xt7bzk55fb9s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bzk55fb9s/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1944 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 02, no. 15, 1944 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 02, no. 15, 1944 1944 1944 2012 true xt7bzk55fb9s section xt7bzk55fb9s / "V V
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 1 1
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ji fed We Qmqdl »
A Former men students in service .... 5,695 Stall members in service ............. 172   :
j Former women students in service . . 237 Duplicates (stafE—students) ........... 104  
j Total ...................... 5,932 Total ......................... 6,000  V
Thomas Rogers Riley Lexington Killed in Action  {
Harry Moorman Boyd Paducah Killed in Action ”
Paul T. Barnett Shelbyville Killed in Action  
Leslie Morris Gross Frankfort Killed in Action  A _
1 Tyron Y. Smith Princeton Killed in Action  ; 1**
james Arthur Estes Stearns Killed in Action   A
Bascom Evans Ford Lancaster Killed ini Action ’_, so
j john Dave \tVilson Somerset Killed in Action   lit
. Harold Thomas Hackney Lexington Killed in Action   lh
V Clayton C. Congleton, jr. Lexington Plane Crash `L M
William Robert A. Eyl Lexington Killed in Action   li,
Fred C. Rogers Lockport, N. Y. Killed in Action ii U1.
i CAPT U RED t> tu
Carl Edward Morgan Ludlow Germany   al
Daniel Isgrig Paris Germany l C.
Bernard T. Moynahan,   Nicholasville Germany   T
Robert M. WVatt, jr. Lexington Germany   Ca
_john Logan Cox,   Campton Germany   p(
Herman Ray Miller ` Eastview Germany  
Carl Edward Morgan Ludlow Mediterranean Area   ba
\\lilliam A. Hockensmith Frankfort Germany   Pl
_ joseph \~Villiam \*Vise Frankfort European Area S )
, james Libern King Benton Germany .f.
~ Bowers Holt \Vallace Sturgis Mediterranean Area _‘
Bernard L. Foley Lexington New Guinea j ` dl
Frank Saunders Phillips Monticello European Area L “"
, Cecil L. Elmore Cleveland, Tenn. Mediterranean Area i PY
A and Louisville A wz
j \Valter Coleman Botts \~Vinchester Southwest Pacific -.ie for
y V CITATIONS   i mi
\tVilliam Hanna \Villson, jr. Lexington Distinguished Flying Cross   `  
l Edwin Frank Conner Lexington Purple Heart (Posthumously) f A
, · Bernard T. Moynahan.   Nicholasville Air Medal   th
Lawrence Eugene Spears Huntington, IV. Va. Air Medal, 2 ()ak Leal` Clusters V W
` Thomas Hubbard Cline Augusta Distinguished Flying Cross, Air 1\Iedal ` . ha
i Gilbert Osborne \\’ymond Evanston, Ill. Air Medal . 21 ]
A john \\’illiam \\’ebb Lexington Navy and Marine Medal ~ Aha
Charles   Leonard Crestwood Air Medal t 1 ag.
| \\’illiam Render Ford Hartford Distinguished Flying Cross j Sas
i Ben joseph Butler Milton Distinguished Flying Cross  
Maurice Hall Harris Dixon Purple Heart   .
james Franklin Goodman Paris Air Medal, Oak Leaf Cluster ` ig"
\\’illiam Clay Hedrick Winchester Silver Star =K1
Newton Earl Brown Lexington Air Medal, 7 Oak Leal Clusters sed
1 (Con/innrrl on Page 22)    
t j PL
his. advancement has DEW
§$i$IfsijC’ii,i~ ,. J; ,3 .,_  `inrriygb V

V `.
—    1
I Ihe Kentucky Alumnus »
I I   .
