xt7bvq2s512f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bvq2s512f/data/mets.xml Thompson, John, 1874- [c1909]  books b92-128-29187900 English Times Pub. Co., : Smiths Grove, Kentucky : This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Caves Kentucky. Mammoth Cave (Ky.) Colossal Cavern (Ky.) Mammoth Cave, Kentucky; an historical sketch containing a brief description of some of the principal places of interest in the Mammoth Cave  : also a short description of Colossal Cavern / by John Thompson. text Mammoth Cave, Kentucky; an historical sketch containing a brief description of some of the principal places of interest in the Mammoth Cave  : also a short description of Colossal Cavern / by John Thompson. 1909 [c1909] 2002 true xt7bvq2s512f section xt7bvq2s512f 


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An Historical Sketch

Containing a Brief Description of
   Some of the Principal Places
 of Interest in the Mammoth Cave
   Also a Short Description of

Colossal Cavern


      Copywrighted 1909 by John Thompson
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e           An Historical Sketch

      Containing a Brief Description of Some
      of the Principal Places of Interest in the
      Mammoth Cave. Also a Short Description


i                   B  
             John Thompson

               Copywrighted 1909
               By John Thompson

               TWMES PUf. CO., SMfHM GROVE, Ky.


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Entrance looking out.

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   Wonderful Mammoth Cave! Wonderful it surely is, grand,
weird and yet strangely fascinating. The realm of perpetual
silence and everlasting night. Undoubtedly the greatest natural
d onder in the western world. Human intellect is unable to real-
ize or estimate the time required by the Almighty Architect of
the universe to chisel out this gigantic cavern. The brain reels
when one tries to fathom some of the mysteries to be seen on
every hand-pits, domes, hills, valleys, pools and rivers are
to be found in this strange place, all shrouded in Stygian
darkness. This, the largest of all caves, is situated in Ed-
monson county, about ninety miles south of Louisville, near
the main line of the Louisville  Nashville Railroad. It is
claimed that about one hundred and fitty-tvo miles of avenues
have been explored; but the tourist visiting the cave only sees
those parts that are most easy of access. What is known as the
"Long Route" is said to be about fourteen miles in length, and
the "Short Route" is about seven miles in length. The average
visitor is generally satisfied after traveling twenty-one miles
tinderground; but there are lots of interesting side trips in the
cave that are well worth going to see. There are a number of
other caves in this vicinity that are well worthy of a visit, if one
has the time and inclination to explore them; but none can com-
pare with Mammoth Cave in size. Ganter's Cave is situated on
the banks of Green River not far from the Mammoth Cave boat-
landing. This is a wonderfully interesting cave, showing marvel-
ous stalactite and stalagmite formations, also beautiful "Colossal
Cavern," which is described in the latter part of this book. Vol-
umes could be written about this remarkable cave region of Ken-
tucky, embracing four or five counties where hundreds of caves
are situated, but the author of this little book will confine himself
to giving a brief history and description of Mammoth and Colos-
sal Caves, avoiding dry scientific terms and details.
  As mentioned above, about one hundred and fifty-two miles



