xt7bvq2s5293 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bvq2s5293/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1959-07-jul10. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1959-07-jul10. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1959-07-jul10. 1959 1959-07-jul10. 2011 true xt7bvq2s5293 section xt7bvq2s5293 

       Minutes of Called Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University
of Kentucky, July 10, 1959.

       The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in Called Session
in the President' s Office at 9:20 a. m. , CST, with the following members present:
R. P. Hobson, Vice Chairman; Mrs. Paul G. Blazer, Floyd H. Wright, Dr.
William C. Wilson, J. Stephen Watkins, Ben Butler, Harper Gatton, Clifford E.
Smith and Wood Hannah, Sr. Absent: Governor A. B. Chandler, Dr. Ralph
J. Angelucci, Robert H. Hillenmeyer, Robert R. Martin, Dr. Paul B. Hall
and W. F. Foster. President Frank G. Dickey and Secretary Frank D. Peter-
son were also present.

       A. Call Read.

       Governor Albert B. Chandler, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, sent
to each member of the Board, under date of June 26, 1959, the following:

       As Chairman of the Board of Trustees, I am calling a special meeting
       for July 10, ten ot clock CDT (nine o'clock CST) in the Office of the
       President of the University of Kentucky, Lexington, for the following

       (1) To consider the recent decision of the Court of Appeals
           relating to salaries of State employees and its effect
           on the University of Kentucky, and to authorize such
           action as seems appropriate.

       (2) Any other business of the University which may proper-
           ly be brought to the attention of the Board.

       B. Approval of Minutes.

       Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the minutes of the Board
of Trustees of June 16, 1959, were approved as published.

       C. Easement to Delta Ta-uDelta House Corporation.

       Mr. Peterson submitted Easement permitting Delta Tau Delta fraternity
to cross property to hook on to the City sewer which is off the Nicholasville
Pike just inside of University property. The Easement provides for indemnify-
ing the University against any loss and provides for the other usual conditions
contained in an Easement of this type.



       Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Easement was ap-
proved and authorized executed.

       D. Disposal of Surplus PropertyX

       Mr. Petprsan requested permission to dispose of a Denver Equipment
Company roll crusher which is surplus to the needs of the Department of Min-
ing and Metallurgical Engineering. Upon motion duly made, seconded and
carried, the Vice President, Business Administration, was directed to dispose
of the surplus property at the most favorable price available.

       E. Repoort of  es.

       Mr. Peerson reported an injury to Robert Bryant, an employee of
the Division of Maintenance and Operations.  Mr. Bryant received an injury
to the first finger of his right hand, which was taken care of at the University
Health Service,

       Mr. Peterson also submitted report of an injury to Roy Turpin, a jan-
itor in the Woment s Residence Halls. About one-half inch of the ring finger
of the left hand was cut off by an elevator door. Mr. Turpin wa s taken care
of at the Good Samaritan Hospital.

       An injury to James E Hogue, an employee of the Division of Maintenance
and Operations was also reported.  Mr. Hogue pulled a muscle in his chest
while lifting a heavy object. The University Health Service took care of him.

       Invoices aggregating $12. 00 were submitted in connection with the
three cases reported. Mr. Peterson recommended that they be paid. Upon
motion duly made, seconded and carried, the invoices of $3. 00 and $4, 00 to
the University Health Service for x-ray treatments, and an invoice of $5. 00
for the use of the Emergency Room of the Good Samaritan Hospital were author-
ized paid, with the expressed understanding that the University does not admit
negligence or liability incident to any one of the accidents and that a precent
is not established by the paying of these claims.

