xt7bzk55fq63 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bzk55fq63/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1944-05-26  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, May 26, 1944 text The Kentucky Kernel, May 26, 1944 1944 1944-05-26 2013 true xt7bzk55fq63 section xt7bzk55fq63 The Kentucky Kernel

Year's Total

Independent Denies
Embry Is Dictator





Summer Session
Begins On June 12
Term Begins
One Week After

One week' vacation will be
granted between final examinations
and the beginning of the first session of the summer quarter, which
will start on Monday, June 12, and
will end on July 19, the registrar's
office has announced.
Until a definite enrollment number can be determined, the courses
which are listed in the catalogue


Hill Will Hold
Editorship For
Summer Term




Janet Edwards, junior from Rock-for111, has been named editor of
The Kernel for the fall quarter by
the Board of Student Publications.
Carolyn Hill, senior from Carroll-towill be editor during the sumd,


mer term.
Members of the fall staff were
announced following a meeting of
the Board of Student Publications
Wednesday in the office of Dr. Niel
Plummer in McVey hall. Bettye
McClanahan, Junior from Dallas,
Tex, will retain her position as
news editor, and Carolyn Hill will
be managing editor.

are tentative.

Arte and Sciences
Although the registrar's office reserves the r:ht to withdraw courses
if there is no necessity for them, the
following courses will be offered.
Courses in the College of Arts and
Sciences are: anatomy and physiology, ancient languages and literature, anthropology and archaeology,
bacteriology, botany, chemistry,
economics, English language, and
literature, geography, geology, German language and literature, history, hygiene and public health.
Journalism, library science, mathematics and astronomy, military
science, music, philosophy, physical
education, physics, political science,
psychology, romance languages and
literature, sociology and zoology.
College of Agriculture and Home
Economics! agronomy, agricultural
entomology, animal industry, animal pathology, farm engineering,
home economics, horticulture, markets and rural finance, and rural
College of Engineering: civil enengineering,
general applied mechanics, administration, engineering drawing, mechanical engineering, and metallurgical engineering.
College of Education: agricultural
education, business education, distributive occupations, educational





chology, elementary education, history of education, industrial education, music education, philosophy
f education, and secondary edu-


Courses will also be open in the
College of Law and the College of
For 1944 the fee for all resident
students, except those enrolled in
the law college, will be 35 dollars
for the full summer quarter, and
23 dollars 'or either term. For nonresident students" the corresponding fees1 will be 65 dollars and 28
Hollars. .1 For resident students enrolled. J H the College of Law, the fee
for the full summer quarter will be

dollars and for either term


Hollars. The corresponding fees for
students will be 58
Dollars and 30 dollars.
Classes At 7 ajn.
I Classes during the summer quarter will begin at 7 a.m. The first
hour will be from 7 to 8:15 a.m.,
the second hour from 8:25 to 9:40
am., the third hour from 9:50 to

and the fourth hour
from 11:15 to 12:30 p.m. A few
percourses will meet for one-ho11:05




The faculty will include 156 instructors for the summer quarter.
The normal load for the summer
quarter is 18 hours for both terms
and eight or nine for one term.
Women will be housed in Jewell
hall and the smaller housing units,
and' all room applications must be
submitted to Mrs. A. G. Dailey immediately, so that room assignments can be made.

Reserved Seats
For Commencement exercises
each senior may get reserved
seats for parents by calling at
the dean of women's office.
Each senior is limited to two
reserved seats.

The Commencement
honoring seniors and friends, will
be held at 1 p.m. Friday, June 2 in
the Bluegrass room of the Union
The price is one dollar. Tickets
will be on sale in the dean of
women's office until 5 p.m., Thursday, June 1.