III   A I- 1- E N G I I I I I O N  E;-     -
I L'   
DI PLOMAT • LAWYER • s0|_D| ER • 51·A1·E5M AN `· — ;    
gx.  _  
.· ?’  I».L.  of  I
A story, if it could be developed, administratioii ol the selective    
lies b€l]1I'1(1 [116 IIEIITIC of €V€1“y true Gellerill Gullion was relieved Service Iaw I`]·()u] AIHY 4) ]Q]’j, [0 I1;j? }""  `
I- American of tl1e present day. 111 TmI;:I°I(GI“IIl;;IiSII;:I(lgS;;°'I;3Ic°Iw;I:§ March 26, 1918, as chieI` ol pub-   ,
I S0m€ 63565 facts of 111St0r1c value timel w;1sIas5igne(l te Overseas licity a11d 1l11I()1`l1lZll1()ll ll11(1C1` tl1e   I
lie in the t1tle that goes before {;}¤[I€5I 2111% 1\'€15 fI$€0;`=1i$1<>11el GUIIIUII 5 QINIIIY 111 law  
  WHS realized that graduates and ZIIC1 in 1942 by tl1e University of and m¤I1IiU`Y 5€1"’1€€ IVIVC <1<>S¤s11¤<1   Y
  former Students would HECGSSMIIY Kemucky and dncctcd. 1115 1l11LlLS[1llg cat-ee1. _' 
  take part and, in many instances, In 1916 he had ndmmcd [O the (,e)l]llI]ll111g 111 various connections      
  makff the supreme sacrifice. T11e yank nf colonel, and 11c was assign- Wnh lh? °m(°°( (II ·III$IgT _‘I\(Iw(‘IIc` I  f_ I
  Alumnus will COUIIUUC IO (I0 just ed to duty on 111e Mexican border. hs was In NUI III “ a;(¥)I5gI()I;()(‘;I; I _ 
  that- However, there are 111e11 a11d A year later he was called to Wash- [hc g°“°'"I_”I‘III’ INIIIII IH gon" Tl ·Q  .
M   W0H1e11 011 our l1o11or role wl1o ingttni as Chicl`, Mobilizatirm DIV1- he was IUIVIWI II) Gtiludl II\`{III _ Q  
ul f`   have 1101 carried a weapon, piloted IUI], nf the National Selective C""I°IIIl°I” IIfI‘III(I dm IIII       t  -,
IjI;Iga1)I¤11€ Or navigated a1)oat_ They SC].\I,i(.C {md in 1918, his (Gunn.), carte. ind (iorps A1e.1, as [..0111101    
  I;?haV€ lhelr place also, and nqnnths having. entered thc “1m.]d “zm._ he \\ ar l)CI)t1l1lllLl1l iclgtscinta ive ile  It I
  _ _' . ‘ ,, . » »v I ··· j- )  .;£  *1
I Iago GCHCIIII Cullum WIS Selected was se11t to German and Franee \~L11l IU_1llL_GLl1L\2l o11 crcntc tl I  ` 
ia I ` ‘ Y 1 I)]`IS()l]Cl`$ ol War 2ll1(1 Red Cross 111 — I
I ·j_ S a SUIXICCI ol 1`CVlCW. ng Indge r\(1\'()CZl1C, dl`(l C01`})5, I' I ( . _ I  I 
I   · . ‘ I 1929; was [udgc Advocate, Hawzu- . I 
E   H?IV111g Zlcqtiired a classical de- A-EF- i,_n 1),_U,n.imCnl logo U, IQ)37; N_ ;¤- .2 I
  Egree at C€l1ll`€ C()IICg€, Il] Da]]\'iII€,   MIZIS 11]   lllal CUIOIICI GlIl`   _\ ’\(h“ini$l{_'lU)l_ PIU \Vu iiu H `V   i
  m 1901, Allen Gullion enter- lion was awarded the 1)1Slll1gl11SI1· _'i `_ i_ _ _ U r_ I   _ =
  I . _ . · · I]Cl‘1`ll()1y, 1955-1.l5.>, Assistant g_
1 ·§€S( [116 UI1lL€(1 States Military cd Service Medal lor w<>l`l< 111 _ _' _ _ A Il , 1 A _[_ _
1 ’§A I · . . · ·_ · lndgc ;\(1\'()(,rllL Centra AIM t. ,_ ,
  °¤<<¢¤1y, `IV€SK Point, N. Y., and selccttve service ZlI1(1 l1101)llllHll0l1. — — I   ,
1, Ijgwas gm(IU?Il€(l with a commission The citation read: ulll I12il1OI12il ((Iu11Ii1111(·rI‘ 
. ¥ AMPUS IW!  I
  II} I · · 1I  I
  _ 1 ,I I.  -·  
.maa has we I   1 ` ·   -  ‘‘‘   .1
  ‘‘t    ‘*1t   I..,   .t,.. .. I I_
, .....1*; - -—

 Th K t k   COMMENCEMENT SPEAKER Clqgg Rgqnigng ·
6 €I’\ UC Y LlIT\I’lL\S . _ . i _ .
