xt7bvq2s7f1h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bvq2s7f1h/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2006-08 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, August 2006 text GLSO News, August 2006 2006 2006-08 2019 true xt7bvq2s7f1h section xt7bvq2s7f1h 1ng and The GLSO NEWS
Sen/{€98 _ August 2006
A Publication of the flexingten gay and L‘esbian Services fll'ganizatien
WE AIN'T DEAD YET . . 3 "°"”""“ ””mbe”
Although some of the folks in Frankfort “TQOTEEYQEME aifllafljré .
may not approve, our community has ;':-._‘ T1773; th« n j -
definitely been showing its own unbridled ' ‘mflmgdflfefigwr .. ‘
Spin-fl On the Fourth of July, many GLBT- Th'e Louisville Trailblazerswill be holding
identified individuals showed their pride by 8 Leather SOC‘a' N'gh.‘ '“ Lex'“9t°“ at
marching in the parade with the Kentucky grossmgs, 117 N' Limestone on Sat.
Fairness Alliance (in their cute new UQUSt 5th‘- The event Wl” start at 1000
, , _ pm. This Will be a leather sootal night and
Unbridled Pride shirts), the GLBT fund raiser for The Lexington Pride
Episcopal group Integrity, and the GLSO. Center. There will be a $3.00 cover
We were well represented and supported charge and a silent auction of donated gift
by many cheering spectators in the crowd. baskets. All proceeds will be split 50—50
On Saturday, July 8'“, 45 members ofour between The Trailblazers and The GLSO
community gathered at the Community PrideCenter".
Forum with that same spirit of enthusiasm
to discuss the ways in which the Pride . . .
Center can better serve our community. Klngs ISland Prlde nght
Various brainstorming groups were formed The GLSO Pride Center is again
and asked to discuss the following selling tickets to the tenth annual King's
questions: What are the needs of our island Pride Night to be held Friday
community and how do we better fulfill evening, Sept. 29,from6pm to midnight. If
them? What are some of the reasons that you buy yourticket at the Pride Center, the
people do not utilize the Pride Center and cost is $41.99. GLSO will make a few
how do we reach out to them? What new dollars on each ticket. Tickets will be more
services would you like to see at the atthe door. Drop bythe center between10
Center? The responses were recorded am and 3 pm - call Bill at 253-3233 to be
and compiled (see Community Forum sure someone is here. For more
Update—pageZ). information about this year's event visit
Not content with just talking about the www.pkipridenight.com.
issues, 22 forum participants and other
visionaries met for a follow-up meeting to
lay plans for implementing the suggestions sums” of the mom“
generated at the forum. Upon board . .
approval, four committees will be created Unltanan
to bring innovative ideas to the \ o .
organization in the areas of Fundraising, lf+i Unlversallst
Programming, Public Relations, and Web V Church
Design. If you want to help transform the
way the Pride Center serves your of Lexington
community, contact Lindsay Mattingly at
LindsMattingly@gmail.com. Come catch a
bit of this group's contagious enthusiasm!

