xt7brv0cz67v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7brv0cz67v/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2002-10 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, October 2002 text GLSO News, October 2002 2002 2002-10 2019 true xt7brv0cz67v section xt7brv0cz67v was t. s o ave we
m. ..
mm. W OCtober 2002
A publication oi? the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Service Organization
Volume 17 Number 10

Fenton Johnson Volureteer Awards

Fenton Johnson will be speaking at the anq ue
Unitarian Universalist Rebublican Meeting The Eleventh Annual Volunteer Awards
House, on Oct. 19 at 7 pm., 3564 Clays Mi" Banquet will be held on Sunday October
Rd' Johnson has previously published 13th, at the Sheraton Four Points on
Scissors, Paper, Rock and Geography Of Newtown Pike at l-75. The cost is $20 per
the Heart, winner Of the American Library person and tickets are available through
Association GLB BookAward for nonfiction. the Pride Center (253_3233) or Terry

'" his f°”h°°mi"9 b°°kr we i F i 3 Mullins (days: 252-2867 or cell 576-
Awfi I u n (Houghton Mifflin, 5262). This is a joyous occasion, come
March, 2003) Johnson draws upon six share it with us.
years of research including time Spent at We will gather at 5 pm for cocktails and
American Buddhist and Christian monaster- dinner will be served at 6 pm. All commu—
ies. Specifically, he compares the Trappist nity organizations are invited to present
Abbey Of Gethsemani in Kentucky near their volunteer of the year awards to the
where he grew up with the various branCh- individual they select. Each group pres-
es 0f the San Francisco Zen Center. ents 'an award of their Choice; creative

He chose these two monasteries awards have included everything from
because he sees them as the two most tiaras to car detailing. Asacommunity, we
prominent institutions oftheir respective tra- will be honoring the individual (Wasson
ditions in this country. Within these two tra- Award) and the group (Rainbow Award) .
ditions, Johnson explores the meaning Of that through volunteerism has done the '
what we call faith and how it exists today in most for the GLBT Community in and
an age Of skepticism. By comparing two around the Bluegrass Area in the previous
radically different traditions, he hopes to year or years.
arrive at what they share, perhaps to illumi- mwnfinued on page 2
nate the virtue of faith they have in com-

At the Unitarian Church, Johnson will Mlnfl out Menu]
be addressing the role of Eastern thought in
influencing the West in general and, specif-
ically, Eastern influence on Unitarianism, (VOW 54 “74144 Banquet
which through Emerson and Thoreau has
strong connections with Buddhism's first 54,15va of 911:1;
appearances in America. Please join us for sandal, Datogu 73
what will be a stimulating evening. S e 6 page 5 for more activities

 . We moved this banquet from Pride Month to
”fee? GQYBDCI Coming Out Month in hopes that more people would
fife" LESBIAN be able to attend. The many volunteers who keep our

‘53 SERVICE community vibrant and moving forward do not donate
' if MENTION their time in order to receive an award, but it is
WWO. Kencucm never34the less important to recognize their contribu-
tions. By acknowledging our pride in each other, the
16 L so NEWS banquet becomes a celebration ofjoy in being who we
Volume 17 Issue 10 The nomination for the Wasson and Rainbow
Awards should now be in our hands (specifically, Terry
published monthly by Mullin’s hands). We will have the nominations at the
The Lexington Gay Pride Center between Oct 1 and Oct 5. Up to three
Lesbian representatives of each community group can vote.
Service organization Come by the Pride Center between 10 am and 3
339 Waller Ave. pm Tuesday Oct 1 through Saturday, Oct 5. Call
to be sure there is someone here. We will also
Editors be open for voting on Wed. evening, Oct 2 between
Mary Crone John Ridener 7 and 9 pm_
Gather a group of friends and attend this celebra-
Board Members tion of community spirit. You will be glad you did.
Terry Mullins, President
Jerry Neff, Vice President
Mary Crone. Editor Pride Gallery Open
John Ridener, Secretary
Thomas Collins The Pride Gallery is currently exhibiting “Paper
Cary SUddUth Quilts" by Frank Leake. This series of works is com-
Tom Collins prised of over 150 bodies of work that explores
Bi" Chandler mankind's loss of spirituality as we become more tech-
Dan Rogers nologically advanced. The exhibit is lovingly dedicated
Lee Noble to the memory of Ray Fields, 1957-2002 and will run
through October 18th. Both originals and prints are
GLSO Annual Dues 8‘ available for purchase. Twenty percent of the pro-
Newsletter. ceeds will go to the Pride Center.
IndIVIdual ' $15 The Pride Gallery is actively seeking other artists
Couple " $25 interested in showing their work. If you are interested
in having your own exhibit, please contact Thomas
Collins at 859 225-0094 or the Pride Center at 859
Opinions expressed in the GLSO News 253—3233. If you don’t feel as though you have enough
:g:f::::;:fi:g:eagftfignéflg‘g bodies of work for a complete show, but would still like
Board. Submissions are welcome and to use the venue to display and sell, we can pair you
sfafi reserves thefight ‘0 ed“ SmeiS' up with another artist who only wants to display a few
Sions and advertisements as well as _ _
the right to reject Submissions or pieces and we can do a show together. All artisans
advertisements. welcome.
GLSO Page 2

