xt7bvq2s6b7v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bvq2s6b7v/data/mets.xml  University of Kentucky 1919 bulletins  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Press Bulletins The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. II No. 5, March 15, 1919 text The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. II No. 5, March 15, 1919 1919 1919 2015 true xt7bvq2s6b7v section xt7bvq2s6b7v V To Ed·It•rs: Th•
»m¤¤¤¤¤· ¤¤¤··¤·· THE UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY emma .. .m..¤
I' P"°Pa"fd f°' tm E class matter at th•
press ¤n¤_¤= r=¤=¤¤=d il post office at n.¤»
:¢;;eipublucat¤on •n - Ingtoni Ky_
March 15, 1919 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY VOL ]]_ N0_ 5
7 P b • d S City; Mat S. Cohen, Frankfort; Sur-   • • • •
Kentuckys ro lems Discusse By tates ge.-... L. L. L.....aie.., U. S. Public ristlan Association Workers
L d. M I C f A     • • Health Service, VVashington; Miss V. , , ,
C3 lllg CII Il 011 CYCIICC if C I1lV€l'Slty loriiner, director or Lake Division Thrggh Out lntgfggtmg Questions
  American Red Cross Department of
The State Conference on Kentucky one of the things upon which we liuringl Fléghur W' Mcmahonl Ciilef The conference of Christian asso- cial program and the student dele-
_ Problems was held at the University hope to get light from this conference gow li f Ii] iljal IASBEMHES §gc§&On’ ciation workers and students, held at gates formed into groups for the dis-
of Kentucky March 4 and 5. Three is how community organization and HQIICIBO a lan`? G 9§S€’ta’]“i{   the University of Kentucky, Friday, cussion of various subjects, R, F, '
sessions were devoted to the program community co-operation may help to , ,m m°9’   {mmm} an uc Y, l` Saturday and Sunday, February 28, Sellers, Y. M. C. A. Secretary at,
Tuesday and two Wednesday. "Carry solve this problem." `§;;?g1n;Y(gn?nS Coxnmtgt? Cmmmlof March 1 and 2, was attended by Berea College, took charge of the
O»n" was the slogan voiced by the president. p_ L_ Mcveyy in his wel- I d d E;;ndS€‘ IB CO? Bfencg was forty faculty members and 120 student groups of college Y. M. C, A. presi-
speakers who discussed reconstruc- coming address to the delegates Og COHCU 9 E Hesday il t€m°°n' delegates from colleges and universi- dents· Doctor Murra
_ _ T · . , y took charge of
mm mblems confmntm the State , _ in his plea for better health con- . . . .
p g the Cgnfgrencg for the consideration H. , tl S M ties of the State. Among the promi- those interested in the student vol-
*“?f1_m€*mS of Peltpétuatmg Public ot Kentucky Problems Tuesday,   glartjg tate DI" Ccormack nent speakers who addressed the unteer movement; Mr. Seamons dis. ‘
Spirit and CO'PD€"at*0n broflght Qbout March 4, said in substance: ` U   délégates Were D1`. O. E. Brown, of cussed social service with a, group
by the war in every section or the ..,1,,19 specmc problem may be di_ _ 1<>¤ti¤- accuracy Of thought, and this m. has mt the people of Kentucky in Presbyterian church, Lexington, led Blue Ridge conference was presented
ucd. _ _ _ _ quims the Establishment On a broad, unnecessary deem;-Sl, dl-uggistsl and the devotional exercises; E. F. Dab- by Mr. Tinker and Dr. Brown,
