xt7bvq2s5448 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bvq2s5448/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1930-12-05  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, December  5, 1930 text The Kentucky Kernel, December  5, 1930 1930 1930-12-05 2012 true xt7bvq2s5448 section xt7bvq2s5448 Best Copy Available













5, 1929

'AMATEUR NIGHT Lettermen Select Ralph "Babe" Wright
Kernel Editor Reelected
University Band Sponsor CONTEST IS WON To Captaincy of 1931 Football Team
At Annual Wildcat Gridders Banquet
Organ" Enables


New "Color
Novel Lighting Effects
to Replace Scenery


Play Was Last Presented in
Lexington Over Twenty-fiv- e

Years Age

Once again in the historic city
of Lexington the spirit ox the im
mortals, Sarah Bernhardt and Mrs.
Leslie Carter, will permeate the
souls of local theatre-goer- s
the Guignol Players offer "Camllle,"
their second presentation of the
current season. The play opens
Monday night, December 8 at Lex
ington's only "little theatre."
The olav. a tragedy, was original
ly written in novel form, but was
later dramatized by its auinor, Alexander Dumas flls, and has since been
presented as an opera. The operatic version may be recognised under the name of "Traviata," having
been set to music by Verdi.
The play was originally published
some 88 years ago and has been
used by the best of America's Thespians for over a quarter of a century. Eva Le Oalllenne now is adding it to the repetolre of the Civic
Repetory Theatre in New York.
"Camllle" was originally written
with the scenes laid in Paris and
Onteull Teause about 1890 but since
the premiere showing it has been
produced with many different decades forming the background. The
Guignol Players are Using the period
of 1870. This is the first time that
this date has been used. The most
populr version has been that of
Beri with the time as 1985
while the time in which the opera
is usually staged is around 1850.
One of the most interesting features of the play is that it Is to be
done without scenery and will rely
entirely on the use of light for
scenic effects. A novel device known
makes this
as the "color-orgais new
possible. The "color-orgatheatre-goer- s
of Lexington
to the
having been introduced to New
York only last season where it was
used in the production of Isben'a
"The Vikings". By using this newly acquired device, the lights of, the
set are la a constant state of change
suMm enough' to
that Ifr-no-t
in effect but yet enables
the audience to appreciate the
changes that are taking place before them.
Marcaret Lewis will Play the fern- inlne lead In "Camllle" and her
usual finished performance is expected. Miss Lewis is a graduate
of Maryville and is secretary of the
local branch of the Young Women's
Christian Association. She first distinguished herself with the Guignol
Players In the spring In 1928 when,
after playing minor roles in the
earlier productions of that year, she
starred in "The Plight of the Dutchess." During the past season Miss
Lewis made a tremendous hit in
"East Lynne" in which she was also
The male lead will be portrayed
by Nean Cain and although he is
new at the local playhouse he promises to give a scintillating performance.

Hold 75 th Meet

The 75th meeting of the Kentucky State Horticultural Society open,
ed yesterday morning In the livestock pavilion on the experiment
station farm. W. W. HUlenmeyer,
Lexington, president of the society,
opened the program with a short
address of welcome to the delegates.
Today, the program will open at
an address.
9:00 o'clock with
"Changes In Our Soil and Orchard
Management Practices, Resulting in
increased Yields." by Frank T.
Street, manager of the Cardinal
Orchards at Henderson. T. H.
chief of horticulture at the
University of Georgia, will speak at
10:15 on "The Future of the Peach
Industry of the South." At 1:00
o'clock, N. R. Elliot, landscape architect of the College of Agriculture,
Lexington, will speak on the "Fruit
Grower's Obligation to His Community." The meeting will close at
W. P. Flint, chler of entomology

at the University of Illinois, spoke
on "Recent Development In Orchard
Insect Control." E. H. Rawl, Mont- V
gomery, Alabama, spoke on "Cur-cuuControl in Georgia and South
E. C. Woolcott.
Carolina in 1930." "Increasing
Chicago, spoke on
Consumption of the Apple." Thurs-da- y
delegates were guests
night the
at a banquet at the Lafayette hotel.
H. Van Antwerp, Farmers, presided
as toastmaster.
Other prominent Kentucky fruit
who appeared on the program were:
Stltes, Henderson; H. Van Antwerp. Farmers; Ben
Speakers from
Nlles, Henderson.
the College of Agriculture were
Dean Thomas P. Cooper, and W.
A. J. Olney. W. A. Price,
W. Maglll. and Ralph Kenney.
UniThe regular meeting of the
versity council, which was announcthis afternoon, has
ed for 4 o'clock
abbeen postponed because of the
sence of President Frank L. McVey
other members. The
and several
tune of the next meeting has not
been annouM.