of avenues have been explored. In parts of the main avenue,
especially that portion beyond the "Star Chamber," there is evi-
dence tnat the cave was known to the Indians or some pre-
historic people. Only a few years ago hundreds of torches could
be found if one took the trouble to pick them up, lying between
the rocks on the floor of the cave. The aborigines that used them
prepared the torch from the hollow reeds that are found growing
plentifully on the banks of Green River. The dry reeds were
then filled up with fat, and when ignited would no doubt make
a very satisfactory torch. In the "Great Salt Cave" some of the
rocks are worn smooth where people have passed to and fro
wandering about in this underground world long years before
the white man ever set foot on this continent. Who knows but
that perhaps the red man visited these caves out of curiosity as
we of the twentieth century are doing Although it is more
likely that the caves were used as places of refuge when tribes
were at war with one another. An occasional flint arrow or
spear point can even to this day be found hy the diligent searcher
around the entrance of some of the caves. Places also have
been found where they evidently manufactured the stone points,
however that was done. Human bones are occasionally un-
earthed in some of the caves, testifying that many an unfortu-
nate being has met his death in the early days when the outlaw
and Indian roamed through this country. The well preserved
mummified remains of a woman were found in the Great "Salt"
Cave about the year i875 by William Cuttliff, a cave explorer.
This mummy was afterwards exhibitied at Mammoth Cave, Proc-
tor's Cave and in the "Grand Avenue" Cave. For a time it was
exhibited in a number of cities throughout the country. None
of the scientists who viewed it could tell whether the remains
were those of a modern white woman or an Indian woman. The
writer found fragments of human bones together with some in-
teresting pieces of shell and slate evidently used as ornaments
or utensils, while exploring Cox's Cave in October, i905. They
are now in the posession of Prof. Sherzer, of Ypsilanta State
College, Ypsilanta, Mich., and that gentleman states, after a

M A M M 0 T H


            STEPHEN BISHOP,
First guide and explorer of the Mammoth Cave.


                   NOTED CAVE GUIDES.
   FOUR famous old time guides whose familiar faces will
be recognized by the older generation of cave visitors.



thorough examination, that the bones are evidently those of an
ancient stone age man, and of great scientific interest. Human
remains have also been found in Mammoth Cave. The guides
point to a niche in the rock forming the sides of Gothic Avenue,
which is called the "Mummy's Seat," where it is claimed that
early explorers found a human mummy. There is no doubt that
further exploration will reveal further proof that the caves were
frequented by the ancient inhabitants of this country. No doubt
it would be found, if all possible passages were followed out,
that all the caves are one continuous series of subterranean
   To a geologist this section of Kentucky is very interesting.
He will see how the waters have cut away the rocks, and as ages
passed by the avenues in the caves were slowly formed. There
has evidently been a rushing river tearing its way through what
is now the main avenue, "Broadway," as the guides call it, in
Mammoth Cave, and man's puny mind is unable to realize the
time that nature required to form that grand, lofty cavern. Im-
mense rocks, detached no doubt from the ceiling overhead, are
scattered around in wild disorder; and then after the avenues
have been formed it has required aeons of time for the stalactite
formations to grow. The pyramids of Egypt are but the work
of yesterday in comparison.
   Mammoth Cave was first discovered by the white man in the
year i8o9. The story goes that a hunter named Houchins chased
a wounded bear in the yawning gulf that forms the entrance.
Whether he explored it to any extent on that occasion will never
be known; but his story of the immense cavern spread rapidly
even in that early day. During the war of 1812 large quantities
of saltpeter were leached from the "peter dirt" contained in the
floor of the cave and used by the government in the manufacture
of gunpowder. About the year i8iI the cave and about two
hundred acres of land were purchased by a certain Mr. Gatewood,
who afterward disposed of it to Gratz and Wilkins. The old
saltpeter vats, erected by these gentlemen in the cave, are still
there, the wood showing hardly any trace of decay after all