 . community Forum Update:
t L E S B I A N Common Themes from Brainstormin Grou s
5&4?" SERVICES 1. More visibility, let people know we're here
ORGANIZATION utilize free media sources
Lexington, Kentucky 2. Offer more group activities away from the bar
. . . . . scene sports, couples nights,cook outs
“L30 N11“): 3. Expand serwce hours
4. Build volunteer base
V0,- 21 ”0-7 5. Newer resources materials forlibrary
Published Monthly by: 6. Increase web connectedness: online
GLSO newsletter, paypal account, interactive website
7. Write more grants
P.O. Box ".72 Lex., KY 40588 8. Network with other GLBT and social justice
www.IexrngtongIso@yahoo.com . .
www.glsopc.org organizations
__ 9. Solicit TBGL-friendly professionals and
News Editors businesses to provide free services at Center
. 10. Offereducational seminars
Mary Crone 8‘ Jackie Cober n 11. Make the Pride Picnic more visible
Pride Center Office Manager The GLSO would like to extend a huge
3”] Chandler THANK YOU to the following donors who
859 253_3233 generously fed the Community Forum
_____._ attendees: Papa John's
GLSO BOARD South-Van Events Bombay Brazier
Tom Collins, President Atlanta Bread Company Magee s Bakery
Joan Brannon Vice Pres Krispy Kreme Doughnut Corp.
’ ' We would also like to extend our gratitude to
Ben Salyers, Secretary the staff and congregation of the Maxwell St.
JaCk'e CObem Presbyterian Church for welcoming us into their
Thomas Collins fellowship hall and providing a wonderful
Mary Crone location in which to host the Forum!
Aaron Hutson Finally, GLSO thanks Lindsay Mattingly for
- - suggesting this forum, and for her commitment of
Lmdsay Mattmgly time, energy and exuberance in carrying out this
Sondra Mellott project. We willall benefit from her good work.
Terry Mullins
GLSO Membership
& Newsletter “Keep the love you find.
Individuals/Couples ,_. Get the love you want!”
$20 per year v
Opinions expressed in the GLSO News are Jessica Bollinger LCSW
those of the authors and don't necessarily . . .
represent those of the GLSO Board. Imago RelatlonShlp Therap|5t
Submissions received after the deadline, which EMDR Trauma Work
IS the 15th of each month, may be cut or not C I F 'l | d' . d I
printed when space is limited. The staff oup es, amly, n “" ua
reserves the right to edit or reject submissions imagoconnection.com 552-6533
and ads.
GLSO page 2

 ' Community News
_ Moonshine Bears - Garage Sale Quu'k Cafe and COffee
The Moonshine Bears of Kentucky will Quirk Café & Coffee is located on
be having a garage sale on Friday and Railroad St. in Midway, KY. It is an easy15
Saturday, Aug.4and5from 7am 105W“ at minute drive from Lexington. We feature
Tony J'S house, 2104 Belmont Dr. in Lex. live music every Friday from 5:30 to 8 pm.
E Belmont is in the North Point subdivision off On August 4, we will feature Louise Kelly 3.
Bryan Station Rd. NOW iS your chance to get Ann Miche|_Hagan ~ Great voca|s & guitar
some really great Sthf. weWiHbethere rain duo- IFor upcoming events YOU can call
E or shine. For more information call Tony at Quirk at (359) 846-4688.or check online at
859 2294164- www.kygallery.com/quirkl.
I . We are now open on Thurs, Fri. and
lexmzion IJIOM “filter/law Club Sat. evening, serving our full menu. We
. offer a variety of salads, soups,
The Lexmgton Lyons meetthe second sandwiches and wraps. You can select
| Monday ofeach month at the Pride Center, from our 23 different gourmet press pot
’ 389 WallerAve. at7pm. The Lyons area coffees & teas along with fresh baked
' group of friends that come together to scones.
| celebrate strength, unity, and diversity in .
order to form a bond within a community Dress and Gender Alllance
that enjoys the Leather/Levilifestyle. The Lexington Dress and! Gender
th 'lMetmbershipj has grow: stealddrly otver Alliance (also know as the Diversity in
e a: year in .wetnow Lave SOY: GenderAlliance) is reorganizing. We are
I mem ers. exmg on yo'ns .m considering a new name and we would
Anniversary and Officer induction Will be love your input ‘on' a Variety‘ of
'- taking place in AUQUSL For more info visit organizational matters. We still meet on
| - _p______y__g_hfi .//www.lex| ons.or ' - the first Saturday of each month at a
private location. Call 859 979-0374 or 859
. Diversity Directory 288-5143 forinformation.
. . . . . LexDGA is a eer su ort rou for
f . The HumanitariumDiverSIty D'recmly anyone that transiends 32nd; nofms.
' Ids. available at the Pride Gel“?- ThPS This includes transsexuals, intersexuals,
irectory lists many organizations in cross dressers drag kings drag queens
Lexington that work towards a community gender queers and people who are
:vgzrbiagzerggh $ng5132 fiselfaigezzt unsure what their gender identity might be.
' . ’ This is not a therapy group. If you could
Bluegrass Chapter are sponsors of this use some honest conversation and
publication. Pick up a copy next time you s ort ive us a call
visitthe Pride Center. “pp '9 '
Gay Pride Union of Kentucky Gay Camp Out
The Gay Pride Union is a peer support Aug '25 ' ‘26
QFOUP for the GLBT Community in Lake Cumberland Area pride
Somerset, KY. For more info email: ‘7,
Alexstalcup@yahoo.com see Page
page 3

