xt7brv0czb97 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7brv0czb97/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-09-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 27, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 27, 1985 1985 1985-09-27 2020 true xt7brv0czb97 section xt7brv0czb97 MW
Vol. lXXXIX, No. 195 Establish“! 1." University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky Impondont Ilm 1911 Friday, September 27, I985 .
Author says grief If“ 1 " Annual competition sta t'
If I. *4! ' ' W‘tl'"
norma OI“ hea mg . t0 [)le Ky . Rhodes scholars t
5 i I- it t ' . I ' ’oi-
. ' . -. By (‘YN1'HIAA.PALOIUH) have a 4:) to apply." said Daniel recommendations to the stale itllli ' 1w _ j. “ '2
emo Iona woun S |. Senior Staff Writer Rowland, committee cochall'man mittee ' : - l'.‘
r..— t 8 and history professor "The grade StUdehtb may apply tr"”‘- 'ht‘” 7". Hi” in";
' ‘ Students who attend a meeting pointaverage is only one factor “ home state or the ‘tate the} ‘tU’tiv - " r . j
S eaker tells rou how ’ _ today in the Gaines Center for the Belts termed a Rhodes Scholar 1" .‘ ‘1"; r
p g p to handle 1088 NW 1" r ~‘~ l Humanities could find themselves in "an all-arounder someone who FOUF RhetteS St‘hth'dr‘ drt‘ t'htN'tl 3 -. .5 .‘ '. -'
‘ Uxford.England next year does a lot of things well and wants from each dlSlrlt‘l Kentucky in .l. p '3."
Bvl’l'ENln'Sl's-‘ix SMITH died in an auto acCident. is rfectl The meeting. at 3 p m . will pro- to make a mayor contribution to so- District l\’. along with .\licli.g.ii. , 1- : 1' ; ' '1:
. pe y .. . « . 'P .i -
Staff Writer nOrmal The healing process is not a vide information about the Rhodes ('1er Wisconsin. lllinois Indiana an: '_ ‘ , )_
gradual road up. but it has its peaks Scholarships Students do not hate to study but tlhlU _ t; ' .' i’
. "' (‘ontrary to popular belief. grief and valleys it is a long hard jour- “The Rhodes Scholar program is manities to apply for the schol- Not since 19:35 has a t K grandam '. 'i . .V'._-,.‘t 5
lagisalmgrime ney “ probably the most prestigious underr arshlp. but they need to have a been selected Me should hau- .. .‘ ~.' ~_
As Ann Kaiser Stearns. author of graduate scholarship available.‘ ”Whereht Plhh “t ‘tUdF prior to ap» KhOdCS SChUl‘” 159”“ “Wt "‘9" F 'i' ' 1‘: ‘2
Li\lng ’l'hrough Personal (en-“b, said Stearns said people must not be r 'r-- said Raymond Belts. director of the plying. 'Howlandsaid [.7K's quest for academic Stif't‘l-t- I i; ’ . ‘i
last tonight in her lecture at the afraid to explore their dePFeSStOh- ANN KAISER STEARNS Honors Program and co-chalrman of "They re looking for scholar citi- this would mark an or casioii inr i x .173" 'j.
l Center for the Arts. "When someone "We live in a fix-it society where we [TK's Rhodes Scholar committee lens not narrow bookworms " lective L‘nlversity celebration . _ ‘- . z . .

' ' experiences a loss, friends immedl- tell people what to do. Cry and don‘t Leshia Derringer. first year social Questions about the SChOlarhhlP The haS‘C crlterla for application (‘arl Cone. a “hm” l““"“-‘“” "t : _.' -' I. c '
ately try to interfere and keep the cryare thetwo worst things to say. work graduate student. said, “When program and the application process are that the htUtlent he a 1' S Ctttlen h15t0r)- rememt’e“ tht‘ “t“ ‘3‘?" - ' f ‘i - ' ~
grieving person busy without really Stearns said this I thought i would Will be answered tOmUFFW. Bett> and unmarried t’t‘ between 13 and U" had a Rhodes “h“h" M”E"""*‘ - M}: . ’1,
“Stehlhg BUt all this accomplishes “()ne of the least helpful things is burst out baWth- Her lecture r9311.“ said 24 and be prepared to complete 3 Allen graduated m ‘95—) and .598“! h i ' . ‘ .. t. I’
is to interrupt the grievmg process to tell a person that his feelings are moved me Her advice will help me The program offers students from hat‘ht‘ltlt‘ >h) Wt t. “336 the heXt threeyears .‘dt ("it‘ll-'1 Th" ‘ 1- ’5. '1 If ' ‘
like thehealing process normal 1t 15 more powerful to do it cope later in life when l have to face 18 countries the opportunity to study it . , ,. year before. rloyd tammacli gial; . ; . .f ._.. ff ' 3