M A M M 0 TH


MAMM O TH               CA VE, KENT UCK Y

these ninety-seven years. It is said that they made a considerable
fortune from the sale of saltpeter. Mr. Frank Gorin purchased
the cave in the year i837, and opened it up to the traveling public.
Stephen Bishop and Matt Bransford, negroes, were used as
guides. In i839 the cave wias purchased by Dr. John Croghan,
a Louisville physician, and on his death the estate was left to his
nephews and nieces. After their death it has to be sold and the
money that it brings equally divided among the descendents of
the original heirs.
   A two-minutes' walk from the terminus of the M. C. Rail-
way brings us to the Cave Hotel, a quaint old building that is
a survival of the 'South before the war," and reminds one of the
old days long gone by never to return. It was originally built
out of logs, but from time to time improvements have been made
and the old logs have been weatherboarded over, although at
the present time a row of old log cabins forming a part of the
hotel building carries us back in imagination to the early days
when old Daniel Boone and his hardy followers first braved the
anger of the hostile red man and built their cabins in the wilder-
ness. The hotel is situated on the top of a ridge within twenty
minutes' walk from beautiful Green River, which flows through
the valley three hundred and fifty feet below. It is surrounded
with grand old trees, and a view from the broad veranda across
the lawn is very pretty and restful indeed. Here is a delightful
spot to rest for a few days-good water in abundance and pure,
bracing air. If one is fond of fishing, boats can be had at the
Mammoth Cave landing, and the angler will be well rewarded if
he cares to while away a few hours with rod and line.
   Arriving at the hotel and partaking of a good old country
dinner, we purchase tickets and don the costumes provided for
our subterranean journey. Presently our guide makes his ap-
pearance with lamps, torches, etc., and we start on our trip down
the gravel walk, through the old wooden gate, and down the
ravine. We arrive at the mouth of the cave before we are
aware of it. Here all is hushed and quiet, the tall, green trees
cast a soothing shadow over everything. The first sound to


                 THE MUMMIES.
  No. 1 Found in the Great Salt Cave about 1875.
  No. 2. Said to have been found in Mammoth Cave.
Copied from an old drawing.





greet our ears is that of falling water. In a moment more we
see to our right an imimense opening forty feet deep, and feel re-
freshed by the cool cave air as it forces its way to the upper
world. The water that we heard a moment ago is seen pouring
over a ledge of rock directly over the arch that forms the roof
of the cave. As we are all anxious to start, we proceed down the
stone steps, halting a moment until the guide lights our lanterns.
Here we stand; behind us the world is green and joyful, all
nature is smiling and the glorious sun is shining overhead; before
us, what Impenetrable gloom. One can't keep back an un-
canny feeling as he moves, half-seeing, half-groping after the
guide, toward the iron gate, for our eyes are not yet accustomed
to the gloom  Arriving at the gate, we give up our tickets and
commence our mysterious journey in earnest.
   Here at the gate the ceiling is so low that it is necessary to
stoop considerably if you don't want to bump your head. We
are now started on the "Short Route," and our guide calls our
attention to the stone carefully piled on either side of our path.
These rocks were piled here by the saltpeter miners nearly one
hundred years ago. This narrow passage is called Hutchings'
Narrows. Presently we realize that we are going down hill, and
the ceiling is getting higher above our heads at every step.
The avenue keeps growing wider, until at last we find our-
selves in the "Rotunda." Our guide informs us that this im-
mense chamber is directly under the dining room of the hotel,
two hundred feet above our heads. The ceiling of the cave here
is about forty feet high, and it is about one hundred and fifty
feet wide from wall to wall in its widest part. Here we see the
vats used by the early miners. Examining the large wooden
pipes, we find that although they have laid in the cave for almost
one hundred years, yet they are wonderfully well preserved, due,
no doubt, to the dry, even temperature of the cave. Audubon
Avenue leads off to the right, and we go up this avenue for about
half a mile until we arrive at the end of the cave in this direction.
Here the guide shows us some beautiful stalactite formations,
known as "Olive's Bower." We now retrace our steps back to