iiQZ1E§§Z§§i§E§Q§§§;§:§:¥$:§:§:§:§:§:§:§;§:§:§:§§:{:§:§:Q:;:5;:;:;1;:;:;:;:;z:; ;;z:55:;:;:;q.·.>;§.;° ACCOI`(lIIlg [O the Dix I lan Whigh
.4.,-  %gE€E;&;i:E§;$;zgi;;E;E;E;E;E§i;E5E;E;E;€;E="*" `  ‘·‘»’ I- " =:=:,.;,.;iisa., — =·‘—€-     - - ,
Marguerite McLaughlin .............................. Editor   given HFC Cltllef Oli l`€COl`(l as thc ig
G- Lee McClain ......~................... Managing Editor   .. _,__ _ .. _ - _  
; Helen King ....,~.............,....r..V.,.... Associate Editor  __.;:; :_ iieig-i.§§;5;i;E;Z;E;i§E;E;E;€;%;:;i;E (-l?l$$ S60 CUNY OI IUSL ODC of the 5
.  -;1·¥:¤:¤:¢:¥:¤:¢;1:1;¢._[_.___"·" ‘ ¤ ¢ .§:§:§:§:¥:¤1§·  l·-;.§:§:$:i:§:i:§:§:§:§:§:§:§:§:i:§:;§ ‘ · ,_
-l Im E‘I‘°I Im ·¢ ‘·‘‘‘‘·····A··‘·‘‘·‘‘’ B“SI“°“ I`I°‘“‘I°I   ·- -    class members who have been re. , ·i-
OFFTOERS OF ALUMNI ASSOCIATION   Cn. ici in inc lxluulni ( in I
H- D- Pelmefe --- -----------------------------------»-- President   ‘ II ( _ ‘ ) C6' -
E- C- Eliiett -»-» -----»---------------—-------- Vi¢e—P¤eeide¤t =i2‘2=?;i2iz§=é£&¥=i·¥%- ‘=iiziz2§&ai2%2*2i2i2;s _ agar ;  l890—R. 'l. Anderson, 265 South e
Marguerite Mcbeuzhlin »----- Executive Seereterv itieiieieeeieiei-i&i=¥&‘ .-i;  * ¥%§&é%é&ai.izi* ·¤·** * ·*··s-‘··· t ¥‘· =2*2ssiaia%a&§2isi2iz;a=2=  .  
II0I0** EMS ··-··--····r--—··re ----— ·----- **0****0 T’0'*$“I0* §%?i%i%Q2;1%€§€§?Q€??§ZQEEEE-.· ????%?i@§%5_»-;-;i=* ·  ASIIIHIIIL LOXIIISIOOZ _lOl*** ll'-  
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE      ‘```     Gunn,     Mill street, Lexing. ,. 5:
Keen Johnson Col. B. E. Brewer =€z§;§;§;§;§;;a§;;z§2;2;.,2;2;;;:;2;·,-, ;&;2;E;2;€§;$=‘  .-2aiaiziieigiai253:siaiaiaiziziaiziaiziaiaiziasiit 0  
Marshall Barnes L. K. Frtznkel v,;____§j'jT{Zgigigigigigigigiglgiigigigigigig. _   *=i;_  [0]],
.1 P k T. H. C 1 25E3255;E{%3i;i;E;E;E;i&i;E§i&§i§i;§;&;§§$;i;$§i;.    ; .5E55;E5E325~$5E5E3B52;5;E;§*gE5E3E;E;E;E;5§;°=.j _ - . 1
  fiieeert wtiiiamuwiruiarmm     l89l··I’V- R- \V’ SZIII IIEIIII0C"· ‘
. Dr. G. Davis Buckner Dr. George H. Wilson President of Kansas Call[Of1]l21_
I C II l892—Mrs. C. TI. Down i · .