» The €d11CHt10¤i1l bills Délidmg 111 9,. basis than HOW exists the teach mu-seg bills and loss gf time fron} ney, junior in the College of Law, Mr. Seamons had charge of the de-
(FOGSFGSS and i`h€ Y€f¤TmS Smigilf bY mg Og the Sigieuceg and of tha aytils work, $75,549,323_ Duriing the Same was made student chairman of the vctional service in the evening when
Zach “’9"; fnumeléatgg bYUPT°*€S?t°" in our publ‘c schools and more emph- time, in its dead citizens, valued by ·30¤f€f6nce and A. E. Morrison, of Dr. Murray was the principal speaker-_
`eorge a{€I`· 0 IB mY€rS1Y· ;1siSn]uStb3plg_Cg[] upon Amgyjcan economists purely as 1l1&ClllIl€¤S at CBHUS College, Was elected recording Preceding the address there was 3,
PvhihouéiirgedffauJegislationl Fliacigd ·‘§0V€¥`¤1¤€¤t‘ Hlid the history of our $1,700 each. that the Commonwealth Secretary. . Song Service by a group of University
ly e xx y-1 1 `OHETQSS W HG1 DGP- gcvgmmenh h3s10St$41_2l1’400in [hg unnecessary Saturday morning the faculty and girls and a violin solo by Professor
tflilwd to €d¤0Mi0¤· . I tudents met for devotional exercises Lam ert After the ddres -
_ _ _ ¤T1 bl 1 H1 . 11 3 _ pI`€Ill3ll'.l1I‘B 3Ild I)I`BVE1'llQ&bl€ dBEltl'1S S ~ » D - 3 S 8. I’€C€p
·The ineetling opgneél with gnnininity Sumeuiargg a1§dl;;€r1p1?g§Jr$;;1;s 2; that have 0Ccm·,~€g_ AS badly as the led by Dr. Henry Meiers, of Centre tion was given in the recreation room
Smsiris E Y ro ESSOY ar am' · - State needs many thin s it is wast- College. Addresses were made by at Patterson Hall by Patterson and
. . . Y become acquainted wlth them. The g · .
pert, director of music at the Uni- YG , , · h - · arent qiiumalii Dr A W Fortune on "Bible Study·" Maxwell Hall irls
. _ revelaticn, ot the lVar Department mgt E Emomwus Equw 1 1 ‘ _‘ ' , _ _ ’, , g ‘
"€"$*tY·` and was celled tf) 0**16*, by ,.Gl,,ti,,€ tg the physical Condition Of flesh and blood or $117/761,228 a year President McVey on ‘Social Service} Dr. J. Ernest Thacker spoke Sun-
·]“d$B Edward W·H*“€3· Ot L°“lSV}u€; the army are aStOuHd,Hg_ Somehow in wholly unnecessary sickness and and by Dr. L. Brown on "The Obliga— day afternoon in the chapel of the
(’h?u`m8·H of the Kentucky Counch 0* Ol, other We have failed to bring up death, at least three-fourths of which UODS of Si\1d€i1tS to C&l`I‘Y OIl.” University on the subject "Therg ig .
Detensfi _ physically Et citizen V€,:_€,,Bal diS_ is readily preventable and should After UIBIGGVOUOHBI €X€I‘CiSBS the no Fault in Him." This address clog.
Ii-Inthls 0;€1E;1g &<€i¥`€;5 b€f01'€t gre Cases me far more Widgspread in and can bg ppgvgntgd yviijhjn ten faculty members adjourned for a spe- ed the conference. '
‘ ' n 1 _ . H  
U;?v;?§¥y 1;;. §Ig;m§;yGr§a§§C; 458 their cifect upon the public health ;Y€aI`S· · "* L""_* Y*—`—‘"·"‘"*"`——
Jud 8 Edward Hines Sai’d, ' than was thought. Out- of the quota The following persons registered and L. D. Stucker, Frankfort; Mrs. WAR PROBLEMS FORUM
, . . . , ct 75 000 men that were sent from at: the University or tie en uc y ». . eaver an rs. . 1 or ,
‘§ommun1ty organization and co- l l I f I K t k C P   d M M Crit .d OPENED BY THE Y·M·c.A.
