xt7brv0cz757 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7brv0cz757/data/mets.xml Ohio Historical Records Survey (Ohio) 1941 202 p.; 28 cm..UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call Number FW 4.14:Am 3/2/no.17 books English Columbus: Ohio Historical records survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Ohio Works Progress Administration Publications American literature -- Ohio -- Bibliography Printers -- Ohio Ohio -- Bibliography A Check List of Ohio Imprints, 1796-1820 text A Check List of Ohio Imprints, 1796-1820 1941 1941 2019 true xt7brv0cz757 section xt7brv0cz757 T” i*“ OF KENTUCKY , .
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The Historical Records Survey Program _
’ Sargent B. Child, Director 1 .
, Lillian Kesslcr, Ohio State Supervisor
' American Imprints Inventory ,
Douglas C. McMurtrie, National Consultant
. _ Geraldine Beord, Chief Editor
4 ' Division of Community Service Programs
. Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner
: , Mary Gillette Moon, Chief Supervisor, Region M 1
. ' Ruth Neighbors, Ohio State Director 1
’ Howard Hunter, Commissioner '
Efi”’ George Field, Director, Region M
[5- Carl Watson, Ohio State Administrator _
1 s
, .. 2 .-
1 I - 7- . c .7

 7 . ,.-
. , 7 Page
-- Preface..................... H
List of Books Cited a . . . . . . . . o . . . . . 13
Key to Symbols for Libraries . . . . . . . . . . 11+
‘ Ohio Imprints, 1796-1820 . . . . s . . u . . . o I 21 7 A
7 Index to OhiC'Printing Points .6 . . , . . . . . . 169
7 Index to Printers. Publishers, and Presses . s . 172
General Index ..1 a . . a . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
.. 3 ..

 ii Preface
‘ C There is presented in the following pages a list of Ohio imprints for
, the period from the beginning of printing in the area now comprised in
that state through the year 1820. It is based on the field work in
thousands of libraries by the staff of the American Imprints Inventory I ‘
of the WPA's Historical Records Survey, and is issued as the seventeenth
in the series of check lists of the American Imprints Inventory. '
Editorial work on a list of Ohio imprints for the years 1821 — 1830,
inclusive, is well advanced, and it is hoped later to issue lists of
Ohio imprints for the remaining years through 1876, the terminal date ,
of the period for which titles have been recorded by the American Imprints
, Inventory. _ ‘
I This is the first list of Ohio imprints to be published in any form.
I , Two lists of such imprints have been compiled as masters' theses, but
neither was published. The present list is, however, far more comprehensive
than either of the theses because of the far more extensive facilities which
I could be employed in its compilation.
J , I In accordance with the best modern bibliographical practice, locations
I 4 are indicated, so far as these are known, for copies of the imprints
5 recorded, so that those interested in consulting any titles in the list
. may have no difficulty in finding them.
; The press made its first appearance in what is now the state of Ohio
, in the year 1793, while the area of the present state was still a part ‘
j of the Territory North-West of the River Ohio, created by the famous
Ordinance of 1787. On November 9, 1793, at the infant settlement of
L Cincinnati, William Maxwell, the first printer in Ohio, issued the first
. number of his newspaper, the Centinel of the North-Western Territory. I
: ' h " ’ ; »r» u, , ... -

