xt7brv0cz60r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7brv0cz60r/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1914-04-23 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 30, April 23, 1914 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 30, April 23, 1914 1914 1914-04-23 2015 true xt7brv0cz60r section xt7brv0cz60r ‘°  
+" [QN
} a`
V ° ;‘ {
* Life without labor Is gullt. FORECAST'  
` _John Rulkhm Tomorrow: Fair enough l_
° to do your duty.  
[ y LIC y l
Universit of Kent k  
t VOL. VI. LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY, APRIL 23, 1914. N0. 30. x
9 N 1 1 w
notmcm Tm: mu. cm new nsm AT STANFORD mmommwl ‘
W   ‘ » _ —— I _ l T0 VARSITY NINE
peg"` mmoi. by I Score of 14 to 2_ Addr"; ggudenu lt c°ny°c·`|°n E'°°"d $¤P¤'•'“°"d¢'“ °' c“Y Tree to be Planted in Accordanccl .._......V
` Three Twlrlerg ugeq by gh; Tuesday Morning. Pointing Out S°h°°I· mr N"` ve"' wm" T"*dm°"• °f me Contest Was Very Exciting From Flrst
y|•|gm·•_ Mgny Evil;. 0°°a.°°n' |nning_ Being Uniied In the
HEAVY BATTER8 · *7 A I *— "" " "`
i l'nd<=r the a11:·q»l¢·e+s of the Knights Plmls YU" lh" ""I"h*`*l*l‘*'l (lf Al'h"l`l PARK RETURNS TO BOX
‘ {Lexington Hgrg[d_) Ul` (`0lumbus, Peter W, (Yolllng spoke " DRY RFP ¢‘Mll1|>I•·t<=rl and the r·vrs-nmrnivs _, ___
  In the heaviest mums game of me to the §[ud4-nnfg fn ppmpel ·p“9,.,day · an- m <-mm- on tomorrow umrnlm:. In mp mlm im»·r<·stin¤ uml •·x¢·lting
A year the \\'lld(·3[s defeated the Univer- m0¥`m“¥·7· H') ITIHUP H vigorous 8HH(‘k ' TM Um" will hp a l’°l’mr "'Hlh “"'l.;_mm,. ny ph,. ,,.u,_,,H th,. \\·iM,.mS dc,
guy of mmois nine on Stoll Field on g0(»|aHHm_ He pointed Om that , will havv rxwtaplmrs and slmllus hung'_ _ _ _ __ _ _ __
u _ Ivutwl Nluum l lll\1»*l`Hl[)' mn Mull l·1r=l4
bana boys could umass during nine in, posed the [ggphing Of {hg Ngzargnp pl‘ODh€(·y 0f tho Senifyrs and (-ast ¥F")l|l SUIT! I0 hlllrlll and was gm Om.
» . , · . ' slugging match State using threw
nmgg_ and the old Hlble. It not only denies **had0“** of ‘0mi“¥ *"€¤U*· *‘·9·lH0€ Of planting. Y0 Rvild. \\h0 mzulc u. bmllmm patch
In States half they forged to the I lf gut wc; ptlozs for thie Annual the important posmon The weeches are hmm and MH not \\1th mo out, Inu l lrk hit one al the
front immediately. Krebs made a Tgeql ta mba} ib 0_0“€ “ H be per His work ln connection with the bo"` U? Yh*’i" l*‘¤¤Ul· ll UNF dw UW hum mp` "huh ”h°um haw bwn dn
wonderful Stop and throw of Schm- nix Hu ot es; str Ae tor a Kentiuklan School has been very pleasing in Pwry wmmut 5U.(,“g{h_ Tm, Num, Arbor was out. blut the ball took a sudden
· defs gwunder Over Second, Wright 3 er itu;) ay. fny 01wi)l;xl¤l;11g to X_€SIm(_t and the board, Seeing in mm Huy Spade wm be used which has Imp m•·r Ins lwad and the game was
¥>.‘· ‘t. ·t . , ,·..,,.. ‘·.