 , /
a C ommumt .‘News
i: Kentucky Fairness Fundraiser from swing to Motown to disco to show
tunes, from mushy to the Jaded, surely
1‘ Lexington’s Crossings bar Wi" play “03" something for everyone. For further info,
e to a fun-filled evening of entertainment, email Beth at eznzo@hotmail.com.
'e socializing and fundraising for the Kentucky
Fairness Alliance on Saturday, Oct. 12 from
W 8 until close. Last year’s event brought in Board Members Needed
Y $1500 for the non-profit organization. This We have recently expanded the number
e year, organizers hope to spill over the of members that can serve on the GLSO
e $2000 level. Board. We have a lot of activities and could
3- A special feature will be a silent auction use some new energy. We are also open to
3 and raffle of items donated by local busi- new projects. If you are interested call the
1" nesses such as the Letter, Gold’s Gym, Pride Center office at 253-3233 or Terry at
0 Target, Best Buy, Pier 1, Clear Channel 576-5262 (cell).
‘” Radio, Slone's Market, \fideoMax, and _ _
works by several local artists. ORBIT. _ Com | rig Out In
3' Lead organizer of the event is Scott MUSIC and ong
Perry, ML Kentucky Bear 2000 and Mr. Coming Out in Music and Song will be
InternatIonal Bear 2901' Those contests, offered at 7pm at the Pride Center, on
he notes, 'T‘Sp'red mm to gIve suom-ethIng Friday, October 18th. ORBIT, a band from
back to Lex'"9t°", and Kentucky. ““3 was Louisville, will be playing and singing their
er my way ofldomg It, he says. . own original songs.
I- Cover '8 $5 at the door. Raffle tIckets Come out and hear this up and coming
s are ten for $5' A" Proceeds to benefit Ky band. Members include Fran Shupe, Karen
l_ FaIrness. To volunteer, or to offer your tall— Hitchcock, and Ron \fiers. N 0 cover and
d ents, call Perry at 859 294—5999 or email refreshments will be provided. Donations .
n Kywoof@aol.com. A" checks should be accepted for support of the Pride Center.
e made payable to the Kentucky FaImess
)_ Alliance. All auction Items must be paId for Men Of A" COIOI‘S Together
and picked up that evening.
> After several years of dormancy, Men of
j SisterSound All Colors Together (MACT) is once again
5 SisterSound, Lexington’s women's cho- actIve .m Kentucky. A group Of supporters
. . In Lexmgton Is spearheadlng thIs actIVIty
9 rus, has begun Its fall rehearsal and contIn- and have scheduled a meeting on
h ues to practice each Sunday, 6-8:15 pm at Saturday October 12 at 7'00 pm in the
e the Landsdowne Cumberland Presbyterian ’. '
, GLSO PrIde Center, 389 Waller Ave.
u Church on ReddIng Rd. We would love to Alon rti l b t th' b
, ., ,, gera cea ou Isgroupcan e
N have new v0Ices .Jom .us. No audItIons found on page 9. For more info email mac-
s reqUIred. If you enjoy smgIng and the com- tky@aol.com, phone Jon at 859 3514453.
”any °f w°me"' come Chec" ”3 °“t' or write MACT KY PO Box 910596,
We’ll be rehearsing in preparation for a Lexin ton K ’ .
late January concert of songs about love, 9 ’ y. ..contInued 0” page 4
GLSO page 3