 3 ,A .,0
. Earlier in 1793. Maxwell had done some printing at Lexington, Kentucky, '
where printing had begun in 1787. He did not attempt a newspaper there,
however, as he found that field already well occupied, and soon sought
virgin territory for his press on the north side of the Ohio River. As a
. printer, his career in Ohio was brief. He discontinued his Cincinnati
. newspaper in June, 1795, and did no more printing after that year. Early
in 1796 he printed the laws of the Northwest Territory adopted at the
I session of 1795, the first laws of the Territory to be printed within its
borders and the first book to be printed in Ohio.* in 1799 he removed
from Cincinnati to the vicinity of Dayton, where he died in 1809.
: Maxwell was succeeded at Cincinnati by Samuel Freeman and his son
Edmund, who bought the Maxwell printing plant. After some delay the
3 Freemans, on June 18, 1796, began the second Cincinnati newspaper, which
was also the second in Ohio, under the title of Freeman's Journal. This
3 paper continued until the early part of 1800, when Edmund Freeman, who had
3 '3 succeeded his father, removed the press to Chillicothe, the new capital
3 of the territory, Which thus became the second point at which the press
'was established in Ohio,
3 * At least 21 copies of this edition are reported extant. ‘
‘ Robert Clarke & 00., of Cincinnati, almost a century later,
reproduced the four volumes of Northwest Territory laws
3 3 (1792, l79u, 1796, 1798). These facsimiles so closely .
resemble the original editions in appearance that distinction
' between them has not always been easily made, In the
reproduction of the 1796 laws, however, the word "seven" in
t the seventh line of the title reeds "eleven". An attempt
has been made to identify original copies of this, the first
, Ohio imprint. There is a possibility that some copies of the
later laws reported as originals may actually be reproductionsv
- 5 - ' '
3 _ n ' 4/

 r In December. 1801, printing began at Marietta; in 1806 the press

'_ appeared at Steubenville in June and in Lancaster in October; February
of 1807 saw the press begin at Lebanon; in 1808 printing began at Dayton
in September and at Lisbon (then New Lisbon) in December; at St.
Clairsville the press was first established in March, 1809. and in. .
November of the same year it appeared at Zanesville.

In the northern part of-the state the press was established at Warren
in December. 1808; at Canton in March. 1815; at Wooster in June. 1817;
and at Mansfield in April. 1818. The first appearance of the press on
the shores of Lake Erie was at Cleveland in July. 1818. By the end of
' 1820. printing had made a start in 23 of the counties of_the present state

_ of Ohio. '

4 I As printing in these pioneer communities almost invariably began with
the publication of a newspaper, the dates of the actual beginnings of the
press in many cases were earlier -- sometimes several years earlier ——
than the dates of’the earliest pamphlet or book imprints recorded in the
following check list. ' -

g The check list comprises a total of 590 items. other than newspapers
and periodicals, which were printed. or which are presumed to have been
printed, in Ohio before 1821. Of the total, 38 are broadsides or broadsheets,
leaving 552 which are books or pamphlets. ‘

6 Copies have been located of 523 items. including 36 of the broadsides.
But also included in the list are 67 items (2 of them broadsides) which
, have been admitted because of evidence. considered satisfactory, that they
actually were printed in Ohio. although copies of them cannot now be
located. Of these 67 unlocated items 33 are taken from advertisements '
- 6 - p

 V , ill, l ,
i or notices in contemporaneous newspapers which attest that they actually
‘ L were printed; 6 are derived from other bibliographies (Evans, Sabin, Rusk,
‘ Hesse, and Wilkie) in which the titles are recorded with no indication of
the locations of the copies mentioned; 6 are from more or less recent
book sales or auction catalogues; and 23 come from a variety of other '
sources. In each case of an unlocated title, the source from which the
title was derived is indicated in the record of the title in the check list.
The 523 titles for which locations are given have a wide distribution
in 370 collections, of which 20 are in private ownership. It is also
. noteworthy that 200 of these titles can be recorded in single copies
only. To be sure, 32 of the 200 are broadsides, a kind of printed matter
V Which survives, if at all, only in a limited number of copies (only M
of the Ohio broadsides in this list have been found in more than one
3 collection). But there remain 168 of these unique titles which are pamphlets
or books, and many of these are of considerable historical or bibliographical
I interest. The figures following the symbols in the ”Key to Symbols for .
Libraries" show the total number of these Ohio titles located in each
, collection, including (in parentheses) the number thus far recorded from
I that collection only. I
I ' Libraries and private collections in Ohio have been found to contain
1 381+ of the 523 titles of which copies have been located. Of 15M titles
(19 of them broadsides) the only known copies are in Ohio ~~ 130 distributed
among 20 Ohio libraries and 2% in private collections within the state.
‘ Of the total of 370 locations in which titles in this check list are to be
found, 66 are in Ohio, including 13 private collections. I
- 7 -
5 . ,

