xt7bzk55f90z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bzk55f90z/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1972-06-aug8-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1972-06-aug8-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1972-06-aug8-ec. 1972 1972-06-aug8-ec. 2011 true xt7bzk55f90z section xt7bzk55f90z 

       Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of
Trustees of the University of Kentucky, Tuesday, August 8, 1972

       The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentuckv met at 2:00 o'clock, Eastern Daylight Tlime, on Tuesday, August 8, 1972
in Room E on the 18th floor of the Patterson Office Tower on the campus of the
University with the following members answering the call of the roll: Mr. Albert
G. Clay, Chairman, Mr. Thomas P. Bell, Mr. Richard E. Cooper, Mr. Eugene
Goss, and Mr. George Griffin. Mrs. Rexford S. Blazer, Secretarv of the Board
of Trustees and ex officio Secretary of the Executive Committee, was present as
were Mir. James H. Pence and Professor Paul Oberst, members of the Board of
Trustees. The University administration was represented by President Otis A.
Singletary; Vice Presidents Alvin L. Morris, Lewis W. Cochran, Stanley Wall,
Robert G. Zumwinkle. Peter P. Bosomworth and Lawrence E. Forgy; Dr. Donald
B. Clapp, Director of the Budget; and Mir. John C. Darsie, Legal Counsel. The
various news media also had representatives present for the meeting.

       A. Meeting Opened

       Mr. Clay called the meeting to order at 2:00 p. m. Following the invo-
cation pronounced by Mr. Clay, the Secretary reported that all members of the
Executive Committee were present and the meeting was declared officially open
for the conduct of business at 2:04 p. m.

       B. Minutes Approved

       On motion by Mr. Cooper, seconded by Mr. Goss, and passed, the reading
of the Minutes of the June 14, 1972 meeting of the Executive Committee of the
Board of Trustees was dispensed with and the Minutes were approved as published.

       C. President's Report to the Trustees

       President Singletary called particular attention to Item 8 concerning the
tobacco research building which may be built on the University campus; Item 11
relative to the University of Kentucky Research Foundation agreement awards
which have topped $15 million for this calendar year; and concluded by reading a
resolution adopted by the Lexington-Fayette County Merger Commission
expressing thanks and appreciation to the University for assisting the Commission
in its functions during the past fourteen months. The report was accepted by the
Chairman and ordered filed.

      D. Recomnmendations of the President (PR 2)

The items in PR 2 being routine in nature and the Executive Committee



members having already had an opportunity to examine these recommendations,
on motion by Mr. Goss, seconded by Mr. Cooper, and passed, PR 2, Reconmmen-
dations of the President, was approved as a whole and ordered made an official
part of the Minutes of the meeting. (See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes.

       E. Supplemental Recommendations of the President (PR 3)

       In PR 3 the appointment of Dr. Ted C. Gilbert as Special Assistant to the
Vice President for Institutional Planning at such time as his duties with the Council
on Public Higher Education may be terminated was recomr-nended.

       On motion by Mirs. Blazer, seconded by Mr. Griffin, and passed, PR 3,
Supplemental Recommendations of the President, was approved and ordered made
an official part of the Minutes of the meeting. (See PR 3 at the end of the Minutes.

       F. Director of Southeast Community College Appointed (PR 4)

       Upon the recommendation of President Singletary and without discussion, on
motion by Mr. Goss, seconded by Mr. Cooper, and passed, Dr. J. Bruce Wilson
was appointed as Director of the Southeast Community College retroactive to
August 1, 1972. (See PR 4 at the end of the Minutes. )

       G. 1972-73 Budget Revisions Authorized (PR 5)

       There being no questions relative to the recommended budget revisions for
1972-73, on motion by Mr. Griffin, seconded by Mrs. Blazer, and passed, the
budget revisions recommended in PR 5 were authorized and approved. (See PR 5
at the end of the Minutes. )

       H. New Building at Henderson Community College Named (PR 6)

       The Advisory Board of the Henderson Community College and the Com-
mittee on Naming New Buildings so recommnending, on motion by Mrs. Blazer,
seconded by Mr. Cooper, and passed, the new arts and sciences building on the
Henderson Community College campus was named the Robert H. English Building
in recognition of the contributions which Dr. English had made during his lifetime,
not only to the establishment and development of the Henderson Community College
but to quality education throughout the Commonwealth. (See PR 6 at the end of the
Minutes. )

