xt7brv0cz668 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7brv0cz668/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2000-03 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, March 2000 text GLSO News, March 2000 2000 2000-03 2019 true xt7brv0cz668 section xt7brv0cz668 so .
.. M h 2000
r Vol. 15 are No.3
' A publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Service Organization
grateré’owu! Pride Month Committee Mentoring Workshop
alac i S r' . - . .
APP 1" on P "‘9 Are you looking forward to Pride Are you Interested In becoming a
To those of you who read this Month? Many LBGT events: a con- mentor to individuals questioning their
newsletter, let me have your atten- cert, movies, a family picnic, banquet, orientation, nerY coming OUt or new
tion. i know there are a number of DOWlan, Well, all olthlS does not lUSt t0 the Lexington community? On
‘ you who admire women. This is an happen. Be a part of the decision Saturday, March 25, we will repeat
absolute chance to admire women making group for our June Pride the Mentoring Workshop which will
who are all dressed up for the occa- Celebration. EVERYONE With some help YOU discover what mentoring iS
sion. There will be about 40-50 of energy to share is invited to attend our all about as well as give you tools to
us, all shapes and sizes, ages, per- initial meeting on March 2, 7 pm at the asses you mentoring abilities. The
suasions, and talents. Pride Center. We also would like a workshop will be from 9:00—10:30
in case you haven't guessed, this representative from every community and Wlll be led by Ginger Moore
is the announcement for the spring group to get involved. Oh the same day, Saturday.
concert of Sister Sound, The Pride committee coordi- March 25, from 1:30 to 3:30, Ginger
“Appalachian Spring" Performing nates activities, plans advertising, is offering Mentoring Workshop Part
with us will be Reel World String makes some of the decisions about H for those who have completed part
Band, the best known group of events such as the picnic and even- I. Topics: Mentoring Skills, The
Appalachian musicians in this area. tually votes of the Wasson and Coming Out Process, Youth. We
The performance will be at the Rainbow Awards. Meetings Will be hope to bUlld this program into a
Singletary Center for the Arts on kept short and to the point. support service for youth as well as
Saturday March 25 at 8pm. Tickets ‘ adults. For those who are doing both
are Adults $15, Seniors/Students Pmk Pages workshops or would Just like to loin
$10, Children $5 for ticket intorma- us for lunch before the afternoon
tion contact Connie McNeely at 276- the Pith:GstgsBofioqegfsoausrsiisjii session, we Will have lUTiCh at
2554 or call the ticket office at the . g p .l ’ l Denny’s Harrodsburguwm
. Pride Center Fundraiser and a great
Singletary Center (257-4929.) . . 5
. community resource. Again we apol- _ .
An extra feature is a workshop . 5 , .
. ogize for the delay. in order to pull ~ .
by Reel World at 4 pm Saturday in . . .»
the Presidents Room entitled "Son 3 thls proiect back on track we need V ' ' l
'9 your help and continued support. '_,Sponsor 0f the Month
and Struggle of Appalachian . . _ . , . _ -
,, . Our proposal is to print a Fall -; _ . _
Women. An opportunity to learn of . . . . 5 . . - ..
the stories behind the music 2000 edition of the Pink Pages. In 0
. --r- -5. 5.
lpromlse the evening wil be a - 15“" 0",."3
delightful one. Come one, come all. git/larch on 55 patrick’s Day _ ' . 5 ‘
You can even bring your mother. We 'tln F 5 2
will look forward to seeing you there. W' ”newme'fl Page '