taking third. Crum hit over Pl1elps’ (losll il (mn Q or ayul (simon iam at young man ot worth and ability, pro- l’l·*m*‘d **"‘*> *0* 5€·¤¥'>— bM`k· WF
I‘€l\l€.' .` , , ' , , __ ’· ’g_· _· _*· ' ·
head for mma bases, Scoring wright 1 ~ e 0. see one 0 ·tne 0 ms ng, l_M_dt_d to mmm mm in their SM_‘_“_€' --. ,.T, The- ;.,¤1u1+· \\ as ~<·rn»4t1u|1t1l from
and Crossing the mute himself on who ur,·0fh(.ml SubS(.,.u,mm ugpmsi 7 1 W       —t’\`~'l`1ll smu·l;»l»1¤1ts, both in hitting
ww" error on the thro" in Rgedilid. Uuulorth, Tom Robinson, Roger     ll I I I uml, tle·lllin;:, s¢·v+·ra.l lminruising
. _’ . .‘ , ’— . _ " · .z 1 (`ross $lN‘lt‘{\' w 1i1·l1
l·¤¤··.—1, Mh Y ll lb k· ltl> `° mm "" ·’ S .— 1 ·‘ - · · l   N.
fouled to 'I`h0lllaz·4 and Jim l'8.l‘k flied H5 2:;] Al Gil") 0 nm ( um N     is u luvul llUllUl`ill')' S(‘llil)l` Sll('if‘[}'_ hill] Mfgulp Uma l;H;l`;l {ln uu mst]; `ldl
S ’HS g/ . 0 \l1L:l·l‘ M ll) 1 Pllllls w 1t1r•w·
m}::;;ll1:_€q9x1l9d me visitor`; with '|`|ne· material hus been sent to press     l;m(jM~d In hu:})._`llM\ llWll?lwrS xr Hip 3 singles mul u xxulk to his ¤·r¢·itil·s lmw an Svuiur; Tl \ tl I { f “_ V
l· u. ,. , . ¢· gluw ms ~ .· . z .·
UIG next inning. \ViU1 two out NYQE IM xursity d¤b¤¤¤¤ team- (`°m' Su<·i<·ty0l`ll1is kiull uml the Lump un¤lE}_ E kl ‘_ l in as 10 :m1i`
·Y·’·· . , { *l \·}' l' .1 ".‘ , ' ·—
singled to center and Tonmle scmcned PROSPECTS FOR v<»¤<~==¤l>l¤ *~¤¢m<·r- Jvlm ¤·¤—.»» nm h.~m tm lml..»¤·mm 1.1tl.-tw"; M up gl? MT ti; mls °
, . . ·; ~ · t· `  
a hh through Pm·k_ Jimmy thgnl Howard l’ayue and Julius \\ulte wnll ut Sm", in UU, DML ·l·h‘_ (wmv will   l *“`[f;lm *r* In tw UB 'mq°’
· ` >z ¤. ' ¤   1
walked Larson and Phelps in suc<·es—I   J°l"`l**`5' ""*"` to l*<>>’1¤¤¤ meet (ellmll ho held Frilluv night ut thu l)ll I I 0 1
_ . . . ·' H , sx ..4...... l
Suter grounded to Schrader for the, Preliminaries to be Held This w”k_ **“*l*‘ “`*‘*‘k” **2*0 "`°*“ the "*[€*"*°*"*’U` always mw of tho big us RM I H _
[him] Ou; Final. at Lexington May 7 llelmlv and Sum- will be xwll reprv- of th`. \.`,m._ . °`““‘ ' ) ‘‘‘` " ‘ h 0 0 1 0 0
` l`4s,2l.,`   4 I2'}.
