xt7bvq2s530c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bvq2s530c/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1930-03-mar14-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1930-03-mar14-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1930-03-mar14-ec. 1930 1930-03-mar14-ec. 2011 true xt7bvq2s530c section xt7bvq2s530c 

     Iminutes of the regular monthly meeting of the Executive
Cooamittee of the Board of Trustees for Friday, March 14,1930.

     The ,xecutive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the
University of -Centuc12:y met in regular monthly session on
Friday, March 14. 1930.  The following members were preisent:
Judge Fichard C. Stoll, Mr. Robert Gordon.   Meeting ivith the
Committee wez-e Frank L. McVey, President of the University,
and Wellington Patric':, Secretary to t'he Board of Trustees.

     1. Retort of the Business Aent.    The report of t'he
Business Agent was read and ordered incorporated in the
minutes. The report was as follows:

                                           EXHRIBIT N"lt

              Statement of Income and Expenditures
                      Month of February, 1930

                         previously Current
                         Reported   Month
General Fund Income
   Federal Appropriation 42,750.00
   Ed. Bldg.- State Appr. 75,000.00
   Ed.Bldg.-Gen.Ed.Bd.   148,347.30
   Special Agri.Appr.     20,908.73    3,030.75
   State Tax             502,075.39 300,079.60
   Interest on Lib.Bonds     850.00
   Int.on Endowment 11     4,322.25

   Student Fees           74,513.55
   Student Fees -Sum.Sch. 36,643.10
   Student Fees-U.H.S.     4,067.00
   Student Fees-Univ.Ext. 15,588.39
   Mis.Receipts           12,299.12
   Rentals                 1,665.00
   Men's Dormitories      10,650.51
   Dairy Bldg.-State An-i.25,996.43
   Sum.School-State Appr. 10,000.00
   Vocational Ed.Board    _,021.12
              Total      99L698 .19
   Instruction           503,276.40
   Adm.Exp.& Maintenance 210,833.11
   Add.& Betterments     380,444.23
              Total    1.094, 553.74
   Excess of Income
     over Expenditures   102,855.55


 11, 218.79


27, 984.40

Fiscal Year
To Date

  42, 750.00
  75, 000.00
  148, 347.60
  802, 154.99
 132, 001.94
 36, 643.10
   17, 153.85
   13, 316.17
   17, 255.01
   6 021.12
1 373,050.23

1, 220,692.35

255. 21.4     1_.37 AR _ ___

. ---- - -

*Z== ==-- -

255. 213.43

152. 357. AR


Patterson Eall Income
  Miis. 2eceints
  Room Rent-Summer School
  Add.& Betterments
  Excess of Income over
General Fund Income
General Fund Expend.
  Excess of Gen.Fund
     Income over Exoend.
  Excess of Exp.over Rec.
     for Gen.Led.Acct.
  1928-1929 Accts.Payable
     liq.during Cur.Yr.
  Excess of recvover Exp.
     for the fiscal yr.to
     date-General Fund
  Excess of Rec.over Exp.
     for the fiscal yr.to
     date-General Fund
  Cash in Ben';,July 1,192
     General Fund
  Cash in Bank Feb.28,195
     General Fund
Trust Fund Income
  Student Loan Fund
  Student Notes Paid
       Total Recei ot ts

  Student Notes

  Excess of Expenditures
    over Receints
  Excess of Expenditures
    over ?ec. for the fif
    year to date-Trus"t Fi
  Cash in Bankl,July l,l9^
    Trust Fund
  Cash inr Banlc, eb.28, 19:
    Trust Fund

Previously Current
Retorted   Mont h

  38,843.14  14,640.70
      438.50      35.45
   4,421.00 _
   43,702.64  14,676.15

   33,943.58   7,578.91
   35,956.71   7,578.91

   7,745.93   7,097.24
1,035,400.83 396,028.19
1.130.510.45 133.717.52

Fiscal Year
To Date

  53, 483.84
   58, 378.79

   41, 522.49
   2, 013.13_
   43 535.62

   14, 843.17
1,264, 227.97

   95,109.62 262,310.67     167,201.05

   57,904.38  58,355.67       451.29

   45,406.78    __   _ __45,406.78

   82,612.02 203,955.00     121,342.98


    1,466.54      64.86     1,531.40
    _ 236.53    331.50     4,568.03
    5,703.07     396L36     6099 .43

      299.50      40.00        339.50
    4,84t5.25  1,095,00      5,940.25
    5,144.75   1,135.00      6L279.75