 I t
iM‘PCYLaL Court EVCWtS speakers Monday hrough Thursday from3
to 11 pm in Baird Lounge of the Alumni
The Imperial Court of Kentucky invites Bldg. On Friday. Oct 11, from 9 pm to 1am,
everyone to attend the Emperor's we will have a Coming Out Dance in
Tumabout on Wedneswday, October 9 at Commons, Woods-Penn. On Sat. 12th
Club 141. Doors open at 8:30, show at from noon-2pm in Baird Lounge, Alumni
9:30, $5 donation at the door. Come out Bldg, we will hold a Lobbying workshop.
and see Emperor Orvis and his male line If there are any questions or if anyone
change roles and see what the "girls" go would like to assist us with materials to
through. A great time will be had by all pass out that week and/or to assist us
while watching some of these first time per- financially, please contact us at BEREA
formances. COLEGE ACE, CPO 1799, Berea College,
The annual Diva of Darkness pageant is Berea, Ky. 40404.
scheduled for Wednesday, October 30, at
Club 141. Doors open at 8:30, pageant WISHING CHAIR
begins at 930’ requestinga doantion 0f$5 Wishing Chair will be the featured
at the door. Contestant applications are
. . . group at the Open Door Cafe, 2530
available from Empress Nicole Diamond. . .
. . Frankfort Avenue, Lowswlle, KY on Sat,
Jom the Imperial Court for some spooktac- .
. October 19 at 7pm. There Will be an $8
ular talent and entertainment on Halloween .
Eve Dress in ourfavorite costume rizes cover at the door. Refreshments WI" be
' y . ,p available for purchase. Call 264-7006 for
for best costume Will be awarded. . f t' d' t'
The Court will also join the Imperial more In orrna '0" or irec ions.
Court of Cincinnati for a Kentucky Show at
the Old Street Saloon on October 4 in Dress and Gender Alliance
Mon ,h'.Sh 'lltrtt11.. .
roe O '0 ow WI 8 a a p m The Lexmgton Dress and Gender
Berea College Ace League Alliance is a peer social support group for
all transgendered people, including cross
The Berea College Ace League Will be dressers, transsexuals, androgynous folks,
Sponsoring a week 0f events in honor 0f gender queer individuals, allies and friends.
Coming OUT month starting Monday 00t- We socialize and discuss issues related to
7th through Oct 12- The following events how gender expectations have affected our
are being planned. We Will feature Various lives. Our next meeting will be Sat. Sept.
7th at 8 pm at the Pride Center.
T CO * *" Wt" 3 - - 33 3 ' 1-
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Residential Sales . ‘5'“7“ "f’ " W“ ” £3,352 1 ‘
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Mention this ad,a 3% donation will go to the srfiyfi
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Direct Line: 294-6221 ‘ Fax: 359-294-6249 Mr .W , 3
GLSO peg“ ,_ , . .,_,_____________—_____

 n8 I
Coming Out Month
nnl (Vofludza c4uraula Banquet #
'1: 04!; giant Mei/9dr];
9: WW”
;e, 5 PM do 6 P" 2302,,“ Gay Sll'illglll Alliance
'0! Yolllll
Benefit Show for coming 0'" Parly
Miss Gay 5C}! At Large call for information
ad Sundlw fDeLaRouge . 253-3233
:2 Wed., Oct 2 Club 141 9 pm #
3: ”Fenton Johnson ORBIT
./\\ UU Chngh Coming Out in Music
{\ j, Clays Mill Rd and Song
‘9 \‘3/ Oct 19 7 pm Friday, October
1:; 18th
)85 W W 7 pm at the Pride
ks, Emperor's Burnaboui; Center
ff; ’ med. act; 9 The Truth About 5
am Diva a? Darkness Pageant: Jane
M Used. Oct: 3o Lesbian Movie
m Bath :11; Club 141 {IE 8:30 Night
CLEO Discussionc—Jm”? Kentucky Fairness
Homecoming FOtIUCk Alliance Crossings 8
f Wed. Oct 23
fi 650m 9 m pm $5
. Pd C P Saturday, Oct. 12
n c cntcr Silent Auction
GLSO Pages

 389 Waller Ave. 859-253-3233 Mon-Sat 10 - 3
Discussion Group Celebrate Your True Love
Homecoming POtIUCk Are you looking for a way to immortalize
9 .

