xt7bvq2s7g85 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bvq2s7g85/data/mets.xml Texas Texas State-wide Records Project United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Professional and Service Projects 1940 48 leaves: map; 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call number FW 4.14:T 312/2/no.92 books English Longview, Tex: Gregg County San Antonio, Tex.: State-wide Records Indexing and Inventory Program This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Texas Works Progress Administration Publications Probate records -- Texas Gregg County (Tex.) -- History Index to Probate Cases of Texas, no. 92, Gregg County, Jan. 23, 1872 - Jan. 31, 1939 text Index to Probate Cases of Texas, no. 92, Gregg County, Jan. 23, 1872 - Jan. 31, 1939 1940 1940 2019 true xt7bvq2s7g85 section xt7bvq2s7g85 w ‘ VII||»“||1‘|~|9|»H‘\TH‘IIHH~HHIN~|~H~H 7
7 73 UHfiESiui?ll+?[=5 B , .
; filed in
G ' ' No. 92

Prepared by
The Texas State—wide Records Project
Division of Professional and Service Projects
Work Projects Administration
' No. 92
1 January 23, 1872 - January 31, 1959 V
* * * * *
Published by
Gregg County, Texas
’ September 1940


The publicatiOn herewith presented, an index to the probate cases
filed in Gregg County, Texas, is No. 92 of the Texas series of counties.
The publication is intended to meet the requirements of day-to-day usage
by the officials of the county, attorneys, businessmen, and other citi—
zens who have occasion to consult probate case records for the proper
conduct of their affairs. The publication may be used by historians and
genealogists to obtain references to unpublished source material.

The names of the deceased persons, minors, and other principals are

‘ arranged alphabetically, with reference to the filing date Of the case
and the case number. Differentiation between probate cases assigned

- duplicate numbers is accomplished by the addition of a letter following
the case number. The following numbers in the series 1A to 2172 were
not used as case numbers: 287, 599, 717, 1161.

In Gregg County all probate records are in the custody of the county
clerk. Case papers are filed in numerical sequence in plainly.marked
steel file drawers in the clerk's office.

L Since the transfer of territory from one county to another has af—
fected probate jurisdiction and has determined the county in which the
probate case should have been filed, a map and table of territorial

. changes are included herein. Notations ConCerning present 10cation and
availability of records pertinent to Gregg County follow: , .

Harrison County, Marshall, 811 records extant . l' ‘ ',

Nacogdoches County, Nacogdoches, all records extant ' _

Rusk County, Henderson, all records extant

Ipshur County, Gilmer, records partially destroyed by fire, 1888

 E .


55251 Map of Gregg County

:5: Showing the Several Probate Areas ‘

L Legend p . .

“22 A Area in Municipality and County of Nacogdoches to 1/28/1859

L55 " " Harrison'County from 1/28/1859 " 1/28/1841 (1)

4% " " Panola County (judicial) " 1/28/1841 " 1842 (2)

5%- ' " " Harrison County , 'v 1842 " 4/27/1846 (5)

.; " " Upshur County " 4/27/1846 " 4/12/1875 (4)

" " Gregg County " 4/12/1875 " , date (5)

B Area in Municipality and County of Nacog;doches to 2/ 1/1842 \_
" " smith County (judicial) from 2/ l/1842 " 1842 (6)

" " Nacogdoches County " 1842 " 1/16/1845 (5) y,
" " Rusk County " 1/16/1845 " 4/50/1874 (7).

f3 " " Gregg County " 4/50/1874 1' date (8)

*4 C Area in Municipality and County of Nacogdoches . to 1/28/1859

" ” Harrison County from 1/28/18539 " 1/28/1841 (1)

" " Panola County (judicial) " 1/28/1841 " 1842 (2)

"LE " " Harrison County 7 1842 " 4/27/1846 (5) :
" " Upshur County " 4/27/1846 " 4/12/1875 (4) l
" " Gregg County > " 4/12/1875 " 8/14/1882 (5) T
g "v " Upshur-County . ' ' " 8/14/1882 " date (9) 1
1. H. P. N. Camel, Laws 9331391, II, 159.

P 2. Ibid-., 617. _ .

EE 8. Acts attempting; to create "judicial" counties were held unconstitu—

i; tional. Stockton v. Montgomery (Jan. term 1842) , James Wilmer ,
5‘3 Dallam (compiler), Qginions of; the; SupregE Court 9: Eggs from 1840 1
5 £9 13144 1113138313, 9. 4'73. Therefore, the area remained in the )
(5; original county. gene Carmel, Law/78,11, 926, for act of 1844 legaliz- ;
5 ing, the public records of the judicial county of Panola and making
{4 them part of the records of Harrison County.
4. Carmel, Laws, 11, 1445. ‘
a 5. 3333., VII, 489.
E; 6. 1333., 11,759. ‘
7. Ibid., 859.1
5‘ 8. 15151., VIII, 181. ,
E 9. This area attached to Upshur County in accordance with the results ‘
a of a boundary line survey. .S_e_e_ Gregg County, Minute Book Commis- ‘
E3 sioners Court, vol. B, p. 41, for field notes. L

ET? ‘

5 l .


