xt7bvq2s7d4q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bvq2s7d4q/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky  1892-11-11 Accession number: 2011ua004; other contributors include University of Kentucky; other titles include Cadet, The Cadet Magazine; "Published monthly during the collegiate year by the students of State College, Lexington, Ky." newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: State College Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The State College Cadet University of Kentucky--Students--Periodicals. Kentucky University--Students--Periodicals. Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky--Students--Periodicals. Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. State University, Lexington. State College, Lexington. The State College Cadet, Vol. 3, No. 3, November 11, 1892 text The State College Cadet, Vol. 3, No. 3, November 11, 1892 1892 1892-11-11 2015 true xt7bvq2s7d4q section xt7bvq2s7d4q =- .. ~ ‘ mu" . a“.
. /_<,=._... .1’ " ' ,1 .5 J ”5W4 . * .
=3 5 " 3 x 5;; ~ ‘ w... =1: ,.'/"“ “minimum", .—
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- =25 5' 'y 5' -'-‘—=- 2 == 1! -'=" $5 £=r‘\§. ‘5 ——-. f? )5”
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I Vol. 3. LeXIngton, Ky, Nov 11 1892 No. 3
-—————_—_————_——_—_— - 3—“ “-— M“'.u“l_.j__ul-__—-.MW*'—“ .
' SOME WORDS ABOUT WORDS. :whieh our Saxon fathers wrotel .
‘ __.— . For in Anglo-Saxon “hoe” ineansl YO i >1 ( i .\ /l EN '
. ‘7 . .,
To the earelessand cursory reader heeeh-tree as well as hook. be thel _
a word is oiilV a conglomeration of (lerinaii ‘hueh‘ is derived froml Y
. ‘ " , , , ' y . -
letters. But to him who reads to *buehe’ a heeelrtree. Then too, oui If You ‘1‘. ant to save “loney try US 011 1,11
. , . I , . . . . , g,
derive the greatest good lrom his word “llln‘fll‘V” is derived from the _ ,
- . l . - I . , p .,\ I 7 1 *v x I f v p, 3 _ ‘
reading. everv new word is a treas- Latin ‘liher,’ whieh means both (1L1 “ Cal, HObILI), Shllts, :NQLIK ,
i .1 .- w . ..~ .. ~ . : look and the inner liarl' of a tree. , .
111t,t1()\(., and (\H? old. one in ) ‘ ‘ x | “ 031‘ and I‘IatS.
heirloom around which elmg tond (opper seems to have been the,
memories and cherished assoeiations metal with which the ancients werei , -.
Words have a deeper meaning than l. estaequainted. -‘ “"5; . a“ ‘
i . Y ‘ “ ’9'1....;- .1)” . 5.
appears at first sight. Indeed, ei'ery; In Homer the ‘qan‘lo word 15 used‘ m. “fi— ¥.~.:«:;‘.‘_
word is a history itself, which does for “copper” or “ln'ass” and weapon. fl. . i
“"t ““l‘h‘t-‘t‘fi itselt' 1” the attention ‘ And llesiod says that the. aneientsl
“1 the “(Wlt‘l' “'110 WWW-5' ll- by ‘ilszhad eopper weapons and copper, J D PURCELL
he passes strangers on the street, lg- , houses, and wrought in eopper, for!
norant of their names, not knowing they did not have the blur-.1; jmnfi
their worth and unaetluainted with So in Virgil the brazen implements l —"
tlllfll‘fllltitlfill'y. 'l‘llllb‘ tllL‘ (.‘111'61035‘ I'Ctttl- 1 and bran-n (1901's m'u l'I't‘tllltfilltl)‘ 1 I
“"105” “NM 0f the. foree. “W1 “10'. mentioned. \Ve little suspect. at' A,“ e 0
~ - I , ’ . ' I ' _
beauty of words. He. is like the hey , first glanee, that our word “arrow ’l {’ E m e 1 e C 6 SE
- s . . gm
who runs through the lields pluck-l has anvthing to do with brass. But i ‘ fittllllll 5’ o
i ‘ ‘ - l - , l . WA'V‘J‘."
‘ mg here and there a dry leat, hut the Saxon word is ‘arewe' or mu; “1;
r-. . . . ‘ , ‘ . .3323 '1 , . ~
passing unnotieed the sweetest llow», we.” from ‘ar’ (ore) copper. '1 hev t Magi; ‘ RCPYCSQHULS U1" ”HMS “f c
. . ‘ ‘ =7:;:_.\f:;:: :-1~._ . z *
e rs and the richest fruits. lle who I thus used ‘ar’ for weapon as we use‘ [/(eflgtxer All American Manufacturers, L” V
n . . . ' . . - . .. . i ,- ~. . . ~~ ‘ - - . ,£"*s3qi\:' ,. : -"
.~ , Hfltlh min 11 oi htth should l\t.( p a , “steel” for ‘siiord. 'l he Latin word hfuii%j§i:§ At $.‘5.oo,i‘4.00,19:5.00,its-50,126.50,$900Y $10, $15. .1350, g
’ dictionary elose at hand, and stud)”, l-(H' the same, metal is “u“fiq (stein ffif¢fi$§ El}! $20, $22, $25, $30 and upward. i
. earetully the etymology, as well aslaer). Thev used this for eoins and angina?» l’fi‘r; O :
.. the piesent meaning, ot eiei} \iord l reckoned the value of“ aitieles in the jzdlggifisgfé FRED J. HEINTZ,
with which he is not thoroughly ta-l weight of brass. ‘Aestimare‘ is to ’H‘wgapwif MANUFACTI'RING JEWELER, }-
' ‘ ““11““ I!“ “3 take 3 WW ““1118 111 l estimate; and we little think when =fi/{ggjfi custom “o“be sq“‘“‘e‘
*E‘TELE‘LLA" . —— —— '
’. - eommon UFO, and traee them tolwe “esteem” a friend that we take %h~‘/;é«" O ' t .
their original meaning. his value in Mass. 4min WMail Orders Recuxe our 1 rompt Attention.