 I A cursory examination of the titles in the list will reveal that official
hi... publications of the territorial or state government form a large proportion
‘1 I of the total. There are 15 such governmental documents of the Territory
‘ North.West of the River Ohio and 108 of the state of Ohio. a total of 123‘ ‘
—'.l ' titles, or about 20 per cent of the list.
‘ H I. The next largest group classified as to subject matter falls under
I VJ, the general head of the religious interests of early Ohio. Here will be
found 176 titles. including 87 titles concerned with theology and religious
1 ' doctrine. controversy, and propaganda, of which 32 ere sermons; and 89
' publications of religious organizations. including #9 minutes of Baptist
associations. Religious interests thus compose a little over 29 per cent
_, or the list.
.- I The political, civic and public life of the community accounts for 112
“ titles in all. or 19 per cent of the total. Here are included 60 speeches
" and discourses at political or public meetings or the meetings of fraternal .
i. . orders. There are 52 titles concerned with politics and government, of
which H pertain to legal matters; 7 reports of trials. and M pamphlets on y
t ; slavery. Freemasonry is represented by H1 titles.
I‘ ii The cultural life of early Ohio is reflected in 66 titles which may .
; be classed as concerned with literature and the arts. The field of music '
1 claims 15 publications in this group, including 8 hymnels, which might
'perhaps have been credited to religious interests. Orations (23 titles)‘
V‘ and verse (16 titles) were'the predominating forms of local literary
I lexpression. '
. ‘ ‘ Another 3% per cent includes 21 titles concerned with education. ’
‘ f ‘Here are included issues of certain laws concerned exclusively with
‘leducation. the reports and catalogues of educational institutions. and I
ya number of interesting early textbooks. '
_ ' I - s - ,

 ‘ Almanacs were everywhere an indispensable product of the early American
‘ press. This check list contains the titles of M5 early Ohio almanacs.
Geography, description and travel comprise a noteworthy group of 18
titles. Here are included directories. gazetteers, and guidebooks. There
are 6 works concerned with medicine. Biography is represented by 7 titles.
There are 10 popular manuals, or handbooks, on local government and on
matters commercial, industrial, legal, and military. History (general,
American, and local) is the predominant subject matter of 9 titles.
Specific industries and occupations have slight representation. Only
I 12 titles relating to farming have been noted, and 7 concerned with crafts
and industries. Pure science is the subject of 5 titles. ,
It must be borne in mind that the pioneer people of Ohio, especially ‘
during the later years of the period covered by this check list, were
able to draw on the printers and publishers of the east for a great volume
and variety of the printed matter that they required. The scarcity of
1 material of strictly Ohio origin in certain classes of printed matter,
therefore, by no means indicates a corresponding intellectual or cultural
poverty among the people. On the contrary, a number of the titles in this
list will show that early Ohio was already making some significant original
contributions of its own to the literature of the nation as a whole.
This check list of early Ohio imprints is wholly a product of the
American Imprints Inventory of the Historical Records Survey, a division
of the Work Enojects Administration of the federal government -- with some
guidance from the office of the national consultant of the Inventory. It is
impossible to mention even by‘name all those who have contributed to the
- work, from the various state supervisors to the many assiduous workers .
” in the field who gathered the titles in hundreds of libraries. But
acknowledgment must be made of the help received from some persons, not
. - 9 -