State made lt flve for good measure 8 and 9 • ’ 5******% ..¢--.......i .-_W,- l I rl tl 1) 1 1 ) 3
' ,. . . . . . U .a   `; ,Y l L, 2 > )
in me um-d_ Su[gy• murred xvpqghys llw quvstwu mr (hS(‘l1SSlUll as Ro-   ~R`ml` [ UH l` ` ` ` °
_ “""‘ . . ,. Y — .‘.‘,f.....4Y•)I)2ll
lung fly. Rusty taking third. Schrader. \\'ltl1 rallroud rates redu¢·¢·4l tu one *<>l\`•’¤l· mar Mw l’¥`*’Sl¢i¢’¤¤¥ Ul UW l HW     (U"   I H I I ·’ l 1
‘. . _, __ "z·V·l. ...:1 ;"»
walked and stole second, and Crum fare plus twenty-tive gems from uuiwl mates sl1¢>ul¢lb¤·¢·le·<·tul mr il term Commencement week preparations,Iii;-""F‘ ’ 4 lg Li IK" *1 I
snuuslned uuother three—bugger   points in the State, u large crowd ofiwf Six >'***¤Y`S Mid IW ill*‘llHlUl¢’ Y0? ¥`*‘· Bupeak Gala Times bn umm` ( llll `I `I "
. .. , . -  ·f t. ...... 5 ; n >¤l- li ·l¤**‘· Juhil Mild Julws lin ` l I ; I ) {I l
. . . .   ‘ ·‘··, z fw. 1 L. ti 0
men. Reed singled to right, scoring institute \\'lll(‘ll ('0|l\`(*Ilt‘S ut the su¤11e%‘>"ll¤l¢ l*l**’Ul*"` "'*`**"'5“~ ll MU l*‘i*"** il" lmmnm·ul-l·¤m—m uwk mis yvnr will mu ll lm
(‘ruu1. Reed went all the wuy to third time. togetllcr with ax convention ol`.lll¤bl<‘¤¤¤l*l¤*‘¤l Wil" ill l`*"`*"l*l*‘ ·`*’lll*`*l* *»·· sh lwimml hr mn uml wml (llllt‘S,` T I T   1) A
;,. . . ‘ tas. , will ` ZZ.r' I.
wlwu Nye threw J. l’a.rk‘u gruundor the- luters¢·lmlustl¤· Association, the |l•<*#*‘ “'¤*’ *l*`>l"*‘ W '**¤*k•‘ 'll*‘ ¥"ll* NYM ~h.l1 mu ul·x···r mll ¤·•·gn·r slaying uithl ,0 t ` _ |_ ’
_ _ _ _ I _ ._ _ 1 ‘l`w¤> out \~ln··n uuuum.; run was
mw 4-enter field. Un un H.l[Hlll|)[t*(l Hrst tournament ot the lwntuvky ln-,l¤*‘¤¤' Um l—¤'*'¤** ***’l’¤***‘ Vim l*‘**‘*‘ *'*' muy Alum Nllllw just sl-wu (lays lou-, I
double steal lived was out at the plate, te·rs<·l1olustla~ Association prumlsvs tul\|¤*‘ l" **`*`l¤**`k Q & V 1***** l'*‘l\ll`l¤ UW ¤.-··_ Yun “i1| r.·;m·ml»l~¤- thu l·xen·i¤l·s   N`;T;_lYH_ I \ \H I H I ) x I
,_ . `   l"` .- ‘ 'l . •]
'lmlmie tu llrudley. Tuttle singled to lw an brlllluut su<·¢·e·ss. A l'UllSt*I`\`Ll· ¤l*‘\' *l¤l‘· Il"` xixim·sl»f lm- "Alummu· lluu1•~1\\ \ I I \ 1 { l` I { I
. . `l`l* I, LI a ·f 1 I I
left but was out steullmx, Bradley to tin- vstirumtee of the number of vlsiturs WV HHN Ul UW ¤lu*l*‘"l* W ¤*'¢'*’*l*l*¤'¤>` l‘l»miu,t;" ll»u;.;, lung ;•m·r you haw 1‘l»¤·— ` M I ml `
sl·Iu·ml•·¤·, iib ll 2 1 il l 0
Krebs, (‘. Purk flied to Suter. |<·x|w<·t¢·ll puts lt ut u thousand, while U¤<‘Ul lll l’¤ll"m*‘· ¤l»m·u mt»ll»;lll lil-wrivs, f¤·uu·r·ulr> (_ f _ _ _ I l j
. run, · . V .» L 2. 1
Illinois uddell unutlwr run tlw lust; lt ls vuslly possible thut the IlUlllbt*|` FORE'Wg;Tn°hE*TO SENIORS iuimuillns ur llunlws. Ami it is ull uh I 3 I? _ I I · · ’
~ 'a·¢· , .» L, l l l
U, mpi.- Svoly in uw [ifth, Hilli\S·lllil) bv twlcv or lllI`\‘¢* iillM*S UM! S _ d ( b d *""""lY f""*`· H Wu “m MN h"lp‘ "ml y` y` k 1 · I · 1 » >