. - Kentuck to the Naiiinal Arm the Problems Conference, held Tuesday Louisville; Shelby D. Watts, Cincin-
Opemuou alone have made Dosslbm VVar De}n:1rtme·t tell us tha? 377 and lVe‘”nesdav March 4 and 5‘ nati O· Miss Eva Bryan Moss and
th d·fl h' ‘ ttle -’ `·· S · ' o ·* ‘ * v_ _ . _
Vaiiogsllvs; ;g€:(iGg€;,i;?§;f,,v; beg] were victims of venereal disease. The L_ C_ Bssley, Danville City Schools; Mrs. NHHHIG Faulcomer, Lexington; Awtreahcougse Of` lectures Mid dis;
- . - ·   uestion that now confronts ua is . Y ·~· Arthur F. McCarmack, Bowling CUSUIOHS as 6611 mI`&“g€df0i`th€faC·
such important factors in helping to q , . Oscar B. Palles, Boyle county schools, ` _ _ · _ ulty S,ud®_tS and mum or U U _
win the Wm, and we must {md tha whether the communities throughout AItl1u1· up Macmahouy vvashingtcm, Green; Miss Claire VVIIIIBIHS, Mem- `»_ ~ · D S le Ill-
. `V k ’ ff t· tl t . ,, -,.,1; the country are going to take up the D C. Miss Liga Haffcrd Miss Jessie phis, Tenn.; Archibald Dixon, Hen- YYGISHY Of Kentucky by R- W- OW€¤$»
way tO1]1& e e ec ive ia same spi _ I Q ( Y ~ _ Y W- ;, I l · _ _ U _ I u_ tl. _ v_ M_ C_ A_ SQC,.€m,.y_ The Series is
or Community cO_Op€,..,t OH fm. the qO_ challenge that nas laid dovsn by the rh yancey, planlrfort, MISS Stiles, d€·FS011, M1‘S· J- W· DH ze ,CY¤ Hana. Entitled UA F T f W P bl ’
‘ . .° ` ` · · Y ; - . —. .. . · Mrs. Joseph M. Garrett Versailles; 0 um O ‘m` Y0 €mS·'
1 it f —t oble ns. mmy Jnd “h€ her by it PIOCBSS of €d“ Frankfort, Judge Edward W. Hines, _ , , _ '
1 ·ig;r?ng0Lg,€pi$§$ E1; $6,, svomw cation and a proper police system this Louisville; M,.S_ Helm Bruce, State Edwin p_ Morrow, Somerset; Helen _ Phe topics and leaders aye,
and Children Of Kentucky hive bgéu menace to public morals and public \VOn]un’s Chairman, Council Of Na, L. Donaldson, Nicholasville; Miss Thursday, March "6——"China at the
ready to make almost any Sucrmcg hcaltlris going to be renewed." tional Defense, Lcuisville; Miss Annie Mary E. Clarke. Lexington;. Mrs. W. Peace Conference, Judge Lyman
they were Called upon to make for Arthur W. McMahon, chief of the S. Anderson, Louisville; Miss Ollie T· L3ff¢YtY~ Lexington; MISS L· H- Ch"lkl€Y·
their- country, and it we could have Federal Agercies Section, Council of Mae Arick, Cleveland; Miss Alexina S¤¤ti¤.B¤lv1§¤s1· H uStry’ DI" Eqwmd W81St'
··w€ have asked you, therefore, to mental units which deal with them. liamstown; W. O. Hopper, Mt. Sterl- .....4 f Th“"S§a;hApE1 1&—"}§¢lrsi¤;m 1;*
eome here not only for the objects al- "Tlie greatest problem incident to ing; D. Johnson, Climton; C. A. Leon- Om im EY IG ai? 10 OF 0·
- · · · -   · · · · TAKE IN saert.
ready named, but that we may coun- the abrupt cessation of hostilities is ard, Jackson, J. W. Ramey, Russell, STROLLERS
sel together for the purpose of find- unemployment, which follows demobi- Mrs. H. G, Reynolds, Paducah; James TWENTY-SIX MEMBERS Thursday, April 17,—"Mexican Prob-
mg the way yo keep alive that spirit lization, but Kentucky is comparative- Edward Rogers, Newport; George E. lem and a World Peace," Professor
ol public service and to make effect- ly free from that at the present time. Stephens, Louisville; Leia Mae _ _ Vllilliam E. Butt.
ive for the solution of the problems "Reconstrnction means the recur- Stiles, Frankfort; R. C. Stoll, Lexing· _TW€}ltY‘S*X Students ef the Unlvel" Thursday, April 24__~S0mB Feab
which now confront ue; that spirit or _ Pence of old problems. The war has ~ton; Edward VV, Taylor, Frankfort; sity of Ke‘¤i¤¤ky have been Yecelvgd ums of Om, Vvm. Labor Problem,.
community co-operation which has made some of them acute, given the Mrs. George W. Taylor, Carlisle; Misa es members 0f_ the St‘1`0H€*`S» }`h€ §m‘ D12 Edward J_ Tuthiu ’
been such an important factor in the people a new view point on them, and Rebel Withers, Lexington; H. H. gint Siirginizatl? Of th?tgJ“1Y9";‘tY· _. 