 Pink Passes moonfinuedfrom pay“ advertising with us, please let us
M, sible we need time (and assistance) know. Just contact Scott Ackerman
”MEX, to solicit at least 25 additional adver- PM 3383483 email 3 sacker4224@
. all advertisers in our records. If you Marching for St- Pat-
have sent us an ad but do not Y th t d 't
. De " received a letter by March 3, please 9” may be. aware . a ‘iSP' e
give Gingeracall. (389-7698) lawsuits and With a disappomtlng
The letter asks that all advertis- deCISIon by the US SupremehCouSrt,
ers replay to let us know it they wish SairigkgsargzingigdU: inorNeweYortk
to remain in the 2000 edition, with the .
The GLSO News same ad or with a new ad, and gives C'ty are allowed to legally exclude a
Vol.15 Issue 3 atime line. All advertisers that remain group 0f Irish-Americans “"5“."‘9 to
Published Monthly by will be given a complimentary 1 year partialpate as GLBT Irish-Americans.
advertising space in the directory that Well, Lexrngton has something
will be posted on the new GLSO web O" 0‘" °9a5ta' 3'3“” .C'tfes‘
The Lexington Gay site. Bluegrass Fairness has been anIted
_ . If you wish to withdraw your ad to partrcrpate in the St. Patrick's Day
Lesbzan Service we will give you a refund now: Parade....and weare going to take up
Organization Assuming we have your continued :23 nretzlghborly mvrtatlonl AND' more
support, we will begin to solicit new , P9 am“ YOU 8'9 '"V'ted to come
321 Second St. advertisers and supporters. We have 10m 'n,the fun whether-you ale . t
a committee of folks willing to donate part Irlsh or just feel like being lrlsh
their time and energy to this end (but for the day: .
Editors: additional volunteers are always wel- “00:31:23 March 11’ line—up
corned and appreciated). . ' pm (Wilde begins at
Mm Crone Our deadline for new advertisers "3"?) Midland Avenue, m front 9f the
r peter Taylor and reworked ads will be August 15, Lexmgton HeraltLeadlerPBqulng
2000. If we are successful in solicit— (same. p ace as 4t 0 J” y “it‘d”
ing sufficient ads to make printing Since we had trouble finding
GLSO Annual Dues The Pink Pages financially feasible, eac“ 0”“? a.“ the MLK Day mare”
and Newsletter: $15 the 2000 edition will go to print in we are bringing out the banners and
Dues and Newsletter for September and be available for dis- hopefully balloons/flags, to make ':
Couples: $20 tribution for “Coming Out Month" in easy to findus. Come Join in the fun.
October. On the off chance we are , The Fairness Steering. Cmt. "‘5“
not successful in soliciting sufficient m February at“ elected Fairness 0m-
Opinions expressed in the GL’SO News are advertising support, all monies paid cers: Co~chalrs2 JefftJones and Fe
trigosssgftthemauthorsfanrtihdonéLnSegeEsanéy by advertisers will be refunded in full lir/lyers - Seacretgré. Jim Dickinson -
S p . n. 059 o e oar ' just after the August 15th deadline reasurer. aw upps.
ubmlssmns are welcome and become the .
property of the GLSO. The staff reserves We appreCIate the support and KENTUCKY FAMILIES
the right to edit submissions and advertise~ patience 0' our current advertisers '
mentsaswell as the right to reject any sub- The Pink Pages is an invaluable SUPPORT FAIRNESS
missions of advertisements community resource. lf you know 0f WED, MARCH 8 8345 am
anyone who would benefit from
see story -—--—-——>
GLSO Page 2

 Social Concepts mation, call Davina at 271 -61 74 or 6- our relati'onlships, how toconnectwrth

Join us on Friday, March 10' 6 mail her at artemis427@yahoo.com. other LGBT persons, and just about

m kt it n . . _ . anything else on our minds. We dis-
her 23:35:59: so: SOSSpggrzerngrgrlirli" Gay Men’s Heart Clrcle cuss family, job, and community con—
corner High and Rose (Cocktails .Are you. a‘ gay man in the cerns. We share our experiences, lis-
$25505 Appetizer $3508.00, LeXington-Lowsvrlle area interested in ten to each other, and provide support
Entrees $6.00-14.00.) We will then deepening self understanding, making and encouragement. The Group is
go to Actors Guild for “Taffeta", a more meaningful connection with oth- also planning a special "Reunion"
505 musical with songs and dance ers and integrating more fully your event during Pride festivities in June.
from the “Happy Days" era! Tickets sexuality and spirituality? Would you Keep watching the GLSO Newsletter
are $1200 at the d cor. like to explore these issues in the com- for details.