` tt — . lll`,'l-AI >. .» L L. l
film] to Tuttlu. Phelps lwut U. l`Ul|•.¢l‘ lllllllbvl'. cmors are urge 0 c ln a en ml- ul thm- hvst unys to lwlp is tu |‘e·— A ( in I
· _ _ ance at class meeting today. Bush 'l`uttl¤·, lh t 1 ;! el n 1
to snwoud und Sutvr s¢·rut¢·l1•·d at hlt (lu l·rlday uml Saturday ut this lllillll ¤»\·~r for llm>l~ few exim alms
_ I A _ _ ness of final importance will deserve _ l`, l’;u·k. l· 1 0 2 x 2 2
lu short, und Krobs put auloll1<·I` lll lllvl \\•*•·k Kllv l»l‘¢•lllllIllu.l'lvs \\\ll be h¢·ld| t _d (_ A and Nw- mr )uur>•·ll` if lhv .lhm•~ W I b I I
,_ I1 n . - ;ll•~l‘>, »» • 0 L ll
smne place, lllllng the buses. l’ll\'I|l5 ul llw (|ln¢'l`t%ll[ allstrlct centers. l·}n—| your ein es Co M cia Ion cen pmp1..~$; is mn mlrilll-ll _
_ I _ _ _ tral pomt of vantage os selected at _ _ <·rul»l»», gn ¤· ¤» •» ll U <•
s¢·u!‘e·1I Ull Ilrudlvy s gl`U|lIlllt‘l` to sec- Nllllilpillll; l\‘|>()l`[S have been re¢·<·l\'01l lu lhw lll':·l[ |»lzu·e·_ thu Alllllllltw xxlll _
l _ which to assemble. All the members. \\l».»4ls··u. p li ·» ar <• il 1
und uml Arbucklc hlt to Waters for tmm must of ll1vu·11t¢·1‘:+ uml lt ls ex— lmw tlwlr llrst :;·»ml· manning lu ilu- 4
[ engineers, lawyers, arts and science 4 V _ _ HAIIIU), Lfh 1 0 lv l an ln
the third out. ‘1»e·<·l¤·r.»¤-y on uw l nl. .~¤·sny, hm mll
are as c 0 mam cs an ares.
  it -#V.i ¤....._i.--..—---, .._........;._... _....;_
(Continued ou Page Six) E 4l`untluue·d on Pugv Slxl STONEWALL JACKSON. nl'l»mluul·ll uu l *·· Slxl 'I`\ll.\l> 37 ~ l2 LIT lJ· I.

 " I
2 T H E I D E A
`” A   ________ ·A A- A  ————
---————·—·—- -——-——-——-—-——————- -·-[      A' » Yl`J-—-—-"  
MEET I HE ORPHEUM I HE ‘*"‘“‘"*°" ‘°°
ME AT Children 5c ,
FIRST·CLAS8 IN EVERY APPOINTMENT. J. H. STAMPER, Jr., Owner and Manager. OPEN 10 A M T0 11 P M l
KEITH vg _ ,   i 4 no V ui—;m”_•A  A · —
UDEVILLE         ` \\hnt! my son, arrested for defining • V
....7 • • Y N
In <·mnplllm·llt to tllv Sllrhlvrs mul,             Imbup prmwrty?
tho ]\]iIII}' nthvr visitors who will hell *|·h,» yrupk {num g|·n\·;·|,.q| (U Nash. Second Dcbaie rwikrl VVahd¢r‘bl|\ Lil!] mp`(_;';kI:h" dsdl a poupempn caught
. . on n r  
In lmxlmitnn tlw Intte-r part ul tlw tin,. nm lrpnlan N, num \*mn|..pl,m m, Friday Nlght. K 9 B I
I U w•···k the- IllIlIH\I:•‘ll]I*I\¥ of the- lien All l»n·lI.—y I·`i•~I¢l Snlttrdui. Ilur trnvk · i
BI     B '|`i\•‘I\¥•‘!' has anrmmzwl for mw of tlw ,,.,,,,, “,.r.. not n, In-,,l,,Ir m,h,hm_ fm. Th" "`"'“ """"""‘l hy ih" """*‘“"**`   i
`Iwsl Kvllll \':l\III4‘\ill¢‘ hills (‘\'f‘I` \¤l`f‘· www |n•·mh•·l‘s hud h•·1·n nut only 51 (imuwu in moot " Ulm" from vmmvr.     c `
_ , ., ·e·. to law t0Ilow<·y lln· pm], ,.,,,,mr,n] Hrst muws in two `r¥lI;;"‘,:;l"\:y:‘} :*5   ‘· NHIIIXFY 'UIP ul`- .  