von xv MAY, 1944 No. 2 stm ° 606 i. II? ,
F,______,,.-(—J,,.e (Irene Lenora Hunt), l\icholas-  
‘. GRADUATION The Commencement speaker (-nic; `inhn G_ Manny, Lannn., Coin   - ·l:
\Vl I _ _ i f h Al will ibe Dr. Milton S. Eisenhower, rudo; \-Vminin g_ page, Ei-(mn, i (>;
ll€D ***5 {*5**0 O I; i£*D*D}*$ president of Kansas State College yvnsiiiiigioni Hninn Shiiw_ Chi
*000 *0* ***00**0** of *_0 **00*** and l>r<>tl¤er of Gen- Dwight D- eaga, ui., Isaac streniy, Little Ratt,  
**0** WO Wlll be l*Y0l*?IY“*g OO the "Ikc" Eisenhower. President Eisen- Aiknnsnn  
QIIIIIPIIS IOI`_.lIII*0 S*`0IIIfI0[IOI*_ 0X0*" hower is an outstanding American ]g()g_Hnn;€ E_ Boyd, Lnnii  
CISCS EI WIIICII *Il*PIOXIm?I*0IY 250 educator and statesman, and was (-nin _   _ 9
will Y€€€lV€ €l€gTf?€;· l;lADYi?f ¥l*O$0 graduated from the college which ]Q()9..]\,{yS_ Ivy T_ McBride (ltr  
**;*0*0 000*0*10**% ** *0"0 0l0**h0}* he now heads. in l924- M. Troll), airfield, Alabama. i · i
IIC iPIOgIIIITi IEIV0 liOSIlIOII€I I 0II Dr. Eisenhower has served as l9l0—D. V. Terrell, Lexington.: ‘I
V gw ICS III;IIi aim IIC PI0i0‘*I c0II` American vice-counsul at Edin- Kentucky. ·
. iu {0 CIII gn SSIIIIIIICC I {II ***1**I*Y burgh, Scotland; assistant to the l9ll—I·I. A. Babb, Frankfort.
` II IICIII WI I€IIIIiII IO [Ic CTS; U. S. Secretary of Agriculture; 1927-—Mary M. Harbison, Shel 
IOOIEI COIIIES III IIIICIS I0°0‘V0 director of information in the De byville. *
, was Y' 1 _n b partment of Agriculture, and co- 1928-—Mrs. Robert B. jewtll
I ‘II_IIIIIIE; iliE*0II0I CéI°seS_ ITI C ordinator of the land-use program (Margaret Elliott), Ialilmore. in
, °0i;i******0‘ F *0 Y0*i*» 0*   ****l*00‘ of the Department of Agrieatrare. 1929-Mrs. sara X/Varwick nn- . ,
Si _ C io CSUIIIIIIC IIE 0I*I0 *I*0**I 0I In March, 1942 he was appointed mctt, Talladega, Alabama.   i (
l I It; III;Ic' t I _ by resident Roosevelt to direct the l930—Mrs. Lolo Robinson,   . ‘
i S IIEnpII{gIIIIII   IIC I?lIlI0SII€ \Var Relocation Authority, organ- ington. in
l)IIgc   i$I$IW III? Y'i‘II*i0**0I‘ izing and directing the relocation —-—————————-·  
, cis wi >eg1n witi tie nacca- _ _· i =
iaurcalc Scrnion   Dri Homer of _]IZlpZ1Tl€S€ {ATRG] ICHHS €V11Cll{l{€(l       1
· from the Pacific coast, and as soon E .