 Jubilee Fellowship / i Unitarian

Jubilee Fellowship of Lexington \ / Universalist Church
welcomes members of the GLBT _ _ . _
community and their friends to join us in 'The Unitarian Universalist Church Of
growing as a community of believers in Lexmgton 'e a welcoming Congregation.
Christ who are fanatical about loving We do not Slmply aceept GLBT folks Within
people with God's unconditional love. We our church community, We celebrate their
hold Sunday worship at 11 am and hold a I'VeS- Jom US for WOFSh'P any Sunday 'In
Friday night prayer-meeting at6 pm August at 10 am. There IS a BUddhlSt

We invite everyone to our Jubflation discussion group that meets before church
Celebration Anniversay Party, at 713 East at9 am on mostSundaysthis summer.
LoudonAve.,Sat.,Aug. 5.Afree spagehetti UU Comparahve Rellglon Class
dinner will be served. If you receive this in On Wednesday, August 2, Rev. Gary
time, call ”3 by JUIY 31. t9 reserve your Bennet will be starting a Comparative
dinner. Or come. after dinner for the Religions class that will continue for 4
our year and recounting all that G°_d has Baptist Minister and is now becoming a
done among 93- tt W'” be a great time Of Unitarian Universalist Minister. (This is not
fun, food, mu3ic, and fellowship. as unusual as you maythink.)

It you have questions about our He is using material from Houstan
fellowship. please contact Pastor CO” Smith who was one ofthe firstAmericans to
wow at ifellowship@aol.com or call 85_9 study and teach comparative religions on
5514'5518 'We have a b'9 “3'0” and a b'9 the college level. More adult religious
GOd- There '5 room foryou. exploration classes will begin in the fall.

Seemorereligiousresourcesonpg . 'An artICle about U.U.A.PreSldent
8 - Unitarian Universalist, pg 12 (Integrity) William Sinkford can be found on page 8-
and pg 1 8 - 19 (St. Mykol The Martyr.)

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 Sponsor of the Month
n i , air?" ‘
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i 3564 Clay's Mill Rd Lexington, KY
2 Worship Services
>t Aug 1 - Sept 15 10 am
n Sept 15 - May 31 9 am and 11 am
is iii are . .
WM» Rev. Sinkford, Pre51dent of the
it national Unitarian Universalist
4:, ' . . Association, spoke to members of the
.. "‘1' US. House of Representatives in July
'5‘ p 7 4 in opposition to the proposed Federal
" Marriage Amendment. He said:
"Within Unitarian Universalism, we know from our own
experience the many blessings that gay and lesbian
people bring to our congregations and communities.
We know ...that differences of faith, of race and of sexual
orientation need not divide us, that diversity within the
human family can be a blessing and not a curse.
' 'F or Unitarian Universalists, it is homophobia that is the
sin, not homosexuality.
Unitarian Universalists Stand on the Side of Love... "
. To read more of his message to congress, see page 8
GLSO page 5