In celebration of Coming Out Month, the L21: 3:23; Izviéuafiregfgbg :fihgm
GLSO Discussion/Support Group is having . . se
a Homecoming Potluck on Wed Oct. 23 past hottles? Then, scrapbooklng may
6'30-9 pm at the Pride Center. We want to just be the hobby you’ve been looking for.
invite anyone who has ever attended the Beginning at .7'00 pm on Monday, October

roup to come out and join in the fun 14, DaVIna Will be teaching a class In True
9 This incarnation of the GLSO Love Pages. During this class, you will
Discussion/Support Group has been meet- ”Litetrfijgrlgjzulogzsfi;agt:%ogop;$e:u0f
ing regularly for over 4 years now and so ylies You am; asked to brin a air p}
many great people have come and gone Scissors Please contact Deana 2t 8509
that we wanted to get them all back togeth- ' .
er So whether you currently attend the 338—5402 of Scrapnchlck2022yahoo.com
group or were coming way back when as soon as possible. Spaces are limited.
Jeremy led the way, whether you have
been to a hundred meetings or just one, LESBIAN VIDEO NIGHT
we hope you'll come back for an evening of Everyone (gay, straight, etc.) is invited
laughter, memories and friends. to join us for lesbian video night in October

Bring a dish to share. We’ll provide in honor of Coming Out month. We’re
soda, wine, beer and plenty of good con— coming out Friday, October 11 at 7 pm.
versation. Join us for another film about a lesbian
The Discussion/Support Group meets teenager - this time it’s Jane - who strug-
every Wednesday night from 7- 9 pm at the gles with coming out in high school.
Pn'de Center, 389 Waller Avenue, Suite The Truth About Jane is a Lifetime
100. Contact the Pride Center at 253-3233 Television Network original film, so it was
or Jane at ladyjaneky@ yahoo.com for designed for non-gay audiences. Ellen
information. Muth (Delores Claiborne) plays Jane with
..continued on page 10
Games Night . , _ . . , W . .
no F!" a " r ~~ , .. cums
Scrabble or Trivial PUFSUit? ,3ffiftz, v- _ .>
Bridge or Bid Wist? Come out Eggs?!“ , “lawn”, Tummflat‘on
to the Pride Center and play. ’9 W‘MWIW
Games night is Friday, Oct 25 cmlnl’affimtlidhykkc. »
at 7 pm. Bring your favorite 15.55 ff é; ;' :"_;'g Wst—lm .; .
board games, snacks and soft {5;} - mam-om » . ;
run and games. = TonFmMamaaz-sess
GLSO Page 6

 ' ' ll
“1 Rainbow Volleyb , .1 ue
S . ‘ ,r-e .‘ eag .
. __ . . lV Prevention L _ ..
w W l nter H . -
le ’:-, v . P . . ‘ . ‘ i ’ ‘ ’ g
0f -SUNBAY,0CTOBER 13. 2002. '
o- 5‘ ‘ . v . . - -~ 3“,..--
of 200. PM 4500 PM ., “‘5’
m ¥ . 545155555 55-455 555555 5 '-
" k v' . Lawton, 55555555 .. * 5
re Come join us for FREE, fun, friendly competition!
"- Refreshments, food, t-shirts and prizes provided.
:3" Come play for your favorite CHARITY!
Practice and Game Dates: Sundays, 2PM to 4PM:
19 October 13th - Registration and First Practice
as , October 20th
October 27th ‘
an November 3rd
th November 10th
9 November 17th
December 8th

_ Teumament: Saturday, December 14th, 9AM~5PM
} All Practices and the Tournament will be held at the Dunbar Center, 545 North Upper Street
g For More Information Contact:
’ I John Bentley, AVOL 2246752
_ Larry Collins, AVOL 2224 918
_ Mark Johnson. AVOL 222—8835

Keith Lyons, AVOL 2224 920
_ __—_______________________

GLSO Page?