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Name of Deceased, Minor or Lunatic Date Filed Case No.
- A -
Achers, Edmond J. 1nd Samuel, minors Jan. 16, 1875 28
~ dcrey, V. n., NCM March 24, 1932 1370
Acuff, Mrs. Lilsie and Evie, NCM June 19, 1931 1299,1316
ficuff, Jlsie, NCM Sept. 10, 1931 1325,1316
Acuff, Eve, Ivy end V1011, minors nug. 10, 1931 1316,1325
Adamen, T. 0., NCM Jan. 8, 1937 1939
Adams, Grady, NCM April 18, 1927 997
Adams, Grady, epileptic Nov. 30, 1927 1018
Adnms, J. M., deceosed May 11, 1931 1275
Edens, N. N., deceased Aug. 20, 1925 920 ‘
Adams, Mrs. N. N., deceased Jen. 20, 1926 940
Adams, T. 6., NCM June 21, 1937 1999
Adnms, T. 0., NCM Jan. 8, 1937 1939
Adams, Thee. 0., NCM Sept. 11, 1926 1070
Adamson, filoie end Lois, minors Sept. 14, 1936 1901
Adkins, Mary, deceased Jan. 3, 1929 1064(B)
Agnew, Jline Medora, deceosed May 22, 1929 1075
Ailstock, Jimmie Ray, minor Feb. 25, 1937 1950
dimes, Catherine, deceased March 10, 1876 27
Albright, Edmond, minor Oct. 29, 1921 809
. leright, John G., decedsed Sept. 11, 1935 1759
_ Albright, Welds Louise, minor Sept. 7, 1935 1756
alexander, Byron, minor Oct. 22, 1930 1148
Alexander, Carl D., deceased Dec. 4, 1926 977 ‘
Alexonder, Hobby (pnpers); Hobby,
, Alonmior (docket), decessed Oct. 29, 1931 1633
11ex8nder, Buy or Roy, NCM hug. 27, 1934 _ 1614
‘ allen, Asa Benton, minor July 29, 1936 1885
Allen, Charlie, deceased Aug. 6, 1930 1127
Jllen, Chnrlie 6nd Ezra, decensed July 1, 1935 1718
Allen, E. R., deceosed Moy 4, 1932 1892
Allen, Ernest R., minor Sept. 14, 1936 1898
Allen, Thomas, deceased Oct. 8, 1874 10,19-24
Allison, Elmo P. and Rupert 8., minors May 27, 1889 204
Allison, J. N., deceased Jan. 26, 1885 140
Allison, Mrs. J. R., deceased Nov. 18, 1889 207
Allison, Joe N., NCM Sept. 12, 1921' 805
Allison, Joe N., NCM Jan. 13, 1926 939
Allison, Joe N., NCM Oct. 20, 1933 1522
Alston, Elizabeth T., deceased March 7, 1886 163
Anderson,00rdie Mny and Robt.George,mincrs Feb. 21, 1931 1238
Anderson, Festus, Mary N., Otis, Ruby .
and Rudell, minors Nov. 22, 1933 1529
Anderson, Frunkie P., minor Juno 1, 1932 1391
. Anderson, Jim, NCM Oct. 5, 1928 1052
Anderson, Luvio, minor nug. 11, 1928 1048
Endorson, Martin, NCM July 17, 1933 1&99
Anderson, Mervin, NCM Dec. 31, 1936 1937

 fl§g§_g§_2§g§esed,_yinor or Lunatic ________Qste Fi1§§_________ Case_flg;
Anderson, Matilda, deceused June 4, 1889 203
Anderson, Nora, Ruth and Willie, minors Dec. 16, 1912 576
finderson, W. H., deceised Jan. 30, 1920 745
Anderson, Willium Jr., minor Feb. 18, 1920 747
AndreWS, nrthur and Vesta, minors Dec. 23, 1905 432
AndreWS, Arthur 3., Ederd, Storey and
Vaster Lee, minors Nov. 4, 1895 274
Andrews, Artur st sl, minors Oct. 1, 1895 279
Andrews, Bennie and Zunnie, Minors Sept. 20, 1902 379
dndrews, John A., Sterling H., Verney
Bell uni fiillicm L., minors July 31, 1923 854
Andrews, Vernor, NCM Oct. 5, 1938 2136
Andrewe, Verner (Dick), NCM Oct. 4, 1938 2134
Angell, Hester P., J. H., J. P. H. end
_ Thomas L., minors Hwy 15, 1875 25
Ansley, J. 7., deceased Feb. 8, 1921 787 ‘
nrcnt, nnnie, Harry and Maud, minors Oct. 6, 1894 267
Archer, Clinton D., deceased Aug. 31, 1936 1889
' Archer, Dorthn, minor nug. 18, 1936 1891
8rd, Billie Derrell and Johnnie .
Erylene, minors Dec. 29, 1936 1935
Arcy, Marie Louise, epileptic Dec. 17, 1935 1792
Arnold, J. 0., NCM 11y 5, 1924 875
fiston, Mary Edd, minor Sept. 28, 1936 1912
dtkins, May, chlt, James, minors Sept. 11, 1888 194
Atkinson, J. H., deceased July 29, 1930 1123
Austinn, J. L., deceased May 22, 1903 396
_ Austin, Frank and Johnnie, minors Dec. 6, 1918 693
Austin, W. 8., deceased fiug. 5, 1901 359
Anslt, James; dtkins, Muy, minors Sept. 11, 1888 194
Aycock, Billy Rex, NCM May 30, 1936 2101
Aycock, H. R., NON April 14, 1934 1567
Aycock, Hermun R., NCM July 16, 1935 1726
- B —
Babers, Doris and Jimmie Sue, minors Feb. 21, 1936 1812
Bailey, Junie, NCM July 6, 1905 L 424
Baily, W. 0., NCM June 23, 1898 310
Bain, Willium, minor Sept. 3, 1932 1428
Baker, Earnest and Frieda, minors July 9, 1931 1307
Baker, Mrs. F. C., deceased Nov. 16, 1934 1641
Baker, James K., John Foret and Juun
Rexach, minors March 19, 1936 1824
Baker, Jessie, NCM April 10, 1934 1566
Baker, Phineas, deceased Feb. 7, 1874 7
Baker, R. n., deceased March 1, 1926 943
Baker, R. n., deceased March 8, 1926 946
Baker, 2., deceased July 20, 1934 1604
Ballard, Tsxunn, NCM Nov. 17, 1919 738
I Banks, Emmie, NCM May 22, 1935 1703
Barber, Pete, deceased April 17, 1936 1835 '
' Barker, n. n., deceased Aug. 21, 1912 566
" Barker, 116., NCM Aug. 4., 1934 1608
_ 2 -