 o O -
Pride L enter News
p o
389 Waller Ave. 859 253-3233 .llltm. - m. 10 -3 Sat Ill - 2
The GLSO Pride Center is here for the long run
The Pride Center is not in danger of closing anytime in the near future. A
number of people have asked about our ability to keep the Center open. GLSO
is working on financial sustainability, but we are not in a financial crisis.
77Ie Pr/de Center Is also open Pride C enter Library
Wed Evenmgs 5 — 7
Jeff Jones has donated a copy of his
3 . e . _ ‘ . . . dissertation, Hidden Histories, Proud
‘ ‘1de Comte: I‘LttVIttes Communities: Multiple Narrative in the
Légbjgm “We thfllé Queer Geographies of Lexington, Kentucky,
”tit . , 1930 - 1999, to our Library. We have not
I. “twat/t 7 pm determined how we are going to provide
We vote on a movie to watch— bring access to this (large) book. We may keep it
along your favorite to share with us. at the centerfor People to read here.
The dissertation begins with a brief
IEXillg‘I’OII Insiglrl' overview of contemporary Lexington. There
Poflack andDIS’a/ss/o/I Group is an explanation of the methodology of Jeff's
_ . research, including his ressoning behind his
Every Friday night ' open to all decision to use the word"queer" as the
Pride Center 7:30 pm inclusive name for all of us, GLBT and more.
One chapter discussing pre—Stonewail
DISCUSS/0N GROUP Lexington and the historical legal framework
EVERY WED. 7 pM OPEN 7'0 Au defining homosexuality in Kentucky.
. There are several chapters that explore
JANE. [ADYJANEKY@YAH00.00M four "branches" of queer society,
demonstrating different ways that queer
. 4.0:.- Women people have sought to find meaning and
This group '3 In need 0f someone to create places reflecting various
help organize events. Please contact understandings of queer life. While Jeff
Ginger at ggclr@yahoo.com subjectively defined these "branches", this
technique provided a basis for exploring the
' diversity within our community.
Rafi/7%? Pride 63/17?” There is also an bibliography and eight
The GLSO Pride Center is used on appendices covering everything from a list of
many nights of the week for meetings, the songs on the jukebox atThe Bungalow, 3
discussion groups, film nights, etc. But listing of all the monarchs and coronations
there are also a number of nights a month from the Imperial Court, to a lengthy leXIcon
when no one is scheduled. We are willing to 0f queer slang words. These sections are
rent this space for $25 a hour, with you doing great fun t9 read. ,
the clean up. it is freshly painted and looks Our Library continues to be one _°f our
great. if you are looking for a space to have most' popular prOjects.- New books Videos,
a party or reception, contact our office DVD s and CDs come in all the time. If you
manager Bill at253-3233 have a book that you think others would
' enjoy, please donate it and write a review
GLSO page 6

 . . ”7:3 , , , ..
m, Mfimnsbim: Bears Of Kentucky
We» ,
£3 ~~ Cave Sale
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page 7