 . connected with the inventory. who have been most generous in providing '2
- innumerable details of information about many of the titles in the list.
We therefore eXpress grateful appreciation to Mr. William H. Vodrey, attorney.
of East Liverpool, Ohio; to Mr. Ernest J. Wessen. of Mansfield. Ohio; to Dr.
Harlow Lindley. of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society.-
Columbus; to Dr. Wallace H. Cathcart. of the Western Reserve Historical
Society. Cleveland; and to Miss Eleanor S. Wilby. of the Historical and
Philosophical Society of Ohio. Cincinnati.
A number of bibliographical sources have been used in the preparation of
' the list. which thus does not rely solely upon the Ohio titles reported
. I by field workers of the American Imprints Inventory. The relatively few
Ohio titles in Charles Evan’s American Bibliography have been noted. and
. we believe that practically all the pertinent titles in the Sabin Dictionagy
‘ 2: Books Relating pp America are also accounted for. More particularly.
I certain bibliographies relating exclusively to Ohio have been used. chiefly :
' ' the following: ~ .3
" Thomson. Peter Gibson. 5. bibliography or; 3132 state 93: Ohio. 2
, -_ Being p catalogue p: ppe books app pamphlets relatipg pp
phe history 9: thp state. with collations app bibliographical
- . .‘ egg critical notes ... Cincinnati. 1880. -
-~- . Kyle. Eleanor Rachel. Early Ohio imprints. (Manuscript ,
- Master of Arts Thesis. UniVersity of Illinois. 1932 . \
Miss Kyle lists 331 titles. 1796-1830. but does not
include public documents of religious and fraternal
« _ bodies, almanacs. and periodicals.
, Wilkie. Florence. Early printing in Ohio. 1793-1820.
with a check list of Ohio imprints for that period.
a ' (Manuscript Master of Science thesis. Columbia
' University. June. 1933).
r -..I Miss Wilkie lists 755 titles. including public ' ,
documents and newspapers.
" ’ Many Ohio titles have been found in Ralph Leslie Rusk'e Literature
I p: phleiddle Western Frontier. vol. II. New York. 1926. Some titles
' - 10 — ’

‘ have been cited by Miss Kyle from W. H..Yenable's ggginningg g; Eitgrary
‘ Culture in a}: 9&9. Valley, Cincinnati. 1891.

In a great majority of the cases, any information from the abOVe
sources has been supplemented by information provided by workers of
the Imprints Inventory, particularly in the more complete and correct form' I
of the titles and in the location of copies. In every case, it is believed,
reference has been made to other bibliographies in which titles have been

Practically all the titles in the list have been cleared through the
Union Catalog of the Library of Congress. Cordial thanks are due to

2 Mr. George A. Schwegmann, Jr., director of the Union Catalog, and to the
2 members of his staff, for their help in providing information about libraries
in which copies of many of our titles might be found. It should also be
mentioned, with appreciation, that Mr. Albert H. Allen, as research associate
of the undersigned, did considerable editorial work on a number of these
Ohio titles before the task of preparing the check list was undertaken by
the American Imprints Inventory.

The editorial work of preparing the titles in the check list for
publication has been done by a succession of editorial assistants. chiefly
Mrs. Clara Fishmsn, Mrs. Florence McGrath, and Mrs. Sidney Kramer, with the
help of others of the staff in the editorial offices of the Inventory in
Chicago, and for the most part, especially in its final phases, under the
general supervision of Miss Geraldine Beard, chief editor.

I It is realized, of course, that a check list such as this is imperfect
I in many particulars. Time and use, and contributions from many correspondents,
will be essential to its amplification and improvement. But it has been
I -ll—

 ” "-~ .- ’ "\
:3 . ‘\
found that the very publication of a list like this calls attention to
the value of a record of the imprints of a state or city and brings out
of hiding, as it were, much material of the kind which would not other—
wise be recorded.
Notes of additional titles and locations of Ohio imprints before 1821
- are therefore most earnestly solicited, in order that they may be included
in a possible revision of. or supplement to. the present list, for publicam
~ tion at a later date. Such notes may be addressed to the office of the
American Imprints Inventory, Historical Records Survey, U33 East Erie
’ Street, Chicago, Illinois.
r MmflasC.MflMflrm
Nati one]. C on sult ant
~ American Imprints Inventory
a Approved: Sargent B. Child, Director
Historical Records fiirvey Projects
'; Work Projects Administration
- May 31. 19M.