      I. Application Fee Authorized for Non-Resident Applicants for
Admission to the College of Dentistry (PR 7)

The practice of charging an application fee for non-resident applicants is


3 -

becoming a fairly widespread practice in Colleges of Dentistry throughout the
nation as one means of reducing the number of applications received from indi-
viduals who make application indiscriminately. The University of Kentucky
College of Dentistry last year processed over 1, 000 such applications and for this
reason have requested authorization to establish a $10 fee.

       On motion by Mr. Cooper, seconded by M~r. Griffin, and passed, the
 recommendation in PR 7 authorizing the College of Dentistry to establish a $10
 application fee for all non-resident applicants was approved. (See PR 7 at the end
 of the Minutes. )

       J. Revision of the Bylaws of the Medical Staff of the University
Hospital (PR 8)

       In order to conformn with the Guidelines of the Joint Comnmission on the
Accreditation of Hospitals for Formation of Mledical Staff Bylaws, Rules and
Regulations, the Bylaws of the Medical Staff of the University Hospital need
certain revisions. Copies of the proposed revisions having been made available
to the members of the Executive Committee and there being no questions, on
mnotion by Mr. Griffin, seconded by Mrs. Blazer, and passed without dissent, the
recommendation in PR 8 was approved. (See PR 8 at the end of the Minutes.

       K. Public Safety Division Established (PR 9)

       In order to conform with the provisions of KRS 164. 950-164. 990, the
University of Kentucky must establish a Public Safety Division and appoint safety
and security officers to be known as University Police Officers in accordance with
the provisions of the statutes. The recommendation in PR 9 would bring the Uni-
versity into conformance with the statutes and without dissent, on motion duly made,
seconded, and carried, PR 9 was approved as presented. (See PR 9 at the end of
the Minutes. )

       L. Interim Financial Report (FCR 1)

       Without discussion, on motion by Mr. Griffin, seconded by Mr. Cooper,
and passed, the interim financial report covering the period ending May 31, 1972
was accepted and ordered made a matter of record. (See FCR I at the end of the
Minutes. )

       M. Agreement With the Retail Credit Company Withdrawn From Agenda

       The Finance Committee withdrew FCR 2, a recommendation relative to
an agreement with the Retail Credit Company, which had been circulated to the
members of the Executive Committee prior to the meeting, stating that they wished
to review this agreement in greater detail before making a recommendation to the



       N. Acquisition of Property Approved (FCR 3)

       On motion by Mr. Griffin, seconded by Mr. Cooper, and passed without
dissent, the recommendation in FCR 3 relative to the acquistion of 91. 5 acres
of forest land in Breathitt County was approved. (See FCR 3 at the end of the

       0. Lease Agreenment With City of Ashland Approved (FCR 4)

       The proposed lease of a portion of the campus of the Ashland Cornmunity
College for the construction of a tennis court by the City of Ashland and others
will permit the students at the college to have access to a \valuable recreation
facility without cost to the University.

       On motion by \Ir. Griffin, seconded by Mr. Cooper, and passed, the lease
agreement as recomnmended in FCR 4 was approved. (See FCR 4 at the end of the
MIinutes. )

       P. Deed of Correction Approved (FCR 5)

       Without discussion, on motion duly made, seconded, and carried, the
recommendation In FCR 5 authorizing the Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees
to execute a Deed of Correction was approved. (See FhCR 5 at the end of the
Minutes. )

       Q. Investment Committee Quarterly Report Accepted (ICR 1)

       On motion by Mrs. Blazer, seconded by Mr. Goss, and passed, the
quarterly report of the Investment Committee was accepted and ordered made a
matter of record. (See ICR I at the end of the Minutes.

      R. Meeting Adjourned

      There being no further business to come before the meeting, on motion
duly made, seconded, and carried, the meeting adjourned at Z:20 p. m.