' 'l‘he phpsieian or lawyer who,i “Stirrup” tells how our Saxon I '
elaims his “fee.” for seeviees l'Ull-lle‘UftlthCYS mounted their horses. It ‘
dered thinks little of the. original ’ is derived from. ‘stigan‘ to step up- _ _ s’
-' meaning of this word, unless he is and “1111)” a ]"‘1‘0150 ‘stig-rap’ is a warmth IS Life: it
so unfortunate as to be obliged to stepping rope. We. have, thanks to p 1 .
, reeeive a. sheep or ealt’ for the settle- the. spirit of progress, improved 1 11‘1"“ “in“ to (heist “fir"?trrom he‘lid t1? £0“ to euJoy goo » 7'
- . . ‘ . . 7 . , leil 1 £11“ '0“ wan 0 L O l CCOIIOIH C3 '
ment ot his aeeount. ltee, is lrom somewhat upon the stirrups of our ’ 3 y
. the Anglo-Saxon‘t‘eoh‘or ‘feo’ wliiehlancOStm‘S. rli‘mjd 31011;“:th 1“ bOth' We cm) 0‘11} t‘e be“ ,
‘ ‘ . . . l (mm s in ie mar e .uu our ‘
; - means cattle. (‘attle originallv eon-l When the modern sehool bov h r/
. . - . “ w - . ~ -‘ ’ ‘ ‘ '. ‘ 'V'i ‘ ' V“. K“
stituted oiie's personal property, and Wealeulates” his tasks in arithmetic, IRICES Ab LO V A5 ANVVHH RE IN “11 I Q f ‘
. ‘ also served as a medium of ex- ‘, he is not aware that the Roman boy 0‘" comm“ for CA'HST UNIFORMS ‘5 ev‘dence 0f fins (“CL 1' '
. ‘ . r -i . . " ' §( ' - . " I .. v (
_, .. . change; hence the word was used in ,used "calculi" or pebbles to assist Stir Eld “A's $169151? Pam.“ $1“) 25’ {if our conspmtom “e t "t
l i I t v . . u . . . . lll‘. ' “'6 111K erse 0‘. ICFS In a 1011 16 5111119 ra 10. '1
1 - the sense 01 money. her is- thisdiiin in the operation of counting. ‘ . . l
/ true with the Saxon word alone- t No doubt. the sehool hey ot‘ today Suits “114 Overcoats from $1 10 $35- ' I”
' ‘ I’ecuuia, the Latin word for money, would like to return to the. prinii- Pants from $.50 to $7. L
' is derived from ‘peeus’, meaning (*a[- tii’e eustiini; hut when, in his after llats $50-10“ my 5.3 (0,. the same ”1ng elsewhere.
th. ( ' z z' ' ”:3' J, i ' i” ' '\ '1 z . . , ‘ »~ ,
Aiil it would ippe ii fiom a it us, he. entounttitd inttgi il ind Sum to order m our 13“”,me DI‘J’ARIMENF for
. passage in the Againemnon of Aes— (llflt‘l'elltlttl calculus, he would real- what you pay others for Ready Made.
ehuylus, that the. value . of coined ‘ ize more ditl'ieulty than he had “eal- -
money was at first regulated luv the .‘Culated” upon when plaving with “c are hula Agents {01: the. celebrated tar.” In GEN 1C LNDElef‘éR' “mm-
littttl known \ ”m of ( ttl ‘ \V II “1 " "’ mended bv Seieiitists and l’linicians. N0 colds. no rheumatism
.i *.' ' 'z 3 a e. "e ieiies. , ' . .
. . . ‘ while you wear it. ,
also read that hing Servins stamped l ‘Knight. and ‘Knaw'e’ have a l
' I I I l I s ‘ a I 5
brass eoins with the ligures of sheep l strange history. '1 he first, original- ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE,
and oxen. ‘ lly, was the. one. in dislmnor, while. M K D UFMAN & CO
A{Iain our word “hook" takes us l, the latter was entitled to belong t01 -4 ll \1 . I . I]- .,
. . . . . . .' ‘, ; ." ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘.‘ t ‘ '.
back to the time when the heeeh-Eany tamily in the universe. Nay§, ) ' ‘ ilii \hUt‘ ‘L\lllrl.t”lla \.\
tree furnished the material upon i more. (‘hrist himself was ealled, A Spa-tat Discount 10 Students. men-(9g Suitg: f” Rent.
, //_... .

 wfl_w—.'__ __*I IIMWNM7“_I___Ai__I_I—-———-———II_II_~WV__I_ _. __-, 4.-.”-.. .A, ,..
——“WMAV , . A__— and let them speak for thCDIP‘TBlV93,l .
“('odes enave.’ ‘l\niirlit’ is froml . . . . - .
