xt7bzk55fb0h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bzk55fb0h/data/mets.xml Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station 1917 Title from cover.
Imprint varies. journals English Frankfort, Ky. : Capital Office, E. Polk Johnson, 1890-1948. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Annual report. 1917 text Annual report. 1917 1917 1917 2011 true xt7bzk55fb0h section xt7bzk55fb0h   c   ,;; §
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I Kentucky Agricultural .
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' Kentucky Agricultural  
Experiment Station
Report of Director and Heads of Departments.
~ Water Analyses and Meteorological Observations.

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' Kentucky Agricultural Y
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Report of Director and Heads of Departments.
~ Water Analyses and Meteorological Observations.

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Letter of Transm1ttal
T0 His Excelleiizcy,
HoN. Aucusrus Owsmzy STANLEY, `
· Goiverinor of Kentucky.
SIR:——· -.
, 8 Under the autl1ority of the Board of Control of the Ken- ‘ ,
tucky Agricultural Experiment Station and in accordance .
with an act of Congress, approved March 2, 1887, entitled, "An
, Act to establish Agricultural Experiment Stations in connec-
tion with the Agricultural Colleges established in the several
( states under the provision of an act approved July 2, 1862,
and under the acts supplementary thereto," and of the act of A
~ the Legislature of the State of Kentucky, approved February
20, 1888, entitled: "An Act to accept the provisions of an Act
passed by the Congress of the United States, approved March
i 2, 1887, for the establishment and maintenance of Agricultural
Experiment Stations in connection with Agricultural Colleges
established by the several states and territories under an Act of
Congress approved July 2. 1862," I herewith submit the
Thirtieth Annual Report of the Kentucky Agricultural Ex-
periment Station.
i — Very respectfully,
A. M. PETER, Acting Director.
January 1, 1918.

  ‘.¤ 0 I ·
, ;_ Umvers1ty of Kentucky  
I     1 Lexington, Ky. A . T V
    il I WW
E ` T.  Ex Officio Members
    HON. A. OWSLEY STANLEY, Governor, Frankfort.
g it FRANK L. McVEY, President, University of Kentucky, Lexington.
g »   VIRGIL O. GILBERT, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Frankfort.
Q   MAT S. COHEN, Commissioner of Agriculture, Frankfort.
l ` z
Q   . .
i-   State Board of Agriculture ` `
; s
E .   ' V. J. HARRIS, Kevil J. M. LETTERLE, Harrods Creek
  ‘   T. L. HORNSBY, Eminence H. M. FROMAN, Ghent
Q   ’ J. R. RASH, Henderson J. M. ELLISTON, Elliston ’
l lj _ FRED R. BLACKBURN, Stanton.
l 1
g ;   ‘ Appointed by the Governor i V
2 , Z ll
‘ _   R. G. GORDON, Louisville, JeHerson County.
~   TIBBIS CARPENTER, Scottsville, Allen County.
    ~ WILLIAM H. COX, Maysville, Mason County. i
    DENNY P. SMITH, Cadiz, Trigg County. ‘
,   gg ~ CLAUDE B. TERRELL, Bedford, Trimble County.
    JOHNSON N. CAMDEN, Versailles, Woodford County,
‘,     RICHARD C. STOLL, Lexington, Fayette County.
  _·    J. A. AMMONS, Lancaster, Garrard County.
    L RICHARD N. WVATHEN, Lebanon, Marion County.
*Q?_.`;>·~·· _   DR. A. GATLIFF, Williamsburg, Whitley County.
t‘igL.—_  JAMES BREATHITT, Hopkinsville, Christian County.
§   ·— .5;; FRANK McKEE, Versailles, Woodford County.
    ‘.·_   CHARLES B. NICHOLS, Lexington, Fayette County,
  __ l JAMES K. PATTERSON, Lexington, Fayette County. ‘
  `—  JAMES W. TURNER, Paintsville, Johnson County.
  i, gilt Elected by the Alumni
    V GEORGE GREEN BROCK, London, Laurel County.