On Sat. March 4 at 7.15, Public pany of other nurturing and supportive If you could use a place to "be
Library Theater- Suggest Donations gay men? 5 5 _ yourself'l' for a couple of hours a week,
to defray costs, Diversity Films pre- 5 A gayIMens Heart Circle is form- come iorn us any Wednesday from 7-
sents “G old en Threads” at the ing that Will strive to integrate ritual, 9pm at the Pride Center. If you have
Library. It’s a highly recommended heart sharing, mindfulness practices, any questions contact Jane at 606-
documentary about the woman who body work, reading/poetry hmh the 3897698"
founded an international network for goal or connecting. heart,‘ m'hd' and
midlife and elder lesbians. Dinner bo‘ly- Me” lama" W'l“ 99399“ LOBBY FOR FAIKNESS
at Tonios, corner of Lime and Vine Kramer, MarkyT-hompson, ChhShah de COME SHARE YOUR STORY!

~ at 5:30, then a short walk to the la Huerta, Sh'ht Journeys and/or The Our Ky legislators have big
library. Body Electric School are especrally decisions ahead of them. Will they:
Interweave encouraged to participate. Knowledge 0 Support a statewide law to ban dis-
lntervveave has a couple of events Of these resources '5 not however, a crimination based on sexual orienta-
scheduled for March. We will host prereqursrte. 5 tion and gender identity in housing,
First Sunday Lunch at the Unitarian Please send a hhef note. to the employment, and public accommo-
Universalist Church Sunday, March 5. address below describing ¥°Ul interest dations?
For this regular event following our and what you might contribute to the 0 Overturn the four local Fairness
worship service at approximately ongomg maintenance Of the group. ordinances that passed in 1999?
12:15 pm, lnteniveave will serve veg- Michael Taylor, 856 Marcellus Dr. Lex., o Prohibit any additional cities from
etarian and meat lasagna, bread and Ky. 40505 passing local Fairness ordinances?
soft drinks. Church members are Discussion 5'00 0 Provide funding for critical HIV pre-
asked to bring salads, vegetables and P vention and care?
desserts. Donations will be accepted extardertbyhopotor Demand 0 Turn back civil rights laws?
to offset the cost of the main dish. The GLSO D'hcuss'Oh/SUppOh Group 0 Strengthen the Hate Crimes Law?
lnterweave's monthly luncheon '3 now meeting from. 7—9pm every Come to Frankfort on Wed.
will be Sunday, March 12. We‘ll meet Wednesday at the Phde Center Oh March 8 and have your say! Bring
at Bagle Bay on Nicholasville Road Waller Avenue. The Group has your children or pictures of your chil-
following church (approximately 12:30 become very popular and partrcrpants dren. Bring your parents and sib-
p.m.) Remember, you don’t have to requested the increase to a two-hour tings. Lobby with your biological fam-
be a member of the Unitarian format to allow more time for everyone ily or your chosen family and make
Universalist Church to participate in to take part. 5 an impact on our state's lawmakers.
IntenNeave activities. For more infor- The Group '8 open to anyone 18 Let us show off OUR family values!
or older. We talk about "coming out," Faimess news continued page 4-

 WwEeWCeRRmr-l DOJ Pride flmrm‘a‘ 60¢” Page“?
Fairness Lobbying cont. lf you are a member of the pub- ”(474‘ @749 _

Meetat8145 am in the Capitol lic safely field (federal, state or local), Although still In the plannlng
Annex Cafeteria for a briefing, 1.15 we want to help you get the support stages, The Royal imperial Sovereign
for a Press Conference 2,00 m you need to make It in this stressful Court anltes you to their Mardl Gras

- ’ ' p line 0f work. We are working togeth- celebration. On Frida March 3 there
Greet Le lslators as they proceed to . y,
Cha be: er to make a network Of “fal’nily’I In wi” be an opening event at The

m . . .