The appearance of Miss Virginia
Dougherty, sponsor, on the football
field next fall will mark the first
time that a graduate student has
marched with the university band.
Miss Dougherty was reelected by
members of the band this week for
another term and will continue in
her present position until 1932.
Miss Dougherty has accompanied
the band at every public appearance
since her election in September and
has been one of the most popular
sponsor. Other candiand well-likdates for the office were not considered when it was learned that
Miss Dougherty planned to return
to the university next fall and
again would be eligible for the position.
Entering the university in her
Junior year Miss Dougherty soon became prominent in campus activities. She is a member of Phi Beta,
honoray music sorority, the university debating team, being the first
woman student elected to that organization, and an associate editor
of The Kernel. Miss Dougherty
was initiated into pi seta Phi sorority at the University of Wisconsin.
She is the daughter of Lieut.-Oo- L
and Mrs. C. A. Dougherty, of Lexington.

Stroller President Announces
List of EDglbles at
Annual Affair


Suky Members to
Delay Purchase of
Wildcat Until Fall





Misses Willy and Helen King,
and Profr Enoch Grehan
Are Judging Committee

Amateur Night contests, annual
climax of Stroller try-out- s,
Tuesday night In the new auditorium of the Training school building, were won by Miss Irma Pride,
Kappa Delta pledge, and Brandon
Price, Delta Tau pledge, who presented "On the Lot." The program,
consisting of three one-aplays,
was witnessed by approximately
100 people.
The program was In charge of
Andrew Hoover, president of Strollers, who presented the contestants
to the audleaee and to the judges.
A committee !K three, chosen to act
in the judiciary capacity, were Prof.
Enoch Grehan, and Misses Willy
and Helen King. The three one-a- ct
plays etasktered best of all
others in the two weeks' try-o- ut
competitions were chosen for the
Upkeep of Feline During
Winter Months Is Much
Others presenting one-atoo Expensive
were; Rosemary Balch.
and James Davis, Phi Delta
There Was no Wildcat for the
Theta pledge- - who presented The
homecoming game; there is no University Livestock Judging Fur Coat"; aad Dorothy Gould
Team, Sheep, and Cattle,
Wildcat at present;
and what's
and' Lois Neal. Zeta Tau
more, there will be no Wildcat until
Take Innumerable Honors Alpha pledge, in "Friend Husband".
next fall. This was the decision
The spring production of Strollers
at International Show
reached by the members of the
will be an original play written by
SuKy circle at the regular weekly
The university livestock Judtdntr one of the students of the univermeeting Tuesday afternoon at 5 team, its coach, the College of sity. A cash f'prize of fifty dollars
o'clock. '
Agriculture's fine-bre- d
sheep and will be gives to the student who
Charles "Chuck" Maxson. who cattle with their shepherd and writes the winning play.
was authorized to search for a mas herdsman and a number of the
Recently elected engioies:
cot for Kentucky, reported that he agriculture faculty have returned
Woodson Knight. Alice Lang,
had finally succeeded in locating a from the International
Livestock Harriet Holliday. Opal Hubble, Lowildcat about 60 miles from here. Exposition in Chicago with innum- is Neal, Dorothy Gould, Buena
The members of the organization erable honors and cash awards Mathls. Mart Alice Salvers. Bob
decided, however, that it would be mounting to $391.
Davidson, Grace Sears, W. T. BisCompeting with twenty-tw- o
agri hop, Hazel Nqllan, Bessie C. Ferris,
too expensive to pay the feline's
board bill through the winter cultural schools from all sections C. B. Roberts, Rosemary Balch,
months when there won't be a foot- of the United States, the judging Elizabeth Montague, Brandon