                                             Respectfully submitted,

                                             Lucile T. Blazer, Secretary
                                             Board of Trustees

(PRs 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, FCRs 1, 3, 4, and 5 and ICR I which follow are official
parts of the Minutes of the meeting. )


Missing report(s)


                                                       Office of the President
                                                       August 8, 1972

Members, Executive Committee, Board of Trustees:


I.  FUND Board Appointment

    Recommendation: that approval be given to the reappointment of Mr. LeRoy.
    M. Miles as a member of the FUND Board of Directors for an additional
    two-year term beginning July 1, 1972 and ending June 30, 1974.

    Background: The Board of Trustees must approve all appointments to the
    Board of Directors of The Fund for the Advancement of Education and Re-
    search in the University of Kentucky Medical Center. Mr. Miles has been
    an effective and valuable member of this Board and, in order to continue to
    receive the benefit of his advice and counsel, his reappointment is requested.

II. Reports on Gifts and/or Grants (See Attachments)

    Recommendation: that the reports on gifts and/or grants covering the periods
    from January 1, 1972 through March 31, 1972 and April 1, 1972 through
    June 30, 1972 be accepted and made a matter of record.

    Background: The attached reports represent the gifts and/or grants accepted
    by the President on behalf of the Board of Trustees for the six months' period
    ending June 30, 1972, in accordance with the policy adopted by the Board of
    Trustees on November 19, 1965. Acknowledgment of gifts and/or grants has
    been made to all donors by the President on behalf of the Board.

III. Appointments and/or Other Staff Changes

    Recommendation: (1) that approval be given to the appointments and/or other
    changes which require Board action; and (2) that the report relative to
    appointments and/or changes already approved by the administration be ac-

    Background: The following recommended appointments and/or other staff
    changes require approval by the Board of Trustees in accordance with
    Part VIII-B of the Governing Regulations of the University. These recom-
    mendations are transmitted to the Board by the appropriate vice president
    through the President and have his concurrence.

Under the Governing Regulations the authority to make certain appointments



and/or other staff changes is delegated to the President or other adminis-
trators who are required to report their actions to the Board. This report
follows the recommendations requiring Board approval.

                         BOARD ACTION

New Appointments

Ronald Todd Benson. Associate Professor, Department of Art, College of
   Arts and Sciences, effective August 15, 1972
Charles L. Brindel. Professor of Militarv Science, Department of Military
  Science, College of Arts and Sciences, effective August 15, 1972
William. R. Geis, Associate Professor, Department of Art, College of
  Arts and Sciences, retroactive to August 1, 1972
W. Barnett Pearce, Associate Professor, Department of Speech, College of
  Arts and Sciences, effective January 1, 1973
Raymond W. Rishel, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics,
   College of Arts and Sciences, effective August 15, 1972
Dwight L. Teeter, Associate Professor (with tenure), Department of
  Journalism, College of Arts and Sciences, retroactive to July 1, 1972
John Bruce Wilson, Assistant Professor and Director, Southeast Community
   Coilege, retroactive to August 1, 1972
Marvin J. Herbert, Associate Professor, Fort Knox Center, effective
  September 1, 1972
Thomas J. Bomberg, Assistant Professor, Department of Restorative
  Dentistry, College of Dentistry, retroactive to July 15, 1972
Terrill Alan Mast, Assistant Professor, Department of Restorative Dentistry,
  College of Dentistry, retroactive to August 1, 1972
Susan A. McEvoy, Assistant Professor, Department of Pedodontics,
  College of Dentistry, retroactive to August 1, 197Z
Luis Sanchez, Assistant Professor, Department of Restorative Dentistry,
  College of Dentistry, retroactive to August 1, 1972
Jack V. Taylor, Assistant Professor, Department of Restorative Dentistry,
  College of Dentistry, retroactive to July 15, 1972
Louis Young, Assistant Professor, Department of Periodontics, College
  of Dentistry, effective September 1, 1972
Fredric D. Abramson, Assistant Professor, Department of Community
  Medicine, College of Medicine, retroactive to July 1, 1972
Robert J. Baumann, Assistant Professor, Department of Neurology, College
  of Medicine, retroactive to July 1, 1972
Joseph A. Burke, Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, College
  of Medicine, retroactive to July 1, 1972
Frederick W. Ernst, Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesiology,
  College of Medicine, retroactive to August 1, 1972
C. William Keck, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine,
  College of Medicine, retroactive to June 6, 1972
James C. King, Jr. , Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Diagnostic
  Radiology, College of Medicine, retroactive to July 10, 1972