`,   __,   J, IRVIN LYLE, New York City, N. Y. ‘
._:. · jj   - JOHN EDWIN BROWN, Shelbyville, Shelby County.
  Qg__ _ PHILIP PRESTON JOHNSTON, JR., Lexington, Fayette County.
iQ‘j,;'Y   DR. SAMUEL B. MARKS, Lexington, Fayette County. _
  JAMES FRANK BATTAILE, Lexington, Fayette County, `
    > ] l

` CHARLES B. NICHOLS, Chairman, Lexington, Ky.
RICHARD C. STOLL, Lexington, Ky.
JOHN E. BROXVN, Shelbyville, Ky. _
FRANK McKEE, Versailles, Ky.
SAMUEL B. MARKS Lexington, Ky.
FR K L. McVEY. President of the University. ALFRED M. PETER, Acting Director
FC. S. ADAMS, Horticulture. O. S. LEE, Fertilizers.
FRE Ag ALLEN, VFood and Drugs, I TG. N. McCARTY, Animal Husbandry
- ea . I. _
X\'.   ANDERSON, Animal Husbandry J. XX'. McFARLIN, Food and Drugs,
II. Inspection.
  D. AVERITT, Chemistry. J. S. McHARGUE, Chemistry.
. l’. E. BACON, Animal Husbandry II. iL. B. MANN, Animal Husbandry I. ·
P. L. BLUMENTHAL_ Chemistry. .I. H. MARTIN, .·Xl`lll'TlHl Husbandry II.
·(·C. I). BOHANNAN. Agricultural C. XV. MATHEXVS, Horticulture, Head. »
Economics, Acting Head. FJ. T. MILLIGAN, Animal Husbandry
A. L. BRUECKNER, Diseases of Live II.
Stock, S. F. MUSSELMAN, State Veterinarian
, L. .\. BROXVN, Food and Drugs. X\’. D, NICHOLLS, Farm Management,
G. I>. BUCKNER, Chemistry. Head. .
.I. XV. CRAIG, Fertilizers and Feeds. H. R. NISXX'ONGER_ Entomology and
N. M. CREGOR, Food and Drugs, In- Botany.
spection. .I. XV. NUTTER, Animal Husbandry II.
H. E. CURTIS, Fertilizers. Head. A. .I. OLNEY. Horticulture.
+l{. C. DABNEY, Food and Drugs. +CORNELIA C. PAGE, Librarian.
MARY L. DIDLAKE_ Entomology and D. I-I. PEAK, Business Agent.
Botany. HOMER PERRY, Entomology and
A. E. EXVAN, Agronomy. Botany.
H. GARMAN, Entomology and Botany, M. J. PERRY, Entomology and Botany
Head. A. M. PETER, Chemistry, Head.
O. L. GINOCHIO, Secretary to the \\’. R. PINNELL, Food and Drugs.
Director. R. L. PONTIUS, Diseases of Live
E. S. GOOD, Animal Husbandry I. Stock, Acting Head.
(Beef Cattle, Sheep and Swine), C. S. PORTER, Food and Drugs, In-
Head. spection.
*.\NGUS GORDON, Agronomy. +I—I. C. RHODES, Animal Husbandry I.
E. J. GOTT, Bacteriology. G. l\I. ROACH, Food and Drugs, In-
iR<`»BERT GRAHAM, Diseases of Live spection. .
Stock, Head. GEORGE ROBERTS, Agronomy, Head
CARRIE LEE HATHAXVAY Entomo— \\’lI.l..IAM RODES, Fertilizers.
iogy and Botany, ` 0. M. SIIEDD, Chemistry.
ll. .I. IIEALY. Bacteriology. XX'. I-I. SIMMONS, Food and Drugs_ In-
S. L. HIBBERD, Agronomy. spection.
J. J. HOOPER, Animal Husbandry II. ·tl\l. .I. SMITH, Animal Husbandry I.
(Dairy Cattle, Horses and Poultry), GRACE L. SNODGRASS, Librarian.