. - - - the busrness 0f helping others. A" Phoenix 123 W. Main. It is sure to be
_ The day W'" include a legislative information regarding membership in a good time
brleflng and team development, then DOJ Pride is strictly confidential. if On Tue'sda March 7The Mardi
you'll lobby your own representative you are working in law enforcement, G D Ext y, n it b i with
and senator and key members of the corrections, fire, emergency medical fa? ay ravaga za W' eg n
important Committees. services or any other part of the pub- a dlnner at Mlas, 120 8. Upper St-

For more information and to let lic safety field call Skeet (277-0450). After d'm‘efv the 00“” _ and ”3
us know if you can lobby contact Scotty(273-6111)or Robin (231-8526). entourage Will go the short distance to

' - Club 141 for music dancing and fun.
Barb Scherrer at 277-3119 or email , ,
 We are lobby- GWES NIQ‘ZE Watch for more details on Lambda Net
in in su port. of 'House Bill 7 which The first Friday of the month is or in the bars. Then join us for this tra-
wguld prohibit discrimination in Games Night at Metropo'ita” dmona’ “O“day ce'eb'afion-

l p t d h . b d Community Church. Come to the Mark your calendars now for April
emp oyrnen an 0”S_'n9 €39 on a Pride Center at 7 pm and join us in a 9 the “Faux mm otherwise known as
persons sexual orientatlon and good time. We have many games, ”the Falsles ,, lt will be a outrageous
against House Bill l485 which would Trivial Pursuit, Monopoly, cards, and award show much more fun than that
eliminate all Fairness Ordinances so forth. This month we will be play- th 3 th) t ’t ll t
throughout Kentucky. ing around on March 3rd. Bring you 0 er one | a won a ow US 0 use

favorite game or just bring yourself. the" name.
i _

. .

GLSO Page 4

 Is That a Pager in Your Pocket the market is batting for your side, not knowing. Finding out is half the
or Are You Just Glad to See Me? now all one must do is walk close fun! My partner and I actually have a
By Lori Shepherd enough and beep, beep, beep, you name for this trivial amusement of
have your answer. Of course that is ours; we call it "Playing the Game."
There‘s a new product on the providing that they shelled out Though neither of us are free agents
market called Gaydar No it is not $44.95 to hear and be heard. But anymore we still love to play that tlir-
that uncanny sixth sense that so then reality struck and l envisioned a tatious, eye contact- knowing glance
many of us seem to think we have. gay community where everyone and smile game. There is some-
This little modern matchmaking mar- came equipped with a homing bea- thing very sexy and alluring about
vel uses a more scientific approach con key chain and quite frankly it trying to decide if someone you' re
to detect that elusive ten- percent of frightened me. attracted to is interested or consider-
the population than sizing up their The beep of one or two pansy ing filing stalking charges.
wardrobe and hair style. pagers at the grocery store might be But my last concern is perhaps the
It's being marketed by its distributor okay, but just imagine the Bar or Club most important. How do you want to
GayGety as. "the first and only 141 on a Saturday night. If everyone be outed? ldoubt it's sitting at dinner
portable interactive electronic ice- through the door was packing (a gay- with your grandparents when your
breaker/matchmaker for the queer dar key chain that is) the decibel pants pocket starts to beep in tune
community.“ More accurately and level from all those key chains going with the waiter‘s front pocket. That's
with less hype, it’s a key chain that off would kill every dog within 100 no way to get Granny and Pawpa to
beeps whenever it comes within 20 square miles. It might even be loud pick up the tab for Sunday dinner.
teet of someone else carrying one. enough to drown out your "Bitch by No. I‘ve given it a lot of thought and
At first i thought what a great idea, Nature", Ms. Cammie Detriech. I come from the old school of gaydar.
no more wondering if that blonde at Another problem that this product Like speaks to like and if that doesn't
work is "family" or if that cute clerk at presents. at least for me, is that l like work...l'l| just ask.
rim - -
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GLSO Page 5