 "Standing on the Side of Love linen letter to lexington
2006: From The Imnerial 90!"! Ill KY
NO DISCllmIHClTIOH In The As your newly elected monarchs, we
AS part Of the Clergy for Fairness group, hope to keep you entertained and to raise a
' U.U.A. President William Sinkford spoke to record amount of money for our
the U-3- Congress in OPPOShiOh t0 the beneficiary charities. Vlfithout Moveable
proposed Federal Marriage amendment. He Feast, AVOL, The pride Center/GLSO,
began With the statement on page five and and the Kentucky Fairness Alliance our
continued: _ lives wouldn’t be as rich as they are, and
lask you: what does this-amendment do without our members we would be
to help. families who cant find housmg or incapable of offering financial support to
health insurance, for people struggling With . .
. . . those organizations.
addiction? Would this amendment do Every time you attend a show ortip a
aT‘yth'rTQ—any single thing—other than performer, that money goes back into our
discriminate against a group of deserVing community Every dollar you give is an
families, singling them cm as worthy 0f less investment. in the future of Lexington— an
support than other families? No. The result Of investment towards a future in which all of
pesi'hg .th's amendment W°”'.d be us are treated with fairness, dignity and
discrimination. It would be the creation of respectand have access to nutritious food
second-class citizenship, which is something I a stable living situation, and the love and
knowalittle about... . . . . support of a thriving community that asks
As an African American liVing in the onlyforlove in return
United States, I knowalltoo wellwhatsecond- We hope to do a few different things
class citizenship can feel like. It was not so this yearas well as many annual favorites
long ago that Congress and the Courts were if you have ideas for shows tell us what
deciding what rightslshould have.Withoutthe you want to see Let us know of
justapplication oflawto all people, regardless organizations you want to see the Court
of race, I might still be drinking from support Hopefully this—our25‘“year-will
segregated fountains rather than serving as be one 'of great growth and prosperity for
the first black President of the Unitarian . .
Universalist Association. Were it not for the ourogganizationi l d
Supreme Court's 1967 in the case of Loving v. lines ogrijgrjctzritlzriisd hfiiiauyrs :ZmZni/gjeto
Virginia—so aptlyinamedi—l might not been keep up with what we have planned via
ableio‘rfizrrgnngygigeég: otiisigiv :fié n dm ant to ourweb site wwimpcourtcrglkentucky
pass, because its consideration is not about Empress 25
what the amendment says, but what it does: Sierra Reign
scapegoat a group of American families in Emperor25
the service ofelectoral politics. " John Ridener
Rev. Sinkford participated in a private
meeting with more than twenty members of Deadline for Newsletter
the House of Representatives to discuss
religious opposition to the amendment. "I felt it AuQUSt 15
wasavery productive meeting," said Sinkford. send articles, ads, and Changes
" Hearing religious arguments from religious to the directory to
leaders was particularly important. ...Gay, marycrone@insightbb.com &
Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender members lexingtonglso@yahoo.com
of our church enrich our communities. We put "newsletter" in subject line
stand with them on the side of Love. "

 'Z The Imperial Court of Kentucky.......................252-3914
'r A Charity Organization
6 Scott Ackerman.
o For all your real estate needs....................................................(mobile) 338-8483
3‘} SisterSound 8060243
d Diverse music for all women
(3 Richardson Vision Center
:s 1757 Alexandria Drive Gardenside...............................................278-4201
l5 Ernesto Scorsone
it Attorney At Law 2545766
3; Unitarian Universalist Church
“I Seeking a Diverse Congregation................................................223-1448
3r Kentucky Fairness Alliance
id Bluegrass Chapter8064114
to -
ia Windy Knoll Farm
Riding Lessons, Trail Riding, Boarding......................................299-7410
Quirk Café and Coffee859 846-4688
Railroad Street in Midway
Debra Hensley Insurance.............................................................276-3244
1513 Nicholasville Rd.
Lexington Lyons 6193650
Levi and Leather Club
Ky. Department for Public Health1 800 420-7430
I Page 9