Head. H. D. SPEARS, Feeds.
.I. lt. IlI‘MI’I-IREY, Markets, Head, ALEX STEWART, Animal Husbandry
TED. HTISTON, Animal Husbandry II. U. ‘ _ _
J. R. HUTsoN, Farm nianagement. H?. B. 'MYLOR. F¤r‘¤hZ€r==·
XX'. I). ILER, Chemistry. XX'. G. TERRELL, Food and Drugs, In-
*ELMER INGRAM, Feeds and Ferti- SIl€‘€UOY`i·
lizcrs, inspection. I .I. l). TURNER, Feeds, Head.
H. H. .IEX\`ETT, Entomology and I li. C. VAUGHN, Entomology and
Botany. l Botany.
*R. \\'. JONES, Feeds and Fertilizers, T {LUIS XVARREN, Entomology and
Inspection. i Botany.
. P. E. K.\Rli.\KER, Agronomy. l il. X\'. XVESSON, Agricultural Eco-
E. .I. KINNEY, Agronomy. ' nomics. _
J. O. LaI3ACH, Food and Drugs, Act- ill. Il. X\'lLl{INS, Animal Husbandry
ing Head. II.
XX'. T. LAl<`FER'l`Y, Legal Adviser. G. ll. XYURTZ, Meteorology.
E. GANO LEE, Fertilizers, Inspection. T. G. YAXIS, Animal Husbandry I.
*011 leave of absence.

  j E[ I I
[   STATION _ `
· .;  In account with the United States Appropriations, 1916-17 : .
· . L  
  · $1 [ Hatch [ Adams »
1     Fund Fund. -
: ·'?[
1   1 -
[   Receipts- from the Treasurer of the[ [
  2:  United States, as per appropria-[ [
  o»`‘ `   tions for fiscal year ended June 30, [ [ .
[   . 1917, under Acts of Congress, _ap—| _ , _
    proved March 2, 1887 (Hatch Fund) [ [ , » _
[ li T and March 16, 1906 (Adams Fund) ...... [$15,000.00 [ $15,000.00 I
[ ,_   Expenditures: [ [ l
    P[[ By.Salaries .... ; .....,............,.,,.......,..........t.................... $10,428.36 [ $12,815.27 I
j   Labor _,._....,,.,,_..,.,,_,,_...,__..._.................,_..............,. [ 819.81 [ 919.06
{*   . Publications ...................................................... [ 655.37 [ .............  
A   ~ Postage and stationery _...__........,..._........ [ 593.48 [ 10.21
      Freight and express ...._,........._......,,.......,.,.. [ 77.23 [ 12.99
.   g; - Heat, light, water, and power ......... [ 478.93 [ 121.02
    — Chemicals and laboratory sup—[ [ _
      plies .... ; ...............................,,..............,,............... | 210.72 [ _ 150.77
  _fj{  Seeds, plants, and sundry sup-[ [ `
[Q  ·-_,7_ ·   plies   .............,..,.............,_....,....... - ......,,............ | 269.67 [ 106.90
   ..   Fertilizers .........................,............................... [ .................. [ ..................
  .·,‘.   Feeding stuffs ...,. . .._..,....,.........,.....,.,._...,,....._ [ ___._.____..,,.... [ 251,09 ‘
    ' Library ......,,...................................................,...... [ 540.31 [ 178.44
  2 -_:j   ‘ Tools, machinery, and appliances...[ 26.45 [ ..................