       F. Cooperative Agreement for Investigation of Water Resources Approved.

       Mr. Pelerz~n submitted Cooperative Agreement for Investigation of
Water Resources between the Kentucky Geological Survey and the United States
Department of the Interior,  The Agreement involves the sum of $179, 000
to be provided from the following sources: Surface Water, $639700; Ground
Water, $63, 000; Quality of Water, $25, 300; Water Resources and Geologic
Investigations of Eastern Kentucky, $25, 000. All of this money, except
$700. 00 which is a gift, was appropriated from State sources,  Mr. Peterson
recommended that the contract be approved,

       Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Agreement was ap-
proved and authorized executed,



       G. Lease of 104 West Chestnut Street, Louisville, Ky.

       Mr. Peterson reported an offer of the University of Louisville to lease
the building at 104 West Chestnut Street, Louisville, formerly used for the
College of Pharmacy, for an annual rental of $9, 120. 00 a year, which is to
include $2, 520. 00 as salary for the caretaker- janitor on the University pay-
roll. It was explained that the University Extended Programs has waived
its use of the facilities and that four parking spaces were being reserved on
the lot for another tenant. The Agreement was approved by the College of
Law staff and recommended, subject to acceptance by the Board of Trustees
of the University of Louisville.

       Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Vice President,
Business Administration, was authorized to consummate the lease of the proper-
ty at 104 West Chestnut Street, Louisville, Ky., to the University of Louisville
in the event they desire to go through with the lease.

       H. Dr. W, R. Willard to Do Off-Campus Work.

       President Dickey submitted request from Dr. William R. Willard, Vice
President, Medical Center, to serve as a consultant for a rehabilitation survey
in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, by the Health and Welfare Federation of Allegheny
County. Doctor Willard will receive a stipend of $100. 00 per day plus expenses.
Doctor Willard and President Dickey concurred in feeling that participation
in this survey would give useful knowledge and experience which would be helpful
in developing a rehabilitation program at the University and that the Medical
Center would derive other benefits from Doctor Willard, s participation.  Pres-
ident Dickey recommended that the request be granted.

       Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, Doctor Willard was
authorized to serve as a consultant on the above-referenced project.

       I. Southern Regional Fellows Approved.

       President Dickey reported that the University had been participating
for several years in the Southern Regional Fellows program.  He recommended
that free-fee fellowships be granted to five Fellows for the second semester
of 1959-60. He also recommended approval for five other Fellows doing
work in Tennessee and Florida who will have completed residence requirements
for graduates degrees, and one nmay write a thesis at the University of Kentucky.

       Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Board concurred
in the recommendation of President Donovan, and also authorized free-fee
scholarships as recommended.



       J. Transfer of Funds.

       President P-ky recommended that the sum of $100,000 be transferred
to the Plant Fund of the University for purchase of Reynolds property, $35, 000
of which was appropriated during the preceding year and the balanceappropriated
in the current budget.

       Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendation
of President Dickey was concurred in and the necessary budget adjustment

       K. Gifts.

                          From: Putnam Agency, Ashland, Ky. --$4, 005. 63.

       President Dickey reported that the Kentucky Research Foundation was
in receipt of check of the Putnam Agency in the amount of $4, 005. 63, which
they wish deposited to the account of the Ashland Oil & Refining Company
Scholarship Fund. He recommended acceptance of the grant.

       Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the gift of the Putnam
Agency was ordered accepted, and the President was requested to write a
letter of appreciation for the same.

                          From: Kentucky Broadcasters Association, Bowling
                                    Green, Ky. --$300. 00.

       President Dickey reported that Kentucky Broadcasters Association,
Bowling Green, Ky., had presented to the Kentucky R esearch Foundation their
check for $300. 00, given in support of the Charles C. Warren Memorial
Scholarships for the 1959-60 school year.  He recommended that the check
be accepted.

       Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Executive Committee
concurred in the recommendation of the President and requested him to write
a letter of appreciation to officials of the Association.

                          From: American Cyanamid Company -- $2, 000. 00.

      President Dickey presented check for $2, 000. 00 from the American
Cyanamid Company which the Company wishes used in support of research being
conducted in the Dairy Section of the Agricultural Experiment Station on the
evaluation of various methods of bloat control in dairy cattle, He recommended
that the gift be accepted.



       Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the gift of $2, 000. 00
was ordered accepted, and the President was requested to thank officials of
the American Cyanamid Company.