 GLSO Newslef'er Calendar Te schedule events at the Pride Center, call Bill at 253-3233 o.....
ADD @ ED 5% E 2 @@ <5 VlSlt us on the web at: www.webspawner.oomluserslglsoqxnet
77 Sunday 7W . Moidnayr Tuesda Wednesday Thursday Friday SG'III‘GIGY
7P GSA (call for place Center Open 5p-7p enter Open 1Oa-7l53 7a Moonshine Bears 2223215339 Bears "‘
266-5904) 7P GLSO 0'50““er Ga'ag‘? Sa'e . 2o Narcotics Anonymous Weekly MIME-I:
GrOUP-PC 7p Lex'"9t°" Ins'ght @ call for place 278-7103
8p Gay/Lesbian AA the Pride Center 7 L DG A
730 G IL 0 AA p ex M°""“V“
Call for place 278-7103 . p ay es lan 10p Loulevllle Trailblazers 8pm _ Gay/ Lesbian AA
(call for place) 278-7103 @ Crossings 1/2 of . .
proceeds to benefit the PC DlSCUSSth/Speaker[Ca// for
13vf~‘:f’i’=1‘5‘i-7’e.'-‘iit‘.~‘aN":.".i""«'.v'3§‘:i;':”~“.l£v.”vz.?5127:“5’2‘5’.‘-:’.}t‘-:"3~'.‘fiio-‘ir‘r-‘avz‘-'s‘-‘r,£’:£19.151117".=j:?a.1.-§)?».1“"'§éi’:-.’e;iz‘"(soil’11133-5.-’i."05:e§’.gig':’.«‘{fl.’11152755136115;2.3;???“"",'i:’1.;3r';;;:'§I'Z’w'i'?‘iii:'-'>‘."'-r"1’al5‘r1;;’-o7.:".,‘-,i'1‘.(the?;-':,'€E..>’.57:‘2“1'3; a»; “wig?‘{fa/7Til-.32.?glfc’r53513571‘s":1‘.“!7"v’-’-1i:.';}32=f73165.051}t‘tC-ii".'§h}§i‘»"’iff.:‘3£‘,'--Z-."fa"t"”a! aw ~‘4i1~rtos;1.‘1,:~-';‘.1conifers-2Tessa-71:1 LOCOT/On} 278-7703
:2a and 11a W Church 8p AA Open 7p GSA (call for place Center Open 5P-7p Center Open_10a-7p 7p Lexington Insight @ Center Open 10a-2p Tuesdays:
'030 a St. Mychal's DISCUSSION Speakers 235.5904), 7p GLSO Dlscussmn 7p Lesbian Moves Might~PC the Pride Center ZP Narcotlcs Anonymous 7pm _ GSA [Gay Straight Alli an C e)
11p SisterSound Rehearsal (call for place) 2781103 Group-PC ' 7:30 p Gay/Lesbian AA call for place 273-7103
2: ”Ga/$323517 §A7 103 (call for place) 278—7103 Wednesdays: .
7pm - GLSO Discusaon Group
8pm - Gay/Lesbian AA [Call for
_, . ,. - . .. , ., .,....,,..... . , - Local/'00) 278-7103
10:30 aSt. Mychal's SPAAOPe" .7 . (calléfho o I a Ca 1 7 L ' t l ' ht c t 0 11o -2 - .
- ~ - _. , nter 0 en 5 -7 Centero n10a-7 P exmg 0" "$19 @ en er pen a P Frlda s.
iml'lme (foam); 230-5625 gfgfggégrggggfigef lca" 5,02%?ng htiifigfi 7p GLSOpDiscfssfon 9° p the Pride Center 2p Narcotics Anonymous 7pm— Lyexing’lon Insight
omen + rou - 1f o . ~ . .
4: Integrity @ St. Mighaei's 7p Lexington Lyons-PC (W; lbw _ Group-PC 7.30 p Gay/Lesblan AA call for place 278 7103 8pm _ G ay/L esbl an AA
6p SisterSound Rehearsal “fl" l of, 8p Gay/Lesbian AA (call for Place) 278-7103 [Call for Local/onj278-7103
6:00p imperial Court Mtg. lyflgé gilggiggo. Call for place 278-7103 '
"gag pa: r31 Saturdays:
_ . 2pm Narcotics Anonymous
10a UU Church Service 8P AA Open 7p GSA (call for place Center Open 5p-7p Center Open tea-:75» 7p Lexington insight @ Center Open 103-25:
10:30 a St. Mychal'sService Discussion/Speakers 266-5904) 7p GLSO Discussion the Pride Center 2;) Narcotics Anonymous Sundays:
6p SisterSound Rehearsal (call for place) 278-7103 Group-PC 7:30 pGaylLesbian AA call for place 278-7103 9:OOam & 1 lam _ UU Church
8p Gay/Lesbian AA (“1” f0' Place) 273-7103 if“ “Tammi“ Worship Services.
Call for place 278-7103 Lake Cumbel'and Gav “MW“ 10:30 - Mass, sr. Mychal The Marh
Camp-Out Weekend 6pm - SisterSound Rehearsal @
Landsdowne Presby. Church.
10130 a St- Mvchals 7 GSA call for lac Center 0 en 5 .7 Centero 11110114
S°“'F°’°e ( Jamie 2305625 89 AA Open 225-5905 F e 7 GLSOpDiSCSSSl’on M p Il-wooldy:
2p Women 40+Group DiscusSlonlSpeakers P 6 m _ The lm erial Court
4p Integrity @ St. Michael's (call for place) 278-7103 Group-PC _ 4 . p p .
6p SisterSound Rehearsal 7:309 GLSO Board Mtg 8p Gay/Lesbian AA SoulForce -Call Jamie 230-5625
6:00p imperial Court Mtg. (New Date) Call for place 278-7103 7:00pm Lesbian Mowe nght
Monlhly Miviilu:
Mondays: Suiurday: Sundays: More information about many of the events are in this newsletter. You may want to call or
7:30pm - GLSO Board Mtg. [41h A/lon.) New Date 7pm -LeXDGA lsl Sat. 2pm Women 40+[2nd. Sun] email the 9r°UP ‘0 °°nfirm the date and “me see the d'recmrv °“ back Page-
7pm ' LeXlngton Lvons [Qnd MO”) 212%: gfngl/fillillégfl’i‘itgid Sun] Pride Center may be abbreviated - PC Call for Place may be abbreviated- Call
GLSO page 10