 Religious Groups cussing your spiritual beliefs with other
pagans, learning and growing together,
|nte9rity please call lggie at 859-492-9904. Let us
_ share the love of the Goddess and God.
.lntegrity, a support . group for Blessed Be!
Episcopalians and friends, Will continue to
meet at St. Michael’s Episcopal Church at Jubilee Fellowship
2025 Bellefonte. In October we will be _ _ . .
. Jubilee Fellowship is meeting at the
meeting on Sunday the 13th at 4 pm. We . .
. . . ,, . Pride Center on most Thursday nights at
Will be discussmg Is it safe to return to
,, 7pm. The second Thursday of each month
church? We are pleased to announce that . . .
. . is booked, so on that night we Will meet at
Bishop Stacy Sauls, of the Lexmgton .
. . . . . . . the Pride Center but then go elsewhere. If
Diocese, Will 10in us for this discus5ion. ,
. you have any questions call 264-7006 or
Call Rev. DaVId Boyd or Rev. Sandy Stone cwbm121893@aol com
at 277—7511 or JBlntegrity@aol.com. for ' '
more '"format'on Unitarian Universalist Church
Wiccaanagan The Unitarian Universalist Church wel-
lam looking for like-minded people to comes visitors any time. There are now
start a Wiccan/Pagan Study Group. I am a two services every Sunday, at 9:30 and
solitary practitioner with a need to share 11:15. There will be a first Sundy brunch in
and grow with other. I am of the Celtic between the services starting in October.
Tradition with interest in all other pagan Women’s Spirituality Group will be meeting
paths. If you migt be interested in dis— on Oct. 18. see page 10.
Real Estate Serwce With
mm mm
Scott Ackerman E “W"
Mobile: 859-338-8483 ”THUS'ASM
Voice Mail: 859-294-2055 S _ L _ t
Office: 859-269-7331 WW 5"“ °"
E-Mail: SAcker4224@aol.com A" of Central Kentucky
Call me With all your Real Estate Needs
GLSO Page 8

er Men Of All Colors Together during the NABWMT national convention
us in Miami this past August. Goals and aspi-
1d. The Kentucky chapter of Men of all rations of the organization will be dis-
Colors Together (MACT) has been a chap- cussed and planning for activities during
ter of the National Association of Black and the coming months will also occur at this
White Men Together since 1984. Both are meeting.
he gay multiracial organizations which foster In the past, the group has sponsored
at supportive environments where friend- potluck dinners, game nights, movie
Ith ships of all types can be celebrated free of nights, bar nights, and trips to functions
at racial and cultural barriers. sponsored by their brother chapters.
If In the words of both of their statements Educational activities have included HIV
or of purpose: "We engage in educational, prevention projects and workshops con-
political, cultural, and social activities as a ceming racism and political awareness.
means of dealing with the racism, sexism, Those with like interests are encouraged
“h homophobia, and other inequalities in our to attend the meeting and help us plan for
' communities and in ourlives." The nation- the future. For more information consult
3|- 3| group has affiliated chapters around the the web page at mactky.com, email the
)w country which provides a built-in family of group at mactky@aol.com, telephone at
1d friends when members travel to one of the 859 351-4453 Jon, or write at MACT KY,
in chapter cities. PO Box 910596, Lexington, Ky. 40591-
ar. There will be a meeting at the Pride 0596.
lg Center on Sat. Oct 12 at 7 pm which will
feature a program depicting the events
Healing Sea Myofascual Release
, and Bodywork ' . ,
JohnFBummer/omen:Releaswechnmesmat .
, , meem’wrymfiww
Matthew Schuler, L.M.T. ,
(859) 420-4MFR * (859)'263~3998
203 Woodland Ave., Lexington (inside Hair Razors)
*NntionallyvCertified in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork
*Licensed Massage Therapist *Member American Massage Therapy Association
GLSO Page 9