'\lnrrlo s-iton ‘eniht’ w hie hand give to hm genius the Pka gIEXTG.25525_; €€t 1t Ollt ates
A .— -.,. . . , . ' I ' g ' llv deserves. "=2“ ‘3 '°'
means a servant: equivalent thlt lIt ‘9 lug; ‘ . .1 . van-q of the $25 =3 . -
to(i‘e,rman ‘Kneeht’ while Knave 11m“ 1}“ 1:10 1021;} “getsit‘v ne'ierl 2:52:33 A SPECIALTY. 2
.‘ , , .I , een ury ie 1ve( ) ij, . 2 .‘ E ‘3'; . .1 . ‘
(""1“““1 “\rlml’“) 1-“ hm“ Aug” 010% mid he lm‘.(.1.1,(.(..nne 200 Did “-222: ;.;:< Old teeth capped \vitli gold and artificial teeth
I . ' ,‘ ‘ . .. - - " J i 9‘; ‘ ‘2' , ' . . V'
My)” “"1““ “““mmg ‘L 5"” "1 a to bl. interested in the advances 2 made. Without plates. bpeakers and Singers \\ ill
“"1- “t" “1'“ thus 0xPlum the deg‘ que in knowledge and science, ”0,. find these a great improvement over the old way of insert-
radatir ii of the one word and the el- ‘ . ' . 2.2. ' . . . H , . . - . . x ,
(\ lthl’l f tilt ()tllCl “1th fi]‘\t Ol" “‘35 he ever too ('OllSCl'Vat-IVL‘ 1;“ keep Ill}; 1:1 (1:11 011 pldtOb. I l1?) (1” not .lflmt tlle bptt‘tll. . I
5’}. o i ii': . 2 .' _ ,
. - - in toueh With the times.
' 5 ii; 'n t‘ known in his- _ , _ . - . . .~ . . . .
:he niIiIi (iii‘ntghwtts I meniil ser H]s mm, mm were spent m the Fine old Fllllngo $| up. Fine Silver Filling 75 C eiits. ,
oi'ieciei e s as: i i — V‘ . ._.I i. . . .
v-iiit sueh‘is the German ‘kneeht’ old rectory oeuipied b) hm mails“; .Vitallzed Air Administered 50 Cents
‘ 7” ' U ' ' ‘ i . . ' - ,‘ - inion “'lvl
t" remains to this day. Alreadv in and m (10% “mm” . T h E d 25 C
i . . " nature. From these earlv assoeia~ eet xtracte ents.
Anglo-Saxon writings, however, the t' n h (l1(\\ ”Ht low 2-01. ii an“.
. . in is e ‘2 ' 2 ‘ i . .
“a. word is used trequently for hoIvJ as . , . . . . . .
in the Southern St‘ttes -i slave of and appreciation 01 It {ha/[I fun:- NEUU YORK DENTISTS,
i ' ‘ ’ l V ' ii i 2 vard sln wed themselves in as (e- . I I I - , I
" \i'liatever age Was called a hov. Cer— \ . t' : Thi h “0 onli bun q 11.1]. H()l,(ilai\. l). l). 3., BIANAGER.
’ i i i‘ 'l'l ) lt lli'. U '0 i ' i v . " l 4 . « '
tain privileged boys ware subse- If I it 1 (It boin ind hi'ul Lexmgton, ,l\(‘l]t1l(fl{)'.
.. J, .. . .) '2-2 .2 2 .
‘ (Jueiitlv allowed to bear arms, and .i “ ft.” “\(‘l‘ “1“ l l) l lin ()i’lice open Evenings. Permanently located over Opera House.
" . . . m (‘111(".\‘. ‘1ar es run was: si -
" as this honorable distint'tion was , . 1 f l I2 1 to” II“ . W—w
hiit sp‘iriiwlv (‘oiit‘erred the word mgexampeo tum, “1‘ “(mm “
i i ( H 4 a - . ', . ‘.
‘ ‘ . . . it seems that the poet is natuies \‘ . i I
'2 : ' 2 e llll"(l a. hlU‘lIOI‘ a ) 'iliea- . . P H E A S I I N J
’ ilIMUIllIlI‘; tii it” I: -ttledbdownliii the darling and sheplaees him where he . . 7 Y 9 . Dtdltl lll . (OAL'
‘ I m" .u I“ 3 i“ V ean be near to her heart and fave. in ()Ffiee and \ ard he. 132 l‘iast )lain street
davs ot'eliivalrv into the grade, and , n . . . , _
st‘l il'tli Kiiivlit ‘ his youth. the scenes impressed liexmu‘ton, k“
.' ' .‘( (3 . . . ‘ '
i; 17' .b l' l l on him then Wlll always be repro- .
“ {nave in its ear ier ( avs serve( . 7 . . _ .. ——————________—__—__
‘ dueed in attei veais.
to designate a son or hov, like the ' . .
. . ‘ 2- : _\' on come the 51$S()Clflt10118 .-
German ‘knahe’ ol today. But 3:111:1qu . iien 'indthe l'nowl- S I ‘ I DEN I S I
when the sister language made. a “ll 1 Hi: Email“: niturt wli‘ii'h is GO TO
Slit—’lltl" ditl'erent “'“l‘b “k“al’lw‘” “EL 0 il‘ it of the mind thin in \ \Ir (7 t1 . )5 S f \ 14
" ‘z.":.‘('. . .2: i, (S
and bestowed this name upon a ser- {1 “I I,” i ) de up’m the heart ” d { 1 n S pe 1/198
. . . . impression ma .( , i .
vaiit—eveii as sert ditlers trom ser- . ,~
v-int—our Fiitrlisli did not {0110“, {liminysoii's first volume was pub- m FUR BARGAINSIIIN IALL KHVDIS OFFODT WEAR:
, Hi 1.1 b I; ini >l( but usi‘d lished when he was only about “1er keep'the best $3, tit—L and Elba lllles of buhstantial blioes‘
U‘ Sllfl'jl'.‘ l\’(' "’2 l . u“ . . . . .
.1.m\(3i-m “H Hm ll’lll'llmt Thig “WNW .V‘W‘S “1d “1“]llllllltftl‘ilt“l)' made and guarantee evei‘v pair. Give them a call at I6 E.
\:" ' *s: i .'.. . '. .' I IIIII . .I .
“twining amounts for our calling,r grave mm mm‘, “1th fl“ glut” Main St, Lexmgton, Ky.