 1339.1122223321119221r.__L_13s_1112____.._.___-.2312_F.i1.e.__d ...__._._____ci_sg_N_o~
Barnes, Charles and James M., miners Dec. 21, 1874 12
Barnett, Clyde, deceased Feb. 10, 1930 1101
Barnett, Nelda Lorine, minor Feb. 27, 1930 1104
Barnett, S. S. Jr., deceased Dec. 7, 1918 694
Barnett, S. Slade, deceased hug. 10, 1877 36
‘ Barr, Clifford, minor Dec. 11, 1937 2045
Burr, Glore Faith and James D., minors xug. 11, 1932 1414
Barton, n., deceased April 6, 1920 759
Barton, 135. B. E., deceased Nov. 26, 1932 1457
Barton, J. A. V., deceased Nov. 14, 1900 344
Barton, Loucnna end Thos. D., minors June 18, 1883 113
Bass, Douglas Eugene, NCM nug. 16, 1935 1746
Bass, Jack, Lure Stoit and
Yates, miners Dec. 14, 1907 466
Base, Jim, NCM April 19, 1916 L 14
Bass, John F., deccosed Jan. 5, 1924 866 ‘
Bass, Merino, deceased June 4, 1930 1118
Bass, Monnie and Robbie, minors Dec. 22, 1900 349
Base, V. H., deceased Dec. 22, 1906 447
Bass, W. R., deceused Jan. 30, 1931 1214
Botswan, Mary D., NCM Jug. 10, 1693 252
Bates, G. W., deceased May 25, 1925 910
Batt, C. F., NCM April 9, 1890 221
Batty, Sophia F., deceased Nev. 2, 1938 2147
Beucum, Jdecia Jane and Doris, minors March 6, 1936 1621
Bducum, J. D., deceased Feb. 19, 1936 1809
Beucuu, R. 3., NCM Sept. 28, 1937 2027
_ Baxter, Ednard 8., Mary 0. and
Reuben F., miners Nov. 11, 1885 149
' 39311, Mary, minor Feb. 26, 1906 434
38811, Mary, minor Feb. 26, 1906 440
Boomer, Msrshnll Ney, epileptic Jan. 26, 1926 986
Bean, Carlos, deceased Msrch 24, 1937 1963
Benn, J. E., decensed March 22, 1927 995
Bean, Orvel Jr., minor March 6, 1932 1366
Besrcle (Bears), Geo. E., NCM June 26, 1911 539
Beasley, Lizzie, deceased Sept. 28, 1937 2026
,' Backhou, Bobbie J., NCM March 16, 1935 1687
'. 3eckhun, Francis, NCM April 5, 1938 2081
Behymer, Mrs. dbe or Mrs. Alia, NCM July 4, 1925 916
Bell, Bunnor, NCM March 1, 1935 1673
3e11, Edward and Thelma, minors Nov. 9, 1931 797,1338
Bell, Edward and Thelma May, minors Oct. 23, 1931 1338
3911, Fredd, Harold and Vevien, miners July 22, 1935 1729
Bell, Harrold and Max, miners Feb. 16, 1931 1231
3e11, Mary, decedsed May 22, 1931 1287
3e11, Norris Lee, minor Dec. 30, 1931' 1356
3911, Roy, NCM Sept. 2, 1932 V 1427
Bell, Tom, deceased July 30, 1937 2010
3911, Willie, deceased Jan. 12, 1935 1655
' Benefield, H. M., NCM July 11, 1934 1602
Bennett, Gary and H. C., minors Sept. 11, 1933 1513
Bennett, Henry G., deceased June 29, 1926 960
Bennett, Newall, deceased Oct. 31, 1925 890
_ 3 _

 Name o§_Qeceaseg, Minor or Lunatic .__ Date Fi19d_~_________gg§§_flg, '
3ennett, lbs. 0. 3., NCM ‘ Feb. 2, 1894 258
Benson, Will, deceased June 2, 1930 1117
3ent1ey, Mrs. J. Sen (Estele), deceased June 30, 1931 1301
Bently, Floyd, minor June 30, 1931 1300
Berger, Mrs. Caroline, decensed ’ April 14, 1915 630
. 3errymun, Ada, minor Jan. 30, 1917 648
Birdsong, Cecil, minor Sept. 19, 1930 1136
Birdsong, Mrs. E. n., deceased Dec. 11, 1929 1093
Birdsong, J. N., deceased Dec. 11, 1929 1094
Birdsong, John Paul and Mabel Lee, minors Feb. 15, 1938 2062
Birdsong, Lawrence and Rayburn, minors March 27, 1914 537
Birdsong, Lowrence end Ruybon, miners April 17, 1911 637(4)
Birdsong, Mrs. Ruby, deceased Sept. 9, 1937 2019
3irdsong, Searcy Jr., minor May 7, 1918 675
Birdsong, Simon, deceased June 1, 1906 441 _
BirdWell, Mrs. Dora, NCM Sept. 12, 1889 208
Bishop, Churles, deceased Dec. 4, 1899 330
3ivins, Heger, deceased May 15, 1922 618
Blackburn, Annie D., minor March 19, 1926 948
Blackburn, Bettie Sue and Verne, minors July 3, 1919 725
Blackburn, William J., deceased Sept. 27, 1907 459
Blackmnn, 3obbie Jo., NCM npril 16, 1935 1687
Blackemn, Jack, deceased Oct. 21, 1910 649
Blackman, Jessie, deceased Feb. 11, 1936 1605
,Blackman, Mery, deceased May 2, 1932 1379
Blackmen, Wyline, minor Oct. 16, 1930 1145
Blackwell, Everet Monroe and Leona
_ Clotell, minors Feb. 10, 1937 1948
Blackwood, Bobbie Joe, Buress Lee and
Charlie Fey, minors Dec. 20, 1934 1650
3lugg, myrtle, NOE Feb. 24, 1933 1479
Blair, M. P., NCM March 16, 1917 L 20
Blake, Eldridge; Volney minors Nov. 19, 1912 571
Bledso, Ethel, Nora and Willie, minors Sept. 9, 1897 303 4
3ledsoe, slexender, deceusod Nov. 1, 1922 £26
Beetright, Hanan, minor June 7, 1937 1993
Boggs, Herul C., minor Feb. 17, 1937 1949
Bohne, E. n., deceased may '14, 1864 127
Boles, James, minor June 26, 1934 1598
Boles, Selmer, minor Aug. 4, 1913 566
301ton, Hazel D., Mary and Susuns Davis,
Albert, Josephine and Mary Edner,minors Oct. 30, 1930 1152
. Jolton, Maria or Eerie, NCM July 16, 1925 917
Bonner, Marthe, deceused Oct. 3, 1678 46
Bonner, Myrtle Annie, NCM Key 29, 1934 1582
Boon, Mrs. Muime E., deceased Dec. 5, 1888 196
Booth, Jimmie, deceased Nov. 15, 1918 669
Booth, Vernna, nfinor March 16, 1800 58
Booth, Mrs. W. E., deceased dug. 1, 1930 1124,1125
' 300th, Mrs. W. E., deceased dug. l, 1930 1125,1124
Boring, J. W., deceased Nov. 25, 1865 154
Bowen, Mervin, NCH April 13, 1929 1071
Bowers, Wu. Frunklin, NCM Sept. 6, 1913 L 2
Bowie, Willie, NCM July 28, 1936 1882
- 4 _