 One 700th g i (m 312 stiv at portrays the struggles of a black sharecropping family in
LOUISlana during the depreSSlon. The racrsm of the era is
The One World Film Festival will be showing eight the background to this warm and uplifting story. Sounder
films in March on five nights. The first one, Golden received Academy Award nominations for Best Actor, Best
Thmadsr Witt be Show“ on Saturday March 4 7 pm at the Actress, Best Screenplay and Best Picture. There will be a
Central Library Theater, downtown. The film explores the reception following the film.
work of Christine Burton who founded Golden Threads, On Tuesday, March 21, three short Jewish films will be
an international network for midlife and elder lesbians. shown. At 7;15 Mike DeWitt’s Delta Jews profiles Jewish
in addition to this film, we Will show a short dOCU' communities in the Mississippi Delta. This documentary
mentary made by teenagers participating in the follows generations of Jews who settled and raised families
Appalachian Media institute summer program. Their film, within the Southern culture of Mississippi. Issues of assim-
Through Their Eyes: Stories 0' Gays 8M Lesbians in ilation, intermarriage. anti-Semitism. and racism are
the Mountains, is a brave and powerful film. When you explored. At 8:15, The Salem (of L.A.), a live action short
listen to these OUt men and women iinhQ in rural subject that won the ClNE Gold Eagle award. Ed Asner
Kentucky, YOU Wt” be encouraged to take your next step stars as Rabbi Lowenstein who struggles to save L.A.’s old-
0Ut- TWO Of the young film makers Wt” be iOlhihQ US for est remaining synagogue. in desperation, he calls upon the
discussion and t WOUtd like to give them a big Thank you. aid of the supernatural, the “Golem,” a figure from tradition
On Tuesday, March 7 at 7 pm we will show Earth . Jewish tales. At 8:45, Miriam’s Daughters Celebrate
directed by Deepa Mehta. This film has received interna— documents the celebration of two rituals, a Passover Seder
tional critical acclaim and is the second Of Mehta‘s trilogy and a DEDY'QM naming ceremony by a group of Jewish
Fire. Earth, and Water (yet to be made). Earth takes place feminists including Bella Abzug, Gloria Steinem, and Letty
in 1947 when India and Pakistan were partitioned resulting Cottin Pogrebin. This women have modified and created
in violence between the Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs. Ms. rituals over time to honor women’s lives within the Jewish
Mehta says of her work "We hoped to understand why war tradition. There will be a reception after the film.
Is waged and why friends turn enemies, and why battles in April, Diversity Films will be showing a number of
are invariable fought on women’s bodies." English subti- documentaries by Lucy Massie Phenix, a Lesbian film
ties. Followed by a reception. maker who’s has won a variety of awards. GLSO will help
on Thursday, March 16 at 7115 pm, Tfie City (La sponsor Word Is Out, the first coming out. documentary
CW fllm debut 0t writer/director David Riker. This inde— made‘ We are looking for volunteersI financial sponsors
pendent him has won a number 0t awards tthUdthQ the and contributors to enable us to bring Lucy and her films to
Open Palm Award, from the Independent Gotham Awards. Lexington. If you are interested please contact Mary
Hiker worked for years within the Hispanic communities of Crone.(266~5904)
New York City, developing relationships, seeking out non- _ .
professional actors, and learning about the cultures. ‘The News Tld'BltS
Puppeteer, one Of. the four stories that make up "7'3 film, 0 US. Congressman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) introduced a
tells the story of an immigrant who draws from his childhood . . . .
. . . . bill that would allow a gay and lesbian Citizens to sponsor
memories of puppetenng in order to survwe. The puppets . . . . . . .
. . . . . their foreign national partners for immigration into the
were made for the film by Hispanic immigrants, who were . . . .
. . .. . United States. 0 PreSldent Clinton called Republican
learning this traditional art form in order to preserve an N . . . . .
. . . . ational Committee chairman Jim Nicholson a gay basher
important aspect of their culture. This film portrays the lone- . .
l‘ . . . when speaking to a group of trial lawyers at a Dallas fund-