 List of Books Cited
Brinley, George. Catalogue of the American library of the late
Mr. George Brinley. Hartford, 18784897.
5 parts. .
Evans, Charles. American Bibliography. Chicago, 1903~193LL. .
Hesse, Adelaide R. Index to Economic Material in Documents of i
the States...0hio2 1782—19011. Carnegie Inst.
' of Washington, 1912. ‘
Kyle, Eleanor H. Early Ohio Imprints. (M. A. Thesis). Urbano,
- University of Illinois, 1932.
MacLean, John P. A Bibliography of Shaker Literature. . Columbus,
Parsons, Wilfrid. Early Catholic Americana. New York, 1939.
~ . -' Rusk, Ralph L. ._ The Literature of the Middle Western Frontier.
New York, 1925. 2 vols.
Sabin, Joseph. Dictionary of ngks Relatiig to America.
New York, 1868—1935.
Seidensticker, Oswald. The First Century of German Printing in America,
HES-11830. Philadelphia, 1893.
Thomson, Peter G. A Bibliography of the State “of Ohio. Cincinnati,
Toronto Public Library.A Bibliography oi: Canadiana'2 being items in the
Public Librarflf ngjglnto, Canada. Edited by
Frances M. Staton and Marie Fremaine. Toronto,
1931+. .
Wilkie, Florence. Early Printing in Ohio, 1193-1820. (M. s. ,
v Thesis . New York, Columbia University, 1933.
- 13 - » .

 Key to Symbols for Libraries
The number preceding the name of the library indicates the total
number of titles recorded in this list held by that library or collection,
including (within parentheses) the number of those which, according to
present reports, are unique copies.
, ArCH; l Hendrix College Library, Conway, Ark.
C 2 California State Library, Sacramento, Calif.
CL 15 --....Lew Library, Sacramento,‘ Calif.
CSfMI l Mechanics' Institute Mercantile Library, San Francisco,
Calif. '
came 93 (18) Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery, '
San Merino, Calif. ,
CU—st 1 University of California, Law Library, Berkeley, Calif.
CoD 2 Public Library, Denver, Colo. '
CoHi 1 Colorado Historical Society, Denver, Colo.
, CoU 1 University of Colorado, Boulder, Colo.
Ct 22 Connecticut State Library, Hartford, Conn.
CtHC 2 Hartford Seminary Foundation, Case Memorial
Library, Hartford, Conn. n
CtHWetk 3 Watkinson Library, Hartford, Conn.
CtHi 2 Connecticut Historical Society, Hartford, Conn. . ’
Cth. 2 Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn.
.’ CtNhHi 1 New Haven Colony Historical Society, New Haven, Conn.
’ . CtSoP l Pequot Library, Southport, Conn.
CtY 21 Yale University, New Haven, Conn.
‘ CtYuL 23 —-~-Law School, New Haven, Conn.
DGU l (1) Georgetown University, Washington, D,C.
DLC 111 (7) Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
; DNA 1 (1) National Archives, Washington, D.C.
DSC ' 2 Supreme Council of the 33d Degree (Masonic)
’ Library, Washington, D.G.
DSG 3 U. S. Surgeon General's Office, Washington, D.C.
_ I 1 Illinois State Library, Springfield, Ill.
' IC 3 Public Library, Chicago, Ill.
ICHi 11 (2) Chicago Historical Society, Gilpin Library,
Chicago, Ill. , '
. 103 2 John Crerar Library, Chicago, Ill.
ICLaw 19 Chicago Law Institute, Chicago, Ill.
, ION l8 (1) Newberry Library, Chicago, Ill.
j - 1h - ' .