June Baker
will serve as editor of the



Margaret Julia


Wharton, junior

from Lexington has been named
as business manager for the summer, and Elizabeth Faulkner, junior from Lexington, will be Miss

are frail
Dreams, fancies.
the web on which stronger fabrics are built.
This week the staff members of The Kernel have dreamed.
They have seen a vision of our University as it could be ten years
in the future. And with their dream has been linked the wish
that it will come true by the time its dateline, May 26, 1954, arrives.
The vision, in true journalistic style, has been put into black
and white as a front page of The Kernel of 1954. May this be
a challenge to seniors, alumni, friends of the University to make
it a reality.
To all Kentuckians: May it inspire you with the determination that our future citizens shall have equal advantages for education with the youth of other states.
To the people of Lexington: May it reveal the influence of
the University upon the community's intellectual, spiritual, and
economic well-beinTo the faculty: May it inspire you to carry the University to
new peaks through sincere teaching and diligent research
To those wfio talk loosely and think viciously about the University: May it cause you to ponder whether you are furthering
education. May you ask yourselves, "Can't we strive upward rather than drag downward?"
To the students: May it open new vistas of mind and spirit
This is our dream for the future.

Wharton's assistant.
The business manager for the fall
quarter has not been named as yet
Miss Edwards is publicity manager for Delta Delta Delta sorority.
A Journalism major, she has been
managing editor of The Kernel
since March, was formerly a member of
and is now a member
of the YWCA.
Assistant managing editor of The
Kernel since March, Miss Hill is
also a Journalism major. She is
president of Theta Sigma Phi,
women's national Journalism hon
orary fraternity; a member of the
YWCA social service committee,
WAA secretary, and
of Jewell halL She is a member of
Kappa Delta sorority.
Miss McClanahan is
jj ,
i . ,,
of Alpha Delta Pi sorority, and
of Theta Sigma Phi.
Marjorie Palmore
She has "been a military sponsor,
. . has been named business man.
sergeant of
Chairager of the Kentuckian for the and a
man of the Victory center, she is
coming year.
also a member of the YWCA social
committee, and is a former society
editor of The Kernel.




Baker Named
Kyjan Editor

Summer Business Manager
'The summer business manager.
Miss Wharton, IS asslstarrt'tfeasu'r-- "
er of the Newman club, and former
rush chairman, of Kappa Kappa
Gamma sorority. She Is a past
member of the art committee of the
Union board, and has been on the
advertising staff of The Kernel.
She is a journalism major.
Miss Faulkner is a member of
Mortar Board, YWCA secretary, a
member of Cwens, and is past president of WAA. She is a Journalism
major, and has also been a member
of The Kernel staff.

Palmore To Be
Business Manager


June Baker, Junior from Hopklns- ville. has been named as editor for
the 1944-4- 5
Kentuckian by the
Board of Student Publications.
Junior from
Horse Cave, will serve as business
Miss Baker is a member of Mortar Board, Cwens, YWCA, and the
Victory committee of SGA. She is
also president of the Baptist Student union and has been a reporter
for The Kernel and the Y's Owl.
She is a former associate editor of
the Kentuckian.
Past president of Cwens, Miss
Palmore is also a member of Mortar Board, Glee club, 240 committee. Tau Sigma, and the Sophomore
commission of the YWCA. She is
also captain of
and is the
newly elected treasurer of WAA.
At the meeting of the publications board held Wednesday in Mc-Vhall, plans and discussions
dealing with contracts for the publication and direction of the annual were related and the director
of publications was authorized to
present contracts to Frank D. Peterson. University comptroller, for
consideration and approval.
The Board of Publications Is composed of Dr. Nlel Plummer, di
rector of publications and head of
the journalism department; Norma
Weatherspoon, editor of The Kernel; Virginia Long, editor of the
Kentuckian; Norman Chrisman,
Student Government
representative, and Willis Carleton
Tucker, associate professor of Jour

Judith Rowland,
Agriculture Junior
Is New

4-- H


Judith Rowland, agriculture Jun
lor from Maceo, has recently been
elected president of the
Miss Rowland is a
member of the Home Economics
club and the YWCA.
Other officers elected were Mil'
dred Dunn, junior from Benton,
Ann Word, senior
from Inez, treasurer; Richard Le
Grand, sophomore from Owensboro,
reporter, and Mary Katherine Eu
bank, secretary.
The last meeting of the year was
held May 23 at which time a gen- eral program for the coming year

SnKy . . .
. . . will hold its annual picnic at
2 p.m. Saturday, May 27 at Rodgers
park. Members of SuKy and their
guests will attend.
Dutch Lnnch elub
. . . will hold its last meeting at
noon today in the YWCA office,
Members are to bring their own
VMCA cabinet . . .
. . . will meet at 6:15 pm. Tuesday
In Bart Peak's office in the Union

Miss Hill will be assisted as summer editor by Doris Singleton, junior from Louisville, as news editor.