                          From: The Union Light, Heat and Power Company,
                                    Covington, --y. -$500, 00.

       The President presented check for $500. 00 from The Union Light,
Heat and Power Company, made to the Kentucky Research Foundation in sup-
port of the scholarship program of the University.  He recommended that
the gift be accepted.

       Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Committee concurred
in the recommendation of the President and requested him to thank the donors.

                          From: Kentucky Association of Highway Contractors
                                    -_ $500. 00,

       The President reported that he was in receipt of check for $500. 00
from the Kentucky Association of Highway Contractors, made to the Kentucky
Research Foundation in support of a highway scholarship for the school year
1959-60. He recommended that the check be accepted.

       Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the gift of the Kentucky
Association of Highway Contractors was ordered accepted, and the President
was requested to write a letter of appreciation to officials of the Association.

                          From: Westinghouse Educational Foundationa-l
                                   $3, 000. 00

      President Dickey presented check for $3, 000. 00, provided by the
Westinghouse Educational Foundation for the purchase of equipment for the
University, s Electrical Engineering laboratories. He stated that this sum
of money will enable the College of Engineering to purchase some long-needed
equipment, and recommended that it be accepted.

       Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the gift of $3, 000. 00
was authorized accepted and the President was requested to write a letter of
appreciation to officials of the Foundation.

                          From: Hess & Clark, Ashland, Ohio--$4,500. 00.

      President Dickey reported receipt of check for $4, 500. 00 from Hess
& Clark, for use as a, grant-in-aid in support of the Experiment Stationt s
research work in feed additives in swine production. He recommended that.
the check be accepted.



       Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Board concurred
in the recommendation of the President and requested him to write a letter to
Hess & Clark, conveying the appreciation of the Board of Trustees.

                          From: Members of Local Jewish Community--
                                    $450. 00.

       President Dickey reported that a grant of $450. 00 had been made
to the University by members of the local Jewish community to help pay travel-
ing expenses to the Middle East of Dr. Leon Zolondek, instructor in Semitic
languages and literatures in the Department of Ancient Languages and Literatures.
He recommended that the grant be accepted.

       Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the grant was ordered
accepted, and the President was requested to thank the individual donors.

                          From: Cincinnati Milling Machine Company,
                                     - Cincinnati, Ohio--$2, 000. 00.

       President Dickey reported that the Cincinnati Milling Machine Company
had given to the University their cheek for $2, 000. 00 to cover four $500. 00
Engineering scholarships provided by that Company. He recommended that
the check be accepted.

       Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the gift of $2, 000. 00
from the Cincinnati Milling Machine Company was authorized accepted, and
the President was requested to write to the Company a letter of appreciation.

                          From: Hazelet & Erdal Consulting Engineers,
                                    Louisville, Ky. --$500. 00.

       President Dickey presented check for $500. 00, made payable to The
Kentucky Research Foundation by Hazelet & Erdal Consulting Engineers and
stated that this is to be used in support of scholarships in the College of
Engineering. He recommended that the check be accepted.

       Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the gift of $500. 00 was
ordered accepted, and the President was requested to write a letter of appre-
ciation to officials of the organization.

                          From: Kentucky Utilities Company, Lexington, Ky.
                                    --$700. 00.

      President Dickey stated that the University was in receipt of check
for $700. 00 from the Kentucky Utilities Company, given to augment the amount
of money available for investigation of water resources. He stated further



that this grant would be used primarily toward the cost of operating gauging
stations on Dix River near Danville and at Dix Dam, and recommended that
it be accepted.

       Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Board concurred
in the recommendation of the President and requested him to thank the
d onors.

                          From: Mrs. Pansy Grant, Beaumont, Texas--
                                    Brussels Renaissance Tapestry.

       The President reported that Mrs. Pansy Grant, former owner of
Spindletop, had presented to the University a beautiful Brussels Renaissance
Tapestry and stated that this valuable art treasure will be a real addition
to the University' s collection of such items. He recommended that the
gift be accepted.

       Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, Mrs. Grant, s most
valuable gift was authorized accepted, and the President was requested
to express to her the appreciation of the Board and the University.

      L. Appointments and Other Staff Changes.

      President Dickjey submitted staff appointments, reappointments,
salary adjustments, leaves of absence, resignations, promotions and
other staff changes requested by deans and heads of departments.





           Viron Leonard Barnhill, Instructor, Department of English, effective
September 1, 1.959.

           Mildred Burress, Secretary, Department of Zoology, effective July
1, 1959.

           Arch Sanders Lacefield, Instructor, Department of Modern Foreign
Languages, effective September 1, 1959.

           Linda Lewis Wheeler, Secretary, Department of Ancient Languages,
for the period from June 15, 1959 through July 31, 1959.

           Barbara B. Worthington, Assistant Secretary, Office of the Dean,
effective June 15, 1959.

           Louise F. Boswell, Stenographer, Department of Sociology,
for the period from July 1, 1959 through August 15, 1959.

           Robert Payne Moore, Instructor, Modern Foreign Languages De-
partment, effective September 1, 1959.

           Joan S. Marsh, Secretary and Multilith Operator, Department of
Mathematics, effective July 1, 1959.

           Charles C. Huddleston, Part-time Assistant Engineer, Radio Arts
Department, effective July 1, 1959,


           John B. Fuqua, Secretary to PMST, Military Science Department,
effective July 1, 1959.

           Joseph Mainous, Part-time Instructor, Departm.ent of English,
effective September 1, 1959.

Re signations

           Phyllis Crawford, Part-time Stenographer, Department of Physical
Education, effective July 1, 1959.

           J. G. Horne, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics,
effective July 1, 1959.

          Jack L. Nelson, Instructor, English Department, effective September
1, 1959.



           Barbara Thompson Sisto, Secretary, Department of Botany, ef-
fective July 15, 1959.

           Kurt W. E. Starke, Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry,
effective September 1, 1959.

           Gerhard Weinberg, Assistant Professor, Department of History,
effective July 1, 1959.

           William R. Schmalstieg, Assistant Professor, Modern Foreign
Languages Department, effective September 1, 1959.

           Patricia Sullivan, Secretary, Mathematics Department, effective
July 1, 1959.

           Marlene G. Long Dick, Secretary, Speech Clinic, effective Sep-
tember 1, 1959.

Leaves of Absence

           Ruth McQuown, Research Associate and Part-time Instructor,
Department of Political Science, granted additional leave of absence for the
period from September 1, 1959 through June 30, 1960.

           Dale M. Smith, Associate Professor, Department of Botany, leave
of absence for July and August, effective July 1, 1959. Will do research
with Kentucky Research Foundation during this period.

           Walter T. Smith, Professor, Department of Chemistry, on sab-
batical leave for the period July 1, 1959 through August 31, 1959.

           Earl Kauffman, Jr. , Professor, Physical Education Department,
leave of absence extended from September 1 to October 1, 1959.



           Mary Ann Guy, Clerk-Stenographer, Feed and Fertilizer Division,
effective July 1, 1959.

          Betty Lou Jeffries, Clerk-Stenographer, effective July 1, 1959.

          Wilma Rae Ellis, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent in Training,
Bourbon County, Paris, effective July 1, 1959.


Doris J. Keene, Clerk, Leslie County, Hyden, effective June 15,



            Jo Ann K. Pierce, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent in Train-
ing, Logan County, Russellville, effective August 17, 1959.

           Margaret Ann Hatfield, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent in
Training, Lawrence County, Louisa, effective July 1, 1959.

            Wilma Faye Durbin, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent in
Training, Campbell County, Alexandria, effective June 10, 1959.

           Ellen H. Rives, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent in Training,
Hickman County, Clinton, effective July 1, 1959.

           James Inman, Waterfront Instructor, 4-H Camp, for the period
from June 8, 1959 through August 21, 1959.