"The way to truly comfort the per- indirectly by being feeling and car- these things She gave me some at England‘s Oxford L'mverstty for [T :3?le . applicants “"0!“ 'the uated from [K and studied .it in . J g 9
son is to allow his anger to be ex- ing for them not by giving them a good techniques to use and a lot of two or three years “Some students h" 5‘3“”, are chesen yearly 35 ford asaRhodes Scholar until 195.” . - 7, _
pressed Let the person mourn and lesson ~- ' ' good responses " see it as postponing a job in the ca- Rhodes Scholars 5Ch°13r5 are‘also Cone said there have been to Rho ., 2“ . ‘ j\ . .
work out his healing process in the reer market. but it's one of the most Chm“? front "“hhtm'h SUCh 35 (ana- des Scholars m ”i \ hN'tr} 1T. . . ' _ ' g » . 3
way It works best for him." she When someone experiences a loss respected pomts of information on a ‘3‘” it“)?! t't‘rmahk Australia and 1905. a L'K graduate was among 'ln . g: 2 . .
said "There is no time limit for a the thing he “may remember ,5 that In an interview after the lecture resume because It ShOWS you-W ‘0”! "hm“ first group of scholars .;. ‘ _ ‘3 .
healthy grieving Per‘Od H when you love somebody they never 5‘63”“ Sitld- "It ithl'htxt.‘ had told earned ‘hterhath’hhl respect. he The l'nitelt states l,\ divided Int“ Guy Daven ir' run-M... ii l-- "V ; l "

Judy Rose. a London. Ky resident die. 5h0 said “They‘re m your heart the when l was in my late 21M. at a *a‘q eight districts and a selection com gllsh' was .i plural}: {.h . , ', t ,1 t, ’.~‘ g . . ' '
who attended the lecture. said. forever and you don't have to throw time when i wanted to kill myself. While this ‘5 it Pt'e-‘tlgttltb PT" nlittee from each state nominates 194849;“ ’1; “in u , ’t V)“ flu? -, ' _ ' '
"Stearn's hot)“ and lecture hub away the memories Just because a that 1 would be w happy “,m m} gram. academic SUCCC» 15 net the two candidates to the district Belts the it“ REM‘E’N -h “it“ t , " «.._ 3 ' » . '
shown me that the grief 1 am gomg relationship didn't work out or you life and able to help so many people ”hl.‘ measure ”t ellt‘tlhlht.“ "he said although t'K's committee does : d e N ”I“ “W ” : . \ - ». ~7,
through tUt' my 20-year-old 50"- “h0 1051;, ion-done ‘ ' lt would‘ie blown lily liiiinl ' want to encourage people “h“ don t not make \t‘lt’t‘tltlnh. it does make \r». Rum)“ ‘ ~ ‘ . ._

k' k ff ‘ threatens ' ~‘ ' - "

1c so ,. _ 

[a ‘7‘ l. :t‘; l..‘

I lK season .. tv I Caro mas . u

_ .. r ' —. 1 ri x ' ,.
Annual pep rally -~ / ,. ,l G 0 a e pected .1 ,.V

'y, A) ' . , ' , . -, I .
draws nearly 5,000 ., ., . . . , . to hit shore today _‘

Bv‘ll“! ISSXBI‘II $5 ' "t I " i

2.. ._ . -. .. ' By l‘t)\l\ll.\lill\l{l '1
Stafferter ' hfi ' ' - v . ) Assomated Pr(‘\> -" . . ‘. ' . V '
Amidst blaring sirens and ?‘ . . - < . - . 4.

k . .\( .. l urr'. ' . ‘* ,
honking horns. cheering fans pa- “I: - caniefilfogi fil.;.1,.\w:,f aw.” i ,, . ' ‘ . -- "
radedtothestadlumlastnlght fl, - -. n, WlndS of .(wi'm h 43; ‘ Ni ' , - .. ‘ ' . '