i Carpenter, on Sunday afternoon, i- , - Y . i PROMOTED, DECORAT D
I ( 98 1 1 hi _ i _ _n as tins evacuation was organizec _ i_ 2_i
r MEV j t ‘III$ I L gIIII IIEIIQII WI and under way the President Edgar E*`$k***0 I`II****0 el IIIII ‘(
beiliriday night, june 2, with Dr. named Di. Eisenhower associate [Orr, who received an M.A. tlefiliis , -
l\/IIIIOII ElS€l'll'lO\V€l`, i)I`CSl(l€l'I[ of director, Of the Office Of War In_ [you] the Llnivgygity ()iI Kélllllfll I
. Kansas State College, delivering innnniinni HC resigned this nOSi_ in ]93(), was nominated rectlll-I 7;(
llic COITIIIICI-ICCITICHE H(I(lI`€SS. Lion in luna,   tO become by Prcsidcnt ROOS€\r€l[ for i)]`()lll', I
President and Mrs. Donovan will incsidcnnni Kansas Siam College. tion to the rank of brigathct QC .
entertain trustees, faculty, alumni, eral. General Hume is n0l*'* _7_,
seniors and friends at tea on Thurs- Italy as military governor o' fi.  
‘ day afternoon, june l, at Maxwell The Alumni Association will Naples area and is sa-id to l>€{* -
Place, and the Commencement tllT1VC lf CVCl‘y griltltlate will pay most decorated officer eXC€Pl*·‘ I
mw * h'IC1110l`12ii Hull: 1112 Homer W.   Hmcd il .Hcm1;$_ i11~¤·11*>1~ "l"   J  
· = . .. , . .  ee;=isé2§z1;1s;s§s;a@122z2;S§sé2isi12i252;2is§a§e;§¥§=§%§é§2i=·="f‘ij; —;i?$.¥z2¥2i2§2é2§2§$ 1;;Q5;’=E.=z§·i&¥=’@§¤§2§$s;s$2;§§%3 .1%::21212 " 1 31 . _· .    
.,65 Soul], 1 (»2|1`]1C11lC1`, l’21s1o1" l·11‘s1 Ll1r1s11a11   =¢¤ I .‘‘·.   Luhmalc 1 Gil? lh H-ng thc Ag) 1- I / ` '
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·   -· · F·‘ li (R 5      §.1;;§;i.;—%E¥i (il T1 L}“°°”1 OH ****3 1`€€‘*1*1111€11<1¢1- i *5 
N****`**“· 0*** u°m’ licm S’ Cumml FIM   **"** 0* P1`°$1<*€111 H. L. Donovan, 1 ° 
H_ Kmlu geg,Al11n1111,Trusrees,;1nd]·;1enl-    e=· &f??:i$???E??Y?i?i' "From time ro time mCn1h1;1 I 
. - - - .  age;i‘5i§é=Eiigééisizisia@22231;.:z·E;§»=§§;¥5¥=¥5i5ég;;isizézizzz2ia@§;§;§;§;§;§;§;§;§§2§2%2* ‘  v , ‘   - .
H 1:mm.l1wy { [11 oi 1he University, SLLl(iCl][ ;;§;§;§5g5gg;§;§i1j2" ig?21%;1:g;z§§§$5;§;§5§;§;§;E:;igegi;1;;;;;é;§;i2§&E"*?f¥§§`§?"€?5§i?¥i§§¥§iEi§?’  ol this h0211‘d have suggegmd 11111 i i 1 
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  Union Building. §§§§§%§%“’¢’   -‘= ¤==isa5;;e5%.Eeésé:222;2sis;zzz@2;Q2;z;z;¤;§;§;§&é&§2é&§&§&€2‘  1hC U ‘   . . [ ?
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ga, E1·1;1·e11, V *· H 1 ·`*_ 1-*1   U ·· -*.1 ·* 1 HB€1111€11   `·‘·`.·     .=V,.’   »._.eV;A;   pezrled 1o me as one having 11 gl-Cm  
Shaw. (Ahh ' (J lll(,h dll( 1 ISS JAH? dbLi(·Lll       Q     _Q   (iCili ol I]1(j1`1L, AI;111)1 111C11 gnu] `Q 
Little RMK 111 home 91111 gl`2l(ilI2ll1llg Senior · ·· =     ·-¥·.     F? »·`Z *%E"€%.i=? \\‘0111e11 have nizule grear eo111r1h11. i.'