Bicyc|i·t·_ lnllnwlm; army ol artists: Iudvsku qiypnfu L . M" “"* ‘"`*’"m"‘l i" ** • P
C VOLEY AND WILD l and Todwkay hivyplms of mt€mamm_ TM mmxmls Ur um mom wp"`; nlmnum: nmnuvr <‘OI\¥i|1\\Fi] SIIHIOSY IWO    
omedy S·¤¤·¤¤ and T¤I•<·¤¤ ul mtlmmm. ll··¤·i¤·n and ('lurlbvl l·l.»nl of I·m.m·_ wanpr (nn; SIW.,-_ """'“· T"" ”""" “’*"“ """ "" ""‘“" 417 EAST MAXWELL
HERBERT 6* CLARABEL FARJEAN I"'lY`j¢‘0Il ·app¤··1r in ·x ¤¤<· <>¤` the =¤·¤¤<·¤¤ wists that has windy; Timers. <·. cx Trabue-, nlm-all { “'"°tr’m ""2 ”°":;"“`“""' by " DR- J- T. SLATUN
MANTAMB0 AND WELLS XM wmv from um umm' J I ‘_ _ _ _ S rom: mm um mu e an 0x<·olle·nt _
Kncckabom Comedy Act. V I 1 co um l., Jgnkson and \\. R. Manlvr, Ju., gl M Y { U   Ch€8pSld¢
A D lmiroy and his Diving Models lur— {vgpm Judgps W I Dudley I A ‘ m` ""· ° “° material from *h"h` (W
D ED ATTRA TI N. ’ ‘ " ’ ·‘ " ‘ . , . .
MESSRS, MQRRISOS, VSALLER M ¤¤<· ¤f the ·¤¤¤· b€¤¤¤*`¤* ~¤‘··*·· <‘»·»·~= Jn. Tyler ¤a¤·<»··¤ mid <‘¤·=·¤· "":"ff Q]r`:“; IM°””"`} I" U' SW3 H°°”8A`"`t°8P`"‘ PH°NE°°"x
AND SANDMAN pr()(]u(·{i()n Sain in this hOuSg_ [Inu pi “·"bpr. an ’ ' A CK) SO"` W10 represgnte  
"wh°"‘ J“"“' c”“'°` nntl West are comedians of worth and The events; 100-yard-dusl1—R0tl1, Sum" are both members of the Patten DOLLAR SAFETY RAZORS.
PRICES: lllnve a bright little sketch in which Kentucky State m·St· I]0b Turner mn Literary Society- M"· Ni°h°l¤°n Ender Keen Cutter •
• _ ’ I 1 ` X ’ ’
Matinee, 25c, loc and   one appears as an old soldier and the Vggndv Spmnd Time 10 1.7 q€(-(md`, huh bun in Such contests SGM"'
. ·· · · · · ~· and E
Night 50c, 254; and 10c 0Ulrinu-—(g00d rooms FOR WOMEQHOES
,_ _ ·—; _ -1- . \(’ll\1(‘ . n v, som . wi J . t I. . .