[  _l"[é_[ _ Furniture and fixtures ........................... [ 319.91 [ 1.00
`   [`[ Scientific apparatus and speci- [ [
A Q.   mens . ..........................................................·...... [ 116.31 [ 263.90 ·
_ :;j_»_Z§§i . Live stock I .... ; ............ ; ,....................................... [ 1.25 [ 87.80
  .'-·``   Traveling expenses ......... L ...,......... . ............ [ 431.95 [ 71.30 Y
_  ;[ [ __ Contingent expenses ................................. [ 20.00 [ ___...,.,_,,,  
  fl  _ Buildings and land .................................... [ 10.25 [ 10.25
  . ` [—-—-—|-.—;-
—,,·fii··;i’=».f,gi.[.’ t Total .........__..._........_..._....,..._..____,____...__._........... [$15,000.00 [ $15,000.00
ui  ;_€F§{ ‘
T ‘l%<.].—7·`¥`2

 We, the mzidersigned, duly appointed Auditors of the Cor-
poration, do hereby certify that we have examined the books
and accounts of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Sta- l
tion for the iiscal year ended June 30, 1917; that we have
found the same well kept and classified as above; that the bal-
ance brought forward from the preceding year was nothing ,
on the Hatch Fund and nothing on the Adams Fund; that
the receipts for the year from the Treasurer of the United
States were $15,000.00 under the act of Congress of March 2, ‘
1887, and $15,000.00 under the act of Congress of March 16,
1906, and the corresponding disbursements $15,000.00 and A
$15,000.00; for all of which proper vouchers are on file and "
have been by us examined and found correct, leaving balances
I ` of nothing and nothing. p
l And we f-1u·the·r certify that the expenditures have been
solely for the purposes set forth in the acts of Congress ap- I
. proved March 2, 1887, and l\Iarch 16, 1906, and in accordance
with the terms of said acts, respectively.
(Signed) F. M. MGKEE,
(Seal) P. P. Jonnsron, JR.,
Attest: Exim YL. Ginms, Custodian.
» .

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Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Statnon
ORG.\NIZ.\TION. The Executive Committee of the Board i
of Trustees has taken over the functions of the Board of Con-
trol of tl1e Station.
Tl1e Department of Agricultural Economics was discon-
tinued soon after the resignation of Professor C. D. Bohannan,
Acting llead. A Department of Farm Management has been
established, u11der Professor VV. D. Nicholls as Head, and a
Department of Markets, John R. Humphrey, llead. ln Dec-
ember, the 11211110 of the Department of Diseases of Live Stock
was changed to Department. of Veterinary Science. Fourteen
departnients were represented in our organization: Adminis- '
tration, Agricultural Economies, Agronomy, Animal Husbandry
li (beef cattle, sheep and swine), Animal Husbandry Il
(horses. dairy cattle and poultry), (`hemistry, Diseases of Live
Stock, Ento1nolog_v and Botany, Farm Management. Feeds,
Fertilizers. Food and Drugs, Tlorticulture &`tl1(l Markets. Rc-
ports of the several Departinent. heads are incorporated in the
following pages, for the purpose of ai"t’ording a fair presenta-
tion of the 1nan_v activities of thc Experiinent Station.
R1·;s1·;.xi<(r1t \Von1;. Investigations have been prosecuted
n1ainl_v along the lines stated in tl1e last report. For further
details, reference is made to the Departinent reports incorpor-
ated l1erewitl1. Three new projects have been added to tl1e

_     2 Thtrtteth Annual Report of the
  ‘   Adams, Fu11d program, namely; A Study of the LifeiHistory
.   a11d Limits of Broods of the White Fly (Aleyrodes vapomr-
  ~   Ii 7inm)‘ of Greenhouses. Dr. Garman. A Study of the Life His- `
  y   tory and Limits of Broods of the Tobacco Worm (Phlegethon- »
E " Q  tins seem.) Dr. Garman. Metabolism and Catabolism in the
I Q Cliieken. Dr. Buckner.
    EGG-LAY1No. CoN·rns·r. The contest closed November lst
E ··   of this year. It was remarkable for the attention which it at- _‘
5 .   tracted in all parts of the State and even outside of Kentucky,
F,   as well as for the record made‘by one of the White Leghorn J
Q   pullets, Lady Walnut Hill. This pullet laid 94 eggs in 94
  ~ .   i consecutive days, this being, according to our best information,
    , the world’s record for continuous laying. The same pullet ,
Q   ; made the best ,year’s record in the contest, having laid 289
i i · eggs in the 12 months of the contest, or 292 eggs in her pullet-
I I . .