\\()ll1Lll, J1- Rose Slicet. DR. Ho1v1ER W. CARPENTER 110115 Lo the blllidlllg ol this in- ·
,oyd, Lo111+ ']`HU}{5])A.\\'y JUNE 1 VD1. H()I1l·C1` XV. CZ11`l)CH[€1`, l1aS1o1~ ?;:)ll;lL(;(El;i1;?°l_ u_k1’iiO1)Cr *'l’l"`“C***' i
I BW N 1 94111 A_ M__1{1.gg11,-1,11,,,, (,1 A\1um_ ol 1he 1‘11`SL @111-1511an 11111,-Ch, be ll mlm U 2101 §1(111l1{*1<>S¤ .1  1
1 amnla. , _ ` 11·i1 11C111·C1— 111 1;     1 . `C 10 >1‘1\‘1 Cues *1111 o1-   -··’ 1
l IJ€\i“UmH   1). i\I._I)l.CSldCnL and   l` x U C -)1L(11iHL11·L11le 11d- Porlunilics Of Ililtc I {DOA I      
, A n A DOI1O\"!l1 "il i]()l]l(j [() T]‘[ ‘[ · 1‘ ( lL§5 to [hc   gliguluaungi Class · — { . I ( lub LIC Ulu- 1  ’ii§;ii111;
Fawn; ilumni SCni(m1>  at [hc Uni\.C,,SiLy of Kcuomckx ;'C1`S1ly. lho 111111·o1~5111·1111S misled  
Fl_a“k[m_K· GumS1,0'_.[hC Gl,ld.mL_]   Sunday al·m_uO(m’ Ma`, 28, at 4 o11ge11ougl1lorns1o11a1·ol11—111o1n 1 % 1! _ 
···1>1S~·1— SM1 Ma111·C11 mace ( ° bs 1*111- 111 Memorial H;111. 131; HG1-- {I5 h*$*O*}· 1110 F1 dwlc lo l21n11l1;11·-  
- . mam LCC Domwm, P1_€SidCm O[ 1ze 1he on (`Ollllllg gCI](jl`2l[l()[] 1111111 --331 ;*52 
1 B. ]€11'€** FRl11.~\Y, _]UNE 2 the Universimy, will })1`€Sl(iC au. rho H5 luadm°'F’l “"“lS· *1‘1'>¤1=111<>¤11- ·  1 
‘ . . . . .. . _ __ Zll1( 'ICC()l]] lj _" 1 .—.1  -<1;»_. 1
V11¤11§11€- 10.00 A. 1\»1.-Meenng ol 1111 Boa1—11 b¤1<-¤·11¤111€¤1<¢ 1>1<>g1=¤111- T1‘ *’_.` UHQMS -.; .—.-. Lf 
Vi-11`W1€k H"***` of Trnsreos P11;11111-;n1·S Omcc D1- C'{]`I]€]]]_C]` 11,1-1116,.11. held Pas IC P1°“d€'“ S *`€C"****“€“°*’*·  
Vbanlil, ' i loratc, A _· I _-_ - HOD Pclnted Out the COI][1`ii)ll[i()]]$    
1111i11s<>¤1- 111 LOU ***1*-- C " "‘ ‘“ C “ " “ *“ G “ [ 11111,.115 1;[ 1;1d.ii1. FH? Cilillwll *“”~‘*€ *11* .10*1*1 B<>1~‘111¤·1· "¤~·11<1     I
1 L1111e11eo11 - Gl`Zl(illH[il]g Class, CI ]___[¥ 1*% _l‘**“?"¤"1 FF **S* i11i1iz11e11 :11111 11111111111 fl 11111- l€§`[(l· .    