 P ride gen-tel. Library There’s Something I’ve Been Meaning to
nghllghtS: Tell You, Loralee MacPike, ed. (HQ
Coming, OUt 76.3.U5 T47)
By Jane inder These and many other books and videos
_ . _ can be check out from the Pride Center
October 'n the Bluegrass '8 Coming Out Library. The Pride Center at 389 Waller
Month and along. With all the spectal actIVI- Avenue is open Monday-Saturday, 10_3_
ties and celebrations, has the Pride Center Come out and visit us today.
Library got something for you. Let’s face it _________——
the one thing all GLBT persons seem to cont. from Page 6
have in common are our personal “coming sincerity and depth. Stockard Channing
OUt stories.” Whether you are IUSt Starting to (West Wing) is excellent as Jane’s mother,
“come cm to yourself” or you’ve been OUt who believes she is liberal and accepting
“as long as You can remember” you Wiii find until she discovers her daughter is a les-
something of interest at the library. Here’s a bian. Ru Pau| a|so makes an appearance
selection: as a friend of the family.
Coming Out Right: A Handbook for the Gay This film also offers a healthy dose 0f
Male, Wes Muchmore & William Hanson education - you’ll see PFi-AG parents and
(HQ 76.2.U5 M942) hear statistics about suicide among gay
Coming Out Spiritually: The Next Step, teenagers. In, addition to educating and
Christian de la Huerta (BL 65.H64 D45) enterta_'"'“9' '_"‘ “99'"9 ,th'5 fi'm Sparks
some interesting discussmn at the Pride
Coming Out to Parents: A Two-Way Center this month. For information call
Survwal GUIde for Lesbians and Gay Men Davina at 859 338-5402.
and Their Parents, Mary V. Borhek. (HQ
75-5 368) Pampered Chef Party
:2: 2:22, gjfrtégsfl $213312; VS: (3:; Will and Mike’s Pampered Chef is host-
76 2 U5 F198 0’515) ing a benefit party for the Pride Center on
‘ ' Sat, Oct 19 from 1 until 2:30 at the Pride
In and Out [Videocassette] VIDEO InAn Center. Catalogs are available at the Cente
_ _ _ _ for advanced ordering or by calling 255-
The Original Coming Out Stories, Expanded 7753 or email chef32@aol.com.
ed., Julia Penelope & Susan J. Wolfe, eds. Pampered Chef products make great
(HQ 75'3'065) Christmas and Wedding gifts. A new fall
Outing Yourself: How to Come Out as product line is being introduced. The Pride
Lesbian or Gay to Your Family, Friends, and Center will receive 10 to 15% of the total
Coworkers, Michelangelo Signorile (HQ sales at the party and the hOStS Wt" also
76.3.U5 $54 094) donate 25% of their commission to the
Center. The 25% rate will also apply to par-
Revelations: A Collection Of Gay Male ties booked through this event through
Coming Out Stories, Wayne Curtis, ed. (HQ December.
76.2.U5 R449 C981)
Testimonies: Lesbian Coming-Out Stories, Note: We haYe "Ct heard'from R'Fhaid
Karen Barber & Sarah Holmes, eds. (HQ about Men's Night Out. For info email him
75-51-49) at mcc40502@msn.com
GLSO page 10

 | to
HQ GLSO News Sponsors 2002
:1: Richardson Vision Center...................................278-4201
Her 1757 Alexandria Dr., Gardenside
l-3. Scott Ackerman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(voice) 294-2055
_ (mobile) 338-8483
For all your real estate needs

ling SisterSound..............................243-0243
per, Diverse music for all women
leg- TheCreativeTeam ........................494-1832
nce Dan Rogers & Teresa Wagoner

Imperial Court of Kentucky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .252-3014
1 of . . .
an d A Charlty Organization
gay TheBarCompIex .........................255-1551
if: 224 East Main Street
1r S
1'de Unitarian Universalist Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .223-1448
call Seeking a Diverse Congregation

Kentucky Fairness Alliance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .296-7812


)st- Debra Hensley Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .276-3244
on 1513 Nicholasville Road
ht: WindyKnoIlFarm .........................299-7410
55- Riding Lessons, Trail Riding, Boarding
sat Lexington Men’s Chorus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .255-1974
fall Rehearsal every Sunday
:3; Prudential Securities, David Cupps . . . . . . . . . . .243-5033
IlSO Specializing in the investment needs of LGBT’s and their families
:2: PegasusTravel ...........................253-1644
lgh Donating 1% of your ticket cost to GLSO
— GLSO page 11