§ ,_ [ year. Other data will be found in the report of the Depart-
. .. ,3
  ‘ `‘`. gn ment of Animal Husbandry II.
Q.   STAFF. The working force of the Station and personnel
’ °i   of the several departments, other than clerical assistants and
  M laborers, is given on page VII. The following are the a -
.. . —. P
Q. Y   A pointments and resignations for the year;
      Appointments: _
   ll W. D. Iler, assistant chemist, January, 1917.
  Q L. B. Mann, assistant in Animal Husbandry (I), Febru-
  _,._   ary, 1917.
[r L;   -5;,;, ‘ M. J. Perry, Seed Analyst, March, 1917.
  Alex Stewart, in charge egg-laying contest, May, 1917,
. _.`,__Q€,{_°{; Laboratory Assistant in Poultry, September 1, 1917,
 ·?   J. W. Craig, assistant Fertilizer and Feed Departments,
  _4`i_.`?;;;l‘ · July, 1917. —
  _‘ei {fl} J. B. Hutson, assistant Farm Management, July, 1917.
  J. R. Humphrey, head, Department of Markets, August
, rem     . 7
   $55  . 1917.
  ‘ J. H. Martin, assistant in Poultry Husbandry, Se tember
_ sf` __ .l P 7
{jig.; _fj  1917.
    S. L. Hibberd, assistant in Agronomy, September, 1917.
`   Fila
=   E

 Kentucky Agricuttuml Experiment Station. 3
E. Gano Lee, Inspector of Fertilizers, September, 1917l
T. G. Yaxis, assistant in Animal Husbandry (I), October,
1917. .
. H. C. Rhodes, assistant in Animal Husbandry (I), Oct-
ober, 1917. ‘
Grace L. Snodgrass, Librarian, November, 1917.
Thomas P. Cooper, Dean of the College of Agriculture and
Director of the Experiment Station, December 10, 1917. (To
assume his duties in 1918.) _
M. J. Smith, assistant in Animal Husbandry (I), Jan- °
uary, 1917. ‘
, Lois Warren, Seed Analyst, March, 1917.
R. B. Taylor, Assistant Chemist, Fertilizers, May, 1917.
R. C. Dabney, in charge experimental bakery, May, 1917. A
J. T. Milligan, in charge egg-laying contest, retired May,
1917. .
C. D. Bohannan, Acting Head Department of Agricultural
Economics, July, 1917.
J. VV. Wesson, assistant in Agricultural Economics, Aug-
ust, 1917. `
G. N. McCarty, assistant in Animal Husbandry (I), June,
R. II. Wilkins, research assistant in Poultry, September,
R. M. Allen, head Food and Drug Department, Septem-
ber, 1917.
Robert Graham, head Department Diseases of Live Stock,
October, 1917. `
lid. Huston, assistant. in Dairying, October, 1917.
L. B. Mann. Assistant in Animal Husbandry (I), October,
Cornelia C. Page, Librarian, November, 1917.
C. S. Adams, assistant in Horticulture, December. 1917.
H. C. Rhodes, assistant in Animal Husbandry (I), Dec-
ember, 1917.

 iw il .
A     4 Thirtieth A/}l‘}t2lGZ Report 0f the ·
‘; " I ADDITIONS TO EQUIPMENT. More than 500 volumes have `
»   been added to the library and many minor pieces of apparatus,
_   · tools and machinery have been purchased for the Departments. V
_   " An important acquisition of real estate has been made in `
; A U the purchase of the Mulligan property consisting of a substan-
· - by  tial residence and about thirteen- acres of land adjoining the
j . University campus on the east.
l I   Bulletins V _
AV ii I N0.
    _ 206. Factors and Methods in the Profitable Production of
  ‘   p Sanitary Milk. I. Practical Means of Controlling Bac-
    ._ terial Infection of Milk. II. Experimental Study of ’ ` _
V   1 V Conditions AEecting the Contamination of Milk. W.
