xt7bzk55g25j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bzk55g25j/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1999-03-10 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, March 10, 1999 text The Green Bean, March 10, 1999 1999 1999-03-10 2014 true xt7bzk55g25j section xt7bzk55g25j QV we 
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Uni1·ersit_i· rr/`I(er1tuck_v Libraries Sla[]`NewsIetter March I0, [999 ws ),
The First Annual Library Leadership Awards
Alter a slow start, the First Annual Library Leadership Awards were initiated in September.
Nominations were solicited for outstanding performance in Customer Senrice, Going the
Extra Mile, Professional Development, Staff Support from Faculty, Best Team/Committee/Ad-
hoc Committee and Student of the Year. We received over 20 nominations. Not bad for the
first year!
Ub!’¤l’Y B0°k Salt? Customer Service Going the Extra Mile
Apnl lego Y°‘;"g Gallery Karen Cline-Soper Darren Blackburn
""" pm nick amen w Karen came-soper
ak Scott Howard Gwen Curtis
Nancy DeMarcus Susan Osbome
Rick Garrett
Professional Development Staff Support (from Faculty)
Amy Boucher Rick Brewer
wk Terri Brown —A· Barb Hale
Irma Greer (Janet Stith was also nominated, how-
ever her nomination will be held for
Outstanding Team/Committee/Ad hoc Committee Student of the Year
Administrative Services (2 nominations!) ar Ben Hall
Granny ··p·· $4: Electronic Resources David Hoskins
S¤¤v¤¤m<¤v*¤‘S>¤€¤am¤¤ $SFn"§'€{$€§L3TSJ'"g A
grandmother, 2/21, 10 p.m. Her ·
daughter gave birth to a 7lb 1oz
babY b°Y· Caleb '—°9a"· Congratulations to those nominatedll
Ccngmtu/ations, Sonya {and don? Thank you to all of you who sent in nominations.
Zvggyg/a71l:1l?1g§,way loc young to The selection committee, Beth Vest (Chair), Laura Hall, Shirley Greene and Janet Stith had the
g ' arduous task of selecting just one person/team to receive the award. Thanks for volunteering.
Winners were announced and awards presented at the Annual LSO Christmas Luncheon on
Friday, December 17.
Nominations for the 2000 Library Leadership Awards can be sent at any time during the year New
forms are available by contacting Terri Brown:
Via e-mail: tlbrow0O@pop.ul;y.edu or by phone: 257-0500 x2076.
wk Indicates winners of the first annual "Libraries Leadership Awards".
Way to go guys!

 ijeri (
University of Kentucky Libraries March 10, 2000 page 2
 ‘ee¥?kZ5’ i V  A     ..
‘ r   Y- _: _V.__  
"Do You Remember When", (photo right), _ A °}a,e_j r l?  T?        r  
VVVV _ V____  __ r taken by Dennis Davenport, shows North and South T rr _ (   `   . ¤>  
 te    ~     $$7.%éi%L’ZZZ§5"£§J"§aZZT§!ZCZ7‘¥i£i3Z§Z T     eseere   A
;   EE: I     I was erected in   and I`8IT1OVQd February   1-* MM -·-·· - ·-·-v — - .·... r ?¤—-—rr>rerr.,:.,.,:_»   _ _ ,
              .i——-jj -   `*‘’
if6r@~%latest¢eews aagéiipa. :t.· This e ` .   eo...ee » V___ ·_
  ieeereeeteieeriririfeieniwrsieee i  (   `
. weteeei-imilieeeierezeeiiwetleete’ ‘t·’’‘‘ `
‘ *r‘v ¤ee¥<’T¤¤‘Trei¥ii¤¤eZ _=tr’ j ·i;_;_ ’ 1 .    . , r
Wh0’s The Leader of The Band   D_ _ O
written by Terri Brown mmg _ut _
written by Mana Terrell
Just a reminder that rrarrrarraraarra tor Library Yeung Fe¤ere· Deeeeiterv Teem
Leadership Awards may be sent in at any time _ _
during the year. Nominate that deserving paraarri Are veu l¤¤l<·¤e_ie[ e pleee teeelebreie wth the
team while wa fresh on your mind. Nomination meh en Si l°ei¤<>l<>r¤_er¤w¤ but now _l·veS Book sale, andthe christmas luncheon.
YOUTIQ II*tOh0Q’ePhl€   ‘‘’’‘   ·~»» lh I-e}<¤h9tOh- She ehlO}’5 This year we have three new LSO officers:
·°fOCe$$l¤Q COOIl'9emZmQ e
Head of Duplicating Services, but I bet you didn’t OIOth!hQ dhVe Whleh WIII Stem lh Iete NOVem·
know she has been at UK for 27.5 years. She ber IO" The heedll as WeIIIII
  end her huehene Wede • LSO Member Perks: You are considered
      heve been named fer cool because you are a member of one of
    ·-i»`‘   e even veere and ehe hee the best organizations on campus!
  =*‘ · —`,_   two teenage stepsons,
    Wit and Ben_ Sne isfrorn And ifthat’s not enough incentive for you to join...
 y   Lexington and enjoys We will be having a drawing at our St. Patrick's
    " ‘°‘‘‘‘’‘‘     Cooking, Cmchoringi and Day Bake Sale onithe 17*** of March forthose who
    being a hOuSeWife_ it nave turiiieg in theirfniqembershnp forma and dues.
,   ·.   you have any questions OU COU G On€ O t 9 S€V€n lucky WIHHGTS
Smee" cendleem _ ' ___, e ‘ i *   _ :,   about precious Mornento leaving work with more than what you came with!
...weII, atleast sixteen". . _ _ _
Ph "_ b h _ Yeti! might went tO teIIt tO Foriust one low time fee this could be yours! Yes,
Y Ie eeeuee S e le e CO ee O"· you may attend LSO Iuncheons and picnics
. Andy Spears, January 22 cw iivithiout aiimembersgilp, but therie will be a  b
_ ee or a mission. ease sen your mem ers ip
' Scott SW'n· Febtuew 22 fee ($5.00) to Laura Douglas-Library Acquisitions
. Ann Howell, Maron 14 iss a small world! John Quinn, Graphics and 001dW.T Young higfefy, g4&if66 Checks Should be
F' W ,Y Ctl`, tl maeottte'a ta `t'on.-
·S~¤¤v¤~¤¤.M~¤h¤¤ dl§2é§e£Z3’lh€$'Ur‘Zt€3Ell?gt§§L§3$2%l'E§$l2giOn “ ° ""’  
. Dawn Lewis, Maron 25 Catholic. Mary graduated in 1967 with John's
brother Pat, an actor, who recently had a role in JOIN NOW AND BE PART OF THE COOI-EST
Diagnosis Murder CLUB IN TOWN III
LSO Officers:
Sharon McGuire (slmcguQ@goo.uky.edu)
Ch rl M D II g2@oop.ul;y.ed
Correction: In the last issue of the Green Bean a me C Owe (Gmc U)
in our Part of the Family section, I incorrectly I-6Iehe Powell  )
listed Sonya (at Ovid‘s) as a graduate of Bryan g it Egg it E
Station. She actually graduated from Henry Dawn eeye (dl a et @ uk du)
Clay. However, we did both attend Crawford Treasurer: Laura DOUQIBS
Junior High (as it was called then). Sorry, (|adgugQQ@pgp.ulg.edu)
Sonya! Tlb