Stephen A. Levine, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry,
   College of Medicine, retroactive to July 1, 1972
William R. Markesbery, Associate Professor (with tenure), Department of
   Neurology, College of Medicine, retroactive to June 1, 1972
Russell G. McAllister, Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine,
   College of Medicine, retroactive to July 1, 1972
James C. Norton, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, College
   of Medicine, effective September 1, 1972
Guy H. Simmons, Assistant Professor, Department of Radiation Medicine,
   College of Medicine, retroactive to July 1, 1972
Joella F. Utley, Assistant Professor, Department of Radiation Medicine,
   College of Medicine, retroactive to August 1, 1972
Ray W. Ware, Associate Professor (with tenure), Department of Surgery,
   College of Medicine, retroactive to July 1, 1972
Frances J. Thomas, Associate Professor, College of Nursing, and Associate
   Dean for Development and Administration, College of Nursing, retroactive
   to July 1, 1972

Non-Academic Appointment

Vicki Treat, Physician, Emergency Room, College of Medicine, retroactive
   to August 1, 1972

Administrative Appointments

Gerald I. Roth, Associate Professor (with tenure), Department of Oral
   Biology, College of Dentistry, named Chairman of the Department of
   Oral Biology, retroactive to August 1, 1972
Hobson L. Sinclair, Assistant Professor, Department of Restorative Dentistry,
  College of Dentistry, named Director of Dental Auxiliary Utilization
  Program, retroactive to July 1, 1972
Frances J. Thomas, Associate Professor, College of Nursing, named
  Associate Dean for Development and Administration, College of Nursing,
  retroactive to July 1, 1972
John Bruce Wilson, Assistant Professor, Southeast Community College, named
  Director of the Southeast Community College, retroactive to August 1, 1972

Joint Appointments

James R. Barclay, Professor (with tenure) and Chairman, Department of
  Educational Psychology and Counseling, College of Education, named
  Professor (with tenure), Department of Psychology, College of Arts and
  Sciences, retroactive to July 1, 1972



Billie M. Ables, Associate Professor (with tenure), Department of Psychiatry,
  College of Medicine, named Associate Professor (with tenure), Department
  of Psychology, College of Arts and Sciences, retroactive to July 1, 1972

Promotions (Effective July 1, 1972)

Ewa J. Marciniak, Department of Medicine, College of Medicine, from
  Assistant Professor to Associate Professor (with tenure)
Hobson L. Sinclair, Department of Restorative Dentistry, College of
  Dentistry, from Instructor to Assistant Professor and Director of
  Dental Auxiliary Utilization Program
Lowell D. Jones, Department of Art, College of Arts and Sciences, from
  Assistant Professor to Associate Professor (with tenure)
Martha Peters, Department of Health, Phvsical Education and Recreation,
  College of Education, from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor
  (with tenure)
Michael H. Harris, College of Library Science, from Assistant Professor
  to Associate Professor (with tenure)

Tenure Granted (Effective July 1, 1972)

James E. Nance, Assistant Professor of Applied Physical Education.,
  Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation, College of
Herman L. Totten, Associate Professor, College of Library Science

Retire ments

W. E. Bromley, Internal Auditor, Office of Vice President-Business Affairs,
  after 15 years of service, effective October 1, 1972
Mossie L. Fritts, Food Service Worker I, Student Center Cafeteria, after
   15 years of service, effective September 9, 1972
Frances Carter Hicks, Maid, Undergraduate Housing, after 15 years of
  service, effective August 16, 1972
Ellen N. Minihan, Senior Secretary, Department of Theatre Arts, College
  of Arts and Sciences, after over 18 years of service, effective
  September 1, 1972
Millard W. Nicholas, Truck Driver, Management Operations, after over
   15 years of service, effective September 1, 1972
H. Brooks Overstreet, Assistant Superintendent of Building Operators,
  Physical Plant Division, after over 24 years of service, retroactive to
  August 1, 1972
Thelma D. Schenck, Administrative Secretary, College of Arts and Sciences,
  after over 19 years of service, retroactive to August 1, 1972