{ V     · D. Nicholls. March, 1917.
  1. fi 207. Studies in Forage Poisoning. V. A Preliminary Report
      on An Anaerobic Bacillus of Etiologic Significance.
z--   r Robert Graham, A. L. Brueckner and R. L. Pontius.
‘j   V Jane, 1917.
»   ig 208. Studies in Forage Poisoning. VI. An Anaerobic Organ-
    ism Isolated from Ensilage of Etiologic Significance.
  _ ‘   Robert Graham,'A. L. Brueckner and R. L. Pontius.
  Vi   July, 1917.
    209. Sanitary Inspection of Slaughter-Houses. J. O. LaBacl1
  ``_`:   `»'4. VV lf] and W. H. Simmons. October, 1917.
l.     · V 210. Important Factors for Successful Farming in the Blue-
  r..V {li grass Region of Kentucky. J. H. Arnold and W, D.
`°"£_`  LI Nicholls. October, 1917.
‘   211. Inspection and Sanitation of Dairies. J. O. LaBach and
· ‘»__ il N. M. Cregor. December, 1917.
    212. American Jack Stock and Mule Production. W. S An-
    derson and J. J. Hooper, December, 1917.
 _;.;__lg  V1 213. Some Observations and Experiments on the Pea and
,;.ij’.i    Bean Weevil in Kentucky. H. Garmau. December,
..   ._V_   V 1917.
“ .Q<_ lll
. `_ Tl
b _.V_   ·

 · Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 5
214. Commercial Fertilizers. H. E. Curtis, William Rodes,
O. S. Lee and R. B. Taylor. December 31, 1917. .
13. A New Sweeteorn Disease in Kentucky. H. Garman.
February, 1917. * ,
14. The Home Garden in Kentucky. C. S.‘Adams. March,
1917. I \
15. Household Pests and Their Treatment. H. Garman.
` June, 1917. .
16. A Bean Disease Introduced in Diseased Seeds. H. Gar- _
man. July, 1917.
’ 17. Foul-brood of Bees, Its Recognition and Treatment. H.
Garman. August, 1917. I
18. Kentucky ’s Opportunities as a Sheep State. L. B. Mann.
September, 1917.
19. Killing Frost and Length ofthe Growing Season in
Various Sections of Kentucky. F. J. Walz. October,
1917. i
Scientific Papers: \
The Growth of Isolated Plant Embryos. G. Davis Buckner
and Joseph H. Kastle. J. Biol. Chem., Vol. 29, No. 2, P.
' 209. February, 1917. .
Evidence of the Action of Oxidases Within the Growing
Plant. Joseph H. Kastlc and G. Davis Buckner. Jour.
Am. Chem. Soc., Vol. 39, No.   p. 473. March, 1917.
Studies in Forage Poisoning. IV. Robert Graham and L. R.
Himmelberger. Jour. Amer. Vet. Med. Ass’n. May, 1917.
Clover Bloat. D. J. Healy and J. W. Nutter. J. Amer. Vet.
Med. Ass’n, Vo]. 51 (N. S., Vol. 4) No. 3, pp. 414-416.
June, 1917.
Note on the Determination of Strontium and Lithium in
Water. S. D. Averitt. Jour. of Industrial and Eng. Chem.,
Vol. 9, No. 6, p. 584. June, 1917.
An Improved Form of a Funieless Digestion Apparatus. J. S.

 . . ,._ ’l°i
  if i
  °i , ,
ii   6 J Tltirtieth Amtual Reportiof the . '» ° if I
p   if if McHargue. Jour. of Industrial and Eng. Chem., Vol. 9, N0.
Y `   7, p. 686. July, 1917. - »
1   ' A Method of Ashing Organic Materials for the Determination
‘ ~   U of Potassium. P. L Blumenthal, A. H. Peter, D. J. Healy
  ? .. and E. J. Gott. J. Ind. & Eng. Chem., Vol. 9, No. 8, p. 753.