 Esme o: Decensed,flyi§or or nggtig__~_________“Q§tg_§ilg§__ ____gase N9;
Boyd, Isaac, NCM Jan. 21, 1937 1941(3)
Boyd, J. E., NCM Aug. 16, 1937 2018
Boyd, Nannie L., deceased March 31, 1911 536(3)
3oyer, John 0., NCM Jan. 30, 1934 1545
Eczeman, J. R., minor Sept. 9, 1895 278
3ozeman, John H. and Robert J., minors. Oct. 3, 1890 224
Bozmen, Ruth, minor June 27, 1934 1599
Bradford, Millie, deceased Jan. 7, 1903 388,394
Bradford, Millie, deceesed March 31, 1903 394,388
3rud1ey, Zeph, NCM July 29, 1930 1122
Bradshaw, Eartha; McCormick, Ima
und Lee, minors July 19, 1904 ' 411
Bramlett, Mrs. Annie B., decedsed Feb. 7, 1913 577
Bramlett, Fred L. et a1, minors April 4, 1913 562
Brumlette, Fred L., Mae and Nannie, minors April 4, 1913 578
3ramlette, Jack, minor Oct. 22, 1935 1777 ‘
Brannon, Dell, NCM Dec. 21, 1934 1651
Branum, jettie Jean.and Paul
Meredith, minors ‘ Jan. 13, 1935 1665
Bray, C. L., deceased Feb. 24, 1917 651
Bruzzil, 36th, 3uford, Elwyn, hhurico
and Vera, minors June 30, 1932 1401
Brice, Charlie B., Mattie 8., W. 3. i
and Walter, minors Feb. 9, 1686 187
Bridges, Minnie Lee, deceased Feb. 16, 1938 2064
‘ Brink, Mary M., decensed Nov. 6, 1882 100
Brinkley, C. L., NCM Jan. 21, 1937 1942
_ 3rock, Evan, Jtmes and Joyce, minors March 10, 1936 2074
Brock, Tou.W., minor Jan. 24, 1935 1660
Browder, John, deceased Oct. 20, 1675 15
Brown, Beatrice I. and Will E., minors hug. 20, 1897 302
_ Brown, Calvin, NCM Merch 14, 1934 1561,1565
Brown, Calvin, NCM ' April 9, 1934: 1565,1561
' Brown, Calvin, NCM July 31, 1935 1733,1753
' Brown, Calvin, NOE hug. 23, 1935 1753,1733
3rowu, Champ N., deceased May 17, 1913 597
' Brown, Chas. T., decensed Feb. 4, 1929 1067
Brown, Dernetts, Hattie 3. and Jimmie
Lodean, minors June 14, 1932 1394
Brown, Francis E., minor Jan. 11, 1916 623
Brown, Hollis and Roscoe, minors Nov. 19, 1930 1157
Brown, I. L., deceased Jan. 7, 1925 900
Brown, James A. and John Garland, minors Oct. 19, 1918 685
Brown, Jerry, deceased Feb. 27, 1935 1671
Brown, Laura, NON July 27, 1932 1406
Brown, Maggie, minor Oct. 11, 1886 166
Jrown, Margaret J., deceased April 14, 1891 229
Brown, Marvin, NCM upril 13, 1929 1071
Brown, Mary 3., deceesed Jan. 10, 1854 122
‘ Brown, Nettie, deceased July 25, 1882 96
Brown, R. G., deceased July 3, 1920 767
Brown, Robt., Ellis, Sarnh Lucy, Torrie
and Willi..m, minors Aug. 19, 1915 ‘ 616
BrOWn, Sandy, deceased Nov. 15, 1935 1782
- 5 _