ball game until next year. A cat team was rated third in the judging Price, Helen Glover, Bruce Hoblit- would eat approximately
$7.50 of all types of livestock. It ranked zeU, Mary Halley Kerr, J. B. Croft,
first in the inspection of hogs, sec- Mary L. Grimes, AUce D. MacDon- worth of meat each month.
Said one member, "the crazy ond in the judging of sheep, scored ald, James Boddie, Alice Homes,
thing always dies the first of Sen-- twelfth in the work with cattle, and W. P. Thomas, Delroy Root,
was placed fourteenth in the horse
t ember anyway."
Ruth Whele, Frances Whele,
JymaXasyiwaa. pick
''Chuck" .has- - pmiied."feowavar. contest total of 115 students' as the Frances Trlfe" Brown; "Earl Pace,
from a
that-hwill keep in touch with the
judge, while Marjorie Hoskins, Donald Pratt,
men who have captured the wildcat, fourth best individualhis teammates, Mary Powell Elliott, Georglana
one of
and early next fall there will be a ranked Harris
seventh best individual. Wiard, Emily Grettlr, John Paul
mascot f6r the University of
Levy was also rated third In in- Henrietta Walker, JamesBecky ShelPearcy, Lillian McKay,
dividual judging of hogs, and Har- by,
Martha Lowery, Jack McEltrath,
ris fifth. Ivan Jett was placed as Charlton Wallace, Katheine Sheriff,
the fifth best judge of sheep, and Virginia Brown, Gayle Elliott, MarHarris scored for the third time garet Ellis, Gilbert Kingsbury.
as tenth best in cattle.
Mary L. Austen, Allion K. Parris,
The herd of Aberdeen Angus cattle, groomed by Mr. John Fraser, Doris Harrell, Sam Kennedy, Drel
furnished the winner of first prize Hodges, Judy Ochs, Nell Dlshman,
Jane Shelby, CharInterpretation of the Life in the fat cattle class. A grade Jeanette Perry, Virginia K. Young,
Chicago lotte Redman,
Cycle of Mary the Blessed calf, one of three sent to was
Elizabeth Brent, Bobby Goodman,
by the Experiment Station,
to Be Presented Sunday
prize winner. Although the univer- Ramona Ullff , Mary K. Crowe. Betsity has won many premiums for ty Lyons, C. Bascom Slemp, Betty
The Vesper hour at the Memorial fine stock In former expositions, this Davis, Myra Smith, H. V. Bastin,
auditorium of the university Sun- is the first time it has ever taken Mickey McGuire, Lucille Howerton,
day, December 7, will be devoted a first prize in the fat cattle show. Kellena Cole, Steve Soaper, Morton
to the "Interpretation of the Life
A large percentage of champions Webb. Robert Millns, Betty Pothast.
Cyle of Mary the Blessed," presentemerged from the flock of 24 experi Nell Montgomery, Ray Alford, and
ed by means of baritone solos, piano ment station sheep shepherded byJ Sue Rogers.
and organ numbers, and cathedral Mr. Harold Barber. First prize in
yearling southdowns, reserve chamThe soloist for the afternoon will pion southdown, three firsts, a rebe Bertrand P. Ramsey, artist-studeserve championship, and a champ-plonshfor the past three years of
In Cheviots, three second
Frances Arnold South and bari- prizes, and one third in Hamp-shire- s,
tone soloist of the First Methodist
and one first, one second,
Church of Lexington. He will be and one fifth In Grades are some
assisted at the piano by F. Lorraine of the awards won by university
Yost, who was accompanist for the entries.
A yearling
Mr. Lucien Ruby of Providence,
university glee club during his un wether was awarded first prize in has presented to Dr. W. D. Funkdergraduate days. Both Mr. Ram the ring known as the John Clay
sey and Mr. Yost are members of (Special, which was open to all houser of the university a large
the faculty of the department of breeds of sheep. Coach Horlacher number of mastodon bones which
phvsics at the university.
and members of the team who are were found near Tilden, Kentucky
Dr. Abner W. Kelley, university George Harris, Hymen Levy, Wil- when workmen of the Ruby Lumber