M A M M 0 T H



the Rotunda and down the main cave. This majestic avenue
averages about fifty feet in width by forty in height, and is per-
fectly dry. As we continue on we pass the "Kentucky Cliffs"
on our left, so named because of their resemblance to the cliffs
on the banks of the Kentucky River in the vicinity of Frankfort.
Next the "Pigeon Boxes," and in a few minutes we find ourselves
in the "Methodist Church." At this point there is an enlargement
in the cave; up the side wall there is a shelf or gallery, large
enough for several persons to stand on, and from this rude pulpit,
situated as it is in the realm of eternal darkness, the Gospel of
Love and Light has been preached on different occasions. We
next approach a portion of the cave where "Gothic Avenue"
branches off from the main cave. At this point, on a rock pro-
jecting high above our heads, Edwin Booth, the eminent trage-
dian, on one occasion gave some selections from Shakespeare, to
the delight of a few friends who were fortunate enough to hear
him in such an unconventional theatre. Since that time this place
is known as "Booth's Ampitheatre."
   Leaving the main cave, we ascend a flight of steps directly in
front of us and find ourselves in "Gothic Avenue." This is one
of the highest avenues in the cave. The wonderful stalactite
and stalagmite formations are principally toward the end.
Here we found piles of rocks dedicated to the different States of
the Union, and for every patriotic Kentuckian or New Yorker, or
wherever he may hail from, it is customary to pick up a stone
and add it to your monument. On our left, in a little niche in
the wall, our guide shows us the "Mummy's Seat," before men-
tioned. Here a mummy reposed for a time. Some claim that it
was originally found there.
   We next arrive at the Post "Oak" pillar, the first stalagmite
met with so far in this avenue. Hearing a rumbling sound, our
guide tells that the little Mammoth Cave Railroad was running
above our heads, so we began to realize that in this part of the
cavern we were quite near the surface. Numerous stalactite
formations are to be seen hanging in thick, heavy masses from
the ceiling. Here we see a large pillar known as the "Old Arm

M A M M 0 T H



Chair," and the guide informs us that Jenny Lind, the celebrated
Sweedish singer of fifty years ago, used this as a chair to rest
on while walking through this avenue. Shortly we arrive at the
"Elephant's Heads" minus the trunks, and further on the "Hor-
nets' Nest." Next we approach the "Bridal Chamber," and a
beautiful place it is. Here stalagmites rise from floor to ceiling,
a group of four forming the 'Altar," with "Caesar" and "Pom-
pey" and the "Pillar of hercules" standing close by. This
is one of the most interesting chambers in the cavern. Our guide
tells that a number of marriages have taken placed in this
strange room. Next we see "Lover's Leap." Whether he was
one of the lovers that was married at the Bridal Altar or not,
we were unable to discover.
   We have now reached the end of Gothic Avenue, and retrace
our steps back to the main cave. Taking a fairwell glance at the
"Old Arm Chair," our guide burns some red and blue lights in
the "Bridal Chamber," giving it the appearance of some en-
chanted grotto. The "Pillar of Hercules" deserves mention
here, it being the largest stalagmite in this avenue. After a few
minutes' brisk walk we arrive back in the main avenue. The
guide calls our attention to the cart-wheel marks and ox tracks,
made ninety-six years ago when the miners were employed here.
We next pass the "Standing Rocks" and then the "Water Clock,"
where if you stand for a moment you will hear water dropping
somewhere that suggests the ticking of a clock.
   Presently we arrive at the "Giant's Coffin," perhaps the larg-
est detached rock in the cave. It measures about forty feet in
length and strikingly resembles an enormous coffin. Above our
heads we see the "Ant Eater," a patch of black oxide of manga-
nese on the limestone ceiling. There are lots of other figures no-
ticed as we proceed which bear resemblance to familiar objects.
The "Giant and Giantess Tossing Their Baby," the "Hen and
Chickens," and numerous other figures are pointed out by the
guide. Next we arrive at the "Stone Cottages," built in 1843
for the accommodation of a number of unfortunate people who
were afflicted with consumption. It was supposed that the dry,