 . propose legislation to stop U of L's efforts

Kentucky FaII'IIQSS and went on record with a memorable
Alliance Says Thanks statement: "i don't want to entice any of r

_ _ those people into our state. Those are the

The Kentucky Fairness Alliance wrong kind ofpeople."

hosted booths at Lexington's Diversity Day While many people reeled at the hurtful,

andthe 4m ofJuly Parade. The parade also hateful words of an elected official, KFA fired

witnessed the Alliance's production of one off a response condemning his words.
Of the most enigmatic floats. While the Executive Director of KFA Christina Gilgor pr:
parade often draws criticism for being a called the words, “Nothing short ofappalling ye
march for political candidates, theAlliance, He has effectively stated that he would run or:
under the vision 0t Bluegrass Chapter his LGBT constituents outofthe state.” an
steering committee member Aaron “ltis a cold and dark day when a publicly the
Hutson, created a colorful, eye-catching elected official would propose to subject his ha

floatwrth rainbow-colored balloons. constituents to a level of ignorance and
Beyond havmg an outstanding float, hatred seen only by zealots such as Fred th
the Alliance enjoyed the participation of Phelps and the KKK,” added Paul Brown of pu
various groups marching alonQSide he the Bluegrass Chapter's steering committee. J”
members. Members of GLSO’ Rainbow Dick Roeding's comment demonstrates be
Families, and KCCJ came Ottt to march, why KFAexists. KFAwill continue to fight for to
demonstrate support, and create visibility. GLBT equality and fairness under the law rei

KFArealizesthatnone oftheise events despite the strong opposition. Still, KFA
would have been successful Without the needs as many volunteers as possible to ye
help 0t tt'e volunteers. The volunteers defeat hostile attitudes such as Roeding's. an
garnered many Signatures toward support KFAstrongly encourages anyone who can to Th
ofa Statewide Fairness Bill. They tirelessly contact us about volunteering and becoming we
raised money for KFA through the sale of active. KFA needs every voice in orderto be the

various merchandise including the new heard. see www.kentuckyfairness.org orcall
"Unbridled Pride” t-shirt. They (859)420-6677. UT
disseminated educational materials and Again, KFA says thank you, and ietis 19
worked hard on building that beautiful float. keep marching. we
Basically, they made it possible for KFA to an
enjoy some positive outreach events. Integrity no
KFAwants to shout out thank you's to thi
all of its volunteers. Thank you a million St- Michael's Episcopal Church wc
times over. The work of the volunteers is Integrity is a support group for GLBT the
invaluable and indispensable. KFA people and friends that meets at St we

sincerely appreciates every minute that Michael's EpiscopalChurch on the second
volunteers donate to its mission and Sunday ofthe month at4 pm (Aug 13th) do
cannot express sufficient gratitude in its We have lively discussions about ror
efforts to recognize theirhard work. . everything from current events to spiritual tht
Now KFA. must reach OUt to Its growth. Everyone is welcome to attend. ttkt
volunteers again. Some of our toughest , jus
battles have yet to come. KFA applauds On the th'rd Sunday (Aug 20)’ our pic