organist will be at the console for liam Florence, Ivan Jett, John company were excavating for the
the organ numbers on the program. Cochran and Theodore Mllby reDr. Kelley Is studying at the pre- turned to Lexington Wednesday, construction of a bridge on the
Morganfleld-Wanamakroad in
sent time with Sidney Durst of
Cincinnati and is very active in
Three freshmen students in the Webster County.
Doctor Funkhouser has identified
musical affairs at the university. College of Agriculture, Allaine Hill,
The program:
Duke Petit, and Wllford Graves, at- the bones as belonging to the species
(baritone, tended the exposition, the first two Mammut Americanum, which lived
I. The Annunciation
piano, and chimes), Schlpa; The as health champions of Kentucky, in this region about 25,000 years
and piano), and the third as a member of the ago. Some of the bones are in exVirgin (baritone
club cellent condition and are well fosBliss; Hymnus Adventus (organ),
silized. One of the leg bones Is
judging team from Scott county.
over three feet long and weighs
II. In a lowly manger lleth (bariis PADUCAH STUDENTS TO MEET nearly 100 pounds. Several of tne
tone and organ), Bach; There
ribs are over three feet In length
rose upsprur (piano and organ),
Practorius; The Mother (bariAll students of the university who and a fragment of tusk Is approxiare from Paducah are asked to mately five Inches In diameter. One
tone and piano), Bliss
at noon on Tuesday in room of the teeth measures eight inches
III. Rhapsodic Catalane (organ), meet McVey
in width across the grinding bur-faBonnet
and a single vertebra is more
than a foot in diameter.
Sick-Be- d
The skeleton was found In Pleistocene deposits about sixteen feet
below the surface of the ground.
In the locality where the remains
were discovered are evidences of
ancient salt wells and salt licks
Violating the advice of his doc- campus. Many students have been where these prehistoric beasts were
tors, Wesley Carter, freshman In the attending classes when they were often killed and their bones trampCollege of Arts and Sciences, at- not physically able to do so. High led into the swampy soil.
tended classes Monday alter under- temperatures, serious cases of grippe
going a tonsllar operation at the
other of the many aliments
Good Samaritan hospital Saturday. or any may necessitate absence from
While Carter was suffering terribly which have been disregarded by the
he preferred this punishment to the students in their endeavor to conA tan and white collie dog,
three credits to his
addition of
form to the latest and most strinwhich was the property of Dean
graduation requirement.
university authorities.
P. P. Boyd, disappeared from the
In the extremely cold weather he gent edict of Wesley Carter is ilThe case
was most susceptible to pneumonia lustrative ofofthe attitude which is campus Monday morning. The
or other serious complications but generally evidenced by students at dog was wearing a Payette counsince absence rules exist they must the university. He had been so ty license, number 196. When
last seen the canine was in the
be obeyed, reasoned Carter.
powreading room of the AdministramiiiH hnrrilv sneak above a whisper thoroughly impressed with the
to carry out their tion building. A reward is offerand was told by attendants at the uni er of authorities
return of
versity dispensary mat no wiuum disciplinary rulings that he feared
a andfor theinformation the animal
be In bed. His recovery from the this power more than he feared
It should be given to Dean Boyd.
operation has been greatly retarded serious disease. He probably not?
recover but suppose he had
dog Is named "Rebel."
Justify The
This Instance is but a more ser- Could university authorities
ious one of many which exist on the themselves?