31 A 11 Al 0 T H


M A M M O T H           CA VE, KENT U CK Y
even temperature of the cave would be beneficial, but the experi-
ment proved a failure. Next we approach the "Star Chamber."
Here the guide bids us be seated on a bench skirting the wall to
our right, and proceeds to relieve us of our lamps, moving off to
the opposite side of the chamber. He enters a small passage-
way, allowing only a very faint light to illuminate the room. Now
if one looks up, instead of seeing the customary gray or mottled
limestone roof of the cave, he will behold what appears to be
myriads of stars flashing and twinkling in the eternal heavens.
We can easily imagine ourselves sitting in a dismal canon on a
moonlit night, and if a meteor should suddenly shoot across the
roof of the cave we would not be at all surprised, everything
seems so natural. Now the guide announces that heavy black
clouds will obscure the stars from view, and, sure enough, in a
few minutes we find ourselves in total darkness, so dark that it
seens you can feel it. What would we do if anything should
happen to our guide! You involuntarily feel in your pockets for
a match and are pleased to find that you have several. This won-
derful cave is truly a subterranean world in itself, and we can
easily imagine it peopled with gnomes and goblins. Deep pits,
high cliffs, mysterious rivers and pools weird and wonderful
beyond the power of mortal man to describe. This is the king
dom of silence and perpetual night, and so it shall remain until
the end of time. The stars have disappeared and we are sitting
in silence meditating on the wonders we have seen, when suid-
denly we hear the sound of a rooster crowing, which is repeated
several times in rapid succession. We hear dogs barking and
fighting; the sound of a couple of cats crying; the lowing of a
cow and other familiar barnyard sounds. Our guide has proved
himself to be a capital mimic. As he approaches he announces
that daylight is breaking. By degrees the light gets up a little
higher, and a welcome sight it is indeed. At last he returns to
us, and, after relighting our lamps, we start back towards the
mouth of the cave, having thoroughly enjoyed the "Star Cham-
ber." Again we pass the Cottages, and on we go retracing our
steps until we reach the "Giant's Coffin," and at this point we




  Fully fourteen marriages have taken place in the
"1'ridal Chamber" in Gothic Avenue, the most remarkable
Avenue In Mammoth Cave.



halt. Crossing the cave we decend down a narrow passage-way
directly behind the coffin. This passage leads down to the third
level of the cave, where are to be found the wonderful pits and
domes. The best known are "Gorin's Dome," the "Bottomless
Pit," "Mammoth Dome," "Napoleon's Dome" and the "Side Sad-
dle" pit. The "Bottomless Pit" has a bottom, but it is very deep
nevertheless. The "Bridge of Sighs" spans this pit. Standing
on the bridge we look up and see "Shelby's Dome," named after
Governor Shelby, of Kentucky. Over this deep pit old Stephen
Bishop, the first guide, cautiously crept on a slender pole. Until
then no man had ever dared to cross it. This occurred about
1840. Shortly afterward the wonderful Echo River was discov-
ered. The writer will not try to describe this portion of the cave.
It is something that, to say the least, is simply awe-inspiring.
These awful pits have wonderfully fluted sides, as smooth as if
they had been chiseled by a sculptor. Retracing our steps up
into the main cave, we are once mere facing the "Giant's Coffin."
Here the ceiling is forty feet above our heads, and it is much bet-
ter walking. After a few minutes we start back toward the
entrance. Before proceeding very far our guide informs us that
he is about to show us the last feature and perhaps the prettiest
bight on the short route. Bidding us stand for a few minutes
holding the lamp behind our backs, he leaves us for only a couple
of minutes, going in the direction of the mouth of the cave.
Hearing a shrill whistle, we look straight ahead of us, and directly
in front, perhaps sixty yards from where we stand, can be seen
the figure of a woman, white as alabaster, standing out in bold
relief against a background. This is known as the "Martha
Washington Statue." It has also been called the "Woman in
White," and simply the statue; but whatever name it is known
by makes little difference-it is a beautiful illusion and leaves
a lasting impression on everyone who has the pleasure of seeing
it. Each side of the "Statue" is produced by the opposite walls
of the cave, which at this part makes several turns. Old William
Garvin, the noted guide, claimed the honor of discovering this
curious illusion. According to this story, one of his fellow-guides