 , I
IO? 3 (1) Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Virginia
, Library, Chicago, Ill.
108 M Scottish Rite Library. Chicago, Ill.
‘ ICU l6 (3) University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. '
ICU-L 19 —~--Law Library, Chicago, Ill.
TEN—L 2 Northwestern University, Elbert H. Gary Law Library,
Chicago, Ill.
IENLM 1 ----Medical School, Archibald Church Library, Chicago, Ill.
IGK M Knox College, Henry S. Seymor Library, Galesburg, Ill.
IHi 9 Illinois State Historical Library, Springfield, Ill. .
IJI 1 Illinois College, Tanner Memorial Library, Jacksonville,
Ill. ' '
IRo 1 Public Library, Rockford, ill.
' IU 19 University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill. ,
' Ia 1 Iowa State Traveling Library, Des Moines, Iowa
IaAlg 1 Free Public Library, Algona, Iowa
IaCrM 13 (1) Iowa Masonic Library, Cedar Rapids, Iowa
IaDmD l Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa
IaHA l (l) Iowa State Historical, Memorial, and Art Deparbnent '
, Library, Des Moines, Iowa
IaHi - 11 State Historical Society of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa
IaMpI 2 Wesleyan College, P.E.O, Memorial Library,
, Mount Pleasant, Iowa
In 5 (1) Indiana State Library, Indianapolis, Ind.
In—SC 20 -—w-Supreme Court Law Library, Indianapolis, Ind.
InGr l Carnegie Public Library, Greencastle, Ind.
InGrD 1 De Pauw University, Greencastle, Ind. ,
InHi 3 Indiana Historical Society, William Henry Smith
. Memorial Library, Indianapolis, Ind.
InlCC 1 Indiana Central College, Indianapolis, Ind.
InMarC 1 Marion College, Harion, Ind.
" InMuB 1 Ball State Teachers' College, Muncie, Ind.
. IchhE l Earlham College, Richmond, Ind.
InU 3 Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind.
KHi 1 Kansas State Historical Society, Topeka, Kane. ,
KyBgW-K 2 Western Kentucky State Teachers' College,
Kentucky Library, Bowling Green. Ky.
KyDC 1 Centre College, Denville, Ky.
KyLo 1 Free Public Library, Louisville, Ky.
KyLoF 2 Filson Club, Louisville, Ky.
Kny 1 Public Library, Lexington, Ky. .
KnyT 2 Transylvania College, Lexington, Ky.
LN 1 Public Library, New Orleans, La.
LNB l Baptist Bible Institute, New Orleans, La.
LU 1 Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, La.
M 30 Massachusetts State Library, Boston, Mass.
MAA 1 Massachusetts State College, Amherst, Mass.
MB 15 Public Library of the City of Boston, Boston, Mass.
MBAt ll (2) Boston Athenaeum, Boston, Mass.
NBC 7 (2) Congregational Library, Boston, Mass. -
MED M Diocesan Library, Episcopal Church, Boston, Mass.
— 15 - .

 it ,
g .
HEEL: 30 (10) Massachusetts Grand Lodge F. & A. M. Library, Boston. Mass.
MBM 1 Boston Medical Library. Boston. Mass.
. MBNHHi 1 New England Methodist Historical Society. Boston, Mass.
7 MH ‘ 27 (3) Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. ,
MHLBA 1 -—-—Business Administration. Baker Library. Cambridge. Mass.
MHFL 37 ~—-—Law School Library. Cambridge. Mass.
MHi 12 Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston. Ease.
MMeT l Tufts College. Eaton Memorial Library. Medford. Mass.
MMeT—Hi 2 (2) --~-Universalist Historical Society, Medford, Mass.
MPiB' l Berkshire Athenaeum. Pittsfield, Mass. '
MSaE H (1) Essex Institute. Salem. Mass. .
MWA 70 (M) American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Mass.
MWiW 1 Williams College. Williamstown. Mass.
MWiW—C 'l —-—-Chapin Library. Cilliamstown. Hess.
MdBB 17 Library Company of the Baltimore Bar. Baltimore,2ii.
MdHi 2 Ziaryland Historical Society, Baltimore, Md.
Mi_L 22 Michigan State Law Library. Lansing. Mich.
MiD 1 Public Library, Detroit, Mich.
MiD-B 11 ----Burton Historical Collection, Detroit, Mich.
MiDC 1 Detroit Chancery Archives. Detroit, Mich.
MiNazC l Nazareth College, Nazareth, Mich. '
MiU 1 University of Michigan. Ann Arbor, Mich.
MiU~C 3 —-——William L. Clements Library. Ann Arbor. Mich.
MiU—L 15 -—~~Law Library. Ann Arbor. Mich.
MnHi 1 Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul. Minn.
MnM 1 Public Library, Minneapolis, Minn.
MnS 1 Public Library, St. Paul. Minn.
MnU , - 2 University of Minnesota. Minneapolis. Minn.
, MoHi 1 State Historical Society of Missouri. Columbia. Mo.
MoK 1 Public Library. Kansas City. Mo. '
y‘MoKU 1 University of Kansas City. Kansas CitY. Ho.
MoSHi 2 Missouri Historical Society, St. Louis. Mo.
. MoSM 1 St. Louis Mercantile Library Association. St. Louis. Mo.
Ms-Ar 1 Mississippi State Library. Department of Archives and ‘
History. Jackson. Miss.
N In New York State Library. Albany, N. Y. -
NBLiHi 1 Long Island Historical Society. Brooklyn. N. Y. .
', NBuG 3 Grosvenor Library. Buffalo, N. Y.
' NBuU 1 University of Buffalo. Buffalo. N. Y. '
NCH 1 , Hamilton College. Clinton. N. Y.
NHC l Colgate University. Hamilton, N. Y.
NHC—S 18 (8) —~--Samue1 Colgate Baptist Historical Collection.
Hamilton. N. Y.
' NHi MO (1) New York Historical Society, New York City '
N10 1 Cornell University. Ithaca. N. Y. .
NIC—L 1 ————Law Library, Ithaca. N. Y.
, - 16 - ,