*Special Title Series



Dessie Sharpe, Food Service Worker II, Donovan Hall Cafeteria, after 15 years
   of service, effective September 9, 1972
Daniel Weaver, Building Service Man, Phvsical Plant Division, after almost
   2( vears of service, effective August 13, 1972
James E. Wood, Superintendent of Paint Shop, Physical Plant Division,
   after over 36 years of service, effective September 1, 1972

                    ADMINISTRATION ACTION

New Appointments

Bonnie Lynch, Assistant Professor*, College of Allied Health Professions,
   and Coordinator of Graduate Programs in Medical Technology, Allied Health
   Education and Research
Willena Beagle, Lecturer, Department of Clinical Nutrition, College of Allied
   Health Professions
Joan McGowan, Assistant Professor*, Department of Dental Hygiene, College
   of Allied Health Professions, and Coordinator of Graduate Programs in
   Dental Hygiene, Allied Health Education and Research
Cheryl Ann Stephens, Instructor (half-time), Department of Dental Hygiene,
   College of Allied Health Professions
Robert S. Adkins, Instructor (part-time), Department of Endodontics, College
   of Dentistry
Larry R, Domer, Instructor, Department of Community Dentistry, College of
James E. Miller, Instructor (part-time), Department of Endodontics, College
   of Dentistry
Michael P. Barron, Clinical Instructor (part-time), Department of Medicine,
  College of Medicine
Mary S. Coleman, Clinical Instructor, Department of Biochemistry, College
  of Medicine
Sidney Hopkins, Clinical Instructor, Department of Physiology and Biophysics,
  College of Medicine
George D. Kellerman, Assistant Professor, Department of Cell Biology,
  College of Medicine
Priscilla A. Lynd, Instructor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and
  Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine
Ira P. Mersack, Clinical Instructor (part-time), Department of Medicine,
  College of Medicine
William C. Lubawy, Assistant Professor, Department of Materia Medica,
  College of Pharmacy
Suzanna F. O'Neill, Librarian IV, Medical Center Library
George M. Gingles, Clinical Instructor, Department of Community Dentistry,
  College of Dentistry (Voluntary Faculty)

*Special Title Series


-6 -

Douglas K. Braun, Clinical Instructor, Department of Community Dentistry,
   College of Dentistry (Voluntary Faculty)
John H. Clements, Clinical Instructor, Department of Community Dentistry,
   College of Dentistry (Voluntary Faculty)
Gerald Lee Gearhart, Clinical Instructor, Department of Community Dentistry,
   College of Dentistry (Voluntary Faculty)
James G. Holmes, Clinical Instructor, Department of Community Dentistry,
   College of Dentistry (Voluntary Faculty)
Thomas J. O'Hearn, Clinical Instructor, Departmenc of Community Dentistry,
   College of Dentistry (Voluntary Faculty)
Byron M. Owens, Clinical Instructor, Department of Community Dentistry,
   College of Dentistry (Voluntary Faculty)
William C. Ratliff, Clinical Instructor, Department of Community Dentistry,
   College of Dentistry (Voluntary Faculty)
Rankin D. Skinner, Clinical Instructor, Department of Community Dentistry,
   College of Dentistry (Voluntary Faculty)
Henry C. Smith, Clinical Instructor, Department of Community Dentistry,
   College of Dentistry (Voluntary Faculty)
Charles D. Sword, Clinical Instructor, Department of Community Dentistry,
   College of Dentistry (Voluntary Faculty)
Larry D. Thomas, Clinical Instructor, Department of Community Dentistry,
   College of Dentistry (Voluntary Faculty)
Charles Tolliver, Clinical Instructor, Department of Community Dentistry,
   College of Dentistry (Voluntary Faculty)
0. Harlan Wilson, Clinical Instructor, Department of Community Dentistry,
   College of Dentistry (Voluntary Faculty)
Fernando Dominguez, Clinical Instructor, Department of Surgery, College
  of Medicine (Voluntary Faculty)
William M. Hall, Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Diagnostic
  Radiology, College of Medicine (Voluntary Faculty)
Agnes Black, Assistant Clinical Professor, College of Nursing (Voluntary Faculty)
Janice Dickson, Assistant Clinical Professor, College of Nursing (Voluntary Faculty)
Benny 0. S. Tjia, Assistant Professor, Department of Horticulture, College of
Kenneth A. Schiano, Assistant Professor, College of Architecture
Anthony Q. Baxter, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science,
  College of Arts and Sciences
Billy Joe Bryant, Assistant Professor, Department of Art Education, College
  of Arts and Sciences, and Department of Curriculum and Instruction,
  College of Education
Karen Sue Cailteux, Assistant Professor, Department of Telecommunications,
  College of Arts and Sciences
William R. Elliott, Assistant Professor, Department of Journalism, College
  of Arts and Sciences
Teruo Fujii, Assistant Professor, Department of Telecommunications,
  College of Arts and Sciences
Roland D. Garst, Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, College of
  Arts and Sciences