when you wm find everything a ln" lmhm announces that the um? llistnmw zttl l't~4=t un: ll im·llo< (IN ( l'»»;x1f`t\(`Q :::0 Fil tBl\i·O·uT(?l Mrs   to  
Sh%2P§°§§,;E ?,,':°€,,;T2§§, *‘··l **·—· ¤·¤¤·<·rS ¤<>m¤><·¤·¤¤ ¤`¤¤l·<· ¤€¤·   RALSTON HEALTH SHOES
MAIN AND WALNUT S.rREETS·Iry (`lows Japanese prize should be     '
iliillli(*(1 t0 him within u few days. D • L
Q4.00 to $5.00
    CQ. IEXECUT-WE COMMITTEE     F th  ' {
· · · 0I' C
Anthraclte and Bntummous °E°'°E$ U"°N MANY
L · GOALS Tuesday and Friday evenings at U. C. T. Hall, by C°"c{° Bnys Snmker ° l '
exlngton, ' Kentucky At their uieeting last Tuesday the G0 to
  l·Jx¢·¢·utive C0ll1Illi[l($€, composed of Miss Spurr and Wm. W3Y60ld. Admission   cents. The Lewin Cigif CQ,
W S   JUIHISUII N. ('amden, C. ll. Nil-llnls, Opp. N•w Pho•nIx
U Q _ l J ' _ I _ · ` I ._ .»• • •  
I luude lerrell and Dick btull d((Id€(l Sp€(‘l3‘ 3pp0lI\tlT\€I`ItS m8d€ f0I' t03(‘hlI1g` the Tango,
The Sanitary Grocer lm install at `°C0llllll0IlSU iu the dormi-   3
, __ tnries for next year. 'l`l · · l .·   ' ‘ ' f
PHOMZ do lu be made beautiful ull(;LllfL:l;p;fll;; Maxlxc’ Hesltatlon and One Step.     i
Cm" S' Lime and Virginia Ave- things 0I` at healthy nature will be Taka lezzsbcrtcning  
  ` 8 ;· I
      mmuwd'   Lexington     C0"
- — A YW" —_" `”——`_`""" Incor-
FwS£.`°es§.$J£S“’f»$§3§i>ally WELSH & MURRAY JOE BEN°K"RT’ '°'°"" • ` •
. 'P ¤,sn Btl»~—d h   I
Pop Corn FrltterS· ara c am a t e an Ot er Mull Ea C    
Lzxmcrow, · - xzurucxv my P"'°'"""°°'· ` ·
  ·r—·· P I l01 ' ·
eww!. Prenuna. Altcnng, huttulwll will bo lleltl nn next Monday I INCORPORATED  
R¢P¤U'|¤8 UN*|`|li|ll4 b¢‘Iii||l|ill1J. ut 6:15 uk-luck, A { N0! PMNIO \550·Y I52 8. Llm••i°n•
W H   vnllltuiii of thc l'. S. Army will be here R I G T N   B.  
. . ·- »—·»   ·— A. H OW SERVICE   ‘ ·
On I; _{’° ""' "f }""“·*'»‘ "°¤’·*'_“**°“‘ ¤0,.·““'l‘AII.()R°i’6T8¤}‘l?¤'itE
• ‘ lllllll. the IIIUHIIHQ lilt*l'¢5 will be . E CIIIMHQ. Pfllllng ind Rnpnlrlng
Ladies Work (1 i¤lanl‘¤·ll¢·s, purudes unu lolluwiug {new $P•¢il| INOIINOH G|v•n to L|dI••' Tgllgrlng
Specialty “m [M. uw Sham bmuu Monday.     b` W ) _ I All w0TkG|·|l|’l||i||d· A|I|r|\I0n||8p|c||l\y
Cl   S ¤=¤<»rninl4 will he givvn nlnllly to me J ' J   A       ___
U atcs,5 uits,   [WI`}-lIl`lIlAtlI(‘(* und until then |‘iq·u[_   I    
50I S. LIm•. P . (Bullion will mntll I~ .-· · · · · l24-428 North Limestone Lcxingtoln Ky' • • d I  
h¤n• I972 x nu llillllllllltlll hn  
ll · Ii al l·.‘l.
••••••• ·••• ••• •••• •··•· " "` " I A- A A A A W A _*____________ . um cny um. gmk ind-, . •

 } I · _
T H E I D E A 3
ll I     I   I   Money Loaned on all goodsof Value. I can save you from 30 to 50 per cent on
Diamonds, Watches, jewelry, Etc.
LICENSE!) PAWNBROKER. 110 South Limestone St. Watch and .IcweIry Repairing. Phoenix Block
-.············•··•••••··•••••••••·••••••••••••·j·I m·i¢·nt to do business at any r•~;;ular |·‘Iu¤¤. r hen than mos: llnish···l soloist'
. • I (pf sp•·l‘l|\l IlI4*(‘llll}l, (H` &Ul,lUl|[`lllll"lllJ III';:I\'§:Ir; |IIHI;HI:y"II-gl'] IWIIIIIIIIHI ,I;IIIUIjII"`II| \I. I (.