1944-191- 5.



Janet Edwards Dreams, Fancies Pictured
Named Editor In Modernistic Daily Kernel
Of Fall Kernel
often provide
things but



26, 1944

Outing Club To Have
Breakfast, Bike Hike

T' Petitions

To Allow
Japanese Students At UK


nf kavlnit T.nonaca.
American students enrolled at the'Pardizln
Sympathy Extended
next veur ww fnwsn I
our symby members of the
at "We, therefore, extend Japanese- their annual fall retreat last week. pathy to those loyal
These organizations are campaign- American citizens who have been
ing to bring some Nisei students,1 subjected to unfair discrimination
Japanese, because of their physical resemwho are American-bor- n
blance to our enemies in the Pato the campus.
cific. Our government realizes that
Letter Written
all citizens, whether of German of
The Y cabinets have written a Japanese ancestry, are entitled to
letter to Dr. Herman L. Donovan, all of the opportunities of our land.
president of the University: the It has carefully tested the loyalty
Board of Trustees; and Bill Embry, of each Nisei before releasing him
president of the SGA;- - assuring the or
her from the relocation centers
administration of the interest and to which they have been confined
cooperation of these croups If such
since Pearl Harbor.

students are admitted.
The letter reads:
"The cabinets of the YMCA and
YWCA of the University of Kentucky wish it to be known that at
their spring retreat on May 20, 1944,
the following resolution 'was passed
with but two dissenting votes: 'We,
as : members . of tfce,..TMCA.' and
YWCA cabinets. are tn faVor of
admitting to the University all
qualified students, regardless of
race or creed.' "
"We as students of the University
are conscious of our duties as citizens of this democracy. It is our
duty to study not only what our
forefathers have done to create and
preserve this nation, but also to
keep vigilant that the principles of
liberty and equality are continually
upheld in our society.
"While our buddies in the field
are assuring our national existence
in the face of Fascist aggression,
we at home must in turn assure
them that we shall fairly distribute
the freedom for which they are jeo--

A bike hike, followed by a break
fast, will be given by the Outing
club at 7 a.m. Sunday at the Van
Hooser farm on the Harrodsburg
A drive to collect clornmg for
The group will leave the Union destitute people of Greece will be
promptly at 7 a.m. Members may conducted in Lexington from June
1 to June 15, according to Bart N.
catch the bus if they prefer.
The following students are in Peak, YMCA secretary.
Clothing will be turned in at the
charge of the various committees:
Freeman and Katharine YMCA office in the Union building
Johnston, food; Morrison Swift and by University students and any
Evelyn Green, posters; Ann Tay- other contributors.
All types of used clothing are delor and Mary Lillian Davis, publicity; and Helen Harrison, general sired except hats, evening gowns,
and silk hose.

Lexington To Have
Drive For Clothing

Commencement Exercises
Scheduled For Friday, June 2
Are Scheduled
Tests To Begin
Thursday, June


leges except law will begin Thursday, June 1, and last until Saturday, according to Dean Leo M.
Chamberlain, registrar of the University.
The schedule:
Thursday, June 1:
classes meeting first hour on any
cycle starting on either Monday or
ajn, classes meeting
first hour on any cycle starting on
either Tuesday or Thursday.
pjn., classes meeting second hour on any cycle starting on
either Monday or Wednesday.
Dr. Homer W. Carpenter . . .
pm., classes meeting sec- . . . will give the baccalaureate adond hour on any cycle starting on dress Sunday in Memorial halL
either Tuesday or Thursday.
Friday, June 2:
classes meeting third hour on any
cycle starting on either Monday or
a.m., classes meeting
third hour on any cycle starting on
either Tuesday or Thursday.
pm, classes meeting
fourth hour on any cycle starting t s
on either Monday or Wednesday.
p.m, classes meeting
fourth hour on any cycle starting
on either Tuesday or Thursday.
Saturday. June 3:
classes meeting fifth hour on any
cycle starting on either Monday or
ajn.. classes meeting
fifth hour on any cycle starting on
either Tuesday or Thursday.
pjo, classes meeting sixth