Students chanted L‘K victory 'rj up- , .jfpéf . ’ ' thousandxloi W29 “N‘fiLIR ML . ' .’ .' 1;"
cheers as they walked with the _ 3‘ t... \ - \ fishing and re\0[ltu.:l.ihsli.:‘ \ 2., '. .- il,
parade or rode in convertible ' . i . V1 . 0 boa ‘ "“,’ fl“ "‘ '. ' .. . ,

g . -' .q» p ' ._ ~ rded up like ghost 'l'.tl‘.> .z. . , 4 . -

cars decorated with flags. ; 1 ~ $1.1, ' \ ’r " . . ‘ pounding rain and surf - .> .1 . .

streamers. and blue and white ’ y .3; 5"" l I h . . “ , ’ ' ‘ Hurricane “fling. twp. WW‘U ' -' , , -" '

balloons. . . .1 ~\ . , .' .. - . . , . .. .

_ . . _ , v. ._ ‘4. \ , / from Edlsto. St . northward 'o = ' _ 3 ,v -,

Fireworks illuminated the sky . . _ “\_ \-«\ " g, - / Plymouth. Mass. as t.i-vria one oi "'j 7 -'
and bt'lght green 1810!" beams ht ' \i \ ‘\ “ ' " the most poweriul storms to threat ' ' ’ . 2 “ -
(ommonwelalth_ Stadium 'fllled l I _ \ ‘ . ’" ' \ ‘ en the Atlantic coast this century '. ' ',/ ' .-
:lhmmlenilrsiudean?” screaming ‘/ \ ‘ / , \ i shifted to a more northerly course ' ' .

5. D ~. ,,«" ’ .. . ’ - ' . v . A
,4 . v , If — . duringtheday _v€,\terda_\ ' .. . ,r , 'i .
camiatrhstewabseggiore the Wild- 1 4 y .. g L/ . // ' ' 'K ‘ Forecasters said the hurricane \ ',v."' .3 ” ': "
- ‘ t . ‘ttt stun:

After introducing the senior .3 \’ gzflfzwfi‘ up“ d U h km
football players. Coach Jerry ,\ m 4 ‘\.. \ By midatternoon. 2o.ooo people ’ .' "T" y. '
Claibornevsa‘ld CFOWd SUPPOTt gr. ‘ ‘ 7:3" t . " ' ' had been evacuated on the North f y "'1"; "-
gfieprlsggefie more than many ,: . \ V, ,5 fit; a. y ' Carolina coast, said Chrystal Stowe ‘ - ’ 'I' '. I. .
”5:2... tigoggdieg; mm... 4 a... .t that. - \. :- zzzeigijgeizr.‘ii...:‘.it: {.21}; r y. :.

. y e ame ' ’ mm... was bum r-tobum i'.\' 74 'r- . ‘
against Bowling Green, it disap- Deon T m r a f h I d | , “mmmx a westofwillasnngmn per on . ' t . ' r- '

Pointed the Players. he said. BuI f P e I n occoun m9 sop omore. “ea 5 De to Tau Delta the Wildcat Roar. Delta Tau Delta YOOk second place in the Heavv surf w's re t l'i ti : I . .‘ ,9 “

when the crowd was cheering roternity members in the Yell Like Hell contest last night at competition, which is partot the annual homecoming pep rally. coast with beast share: :n‘dnfhu: .‘ "V, ‘ . c

9",?! the end of Vlast‘weeks game. :‘For Homoeomlno acfivltlu Omega placed second in the so— terson Hall placing second Hag- Gamma Rho took first and Farm derstorms inland and rain «thing the x ‘l '- ' I’ 3

‘t “$th ”1991,3335 immensely. Indovonu ... O '7 roritydivlsion. gin Hall took home the overall House won second in the fraternl- 903“ 'f " '. -' - 5 A " 'i t

S ldcat senior defensive tackle $ For the fraternities, Alpha win. ty' division (‘hl omega placed Residents who planned to sit out ‘ l g. .' "‘i

tuart Stubbs, agreed. He 531d 'Students shewed their enthu- Gamma Rho place first and In the independent division of first and Kappa Kappa Gamma the hurricane stocked UP 0“ teed» . J '. "-

ezehtjdsfh as the Wildcat Roar Siasm and support during the Delta Tau Delta placed second. the crazy car contest. Patterson placed second in the sorority divi- batteries and candles t’topt‘t‘t.‘ - , i ‘ ' .1