1     th•·i•·o1', notice o1` which has lwcn ;··n¤I·»u·.. 1|»1·-.~ ;.|;.m;•-uw'.; or t|.;.t   HN" MOU'] lmrkvr" Mmnm
I Hl\'*‘|\ lll iH'*‘|ll`|lilIl('•‘ \\llI| [ha- (`q)||g1I lllllllll '41;°*J_;`l"‘lll?ll v“?l?* lllll} llI*" IIl*>‘·l \`|Hl`l· *`=¤rl··¢<»n Hr"“"‘r, lzlllltl llflrbl-
I |1¤¤1:•l1l•· 4`1l.¤ 1111,; ul tht- [v;IFl l»I`lllI1|lIl gum ,\|,...",. |·](]“-;n·(|g_ Mpeg \\']IIy;‘_ pjllu
•.••••••••••.••••••¢•e•••••••••••¢•••¢•• [uno"' ` l'l·'l|*"`·ll’ >l"|`¤1ll   l(lU_ Ig [HH   (`I \ I I
I IUHHHHP to membership S‘.(.HUn   TIN, |‘l·‘,"'Hur‘_[. Shun I" lI||' l•lll|¢· 4r|».lI]]n|| jp]`·lI|•· \\;I]j·|·_ ·I;|I1 {Ip- · 'U lfvltllrllll. .l)ll¥l l"('l( (UNI Rial'-
I   I A/NME Iv   ..11 ......... ,. ,...1.1 ... {1... 11..1,. .... 1     '.’`i ".`iZ ..,-. I.'.`L`I.'.'L“ ..'.’.' ""' “ ‘`‘‘ """   "" """"‘°" """“
Pl I · , ·.,· , .., - "~l1s 10 their resp4-<·tiv<· lnornws.
4 I shall elnshurse money on or¤l··rs ll` rn |'i'[I"l " "l""" U
I     thu |’r·l`;i(l(IHt {UNI §"(Ir‘.'uI.\ Ul I ll*’l<*·l# \`lll ll‘ (lll. $JlI»‘ II? ll]I~ lIj)\   Innuh xwluprv dnuulltvr uf  
I -.._- .... 'I`I¤<· ofllce-rs of the Club shall con- qumgu In ` I `I " I {III?";IIII"""|';I'.*“`I"‘;’I"}II*Fm" 'I'_‘|;‘I o"- y"u,,,._ UI ,.m.,U muh wom [IW Wmk
1 . · ·· ·». •·s•· .\ .; xg 1 · · ‘ · * " · ‘~—
· P The la-xlngon Aluuml (`l\ll> ol lll*‘Is|sIoI'apr•·slde·n1,vl0e[1F•·sl€l9lll.HP(!· 1 I I 'I U mu H I _•_ •·nlu: M |•·!‘* Ill'S. 1norm»·< 4- _¤‘¤l·· mum. nlns LZIWHIII ` · I ‘ _· ‘ ‘ mom! Iwo dmn know mp Wagon
»\mul'l<‘;ill [Illllll>l•· l‘il|ll6‘s lo l,»·xin::, I(‘lll`<)lll¢‘ lllllluvsllnlr. `
mittee from the faculty to C0mpl9tG Meeting;. Iton utter Iluvlllhi 1·ll\‘•‘!1 Sl||llli*l` "Xll"I ··\[y hot- " eqiti the ' *""‘I>' "">' "*`_l"‘P°"*‘l _ A I _ , _ ,' fair ladies requested it-—ami that is
ance in lhe I mrwl >1.1;··s_ kot unl) proud on you, but Miss l,··ms msllges-
Mr. Frank Battaile. Miss Rodés and of this Club annually, second week ln (mos IH., I·,,,,,,. ,,.,,,;,I,, ,,1 0,,,. ,...,,Im 'H n i M I t U I I enonglm
. . . _ · o s · lll »u you iron rl co ·
9 Lieutenant Gulllon were named on a _r8,num·y, nrgt wggk in May and |a8;I·»ut ¤¤lIer|a nvtniimer on <-on¢·ens nt lon. legen I ** mss MMIII m_(,km_ wishm to an_
IUH‘ SIP RS |'*'l ` \l‘ 2 ` J . -
committee on B.l'¥‘8Ilg€m€IltB; G90l`89 week in September, and such 0lll<‘l`I\-,.I-(IIN (,I·l:“4,,l(,,Il;Il,.lIIJ-· uH\mm(m\I nr>un··•· free Socialist lectures to any
lf*Y"; · I 'P··<; ···; ‘, , ·· _ __ __ _, __ ·._ I
Frankel, a committee on the banquet: By-Laws or called by the exe—I S¤*****k*"g ml N°`“ Y*'"r.$ H"“” lm motlwr in Salt Lick, last week,
Iday <·v··nnng an le ii- aria 1e.·n·i·. · I I   · .  