Brimming over with enthusiasm
for his work. Professor Charles E.
Snow, anthropologist,
makes his
work and himself one of the campus'
highlights. The museum of which
he is In charge is definitely one of
the University's most interesting
points. Dr. Snow is quick to explain that our University has been
one of the first to recognize the
wealth of prehistoric Indian remains
in the South as exemplified by the
numerous publications of the department of anthropology
Much material has been found in
the Indian mounds in Kentucky.
Now he is working skeleton material,
including statistical treatment of
large series of individuals which will
soon be published. Professor W. S.
Webb and Dr. W. D. Funkhouser
have already published many peri'
odlcals of this type of work. Snow
explains "Kentucky is one of the few
states which have contlnuK their





The commencement






undersigned1 do urge that the University of Kentucky join the ranks
of American colleges which extend
their hospitality to these fellow citizens. Because we realize that in
our college community there jnaf
be students whose" prejudices becloud their fair judgment, we Individually assure you that we win
do our utmost to make all qualified Nisei students socially and cul
turally at home on our campus."


Airline Hostess

School May
Be. Glospd
The contemplated closing of the
University training school was unan
imously protested by almost 250 par
ents, of the school's students at a
meeting Tuesday night in the school
Mrs. Hampton C. Adams, president
of the parent-teachunit at the school, and Sam P.
Strother, Lexington attorney, stated
that the University school had done
a "wonderful work and that the
parents were proud of its record

Any woman student on the
campus desiring a position as a
hostess on the Delta airlines
may fill out an application
blank in room 121 of the Union

and wanted it continued..

College Of Law
Announces Election
Of Senior Members
The faculty of the College of Law
announces the election of the fol
lowing seniors to The Order of tlte
Coif: Leo Emory Oxley, Hunting
ton, West Virginia; Scott Elgin
Reed, Lexington, and Ira G. Stephenson, Williamstown.
The Order of the Coif Is a national honorary fraternity organized
in American law schools and de
voted to the encouragement
Election to member
ship is the highest honor which
may be achieved by law students.

Dr. H. L. Donovan, University
president, had previously stated that
the plans to close the school were
still in the exploratory stage, when
parents had conferred with him to
protest the move. He said that a
report recommending the change,
prepared by Dr. W. 8. Taylor, dean
of the College of Education, would
be submitted for consideration by
the University board of trustees pos
sibly at the June meeting.
Expansion of the teacher-trainin- g
program, whereby student teachers
would be trained in the public
schools, is planned as a postwar project. Dr. Taylor explained, and will
minimize the need for a training
school. Closing of the school would
effect a saving of about $14,000
yearly to the University.

anthropologists to work along with
clinics to isolate and study body
types.. They are also useful when
the body must be described, from
the practical point of
of gas masks, and a
bombardier for bombers. Recently
many anthropologists have been employed in Washington doing foreign
intelligence work.
Played Indian
Snow became interested in the
subject when he played cowboy and
Indian as a child. Ralph Hubbard
fostered his ambition and later Earl
Morris of Carnegie institute aroused
After Harvard, he
his Interest.
worked in Alabama for a while and
came here to help direct the WPA
processing of the skeleton collection
and to work with Professor Webb.
All through this work takes up a
great deal of his time, he finds time
for tennis, archery, wood work.
surface collecting of Indian relics
nd playing the cello.
He says, "I think I am extremely


Thursday Last
Day For Annuals


Acording to Marjorie Palmore, business manager of the
Kentuckian,- Thursday is the
flna. day the annuals may.be
obtained.' " "
Approximately 450 have already been distributed with that
many more to be. In order to

meet the

rush the

last-minu- te

office will be open from 1:15
p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday and
from 9 ajn. to 11 a.m. Thursday.