           Pauline Davis, Clerk, Todd County, Elkton, effective June 1, 1959.

           Ann Marie Kilkenny, Stenographer, Experiment Station, effective
June 8, 1959.

           Martha H. Proctor, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent in
Training, Nelson County, Bardstown, effective June 15, 1959.

           'Nona T. Akridge, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent in Training,
Graves County, Mayfield, effective July 1, 1959.

           Glenda Kay Hancock, County Clerk, Benton, Marshall County,
effective June 25, 1959.

           Jan W. Abernathie, Assistant Professor, Horticulture Department,
effective August 1, 1959.

Leaves of Absence

           Katherine Russell, Home Demonstration Agent, Carroll County,
Carrollton, returning from sabbatical leave, effective June 15, 1959.

           Mary M. Brizendine, Home Demonstration Agent, McLean County,
Calhoun, returning from leave, effective June 22, 1959.

           Howard W. Beers, Distinguished Professor and Head of Depart-
ments of Sociology and Rural Sociology, resigning as Head of the two depart-
ments, and continued on leave as Distinguished Professor, effective July 1, 1959.

Changes in Status

           Martha T. Bush, Stenographer, Experiment Station, adjustment
in salary, effective June 1, 1959.

           Cecil E. Carter, Jr. , Acting County Agent, McCracken County,
Paducah, to Associate County Agent, McCracken County, Paducah, effective
June 1, 1959.



            Erna W. Bybee, District Leader of Home Agents, Fayette County,
Lexington, to Field Agent in 4-H Extension Programs, Fayette County, Lex-
ington, with adjustment in salary, effective July 1, 1959.

            Donna Joan Kelley, Stenographer, to Secretary, with adjustment
in salary, effective July 1, 1959.

            Jeanne F. Vonderheide, Secretary, Experiment Station, adjustment
in salary, effective July 1, 1959.

            Robert L. Neal, Aid in Agronomy, Experiment Station, adjustment
in salary, effective July 1, 1959.

            Leroy Wilson, Laborer, to Aid in Agronomy, adjustment in salary,
effective July 1, 1959.

           Mary A. Burnett, Stenographer, to Secretary, Experiment Stationwith
adjustment in salary, effective July 1, 1959.

           Maewood Y. Alsop, Clerk, Fayette County, Lexington, adjustment
in salary, effective July 1, 1959.

           Joyce T. Hewitt, Clerk, Carroll County, Carrollton, adjustment
in salary, effective July 1, 1959.

           Linda Gibson Lawrence, Clerk, Fayette County, Lexington,
adjustment in salary, effective July 1, 1959.



           Percy Chester Magoun, Laboratory Technician, Electrical Engineer-
ing, effective July 1, 1959.

           John Allen Deacon, Instructor, effective June 1, 1959.

           Oriole Stephens Maggard, Secretary, effective July 1, 1959.

Leave of Absence

           Samuel Preston Maggard, Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering,
leave of absence for the period July 1, 1959 through June 30, 1960.

Changes in Status

           Norma Irene Atkins, Clerk-Stenographer, adjustment in salary,
effective July 1, 1959.

           Mona Lea Keeling, Clerk-Stenographer, adjustment in salary,
effective July 1, 1959.





           Fred Edmronds, Research Associate, effective June 1, 1959.

           The following persons taught one class each during the second
semester: J. L. Gardner, C. C. Manker and E. L. Porter.

           The following persons served as off-campus supervising teachers
during the second semester: Bob Abney, June England.

Re signations

           Russell Renz, Research Associate, effective June 1, 1959.

           Clara H. McCracken, Instructor, effective June 1, 1959.

Changes in Status

           Joann R. Chenault, Assistant Director of Counseling, adjustment
in salary because of services to the College of Education.

           Leonard Ravitz, Assistant Professor, will serve as instructor in National
Defense Education Act Guidance and Counseling Institute, during months of
June and July, 1959, with adjustment in salary.