Ph. D. requirements to be completed or rank will be Instructor



Daniel R. Gibbons, Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Art, College
   of Arts and Sciences, and College of Education
Walter Gleason, Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of History, College
   of Arts and Sciences
Elizabeth Ann Heard, Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of
   Mathematics, College of Arts and Sciences
Thomas R. Hoffman, Visiting Assistant Professor, Departmen.t of Statistics,
   College of Arts and Sciences
Mlajory W. Honerkamp, Visiting Instructor, Department of Anthropology,
   College of Arts and Sciences
Leonard L. Hunter III, Assistant Professor, Department of Art, College of
   Arts and Sciences
James F. McCarthy, Assistant Professor of Music Education:, Department
   of Music, College of Arts and Sciences
William Nuessle, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, College
   of Arts and Sciences
Peter Kent Opper, Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of History,
   College of Arts and Sciences
Gregory J. Rathjen, Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Political
  Science, College of Arts and Sciences
Robert D. Rigdon, Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics,
   College of Arts and Sciences
Gary L. Scott, Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science,
   College of Arts and Sciences
Furman H. Smith, Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics, College
  of Arts and Sciences
Edward J. Schnee, Instructor, Department of Accounting, College of
  Business and Economics
Ralph E. Steuer, Instructor, Department of Business Administration,
  College of Business and Economics
Claude Vaughan, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, College
  of Business and Economics
William H. Berdine, Assistant Professor, Department of Special Education,
  College of Education
Edward W. Kifer, Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Psychology
  and Counseling, College of Education
Emanual Mason, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology and
  Counseling, College of Education
Phil L. Nacke, Assistant Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction,
  College of Education
Dennis E. Parsons, Assistant Professor, Department of Curriculum and
  Instruction, College of Education
Thomas Sands, Assistant Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction,
  College of Education

Special Title Series
Contingent upon completion of the Ph. D. requirements



Robert L. Sterrett, Assistant Professor, Department of Special Education,
    College of Education, and Director of Special Education Instructional
    Materials Center
 J. Truman Stevens, Assistant Professor, Department of Curriculum and
    Instruction, College of Education
 Mlosetta Sykes, Assistant Professor, Department of Vocational Education,
    College of Education
 Karen Behm, Instructor, Department of Housing and Interior Design, and
    Department of Management and Family Economics, College of Home
 Mary K. McClain, Assistant Professor, Department of Management and
    Family Economics, College of Home Economics
 James 0. Minton, Librarian IV
 Karin Sandvik, Librarian III, Law Library
 Charles E. Hormann, Assistant Professor-;, College of Social Professions
 Jack Clifford Sturges, Assistant Professor-, College of Social Professions
 Jane Gentry Vance, Instructor, Undergraduate Studies, Honors Program (Ph. D.
    requirements to be completed September 1, 1972, and rank will be
    Assistant Professor
 Thomas V. Boeke, Instructor, Fort Knox Center
 Clarence E. Martin, Instructor, Ashland Community College
 Larry N. Miller, Instructor, Ashland Community College
 Billy James Vice, Assistant Professor, and Associate Director, Ashland
    Community College
 John P. Allrd, Instructor, Elizabethtown Community College
 Ann Miller Cowan, Instructor, Elizabethtown Community College
 Susan Mary Engelbert, Instructor, Elizabethtown Community College
 Denis Paul Morrow, Instructor, Elizabethtown Community College
 Ronnie David Streible, Instructor, Elizabethtown Community College
 Ronald Bayne Thomas, Instructor and Counselor, Elizabethtown Community
 Richard Carlton Thornton, Instructor, Elizabethtown Community College
 Tita-Generosa C. Reyes, Assistant Professor, Henderson Community College
 Michael A. Rosborough, Instructor, Henderson Community College
 Kenneth W. Matheson, Instructor, Hopkinsville Community College
 Mark E. Thompson, Instructor, Hopkinsville Community College
 Dorothy M. Vickers, Assistant Professor, Hopkinsville Community College
 Paulette Adams, Instructor, Jefferson Community College
 Elizabeth Barton, Instructor, Jefferson Community College
 Alexander Bell, Instructor, Jefferson Community College
 Stephen S. Bonney, Instructor, Jefferson Community College
 Marilyn Foulke, Instructor, Jefferson Community College
 Jane F. Fussenegger, Instructor, Jefferson Community College
 Thelma C. Jackson, Instructor, Jefferson Community College
 Martha Johns, Assistant Professor, Jefferson Community College
 Patrick R. Lake, Instructor and Counselor, Jefferson Community College