iness, economic hardship, educational needs, and hope . .

. . . . _ . _ . , _ raiser. 0 About 5,000 people took part in a march from
Within immigrant life, issues relevant to all American immi- . . .

_ , _ downtown Tucson to the University of Arizona campus to
grants throughout our history. Spanish and English, .
. protest the stabbing of a gay man. 0 The Football
On Saturday, March 18 at 2 pm we Will show the clas— . . . . . .

. . . . . Assomation (Soccer) of the United Kingdom iomed forces
SIC 1972 film Sounder, Martin Ritt, director. Sounderstars . . . . .
C' . . With gay rights advocates there to help fight homophobia in

icely Tyson and Paul Winfield, both of whom were nomi-

. . . soccer and to help soccer players come out.
nated for academy awards for their performances. This film . .
The hmes fhey are a changing,
GLSO Page 6 '

 Lex. Metropolitan Community Church King of Peace is a church of about 400 members. She
Welcomes New Permanent Minister received her Theology degree from Samaritan Collage in
Dallas, Tx.

During the weekend of February 18-20 LMCC She comes to us from Savannah, Ga where she has
played host to a prospective new permanent Pastor. After been pastor Of Dismples Of the “Trinity MCC and ”.1 her
a whirlwind of get togethers arranged throughout the secular 10b an AIDS Care Coordinator. LMCC consrders
weekend so that the congregation could get to know her, itself very fortunate to have her and IS looking forward to
and she us, the congregation voted to hire her and she a long, “a?” relationship. .
accepted the position. Mel wrll be Jorned here by her partner of SIX years,

She is Melody (Mel) Bailey and she is coming home. Bonnie. They are both looking for employment and hous-
Mel was born in Paris, Ky and spent part of her youth in '89 m the area. :Vlel W'" take 0"? LMCC March 12th.
Lexington before moving to Fla. to go to collage. ome out and we come her back ome.'

In Fla she received a BA in Education and a Masters LMCC also W'Shes to thank Rev R'Ck COX who has
. H' Sh t ht h Ith , served us admirably during very rough times as our
'n istory. . e aug SC 00 ere and attended ng 0f Interim Pastor. We also cannot forget to thank Rick's
Peace MCC In St. Petersburg. Mel felt her calling Into the partner Michael and their SlX children WhO have been a
ministry and began her studies under the pastors there. great help.

Over the past several years CLSO has become financially stable and has expanded its work in the Central
Kentucky area. We are particularly grateful to our sponsors for helping us create a strong financial base for this newslet-
ter. We still have space for another sponsor for the year 2000. If you want to be a sponsor call Peter at 273-9649.

We are in need of more subscribers, 8 more within Lexington for the lowest bulk mail rates. Our goal is to have
200 subscribers in Lexington for the year 2000. The newsletter comes in a non revealing envelope, with only a box num-
ber as a return address. so not even your mailman will know for sure! This is an easy but important way to support our
community. Lower rates are available for students or anyone in need. All you have to do is send us this form and a
check. We will send you more issues of the newsletters then dollars you send.

