of Louisiana, No. 26, Jefferson Parish (Gretna), Series I. Police Jury Minutes, Vol. I. 1834-1843 prepared by the Historical Records Survey, Division of Professional and Service Projects, Work Projects Administration text Transcriptions of Parish Records of Louisiana, No. 26, Jefferson Parish (Gretna), Series I. Police Jury Minutes, Vol. I. 1834-1843 prepared by the Historical Records Survey, Division of Professional and Service Projects, Work Projects Administration 1939 1939 2015 true xt7bzk55gr65 section xt7bzk55gr65   QNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY
E - ”   V Mwliltl
§ in__ II W OMIM
3- 3261
i 1939c or LouIs1AvA
v’ ` June 19, 1959
ii TO: All State Directors, HRS
I FROM: John C. L. Andreessen,
Qi State Director in Louisiana
ht At the request of Dr. Luther H. Ewans, I em trens-
i— mitting herewith e copy of the title page, foreword,
Q preface, end sample pages of the Jefferson Parish
Q Police Jury (governing body) Minutes prepared by
Q the Louisiana Historical Records Survey. The pre-
g face contains en outline of the procedures used in J
p preparing transcriptions of archival meteriels for
_ ‘f publication.
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i Prepared by
I The Historical Records Survey
i  Division of Professional and Service Projects
Q Works Progress Administration
’, VOL. I. 1834-l843
  * 9% ·)$ if it- 46 ·)(- 46
g New Orleans, Louisiana
§ The Police Jury
§ Parish of Jefferson
§ June ieee

 . V    ·
5 ·"—
U {g`
I §`
2. °  
The Historical Records Survey  
Luther H. Evans, National Director `
John C. L. Andreassen, J
Regional Supervisor and State Director
Vergil L. Bedsole, Supervisor Q
Division of Professional and Service Projects H
Florence E. Kerr, Assistant Administrator Y
Mrs. Leo G, Spofford, Chief Regional Supervisor I
Alma S. Hammond, State Director .
Col. F. C. Harrington, Administrator T
George H. Field, Regional Director §
James H. Crutoher, State Administrator $

5. .
é` i x
S? ‘
g, 1939 .
P President Weaver R. Toledano
P Secretary . William Hepting
  Treasurer A C. V. Bourgeois V
y" Members H
Q Ward l Harold Heard
{ Ward 2 Wm. E. Strehle
e Ward 3 Leon Gendron
L W. R. White
Z Ward 4 Albert J. Cantrelle
, Edward E. Feitel
E E. M. Gordon
·` Hirsh Meyer
"i Ward 5 Joseph Petit y
IV Ward 6 Clem Perrin
ly Ward 7 Robert Ottermann
gt Ward 8 J. J. Holtgreve
i Ernest Riviere
i Ward 9 Weaver R. Toledano

• _ I  
M zi
J t
3 é
State Senator Jules G. Fisher y A
District Judge L. Robert Rivarde ·
District Attorney John E. Fleury
Asst. District Attorney Ernest Martin Conzelmann I
Sheriff and Ex Officio Tax Collector Frank J. Clancy ~
Representative Alvin T. Stumpf
Clerk of Court Vic A. Pitre {
Assessor George Heebe i
Coroner M. M. Odom R
Superintendent of Education J. D. Ellis g

g iiiil.i  _A sccc all
g J
Q FoREwoRD · »
The Police Jury of the Parish of Jefferson takes pleasure
in sponsoring the publication of the Minute Books of its
, pl"€dGCGSSOI"S» -
i A perusal of this volume indicates its importance to the
y student of local history, law, and government. We especially
Q wish to commend its study to the teachers and students in the
I schools of the parish.
p This is the first volume of governing body minutes to be
t published under Federal Historical Records Survey auspices in
J the United States.
{ We trust this fine work done by the Works Progress Ad-
~ ministration in preserving and making accessible the records V
of Jefferson Parish will receive the commcndation it deserves.
g /{2§£( 