vice-coun- sul

pjn.. classes meeting sev
Dr. Milion Eisenhower
enth or eighth hour, appointments, . . . will speak at the commenceconflicts.
ment exercises Friday night on
No examination shall be given be Stoll field.
fore the last three days of the
quarter except with special permis
sion from Dean Chamber lam.
"In view of these facts, we the


work with the publications of
material excavated with
federal aid."
Born In Colorado
Professor Snow was born in Boulder, Colo., and went to high school
there and to the University of Colorado. Both he and his wife graduated as majors in geology. Deciding,
as he puts it, "We had no future in
geology, we decided to get married.
I wouldn't be here today is my wife
hadn't pitched in and helped me
work our way through Harvard-dona-ting
blood and doing odd Jobs,
etc. .
They have four children. Instead
of being ambitious that they become
future anthropologists, he explains,
"I hope they will marry rich widows
or go into more remunerative fields.
He explains
that openings for
anthropologists are few, especially in
universities. The science of anthro
pology his field Is relatively new,
only about 40 or 50 years old. Now
the trend has begun for the physical

Dr. Milton 8. Eisennower,

dent of Kansas State College and
brother of General Dwight D. "Ike"
Eisenhower, will be the principal
speaker at the annual commencement exercises at 7:30 p. m. Friday.
June 2. on Stoll field.
Dr. Elsenhower, who graduated
in 1924 from the school he now
heads, has served as American
at Edlnburg. Scotland: assistant to the U. a Secretary of
Agriculture: director of information
in the department of agriculture.
and coordinator of the land-us- e
program of the department of agriculture.
In March, 1942, Dr. Elsenhower.
was appointed by President Roose
velt to direct the War Relocation
authority, organizing and directing
the evacuation of Japanese-Americafrom the Pacific coast. As
soon as this relocation was under
way the President named him associate director of the Office of
War Information. He resigned the
position in June. 1943, to become
president of the Kansas State col-



Suit Is Filed

Seeking an accounting of profits
totaling $92,705.79. H. A. Harper
and James M. Molloy. University
alumni, filed suit Tuesday in Fayette Circuit court, and demanded
the recovery of funds claimed to
have been paid on contracts for
tests conducted at the Wenner-Gre- n
Aeronautical Research Laboratory on the University campus.
The Mawen Motor corporation,
which Is alleged by the plaintiff to
have received the money in payment for contracts executed between the University and the War
department and between the University and the Pratt and Whitney
Aircraft company, was named as
defendants in the suit. Named
specifically as plaintiffs were the
Commonwealth of Kentucky in behalf of H. A. Harper and James M.
Molloy, citizens and taxpayers.
The $92,705.79 had been paid by
the War department and by the
Pratt and Whitney Aircraft company, a division of the United Airfor contracts
craft corporation,
granted and completed between April, 1941, and February. 1943, for
lubricating oil for aircraft
fortunate that I am able to teach tests for
and carry on research at the same engines, the suit by the The
Wenner-Gre- n
were conducted
time teaching keeps you alive and
in touch with your students; reThe plaintiff charges that the
search permits you to continue your expense to the University of carryoriginal work.
ing out the contracts "was, or
Postwar Wish
should have been, less than the
could gross
A postwar wish is that "We
amount received by the Uniuse a better museum to display versity," that "the resulting profit
adequately our fine and unique col- accrued belongs to the plaintiff,
lection. There will be an expected and that the defendant has not
increase in emphasis on anthro- made any refund to the University
pology after the war. So far the of any part of the money transmitgeneral information about the sub- ted to it by the University.
ject among common people has been
When bids were made for the
false. It Is a study of living people-m- an contracts, a profit of 10 per cent
the most Important and in- was figured. J. W. Jones, attorney
teresting animal.
for Molloy and Harper, said.
Professor Snow now has enough
The funds were transmitted to
unfinished work, hundreds of skulls the Mawen corporation for no legal
to be measured and described to reason, the suit charged. Under
keep him busy for quite some time. the budget acts of 1940 and 1942.
People are welcomed to the museum, all money received by the Univer
and a trip through the museum sity of Kentucky on contracts
guided by the professor, gives one should have been deposited with
an insight into a comparltavely new the state treasurer and credited by
(Continued on Psge Eight)
and very fascinating field.