.- tl iiii‘ III nil in II pul' ”ripoets. It contained some l‘t‘lllill'k- ————————-—-————-——————_——
ll.‘ { es s*":. i 25‘ , . .
. . i . x n i 2 '3 -. .‘i [er the
i“ eards the kiiave. 'l‘lie transitlon isi {blitllw lghfl‘yiinm‘: “131:; inn Iliis _ _
. . . . ,\'()t1] 0 i. \" 2'. ‘ ,j .'
’ lain 'd l v the historic tact. that ‘ L gt Pl [I lb g C I I Ip y
' :91)” It i\ I“ it in (lll\ p(iiod extreme youth he wrote Loeksley eXIn on u In 0 an
il(‘ ll “(3 'i.' t 2 5: ' v " . . . .
‘ z z ' . .; ii , '011.‘1l‘l'(‘-(l
given to the hovs in great lord’s Hill’l.n]u.1“111151.111(:Ii it T i( 1 HIGH GRADE PLUM Bl NG- ‘
‘ ‘ one o 11s "'02. es. iie s s 1"-
" ’ -s' we l(‘.llzl\"l hadl' and . ‘3. 2n r_ rm ) _ ~ “in ~ , . s v ’."i
- “ml“? , “I'KI‘I I‘II (II I IIIII‘I iiict‘m‘” ”mm a“. 1,10521,L,1,ulm.. um \i Alluli .\.\I) MEAN IIILAI‘lhtr.
Wl‘i'l' ii'ea (a H( Iv, : i( . .' . it l -. . . .. .I
. ii thi.. ioeni lieiose to the lieiUht _
“1,111 heeanie gradually :2 tom} “fl l‘ i (l\]l “(ll i' 1 Nut illt'lth Wind Mills I as MaChlnes
‘ ( tfit“'{>‘ " :sz. 2.: 2! __ ‘3
“ reproaeli." lii Shakespeare we, find lived to see the div “‘llt'lll a part at l ' I
the “In“! “SM ”1 l’fj‘l“ H3115“? and least of his vision of peaee and feiL Sewer and Drain Tlle,
Wsin':‘: T'l" . .. '
”WI “:3,” 7:371 3:" ‘ ‘."m1‘ oration was llllllllt‘tl. He saw the 19 East Short Street, Lex1ngton, Ky.
(r (r ,. may 'nav.» is a- . ., —————-——-——————_.—.—..—_—_
”Um m") i. 'l i H time “when the battle flags are . ,
wa 's a. term ot re iroaeli. lliiis . .. > . . 2' 3 . V ) 7
1‘)- Hi I . It tl l turled. lt- inav be for vears: it -U l ‘ V t q l
" r i.‘ 'siii roi .3 )\' . ‘ .‘ ’ / ,. , , ,, .* x,
1 mt“) ”I“ {H t H” .1” lHt' may be, only ti 1' a. short time. L / c l G Ll ’ y '
meaning o save o ie 1( ea o ,r ‘I II I ) I .
~ i.f::.‘::‘2.1{21:21:22.31:12:21:53:: PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST
" - from an exalted sonsliip to a st lilollt .“ . it " ' . i l l' ' . . . -'
' t' . 't 1 I” .. l‘ t. Illl ll” (1“‘lt‘h- “15 pi'edeeessoi‘ 111”] Corner Main and Mill St. Lexuigton. Ky.
H “mm” ‘ ( (”Midi imn' I been a poet of nature but not of Telephone 200.
lti'list these few remarks may lll‘lli lle supplied the (l(‘ll('l(‘n(‘\‘ m,“-___.....- ...._.-..-...-W. - .. - .. -..
stimulate some to more i‘ai'et'iilt. ‘ : ' . I i ‘
. in “oi'dswortli in that res met but ‘1 , ' ' t' . ,
.1.,.h..,im,,.i_.I am a“... "1“th ”I “m. m“ in ”in: W‘mh (neat combination of Cigais,
. . . , ,.. i {i . i .. .
aw iiii'e ii thorough masterv of our 7 . w . h ' . ' . .' _ J
‘ 1.1:“.hin“RIM“, Wm M t”limes-sot thelmshsh l"“'l’1“- ! Fine eonsigiimeut of Smoking. .
134* ' .21 ‘i t t . “-..v . .‘il -
I,_ use it; for "a. word litlIv spoken isl N.) (1mm “1 (”Mk 01 Italian Large Trust of Cigars. ii
., . . - - . .- rtiii eould tempt them to seaieli «.
‘1 like :ippli-sot gold iii pietnies ot sil-t _ - _ l . l 'l
I vein" lloirr. Ii. BLAN’I‘UX. It )1 plots .‘l\\:I|I\ lioni t Hull own “11:. .l S |( ;N 8' I I I N( g I N D IAN .
.3 :1 id one ol the great pleasures iii ’
l q V. n o
.‘ Teiinysoiis narrative poems is his 101 EAST [MAIN ST
TENNYSON' delightful retel.iiig of old English _——‘_————————————
No eoi'i'eet hiogi'aphieal sketeli ol'll geiids. It is said that lie was a
'l'eiinIvson ('1!!! be given at this early l great admirer of Scott in his Ivoutli,t
date. for his manner of life was sota id lie imitated that master th tell—i
retired that it will take some nieni-ting stories of his own eounti'v. ’ ‘
her ol‘ his liiiiiilv or \'(‘l'\' ne'ir Almmi- tho-(i . . -‘ I,
. . . . . h- s, poiins iUIllltlUl on i
Irn-iid to write it. All we can do English legends are the ld_\'ls ol' the STOVES, RANGES, FURNACES, TINWARE
I “"W 1" i“ “l"“lk I‘d llls‘ Works. Ul'iKin '. The Lady of Sliillott. (iodlva, AND HOUSE FURNISHlNG GOODS.