J11 A M M 0 T H


MAM       MO TH         CA VE, KEN T UCK Y

was escorting a party in the cave and had made a bright light
near the old saltpeter vats, close to "Booth's Amphitheatre."
William was on his way out, not hearing the party approaching
and thinking himself entirely alone in the cave. Imagine his
surprise, not to say fright, at seeing a white, ghost-like figure
suspended in the darkness before him. For a few minutes he was
so frightened that he stood rooted to the spot, and as he looked,
strangely fascinated, slowly the figure faded away and dissolved
itself in the darkness. William said he was thoroughly fright-
ened, but throughout it all he never lost his nerve. Taking a
firmer grip on his staff, he continued on his journey to the en-
trance and to daylight, resolved that if the ghost did take a no-
tion to play any pranks on him he would signify his disapproval
by making liberal use of his cane. In a few minutes the sound
of merry voices greeted his ears and as he met the good-natured
explorers he was sensible enough to hide his frightened feelings
behind a broad smile. He did not mention anything about his
experience to any of them, but as he kept on walking he glanced
back to see what progress they were making. Noticing the curve
in the cave, the thought suddenly flashed across his mind that
perhaps his ghost, after all, was only an illusion. This idea once
established in his rmind determined him to make another trip and
satisfy himself. William was a very bright, shrewd guide, and
far better educated than the average negro was at that time. He
said that the next trip fully verified his supposition. This oc-
curred about the year i882, but it was not until some years later
that the "Statue" was exhibited to the public. After viewing
this pretty illusion for a few minutes, we start on our homeward
journey.  Passing in turn the "Standing Rocks," the "Ball
Room," the "Saltpeter Vats" and finally the "Church," arriving
again at the "Rotunda," our guide bids us wait a few minutes.
He once more illuniinates this enormous chamber. The sight
is one long to be remembered. We are standing facing the south.
To our right Audubon Avenue branches off, while straight in
front continues the main cave. Here is a temple built by the Al-
mighty Himself ages before the human race commenced, surpass-


MA JWM O TH             CA VE, KEN TUCK Y

ing by far anything that could be built by human hands. Stand-
ing in this chamber I suddenly forgot that I was one of a jovial
party; for a time their voices seemed to be hushed, and in imag-
ination I could see the ancient Indians standing and crouching
in groups, perhaps holding council of war with some of their
neighboring tribes. And yet again in my mind's eye I could go
tarther back before the human tamily had sprung into existence,
and still here was this great cavern, but how different! A mighty
river of water was tearing its way through the avenues, beating
and lashing the stone wall with a deafening roar. All nature
seemed to be undergoing some awful convulsion. But I was not
allowed to speculate long on the origin of this remarkable place.
for our guide had already started out toward the "Narrows,"
and in a couple of minutes we were peering through the iron
gate, thoroughly glad to see the sunlight again. It is indeed a
pleasure, after one has roamed around in the bowels of the earth,
to again see the smiling sun. The rich, green grass and the lux-
urious trees never looked so inviting to us as they do now, as we
ascend the stone steps and arrive again on the surface of mother
earth. Back again we go to the hotel, where we partake of a
substantial meal, served in true old Kentucky style. We decided
to take the "Long Route" the following morning.
   That afternoon I took my camera and started rambling
through the beautiful park surrounding the hotel and cave,
thinking that I might be able to "snap" something as a
souvenir of my visit, and sure enough, I happened on a quaint
old grave yard on a hill high up above and overlooking Green
River, just a short walk from the Cave Hotel. Here is where
Stephen Bishop's remains lie buried, near the cave he knew
so well. Stephen in his day guided many noted people through
the cave, and his knowledge of geology was astonishing for one
who had no means of learning it except by coming in contact
with cultured people whom he had escorted through the cave.
It is said that he would talk for hours on scientific subjects, often
using Greek and Latin words, and was never known to make an
error. Bayard Taylor was greatly impressed with him. Bishop