*Special Title Series
Contingent upon completion of the Ph. D. requirements



Forrest Van Oss, Assistant Professor and Counselor, Jefferson Community
Phillip A. Ronniger, Instructor and Counselor, Jefferson Community College
Mtary V. Watts, Instructor, Jefferson Community College
Mary Anne Wood, Instructor, Jefferson Community College
Anne C. McCoy. Instructor, Lexington Technical Institute
Jeannine M. Connole, Instructor, Paducah Community College
Dennis B. Griffith, Instructor, Paducah Cormimunity College
Ronald E. Kauffmann, Instructor, Paducah Community College
Maicolm T. Wilson. Instructor, Paducah Community College
Madonna D. Carter, Instructor, Prestonsburg Community College
Mary Jo Franklin, Instructor, Prestonsburg Community College
John Howard, Instructor. Somerset Community College
Lance Knowles II, Instructor, Somerset Community College
Pamela K. Rush, Librarian IV, Somerset Community College
Joan Angelone, Assistant Professor, Southeast Community College

Appointment with Waiver of Nepotism

Sandra D. Robertson, Librarian III, Prestonsburg Community College, wife
   of Charles Robertson, Instructor in Mathematics and Physics, Prestonsburg
   Community College

Administrative Appointments

Frances J. Thomas, Associate Professor, College of Nursing, named
  Associate Dean for Development and Administration, College of Nursing
Victor P. Gaines, named Director of Special Student Programs, College of
Terrence M. Leigh, named Assistant Director, Office of Student Services,
  College of Medicine
John R. van Nagell, Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics and
  Gynecology, College of Medicine, named Director of Gynecologic Oncology,
  College of Medicine
Lynn Russell Watjen, named Assistant Director of Student Services, Medical
Robert William Heins, named Assistant Administrator, University Hospital
John F. Benner, Assistant Professor, Department of Agronomy, named
  Assistant Director of Tobacco and Health Research Institute
Anthony Colson, Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, College of
  Arts and Sciences, and Department of Behavioral Science, College of
  Medicine, named Associate Dean for Program Development and Evaluation,
  College of Arts and Sciences



Robert Murphy, Director of School of Communications, named Acting Chairman
   of the Department of Telecommunications, College of Arts and Sciences
Philip K. Berger, Associate Professor (with tenure), Department of Business
   Administration, College of Business and Economics, named Assistant Dean
   for Administration, College of Business and Economics
Robert L. Sterrett, Assistant Professor, Departmnent of Special Education,
   College of Education, named Director of Special Education Instructional
   Materials Center
John 1E. Lienhard, Professor (with tenure), Department of Mechanical
   Engineering, College of Engineering, named Associate Dean for Graduate
   Programs, College of Engineering
Billy James Vice, Assistant Professor, Ashland Community College, named
   Associate Director of Ashland Community College
Lila Kieser, Associate Professor (with tenure), Elizabethtown Community
   College, named Assistant Director for Student Services, Elizabethtown
   Community College
Barbara Laverne Brown, Assistant Professor, Paducah Communi