I‘zltlit'l‘4‘1lll attention to tllp litl'lllr‘juliintlH‘l's‘. I‘m-ins iii \\'lll('ll soiiio2t) “vest Main Street. liexuie'toii. l\elitilel{I\'.

 ,\ -n
_>v ¥w__‘ __ , ‘_,__ -__'— We
, of his finest (lt‘st'l'iptive Work has tm‘r lmth 11ml 10qu Itm Its lust w. ii. WARREN. J. A. WARREN.
' been done and some of the nohlest ‘lk‘l’il(l“- B‘dll Clll'lfitlilll WHHCUH‘” , '
‘ passion been expressed. ‘ (‘liti'l'mt culture. ()1]C"1""V“"d With ’3 ”I ' fi ’1 "I
. But he was notonly a deseriptive the laurel i“ “f“: both (‘1"""“"‘l 1 OS 1 0061 S
- and narrative lioet; his in Memor- With the love and honor of" the '7 .
iaiii is as full of philosophy as a “'“l'l‘l- CORNER HIGH AND LIMESTONE-
poein will hear to he, and it is one 1- . c ' )
. ' , , 6 f I g t W o 3 J 6
, of the “MN, “W t $111)th 1% Com into the game“. Maud, Staple and E11103 GIOCBI 19s, 1 1()(lll( L and
111011t5 t1)“ ; , \ . .. , x - . For the black bat, Illf’llt has flown ‘1 . ) Y
. _ t W gm “wk M 1» Comm the ”we; Maud Dressed (1311110 and 1 oulti'y .
- fellow man. in it he expresses a I 1 ”1“” t '1 ’ i
. . alll ICI'B 21‘ 1e git e E1 one; T - - . . '
( ..( . .. . , , .. - . . 6515 and S 14:25. A fine hr; of 1 arts and Tobacco
i—‘ll L111d “THU“ in “IL lllost l“ dutilul And the woodbiiie SpeCies are wafted P e C Q _____—-—-,
anti polished language. abroad, ‘
‘ 'l‘he l’rineess is well named. a ‘m‘lthe 1““51‘ ”HIICH’SQ‘SI’IOOIH' SHELBY KINKEAD & BRO.
medley, and is \‘erv iiiiieh what U.
. " For a breeze ot' lli()ul’11i11“' moves
one would i; - z - ; . h ’ '
(I. (“It 1H1“ <11 twin 1 (101}11’2111) And the plum 0mm 0.. high, Sole ngnts GLEN MARY COAL (SE COKE CO. .
i 'l lll‘L‘t I’U’l’ 0’ enqae‘et 111 1C liCUlllllill“ to Mint in the lin'ht that she ‘57’
' I t K i . h 5 ‘ h ( .
pastime ol eoinposite straw—telling. 10“.S 51 N BROAD AY,
. Mixed with moderate ideas and 011 Hbedofdnttbdil sky. PATTERSON & MERINO STS'
t‘ltllflil'utt) (l(§('()|‘;]t’i()]],< ttl‘t‘ SONIC of the TO [Flint in file llght 0f 5““ 511.6 loves! W "a
‘ daiiitiest. little lvries in anV lan- 10 mun“ lllfihgm' “11d mam" C “I F b & C
guage, for instance his inatehless . “I" 0 - OHS Ge 0')
‘ All night have the roses heard
Blllglu 501122"- The flute. violion. bassoon, \VHOLISSALE AND RETAIL DEALEI'S IN ,_f
‘here was -1 time when the poet All ' * ‘ ‘ '
. ‘ s « . , . iiiUlit has the easement jessaiiiiiie ' . V . ., , .‘ ' 7 ' A
. 1mm“. rmm .111 the 1mm 953.1,“. Paints, Glass, Brushes, Artists Materials
. .. 1 ( b . ’ . , . . .
that “Min (m1 IHW hut ”101.0 0mm, To the daneers dancing in time. ot all lxinds. llouse Painters and l’aper llangei's. ete. A full line
' a tilmi when the puhlie ”.0“, siel' 01 Till a silence fell with the waking bird. of the eelehi'ated Town and (‘oiintry Ready Mixrd Paints al—
ll ‘ U . . ' h ' ’ ‘ And a hush with the setting morn. ways on hand. 01in first elass work done at
» l( ltIltilt-itm of the same numbers 1\' i'easoiiahle priees.
3 and his works were severely eriti- “am to the rose “the hi‘iefiiiqht .4005 :21 West Short Street. '
1 eized. This has been espeeialtv the In lialilile and revel and wine. fumwfii‘ '_—
‘ (‘5150 With the ioenis of his later 0, \‘ouiiqlord—lover what sifrhs are
. _‘ T1 ‘1 _ . , ~ Exams usmrss GLLEGE.
; Mill-s. iey show aniai'keddeeline 1‘ Vti t .11 1 t1' 3 ' _—‘.“"""“‘ M
t - v k” ‘ -_ . _. ,v ‘or one in wi never )e iiiie.
: “1.1”“! Mid Willi; hut the LINN But 11mm hm niine,"so I we.” to the _ 7 7 tC()NXEC'I:ED wrrn THE STATE .-\. & 1\1.COLLI£GIC.)
. thingr we ean do is to leaVe them ch' . li()0l\-l{l‘:l‘:l)ll\ti‘ Alltl'l‘lllllflrffi‘r, .
; unread, or renieiiilier that he. was "Forever and ever, mine}- Elli-”NBS”? PENMAXSHJK TYl)E\VRITIN(h
mortal and suhiect to the. (rl't“li \v SINWTUAND AND TELEHRAPIIY:
. liw Of (l l ‘ ‘ l l b 0 ft] ‘1 1 1 f Taught by Practical and Experienced Teachers.