Q gi

3 Illlllll  ,  loll.lll h  .o.
E ensues
g The Historical Records Survey in Louisiana is one unit in the na-
* tion-wide Survey, headed by Dr. Luther H. Evans, National Director. In
i the nation and in each state, the project operates under the administra-
i tive control of the Division of Professional and Service Projects, Works
i Progress Administration. From its beginning as a nation-wide project
g late in 1935, the Historical Records Survey operated under the Writers'
{ Project until November 1936, when it became an individual part of Fed- V
E eral Project No. 1. The administration and operation of the Project in
{ ` Louisiana remained under the Writers' Project until March 1937.
Q The objective of the Survey in Louisiana has been the preparation
f of complete inventories of the records of the state, and of each parish,
E municipality, and other local governmental units. By July l938, it was
{ apparent that if the Parish Archives Inventories were to present a clear
i picture of the records it would be necessary to delve deeply into the
g minutes of the governing body of the parish. Experiments aimed at limit-
§ ing transcription from those minutes to pertinent passages indicated that
g we could not hope to obtain full coverage or uniform results by leaving
g to field workers the selection of the material which should be copied. ‘
{; For that reason, workers were assigned to the transcription in full of
j the police jury minutes in one parish after another until at the present
g time 67 workers are transcribing as many volumes in 46 parishes.
E The first volume of the Police Jury "Minute Book" in Jefferson Par-
t ish was transcribed in long hand using a pencil. The transcription was
$ made word for word, line for line, and page for page. At the close of
g each day, the worker proof-read the material he had copied on that day
j against the original and transmitted it to the state office, where the
é editorial foreman of the transcription unit, Mr. Verne Fisher, read and
t filed the material sent in on each day. If any feature of the tran-
€ script, such as handwriting or spelling was in question, it was return- .
Q ed to the field for correction or verification. The transcriber inserted
§ "[sic]" after each misspelled word to indicate that the error was not an
t error in transcription. It should be pointed out that Volume I of the °‘
% Police Jury "Minute Book" in Jefferson Parish carries the minutes in
5 French on the even numbered pages and in English on the odd numbered
{ pages for the pages l-255; for pages 256-346 the opposite is true. The
j transcription reproduced here is based entirely upon the English record.
g On the completion of the transcription of this volume, the state office
E editorial foreman visited the courthouse in Jefferson Parish and with
§ one of the workers proof-read the entire transcription against the orig-
Q inal. He then eliminated from the transcription all editorial [sic]‘s.
§ The pencil transcription was then typed in 5 copies. The ribbon copy was,
i in turn, proofed against the handwritten transcription. From the ribbon
E copy, stencils were cut during February and March 1939. The stencils, in
‘ turn, were proofed against the typed copy. In other words, the text
° which follows has been proofed on four occasions, two of them against
the original record.
Although the worker’s copy was made line for line, the mimeographed
version does not follow that rule. The transcription here presented is `id

 W J 5 i`
l j .
Preface t
a word for word, paragraph for paragraph, page for page transcription.
Page numbers have been indicated in brackets preceding each page of tran- I
scription. We have carried the inclusive page numbers in parentheses at t
the tcp of each mimeographed page. The pagination of the original was
used to avoid the necessity of double page citations, to the original and
published text, in the index. The editorial device used to indicate
page endings is a line drawn entirely across the page. The double lines IL ·
which appear in a number of cases, as on page 27, have no editorial con- j
notation whatever, but are a transcript from the original. The editorial W
rule adopted for the transcribed marginal notes is that the marginal note Q
shall begin on the sane line as the first line of the paragraph which it |
serves. t
The exact title of Volume I of the "Minute Book" is shown on the ti- 1
tle page immediately preceding the first page of the published transcript. ;
For purposes of uniformity in citation, should it be found possible to 1
publish any considerable number of volumes of police jury minute tran- j
scripts, we have set up arbitrarily a title, under which any parish record
may be published in full, e. g. Transcriptions pf Parish Records of
Louisiana. These must of necessity be published by parishes; so that the T
practice of assigning a number to the parish according to its alphabetical t
position in the list of parishes, used in the Inventory of Parish Archives j
series, has been retained. The series title assigned is-Police Jury §
Minutes. Of course, each mimeographed volume will carry the exact title Q
I and inclusive dates of the original. i
The index has been prepared under the direction of Mr. Randolph T. t
Palmer. The line-index form has been used throughout. An attempt has j
been made to include every place and proper name, and to group under sub-
ject heads the significant items of information contained in the record.
As a preliminary step to making readily accessible the entire body
of local ordinances in the parish, we have also included a list, arranged
chronologically, of the ordinances adopted by the police jury at Jeffer-
son Parish between 1834 and 1843. These ordinances are covered by the
subject index, but we believe that their importance warrants such special
treatment as well.
A cursory exanination of the contents of this volume will reveal, in
large measure, the significance of police jury minutes as a fundamental
source for the study of parish government and history. These records, I
taken in the aggregate, contain a vast body of local law, which, because
it was not in accessible form, has been lost to all except a very few i
pertinacious lawyers. The minute books reveal in what measure the parish *
operated as a local government, and to what extent as an agency of the t
While the whole picture is by no means to be obtained from a read-
ing of this record, the all-embracing functions of the early police jury as _
a governing body and the record of its actions indicate in which offices to
look for the source which will fill out the picture.
An example of the use which can be made of the transcriptions of t
Police Jury Minutes may be cited. As will be noted the minutes of the