5 0‘” . 0W much the StUdehtS “\ell Like Hell" contest. Delta [n the independent lelSlOfl. Hag, Hall placed first and the Water sion Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity ovmers sandbagged the” homes and ’ t ' . ‘

arebehmdtheplayers. Delta Delta placed first and Chi gin Hall won first place with Pat- Ski Club placed second. Alpha won overall businesses to protect them from ~ ‘ .

flooding and boarded up w'indOws . - .‘ » "
Boaters headed to safe harbors. and i ~ . . . > . ’-
-— “ ~— ' some hauled their vessels into dry ' ' ' ., ~ .
Med Center \ Ut German econom .... - - 4'
Virginia Gov Charles Robb ite ‘ ‘ .
. clared a state of emergency and mo . ‘ =
“ . bilized National Guardsmen to help ‘ - ' ~
ce e ra es fll'm spea er S?! y S ‘h » . ' ‘
. \\ ) , Classes were canceled as schools ‘
. were turned into evacuation centers. ~ . .
annlversal’y Ble‘(‘.\l).-\l..\ltiNTE thmha" Demmats and by the 11“} and hundreds of military airplanes . ' ' '
‘ ' - - . . erals. first concentrated on Cutting '
. Contributing Vt riter _. . .
. t ‘ down ‘budgetydeflClts. he said. SceHlRRl('\\l..;iagc: - - .
Falr tomorrow “The economic situation in West [And' n “Iafhmdegd successfutlul‘n , _ t
, . . ~ Germany reminds me of what some d“? 3532' if lgoyernmen cu e _
part of fCSthltleS “ critics said of the music of Richard 8 'c' -‘ "e a
Wagner: it sounds worse than it ac- A consequence of this deficit re—
By JON \‘ATER \ , - tually is." Michael Richtsteig said duction was that “interest rates for
ContributingWriter <$ ‘ ‘ E last night. private and corporate loans went v .
_ \ . The diplomat from the West Ger- consnlerably down. and prices stabi- °‘ W th' 'NV- “0" YO“ an
_ p . . . . .y .. d the book. Miami Vice 0]: The
the be th Q man Consulate in Detr0it said in his llzed further "3 . . . ‘

minus... the “a: t at; a... i... .. ma... have been . "w- e" .. .. .

brationofits 25th annsivyersa n8 ‘ ‘ saying for several years that the R‘ChtStePS “'9'“ 0" to say that the “d 9‘0““ Probably be the lm. For

A health fair that willrybe held J "mu“ “WWW“ economic situation of West Germany 11:84 lpflatlon rate avg; downfto the lrveW.sc2PASTlMES,pag23.

and of the European Economic Com~ “'95 eve 5”“ ‘ a 18“”.

from 11 “h- to 1 P-‘h- tomorrow at play. and it‘s good public relations ry. The event will feature a 2&foot- munity was in a decaying state but he pointed out. lower than that of

Commonwealth Stadium '5 part of for the Medical Center during home- tall wood and wire mesh birthday this interpretation. he said. (106‘ not Switzerland and Japan. The 1904 mwm”“h"‘ih“ ‘h‘ 3“"

“Affilhufin tak l . 1 coming': . cake. stuffed with blue and white tiS- matchreality. economic growth was 2.7 percent an °t mm.“ in this 3""

bl 3: “pm ‘efhcetgga "8° Screenings Include a blood Prw sue Paper Richtsteig specifically referred to and he said that in 1985 “the Ger W ”"7- ““ ' WW

ue an w _°h ‘h . grassy sure check. a blood sugar count, 8 an April ,9“ article. run by News. man government is expecting a "m" -
area “9’“ t° the "Chet office across body fat percentage rudim, a Guest speakers from the gover~ week. that depicted Europe and growth rate 0‘ approximately 3 per-
from the 3-3 Goodbarn. The ta" breast selfexamination slide presen- nor's and mayor's office will be on west Germany as on the edge of cent or more.“ m
Wt" include n: gnety 0t hoax tation, various displays featuring hand along with members of former economic collapse. , . ,
ire-:3??? a sPh‘YS 9”“ car safety. pharmacy and promo governor AB. “Happy" Chandler's He said the scene described in . The 5"“th '5 “0t 35 We?