_ G1111s11, l`1`1€]](lS, R1111111,11 (31115- I_ * *1 **;*1 Ca}‘_*°·‘C;**_ *F*°“**°**‘*1 ers 111 e1111¤a111111 111111 Z1 11111111 111 1    ~ }
··"" ’ · · =., in 11 · ·· I · · —~ . . _ ‘ ‘ *    
$@5, Al11 111 11 1, Trustees, {md Y slid; E nhl Ulbuzm Chmch 1111l\'Cl`S1L\' 110t equnled 111 1115 day, 1    
1 · - ,1 _ _· _ 21 ’Vl C. _ ' .- . ·   ¢·:1?E·¥¢
·lUME {JF1C11]Ly ol Umx @51l), Srudenr 1* > _ _ -111d I dO11ht 1l ll has been 5url;;15ge1l Q .”=  - ‘   —
)RATED 111011 Buildmg, _O*mC* P*€$*dC*** Of 111<¢ 1¤1<¤1‘— 111 lh1s. He SC(Tll]`L‘(i Slflllj legiglarion  ,&‘  J
-* . . ; T1 · - · _ _ - ` . . `  I  
[unc Of Iiflllli   P·NI.—;\]]l]ll{ll AICCUUQ Ot Il_luOUa1_ C0Ii\(nuOn OI [hc DC 31111 11111dS SUH:l(`lClI[ U) S1ll|$[y [hg    
m MA, (mn. Alumm Assocmum; Student 11111leo ol Clnnl, D1. C2lll)ClllC1 11  1-C1I1m.CmCmS (,1 the lC(lCl.alg()\.Cl.I1_    
y Of Kc1111l[i` UIIIOH Bllildi1]g_ {IL gucél S1’3_·‘**?* ai) l§1C1“r;)§1dS l11C11l iOI` lilC CSlZli)i1$h111Q1][ ()[` gu] `L   
I _ ,,j _ _ (`<1l1\'Cl1llOll o 11111 o1 y IC 1 an _.\1,-1-11-1,11u,-A ( .. 1 · .. - _ g_   
11-11Cd ‘°C°" 1-1111 P· M- — (»()U1l11Cl1(TCl1l(}I1l Pro- [cmu. Eughmd I ” ,1 md Mull Um"1 C0] — =--4*    *
111211 101 1111**** C€$$lOI1 1o1—n11 111—· -1 1 1 ·   . °¤€·  .1111  
_ 1 , neuax 111 lL1i1 H_1 H_ I B1   _[_ . . . . ., 1.    .... .1
1 b,.iga11111~g1 OfS[ll(1CI]t Union Buimmr M e 10 cs- 11C .. . deg1ee 10111 He ll1(il(`2ilC(i 1l1e (`()]][]`]i)[l[l()[`|$ ·-    ·;1;y,;_
me is ,,01,-; 7.30 P b' lrylnsylvzmizi; the Bachelor of 111z1del>y_]ohn .—\, \\yilli{[]]]$_ ]{()IjC]`[ W Q.;   
 m,Cmm_ nw ‘ _ ·I`/[·—(-·OIU1l}Cl1CC111CI1L Excr- Divinilv from iI`l`2lllS\`i\'2l1li2l’S Col- Peter. Desh;1 Pickett, ];11111·s li, P;11- N.  -*0  
Said to be 1} Iils?1 S1<>11_11e111. Addiesg by lege ok 1he B1ble, zmd 1he Doctor lerson and o1hers_ and Saul, "h1111· 1- _    __
mm,. CXC11111. KI 1011 5- E1$€11h0W€1`, P1‘€side111, of Divinity degree from r1`l`21I1S}'i- well lhev 11111 1l11·ir wor}; 11 ;11111111·11 ,11 1    ‘ i
· 1111; .‘ 1 .-. .. ·. , I , — - . 1. ‘  5  · .*
hCAmlml._ ‘ $*1 $1'1l€ College. 1.111111. I1) the gioulh ol the l_illl\`(’]`$l[)’, I1 1,- |  117 A ··
~ 9 1 . 
,/Im   l 1 ' 1     1 
A L U - ‘  T   `  
0 21 1     .
