xt7bzk55f62g_6 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bzk55f62g/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bzk55f62g/data/61m145.dao.xml Perry family 4.7 Cubic Feet 11 boxes The Perry family papers (dated 1800-1952; 4.7 cubic feet; 11 boxes) consists of correspondence, accounts, business vouchers, bills of lading, receipts, and legal documents relating to Fountain Perry's river shipping business and Roderick Perry's public service and law career in Gallatin County, Kentucky. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Perry family papers Inland Water Transportation -- United States Bridges -- Design and construction. Bridges -- Kentucky Business records -- Kentucky -- Warsaw. Shipping -- Ohio River. Shipping -- Mississippi River. Boatmen. Bills of lading. 1950 January text 1950 January 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bzk55f62g/data/61m145/61m145_1/61m145_1_6/47288/47288.pdf 1950 January 1950 1950 January section false xt7bzk55f62g_6 xt7bzk55f62g §·15h..,-qgagag?   )}   gv
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"lL’s so hard to rcalizc . . . my own
little girl 0ld cnough to trap a 1na11!"

 e of 157 acres of land, C. W. Colgrove line seems far from complete. The field
`s now taking $100,000 a month in roy- is spreading.
= ties. Meanwhile the Richfield Oil Corpo-
Counting his blessings, Colgrove re- ration sends its bits deeper into the val-
alled the seventeen dry holes he had ley strata. Richfield is benefiting from
illed before he met Hadley and the its enormous gamble and it is also add-
180,000 he had lost for family and ing to the stocks of crude oil needed for
iends in ten years of California wild- a state that has more automobiles than
= tting. He thereupon organized a trust any other. A recent survey states flatly
 r his former backers. Each of them is that the new pool has headed off an oil
ow being repaid at the rate of some- deficit otherwise due in California in
 ing like 60 per cent a year on his 1951.
 vestment, he says. Colgrove is a man The field could be producing more
ho knows how to be grateful. than 100,000 barrels daily now, but
He also organized a trust for his fam- Richfield reservoir engineers and
, at an early stage in the Cuyama de- engineers for smaller companies, which
 lopment before the full potentialities now have a number of wells there, have
his property were apparent. This ar- "beaned down" each well to conserve
ngement went a little beyond his ex- underground gas pressure, and effect
 ctations. He thinks it quite humor- greater long-range production over the
s that his two daughters are receiv- years to come. And the years of riches
g some $20,000 a month and that his promise to be long.
cretary, for whom he wanted to set As the fabulous Cuyama develops,
• a pension, is pensioned at the rate of its original discoverers mildly settle
000 per month. into the coloration of their backgrounds.
"I wanted to make my folks safe," Arthur Scott, the driller who poor-
· says with deep pleasure, " but I went boyed the job on the discovery well,
d made them all lousy rich." becomes a conventional oil-field super-
Which is a rather accurate summary intendent on the Norris lease. He mar-
the effect of the Cuyama on a lot of ries the schoolteacher he met and
ople. It has unexpectedly and happily courted in the lean years when he was V
 tributed a lot of wealth over the Cal- drilling for no wages. He builds a house
 rnia scene. Its work along this happy with an air-cooled cellar in the hot,
barren oil town of Maricopa. He can-
  ·»··..- .    not leave the oil fields. His life is there.

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 ww %i¤¤k éxwrw I   \
 Bulldogs Stop Kentucky  
 As Schloss Stars, 71-60

 V- N `   e ` · -
Independent Leagues Formed;  
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By Hm G°°"’”““ . meet, ivhieh ie eepippe vide. eppli-  
ar¥;1m§H;;§?1W];i1S1gI§st(§);;E1 »}°§§a° am wuts mw °°mPB“’= against the clock  
· 6 B . ·. Y6 re in the type ht rece they wept te   y ‘‘:   »‘’·   
{23 mfm;€?§-tyd m§th3Om1nd€p°€d$§t S“"m· The ml) Six in each Category   -:»tt  
‘ ee S ll e » W Ole 0 e ·11 th t ‘th h th    
. mm gxpgctgd to join in the near Q? the §‘§tu°§”§$§§_ W1 ea`: ° er    
· future. The ihdepehaehte have been    , · 
organized inte tive leagues, with e     ‘=.   
eiitlli ep ilie ieiiteiive lieu °   . .;.;t   ..  
Leeeile 1 feeiiilee Lucasi Mllleiieet Townsmen Conunug        
Bleiviii Cellillel and Hevvell ileiiill— ·   i ti‘i’=‘iii E      
tepaee, with the Fearless Five, heh- Pragticlllg as Meets   —..,   tit   =—- —·    -
effilleleih eelllpleiilie ilie zereilp. Five       i  i tt -  
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