These are the current projects of the GLSO:
The GLSO News The Pride Center ActOut
' Discussion Group Speakers Bureau I Pride Month ‘

Pink Pages Social Concepts Social Events

We are looking for more people and ideas for future involvements, such as:

A Community Education Project New opportunities for social interaction
Development of the Pride Center Youth Support 0
our subscription helps support all our work. Thank You”
. ddrcss ‘
.‘ 15 membership and newsletter
______$20 couple membership and newsletter _
......_.._I would like the uchslettcr at this reduced rate _.-._._......,.....
Mail to. GLSO News, PO Box 11471. 40575 . V _ .
GLSO Page 7

7:00 pm GLSO Discussion 7:00 pm Pride Month 7:00 pm LMCC Games \ . g _ . 2
Group (Pride Center) Committee (Pride Center) Night (LMCC) .' ' . ,. , I,
8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 7:00 pm Men’s Chorus 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA ,, '/ ”(hi/{I ‘ \ ‘
Rehearsal (Pride Center) tba COLTS (The Phoenix) ‘ ' i '9’, ,l ' I
(Student Center) I l .
10:45 am UU Church 8:00 pm AA Step Study 7:00 pm One World Films 7:00 pm GLSO Discussion 7:00 pm Men’s Chorus 6:00 pm Social Concepts 9:00 am Mentoring
11:30 am LMCC Earth (Central Library) Group (Pride Center) Rehearsal (Pride Center) Dinner at High and Rose Workshop (Pride Center) 6 S aur an
12:30 am CUUPS 8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 7:30pm UK Lambda followed by Actors’ Guild’s 7: 15 pm One World Films
(UU Church) (Student Center) 50’s musical: “Taffeta” Two gay documentaries °
6300 Dignity 7:30 pm UK Lambda 6:30 pm Women’s (Central Library) 5 5 7 8' leeStone
6:00 pm SisterSound reh. (Student Center) Spirituality Group ’
(Park Methodist Church) 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA LCXlngIIOH, Ky.
12 13 15 16 17 18 253-0014
10:45 am UU Church 7:00 pm GLSO Board 7:00 pm GLSO Discussion 7:00 pm Men’s Chorus 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 2:00 pm One World Films
11:30 am LMCC Meeting — open to the Group (Pride Center) Rehearsal (Pride Center) Sounder (Central Library) .
12: 15 am Interweave public ~ (Pride Center) 8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 7: 15 pm One World Films featurlng the famous
glanch (UU Church) 8:00 pm AA Step Study The City (Central Library) f If k d h
1 3 0 am CUUPS 7:30 pm UK Lambda GLSO NEws DEADLINE. A I ‘W
(UU Church) (Student Center) SUBMIT ADDITIONS a a CC CH Bl‘UIlC
6:00 pm SisterSound reh. AND/OR CORRECTIONS FOR '
(Park Methodist Church) NEXT CALENDAR schl ng blueberry
”3'96” buckwheat pancakes
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 b d' 1d
10:45 am UU Church 8:00 pm AA Step Study 7: 15 pm One World Films 7:00 pm GLSO Discussion 7:00 pm Men’s Chorus 6:30 pm Women’s 9 am Mentoring Workshop eggs ene lCt arno 3
11:30 am LMCC Jewish documentaries Group (Pride Center) Rehearsal (Pride Center) Spirituality (UU Church) Part 1 (Pride Center) '
1% 131(1) am CEUPS (Central Library) 8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 7:30 pm UK Lambda 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA (Lunch at Denny’s) SpaHISh omelettes
Churc ) (Student Center) 1 pm Mentoring Workshop
6:00 pm SisterSound reh. Part 11 (Pride Center) gourmet dCSSCI’tS,
(Park Methodist Church) 8:00 pm SisterSound
Concert (Singletery Center) and mUCh more
26 27 28 29 30 31
1??) am UU Church 8300 pm AA Step Study 7:00 pm GLSO Discussion 7:00 pm Men’s Chorus 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 1M0VEABLE FEAST All Of our breads and
”~30 am EMCC Group (Pride Center) Rehearsal (Pride Center) EPHY DA Y ,
(1mg? 3”” “loan GanyesbmnAA 7200?“ Newsletter CALL 252—2867 desserts are baked daily
6 00 LSr'ct) S d h folding (Pride Center} . k. h I
1 Pm 15 81' oun “3 - 7:30 pm UK Lambda
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 JOURNAL OF rooted mostly in ego and myth. that so that I wouldn‘t have to do the
Unfortunately, for me, sex was a work. I didn’t want her to hurt, I just