Wildcat Football







Ancient Bones
Are Presented
To Funkhouser

Freshman Leaves
Conform to New Absence Rule

New Rule Promotes Contagion
An Editorial
One of the many isolated instances showing the undesirable effects of
the new attendance ruling at the university was that of the boy with a
deep cold who attended all his classes when he should have been abed.
He went to his classes with swollen and streaming eyes, sneezing at least
once each minute and coughing proportionately. He was a lad who felt
that he could not afford to be absent from class, yet could not obtain
an excuse. What was the result? Three days later, the majority of
students in the same classes were evidencing contagion. They had con
tracted cold germs from the boy who should have been abed, and who
would have been there had there been an adequate university rule for
the situation. It Is not fair that students in good health should be sub
jected to contagion from those who are ill and who cannot afford to miss
class because an excuse is not available. Poor health does not promote
good scholarship.

Dti Yitir Think theNew Absence
Rule Is Fair ? Then Read This-- Editor's Note: For the edification of
students of the University of Kentucky, The Kernel prints below
the new absence ruling adopted
by the university October 13, with
pertinent editorial comment following those sections not deemed
Section 1: No student shall be
allowed ANY cuts In ANY course
at the University of Kentucky.
Sec. 2:' The instructor shall keep a
record of absences, and when IN
HIS OPINION the number of absences for any student ha3 become
excessive, or when absences appear
to be unjustified, he shall report
such student to the dean, together
with the total number of absences
and their dates. And the practice
of reporting dally absences to the
registrar shall be discontinued except that all absences occurring on
the day immediately before a holiday or the day immediately following a holiday shall be reported at
the time of their occurrence. Edl- e
tor's Note: It is noted that the
matter is left to the opinion of



Jan' find thlnSdictoSrVe
merits. If not. we will draw a

pic- -

ture of them for you next week.
Sec. 3: Absences shall be counted
beginning with the FIRST DAY
OF RECITATION, and late entrances shall be counted as absences. (Note: This ruling was
adopted by the university October
13.. School opened September 17.
Has the phrase, ex post facto, been
Sec. 4: A student may be dropped
from a course because of absences
upon the recommendation of the
dean and the instructor. When,
because of absence, the dean and
the instructor recommend that a
tudent be dropped from the course,
the name of the student and the
number of the course shall be reported to the registrar by tho dean
nd the student shall be dropped
When a stu(by the registrar).
dent is dropped from a class because of absences, the Instructor
shall report the grade the student
Is making at the time he Is dropped,
and If this grade is E it shall be a
final grade. (Note: dralttcdly. It
Hvers ef discrimination against and
tadeat to record only the E'k
disregard any grade above an E;
and what is the standard for determining the number of absences
necessary to drop a student, except
the OPINION of the instructor and
the dean.)
Sec. 5: When the number of
courses from which a full time student has been dropped is sufficient
to reduce his "load" to less than
twelve hours he must secure the
permission from his dean and file
same in tho registrar's office in
order to remain longer In the university.
See. 6: AU absences shall be
considered unexcused except
when an excuse is given by the
Scholarship and Attendance Com- mittee for absence on the day
immediately preceding or follow- in a holiday. (Note: Examples
of the instances in which excuses
(Continued on page four)

Three has been called a lucky
number, but those who so named it
were not students at the University
of Kentucky not this year, anyway
Ever since Dr. Adams made the
report to the senate recommending
penthe adoption of a three-cred- it
alty for cuts before and after holidays, three has spelled black magic
on this campus.
Dr. Adams was making a report
on behalf of the committee on investigations.
We would like to
know, just what that committee was
supposed to investigate. Surely not
the opinions of the majority of the
faculty, for they emphatically deny
having been a party to this crime.
As witness of their disapproval, a
report from the dean's office in the
largest college on the campus shows
all petitions passed for exemption
from the penalty at the time of the
Thanksgiving holiday.
In view of this disapproval on
the part of so many of the faculty,
are mcilned to think that stu-tl- re
bSteKJSen for nothing compar?
to the politics that must have
(been necessary to put through this
theory of the College of Edu- cation,
Several hours spent In the registrar's office revealed to us that department in sad despair over the
problems created by the new rule.
Shall a pre-lastudent who is penalized, for instance, be required to
take three extra credits after he is
in the Law College? If the penalty is only to be counted when to
taling credits for graduation, shall
l the students
suffer not at all who
only stay here three years or less?
Strangely enough, those who were
quick to pass the rule have not
been so forthcoming with an explanation for these difficulties. We
must wait the interpretation to be
given by the senate at its next
meeting. Perhaps the senate will
ilnd the easiest solution a return
to former conditions. Let us hope

What do the women think of the
rule? We were somewhat taken back
when one of the first coeds we approached told us she thought it was
fine. She hastily changed the tone
of her remarks, however, when she
learned that we were referring to
the holiday penalty, not to the petition to let certain work done on
The Kernel count as credits.
One senior testified to the effectiveness of the rule, saying she had
been building up a standing faithfully for three years so that she
could cut all she wished in her
senior year; and now she cannot
take the privilege. For here is
another bit of news, perhaps the
rule regarding juniors and seniors
with a 2.4 standing (having the
privilege of graduate students Is
, still
under consideration.
It may
not go into effect until next semes- ter; it may not even then include
the privilege of cutting before and
. ufter a holiday. Why Is It
that rules
operating to the students' disad- (Continued on page four)