! i S ‘ lil lgtt :lllt (_ L‘(';_].‘\'_ .. Nueen 'I'QSC O 16 rose nu gart en 0 I o ‘
‘ He. has been aeeused of shallow— Kill-‘3 HIGHEST ERBBEGEB SEHGBL iN THE STRTE' :—
H‘ Ti _ . V . _ _ L Come hither, the dances are done, All Diplomas Slglittl by the l‘reSident of the College and the Gov— ‘ur \
. lit >5. . lztt‘l‘ei) Silltl til hill]: die I .. ‘ . . _ \ eriior of the Cmiinioiiwealth; and its Uraduates make a success in lausi— -"
. . . ii U‘lO.\>()f,HZlL1112111tl ”lilillilCI' ofpeails, H ‘ _ ‘ ‘ . h .- .
‘ ls 11m Wisest “Hm l mum”: and 7 1* . 3* iiess. ()vei one hundred students in attendance from Lexington during '-
“ hilt he It i l . t3 _ Queen 1‘1)‘ ”ml "055 “1 ““9- the past year. Guaranteed to he as represented. Call at the school or
‘ ' 5 ever Spell» HS 11110 111 Shine. out. little head, swiniiiiiue: over address
; seeking,r new worlds. new religions, with curls. C' C“ CALHAOYN’ Pril‘Cilml' v
1 and new methods of entaiitrlinir the To the “0“”5' “ml be their 5m“ 133 and 13/ Minn “may Lulllgtmllk).
‘ , L \h‘ (h‘ . mum”
‘ mind in a ne, ' r' ' ' - 3 ~ \‘I-
-. . “W 1‘ “l “““h 1“ 1.. .., . , FAYETTE NATEONAL BANK .
1 1 1 . ll . .. Es ie is Loiiiinm nu ()V\ll, 1m sweet, ’
. (it we the “01h he attended7 and , . ‘ r ’ - ‘
l he told old thine in i w i\ ll 1 “crew Over snulryfltruul' LEXINGTON' KY' I :
‘ ‘ ‘ :15 z 'i .i l” ‘ My heart would hear her and heat. ,
3 made them new. And utter all. we \VL‘I‘Cit earth in an C:1i'tlll_\‘l)t‘(l1 A General Banking Business Transacted. Collections Promptly »
g are must ],[,]]Cfiui;] ll)’ :1. n.1,ptiriwn My dust-would hear her and heat. Attended to. t
j. til. the things that we l{lit)\\' ahead“ ”Ml l 1m“ 101‘ “ century (lead! W”
A and 1]“, great 1mm is he that 1)l:|l{es \\ ould startle and ll‘L‘llllJlL‘ under her \
' tilt “mt 1'] r r 'i “‘1‘ ‘ J B Si Mi iALL
: _‘ Hm” 1“ ill”) 1‘ ‘1 Ion “1 l 1‘ And blossom in purple and red. ' ' ’ *
essential ideas ol lite. lirlml Maud. n B 9
. One ml. the most impressive thiliejs __ r11 [qt ’
in his poems are. their i't‘Hii'ullit‘SS. Thy Voice is heard thro‘ the rolling gg - i ‘
There is no need of delviutr o tin lrlllll.‘ .
i . . . . . h t. (I t ( 5‘ Cor. Mill and Short Streets Telephone 19;. f
Jug l]](-:l]ll]]g7 H is thn and “mill"- ’lhat heat to battle where he stands; ‘ .1
3 Learned enough to interest and in- Th-‘i Rice “”033 his rune-V. come? - j N i" '
. striiet the wisest, simple enough to it‘lilill‘cflU1:1iiZLiifstS-iliilihit‘:ll(il" - 1) 8 LO 1] 5,0 (k, L/ 0., l»
" harm the little t'hiltl " ’ ’“ L b M" “" ’ ~‘
« . ,N..-...., , . . \f
- ' - '. - ( I i ' r i b
( \H ' IIL . Les his l.i ol .llll at th\ Liiu. “ holes'ile ,Hd het'iil Ihi'llel“ m a
. .- (W ' . ..- arrx ntl‘k fut) itstl‘fx. -
. ~ Wm .H “wt “wk m the 1“ ‘th ‘ t ”‘1?“ ‘L ; FARMING IMPLEMENTS, HARDWARE,
just, month ”10 L’l't‘tli poet, 1“” lilt‘i And strikes him dead [or them and i ‘i
“ . _ ' T to l’riiieess, i .. a r. » i i ..
' the llill' \\'hl(fh separates tune and. o 6‘ lmd 0“ hm Hum Strut.
eternitv. i '
' . ‘ BUGLE ONG. ‘
in his death. lungland loses heri S l res rea an O S,
last e'reat poet ol' the Yietori‘in we I
h ' ’ ‘ ‘ r“ * The splendor falls on castle wall; 5 ’ ‘l
and the liitnre may deelare whieh And 5110\\'\' summits Om in story; l M MILLAN & OSBORNhS
was the greater, llohi'l't, l‘h'tm‘llilig7 lThe long light shakes aeross the lakes, ‘
the lioet ot' luflttg, (,1- A li'i‘ed Tennv- ’ And the wild eataraet leaps in glory. ' a I
son. the W“ (”e litilli l’m‘l". and i Blow, bugle, blow, set the wild eehoes I . . I >
)eo Jle, i ‘ h‘ _ , . t o. . in . ‘
I l] . l ltlow, bugle! answers eehoes, dying. v CUR. \"le’. AND I I‘l’lxR hi Rizlul 5.
