xt7bzk55g88m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bzk55g88m/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky Combs, Oscar 1988 athletic publications  English Combs, Oscar Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Oscar Combs' Big Blue Basketball Monthly Magazine Oscar Combs' Big Blue Basketball, vol. 1, no. 10, January 1988 text Oscar Combs' Big Blue Basketball, vol. 1, no. 10, January 1988 1988 1988 2014 true xt7bzk55g88m section xt7bzk55g88m 1 y 1 V1    _  J   - 1
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He S Had Hls Troubles, But UK S { 2 ~r.·:»V s   ·—»11e  
. .     1-`‘. -·if 
Derrick Maller Says He’s Here To Stay 1; ig  -.11  
·   11~r 1 ·    
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— 1 8 -1 -   8     ;,—       ’»‘..  
85 Years Ago This Month, Walter H. Mustaine   1*53*    
Unknowmqly Started UK’s Roundball Tradition   ,1    1_.1g   8888·8  
  -   ‘$;   8=1   r
_ . ,1   ’·   .=.·1
, ‘   , t‘i   }
  The Fal DOQ Never Caught A Rabbit   1 1 -5 -,1- 1 l
_= On The Court As A Player, Or On The Bench As A 1`   l
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, Coach, Nobody Works Harder Than Dwane Casey *11 -
is 8
I I l \ _ l
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1 - E 1
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liinslon Bennell: C — g
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Ly llkfr Isles! $000-Pom! Glub Member 8 1  
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Nick Nicholas ASKETBALL  
Mlke Estep   January 1988 Volume 1, No. 10
Winfred Jennings
BUSINESS MANAGER ~ `     Eddie Goes OI19-Oh-OHS G ,
D¤¤¤¤ Cembs ° {       , An exclusive question—and-answer session about basketball with
  ~     . .(‘‘‘` K h d h Edd` S tt .
CIRCULATION DIRECTOR ~$»·_ ·\* ,5   ia R"“'°kV RR CORC 'R U O"
· . I ·‘ . .
`”R“°R "°°"°' ’¢’·*  \ ·     Fat Dog Never Caught A Rabbit 8
HOBBY COLUMMST _   _lV` r Zi Throughout his basketball career—as a role player for Joe HaII’s 0
Jack Maiden *` * X   =   Wildcats and new as one ct the nation’s best assistant Q
are PHOTOGRAPHER · · it I 2?.i‘i°*‘§ii2;’i.“”§.E’“i2“§i‘;i$tiii2Rii;'¥ii‘i by RR ‘Zt°$§t§?;?§i;  
Gary Cromwell Eddie Sutton y I A
STAFF FHUTOGFMFHFFT               Blue    
C'a"€'"'c€ Miller J'- s. - {   85 years ago this month, on a cold January morning in 1903, I
CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHER A0 .   gymnastics coach Walter H. It/lustaine reluctantly held the tlrst .
Tim Walden 5 I` t .._   basketball practice at the University of Kentucky (then called
    ·¢   Kentucky State College). Read about the humble beginnings
CONTRIBUTING WRITERS .   of the nation’s most successful program. By Russell Rice
Rick Bolus, Bob Gibbons  
» Russell Rice   i Down Memory Lane 20
COLOR SEPAHATIONS ‘·I·‘‘   A     Kentucky wen 96 games during Jim Masters four-year career,
I C . Dwang Casey but it’s a loss, against arch-rival Louisville no less, that the Ft.