 s ,r" I“,
- EfigfiiwflfiflfiéfiMQEALLEEEQEMM_M“DL¢§_FJ.119-__..__-.____C_&§9_.1‘_IC_-. I
. 1
Brown, Walter, deceased June 26, 1924 881
Brown, halter, deceased Dec. 16, 1924 896
Brumbaek, C. 3., deceased April 23, 1913 585 !
Bruner, Lorene, minor Jan. 12, 1931 1185
Bruner, Martin, deceased April 18, 1918 671 j
Brunkie, Fred, deceased April 9, 1928 1038 i
Brunson, Della, deceased Jan. 31, 1939 2172 !
Bryant, G. 3. Jr., deceased March 11, 1935 1686 [
Bryant, Martha, deceased Dec. 29, 1904 421 1
Buchunen (3uckhe.n1.n), Mrs. Ellen, NCM Feb. 5, 1900 334
Buckalew, F. 9., deceased Oct. 9, 1874 9 1
Buffun, G. C., deceased Dec. 11, 1918 696 1
:3uffu1, G. C., deceased Feb. 7, 1919 702 Ff
Buie, nudre ndine, minor Dec. 11, 1902 384 1
Buie, E. 6., deceased April 29, 1921 793 g _
Bullard, Alice Maud, Curtiss, Luther }
and May Bell, minors Nov. 28, 1919 739
' Bullock, Clay, Henry C., John T.,Josephine,
Sarah and Walter, minors Jan. 20, 1896 284
Bullock, John T., Josephine, Sarah, 1
W. C. and Walter Clay, minors April 2, 1891 227
Bumpus, Caleb, Minerva J. and 3
William, minors May 22, 1883 110 j
Bumpus, Codene, minor Jan. 16, 1931 1191,1247 1
Bumpus, Codene, minor March 18, 1931 1247,1191 fl
Burcdlou (Burcalow), J. n., NCM May 3, 1934 1573 .
Burd, Doris Fay und Maurine, minors June 25, 1936 1863 g
, Burke, Fey, Mossie, Odie and 1
Russell, minors Nov. 27, 1923 861 I
Burke, Francis, NCM Feb. 26, 1938 2069 ;
Burnett, Clarence Stevens und 5
Wanda June, minors Oct. 15, 1938 2139 1
Burns, Billie Eugene, Bobbie Lee, Cheetie, g
H. J., Hazel and Inn Mae, minors Feb. 26, 1936 1816 i
Burriss, Gem, NCM Nov. 22, 1934 1643 !
Burrow, Jesse Walter, minor Epril 20, 1932 1376 3
Burton, F. M., deceased June 10, 1907 454 f
Burton, Mrs. S. T. or Burtson, Mrs. 3‘
S. 3., NCM Feb. 7, 1934 1553 g
Bush, Blanche, Doris, Hosea, John, Mae 5
and Percy, minors Oct. 17, 1936 1919 i
Bush, Edward, Melissa and hkrion, minors June 13, 1916 632 ’
Bush, Fuller, Mary, Melissa, Norris ,
and Rutlegem, minors Sept. 9, 1920 730 t
Bussey, Bessie and Holt Mills, minors March 3, 1931 1239 f
Bussey, David Cole, minor Nov. 9, 1923 856 g
Bussey, E. H., deceased July 19, 1927 1006 i
1 Buseey, Lena May, minor July 5, 1921 800 1
Butler, C. C., NCM July 28, 1936 1883 ;
Butler, Cressie, minor Feb. 21, 1931 1237 i
Buttrill, J. T., deceased Sept. 4, 1895 280 g
Buttrill, Mrs. R. E., deceased Dec. 6, 1910 629 ‘
Butts, George 11., deceeeed Dec. 21, 1875 20
— 6 — E

 ‘ 5|;
Name of Deceg§gg4_M;§gg_2§_Lgpgiigu________m___2a1e Fil§g__ _ Caee_§g; I
Butte, J. T., deceased March 16, 1935 1688
Butts,Julie,Lucetta and Pearl Lee,minors Feb. 17, 1904 407 I
Butts, Lemuel P., deceased March 20, 1883 108
Byrd, James, NCM May 6, 1936 1845 1
Byrd, Markrel Lawlor, minor Dec. 29, 1938 2165 E
Byum, Katherine, epileptic June 17, 1938 2109 1
- c _ m
Cabbiness, Elizabeth 1. and Sibyl 1
Dortory, minors Aug. 30, 1926 968 a
Cabiness, Johnnie Mae, minor June 9, 1938 2107 6
Cable, Frank 3., deceased Dec. 29, 1327 1023 1
Cain, Mrs. 3., NCM Feb. 21, 1394 259 H
Cain, Edna G., minor April 22, 1882 90 f _
Cain, John L., deceased Feb. 15, 1882 88 fl
. Cain, Lucindie, deceased Dec. 2, 1930 1159 f
Callahan, Horse, deceasel Nov. 10, 1886 167 fi
Cellahan, Themes L., minor March 26, 1930 1111 g
Callahan, W. T., deceased Sept. 22, 1930 1137 p
Callocut, Matt, NCM Oct. 25, 1932 1442 fl
CalloWay, Carrie 3., deceesed Feb. 13, 1907 450 k
CallOWay, Chelotte, Marlino ani W
Nelwyn, minors Feb. 19, 1931 1233 p
Galloway, D. Ras., NCM Nov. 5, 1934 1639 1
Galloway, Josie, Peerl, R. E. and fl
Rube H., minors Dec. 31, 1906 448 b
, Callscut, Mat, Non Oct. 25, 1932 1442 1
Calvin, Jeff, mom May 8, 1914 L 6 1
Games, Theodore, deceased Oct. 10, 1936 1918 W
Camp, Ella F., deceased Dec. 29, 1927 1024 y
Camp, Walter Jr., NCM April 28, 1936 1343 1
Cemp, Wu. 3., deceasei Jan. 16, 1928 1027(8) H
Campbell, D. G., Sinmwns,Herold J.,mincrs Jan. 11, 1934 1541 h '
Campbell, Fred, NCM April 22, 1935 1694 3
Campbell, Gordon, more June 26, 1936 1869 1,:
Campbell, John, deceased 775 . 1
Campbell, L. T., deceased Aug. 11, 1937 2015 $1
Cannon,Droy,Mnttie G.and Wm.H.,minors Feb. 7, 1931 1224 1Q
Canterberry, Curtis, minor Sept. 24, 1929 1087 f
Centley, andley G., minor March 27, 1882 89 Q
Capps, Ada, NCM Aug. 13, 1914 L 9 fl
Capps, Walter, NOE July 21, 1333 1501,1617 g
Cepps, Walter Jr., NCM nug. 31, 1934 1617,1501 ,1
Caps, Welter, NCM July 21, 1933 1501 M
Csradine, C. 0., deceased NOV. 29, 1881 83 h
Carlisle, Hrs. n. 3., deceasefi April 25, 1931 1266 3U
Cerlisle, Mary Morris, deceeSed Sept. 13, 1937 2021 1}
Garnish, Qubeo Simnins, deceased March 2, 1934 1558 El
Carothers, n. H., deceased May 28, 1932 139091445 1?
Carr, Cornelius, minor HEY 18’ 1938 2095 1
Carroll, Clara May uni Homer, minors hug. 20, 1920 769 1
Carroll, Katie, minor March 11, 1880 61 3
Carroll, 0. G., deceased Doc. 3, 1917 667 1
_ 7 - a