=___,__==__ _=======_




Previously Current
Ren or t ed  Year

Fiscal Year
To Date

Experiment Station Income
  Hatch-Federal Anpr.       11,250.00
  Milk & 3utter-Cash.Rec.    8,936.25
  Beef Cattle Sales          4,365.29
  Dairy Cattle Sales           884.83
  S'heen Sales               1,059.10
  Swine Sales                1,448.17
  Poultry Sales              1,703.85
  Farm Produce Sales         2,986.40
  Horticultural Sales        2,392.45
  Seed Test                     38.00
  Rentals                    3,221.72
  Mis.?.eceipts              1,980.21
  Fertilizer - Fees         12,005.00
  Public Service-State Appr.10,999.98
  public Service-Mis.           15.00
  Feeding Stuffs-Fees       34,232.40
  Adams-Federal Appro.      11,250.00
  Serum-Sales                1,900.16
  Serum-Virus Sales            109.08
  Serum-Supply Sales           120.08
  Serum-Mis.Receipts            19.97
  State A9propriation       27,326,40
  Creamery-License Fees      5,659.50
  Creamery-Testers Licenses  1,832.00
  Creamery-Glassware Tested    456.53
  Robinson-State Appro.      6,103.90
  W.Ky.-State Aiopro.        6,263.01
  Purnell-Fed.A-?-,rro.     45, 000.OQ
  State Appro.-Pat.FVarm Pur.20,000.00
  Nur se ry In snect i on- St . Appr.1, 400. 85
  Nursery Inspection-Fees    1,425.00
  Cream Grading              2,275.00
  Abortion Test              1,413.75
  Co-op.Poultry              1,705.00
  W. Ky. Sub- Sta. Mi s .Re c .
  Apiary Inspection-St.Appro.   25.10
          Total            231,813.98
Experiment Station
  Expense                  218,173.16
  Add.& Betterments         11,175.82
          qc'tal           2293,138.98
  Excess oi Expenditures
        over Income        _   465 00
  Excess of Exp.over Income
  for the Fis.Yr.to Date- Exp.Ste.tion
  Cash in Bk.July 1,1929-Exp.Stotion
  Cash in Bank Feb.28,1930-Exp.Station

1, 022. 82

   65. 99
   143. 00

   319 * 04
1, 078.24
6, 857.50
1, 833.33

5 519.57

4, 723.31
1, 145.35

  *75. 00


26, 321.14

29, 874,41

9 959.07
4, 365.29
 1, 212.10
 1, 44 8.17
 2, 022. 89
 3 168.64
 2, 397.45
    43. 00
 3, 392.39
 3, 058.45
 18, 862.50
 12, 833.31
11, 250.00
2, 270.86
32, 049.71
5, 715.00
1, 894.00
 8, 344. 86
 45, 000.00
 20, 000.00
 1, 542.52
 1, 500.00
 2, 450.00
 1, 600.00

248, 047.57

1_164.90    12,340.72
31,039.31   260,388.29

4,718.17.    2,253.17

              30317 . 60.
              28,064. 43



Extension Division Income
  Federal Smith-Lever
  Federal Supplementary
  Federal Capper-Ketcham
  State Smith-Lever
  County and Other

previously Current     Fiscal Year
neported _month        To Date

76,120.c5  76,120.65   152,241.30
27,321.28  27,321.28    54,642.56
18,645.97  18,645.98    37,291.95
60,1413.99  11,684.92   71,328.91
  2,699.35     128.57     2,827.92
184,931.24 133,901.40   318,832.64

237, 035.15

  81, 797.49

__78   13.86

7_!8, 713. 86


4, 575.21

83, 289.07

  Expense                  205,808.19  31,226.96
  Excess of income over
       Expenditures        20,876.95 102,674.44
  1928-1929 Federal Smith-
       Lever balance trains.
       from Surplus to IncomeAccount   3,083.63
  Excess of gec.over Exp.
       for the fiscal yr.to
       date-Exten.Division  20,876.95  99,590.81

Excess of Rec.over Exo.for
     the fiscal year to
     date-Ext .Division
Cash in B1.July 1,1929-
     3:.tension Divis.on
Cash in Banlc reb.28,1930-
     Extension Division

.eneral Fund income

1,035,400.83 396,028.19 1,431,429.02

Trust; Fund Income         1,466,54      64.86
Exp.Station Income       231,813.98 26,321.14
Extension Div.Income   _184931.24 133,901.40
          Total        1,453,512.59 556,315.59
General Fund Expoendi., 1,130,510.45 133,717.52
Trust Fund Expend.           299.50      40.00
Exp.Station Expend.      229,348.98 31,039.31
Ext.Division Expend.     205.808.19  31,226.96
          Total        1L565,967.12 196 ,23.79
Excess of' Income over
    Expenditures         112,354.53 360,291.80
Excess of Exp.over nec.
    for Gen.Led.Accts.    57,904.38 61,439.30
Student Loan Fund-Notes      608.72     763.50
1928-1929 Accts.payable liq.
   during Current Year    45L406.78
Excess o2' Rec.over Expend.