Computer CO Or Orporatmn Wayne, Ind., native remembers most. Jim recalls UK’s 80-68
PRINTING  »__-  . 0     loss to Louisville in the first "Dream Gameithe 1983 Mideast
Gateway press inc_   t,»· 0  ·   v- Regional title game in Knoxville. By Jim Master 0
. * _, l' '
ROR ARVRRTRNR RATES   —     I Earl Recruitin Results 23 tl
AND ALL OTHER INFORMATION   ,0 ik .   _   _ _ _
PLEASE CALL   A F,   Looks like Eddie Sutton and his staff did it again. See how B/C
"< ·—·    ·"  Yi  Cam s director Bill Cronauer rates the to 30 earl si nin
606) 278-3474       w  B. R R V 9 Q
( .    is ‘·  * I recruiting classes for 1988. By Bill Cronauer
OSCAR ccivias BIG BLUE BASKETBALL is ,_ ¥  , ~‘~;s;i¢ 0 —i<‘i
t.i·;i~i tn ·. it bi»l` i "’ · . - ·
MMS;$233Ji?;§5§’iiif7i§§E8“i!2i§S“§§`$iSi§é   M Defflek Nllllef 28
i3i’I.l‘r3i1LEIEJQ'.?i'iI§§;.i§!f§i‘2§LJ*£ii§Q2¥,"ifilfgii J'"‘ RS""' nre savannah. ea., piotiiias riisiyaii aiiii 0 iiiiii iii 0 wiidcai
L0Xm0,0,,_ K0,,0,0ky_ ,,0000 Nm ,0000000,0 i0, ,     ,0 _ _ uniform would have to be categorized as stormy at best. And
Uiisclicltedipgctcgraplrscrn1ant¤scripts§nle;Sézac—     _t». .   even thOugh he lSn’t getting much playing time, the man some i
 ,0000/0ZY  0   , Cell The $heetISt" Says l1e’s growing up. By Nick Nicholas  
Rcprodtiction, in whole or part, without written   j‘- 19 0 , ‘_Tr*fQ \_ ‘ _ ¢ T
iiorinlssion is prohibited. POSTMASTEB: send   '?_si,£f7i\   Z j’_.  
iitltlrvss Changes to Y': ” jp   ` ~~\ ````   Ji. .0.:
OSCAR cones Ria BLUE BASKETBALL "   if   R b Wh 9
FO Rox cisco   0 emem er en. ...... 15 ‘ ‘  
Lexington, Ky. 40522 :2 _ _ ·; -   Tldblts 4
Pliontv i60tSt 278—3~l7~~ _   ~  _’  K
~*}“____   * i "·*,e¤l     iced them the basketball and tell him to shoot
and me uncanny abiiiiy io Come up with big ge Ii r   s jizeg it and then tell the rebounders to go fetch lt. .
. time plays. There are some great players that     Question: Vl/ou/d you go over the progress Z
l’ve known through the years that never were   - i   l of the freshmen (excluding redsh/rts)?  
able lc maybe make as many blg plays as Eddie Sutton· Well of the four freshmen i
Zilélifissléliililél t$il§ZiZrZ`?t-TTS. WE élrllélnlifii M*‘"“°' M°“ '"‘l’*°“'“" 'l'°S“'“*‘" inet leve neveer the One inet nee Steed eel j
ol just thc shots that gO in. but l Still to let some of our big guys have defensive mime nimds .Of the eeeehne Stall end yqu i
remember that play in Indianapolis when he freedom to go out there running and jump- iii (loc? lizlédlaliwolgd be  lc Manuel ENC  
stripped the ball, dove on the floor and in a ing. So, it is taught, yet when the time comes L aigue Eiies if aye dexcei Emi basketball
vew unorthodox position he was able to get ips aimcsi an instinctive piay_ dgnipigéiieisgd igggritpégdehgmogro   I
    . Ouégtiorlll   you talk about   Der- the   gam€ (dU9 to CUl"l€V¥’ VllOl3[lO|'1$?
abia to make piays iikg thai. gggrllfgiizg geéyéiaiggeughr eefleemlllg hls tlglgi could haveiplayed quite a bit in that
Oeeetien-‘ Te teke the ddeetlen e eten ini- Eddie Sutton: he nes been shooting the clirrgilirliaeclllgiloiliallrig       l
ther 8 couple of l/fn9S REX /735 ici! hlg than ball well ln practice. Over the WGGKGDG-(ID piayiiig iim€_ Wigpig noi thai Concerned with l
te °°’"e °"e’ a”d "aP· le inet ev de$’9" O' Uhm he vv<>¤l¤ have hed e Q<>¤¢l sheeting tonon (Ellis). Freshmen develop at different
is that Something he does on his own? performance, but he really dldn‘t have that Siag€.s_ Biii in the Six gam€S_ Eric has piayed
Eddie Sutton; Just like we give certain much of ell dPPddUl‘llY· His elllldde ie Qddd the best and LeRon has played well at times.