11 lll:lll‘\' “"13““ 1m”! “-“N' ”llkl'~l dying, dying. illest Bread. Rolls and Cakts iii the eity. l’resh Bread and Rolls read}. every even
“”1.“ ”H”. ”l“ l"’}—1'l“”l“.'-" "l. ”l“ "“13“ (Continued on Page Ti. ; ine‘ at S “flmlk'
, .7 . /__rm-"

 Gr (1 Op ' t th Engl' 1) Kit h n
No. 1.2 W. Short. Regular Meals 25 cents. Meals to order at all hours. Oysters, Lamb Fries and Spring
(lhiekens a, specialty. On exhibition 200 fans in i‘ierpetuzil motion. mid 5000 gallons of water flowing over :1. pt t-
rified nymph. Seating capacity of hall, 150. GUS. LUIGART, Proprietor.
' /.r// /' '. / , /U/,' ‘
ei’l/ i 10 @4/1/ I/ él mu 0 t 3. Ml SOIDQ om QSI§DS.
“7 Parties who wish nice fresh cut flowers delivered on time and of first quality . -
4 will make no mistake if they place their orders with ‘
2* ~\ "*x _
. r 1
- HONAKER I he 1* www-
42 East Main. Lexington, Ky.
' ————.—_—_——_—_————.——_
v "I“? ‘TAHi l i l i ‘ )3" and people of liternv taste will be F W HA RTI N G
l J b ”3 (JOLLLGE LA] Ll, his :Ldmirei's for generations to I I ’
Published Montlilyduring the Collegi- come. No better monument could 47 “1 Main St, Telephone i_-,9.
ate chrmily. in theintcrestof every be erected to his fame than the
De 1 t ‘ t f Ct t ‘ . . . . . . . . .rw:.:»~ ~:. L-L-
_W._.1:l,r..mm 0 the S a e Lomge_ \\‘1'1t1ngs \\'lllCll he himself has left. ‘ ._ f- I
TERMS. The (‘zidet pays its humble tribute ~
()rseYear...........................75(‘ '. , .. .. .,.' ... ' "'f_" if"?
Six Months... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .50(‘ to his mtniouillllt “‘1‘” It to 3M“ | 2.:225 ‘ "" \
TiirecMounis 30L pens to give him the eulogy he sol
51111419 COPY - - - - - - - - - - - - - . ~ - - - - - - - - - 10C “-0“ (l(‘.\'(‘l'\'(¥S. Roofing, Guttering, Galvinized Iron Coriiii‘e. and
EDITORIAL STAFF‘. —o——- Slating a Specialty.
H. M. Gunn’ Edltor. l _ .: -
If. C. ELKIN, Alumnus Editor. ‘ CALENDAR. p., 51:. a e 1;: . 0 e e
" 1%. BRAND . . " ., A? '79:.
'~ ’ 0t. ..S. l. Kml'... t1, .' t '
1 Associate Editor and Business ll’Izuniger.| ,0 29 . E H , , a eung on,
‘ H Nov. 5.. . .b. L. vs. Ix. l .. . .at Richmond .‘
W. l. DRI'R Y, i . . K I' .. g 1' I .- t .l I
I Corres outlent P'itters‘on S‘oeietv l Am. [2 H ' - ‘5 L. .. . .at 463mg on. i O F K E N T U c ; KY I
qu 1)\;” 1;) i " iNm. 17. .K. 1'. \‘s C. l'... .at Richmond. 1 I .
i . .> .; (x N l p . ,
' li‘r '...6.. '. l. '. b. ‘....(tL’.' ”t . ' ' ' ' ' ' .' _
Correspondent iriiionsiicieiy. 3:: : 1:11.“:8. : 111:3?033 Agricultural, Biological, CiVil Engineering, Mechan
M15S Wm. SCUM! 1W ' ’ ‘ " ‘ ‘ i ical Engineering, Scientific, Classical, Veter-
Corrn )ond mi from H: i iilt i C ll re.i —— . . -
”l L ,1. R m: 01 0 0" i ‘ _ . _ inary, Normal School and Commei-Cial Courses.
C ‘1 ‘ t ‘\_“:I C A i 'lhe first game oi loot bull ot the
orrespoiit en .l'. . . ' . ...". ‘ ~. . w x ~ . . . . . -
. Ii. ILVHIIJq it‘d] siins “ilh'lllilde by the btnti TWENTY‘BIGHT PROFESSORS
CorrespondentAthletic Association. 1"”“030 :llltl l\ent»uel{y lllilVCl'Sl’t)’ . . . .
R. A. lll'R’l‘ON, itezims on the State (.‘ollege grounds AND INSTRUCTGRS.
(‘ienerul Correspondent. l0“ Saturday afternoon, October ”.29. (llllllliV Alllmlllit‘t‘s‘ :ltllllliit‘tl ii) fl‘t‘t‘ rl‘lllililll. ”(nil'il ill “”13
W ' ‘ ' f 'f’ "" ' :"lQuW ‘1 ‘”““‘l““' “it‘ll‘W‘ltllm'S ““1" iiiiti'iryififlilt): in private faiiiiilies *3 and $4 per
V Ql‘ltlflézllt-rjg]C(ElgznuinI‘Etlfiflsctfileléze I’l'CSOIll. illltl ll gtKNl (ltr‘ill l’li Ulllllu- \\‘(|(|](. li‘nll yl‘orln hug-ins ()ll S(I(i()ll(l \\v‘|(1“(\>‘_
Lexingionky. ' ' ' ' ’ $1351“ “Wlllflnlh‘flwl-T110£11111““"15: day in September. For entnlogues :ind
:- -7--.” i;*.. .--; Al.....___g_ (timely eontested and good plnynigi “film- iiil‘lli'lllzltion ”M,“ to
.. . - . .' . J - .. l '
EDlTORlAL. “.is (loin on both sidis. LMipt
_ for some little dissutisl'netion roger-1 JAMES K EQEEE§§QIH< PH' D" PRES
lthing the deeisions ol' the umpire. ______—_____g__’_£_—__
l‘lllfllill‘d 11"“ mourns ”1“ l0“ Ufi but one iiiihiippy incident oeeurred
i ll!“ last ”1' INT till?” lW‘t-‘l Sim“ to imir the enjoyment of the :it'ter- HAMILTON FE MALE COLLEG E.