University Recognizes Prehistoric Study
Of Old Relics, Says Dr. Charles Snow
By Wanda Lee Spears



Final examinations in all

Eisenhower Will
Deliver Address
On Stoll Field



which will be held for approximately 250 graduates, will start at
3:30 p. m. Sunday. May 28. with
the formation of the baccalaureate
procession on the plaza between the
Physics and Mining buildings and
the drive leading to the Administration building.
Dr. Homer W. Carpenter win be
guest speaker for the Baccalaureate
sermon at 4 p. m. Sunday, ia Memorial hall. Pastor of the First
Christian church in Louisville for
the past 13 years. Dr. Carpenter
formerly held pastorates at the
First Christian church in Chattanooga, the First Christian church
In Richmond, and the First Christian church In Shelbyville.
Former president of the international convention of the Disciples
of Christ, Dr. Carpenter was the
guest speaker at the world's convention of that body held at Lester.
He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Transylvania college, the
Bachelor of Divinity and Doctor of
Divinity degree
from Transylvania's College of the Bible.
. Following. the. Baccalaureate sermon. aiT members of the graduating
class, guests, friends. reanioA
classes, alumni, trustees, and faculty of the University win be honored by the Union Board at S p. m.
in the Union building.
Mrs. Sarah B. Holmes and Miss
Jane Haselden will be at home to
all graduating senior women from
p. m, Wednesday, May 31. at
282 Rose street.
Registration of all alumni will
a. m. Thursday.
take place at
June 1. In the Union building. At
4 p. m. Thursday. President and
Mrs. Herman L. Donovan will be at
home to all trustees, faculty, alum
ni, seniors, and guests of the graduating class at Maxwell Place.
Beard To Meet
At 10 a. m. Friday. June X the
Board of Trustees will meet in the
president's office. The commencement luncheon for all members of
the graduating class, will be given
for guests, friends, reunion classes,
alumni, trustees, and faculty of the
University at 1 p. m. that afternoon
in the Union building.

By Shirley Meisler
Question: What phase ef scheol
life have yea enjoyed meet tais

Pat Clements, A AS, freshmaa:
The days after exams.
Caroline Rodes, AAS. freshmaa:
Going before the school board.
Agnes Fenhnore, A 3, Junior:
Glen Harned, Ag Junior: My
textile courses and my trips to
Anne Meacham. Ag, freshmaa:
My bridge games at the Union.
Jim Hiale. Eng., Junior: My work
In the radio station.
Andrey Owens, A AS. freshmaa:
Mildred Long, A AS, sephemere:
Working on The Kernel.
Mary Jane Miller, A AS, eephe-mor- e:
ities downtown Saturday afternoon.
Dottie Lewis, A AS. freshmaa:
trips to the river
Those week-en- d
where I have a chance to forget
about that last hour I spent In a
Pat Griffith. A AS, sepbeatere:
Snatching a few bites to eat (about
50c worth) in the bookstore.
Beth Caddy. A AS, scaler: Borrowing about 50c from Pat to get
something to eat la the bookstore.
extra-curricul- ar

� Best uopy Available

The Kernel Editorial Page

DURwa th school txab
Norma Weatherspoon

wimt OR

uterr4 at IIm Poet

wcoi.e ciae



Janet Edwards


t Lexington, Kentucky,
Biatter under the Act o! March S. U7.

interg'Sre- -


Lexlnfton Board






Vincent Spagnlolo






M One Quarter







Sport. Editor
Society Editor
Advertising Manager
Managing Editor
-- ..Assistant
circulation Manager
Assistant News Editor
Staff Photographer








Melt Baker. Mary Lillian Davis, Catherine Ooaian, Carolyn
Hill. Eleanor Keetl, Mildred Long. Shirley Melater, Ruth Peri- natter, Wanda Lee Spears, Cene Whicker, Dora Merenbloom,
June Baker.

my last class, my last trip to the Grill,
niv last visit to the Book store. These words are
being heard frequently now. This is the senior's

Tor the senior, life at least life as he has
known it seems to be ending. As long as. he
can icmemler, for sixteen years, he has gone
t( school. Day in and day cut, he has picked
up his books and Walked. His right hand has
Knots Iron, years of writing.. One shoulder
ptobably; lower than the other from carrying Z
It lias seemed, at times, like a long, hard,,


it has been his life,' t'he:

tiind. But

.of past
We can urge him to think .with-pridand to realize: that life is not
ending, that it is merely changing.
We can only be trite and say, "Farewell and
good luck." Let that convey what it will to the
"'senior. It will suffice.