           Donald M. Soule, Assistant Professor, Bureau of Business Re-
search, effective July 1, 1959.

Reappointment s

          Dolores S. Cheek, Research Associate, Bureau of Business Research,
effective July 1, 1959.

           W. W. Wiles, Instructor, adjustment in salary, effective July 1,

          Nell P. Lewis, Research Associate (part-time), effective July
1, 1959 through October 31, 1959 (Bureau of Business Research).

          C. H. Quan, Research Associate, Bureau of Business Research,
effective July 1, 1959 through September 30, 1959.



Changes in Status

            Horace G. Salmon, Research Associate, Bureau of Business Re-
 search, adjustment in salary, effective July 1, 1959.

            Lloyd Keeton, Research Associate, Bureau of Business Research,
 adjustment in salary, effective July 1, 1959.

           Nina Gorski, Secretary, Bureau of Business Research, adjustment
 in salary, effective July 1, 1959.

           Betty Bennett, Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Business Research,
adjustment in salary, effective July 1, 1959.

           Eugene Holshouser, Research Associate, Bureau of Business Re-
 search, adjustment in salary, effective July 1, 1959.

           J. Elesio Da Rosa, Research Assistant, Bureau of Business Re-
 search, changing from part-time to full-time employment, with adjustment in
 salary, effective July 1, 1959.


 R e signation

           James W. Miles, Professor and Head of Department of Pharma-
ceutical Chemistry, effective July 1, 1959.

Changes in Status

           William Francis Rehberg, Assistant Professor, Department of
Pharmacy, to Associate Professor, effective September 1, 1959e

           Arthur C. Glasser, Associate Professor, to Professor and Head
of Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, effective September 1, 1959.

           Charles A. Walton, Professor and Head of Department of Materia
Medica, is on ten months basis but will work during period from July 1, 1959
through August 16, 1959, with adjustment in salary.



           Anne P. Arnett, Secretary, effective June 8, 1959.

           Mrs. May K. Duncan, Home Study Program, for period from April
4, 1959 through June 19, 1959.



       Deanna Rae Blackburn, Secretary, Northern Center, for the period
from July 1, 1959 through August 31, 1959.

       Marion Smith, Librarian, Northern Center, effective July 1, 1959.

       George Arlington Moore, Instructor in English, Northern Center, for
ten months, effective September 1, 1959.

       James William Broaddus, Instructor in English, Northern Center,
effective July 1, 1959.


       Walter Tevis, Jr. , Instructor in English, Northern Center, effective July
1, 1959.

       Jackson W. Heimer, Instructor in English, Northern Center, effective
September 1, 1959.

       Cecil Craig, Jr. , Instructor in Mathematics, Northern Center, effective
July ]., 1959.

       Clyde Lewis, effective date of resignation changed from July 1 to
September 1, 1959.

R eappointment s

       Robert Knauf,Instructor in Music, Northern Center, for the period from
June 8, 1959 through July 31, 1959.

       Grace Leonard, Part-time Secretary, effective July 1, 1959 through
June 30, 1960.

       Carolyn Combs, Secretary, for the period from July 1, 1959 through Au-
gust 31, 1959,

       Glenn E. Wills, Assistant, for the period from July 1, 1959 through
July 31, 1959,

Leave of Absence

       Marion F. Smith, Librarian, Northern Center, leave of absence for the
period from August 16, 1959 through September 6, 1959.

Changes in Status

       Chloe Gifford, Assistant, has been on leave and will work only part-time
during the 1959-60 year, effective July I., 1959.

       Frederick R. Smith, Instructor in Chemistry, Ashland Center, adjust-
ment in salary, effective July 1, 1959.

       Elizabeth A. Walthall, Instructor in Biological Sciences, Ashland Center,
adjustment in salary on ten months basis, effective September 1, 1959.



            George OQ Brien, Instructor in Chemistry, Ashland Center, ad-
justment on ten months basis, effective September 1, 1959.



            Phyllis Ann Payne, Library Assistant, effective June 8, 1959.

