xt7bzk55f62g_8 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bzk55f62g/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bzk55f62g/data/61m145.dao.xml Perry family 4.7 Cubic Feet 11 boxes The Perry family papers (dated 1800-1952; 4.7 cubic feet; 11 boxes) consists of correspondence, accounts, business vouchers, bills of lading, receipts, and legal documents relating to Fountain Perry's river shipping business and Roderick Perry's public service and law career in Gallatin County, Kentucky. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Perry family papers Inland Water Transportation -- United States Bridges -- Design and construction. Bridges -- Kentucky Business records -- Kentucky -- Warsaw. Shipping -- Ohio River. Shipping -- Mississippi River. Boatmen. Bills of lading. 1950 April-May text 1950 April-May 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bzk55f62g/data/61m145/61m145_1/61m145_1_8/47578/47578.pdf 1950 April-May 1950 1950 April-May section false xt7bzk55f62g_8 xt7bzk55f62g   /’ V
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` ". . . janitor and handyman in our New York ollice. Our alternative
proposition to you, Mr. Barker, is as president and general manager
of our company branch at Fort Archambanlt, a delightful· and thriving
` community of 267 natives in the heart of French Equatorial Africa,
only l,976 miles from a fantastically beautiful wild-game preserve.
This is indeed a proposition fraught with challenge and opportunity for
I an enterprising young man like yourself, fresh out of college and . . .”

 V"  went to the bathroom, a ing he WIS a  t at gilty look!
Herald Tribime and Red Smith with him,
as well as a glass of Valpolicella. Damn,
I’ll be glad when the Gran Maestro gets * * * * * * * * * *
hose big fiascos, he thought. This wine
gets awfully tlteggy at the end_ they used to put in this same paper. An  ·
He set there, with his newspaper, think_ on that h1ll to know you’d made one real
ng of the things of that day_ mistake, finally, and for good, and com-
There would be the telephone ca11_— plete with handles. Poor horse-cavalry
 ut it might be very late because she mah: he thought- The end of all hi 
would be sleeping late. The young sleep dYeem$· _ _
late, he thought, and the beautiful sleep Well, he said to hlmselli we’re hnl$he 
I alf again as late. She certainly would helei end Pretty Soon there will be SOO 
· ot call early, and the shops did not open heht and I can See the Pertfelt- lyll li 
until nine or e little lsten damned if I’ll turn that in. I keep that,
Hell, he thought, I have these damned Oh (deletion), he said; I wonder who
.  tones. How could anyone do a thing like she leeks like new sleeping- I knew ho
hat? she looks, he said to hixnself. Wonderful
You know how, he said to himseii, She sleeps es though she had pot gon 
reading the ads in the back of the paper. to sleep· As though she wel`e Just 1‘€Sl$-
You’ve put it on the line enough times. lng- I hope she lsi he thought- I h0P 
It isn’t crazy or morbid. She just wanted Sheys Yesuug Well· ,
to put it on the line. It was a good thing
it wes me, he thought- WHEN rr started to be light, th 
That is the only good thing about Celenel eew the P0l`h`elt- He, Ve¤`Y
being me, he considered. Well, I’m me. Pfeheblyi Sew it BS qnlekly 85 any men
1 or better or for much worse. who was civilized and had to read and
He looked at himself in the mirror, set sign the forms he did not believe iii.
the half closed door. It showed him at could see an object, as soon as it was
i slight angle. It’s a deflection shot, he visible. Yes, he said to himself, I have
 aid to himself, and they didn’t lead me eyes and they have ambition. I have led
 nough. Boy, he said, you certainly are my ragamufiins where they are peppered.
e beat-up, old looking bastard. There’s not three of my hundred and fifty

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