 1 t
i ‘“
1889......0f 062255211.-1’9._48§.2£-£Le:tmi9 i.._____D&’°6._.File_4________ £483.12; ;
Carter, “in Robertson, deceased ‘ May 5, 1921 550 g
Certer, nde Robertson, deceased May 16, 1921 795 E
Carter, Carrie 3., minor ' Dec. 5, 1884 136 1
Carter, Mrs. E. L., NCM July 29, 1901 358,391,444 H
Certer, Mrs. E. L., non Feb. 2, 1903 391,358 H
Carter, Mrs. E. L., NGM July 5, 1906 444,891,358 6
Carter, Emma L., NCM April 19, 1915 613 4
Carter, Emma L., NCM May 21, 1931 1283, [1
1282,1364 1}
Carter, Erie L., NCM Feb. 17, 1932 1364, i
1282,1283 ;
Carter, Ears L. or J. 0., Non May 21, 1931 1282, 5
1364,1283 y
Carter, Mrs. J. G., NCM Jan. 28, 1924 867 1
Carter, John G., deceased June 3, 1932 1392 fl, _
Carter, Katie May, minor Dec. 6, 1938 2158,1258 F
Carter, Minnie; Terry, COOper, minors Oct. 15, 1694 269 ’3
Carter, Minnie 3., minor June 8, 1896 291 1
Certer, Sarah M., deceased mug. 4, 1932 1410 E
Carter, w. L., NCM Aug. 8, 1937 2017 :1
Carter, William L. Jr., minor Nov. 26, 1935 1786 1%
Casey, John, Ross n. and $1
William J., minors Dec. 20, 1895 281 J
Cash, Benjamin and Monroe Jr., minors Nov. 23, 1932 1455 w
Cash, Monroe, deceased Jan. 6, 1933 1467 %
Cashen, Thomas, deceased June 19, 1874 19,24 'f
Cashen, Thomas, deceased May 11, 1875 24,19 W
3 Csstelberry, J. N., deceesed March 23, 1937 1962 ‘h
Castelbery, Mrs. A. n., NCM April 7, 1920 761 W
Castleberry, Dr. 0., deceased Nov. 21, 1910 531 H
Csstleberry, J. R., deceased hug- 259 1925 923 1
Castleberry, Willie, NCM npril 7. 1887 190 h
Cretleberry, Mrs. Willie, NCM Feb. 15, 1890 215 1
Castleburry, Mrs. A. 3., deceased Sept. 27, 1934 1623 ji '
Cnusey, n. J., deceased Nov. 21, 1900 345 W
Geueey, Henry w., deceeeed Sept. 20, 1889 211 h
Gavin, Donald E., NCM June 13a 1936 1858 L3
Cowood, Carl, minor Dec. 30, 1931 1357,1343 ,1
Cowsey, Macelle K., minor July 29, 1935 1884 IE
Csywood, Otis Arnold, minor Nov. 17, 1931 1343,1357 H
Getting, Cherlos, NCM May 20, 1938 2098 R
Cheffin, nlpine, David, Eunice and 1
Mary D., minors Jan. 24, 1931 1206 m
Chombless, E. J., deceased Jan. 19, 1931 1304 %
Chapman, Walker Lee Hugh, deceased June 5, 1934 1590 EH
Charles, Chrlie, Earl, Johnie and I?
Ora Lee, minors March 11, 1931 1242 fl
Charley, Johnnie, minor Dec. 199 1930 1165 %
Z Chauncey, Preshia Jane, minor Nov. 7, 1936 1925 'fl
Chnuncy, Ford, deceosed Dec. 5, 1936 1930 E
Chenell,Billie James and Mary E.,minors June 5, 1935 1708 '0
Chonall, E. J., deceosed June 5, 1935 1709 [r
Chenhull, E. J., deceased nug- 29, 1934 1515 f
Childress, May, NCM May 25, 1936 , 1849 1
- 8 - 1