            Ethel Louise Welch, Secretary to the Dean, College of Nursing,
effective July 12, 1959 (transferring from the Department of Rural Sociology).

           Mildred Ann Threlkeld, Library Assistant, effective July 1, 1959.

           Harold D. Rosenbaum, Radiologist, Health Service, effective July
1, 1959.

           Kingsley M. Stevens, Assistant Professor of Medicine (appointment
for a three-year period), effective July 1, 1959.


           Irene Moss, Library Assistant, effective June 16, 1959.

Change in Status

           George W. Schwert, Professor of Biochemistry and Chairman of
Department of Biochemistry, adjustment in salary, effective July 1, 1959.

Leave of Absence

           Bettye Jane Smith, Assistant Professor of Nursing, leave of absence
from July 1 through August 24, 1959.


Appointment s

           The following students will receive Haggin Scholarships for the
academic year 1959-60; Mildred Louise Cutshaw (in place of Bernard D. Malman);
Margaret Allen Thornton and Victor A. Both.





           Jane Thompson Stewart, Half-time Clerk-Typist, University and
Educational Archives, effective July 1, 1959.



           Edith Ann Cones, Medical School Admissions Officer, Dean of Ad-
missions Office, effective July 1, 1959.

           Diana Gray Haggard., Secretary, Dean of Admissions Office, effective
June 12, 1959 through September 15, 1959.

           Joan Weissinger, Stenographer, Office of the Vice President, ef-
fective July 1, 1959.

           Carole Jean Craig, Clerk, Dean of Admissions, effective July
1, 1959.


           James Donald Gay, Assistant for Veterans Affairs, University
Counseling Office, on half-time basis, for the period from July 1 1959 through
May 31, 1960.

           William 0. Gay, Counselor, University Counseling Office, on half-
tirme basis, for the period from July 1, 1959 through May 31, 1960.

Changes in Status

           Frances Lowry, Assistant, Acquisitions, University Library,
adjustment in salary, effective July 1, 1959.

           Nancy Chambers, Cataloger, University Library, on half-time
basis fo r the period July 1, 1959 through August 31, 1959, with adjustment in salary.

           Mary Alice Kraehe, Assistant Acquisitions, changing from ten to
twelve months appointment, effective July 1, 1959.

           James H. Richardson, Assistant Circulation, adjustment in salary,
for the period from July 1, 1959 through August 30, 1959.

           Inamarie Kirk, Key Punch Operator, Machine Statistics, adjustment
in salary, effective July 1, 1959.




            Mildred L. Puckett, Clerk, Dean of Admissions, effective July 1,

            Mary Grace Spilman, Stenographer, Dean of Admissions, effective
 August 1, 1959.



            Ethel Evon Thompson, Senior Account Clerk, effective June 15, 1959
 through August 31, 1959.

            Anita Sue Harney, Stenographer, Vice President, Business Admin-
 istrationt s Office, for the period from June 8, 1959 through August 31, 1959.

           J. A. Hawkins, Assistant Director of Purchases, Purchasing Divi-
 sion, effective June 16, 1959.

           Joan B. Sexton, Clerk-Typist, Purchasing Division, effective
July 1, 1959.

           William Milton Greer, Jr. , Accountant, Accounting Division,
effective July 1, 1959.


           Jeanetta Cook, Clerk-Stenographer, Purchasing, effective June 17,

           Joan Loy, Clerk-Typist, Purchasing, effective August 4, 1959.

           W. C. Johnson, Senior Account Clerk, Accounting Division, ef-
fective August 1, 1959.

Leaves of Absence

           Mary Elizabeth Riley, Assistant Dietitian, Donovan Hall Cafeteria,
leave of absence, effective July and August, 1959.

           Jesse Cathey, Assistant Dietitian, Donovan Hall Cafeteria, leave
of absence for the period from July 1, 1959 through August 31, 1959.

           Margaret Mcintyre, Dietitian, Student Union Commons, leave for
the month of August, 1969.