players offensive freedom, we do teach in he oerheoe hee lost eellle eelllldellee- Reggie (Hanson) nas not bggn given ing Op-
pidclicc lhctc Sic times YOU can gamble. Question: ls Derrick now bas/ca//y a portunity to play that much. Sean (Sutton)
When thc gamble is One where YOU Think il designated zone—buster or can he play knows his role. The times he’s played he’s i
might be advantageous to your ballclub then against a mar;-[O-mart defense? played very wg|l_ Hi; p|·Ob|gmi as it is {Oi ati
do SO. (EO) Davondet and Chapman atc 3 Eddie Sutton: l believe he can play against the players, is defensively, who does he i
couple ofthe players we give freedom to dou— the man, but l do believe he must unders— cover? The other night l would have liked to ‘
blc Up On the ball. Those atc SpOnl8ncOUS tand that his biggest value is to shoot. This put him in the ballgame (against UNCC) to i
pl8YSV YOU can show lhcni lJUl lhcy have to doesnt mean he can go out and mess up give Ed Davender some rest but l didn’t 2
acl On instinct. Whether Ot nOl they feel like in the other areas of the game. His team- believe he could cover (Jeff) West or (Byron)  
they can make the play. l would have to mates realize that he can shoot the ball. it Dinkins.That‘s whatitoomos downto. l know  
_ believe that the two players l lust mentioned we are struggling, whether it be against a offensively he can play against anybody. ln  
die the DSSI that W9 hdl/Gi but llln nOl going man or zone, when the shot comes along fact, Our ballclub runs very smoothly when  
( i

   hes out there because he’s really not look- A. P A _  ·‘’ " AA  ;A   A ..r· r (     A   ‘‘h‘-
ing to shoot the ball. He moves the ball and AAA;     1  _V  A  " .4      ’ V     AL AA
» he doesn’t make mistakes. But, |‘m very   · tvI    ]     y  A    *  AV%“ A, ' A.    
A pleased with the four freshmen.  7        °_   “ '“i `     i ·’_‘ [ * I; IV' 
Question: What about play throughout the    _           Q  A  
· country in December? 1 A A _‘ .»    ’ A .   .      f j .
Eddie Sutton: This is to show you how  "  'V `   A}V·   Arri   ¢tv. .   A AA `  
crazy college basketball is. l use this (exam-   .        
A ple) because |'m familiar with the teams. This   ‘ P P " A A A  t AA  =   ' y  ‘‘“ '  
A is why that during the month of December ' ` ‘ . ,   AA · · ’t·‘    ' T  ' P ·       
  that it‘s even crazier—strange things happen. ~   ;
l Tulsa beat Arkansas 68-47. The next week    
l Arkansas beat Ole Miss 79-40. So, that’s 60  A   V
_ points difference. Tulsa is now going to play   A `i‘     
Mississippi, having already beat Arkansas        
and Arkansas beat Ole Miss. So, if you look P t A gv`'     _ '
at figures of the games you’d say that Tulsa   ¤~t·A_AA_‘_,.
r is a BO-point favorite over the Rebels. Well, - ·   _ A
l Ole Miss beats Tulsa by 13. So there is a dit-    Ay
  ference of 73 points in opponents. That’s why {gd '
T you can never compare scores, because that A <   _
isn‘t the way it works. A _   4 ; A
Question: You were favored by 50 points     r i f
over Louisvrlle, weren’t you? · ~ T A_A._ffj    
Eddie Sutton: And I said we’d take a one-   A.   ·‘‘ ;
point victory (the UK coach said with a smile).   T  T ` i _ \` ”
A . \    A   L .; A
 X5;         - ;`-’
,   `   Sutton Says LeRon Ellis ls Making Progress, Too
W7 ' " ‘    
' {E ` ·r 7
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       ey Mike Estep
  {  j When you reflect back on Kentucky’s
  f   championship season of 1978, immediately,
$ E   all the great stars come to mind: All-
    Americans Jack Givens, Kyle Macy and Flick
» lj   Fiobey; Mike Phillips, who teamed with
l     Fiobey to form Kentucky’s first "Twin Towers"
  ? Q  _‘ combination; super sixth-man James Lee.
  _ I  QL But even though he spent the season in
      the shadows, little-known reserve Dwane
5 C    Casey played as big a pan in the drive to the
A t    title as anybody.
  G   "(Dwane was) one of the most important
    I 1 people on the team that year," Givens was »
      quoted as saying in Ben Nelli’s book The '
Eff IY Winning `Hadition: A History of Kentucky ,
E Q     ;€ VW/dcat Basketball. "Everyday in practice and  
  · ,     every minute he was in a game he showed  
T     more heart and desire than any guy l have I
Q ever seen. Considering the limited amount
_ ,,,.,..-· of time he got to