 NN 86 (6) New York Public Library. New York City
‘ NNA 1 American Geographical Society. New York City
, NNB 26 Association of the Bar of the City of New York.
New York City
NNC 5 Columbia University. New York City
NNC-L 13 -—--Law Library. New York City
NNC—T 1 (1) ----Teachers' College, New York City
NNEM 1 Grand Lodge of New York. F. & A. M.. New York City
NNG 2 General Theological Seminary. New York City
NNLI 22 New York Law Institute. New York City
NNM 3 American Museum of Natural History. New York City
NNMer 1 Mercantile Library Association. New York City
NNNAM 2 (1) New York Academy of Medicine. New York City
NNS 1 New York Society Library. New York City
NNUT h (1) Union Theological Seminary. New York City
NRC-R l Colgate-Rochester Divinity School. Rochester. N.Y.
Nb 20 Nebraska State Library, Lincoln. Nebr.
NbHi 1 State Historical Society. Lincoln. Nebr.
5 noon 1 (1) Municipal University of Omaha. Omaha. Nebr.
" ' ' NbU-M 1 University of Nebraska. College of Medicine. 2
\ Omaha. Nebr.
Nc—SC 2 North Carolina Supreme Court Library. Raleigh. N. C.
. NcMHi 2 Historical Foundation. Presbyterian and Reformed
Church. Montreat. N.C.
NcU l , University of North Carolina. Chapel Hill, N.C.
Nj 5 20 New Jersey State Library. Trenton. N.J.
' NJN 1 (1) Public Library. Newark. N.J.
' NJP , 1 Princeton University. Princeton, N.J.
NJPT h Princeton Theological Seminary. Princeton, N.J.
5 . NV 10 Nevada State Library. Carson City. Nev.
o 69 (2) Chic State Library. Columbus. Ohio
O—Ar u (3) ----Archives. Columbus, Ohio
O-LR 33 (l) ~--—Legislative Reference Bureau. Columbus. Ohio
0-80 32 (1) --——Supreme Court Law Library, Columbus. Ohio
OACL 18 Athens County Law Library. Athens. Ohio
OAU 7 Ohio UniVersity. Carnegie Library. Athens, Ohio -
OAkSL 17 Summit County Law Library. Akron. Ohio
00 36 (a) Public Library of Cincinnati. County Library.\
District of Hamilton County. Cincinnati. Ohio
- OCGHM 2 Cincinnati General Hospital, Medical Library.
Cincinnati. Ohio
OCHP 171 (29) Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio.
Cincinnati. Ohio ’
2 OCLaw 38 Cincinnati Law Library Association. Cincinnati, Ohio
OCLloyd 1 Lloyd Library, Cincinnati, Ohio
- 17 - .