 Call number In Oct ber 2002
Directory for Location. 0
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
7 pm Sistahs in the Life 7 pm Discussion Group 7 pm Jubilee Fellowship 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Pride Center Open 10-3
Pride Center Pride Center Pride Center (Call for place) 8 pm LDGA Pride Center
Voting for Wasson & 7 pm Gay/“Shim AA '
Rainbow Community 9 pm Raififlxgolfiz? VJoting. ends for Wassong
Servtce Award Southland Lanes and Ralnbow Awards
9 pm Miss GAY Ky
(Club 141)
Pride Center open til 9 pm for
voting for awards
6 7 9 1 O 1 1 1 2
9:30 & 11:15 uu Church 7 pm P-FLAG Berea 7 pm Discussion Group 7 pm Men's Night Out 7 pm Lesbian Movie Night Pride Center Open 10-3
Worship Service Pubilc Library-Berea Pride Center Pride Center 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 7 pm Men Of All Colors
5:30 Men's Chorus 7 pm GSA (Callforlomtion) 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA (Call for place) Together (_P"de Center)
Rehearsal, St Michaels 8 pm AA Step Study (Call for place) 8 pm KY Falmess _
6 pm Sistersound (Call for (Call for place) 9 pm Rainbow Bowling Fundraiser (Crossmgs)
location) Berea College Coming Out Southland Lanes 9 pm Berea College Dance
7 pm Dignity — Pride Center Week 9 pm Emperors Tumabout
(Club 141
1 3 14 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 19
9:30 8- 11:15 UU Church 7 pm Scrapbooking 7 pm GSA (Call for place) 7 pm Discussion Group 7 pm Jubilee Fellowship 6:30 pm Women‘s Pride Center Open 10-3
5‘30 Mao’s Ch°ms Rehearsal, Pride Center Pride Center Pride Center Spirituality (Marys House) 1-2:30 Pampered Chef
St M'Chae's 8 pm AA Step Study 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 7 pm Fenton Johnson (UU)
5 pm Volunteer of the Year
Banquet (Sheraton Four Points (Call for place) (Call for place) (Call for place) .
6 pm imperial Oomph-do Center 9 pm Rainbow Bowling 7 pm Coming Out In MUSIC
6 pm Sister Sound Southland Lanes and song concert
(@Iforloaafion) Pride Center
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
9:30 & 11:15 UU Church 7 pm GLSO Board Meeting 7 pm Fairness Steering 6:30 pm Discussion Group 7 pm Jubilee Fellowship 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Pride Center Open 10-3
Worship Service Pride Center Committee Homecoming Pot-Luck (Call for place)
5:30 Men's Chorus 8 pm AA Step Study Pride Center Pride Center 7 pm Games Night
Rehearsal, St Michaels (Call for place) 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Pride Center
6 pm Sistersound (Call for place)
(Cdl for location) 9 pm Rainbow Bowling
7 pm Dignity (Cdforlocalim) Southland Lanes
27 28 _ 29 3O _ . 31 _ _
9:30 & 11:15 UU Church 7 pm GSA (Call for location) 7 pm Discussmn Group 7 pm Jubilee Fellowship
Worship Service 8 pm AA Step Study Pride Center
5:30 Men's Chorus 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA
Rehearsal, St Michaels (Call for place)
6 pm imperial Court 9 pm Rainbow Bowling
6 pm Sistersound ~ Southland Lanes
(Call for letation) 9:30 Diva of Darkness
Pagent (Club 141)
GLSO Page12 GLSO Page 13