I The ¤¤>Sl¤’*‘·l l·> Nl>¤Yl·· |·llv>u. TENNISRCLUBI ORGANIOZED
pianiste, gave the- most de·lighlI`ul :1ndI ‘ ‘
M me Phoenix H°tel' living RlV€“!\ with the notice of thcwnusically perfect conwrt siure the or-¤ »<"` "   
I The following constitution \w'aslm(,,,II"g a mrgefourms vote Of t_h€Igani2;ation has hewn coming to 1h¢·I The Tumig muh WAY (rhluiyul ,__ ;  
_ city. ‘ · E '* ’ ’* ·’ gy: ,.;3. s»-
F &d0pt'°d’ 'll*"“b*"`$ Present being required t°I Not only did the splendid Ol'('ll€5(l'1|I\\vP(lll(‘S(l2.l)' morning at lo o`clock, for   .·iQ'Zf·t·-. 
CONST! UTION AND BY-LAWS · , _ mal<· new i usi·zl r - ·d.· it tl · _ . . . ,_ ig ’n·;j‘f·• 
E T AR ICLE I amend (_l(;Si‘m: cumifm ‘IImI $l‘l"'m:_ (_(‘m(_*_l_I;|t11e purpose or taxing up then courts ` . ».jQ;’  i?
I ` T ‘ ARTICLE VU. No. 1 01`Tschaikowsky,as played with adjoining Stoll Field. Mr. Karl Zer- `\..`>____ · `  ***2 
g N _ B _L _ orchesmt accompaniinent hy Myitle . N . . , .   , . ‘—~—..--___ . i
. ame y aw. llilvyn the acme of piano forte solo I"` MIS appomud Benin") [mm .5;* _ ._
I The name of this organization shall Such Hy-Laws may be adopted fl`0HlI0t1`t·;·ingS was I-.,,1-1,.-t|_ mtytou was further organization could be etfected. :.··°_‘ _, ’
be the Lexington Alumni Club 0f the time to time as may be deemed ad·I2*;*;I"l“;""l‘;I`I’("'il‘Tl "“‘II:I""`:’Il""I"""l*f As soon as the weather permits the  E I - I}
I 1 "9 , ll '(' IH 5 i l ) l€`S U if"
      visable   {Ile     a     \\`()l Ifl-\\'l(l(‘ f{\|ll(" ll[][   \\'{[$ [hl-* ('()]]- regular Spring [Ennis lOlll`flillll(‘llT. “»lll I if   —
ARTIQLE II www present Itensus or niusioil opinion -11 the close be qt rt d Pm p I I. bri It I I. {J'? é' 
· ‘ . _* " ' r j ,.a e. secsae gi o · .14 
. _ _ >1tl·· ··rt tlzt tl· w~ l·tl - 2* -
| Object Section 1. The regular meetingsII,,m,IN,III£IIII,.S of IIIIS UI-IiSt,._(JII1.;·r;:;-. games with (lherlin, (`incinnati and _ ·‘
I I ' ' ' · »• ‘
The object of this Club shall be to Shall bg held during the second week I I1gl¤é·|_·¤¤M|¤·I§Iil¤lullllfngilld thc l¤0\\‘~·¤IiulIu few gthgr (-(,IIog(.S_ · |<
~ lil! lll* 0 ne tl icllt gxnro 4 ·1
tr ~ C0‘0P6¥`¤l·6 with the Alumni ASB0"l&‘ lll JBHURPY. HYBK week ln M8·.Y and last I I,;,;SHgJ` in I,,.II·,.,.I Ipmm, `IIIHI DILIIIII All students interested in tennis are / J I
é' tlon of the University of Kentucky to week in September, time and place as ¤¤¤¢>=¤i d<‘ll<'l<>¤S I*l¤¤`¤•Sl¥¤g illill Flliltllllu I invited to become members by the ‘
' _ , Iwas by far the lwst playing that has! _ _ __ / V
I promote closer fellowship among th