police jury of Jefferson Parish begin in 1834. The parish, however, was
established in 1825. The question arose regarding minutes from 1825 to
1834. In scanning the Acts of the Legislature, it was found that in
1834 an act was passed by that body giving in great detail the powers
and duties of the police jury of the parish of Jefferson. Consulta-
tion of the minutes showed that the police jury had, at a meeting held
on January 15, 1834, (page 1) requested the senator and representative
· from the parish to secure an act from the legislature specifically de- ` ‘
fining its powers and duties. The result apparently was the act refer-
red to above, which as approved by the governor on January 30, 1834.
One of the significant sections of this act, and one not found in the
general acts, was section 6, which ordered the police jury to tran-
scribe in a book its ordinances and other proceedings. This would
seem to indicate that there are no missing minutes of the police jury,
that it had never kept any such record of its proceedings, and this
conclusion seems to be borne out by the following pages of the "Minute c
Book", where there will be found a long list of ordinances for the
regulation of all important parish affairs.
` In Louisiana the Historical Records Survey began operation in
March 1936, under the supervision of Lyle Saxon, State Director of
the Writers' Project, who acted as State Director of the Historical
Records Survey. On March 10, 1937, John C. L. Andreassen became State
Director of the Historical Records Survey; Mr. Saxon continued as State
Director of the Writers' Project. On March 6, 1938, Mr. Andreassen be-
came Acting Regional Supervisor of the Survey in the eleven states com-
prising W. P. A. Region lll. Since July 9, 1938, Mr. Vergil L. Bedsole
has served as State Supervisor in Louisiana during Mr. Andreassen's
absence from the State.
General regulations and procedures applicable to all Historical
Records Survey units in the forty-eight states have been followed in
Louisiana. The officials of W. P. A. in Louisiana have always given .
the project cordial support and assistance. Appreciation for the in-
terest and cooperation of Jefferson Parish officials in our undertak- ·
ing must be mentioned. The Police Jury, through its President, Mr.
Weaver R. Tolodano, Secretary, Mr. William Hepting, and Treasurer, Mr.
C. V. Bourgeois, assisted the project by making the minutes readily
accessible, and providing room and facilities for transcribing. Mr.
Vic A. Pitre, Clerk of Court, provided room and facilities for workers
who could not be accommodated in the police jury room.
This and the succeeding twelve volumes of the minutes are being
1 published under the sponsorship of the Jefferson Parish Police Jury.
= Requests for information concerning this, or other publications of the
A Historical Records Survey in Louisiana, should be addressed to Dr. Ed-
win Adams Davis, Archivist, University, Louisiana, or to the State Di-
rector of the Survey.
John C. L. Andreassen
State Director and
Regional Supervisor
Historical Records Survey f`“
622 Canal Bank Building
New Orleans, Louisiana
June 1939

 K )» .