” C '89- . . tive dentistry and a presentation for family. Chandler, as governor. was that article mponded to what ‘h3 as ‘t may seem from then m“

Wanda?!“ :iemfeair would b; UK Health plan members. responsible for building the Medical Germany's condition had been 'in the figures Germany has a pronounced Tot! will b: sin-u but cool with
:mewmtgns .. ’d cm? W But the real kickoff for the year's Center. Several staff members will past, and not to its condition when "99'” "‘ the “h" mm“ "2'? “ht“ h” ”w “- T“"'*-"'

in. as in. am Cheri Tudor. upcoming activities will come at a receive mint julep cu for their the articles red. million Germans do not have a job, ‘ by “I II fly will the low in
PS P‘l’ea

thg t3 In Madotfheuzealth fair party {mm 2 to 4 pm. today in the long service. Richtsteig attributed the change "in Richtsteig said, saying this corre- the low: Q. m vi be

a IS, a mom r Medical Medical Center courtyard. the ic situation to the ”In ins sponds to an unemployment rate of m All m m it. Hui in

Center sapecml events committee. The party begins with the release All faculty. staff members and to power of Chancellor Helmut Kohl. t1? percent, compared to 73 percent eunuch.

“:9 Wt 't ”mt d "PM“ the of 1,000 balloons. the largest amount students are welcome to attend the in hte 1m, “This more conserve 'htheUh'ted States.
9““ c m "I“ 1" ' “We (”3' to be released in uxlrigton's histo- weekendevents. five new government. rm by the Sasconommmz
. ,,