_ _ . ,·   .., , _.,. .,   · , ,· ·. _ r _ ie ro ers pay commi ee is usy _
success ot the vaxiouswar actiwties cl oun the powci of ·o1g*1n1z*1t1on in Wood, Wndie, H. H Toung, More Considering a Suitable play to bg pm- MAJOR BYARS TAKES UP
which have been carried on by our solving: them. They increasingly re- head; L_ lu Zerfoss, Lexington; R. A. ‘ _ _ _ WORK AT UNIVERSITY
civilian army at home. onire community orgwnization, now Smithers, Wisemantowm; Mrs. T. B. S€¤*9d by the 01gamZ&U°H tins Yem-
"lt is for that reason we have given i·Fdispensable." Pearson, Nicholasville; Mrs. Samuel The new members are: Euryne   M _ D _d ***0 B H
community organization such a large Speakers on the program for the Halley, Lexington; Mrs. Amelia C. Bell, Margaret Smith, Lougenia Bil- _iJ%" fl? · €'m`$i_tI`€c€H   ap'
place in the program. But an ab- Kentucky Problems Conference, Craig, Danville; Mrs, S. E. Rue, Dan- lings, Angie Hill, Duane K. Rogers, p€1%|€_ Ii1$1€SS;”`I_° tm1k"‘“`Y $““3n€€
' slraet discussion of coinmunity organ- March 5, were: Dr. Arthur N. McCor- ville; Miss Amanda O. Rodes, Dan- Frances Marsh. Loraine West, Mar- 3 _:"Y‘”Sl Y 0 *6*1 uc Y· mrlve {*1
ization would he of little value, anzl mack. of Bowling Green; Miss Eliza- ville; W. H. Roberts, Danville; Mrs. ga.ret· Harbison, Nancy Smock, Car- Leimgmn Mam;6 imd_t€°1:i“P his
so we have given an opportunity to beth Breoknridge, Louisville Normal H, C. Blackburn, Georgetown; Mrs. lisle Chenault, Anna Nelson, Belle du IGS at °“°°· B Ylas m ro uceq 0
eonsiller the various; elements of com- School: Charles F. Huhlein, of Louis- W. H. Coffman, Georgetown; Thomas Sale, J. Burton Prewitt, Mary Heron, » th'? Student body at Chapel exarclses
mutiity organization, and some of the ville; Dr. C. S. Gardner, of thc Bap- Cooper, Mrs. B_ B, Mclnteer, Otis Ker- Ella Brown,. W. J. Moore, Mary Eliz- F¤daY· March 7-
Kentucky problems in the Solution tist Theologicil Seminary. Louisville; ‘ cher, D. D. Slade, J_ Virgil Chapman, abeth Davis, J. Donald Dimling`, lg?-[,t1j01‘ BMHPS WELS ·& f0l‘II1€I` Slllldéllf
of which community organization and Dr. A. J. Ganvoort. of the Cincinnati S. D. Averett and O. M. Sledd, Lex- Evelyn Thomas, Henrietta Bedford, at the llmverslty, 1S a graduate of
community co-operation may be im- College of Music; Elwood Steele. of iwgton; Ed J. McDermott, Theo P. Elizabeth Robinson, Mary Elizabeth VVest Point. and comes to Kentucky
portunt factors. . the Louisville Conference of Social Caldwell, Charles F. Huhlein, and R. Jarnes, Aleine Fratman, Vola Clar- from \V8Sll1Dgt0I°l, where he was a.
"liducnton in good citizenship, \Vorkers; James E. Rogers, VVar C. Ballard Thurston, Louisville; John ence Slwearingen., Mina Frances member of the staff of the Inspector
therefore, is our greatest need. and ('amp Czmmunity Service, New York L. Graham, Owensboro; J, XV. Ireland White, Fannie Heller. General.