 5 »
§ 1

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5. ` Q
g No 1
—3 Police Jury of the Parish of Jefferson, .
vp Meeting of the l5th of January 1854,
l The jury met agreeably to adjournment_
, lh, Felix Delery appointed in place of Mr, F, V
I Dugue for the Ed, district, Mr, P, A, guillote in
Y plaoe of Mr, Walton, for the City of Lafayette pre-
, sented themselves & after having been duly sworn,
f took their seats,
P ‘ Members present the honPl€ F, Dugue president,
y Felix Delery--C, Zeringue--M Penny--Mr, Fortier jnr,--
» Phi Labarre, LS, Bouligny-P_A, Guillote--Geo, Baumgard_
, Abscntees MS,D,B, Villars P-A Delachaise—- Ant¤@
‘ Foucher junr--Eugene Fortier,
y On motion resolved that the following resolu-
p tion be adopted,
;’ Request made Resolved that our senator and representative be
it to the Sen- requested to sollicit from the legislature, the enact-
f ator & rep- ment of a law which would give to the police jury of
‘_ resentative this Parish, all powers necessary to obtain a good
~; of the Par- Police,
; ish J A
_, Invitations Resolved that the senator & representatives of
Q made to the the Parish of Orleans be invited to unite their efforts
J senator & to those of our Senator & representative, in order to
g representa- obtain the enactment of said law-whereas the great
g tives of risks and losses which that parish should be exposed
§ Orleans to suffer if that of Jefferson had not a good police,
é Whereas the great number of laws relative to
g police juries, it should be necessary that the law
Q which is sollicited should be e -licit enough in
E order to repeal any laws concerning the Parish of
{ Jefferson only,
g Mr_E_Bois- On motion resolved that it be proceeded to the
Q blanc ap- eppointement of the Parish treasurer and in counting I
Q pointed the votes, it appeared that lk, Beausjour Eoisblano ` `
g treasurer, had been unanimously elected,

 = ` MW_ E E
, i , ,,,.... V E  
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‘ E
(1-5) l %
Emoluments Resolved that the cmolument of the treasurer shall ; {
of the be of eight per cent on every sums he shall receive on { %
tre2surer_ account of the Earisho l .§
Duty of Resolved that it shall be the duty of the Parish { i"
the tre·s- treesurer not to pay any account before the same be j -
urer accepted by the judge, { v
Committee Resolved that a committee of three members be é b
appointed tc appointed to examine the police regulations, to make Z ,
examine the the amendments they should think necessary & that the { ;‘
police regu- said committee be requested to make their report Satur~ Q ·
latiens day next--Messrs, P°A_Delachaise, Baumgard & N, Forticr p `
Jr have been elected members of said committee, y C
Strey Cattle Resolved that a fine of two dollars per head shall i *
$2 be cxigible for the apprehension & leading of thc stray ~ J
animdls to the different syndics one half of said fine ~ g
for the parish & the other half for the person who shall V H
have taken them up, j V
Money col- Resolved that all sums collected by the treasurer i i
looted on of this Parish for licences on grog shops, within the § z
greg shops limits of the City of Lafayette from the day of the in-   .
refunded to corporation of said city to the 20th of April last be   d
the city of reimbursed to the City Council of scid City, Q
LL,]m"·.}/`Ctllffx g
W_ Sharp Due reading having been mode of a letter from Mr, y
Sharp claiming the sum of $2l—5O°tS for printing costs
in his paper, z
Fesolved that Mr, Sharp be requested to furnish a E
more explicit y
[5 l  
account_ {
“r_ LcD·ai l After having taken into consideration the letter E
of Yr, ?cDeniel claiming the amount of two bills the §
one of $l5 & the other of $17 for intcrnments of tmp 5
corpse in October l832, i
Resolved that the total amount of those two bills é
by reduced to the sum of $24, g
Propositiwns Reading heving been made of the letters of It T é
to est;blish Bows & Yrs Sacredotte & Givodcau praying to be author- Q
naming houses ized to establish gaming houses, §