U. of L.'s decision to offer domestic partner new group Gen Y Integrity meets at 4 pm.
benefits to its homosexual and Thts group '5 for young adults ages 18 an
heterosexual employees. However, through 30. Pleasejom us at St Michael 5, rec
certain hateful forces immediately issued 2025 Biellefonte Dr., 'h Lexmgton. F 0 ,t co
vitriolic statements in opposition. Dick more mt? call 859 2430998 or email mi
Roeding, a Republican Kentucky state stmintegrity@yahoo.com. You. are aiso se
senator from Lake Park, threatened to :vaeizosrhieiégyattend our worship serVice as
GLSO Page 12 _

 . . little about each other. She was majoring in

Telling our SlOileS Social Work and | wasgiajoring in Juvenile

another in our series of personal Corrections. She wasAi‘h’Can American.
. We asked each other as to why we chose
Stones the majors we did. i was up front with her
Coming OUT in about being a ward'of the state until i turned
18, which wouldnt be for several more

When l went to see the GLSO months. i also was upfrontwith her about me
production ofThe Laramie Project a few being gay, and that l hoped she didn't have a
years agoitound myseifdeepiy affected, problem with it, but if she did she could
crying with sadness for Mathew Shepard request another roommate.
andfor myself. lwas surprised at the pain i tried to say it as nicely as i could, but i
that came UP from events in my life that believe it still came outangry. Back then lwas
happened many years before. a very angry kid. Looking back on it now, i

i started college in January 0t1979- believe she probably picked up on my anger. |
I hadn't graduate from high school. I was don't see how anyone could have missed it. i
PUlled out Of PUbllC SChOOl during my wanted everyone to know i wasn't going to
Junior year due to family problems. i take any shitfrom anybody, when reallyiwas
became award or the state and was sent just terrified and could have used a best
to live in LOUiSVille for a year where l friend if someone could have busted down
received a GED. my defenses.

i came out of the closet during that My roommate didn't say she had a
year and began my first relationship With problem or not with me being gay. She didn't
an African American woman in Louisville. react at all. Thatshouid have been my answer
The only other two People Who knew i right there. She really didn't want to joke
was gay and who accepted me lived abouteitherlike some others did.
there also. i had been there about two months when

i went to Eastern Kentucky one day i noticed the girls on my floor acting
University for the Spring semester in weird, like something was going on. The girls
1979. The Classmates i grew UP With inthe showers came out ratherquickly wheni
were still in high school and | hadn't seen went in. I took a quick shower and as i was
any Of them for about a year. There was walking to my room a friend told me that i had
no one on campus that i knew. i was better watch out because the word was out
thinking and praying real hard that l thatsomeone was golngto beatthe shitoutof
would get along with my roommate and me for being gay_
that maybe she might be gay as well. | i went on to my room and my roommate
was totally alone and 17. lwas terrified. and four of her friends were in there hanging

I got to school and moved into my out. They saw the picture of my ioveri had
dorm room. i didn't know Who my decided to putup on my dresser and started
roommate was 90th to be. In those days asking me questions about her, like who she
they didn't ask you questions abOUt your was and where was she from and so fourth. |
likes and dislikes in a roommate. They thought cool that they were trying to be
justputyou With whomeverthe computer friendly. i asked them if they would like to
picked foryou. meet her sometime. They said sure. So that

AS l was unpacking my belongings evening when i talked to my lover on the
and PUttan my pictures UP» my phone i told herthat i had made some friends
roommate finally showed UP- She was andthattheywanted to meether.
coming back from break and already had Afterthe friends leftl started cracking the
most 01‘ her Stuff moved in the previous books but fell asleep at my desk. About 3
semester. She introduced herself and l hours laterthey showed back up. I'm not sure
as well. We chit chatted and found out a continued on next page

Page 13

 how many there were of them, but they