 z-KEMYKERNEL Fray, W27, 1“
cited Army studies showing that 5.4 Continued from page on, y
. , I . . )3 .. percent of the US. soldiers seeking
:sX-iilalgd‘lrrrst‘ ~2th H treatment for venereal disease in While the federal government As for exports to the US.
ases 0 0“" Berlin this June were Infected With will be working hard to reduce Richtsteig said the figure is 3.5
WASHINGTON 2 Citing the grow- “05 . _ _ unemployment. Richtsteig said percent.
mg threat of AIDS. the govern- Dr William A. Haseltine said they Bonn has “every indication that
m y... amon health workers m... ..m m mmy mm. .0 2W mm ..
terdav he asked the White House to “"5“ Who have memo" rat“ or 50 up in 1986-" monetary snake. is a combined
approve an additional 55 percent in- . percent or more. And the soldiers currency which consists of differ-
‘ crease 1" federal Spending ‘0 00m; “ms‘ but at least 23 Of them likely “l“ spread the disease fur- Exports he added are one of ent European national curren-
. . . . . 33' ROBERT BYRD were considered for other rear ther. he 53th . ‘ ‘ . ,. . . . .
bat the deadly disease . . . . 2 . the major strengths of the Ger~ ems, Richtsteig stated, p0inting
' Dr Jama‘O 31350" acting 35515“ .Associated Press sons at high “5k for acquired lm' "Thae aren [ homosexuals." he man economy. out that “the percentage of each
‘ ' tant secretary for health in the . . mune defiCIency syndrome. . told the subcommittee. “These national currency within the
‘ ' Health 811d Human 591M095 Depart- ATLANTA — For- the my “me But at least two “ and puss'blrv aren‘t drug abusers. These are "0" “Like any other nation of the snake depends on the weight of
I . . ment told a senate subcommittee Since AIDS was discovered four three -- health care workers in ma], young guys who visited prosti- European Community West Ger— the national performance in eco-
'. h ha‘ a‘k ed the Office of Nlanage- years ago. federal health offiCials this country are presumed to tutes. Half the progt'ttutes are in- many has 50 percent‘of her for- nomics ,,
‘ . . ”fem band Budget to a m“? a $70 reported yesterday that health have been infected vvith AIDS tected,and these guys got infected.“ eign trade with other EC mem- '
- ~ ‘ million increase in thepgidministra- care workers have contracted the "ll-"5°" the 30b: Weicker questioned whether bers " Richtsteig explained
‘ tion‘s 1986 bud 9t r uest for AIDS virus from working W191 patients f l 'h . d enough soldiers were involved to ' ' The function of the snake is to
l ' ‘ . . h g eq ‘ and their blood. ’5 emae nurse? 0 ac“ en' draw such broad conclusions. "9 further developed this as- “stabilize the financial
» ‘ “Team . . . _ , Neither of the two health care tally SlUCk herself “191 3 needle . , ; pect of economic relationships by relationships among the Euro
» The Incretbe ~ the hfiond 1" “‘0 y be uentl' devel- in November 1983 and again in AIDS. or acquired immune defi- ;. . - n - it
. y d] workers has su eq _\ . . . , H -. saying that m the past year the pean countries. The EU. is also
‘ " . ' - months would bring spen “8 m oped AIDS since they were in- March 1984 ““19 drawing “00" Hem) syndrome .13. generally trade balance of the Federal Re- considered to be one of the first
. - ' . the fiscal year beginning next week fected. said Dr. Ken Castro of the from AIDS patients. thought to kill its Victims by de— , , steps toward the creation of a
' to about $200 million more than dou- . stroving their immune system and PUbllC Wflh members 0‘ the EC
. - ‘ . Center for Disease Controls . .' l . k ‘ - - ul ~ 1 f — '1_ common currencv for all of the
ble the amount President Reagan “A male part time ab vior er leavmg them vulnerable to second- res ted m a surpus 0 35" b‘ - '
‘ ‘ . ‘ , . , . . ‘ . AIDS 135k force. - h“ hand 'h‘l roc- V ~. , . . . , . 1' . nl 'th th N th 1 ds EC nations and, ultimately, as
. - 2 isked for in hh first budget proposal 2 . who cut ‘5 V‘ “3 p arV diseases Haseltine said howev- ion, 0 y M e e er an '
‘ ' “ . ‘ ’ Each of the infections appar- .- I ~ . - ‘ .' . f 1 - one of the major moves toward a
> - . - inrebruan . ~ h blood 955mg bl°°d from a eukemia pa er, that recent research indicates out 0 eeven EC partners, was . . . .
i -- " ' I The nevi-total would also be more ently occurred w en con- tient in December 1983 and stuck AIDS also causes ma‘iv b ’ West German‘s trade balance in concrete political union 0f “es"
. _ -. 3 f ‘ taminated with the Virus entered himself with a needle in Au ust ’5 9. rain the red ern Europe.
- . . _ than three times the amount spent .. . . g damage that may be as serious or '
: the worker 5 bloodstream 1984 while roceSSi blood from - »
. . . . _ ”11934 through a cut or puncture in the P ng more serious than the immune sys-
‘ ' . -- . - several sources. .
-_ .- -.- y . .~ 2 . Another witness gaye the panel skin CDCscientistssaid. tem damage.
i ' ‘ my? devidencehtthiItItheI disease ‘5 But normal contact with AIDS .«A third worker who showed The majority of its victims to date .