· '* 1     Y I
. 1   A -’
  . *1 ‘ 1
has ¤¢°*· *_   -
I     —·~1    
I  _:  .» » *F  ' A, ,4 _ .  .·. __ 1··

   For mem, years Mr- Lewis was   ‘`:‘‘ . ..v;:   ’   »-..» ;  i:·..._ .   eiéii ~ `  
  aetive in the American Society [or   *i:g._;g;"      Q;  
  Heating and V€¤ti1¤ti¤s msi-     ._.;;;            
  ¤¤<>rS» h=¤~’i¤s S¤rr¢<1 <>¤ its ¢<>¤¤¤i1;         ti  
  as °h*‘i“""“ Ol me Fi‘“"“° e"‘“·       1 t
  $<>M¤h C<>¤¤¤¤i¤¤¤- t’¤‘i<>¤‘ te his ·`<>-   v..v ` `’‘` ·     i y
  tir·ein(—nt [rom active business in    
  *937 he was t>¤·¤S*rt<   .
  Heaters M1 V¤¤ti1¤ti<>¤ U<>¤`i><>r=t·         —
1   e¤»¤.¤=~—··m· e‘“`1"’"‘."""· He h"‘“°   ii.    
      "H<>t¤” Pe"‘“>""""1*‘·   `i‘’‘  ii   `iz``     ; ·
  ·········*·’**       ~      
  MBS "‘TTY e°""*°Y   iidiiiiii 4    iiin    i,=, Z 1   ‘
I ` I W ` `   -_._._._._.;.;1.;,;:;;:; . · -. *3 1
r J‘§§’§f,jj‘;f‘}j,;;f;§T A _1>¤>s¤at>h>¤ ¤¤2·tt<>·s~ DR. FRANCIS STEPHENSON HUTC1-rms i.
t _ Colvin, Kentucky Statesman and Doctor of Laws <.
Educator," by Kitty Conroy was    
· published by the Bureau oi School V
Lhflrgxgpegegls Service at the University ol` Ken- HARVEY A. BABB IS 1 ~
‘ y tucky as its March Quarterly Bul- STATE UNEMPLOYMENT » FI.
W¤f D¢P¤**m°¤* icuii. c0Mi>ENsATi0N ninzcron L Is
Th‘“`““’“ Lew"; *1 s¤`¤<1{¤¤¤¤ et TIN 1>i0%¤`=¤1>hY U`¤€€$ the €¤ ¢<>¤¤tr ¢hi1<1r¢¤’5 1\»1oi—e1ieati Teat-iiers cztiiieee. pin S,.
dftlil-01.31l·p€·0P1€- By the €>Q€1`€1$€ home and finally his term as presi— Ciba] or Frgmkyon High` Sdmolv li
ol lllS 1ll1llZlllVC 2lD(l llWgCllLl1[y.l`lC dC]][ Of [hg ljniygygityi ()[ L()L[iS. and Served   vcars as City S(_h()Ul thc
· has made a marked. contributioig vit].; Supcrimcndcnb at ML blcrlmli 3
te the_\`Vi“` Pmdueuen 1)mgmm· Miss Conroy, who was graduated Has been engaged in farming sinit HC
The elleuml was Signed br L· H· [rom the University of Kentucky 1940, i K A B6
C¤mt>b€11» JY-» M ".1"" Gcmal in 1923 and reeeiveti her ivra. in ..#.....#..... Pu‘
. Chief Ordmmee _ 1924, having majored in Romance MADISONVILLE MAN [W
On Deeember let Me Lewis was Languages, is now a teacher of the GETS HIGHW 1 in
‘ =tSk<><1 b1' the “e11` De1)aYlm_e“t_ le sixth grade ol the University train- AY POST 1 gm
I beeeme Chief et the Pubhe   ing school. She was associated with Beverly B. \iVaddell, former titte VCI.
Vlee Bramhy Reeellusmnem D“"S' Mr. Colvin at Ormsby Village, judge and mayor of lvladisonviiltti Sit
ion, Heaclcytiarters Army Service Anchorage, \`yl‘lCI‘] She was ;r teaeher .Ky., has been appointed assistant jug
` Forces. This division IS pliillflltig {hcl-C Huey gm({umi(m_ to highway conimissioner   $1111 my-
i 1><>1*¤}¤$ {tml g°1`<>¤€<1¤1`€