 UlIil'(’l'.S'll_\` of Kentucky Libraries March 10, 2()00 page 4
Special Collections and Archives
Teleconference ln the late 1930s the University's first registrar, Ezra Gillis, began collecting historical documents on the
the third in the current history of UK and of higher education generally. The University Library began assembling unique
Soaring to Excellence series research materials to support graduate education at about the same time when Dr. Thomas D. Clark
March 24 served not only as a professor of history but also as a collector of primary research materials for the
12:00 to 1:45 Library-
YGUHQ Library Gallery. A separate department for primary and unique materials became a reality in 1946 following the bequest
AII Ib Ian I I of Judge.SamueI McKay WiIson’s collection to UK. The Wilson Collection contains superb assortment of
auén?tr¥II;In;;y§§0I?I1;nIO manuscript and book matenals relating to the history and development of both Kentucky and the nation.
Oppommy _ and bm; your The collections gathered by Ezra Gillis and the Judge Wilson Collection came together in 1946 to form
I hl the foundation of the newly established Special Collections and Archives (SCA). The King Library Press,
unc ‘ founded in 1956, demonstrates traditional methods of book making and fosters creative graphic design
through ongoing typographical projects.
Today, Special Collections and Archives comprises a collection of 30,000 rare books (including the W.
Hugh Peal Collection), 100,000 other books focusing on Kentucky and regional history, Appalachian
studies, and Americana, over one million photographs, over six million feet of film, over 8,000 videotapes,
more than 5,500 oral history interviews, and over 30,000 cubic feet of manuscripts and primary docu-
The collection continues to grow as SCA attempts to document the history and culture of the Common-
wealth and region. SCA has the responsibility for locating and collecting primary source material, much
of which is unique and previously not available in a library or archive.
Over 6,000 researchers visit SCA annually to utilize its holdings. Additionally, SCA receives more that
2,000 reference inquiries each year via mail, telephone, and the lntemet.
Ford Center Established in SCA
Acknowledgements In 1999 the Wendell H. Ford Research Center and Public Policy Archives was established in SCA.
Named in honor of Wendell H. Ford, former Governor and the longest serving United States Senator in
ACTS Green Bean Editors- gsvgrguggzirglric history of Kentucky, the Ford Center preserves the history of Kentucky politics and
Esther Edwards For fifty years the University of Kentucky Library has sought to build one of the finest and most thorough
John W. Quinn bipartisan collections for modem political and public policy research in the United States. Use of the
Tam Brown collection in publications by scholars nationally and internationally testifies to its research value.
Dennis Davenport
Mary Geyer
SCA Faculty and Stay?
WG would  to CXPTGSS OUT James   B/rchfjg/d paul E- HO/brook
gratitude to those "ace reporters", Curaton Hare Books Directon King Library Press
without whom this publication _ ,
would not be possible Terry L‘ Blrdwhlstell Cheryl Jones
' University Archivist and Library Senrices Librarian
· Bob Crovo Directon Oral History Program W_II_ J M h II J
_ _ _ i iam . ars a , n
° Specral Celleellells Team /it-9; Fl-I/Cafféf Director Special Collections and Archives
' Mana Terrell U IO ISU8 rc [VIS Claire McCann
Nancy DeMarcus Manuscripts Librarian
Assistant Archivist for
Acquisitions and Access (UARP) Frank Stangér _ _
Reference Archivist (UARP)
Dawn Gaye
Staff Assistant, Library Senrices Jeffrey S· Suchangk
M h A H Directon Wendell H. Ford Research Center
att ew . arris and Pub/ic Policy Archives
Archives and Records Assistant (UARP)
Gordon E. Hogg
Bib/iographer and Cataloger

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