 258, 135.12




for fiscal ;rr.to dat
Combinad Fund

_1002Li65.65 298,039.00 _197 623.
  =_  _ = _ =_-= _ _ _ == _ . __=_= = =_

Excess of Receipts over
   Exp.for fis.yr.to date-
   Combiined Fund                                 197,623.35
Cash in 31B and on h:nd July 1,1929-Comb.Tund    liO,580.42
Cash in Bank and on hand reb.28,1930-Comb.Fund   30,3,203.77

_ -== =__ __I==e=



          Abstract of item shown on Statement
          of Income and Expenditures as "Excess
          of' xDenditures over Receipts for
          General Ledger Accounts $3,534.92."i

                                     Debit       Credit

Accounts Receivable                          $ 24,033.79

Insurance Paid in Advance       $ 2,431.76

Sundry Accounts                  22,053.32

Surplus                           3,083.63

                                  27,571.71     24,035.79


     . Insurance Matters.  President McVey brought to the
attention of the Committee the necessity for, additional
insurance on the Law Library, and on the general Library,
and additional insurance on the new Education Building and
the Dairy Building.  A motion was made, seconded, and carried
authorizing the President to have additional insurance
carried on the libraries and the buildings in such amount as
hle considers proper.

     3. Sale of Smith Hall. President McVey reported to the
Committee that the University had a bid to sell Smith Hall.
The matter was discussed, but no action was taken.

     4. LpEislative Matters. President McVey presented to
t~he Committee a discussion of' several bills pending in the
Legislature, a passage of which will affect the Unive-sity.
He called the attention of the Committee to these bills,and
they were discussed at some length.

     5. Budget. President McVey reported to the Committee
that tthe University Budget occasioned great difficulty this
year due to uncertainties of income. He hoped to have it
ready for the Aoril meeting of the Board.

     6.  Right-of-wa  of Southern Bell Telephone Command.
The Southezn Bell Telephone Comnany presented to the Univer-
sity an application for a right-of-way across University
property at the Robinson Sub-Experiment Station at quicksand.
The matter was discussed and a motion made, seconded,and
carried that authority be given for the right-of-way, and
that a suitable contract covering the matter be prepared,



     7. Storm Sewver Around Educ-ation Bui Zing.  president
McVey reported to the Committee that the construction of
thne new Education Building had block-ed the city storm sewer
to the streets surrounding the building,and that the city
had requested thle University to make provision for taking
care of the excess water around the building.   Estimated
for the construction of the sewer were submitted showing
tha cost would be in the neighborhood of $6,000.   A motion
was made, seconded, and carried that the building of a storm
sewer be authorized and arrangements made with the City for
one-half payment by the City.

     8. 17atchman at Teacher-TraininL Building. A communication
wEz_ read from Mr.  . Y. iiardymon indicating that, by reason
of the fact the construct-.on on the building had been stop-ped
pending the installation of a heating plant by the U-niversity,
se should be relieved of k eeping a watchman oil the building.
The matter was discussed at some length and a rmotion was made,
seconded, and ctrried that Mr. Hardymon should continue to
retain a watchman at the building, but that the University
would reimburse 'him for the cost until such a time as 1-e is
ready to continue constructi-n.

     9.  Memorial Buildin. President McVey in reporting the
-progress made in settling the matter with the J. T. Jackson
Lumber Company for the construction of the Memorial Buj.lding,
indicated that the difficulty had been about cleared up, and
that a. settlement was in prospect.

    10. Purchase of Land at Princeton Sub-Exrieriment Station.
In October, 1928, the Board authorized the purchase of
approximately fifty acres of land adjoining the sub-ex-periment
station at Princeton with the understanding that the land
should be paid for from the income of the station.   A com-
munication was read from Dean Cooper indicating that thle
purchase had been completed and thie land onid for in ac-
cordance with the instructions of the Board.

     11.  Dean Anderson Is Report on Over-Draft . A communication
was read from Dean Paul Anderson regarding the matter of
over-draft of the budget for the college of Engineering.
The matter was discussed and a suitable explanation made
by the president.

