xt7brv0czg78 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7brv0czg78/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1913-10-17  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, October 17, 1913 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, October 17, 1913 1913 1913-10-17 2020 true xt7brv0czg78 section xt7brv0czg78  


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State University, Lexington, Ky., Oct. 17, 1917.

The Faculty met at the call of President Barker, in
Gymnasium Building, those present beim; President Barker,
Professors Anderson, Allen, Brown, Boyd, Carrbll, Chalkley,
Curtis, Dantzler, Easton, Farquhar, Freeman, Gillie, Dean
Hamilton,Dr. Kastle, Lafferty, iackenzie, Yathews, Melcher,
Miller, Norwood, Pence, Peter, Pryor, Noe, Rowe, Roberts,
Tuttle, Tuthill, Tigert, Zembrod, Frankel, Brumnege, Gullion,
Webb, Gilbert, Terrill.

The meeting was called to order by President Barker
and a letter was read by the secretary,from Mrs. James G. White,
expressing appreciation for the sympathy expressed and the floral
offerings that were sent, upon the occasion of Professor White’s

President Barker called attention to the fact that since the
work was now so largely assigned to committees, that the question
had arisen whether it would be desirable or neCessary for the
Faculty to meet in regular session just as it has heretofore.

Dr. Terrill moved that the Faculty should assemble on the first
Friday in every month at 5:45, as in previous years. After re-
marks by Professors Chalkley, Mathews, Terrill, Miller and Presi-
dent Barker, the motion was put to vote and carried.

Professor Miller called attention to the rearrangement
of the furnishings of the Faculty room, and thought that we
should have the room rearranged again in something like its
original manner. The motion was made by C. W. Mathews that
the chairs and other equipment which had formerly been in the
room, be returned to it. Judge Lafferty moved as substitute
that a committee be appointed to confer with Fr. Hall and de-

termine the best adjustment to be made. President Barker appoint—












ed upon this Committee, Mathews, Chairman, with Lt. Gullion and
Professor Brummage.

President Barker read a communication from the ladies
of the University Club, stating that a resolution had been car-
ried to the effect that if the Faculty desired to have a Hallow—
een party given, and would attend and would finance the under-
taking to the extent of One Hundred Dollars, they would glad-
ly carry through the project. [Dean Hamilton was called upon
for an expression of her opinion as to the desirability of
such a party, and she expressed her hearty sympathy with such
a movement, and thought that we should have occasionally such
social evenings. Further remarks were made by Professors
Miller, President Barker, Dr.Kastle, Pryor, Allen, Mackenzie,
Anderson. A motion was made by Professor Miller that the
Faculty cooperate with the Ladies' University Club, and give
its support,financially and otherwise, to the suCCess of the
Halloween party and that all the details of the entertainment
be left to the Woman's Club. The motion was duly seconded and

The secretary called attention to the regulations
which provided that a secretary shall be elected at the begin-
ning of each University year, and having served for a long
period of time, asked that he be relieved from the secretary-
ship, believing also that it would facilitate the business of
the Faculty if the Faculty records were kept at the Main Build-
ing where they would be more accessible to all who had occasion
to consult them. Upon the personal request of President Barker}

action upbn this matter was deferred until the next meeting.

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Professor Miller presented a resolution from the
College of Arts and ScienCe to the effect that the lectures
giVen by Miss Kinkead be hereafter considered elective in
the College of Arts and Science, and asked for a ratifica-
tion of these resolutions. After a considerable discussion,
in which it was shown that considerable uncertainty existed
as to the regulations regarding these lectures, President
Barker appointed a ccmmittee,consisting of Judge Chalkley and
Judge Lafferty, to COOperate with him to look up the records
and report back to the Faculty at the next meeting.

On motion the Faculty adjourned to the regular
meeting on the first Friday in November.

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