 The Soul Beneath the two groups, the percentage of crimes com- a:
- . mitted by gay men was 10 percent lower "
Skln' The unseen Hearts than that of crimes committed by hetero- W
and Habits of Gay Men, sexual men -or lesbians). th
By David Nimmons; St. It would be enough for most SOClaI D
. , studies to present this fresh new informa-
Mamn 3’ 255 pages’ $2395 tion, but the real substance of the book 3'
, . . .. comes in the large middle section, in which 9‘
Dav'd Nimmori's new bOOK' The Soul Nimmons unflinchingly parses every pos- f"
Beneath the Sk'n' _'3 perhaps the first gay- sible aspect of gay male sexuality, from cir- 9‘
studies book that is not uncomfortable or cuit parties to non monogamy to unprotect- pi
afraid to take on all ofIthe gay male expen- ed sex to bathhouse orgies. Again, he al
ence, "‘0'”de the “we and often elabo- looks with two lenses: those of outsider _
rate forms of sexualnexpressmn. The goal, (Jane Goo dalI-styl e anthropologist) and lie
Nimmons says, is to tell the whole truth insider (funny queen, making Tallulah v<
we know In our lives, and what we may Bankhead jokes). c;
feel In our gut. That 's’ to Widen the ana- Mostly, the schizophrenia works. One fl)
lytic lens to View more of ourselves and . . . c;
, .. wonders whether homophobic Citizens
our practices. , , would be so scared if the gay subculture m
What are these practices? BeSIdes were something unearthed from an ]0
sex, Nimmons has written in-depth chap- ancient civilization in which the citizens .
ters on a number Of cultural aspects rarely built intimate relationships in both couples 9'
discussed: the low rate of Violent crime Continued on page 15 re
when gays congregate socially; the high — St
level of philanthropic giving, volunteerism Kentucky Bluegrass Fairness c:
and public service; and novel forms of Bluegrass Chapter e:
caretaking. It gives any reader pause to “x. 3
consider the level of safety one feels inside “W ("
a gay bar as opposed to that of a singles , “‘l 1' '$“ th
bar: In gay bars, they still serve drinks in 3‘ ' x1 * ‘ fi'fik w
glass glasses. Mm W’?‘fi’ / N
Nimmons has been able to get a fresh fih‘ h :‘fiwfl‘ w
IOOk at the gay male subculture by first Fairhess works with le islators and other
. . . g
making it look as if we've never encoun- decision-makers to ensure equal treatment rr
tered it before, often from a sociologist's of LGBT people in the Bluegrass and is
point of view, surveying an alien civiliza- around the state. Contact us to help in the 91
tion. He also uses new and odd (and per- fight and to Stay informed on important ei
haps too unorthodox) statistical data._ For ISSSBGSéORT BLUEGRASS F AIRNESS!!!! d1
instance, he gathers numbers of Violent _. __ _______ ai
crimes by talking to police officers With gay— ‘l'haggléiimifitucky FAI RN Ess Vl
neighborhood beats. He reVISIts old find- Fairness Alliance .. lfi : Li‘s - rr
ings and draws new conclusions. (He P0_B°X 22032 ” 7 -‘ ;
found that in a 1997 study of domestic vio- $823235? No More, No Less 5 in
"an“, 'eSb'ans and 933’3 had been '“mped Gall: (§5§r2§é:7§1iI/ii§t www.bluegias§faimess.org 1 "
together as one statistic; when he split the _ hi
Wm—m _

 and webs, created elaborate tribal sexual most of all, he is fed up with the low self-
rituals and crafted new ways of being men image he believes too many gay men
with women. have.
It doesn't seem beside the point to add "Where do we speak of how we might
that Nimmons writes with a warm, chatty - imagine an old age we'd actually relish? Or
Dare we say it? - queer voice. While cov- what kinds of touch friends might best give
ering the question of whether gay men are each other?" Nimmons asks, with no avail-
genetically different, he writes, "One can able satisfying answers. '80 we discuss
find a study suggesting that gay men's fin- Ecstasy, but not ecstasy; body fascism, not
gerprints show a different pattern of finger— affectionate touch."
print ridges from straight guys' (I think it's Ultimately, what's wrong with gay men
all about moisturizer, myself)." is what's wrong with all men, at least in this
Even when he must give dry data or country: an emotional illiteracy that is
lists of information, he infuses it with this wrongly equated with weakness.
voice. Referring to a study of gay men's
career choices, he writes that they "don't
fix photocopiers, lay bricks, sort grain, fix Turner COUHSCIII‘IQ
cars, fit pipes . . . or ever sign up as boring (559)269'6497
machine operators (no, really, that is the 22'5 Young D’- “
job title, #708, you can check)." Lex'"9t°"' KY 40505
If there is anything about the book that Experienced Professional Therapists
gives pause, it is Nimmons' relentlessly m a Safe and Friendly EnVironment
I rah-rah attitude. He risks proclaiming ohe Beverly K. Turner, LCSW
scolal group better than any other, speCIfi- APW' Tandy, LCSW
cally when he embraces the belief, Jam Moore, LCSW
expressed in Plato's dialogue "The Jo bllard, LCSW
Symposium," in the superiority of gay men Mendy Dame's, LC5W
('"[These are the best of boys because JOY ”Mum”! LCSW
they are naturally bravest") "But if Plato Dane H'n’ LCSW
was right, and we are the best of boys," “Wm“ww
Nimmons says, "we remain largely
unaware of it."
This is the purpose of the book: to
make gay men aware of a superiority one Pre'fllled Bi": Ky LegiSIature
is hard-pressed to let any single social
group claim (that kind of th