Xratij,ion nas
re.hing ,he puint

y.. on




it ,,at.everv
wl)Cre he must

shall wrile a farewell



rabid and rant-y- ,
be an uncle; you're a better anti.

editor, "upon
'write "is lasi
edi-bonk- s.

I write mine.








Shadoujs Of QraduaHon

Dictating Policrj "NOT Aim
Of EmbnjHHHlndepenclent

As a "loyal member of the Inde- party, I was very disap- to see the letter in the last
Issue of The Kernel by D. O. Burke,
which will inevitably tend to break
the cooperation of the parties. As
explained by the editor last week,
I believe Mr. Burke to be mistaken
and that his extreme attitude
NOT a true representation .of the
Independent party.
, :..
I have known Bill Emhrf for
some time and have foijnd hmi to
be a very capable, cohscieptlous.
and cooperative person.j l dp not
believe that he is seeking, dictatorial
power as accused by Mr.l Burke, and
I do not ee why anyone . would
want this power over campos or- ganization. Of what value could
it be? I believe that Mr( Emory is
doing his best to create a better
understanding between the parties
in order that a better student gov- might be had. ( In the last



By Adele Denman and Mary Kassenbreck

It place can hardly
Tri Dell
Looking back to the awards of forget Amoit HambletU who had
"F.'.ars of the Night," we find the been waiting ao long for a car that
Tri LVlts really shining. Bernice she wouldn't take "no" for an
lwis won the outstanding fresh- answer. She finally ended up with
man woman award, while Betty
Rruaddus. Joan Kloecker, Marjean the manager's car.
What about the days that went
Wenstrup and Betty Shelley were
by when the Alpha Delta Pi girls
taken into Cwens.
Tom Moseley decided to stop didn't know where their next
playing the field and planted the would com from because of the
cook to teed their hunSigma Chi cross on Frances Street, lack of





four-purpo- se


gry faces?
Next month

b tha date set
Franco Jinkia' jnarriage to



La rial:
E nergy exhausted
, N eras shot
D aran glad it's all over.
C Farewell:'
Well, all of you gossip hungry
people, we've reached the end of
our freshman year which means
Box Can will have to be buried.
We want to thank Weatherspoon
for being so patient and sparing
our necks when we turned the column In five minute before going
to press. We also want to thank all
the girls we hounded for news.
It' been fun tearing our hair
trying to make lt interesting without losing ,ll of our friends. But
now we look back over it all, we
wouldn't do It again for all the tea
in China.
T. Alpha Gaauaa Delta.
to Dynamite, the little
powder keg who keep the Gamma
Delta first with the latest TNT
men on the campus. Nice going,
gal, you hold that Rose Bowl. We
wish we could, but If someone else
has to, we can think of no one else
that we would rather have it.
She ha had more love affairs
than anyone else on the campus.
A quarterback of the AGD team
she "hold that man."
. Alpha. XI Delta
When you've given to the Red
Cross, give to the Alpha Xi fund
for "more honors for Weather-sboodWe see from the annual
she U member of everything except
the' Republican . nominating committee. Since Big Ted is going to
be houce mother next year, we, the
writers of this Journalistic achievement, award her a scholarship in
the Journalism department next
year to keep her occupied.
And there 1 the tory of the man
who walked in the Kappa house,
saw the men three-dee- p
in the dining room, and screamed, "I didnt
want the YMCA, I want a woman!"
This 12th Issue of the column is
dedicated to Ethel "Vitamin" Blan-tiwho takes vitamin pills plenty,
but isn't weak on love. The little


gal with the quiet manner and the
louder mannerism is Dorothy Lock.
Good girl, but her technique is bet-

Let's give three loud .cheers for
Sal Ewing. She is being forced to
graduate so she can talk (with privacy) over the telephone.
10. KD:
I love the emerald and the pearl!
Gals, you aren't green, but you
gotta lot of pearls. For Instance,