xt7bzk55g20m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bzk55g20m/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1976-01-23 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, January 23, 1976, no. 112 text The Green Bean, January 23, 1976, no. 112 1976 1976-01-23 2014 true xt7bzk55g20m section xt7bzk55g20m ‘\
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(Editor's note: The Planning G R E E N
Committee Report is being dis-
cussed by the Faculty in four B E A N
stages corresponding to the four
parts of the report. The second
part of the report——Facilities—· UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY LIBRARIES
is presented below. Future NEWSLETTER NO. 112 1/23/76
reports will be given on Collec- David Farrell, Editor Ext. 73831
tion Development, Public Services, ‘
and Staff Development as they are discussed.
The Editor extends the profound apologies of the Faculty Secretary
who neglected to mention the Faculty's lengthy discussion in his
In the Library Faculty meeting of January 16- the "Facilities" section
of the Planning Committee Report, was discussed. Two major issues
emerged. The first was the problem of the arrangement of departments
in King South. The Planning Report advocates the general goal of
locating all public service units on the first floor. The problems
in this proposal that were raised included the location of the public
catalog away from Technical Services, and the fact that the core T
stacks are not removable.
The second issue raised was the Planning Committee's proposal for a
book depository to relieve the most crowded of the branch libraries.
' These libraries would be carefully weeded, and then little-used items
would be removed to the book depository (a renovated classroom
building nearby). The point was raised that a recent book by Ralph
Ellsworth* showed libraries moving away from the book depository
concept. Omer Hamlin suggested that Ellsworth was promoting new
construction, which is unlikely at UK in the near future. Mr. Hamlin
believes that the Medical Center Library could be weeded from 150,000
to 100,000 and the collection stabilized at 100,000. _
Compact shelving, which costs twice as much as standard shelving but
which doubles shelving space, was proposed as an alternative. The
problem with this, however, is that some buildings cannot support
the weight. ·Temperature and humidity control to preserve the stored
materials was also raised as a problem; at this time Funkhouser is
unsatisfactory in these respects. Pence Hall was proposed as a
possible alternative.
John Bryant questioned whether more storage space was needed at this -
time. Adelle Dailey referred back to the questionnaire which showed
that at least six of the branch libraries have critical space
problems. Ruth Brown and Becky Heath updated the Committee's infor-
mation by reporting that the space problem in the Agriculture Library
has been alleviated due to expansion into the basement. Paul Willis
noted also that a Law Library expansion has been proposed.
Finally, Ed O'Hara stressed the importance of adequate staffing and
good service in a storage facility.
T. Bellardo
*Ellsworth, Ralph E. Academic library buildings; a guide to
architectural issues and solutions, 1973.

 -2 -• ` . A \
UK President Singletary has recently established the Faculty Book
Memorial Fund. The fund will be used to purchase books to commemorate
deceased full-time faculty members, retroactivelj to 1 July 75. The
fund will be managed by Mr. Willis, Director of Libraries, and Dr.
Charles Wethington of the Com unity College System. Librarians are
asked to let Mr. Willis know of any faculty member who should be so
P, honored. King Press is preparing a special bookplate.
Dear Staff: E
"‘On behalf of the patients and staff of the Hospital, I want to thank
you for the generosity of your group in providing money to buy gifts .
for the patients at Christmastime. ·
" Through the years you have been most generous and we appreciate this
more than I can begin to tell you.
We came into the Hospital Christmas eve and wrapped presents which we
7 _,, bought at cost with your check from the Hospital Gift Shop. The
° 2 number of patients was higher than we had anticipated so the last
minute work made possible by your check really "wrapped up" Christmas
I for the patients.
“ With every good wish for the New Year for each member of your group,
I am
_ A Sincerely,
L Mary J. Ireland,
- Volunteer Coordinator
Meetings: Public Services Area Meeting. 28 Jan.iii 3
A Bluegrass Librarians Association. 27 Jan., 7:30 PM. Gallery
6-Program: -"Libraries and the Senior Citizen"
Special Libraries Association, Kentucky Chapter. 31 Jan.
6:30 PM. Ramad  Imperial, Waller Ave. (See note below)
Special Libraries Association: A
c Mr. Giles Frappier, the Associate Parliamentary Librarian, Ottowa,
Ontario, Canada will be a guest of the Kentucky Chapter of Special
Libraries Association, for a dinner meeting at the Ramada Imperial on
Waller Avenue at 6:30 p.m., Saturday, January 31st, 1976.
Mr. Frappier served as president of the International Organization of
Special Libraries in 1973-74. .He is.¤¤w serving as Chairman of the
Awards Committee and is a member of the Finance Committee of the

  i- -3-
- Officers of the Kentucky Chapter of Special Libraries are: Ellen
Baxter, Chemistry-Physics Librarian, University of Kentucky, President:
Martha Rush, Librarian, University of Louisville Law Library, Vice
President and President-Elect: and Dean Trivette, Librarian, Govern-
ment Document Department, University of Kentucky Libraries, Secretary
- and Treasurer.
The Kentucky Chapter has 55 active members throughout the com onwealth
and 21 members in the Kentucky Student Chapter under the sponsorship
· of Dr. Catherine Cveljo, of the University of Kentucky College of
Library Science.
Data Services Orientation Session: I
Monday 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. Gallery
Tuesday 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. Room 504
Thursday 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. Gallery
New staff member: Kay Saillard has joined the Medical Library as
Media Librarian. Ms. Saillard was previously Media Librarian at the
University of Cincinnati Medical Library. She has a B.A. from the
University of Wisconsin and an MLS from UK.
Travellers: Susan Csaky attended the lst North American United Nations
Training Session on UN Documents held in New York, Jan. 14-16. The
session was co-sponsored by UNITAR (United Nations Institute for
Training and Research) and the Dag Hammarskjold Library and is the
first of a series of training sessions to be given world-wide.
Ellen Baxter will be attending the Special Librarias Council Meeting
at Cincinnati 28-31 January. Ellen is president of the Kentucky
Chapter of the Special Libraries Association.
Employee Development: University Personnel is offering the following
courses at no cost (except for purchase of textbooks) to all employees:
shorthand, first aid, bookkeeping and Business English. All courses
will be held in the Employee Development Center, Memorial Hall. For
further information, please see Faith Harders.
Gerry Webb is missing an electric heater; anyone knowing its where-
abouts please call Gerry at Ext. 73831.
Associate Director, Medical Center Library. University of Kentucky.
March 1976. Contact Omer Hamlin, Jr., Medical Center Annex #2, Rm.225.
Telephone 233-6241.

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