 “ " ‘ NEELQLDLCWEEQLMZEEE"ELLE-3316......“ _._._.._25119_1‘_i_1_ed._-_____.__9.822_112_- f
I i
I I};
Chism, George and Mery, ieceeeei April 30, 1935 1697 :1
Choice, Jrne, dcceeeei ~ Aug. 27, 1927 1009 It
'3 Choice, Jone, deceased Nov. 30, 1927 1017 51
‘y- Chcice, Tully, deceused May 6, 1897 298 ‘1
.' , Christien, Alec, Billiele, Joe, ' {i
,;,E Odie D., Ruben, Ruby, Wesley, , [j
.,3; Willie and York, minors Nov. 23, 1938 2155 {H
Christicn, Dorothy Birdie end Zoreh 11
.:.j Irine, minors hug. 13, 1931 1318 f
Christian, Earline, minor Feb. 4, 1931 1220 JJ
.. Christien, Elbert, NCh Feb. 22, 1937 1251 17
Christien, Elbert, NCh Jen. 26, 123a 2169 31
-, Christian,Elmo,Fulvey,King and T.C.,minors May 11, 1931 1274,1192 fH
-, Christian, Susan, deceased Dec. 4, 1923 862 i“
, Christie, Williem Preston, miner Sept. 27, 1899 325 1% ‘
. Christion, T. C., minor Jan. 16, 1531 1192,1274 h
Churchill, Jack, deceased April 25, 1635 1695 jfi
Cleney, a. D. Jr., deceeeei Feb. 19, 1938 2065 41
Clerk, 0. 8., iecensee June 28, 1910 527 11
Clerk, Edwin and Reese, miners . Oct. 10, 1216 642 J
Clerk, Emme Kate, miner Oct. 31, 1912 570 I
Clerk, J. H., iecease; Sept. 26, 1321 806 f
Clurk,Jcmes D.,Jesse W.and Thomas U.,mincrs Jan. 5, 1885 138 PE
Clark, Mathew, ieceasei July 16, 1896 288 ,1
Clerk, Pauline, epileptic Oct. 20, 1231 1337 1
Clark, Pauline Gibscn, epileptic Nov. 17, 1928 1056 jI
Clark, Virginie 3., deceasei May 2, 1839 318 f1
' Clerk, 2. 8., minor Oct. 18, 1875 16 3g
Clerke, Thomas L., miner March 24, 1881 69 11
, Clary, Almer, NCM March 8, 1337 1955 CH
. Clery, Gevctie, miner March 18, 1230 1108 2%
_fl Clawson, Sehhde Garland, minor May 26, 1934 1578 ‘%
H' Claybcrne, J. C., deceased Feb. 3, 1936 1803 It
. Cleyten, C. 8., deceased May 12, 1937 1982 1%
M ‘ Clayton, C:ylc 8., deceased Mey 14, 1337 1383 1%
. Cleytcn, Williee, ieceesee Feb. 27, 1236 1817 It
Clemens, Jahnnie ani Hary Bell, minors Jan. 15, 1931 1189 :3
‘..H' Cleumens, Buttercup, Howell M. anl fl
’ , 3 Joseph R., miners Sept. 2, 1899 327 g
’ ’ ClOMLODS, Hemcr, Ruth and Tam, Finis, fl
Jehnnie B. an; Mary Bell, miners Nov. 16, 1922 830 I
. Clemeons, Joseph R., deceesei Sept. 2, 1899 322 .3
. Cleuhcns, T. 3., deceased March 23, 1827 294 g
Clemens, Lucy R., miner Oct. 23, 1899 328 .2
. Cobb, Celie, N01; May 5. 1937 1280 it
Cobb, Margeret EliZubGth, NCM March 4, 1935 1820 ‘g
, Cebb, s. 5., NCM Nev. 23, 1917 666 f
h g Gecko, Wheeler, deceasei Jan. 15, 1931 1190 7%
,' Coddell, nnnie 3011, minor npril 30: 1926 954 Y%
_ . Ceefieli, siren, NCM nug~ 3, 1931 1314 1%
:. .1. Cshn, n., deceased Nev. 30, 1881 84 1%
‘~ VJ, - Cchn, Berthu, Hannah, Neely, Nettie 1%
1. ., anfl'Willie, minors Nov. 10, 1886 165 1%
Cslburn, Vennie, deceased Dec. 27, 1935 1795 ;$
i 3;;

 1 « 1
. iii-LisiikesswifltwafliL~__._-_Qeis_flilsi______§££9_fiiz 1
Coleman, Fannie, Ollie, Pearl and 1%
Tessie, minors Dec. 11, 1908 500 ‘
Coleman, Fannie, Ollie, Pearl and 1H
Tessie, minors March 8, 1909 508 11
Coleman, George, 1101.1 Jon. 2, 1930 1097 1
Colee, ’1‘. .~.:., deceased :April 14, 1913 584 ,1
Collins, Gladys, Kathleen, Opha and 11
Thurman, minors Jan. 7, 1931 1179 1%
Collins, 1:. K., deceased July 1, 1936 1872 :11
Collins, hrs. Nancy, deceased July 14, 1687 176 1d
Colyer, Bell, deceased Jan. 5, 1931 1177 14
Conroy, Michael, deceased nug. 11, 1873 1(2) 1111.
Cook, Ollie, N011 April 13, 1931 1257 1'
Cook, Ollie, N01: May 25, 1931 1285 1
Cooper, John, not: ' Feb. 12, 1924 868 1‘1 -
1 Cordell, Howard, deceased March 10, 1919 705 111
' Cordell, James Hardy, minor Feb. 6, 1916 701 13
Corothers, L. H., deceased NGV- 1, 1932 1445,1390 1”
I Cotton, Ellis, deceased May 6, 1895 277 15
Cotton, Georgie. Ann, NCM Jug- 10, 1936 1887,1905 (11
. Cotton, Georgia Ann, deceased Sept. 9, 1936 1905,1887 ‘1
Cotton, nary, leceasec; nug. 17, 1938 2117 (11
‘ « Cotton, Nath., deceased May 14, 1931 1276 ,1
' , Council, n. C. and A. L., minors Aug. 31, 1930 1133 1%
' Council, Llf'o-rcl, decersed Oct. 1897 305 . 1.11
" ' Courtney, Cleotus, LuFerne, Madeline 11
‘» and Robert, minors bug. 3, 1935 1735 1%
. ~ , Covin, Donal; 13., 11101.1 June 13, 1936 1558 11E
-: Cox, hrs. Mary, deceased hug. 2d, 1926 967 1m .
CI‘LtguD, COCil, apprentice MEICh 10, 1902 368 :11,"
x Craig, jalter Lee, minor Aug. 14, 1935 1741 EW
Cruigheai, L. C., deceased nug- 12, 1935 1739 1%
Creighead, Lawerince, minor July 119 1935 1722 1?
Cruighead, Lawrence Sr., deceased hug. 13, 1935 1740 11
Grain, Anna, Hazel, Oiis, Ora Leo, if
Sedeliu and Velmn, minors Feb. 1, 1934 154i 1%
. Crane, Joe Barlctt, minor Sept- 23: 1935 1911 %
Craven, L. H., deceased April 22, 1937 1974 1%
V Graver, Merrill, minor Dec. 21, 1933 1537 1%
Crawfard, Louise, minor OCt- 22, 1930 1150 %1
CfveQTda 5- H., deceased June 11, 1924 878 2%
Crawfcrl, u. H., deceased Nov. 15, 1806 170 1%
Crayoroft, Ben, Emma and Frank, miners Nov. 9, 1894 271 3%
Creech, Harry Hamm and fiends Jnn, minors May 11, 1937 1981 11
Craig, Velmtlee June 19, 193% 1595 11
Grim, Robert Lee, deceased Jan. t, 1919 698 %
Crimu, a. R., deceased Oct. 30, 1918 688 fi
Crippcn, Hershel Lee, minor May 31, 1934 1585 1%
Crisp, Clara, deceased nug. 15: 1927 1003 1%
Crew, J. R. or T. R., NCM nug. 299 1932 1422 1%
‘ Crow, Theclcre, NCM Sept. 24, 1932 1434 1%
Crutcher, E. P., deceased Dec. 2, 1911 554 1%
Culp, Eliza, deceased May 6, 1937 1979 15
' ‘ 11
- 10 - 1%
1 11'