E . .
§· r
  ·< 5-5)
§~ .
T Lafayette Resolved that the account of claims made by the
Q accounts City of Lafayette against the Parish of Jefferson in
i· given to consideration of the sums collected on the licenses on
g the attorney greg shops, shall be delivered to the parish attorney
· to collect them,
l, Resolved that Mr, N, Fortier Jr, be appointed
T; member
ji [5l
Q N, Fortier of the committee on finance together with Msrs_ P, A,
1. appd member Delachaise and Louis Bouligny,
" of the com-
»} mittee on l
‘, finance
Il Resolution Resolved that all persons collecting money on ac-
yl relative to count of the Parish of Jefferson shall make a monthly "
'y collectors report to the police jury of all sums by them so col- l
`Q lected specifying from whom & on what account the same
i has been received & it shall be the duty of the secre-
;· tary of the Police jury to keep a faithful record of
ij the same.
· That all money collected on account of the Parish
; shall be paid monthly into the hands of the treasurer
Z» by the collector or collectors thereof & the vouchers
· for such payments shall be produced to the police jury
{ whenever demanded.
~f Requisition That the several justices of the peace within the
1 on justices Parish of Jefferson, be requested to furnish the police
°' of the peace jury of this Parish with a list of all suits on their "‘
V respective dockets brought on behalf of or against the
g. said Parish since they have been appointed justices cf
I the peace, and also an account of the several sums col-
i lected by such justices of the peace in suits for the
Q Parish & to whom paid over.
§ Secretary And the secretary of the police jury is hereby
é his duty requested to communicate this resolution to such jus-
? tices respectively & to request their compliance there-
{ with and it is hereby made the duty of the secretary
E hereafter, once every six months to renew such appli-
Q cation to the respective justices, aforesaid & to
Q communicate the result to the police jury, The jury
g then adjourned,

 · ~ i I
if F
_1   ~ — rrrr r »»rr - ~-7————i ' Ur 3*  
Resolved that these letters be deposited on the i
table. `
D. Dean Reading having been made of a letter of Mr. D Dean _,
by which he gave to the police jury, in favor of the q
orphan assylum 2 sum of $259 -- which is due to him by I
hr. H. Davis. T
Resolved that the secretary be requested to write 5,
to the said Davis in order to know if he should be dis- N
posed to pay said sum» `g
On motion the jury adjourned indefinitely. ,t
January l3th l834. 1
F. Dugue `
President of the Jury -5
Meeting of the l8th January. Q
Members present Mrs. T. Dugue president, C. F
. . V
Zeringue M. Penny--F.Delery-—Louis Bouligny—-N. For~ g
tier jun? Geo. Baumgard--P. A Quillote. y
the Parish On motion resolved that the Parish attorney be Q
attorney re- requested to settle as soon as possible with Mr.
P quested to Depassau as sheriff of this Parish. I
settle with `l
hr. Depassau t [
Jurors when Resolved that hereafter the members of the police Y
liable to jury who shall fail to attend the meetings of the j
fine Police jury shall be obliged to pey the fine required j
by law. Q
Regular That hereafter the regular meetings of the Police P
meetings Jury shall take place on every second Monday of each y
month . i
the Attorney That the parish attorney is charged to claim from Q
charged to the heirs of judge Harang that sum that the said judge {
claim from may owe as treasurer of the Parish as soon as possible 5
Hurwng's which sums efter having been collected are to be de- §
heirs livered with the hands of the present treasurer. E
Fairchild & The bill of Msrs Fairchild & Callender having Q
Cullendor been taken into consideration received that it be E
submitted to the committee on finance. 3
Reading having been made of the letter of MS V i
Fairchild & Callender offering to point the delibera— §
tions of the police jury, resolved that it be deposited 2
on the table. Q