     12.  Purchase of VanMeter Farm.   President Mc'7ey reported
to the Committee that under previous authorization of t'he Bowd,
the University had exercised its option to purchaase the Van
M.eter Farm on Tatels Creek Pike with the exception of 23 acres
fronting the nike.   A motion waks made, seconded, and carried
authmorizing the modification of the original lease so as to
provide for the -ourchase of the farm with the exoeption of 23
acres, aend continuing the lease on that part of the farm, but
with the provision that the option on those 23 acres imay be
terminated or. December 1 of any year,



     13. Non-resident Students. p;esident McVey reported to
the Committee that under the regulations of the Board non-
resident students are required to pay $10 more than students
of the State.  He indicated that a good deal of trouble has
arisen with the administering of the regulation, and asked the
members of the Committee for advice. The matter was discussed
and several suggestions were made to the President for the
administration of the regulation.

     14. layment for Telescooe. A communication was read from
J. F. pecker, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, presenting a bill for
$1,399.50 for repair to the telescope previously authorized
by the Boerd.  A motion was made, seconded, and carried
authorizing the payment of the bill.

     15. Traffic 'ReEut ions.  On -ecommendation of president
McVey a motion was made, seconded,and carried providing that
the drive at the backs of W:hite Hall and the drive in front
of Neville Hall should be reserved for oarxking cars of faculty
members and members of the staff.

     16. Accidents.  president McVey reported to the Committee
that the AEtna Life Insurance Company had requested thie
University of Kentucky to cooperate in the questinn of pre-
venting accidents by installing guards to machinery and other
suitable devices. The matt er was discussed and a motion was
made, seconded, and carried instructing the Superintendent
of Buildings and Grounds and the Dean of the College of Engi-
neering under the direction of the President to cooperate with
the company in wehatever way seems feasible.

     17. Construction Work at Residence Halls for Women.
President McVey reported to the Committee that the matter of
fitting up the top floors of Patterson Hall and Boyd Hall for
the use of women was being discussed on the University campus,
and presented the matter to the Committee for consideration.
The matter was discussed, but no action was taLen.

     18.  GrouP Insurance.   president McVey reported to the
Committee theat some eighty members of the University faculty
had taken out group insurance with the Inter-Southern Life
Insurance Cornoany, and that a period of one year had elapsed
in the matter, and suggested that the members of the faculty
continue this insurance.

     19.  Appointments, Changes in Statas, Leaves of Absence,
and Resianations.  Upon recommendation of President McVey
the following list of aopointments, changes in status, leaves
of absence and residnations was a-oroved.



     Appointment of Mr . Julius A. Rominger for work on the
grounds of the University of Kentuclhy at a salary of $135 a
month effective February 18, 1930.

     Temporary appointment of Mr. Leslie Wright as assistant
in farm management at a salary of $125 a month effective
February 24, 1930 and continuing until June 30, 1930.

     Continuation of employment of Mr. J. S. Loyd, county
agent, Mju'ilenberg County, effective March 1, 1930 to February
28, 1931 at a salary of $150 a month.

     Continuation of employment of Mr. R. S.Dunn, county agent
of Spencer County, eL-ective February 1 to December 31, 1930
at a salary of $158-1/3 a month.

     Continuation oi em'loyment of Mr. H. W. Whittenburg,
county agent of Simpson County, effective March 1 to December
31, 1930 at a sala:y of $216-2/3 a month.

     Continuation of ameloyment of 1Mz. H. C. Brown, county
agent of Fulton County, effective January 1 to Decenber 31,
1930 at 2. salary of $166-2/3 a month.

     Continuation of employment of Mr. R. H. King, county
agent af Carter County, effective March 22, 1930 to March
21, 1931 rt a. salary of $191-2/3 a month.

     Continuation of employment of Mr. J. E. Summers, county
.gent of Marion County, effective February 7, 1930 to February
6, 1931 at a salary of $2i6-2/3 a month.

     Continuation of employment of Mr. GrE.y H. Willia--is,
county agent for Letcl-er County, eff ective February 7, 1930
to February 3, 1931 at a. selary of $133-1/3 a month.

     Appointment of Miss Irene M. Piedalue, Home Demonstr-ation
Agent, Clark County effective March 1, 1930 to February 28,
1931 at a salary of $166-2/3 a month.

     Dr. W. D. Vclleau to be transferred from the Dfen.rt-rient
of Agronomy to full time position in plant pathology,
effective A-pril 1, 1930.

     Lea.ve of absence for Miss Marie Barkley, instructor in
E.ome Econonics, for five months on one-half pay was grranted.

     The temporary appointment of Mr. Estel J. Cline, toboncco
grnder, stationed az Paris, Kentuc1.:Y, will be terminated with
the close of business February 28, 1930.



    Resignation of Mr. R. V. Plue, instructor in agricultural
education, was accepted.

     The resignation of Mr. 0. . B3urrage, forester at the
Robinson Sub-station, eflective Anril 10, 1930, was acce-ted.

                            PRespectfully submitted

                               Wellington patrick, Sec etary,
                                     Board of Trustees