 ! ~ 7:1
e 5.“:
E Eisimfi D92999231913291.951333932111-_._____12§_’°_2_.F_il__ed _..__...___%3_9_112.- '
g ‘1
: ii
i 95
5 Culp, John Franklin, deceased Nov. 23, 1925 930 1%
‘ Culver, Celestine, Everett end it
; Ruby, minors Nov. 25, 1913 692 it
Culver, I. T., lececsee Sept. 21, 1923 971 11
Culver, Jessie, Jim on; Maui, minors Sept. 27, 1905 427 31
1 Culver, Lula, deceased Dec. 21, 1921 all 3%
. Culver, Mrs. M. J., deceased Jug. 22, 1911 555 1%
Cundiff, Oliver T., deceased Jan. 31, 1882 67 3,
Cunningham, Florence 8., minor March 12, 1920 751 )1
i Cunningham, Mrs. Preston, non ipril 2, 1935 1534(3) 57
" Cunninghem, ______, NCM April 2, 1935 1331(3) 39
Cunyus, “wands 9., George 0. and w
‘ S. Lou, minors Oct. 8, 1878 47 ,1
Cunyus, eres P. and Walter, minors Oct. 30, 1876 46 {a
‘ Cunyus, John Floyd, deceased Nov. 6, 1693 256 £1 ‘
.- Cunyus, W. H., iecessed Sept. 26, 1879 56 {W
-" " Currie, Ire, deceesei March 25, 1925 1629 3%
‘ 7 Curry, James, NCK Jen. 30, 1931 1545 1%
7 Curtis, Katie Mas, miner mug. 16, 1935 1745 fly
‘ ’ Curtis, Mrs. Zella, deceased Sept. 24, 1934 1522 jg
Outright (Cutnright), Tom, NCM Jan. 26, 1920 743 M
-= D — 1‘
Dalston, Billy, seen and nilcrei, minors Oct. 24, 1935 1779 1%
Damson, Blenlie, NOD July 5, 1935 1719 w
Dancer, Ila Bell, minor March 23, 1932 1369 5%
' Daniels, Bettie Hughes, deceased Jug. 8, 1935 1738 1%
Daniels, Betty Hughes, deceased June 4, 1935 1706 Em}.
V Daniels, lie c.nl Lola Bell, Liners Nov. 8, 1907 464 1%
. Daniels, Jinxie, Liner Sept. 1, 1936 1893 (W
1 i Daniels, P. 4., DOM May 24, 1934 1577 3%
‘ ' Daniels, Halter, minor July 3, 1919 726 jfi
5 , “ Darden, Eulis, N09 Nov. 11, 1922 329 {M
"" Davidson, C. L. uni Henry, Liner Feb. 25, 1911 536(A) fig
Doviiscn, Erdine, miner Dec. 10, 1935 1788 IW
Davidson, 113 T., deceased - Dec. 11, 1912 574 l%
Davidson, Willie, Liner June 17, 1912 532 5%
Davis, elbert, Josephine uni Mary 1%
Edner; Bolton minors Oct. 30, 1930 1152 7%
Davis, Griffin, deceased Jan. 12, 1935 1654 %
Davis, 2111s 7., Bertha, Carrie, Eula IM
Mae, Leroy, Lester, Sereh 0nd {W
Zeele, miners April 13, 1931 1259 ;%
Davis, Jrch., deceased DGC- 13: 1922 334 1%
Davis, Ben., NCM May 23, 1921 796 1%
Davis, Bernice, Griffin, Letcher, 6%
I Louellc and Dayle, minors Jan. 30, 1906 433 jfi
» Davis, Bev., NCM May 23, 1921 796 7%
Davis, Bill, N01: April 25, 1299 317 §9
Devis,Billie Charles uni Bonnie Edna,minors Feb. 2, 1931 1550 1%
Davis, C. 1., Clinton 9., ISOlu, Jessie 9., 3%
Jodie 3., Mary and Nicheel 3., miners Oct. 3,