’ ‘ I  , August, 1917. - _ _ .
i _ _ y A Study of the Proteins of Certain Insects with Reference to
  i é. I V Their Value as Food for Poultry. J. S. McHargue. J. Ag’l
    A   Res., Vol. 10, No. 12, September 17, 1917.
Q     Effect of Sulfur on Different Crops and Soils. O. M. Shedd. J. ,
i   , Ag’l Res., Vol. XI, No. 4. October 22, 1917.
    i Reports: ` l . _
  '   I Twenty-eighth Annual Report of the Work of the Experiment ‘
    . Station, 1915. ’ _
{   _ » Twenty-ninth Annual`Report of the Work of the Experiment
I il ’ Station, 1916, in press.
5 '§._   Ninth Biennial Report of the {Food and Drug Department,
  `     ` July 1, 1915, to June 30th, 1917, in press.
I infr  in   Experiment Station Medal
·     The following medals were awarded in 1917:
  A ’`‘»,,.u   To J. T. Henderson & Sons, Shelbyville, Ky., for the best
fg     fifteen ears of corn exhibited at the corn show during Farm-
    ers’ Week. ‘
  To R. S. Thomas, Georgetown, Ky., for the best and larg-
  est ear of corn exhibited at the corn show during Farn1ers’
  ‘ In the egg-laying contest the following medals were
  e’.`   awarded;
 rf _·‘. iii To Dr. R. L. Ireland, for the individual hen making the ‘
    highest record, "Lady Walnut Hill," White Leghorn, 289 eggs
._ _.,_ I  in the contest—year, and 292 eggs in her pullet—year.
  To tMiss Julia Lindsey, pen of Rhode Island Reds.
  ._'·i ;   , _ To Harry Morgan, pen of Rhode Island Whites.
  V To Whistlecote Farm, pen of White Plymouth Rocks.
  ° 'l‘o E. P. Applegate, pen of Barred Rocks.
  . To L. W. Deutsch, pen of White Wyandottes.
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 "" '':'» Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 7
‘ To Elmer Woodliead, pen of Buff Orpingtons.
To B: A. Logan, pen of Buff Leghorns.
To Clarence Freeman, pen of .White Legliorns. ·
DEPi\RTMENT REPORTS.—Tl1€ following are the reports of
the work of the several Departments, prepared by the respec—
tive Department heads, except in the case of the first one, which
was prepared by the Acting Director, in the absence of Pro-
fessor Bohannan. The Chemistry Department submits a re- l
port of water analyses made during the year, which is placed .
after the Department reports. Following this are the tables of
meteorological data prepared by Mr. George B. W111`tZ, of the -
U. S. W€Htl1@I‘ Bureau. -
' The bulletins and circulars published by the Station in
» 1917 will constitute Part II of this report.
The frontispieee of this volume represents the bronze
memorial tablet placed in Scovell Hall by Mrs. l\I. A. Scovell,
mention of which was made in the Twenty-seventh Annual Re-
- port, Part 1, page 14.

   8 Thirtieth Avmual Report of the P `'’' W     " -
I » i A · i BY A. M. PETER.
l P   li I Tho this department had never been formally connrmed
  { ‘ as such, the provisional organization,. with Professor C. D. Bo-
    _ hannan as acting head, was in effect for more than two years
  _, ` · Fl and extended over the first six months of 1917.
    . As brought out in previous reports, the principal activi- I
i gl  } ties of the Department have been in the investigation of prob- .