SEXUAL HEALING power that loomed large in my mind. didn’t want to hurt either. I was final-
by Tammy Barnett It had to be in my distorted thinking Iy able to come to terms with some of
For the test 4 0t 5 months, I’ve process because my body was com- the old ideas I shared about.
been thinking about writing some- pletely shut down. Even now, it is I do know today. that sex does
thing for the Jeutnat of Sexual still partially paralyzed. Sex was not equal love. The love I have for
Healing articles written by my part- about power, control and love. (Now Kelly is much deeper than any sexu-
ner, Kelly O‘Ferre||_ Of course, the there‘s 3 ideas that, combined al act. Iknow sex is not about power
usuej reasons have been going on in together, form a picture of mental or control but about being vulnerable
my mind and body to keep me from health.) - like lying next to eaCh other naked
writing sooner - FEAR, INSECURI- I used to operate out of many and touching each other (not the
Ty] VULNERABILITY, and PRjDE. faulty belief systems when it came to genitals) and being willing to commu-
But, I decided that I wanted my sex - like sex equals love, sex equals nicate likes and dislikes. I know that
love and commitment to Kelly to self-worth, sex is only about bringing my self-worth is about character and
become stronger than my life long the other person to orgasm (God for— how I treat others and myself, and
feelings of inadequacy. l am so bid anyone touch me. If they did, I that an orgasm is a small part of a
proud of Kelly for writing these arti- just did what many other women do - great, wonderful and broad process
cles even though sometimes I can faked it), sex equals an intimate rela- of experiencing one‘s sexuality.
feel myself becoming flushed and tionship, everybody is having sex Iknow that I have more than one
wanting to turn red when she is read- everyday (at least 5 or 6 orgasms), valuable and intimate relationship in
ing it to me. These reactions of mine all lesbians like oral sex, you can’t my life and that Kelly can‘t meet all
have nothing to do with her and say no to sex, you lie and say you my needs. I know that it is perfectly
everything to do with certain ideas like everything the other person is acceptable to set boundaries and
taught to me by my family of origin. doing whether you do or not, and say not. I can say it and hear it with
You see, I am an incest survivor unfortunately, the IISI can go on ad IOVG.
and, need|ess to sayl I have carried Infinitum. I know that there are many les-
around shame and self-loathing that This is part of the person that bians that do not care for oral sex
started in my family a long time Kelly chose to be with, and I am so and that, sometimes, I am one of
before I was born. I iiyed in a fog of grateful. From the first time I met them. And most of all, I know that I
drugs and alcohol and wallowed in Kelly, looked into her beautiful, sexy. never want Kelly or myself to do any—
selfvpity. Rage and depression were brown eyes and shook her hand, I thing that we don‘t want to do just to
the clothes I put on every morning felt warmth and an energy that l have satisfy the other’s physical desires.
and every night I walked wiijingiy felt ever since. I couldn’t be blessed I owe much of my growth to my
back into a self-imposed jail cell. with a better partner. partner who has been patient, honest
Fortunately, I believe that I experi- When it comes to sex, I have and loving. She has been the mirror
enoed divine3 intervention in my mis- been angry at her, blamed her, felt I so desperately needed to look into.
erable existence and over the past self-pity, tried to manipulate her, I am very content and happy in
11 years have been given the oppor- pouted, retaliated, and contemplated my relationship today. We have
tunity to shed my pain and replace it having an affair. All because I wasn’t mutual trust, respect and admiration
with love and as much forgjvness as g