  ` f <5-7)
¥ Parish of Jefferson January 18th 1854,
g F Dugue president of the police jury
V Meeting of the 7th February,
ni Members present Mr, F. Dugue president, C Zeringue -
-p P,A Guillote- Delachaise- Geo, Baumgard-LS,Bouligny~
,j E,Fortier M,Penny- Phi,Labarre- Felix Delery- D B
f' Villars, _
_T The jury having met by virtue of a convocation
5 asked by several members after reading of the Journal
Q on motion,
_Q Regulations Resolved that the regulations of the Police jury
li ordered to be printed in the City of Lafayette, in French & Eng-
X be printed lish & that a committee be appointed on that effect-
, Msrs, P,A Guillote & G, Baumgard have been appointed, V
Q Amts, allowe Resolved that the sum of $80, be paid to lk,
·· ed to Mr, Buisson & a sum of $40, tc each of the other asses-
‘; Buisson sors, -
Qy New commit- That the secretary be authorized to procure him-
I4 tee appoint- self the book where the account rendered the 15th
*i ed October 1831 by the late Treasurer T, M, Harang &
Q accepted by the committee then charged to examine
,, said account,
at That a new committee be appointed to examine the
L account since that time & make their report to the
V president who then shall cause the jury to meet,
l The jury shall take cognizancc of it and will
p decide in consequence,
{ The committee appointed by ballot is composed ·
f of Mrs, Phi Labarre Baumgard- & C, Zeringut,
{ The police Resolved that the police jury shall continue to
E jury com- be composed of twelve members, that is to say that six
I posed of 12 members shall represent the right bank of the Missis•
g sippi--2 members shall represent the City of Lafayette
§ and four members shell represent the rest of the Par-
E ish, in order that the division by the district should
Q remain the same.

 . call,   as __,  __  el  _  __,    _  
; *~  
I `  
(7)   -
Division of That the fifth district shall be divided into two i
the 5th Ward wards in order that the first division should begin at {
the inferior limit of Mr, Ng Fortier’s plantation & l Q
stop at the inferior limit of Carrollton City compre— _
hending (La metairie) shall form the Sth ward, ,
Limits of The second division shall comprehend the inferior E
the 6th Ward limit of Carrollton and shall stop at the inferior lim- y
it of Delassize's plantation & shall form the 6th ward, T ·
7th Ward The 7th ward shall comprehend Barataria, A
The syndic Resolved that the syndic of the 5th ward shall be J
of the 5th entitled to $ BOO per annum & that several syndics '
ward $500 shall be paid quarterly on their drafts, _
E, Guillote Resolved that the jury proceed to the nomination T
appd syndic of the syndic for the 6th ward, & in verifying the y
votes it appeared that Mr, E, Guillote had been unani— y
mously elected, '¥
J Winters & That Msrs, Joshua Winters & Archibald P, How be i
A P How appointed constables for the parish, & in verifying the Y
appP§d con- votes it appeared that they had been unanimously elect- Q
stables ed, _ ·
fine against Resolved that three days after notice given by the -
persons in- syndic of his ward persons who shall have made obstruc-
cumbering tions or other encumbe on the levees & Batturos shall
levees & be condemned to a fine of $49 & of ten dollars for every ;
battures day during which said obstructions shall exist after L
the expiration of the three days notice above said,
Police regu- Resolved that hereafter three days after the police ·
lations how regulations shall have been registered & posted up at if
registered & the door of the Parish Court they shall be in force, `i
posted to be Y
force, p
Resolved that the following Regulations be adopted tj
to wit:  
Police regulations of the Parish of Jefferson Q
adopted on the seventh February 1854, § .
Regulation to fix the manners in which the levees, §
ways, bridges & ditches are to be made & repairod, {
The judge of the Parish of Jefferson, by and with Q g
the advice of the inhabitants composing the police jury E
of said Parish convened according to law, hath ordained A g
& doth ordain as follows: l Q