 00M 3 Masonic Library Association. Cincinnati; Ohio
. OCMtSJ 1 Mount St. Joseph, Cincinnati, Ohio
' OCU 1 ' UniVersity of Cincinnati. Cincinnati. Ohio
OCU—L 19 «f-aLaW Library, Cincinnati. Ohio
OCUCA 2 U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals, 6th Circuit;
Cincinnati, Ohio
OCY' 3 Young Men's Mercantile Library. Association.
Cincinnati. Ohio '
OCanSL 18 Stark County Law Library. Canton. Ohio '
OCh 2 (2) Public Library, Chillicothe. Ohio
' 001 23 Public Library, Cleveland. Ohio
OClFRB 1 Federal Reserve Bank. Cleveland. Ohio
OClL 23 Cleveland Law Library. Cleveland. Ohio
OClW- 2M Western Reserve UniVersity. Cleveland. Ohio
OClWHi 253 (51) Western Reserve Historical Society. Cleveland. Ohio
OClh 1 Public Library. Cleveland Heights. Ohio
000 7 Public Library. Columbus. Ohio
0000 5 (2) Capital University. Columbus. Ohio
OCoFCL 9 Franklin County Law Library. Columbus. Ohio
ODa M (1) Public Library. Dayton. Ohio ‘
ODaML 18 Montgomery County Law Library. Dayton. Ohio
OEalHi 1 East Liverpool Historical Society. East Liverpool. Ohio
OFH 5 Hayes Memorial Library. Fremont. Ohio
, OGaK 1 Kenyon College, Gambier. Ohio
OHi 62 (9) Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society,
Columbus. Ohio '
OLimaAL 17 ‘ Allen County Law Library, Lima. Ohio
OLisHi 1 (1) Lisbon Historical Society. Lisbon. Ohio
CM 1 Public Library, Marietta. Ohio
OMC ‘ M2 (1) Marietta College. Marietta. Ohio
00 12 Oberlin College. Oberlin. Ohio
OOxM 6 Miami University. Oxford. Ohio
OPosm 1 Free Public Library. Portsmouth, Ohio ,
OSW 2 Wittenberg College. Springfield. Ohio
OSandCL 17 Sandusky County Law Library. Sandusky. Ohio
OSte 2 Carnegie Library. Steubenville. Ohio
OSteJL 12 Jefferson County Law Library. Court House.
Steubenville. Ohio -
OTLCL 20 Lucas County Law Library. Toledo. Ohio
DU 1 Ohio State University. Columbus. Ohio
OU—Law 18 ----Law Library, Columbus, Ohio '
OUr 1 Public Library. Urbana. Ohio
OUrC 6 (1) Urbana Junior College. Urbana, Ohio
OWiLmW 1 Wilmington College. Wilmington. Ohio
OYoML 16 Mahoning County Law Library. Youngstown. Ohio
_ Or-SC 1 Supreme Court Library. Salem. Oregon
OrBe 1 Deschutes County Library. Bend, Oregon
OrHi. 1 Oregon Historical Society. Portland, Oregon
OrPML 1h Multnomah County Law Library, Portland. Oregon
‘ OrU ~1 University of Oregon. Eugene. Oregon
- 1g -

 P 2 Pennsylvania State Library, Harrisburg, Pa.
‘ PCA ll (3) American Baptist Historical Society, Chester, Pa.
PHC 3 Heverford College, Haverford, Pa.
PHi 13 Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.
PLT 2 Theological Seminary of the Reformed Church in
the U. 8., Lancaster, Pa.
PMA 2 Allegheny College, Reis Library, Meadville, Pa.
PP 1 Free Library of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pa. ,
PPAN 3 Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pa.
PPAmP 7 American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia, Pa. '
PPB 18 Philadelphia Bar Association,-Philadelphia, Pa.
PPDrop l Dropsie College, Philadelphia, Pa.
PPFM 5 Pennsylvania Grand Lodge, F. & A. M,, Philadelphia, Pa.
PPL 7 Library Company of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pa.
PPLnR 3 ~~~~Ridgway Branch, Philadelphia, Pa. ‘
PPDT l Lutheran Theological Seminary, Krauth Memorial ‘
Library, Mount Airy, Pa.
PPM 2 Mercantile Library, Philadelphia, Pa.
PPP l Divinity School of the Protestant Episcopal Church
' in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pa. . ‘
PPPrHi 19 (H) Presbyterian Historical Society, Philadelphia, Pa. ,
PPWa l Wagner Free InStitute of Science, Philadelphia, Pa. ‘
PPi u Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa.
PPiBar 19 Pittsburgh Bar Association, Pittsburgh, Pa.
PPiHi 2 Historical Society of Western Pennsylvania,
Pittsburgh, Pa.
PPiU 9 Uni