‘ - _ ',' . hfiliinmg to I e e erosexua pop— patients still does not put doctors. Signs of AIDS virus after submit- have been homosexual men. and 0 es
2 2 ' - - .. . . 4 y .: nurses and other health care ting to an anonymous blood test many people identify AIDS as a dis- Continued from page one
‘ ‘ a \. Tlm“ 3???“ 1'5] [hfiogigéitngzgz workers at risk. The CDC said it does not know if ease of homosexuals, That is not
’I . .I '. .2 io‘l) d til): SSnafea Apsropria-tions sub- Of the lI.750 health care work- the worker was otherwise at risk correct, Haseltine said. committee. graduated from Duke on March 26. 1902. and in his will. he
. . , - '. . _ - . ‘ II . .. . V. . _ ers examined by the CDC. 26 for AIDS or if the infection can _. . , , . h- I'niversity in 1948. left provisions that would bring stu-
.- . . . - tommittee on health Vie \Mll con tested itive for the AIDS beblamed on the worker's Job In retrOspect it appears t at the
'7 w * -- tinue to reassess our efforts in order p05 ‘ ' original focus on the sexual prac- dents from throughout the world F0
.‘ " " ' , LI to make maximum Progress in our ticas of homosexuals . . . was mis- Rs“??? said the m 56h“; OIxford lilnéverz‘w- ghOdeS hogs-d l“:
U . 2 - '. fight againsithis disease " the money would be available as “Whatever you ask for. you got." placed.“ he said ”The virus does ”5.19 ogram was . . eam .0 Ipan on a" m e promo '0" 0
' ’ .' . I ' Sen Lowell Weicker. R-Conn.. the soon as the administration formally Weicker told Mason. not respect race. sex or sexual pref- ngleiiamtesfnaimflodgodlg Litigation“ understanding and
V I . ' . subcommittee chairman. told Mason moms it. Meanwhile. a Harvard researcher erence. P y .
’i ' 0H rr'cane
’ ’ I . ' ' .- l . (ominuedtmm pageant-
' ' i .' g and helicopters and dozens of ships gitude 76.4 west. 190 miles south of Maine. In addition 10 the hurricane ”1‘” where (319”33“ “9m?" hm the Ocean City. at 50 percent: Atlantic our next move since the storm has
' ' ' were moved from their home bases Cape Hatteras, moving north at 20 warning C0851 City. NJ. 39 percent; Wilmington. apparently changed directions.‘
-. . -. to protect them from thestorm. mph The storm‘s forward motion It was expected to move across There was an 82 percent chance NC. 31 percent; and New York said Neil Frank. director of the Na
. . . was expected to accelerate. and a eastern North Carolina early today the eye would ‘pass within 65 miles City.23 percent. tional Hurricane Center in Coral (‘a-
' .' . I‘ At 6 p in. EDT. the center of Glo hurricane watch was issued from and move up the coast toward New of Morehead (ity. I\ ( ., by 2 pm. blesI. Fla. “We‘re in touch with local
. , ‘ _ . ria was near latitude 32.6 north. lon- Plymouth. Mass. to Eastport. England during the day. Tides up to today with (ape Hatteras at 28 per . . . . National Weather Service offiCIals
. _ 12 feet above normal were predicted cent. Norfolk. Va . at 66 percent: "We re beginning to speculate on all the way the coast to(‘ape (‘od "
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‘ ' ' '“M”"”" 3 UST THE GOOD GUYS 1‘
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. . _. - . 2» : WE DELIVER TO CAMPUS AREAH : Eds - :. -‘ 1... ~... C h I | b t
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“ - ‘ "2 . BUY one Ham or R005, Beef SUb & Beverage, : \\§\\:\\§s“\§\§§ \4 §\"- ‘ \m OT
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. , . ‘ . . : Buy one Chef Salad 8. beverage, . i; ‘; «I? i i“ ' V .. L \\
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I- . ._ 2 .one.coo.oo"'o‘3°8°3'o"’o°o“om3'hooo0000000. “I ‘ LEE
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‘I .’ . y '; . 12 Visits For $34.95 Wolff Bed Tanning System : . '~ ‘2 , .
. t I . . A . " '_' .  ,;,‘;'.“.W.
Ci. Ollver'sp— Holiday inn on Us and Newtown Pike. DJ Mike Morris “"demorld‘ lgfsbtiiftldisieghdrxyg gggggggrg‘l: §‘-’. _. .‘ {.1 if: ‘
spins the hits on an excellent sound system. Tonight, Bottomless Beer Mug So it was iney'itable that the mar book to anyone except the most dle- é; ....i .
Night, where $5 buys all the beer you can drink from l0 p.m. to l a.m., and ket would be flooded with “Miami hard "Vice" fanatics . - .‘ .1. i.‘ 1.. i:
you keep the glass mug. Tomorrow, it‘s 82 Lynchburg Lemonade: and Long Vice" paraphernalia. Rumor has it ~ ‘ Sit .\ .. a, I,“
island Teosallni tlon .Nocover. . . . . _ . . “mfg: i“
Library — augithoodlgnd Ave. Tonight and tomorrow, Nervous Melvin and 3:; h’iegolc’klétzngla'lggbzcgfd {11th The main advantage of _a book ‘ ' , ”...: .21
the Mistakes (Rock ‘n' roll at its tinest), 9 p.rn. to l a.m. $3.50 cover. Tonight's soundtrack album has been selling over a movte or TV Show 15 Its abili- J ”M m“ A . . y . - .‘i .; J '5
special, 82 cover and tree Godtother's Pizza and 75-cent drinks and drott until . d t r across the na~ ty to probe into the consctous m1nd V}. . i, x
9p.m. 0}“ in_recor s Okaf l of the characters. helping the reader ,‘ L“ C
lplrtte —. Radisson Hotel Plaza. Tonight a