‘ (‘liillli'vl' “Wt SlWWUl ill“ “ill"llllll' noon; this was ill] ulterention thutl
l‘it‘F‘ "rill“ l‘lllfllli‘ll l‘l'lf—rllflti“ ll," lli“ took phiee between (hirred ol' thel ‘ Lex‘f‘fl‘o'hKS- _ ‘
/' illnlg'ei‘y to delight the lliillil, 01' by Siilli) (“1|ng :tiitl Lupus. 01' the“. the lJH'R't'SILIl‘klll‘ill‘k‘ lilili‘llllig Slelliooll inltlie Shite. IIAtceoipniilii::iti(>tiis first «‘1. ss .-
7 its music 1” soothe .‘lllil Mm“! the l'llin‘l'SitV teatiii. l eatet J} . mini inn .1}, itu )_\ this: 0 um (I)( “a (.I‘. ‘.
, H ' _ _ _ I llzith Rooms :iiiil;\it(.:illery. 1'
IL (l‘ll'i lii‘i' l’m'ts 11”“: l’lml.‘ ““1“." lliilllgll 1t IS “Nth“. Pleasant 1101‘ l Send for catalogue. J. B. SKIXNER. Lexington, K)’.
\ 'l‘eniiyson iii elioosiiii.r his sphere wisp to dwell “1,011 the (liggl-e(>iu],1(ii~wr ~ , . . ._.__
, :Hlil i'llll‘l‘llltr into :1 line dill'erent features of the game still one or . ht 1 NI 5
. . , v S/g/ .3 .3 ‘ ‘i
from thiit ol'his predeeessors, oi-eii-l two of the city pupers in writing‘ rlg anC .L / CYLI 5,
sioiied ut the beginning oi" his eii-iiip thenintter lil't‘tllii‘il ’Mr.‘ (hirred1 _. DEALERS l.\'
‘ i-i-er :is every genius must, some un—lso union, in Justiee to him it shouldl
. tiirornble eomiiieiit i'i'oiii the ('i'itii's'be represented to the pulilie in :i ‘ i ) ’
. _ ' _ 4 ' i i M o 2 l u i x "1 )~ I
who are ever so willing to i'lispnriige . proper light. i] 10511 DI( (It? 1"](011’ 1“” (1 (”HI S‘lus‘lifi( '
what they eziii not :ippreeinte : butl (lne of them goes so liir :is to ne—l
. . . i . i ._ . . 7
when oiiee his (’lll'l’i‘l’ hiid lnirly be—leiise (iiirred oi rul‘hiiiiism. while l.u~l 14 ‘V , Short Sfl'OOt,
gun his way was iiiiobsti'iieted. lens is held to be limitless. Aeeord-l
England gzire him the highestiing to the :ii-i'oiint given by the
she, eiin bestow upon her writers. iiiiiiiiiger ol'tlii- K. l'. teiim given in L EXI N C l O N , [ '-.:.: / :2.
was seemingly unscathed there were ball goes to b. (1. on the spot. (nu-I . 3 V. 3 .' . , , . . 3 :45 -;.3‘:
. .1 ‘ a ' _ _, la?“ .:-‘-“\
several ugly bruises on (iarrad’s red gets the ball next and makes 1()l . L0“ t‘hi (dhh PlltC llldllltil . 3/ >_ a.»
f. Y _13 Aft:- ‘ 3 ) 3],. k]. (r 1, 0:\ hVEIu ARTICLE IN 11112 rot R mamm&/”‘Jz 3;.“
«U L. ){nt :3. a Li bOIllL F \llllll.. llllb X DEPARTDIENTS. .

-Soit‘ there was any rullianism U- gets the ball. It “‘5“ at tins 9 DOUblC St-Ol‘e, 19 and 21 ‘

displayed, Lucas, was the first to dis- p01nt ol the game that (tarred was I .
play it, since he “got in his good dlhtluahhed- 5"“: ‘Nl .- ' ‘ 1‘0‘1d‘V‘1 Y

) work in the first half.” Morevel', K' U' then gains about 1") yards “ “ 1“" hldln St” 111 B c ( ) .’
how" there is anything to Lucas’ 111 3 (h’WhS- “ mum” and \V 3‘13““ CLDTHING, SHDS , HATS, FURNlSHlNG GOODS. l '
credit in the tact that, after provok- make ll yards and the ball goes to 3 .___ . 1‘
ing the assault, he didn't strike a S- 0- 171‘01-“1315' and Bilh'd eaeh ‘
a blow in defense, is wholly bey‘ond make 4 yards for S- U- and Bryan . 3
the power of unbiased minds to (2011- makes 2' th'd makes a 1‘11“} is E B ' f ' I 1 ‘ '. l
eeive. After he had struek (larred t‘1‘7k10(lf‘hll and ‘3 .VZ‘I‘dS “'01‘0 grant- . aunldn’ . a1 01 .
repeatedly, and once kieked him 0‘1: lh'hht kicks, “3111309 eatehes
when down, through sheer timidity ilh‘l1:“?thh‘l‘lh‘lr‘llh’hl 4 .V‘U‘df‘ {1‘01“ First (‘lass Cleaning, Dyeing and Repairing, ‘
he falled to retaliate when Garred goal. “alhh‘h attempts l0 kWh)
pumn’neled him; in this he merely hllt the ball ‘5 hhlhkh‘l hhd is 3) 3 T ‘_ 7.
played the part of a knave. It is touched down by \Vallaee, he being,r 1“ S" I" P1X 1