{   ‘ lems relating to marketing certain important agricultural pro- 1
i I .   ducts. No new lines of work were entered upon this year, the "
E     principal effort of Professor Bohannan and his assistant, Mr. _
    N J. W. Wessoii, having been to bring as much as possible of the _
    A work in hand to final shape for reporting.
  ii l Perha s the most important piece of work finished this
. ,— P
$~ il year is a careful and detailed survey of the marketing of milk ,
Q       in Lexington. The manuscript of this report is still in Prof.
  if '.·‘···‘   Bol1annan’s hands, for final revision, as, also, is one on the
  Fl marketing of apples in Kentucky.
  ivli j  Yi {ZE ` V i i . i
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 Kentucky Agricultural Exper/iwizleizt Station. 9
BY Gnome Ronnnrs. ·
No 11ew projects have bee11 inaugurated during the year. _
Si11ce 11CH1`ly all problems i11 soil fertility Ellltl crop production _
require a ]1ll111lJ€I` of years of careful experimeiitation for solu-
tion, practically all of tl1c work of this department is laid out _
I to extend thru a period of years. In the case of soil fertility
i experiments, especially, tl1c value of the results inereases witl1
_ the length of ti111e the experiinent has bee11 Tlllllllllg`.
There is much new work that should be begu11 at once, but
· it will be impossible to do so on the flU1(lS available for tl1is
· li11e of work. Instead of eight soil experiinent fields i11 tl1c
State, twenty-five to thirty co11ld be operated \\'ll[ll great bc11e-
fit. There are many types of soils i11 the State not represented
` hy the experinient. fields 110\V i11 operation. ln addition to fur-
11isl1i11g i11for1natio11 upo11 which to base 1`CC(>ll11`l1(’ll(lHfl()llS,
fllCSQ fields serve as a very COll\'lllC1llQ,` denionstration to the y
. farmers of tl1c adjacent territory. lt wo11ld be ideal to have
experiment fields so loeated that every 11l1P()1`f2lllI[ agricultural
eo1111ty i11 the State would eitl1er have a field or ,10111 a eo1111ty
` having o11e. Many far111ers f1'01l1 adjoining counties l1avc
visited the experiinent fields located at Lexington, (lreenville,
_~ Russellville, Lone Oak ()le(`raeken (`ounty) and Mayfield.
a11d will visit the others the coming season \Vll(‘ll field meet-
i11gs will be held. The other three fields are loeated at Lin-
eoln Ridge, Shelby (`ounty. Berea, Madison (`ouuty, and Faris-
ton, Laurel (`ounty.
A drainage system was installed by Berea College on the
Berea field i11 the spring of 1917.

: A · z; _
  V 10 Thirtieth Annual Report of the ‘ -
I il The following brief summary of the results obtained on ‘ ·
,   7 these Helds will indicate the value of this work to the farmers ,
I   '* of the State. . V
j ` i ,_ In all the calculations of crop values, corn has been given
L it V _ » a value of 65 cents per bushel, wheat $1.00 per bushel, soy bean
; . seed $2.00 per bushel, and hay of all kinds 60 cents per hun- `
E V VV dred pounds. In calculating fertilizer values, acid phosphate
  __   · has been assigned a value of 80 cents per 100 lbs., rock
l VY    phosphate 40 cents per 100 lbs., and limestone $1.50 per ton,
E V   except at London, Fariston, and Berea, where it has been as- 7
    . signed a value of $1.60 per ton. These prices do not include V
      · cost of hauling and spreading.
Y " Z, One of the experiment fields is located on the Experiment _
i   V- Station farm at Lexington, which is typical Trenton Area soil ’
E V _ Ei II containing 10,000 pounds of phosphorus per acre. It is neu- `
i     tral; that is, it is not acid, 11or does it contain carbonate of
    il]  lime. Below are given some of the yields from this field which
  ·   l has been under experiment since 1911. In the average yields
  v’»- I VVVV   ·l· are included seven corn crops, six soy bean seed crops, five _
V .,_.’   . wheat crops, four hay crops (two of clover and two of soy
li   t,·‘ if.  beans.) ‘
        Table I. Average Yields Per Acre. Lexington Soil Experiment Field.
it ..,·   ii _1A-1-..--.-.-. -.---_LA-1Ln H..nF--o.J-mL#
 V   Treat- Bushel Per Acre Hay Lbs. Value of Crops
  ment* Corn Soy Beans Wheat Per Acre Per Rotation
l. ».i‘   I 0 ............ 55.6 20.0 27.6 4354 $129.86
lp.; 1,`¤   P ............