Percy Johnson, Robert . Reynolds Are Announced as
Student Managers
Gold Footballs Are Presented
To 14 Seniors for Service
On Gridiron
Ralnh "RnVu" Wriirhf arc, i.hn.
captain, and John Sims "Shipwreck"
iveiiy was eiectea alternate captam
of the university football team for
1931 by teammaf.f
fnllnnHnn, th
annual football banquet, given by
wic mnieuc uouncu Tflusaay night
at the Lafavetta hotel.
SOn was elector! as monoiur
r tv.
football team, and Robert Reynolds
was chosen to manage the basketi
ball team.
Wriffht came from Rhmis Xtv.
school to the university in 1836. "I
will make the glee club or the football team." he threatened vh'en Vi
was still wearing a little blue cap.
uuuit nuute tne glee club, but
he has been playing ever since as
a tackle for the Wllr1rnt.fi TTn ninn
letters in football and. track In high
scnooi, ana nas won a numeral in
lootoau, two letters in football, and
a letter In track at the university.
While he was In high school he
broke the state high school record
pouna snotpuc, and playior tne
ed fullback on the Sturgls High
xnooi team wnicn won tne sectional championship
for that year.
Wright is a junior in the Arts and
8cience College of the university,
and a member of Phi Kappa'Tau.
social fraternity.
Kelly, a Junior in the College of
Arts and Sciences, has played halfback on the university team since
his freshman year. He 'came from
Springfield, Ky, touted as one of
the fastest high school athletes In.
the state. In high school he won'

Ruaors that John Sims "Shipwreck" Kelly mdl accept aa
appointment to West Point and
would go there in the fall of 1931,
were proven groundless by a telegram received late last night by
officials of the Kentucky Kernel
from Adjutant General Bridges.
The telegram, replying to a query
In retard to Kelly's appointment,
stated, "No record this office on
nomination John Sims Kelly of
Springfield, Kentucky for West
'. '
letters in baseball, basketball, football, tennis, and track; at the uni
versity he has won numerals In foot
ball and track, and 'letters for the
past two years in the same sports.
Last spring he was elected alternate
track captain of the 1931 track
Since Kelly has become a student
at the university he has made an
enviable reputation in college athletics. His picture has appeared in
many newspapers throughout the
country, and last year- College Hu
mor chose him for the Collegiate
Hall of Fame. Kelly is a member
of Sigma Alpha Epsilon, social
Speakers ,at the banquet were
John Y. Brown, university alumnus;
Dr. W. D. Funkhouser, secretary
of the Southern conference, who
discussed Southern conference football; and Prof. Enoch Grehan,
member of the Athletic Council,
who reviewed briefly the work of
the football team this year. Judge
R. C. Stoll, toastmaster for the affair, introduced the speakers.
Coach Harry Gamage, the retlr- Ing captain, Floppy Forquer and the
newly-electe- d
"B a b e"
Wright each made short talks.
Shlvely awarded
Coach Bernie
each of the senior varsity "K" men
with a gold football. EL A. "Daddy"
Boles announced the list of freshmen who were, to receive numerals
In football; and to conclude the
program presented K certmcates
to all of the' Varsity lettermen.
Freshman numeralmen and varsity lettermen were approved at a
meeting of the Council, 'Thursday
afternoon, shortly before the banquet. Those receiving letters are:
Burton Aldrldge, Kenneth Andrews. Robert Baughman. George
Blckel. Jake Bronston, M. J.
Max Colker. Dwell Darby, L.
G. Forquer, Ellis Johnson. John
Sims Kelly, Lawrence MpGlnnls. V.
Kipping, Jack
A. Meyer, Robert
Phtpps. Tom Phipps, Dick Richards,
Conrad Rose, 'Frank Seale, George
Skinner. Carey Spicer, Louis Toth,
Cecil Urbanlak, Howard Williams,
Ralph Wright. George Yates. Wil
liam Dysard, Anthony Gentile, Robert Kipping, Ollie Johnson, and Cal
Hoskins who received a manager's
Numerals in football were awarded to Jack Allen, Ralph Angelucci,
L. E. Asher, Stanley Bach, Tom
Cassidy. R. H. Carruthers, Lawrence Cloyd, J. D. Annunzlo. N. T.
nuff, Louis Fiddler. G. Galloway,
Hobert Goodman. Robert Hickev. E.
L. Janes.
Floyd Jeans, William
Tacobs. Ralnh Kercheval. H. Keys,
Tess Kirby. Harvey Mattingly, O. B.
Murohy. Kenneth Nicholson. Douglas Parrish. K. Pate. Holton Prlbble.
T. Shoonman. David Thompson, and
Russell Wool urn.