 Q ·
3 ` 9 \
< .
i Art l of the The breadth of the highways on both banks of the
_ breadth of river and throughout the whole extent of the Parish,
i Highways, without exception, shall be at least twenty—five
t feet; they shall have a swell
li [9] _
j a swell toward the center sufficient to facilitate the
L running off of the waters and be lined on each side by
‘ a draining ditch two feet wide and one foot deep,
i· Art, 2, The length of the bridges throughout the whole
YY parish shall not be less than the breadth of the roads,
L_ and their breadth shall be at least three feet, They
v shall be made of cypress planks of a length equal to .
j the breadth of the road and two inches in thickness,
'* which planks shall be supported by joists placed at
Q four feet distance from each other, four inches below
Y the level of the road, so that the bridges be two _
T inches below said level, Those bridges which are not
`. constructed according to these proportions, shall be
iQ made anew & in conformity thereto,
_ The bridges on the canals of saw mills and others
Shall be solidly constructed of planks twenty feet
., long and two inches thick; they shall be secured with
5, rails, and the ascent to them shall be easy and com-
, modious,
_; Art, 5 The ways on the levees shall be, as all others
V; twenty five feet in breadth,
Q' Art, 4 If there be any trees, hedges, ditches or other
objects which in any manner obstruct the passage on .,
{ the land reserved for public ways all such obstruction
shall be immediately removed, on penalty of a fine of
{ $25, against the person or persons whose duty it is to
§ make and clear the way so obstructed, and the said fine
Q may be exacted for every time that the said person or
§ U persons, being thereto required by the syndic or syn-
g dics of the district, shall have failed to comply,
E In this disposition are not comprised such trees
§ as are planted on the side of ways to form alleys, and
§ not obstructing the passage,
Q Art, 5, The levees shall in future be constructed at a
g distance of ct least forty feet from the waters' edge,
§ vhich is to be understood from the level of the soil
Q without any regard to its declevity toward the river ,
g ,, in the time of low water, but in places the bank is apt » ~

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‘ be ~ e     g  ,»     e gi
v Ta  
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(9-11) '  
to tumble down the distance from the levee to the river i
shall be determined by the syndic assisted by at least ° Q
two inhabitants, T y
Art, 6_ lf the earth for the construction of a levee, taken V
outside, that is to say, on the side of the river, a p
space of at least twenty feet shall be loft untouched Y
between the exterior base of the levee & the spot where 3
the earth is taken from, T L
Art, 7, Every levee constructed anew shall be strongly i
lined with fasoines or palisadoes, from its base to its -
summit in order that it be not diluted by the waves, y je
Art, 8, The levees shall be constructed in the following T ,
manner: For one and not above three perpendicular feet g
of water, (masse) five feet base for every foot in i
height; so that three feet in height shall give fifteen J s
feet base, j y
For four feet height, the base shall be twenty '{
four feet, _F
an V
For five feet, thirty five and eight feet base for Q
every foot in height shall exceed five feet, calculated ,
from the level of the soil, V
The summit of a levee shall always be equal to one {
third of the base; but after the sinking of the earth ‘
it shall still be raised one foot above the level of A
the water when highest, g
Levees shall be constructed by lays, in order to V
make them the stronger, *
Art, 9, The proportion between the base and the height of i ?
levees shall be augmented one foot, on all lands where, ; g
there is not for every arpent of levee an individual { $
either free or slave, capable of working, because that l § V
description of property, not being watched with all 2 {
necessary care may expose the neighboring cultivators i E
to the greatest inconveniences Q é
g 2
Art, l0. For the levees already existing & which want to be i {
repaired the repairs shall be ordered by the syndic, T Q
assisted by at least two neighboring inhabitants who y §
after having been on the spot shall make a verbal T §
A proces of the repairs thus to be executed, the syndic i §
when ordering the works for levees to be constructed é g

57 i . a
g (ii-iz)
[ shall notify to the inhabitants the number of slaves
_ who are to be employed at the said works until their
3 completion; it being well understood that the said
" slaves shall be able to do the work; and in case at
1 the expiration of eight days from the notification the
J syndic should not find this necessary number of slaves
,° he had ordered as aforesaid he shall require from the .
if inhabitants of his district the necessary number of
f, slaves and those slaves shall be paid to the l8th
·? Article, and the reimbursement enforced according to
·· the l6th Article of the present regulation. ‘
L Art. ll. In case of any proprietor being absolutely un-
able to effect the works of the levee enjoined by the
K present regulation he shall declare his inhability be-
1 fore the Parish judge at least one month prior to the
, period fixed by the present regulation for commencing
N said works on penalty of e fine of two hundred dollars
j and of being liable for the damages resulting from the ‘
·- non performance of the works.
at But on its appearing to the satisfaction of the
,l judge, that the proprietor making this declaration is
j`_ really unable to ef