was undoubtedly the first mortal to ever see the Echo River and
the first to ride on its waters. A neat, white marble slab is erected
over his grave, the picture of which can be seen in the end of
this book. "Matt" and "Nick" Bransford also achieved fame as
guides and explorers. William Garvin was another well-known
guide. He was first to go through the "Corkscrew." All of the
old negro guides are dead, with one exception; his name has not
yet been mentioned-old Uncle Jonathan Doyle-who in his
prime was a good guide. He can still be seen occasionally walk-
ing about at the ripe old age of eighty-eight years. He still re-
tains the full use of all his faculties. He it was who discovered
"Proctor's Cave," which is situated midway between Glasgow
junction and Mammoth Cave. Back in slave times, when the
negroes were bought and sold like cattle, the story goes that
Jonathan had run away from his master. It was just before the
civil war and there was considerable unrest among the negroes.
While wandering in the hills dodging those who might have been
seeking him, Jonathan found an opening in the rock that looked
like a good place to hide should occasion require it. Only a few
days after he was forced to seek shelter and safety in that identical
crevice. His master had got word that he was in this neighbor-
hood, and with a party had started to round him up; but Jonathan
happily had heard of their movements in time. Supplying him-
self with matches, a good lantern and a large flask of oil, also
sufficient food to last several days, he resolved that the only way
to confound his pursuers was to crawl in the hole in the rock.
Accordingly, when he saw them approaching and seeing that
escape by any other means was impossible, he started in. The
result was that after considerable crawling, he found that he had
virtually tumbled into a beautiful cavern, abounding in wonderful
calcite formations, which afterward became known to the world as
"Proctor's Cave." Uncle Jonathan eventually went back to his
master. The civil war soon afterwards, and with it the emanci-
pation proclamation to the slaves, it was no longer necessary for
him to hide in caves and swamps. Shortly afterward he found
honorable employment at the Mammoth Cave, and for many years

M AM M 0 7'H





Gigantic stalagmite formations in Hundred Dome Cave.
          THE "TOWER OF BABEL."
              Edmonson Co., Kentucky.



the old ex-slave was a familiar figure to the cave visitors.
   Among the white men who have guided in years gone by
might be mentioned the following: Charles Demumdrum, Frank
Demumdrum, Sant. and Abe. Meredith, John Lee, J. M. Hunt
and John Nelson, all of whom were good, trustworthy guides.
   As I said before, we had decided not to start on the "Long
Route" until the following morning. Just to while away the
afternoon, I took a stroll down the banks of beautiful Green
River. Here can be seen two places where it is said Echo and
Styx Rivers empty out from the cave. HIere on the banks of
Green River the scenery is very beautiful. While resting under
the shade of the large trees that line the banks of the river an
excursion boat from Evansville, Ind., arrived with a merry party
of people bent on seeing the cave. I was told that there are an-
nually about thirteen thousand visitors to see the cave. Quite
a number come by boat, but the great majority, of course, come
by rail. Large numbers of students visit the cave every season,
especially those who attend schools in Cincinnati, Nashville and
Louisville, and some of the smaller cities and towns in Kentucky
and Tennessee.
   After a good night's rest at the hotel, and having partaken
of a good breakfast, we were not long in donning our comical
cave costumes. This time we had a colored man in our party,
or rather he proceeded ahead of us, carrying a large basket filled
with lunches for our noon-day meal in the cave. This trip covers
over the same ground as on our previous journey, until we get to
the "Bottomless Pit." Here we continue on straight ahead
until we come to what is called "Revellers' Hall." Now we turn
to the left and proceed cautiously under a dangerous looking rock
that is called" The Scotchman's Trap." Ages ago this immense
rock dropped from the ceiling and almost closed up the avenue.
However, i