� Best
page two


The Kentucky Kernel



Newspaper of the Student of the University
of Kentucky, Lexington


MMfMR K. I. P. A.
Subscription 3.0
yMr. Sntend at Lexlniton,
Postefflee as second class mall matter









Society Editor








News Editor





Advertising Manager



Circulation Manager

Harry Vatlle
tner Dawson
Virgil OaltskUl
Kathryn Aufenkamp
John Bertram
Marr Prince Powltr
Btuna MathU
Bmmett Whipple
Bulah RMskll
Buford TJpham
Kathryn Myrlek
Turner Howard
Malcolm Barnes
Mary Oalloway Orlfflth
Mary Virginia Htlley
Ollbert Klngiberry
William Martin
Cameron Cofman
Mary Alice salyers
Starr Mandsl
Jamas Clay

Ualreraity EzBsUMtoa
A Canvas Beaatifal
Dlaaemtatlim of Ualvenlty News to Kentucky
Btriet Okaenraaee ef Laws and
Repeal ef New Attendance Rale
Better SchelanhlB

With this issue of The Kernel, the platform
f the student paper reappears after an absence
of several months from the editorial page. At
the time It was dropped from the columns of
this paper, it had become so well known and
so synonymous with the editorial policy of The
Kernel that the editors felt it no longer necessary to print it. At this time, however, it has
necessary to add to the policies contained
In the platform, so it reappears in this issue.
Observing students and members of the faculty will note that a new plank has been added
to the platform. That new plank, hewed from
the virgin timber of students' rights as indicated by The Kernel slogan on the press maintaining the rights of those who are attending
the university, concerns the repeal of the new
attendance rule established a short time ago by
zealous officials at Kentucky.
Since that rule was announced, scores of students representing every one of the four classes
and those taking graduate work have visited
the editorial offices of The Kernel, asking that
the paper assist in pointing out to officials the
manifest injustice of the new ruling. Many letters for the student point of view column now
are on file awaiting publication. The tide of
sentiment against the new rule is rising swiftly
over student obeisance to those who admittedly
hold the hammer. In other columns of today's
paper, that sentiment is being expressed because
The Kernel is a student paper and so long as it
does not feel the iron hand of suppression, it is
going to continue to be a student paper.
It is both wise and convenient at this time to

point out that there is no conflict between the
various planks of the platform, as might
should be
at first blush. Laws and
observed, but the particular stress in The Kernel is directed against violation of the prohibition laws by members of the student body. It
may be said that better scholarship and repeal
of the attendance rule do not agree, but it is
well to remember that education cannot be
measured by any mathematical standard such
at Kentucky who will not give a passing grade
as the number of times a particular student attends a particular class. There are professors
If a student is credited with four absences over
months. Profesa period of four and one-ha- lf
sors of similar mental vigor oftentimes cause
one-thiof a final' grade to be determined by
the number of absences. Others will not accept
an excuse under any condition of servitude, preferring to prove to the world that higher education Is really an autocracy. It is with a feeling
of compassion for Alma Mater that they in fact
cannot be designated as few. Their reaction to
the new rule of attendance has been that of
Joy, because under it they And their medium
that of dyeing the last inch of tape a crimson
So it is that The Kernel voices the opinion of
students in this matter of repeal of the attendance rule. It is altogether fitting and proper
that it do so, for it is a paper that has won
national recognition as an exponent of the free
press under the protection of which students
gather in pursuit of academic life, liberty, and

By the Editor: Just as we were wondering
what to do about this business of no student let
ters for The Kernel point of view column, along
comes the university senate, or whoever did it,
with a new set of atte