xt7brv0cwv3z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7brv0cwv3z/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1933 athletic publications  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Football Programs University of Kentucky vs. University of Tennessee, November 30, 1933 text University of Kentucky vs. University of Tennessee, November 30, 1933 1933 1933 2014 true xt7brv0cwv3z section xt7brv0cwv3z  .. ` , 5 , ' ` -
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[JINKED with the courageous story   y  
of Kentucky’s growth, is the life
of the University of Kentucky. Its ,
high standard of learning, sportsman- Hefe at Iientucky O Shea
ship and chivalry are indelibly stamp- Stglnds for the b€St in
ed upon the characters of the youth _
who have passed beneath its portals. Khlttéd W€&1‘
Lexingtonians are justly proud of , _AS_k the Wildcats
the prestige of the University located
within the confines of their city. The `_
Athletic Association is to be com-   i
mended for its efforts in building up   Ol  
cooperative efforts in athletics, par-  
ticularly exemplified in the game of  
football, which requires the coordin—  
ated movement of the team as a
whole. _
c . . . . 7 • • • 2
From a well wisher who joins in 0   K M   p
the tribute of acclaim to the Univer-     l S *
sity and its student body. 2414 Sacmmcnm Avenue ,
-———-———-—-—·······‘;—-————-——-——-——-——-—---.-—-—-—-—- l
"'I‘he Coldest Draught Beer in Town"
A L U E A N D W l—1 l I i
_ Limestone and Euclid l

 A ·
,. W Football and Other Things
Program Editor
Azul so a;.othcr football season comes to an end. and a ccach who has brought more than
his share of grief to Tennessee’s Volunteers makes his exit. This 19333 season has been till-
i el with contradictions.
Opening happily for Kentucky, it has now turned slightly sour. Victories over Mary- .
l ville, ¤l6—2: Sewanee, 7-(l; Georgia Tech, 7-6, and Cincinnati, 3-0, sent the Kentucky follow-
ers rejoicing into the new season. Then came disappointment in losses to \Vashington and
l.ee. 7-O: Duke, 1-1-7; Alabama, 20-()—relieved only by a 21-6 victory over V. M. I.-and then
Tulane, 234-0. True, the loss to Duke was in the nature of a moral victory. but the others
carried no such balm.
Now the linale—Kentucky vs. Tennessee. llomecoming for thousands of Kentucky
alumni. Thanksgiving Day, and altogether a joyous occasion. So let yourself be exceeding-
ly gay, or words to that effect.
lt will be of interest to Kentucky alumni to note the tentative football schedule which
has been arranged for the 1934 season, It follows:
Qi   September 22. Maryville at Lexington; September 29. Washington & Lee at Lexing-
ton: October 6, Cincinnati at Cincinnati (night game): October 12}. open. probably Sewanee -
at Lexington: October 20, open. probably Ohio State University at Columbus: October 27,
Auburn at Lexington; November 3, Alabama at Lexington: November 10, Southwestern at
2 lemphis: November 17. Tulane at Lexington, and November 29, Tennessee at Knoxville.
T Basketball gets under way on December   when Coach A. F. Rupp`s Southeastern Con-
i ference Champions meet an alumni team in the University gymnasium. Kentucky will
have another good basketball team this season-even though such players as All-American
Sale, All-Southern Johnson and Darrell Darby are missing. Sale is coaching at Kavanaugh
~ and playing on an all-star team at Indianapolis; Johnson is coaching at \VllliilI1l§»Oll, W. Va.,
  and Darby is playing on Babe Didrickson’s star team.
>l<   rk =E= ¤l= =l<
Don’t forget the homecoming dance tonight at the University gymnasium.
l  mm·“““‘"*—“‘"‘—”‘m“ “"“”m“i
A I New outfits for our University Wildcat Cheer Leaders were donated by
l GRAVES. COX & CO. .-'xN(iEl.U(?(`I & RINGU l
, l
tw wr _`“`_"“_‘_"""`;_"”`°""""""""`—""°i“""""`"l"

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RALPH KERCHEVAL, 190 pounds, Lexington and Salt Lick    
Kercheval has been recognized for three years as one of the greatest kickers in the
South, and is bringing a brilliant career to a close today. This season he has been an inspi- ,
ration to the team. He leads the \Vildcats in batt]e today——a fitting honor to one who has l
_ served Kentucky so loyally.           ,
DOUGL/S PARRISH, 180 pounds, Paris Ky. End. 1
Doug Parrish will be a tackle today, alth ough his iiormal position is at end. He’s` fast, *
willing, and an honor to the \Vildcats. U   *2 it   l
STANLEY EACH. 180 pounds, Lexington and Jackson. Ky.
"Pug" has performed well for the \Vildcats this season. It was his long touchdown gal-
lop that won the Sewanee game this season.
TOM CASSADY, 180 pounds, East St. Louis, Ill. Back.
Cassady played a blocking back his first two years, and this season he has done good
work as a running back. He has put in three valuable years at Kentucky.
BURTON ALDRIDGE, 175 pounds, Benham, Ky. Guard.
Year in and year out Aldridge has played a consistently good game for the Wildcats.
Soon he will be battling in the courts as Attorney Aldridge.
          U 4
JOHN FRYE. 150 pounds, Louisville, Ky. End. j
Frye leaves only happy memories as a result of his playing, this season in particular. His
brilliant catch of a pass from Kercheval put the `Wildcats in position to score the winning
touchdown on Georgia Tech, and another catch scored on Duke.
=l= *' >i<   >i< L
O. B. MURPHY, 170 pounds, Lexington, Ky. Tackle. l
Murphy started the season for the Wildcats and was one of the defensive stars in the
line. An injury in the Cincinnati game ended his career. *
=#< >i< >i<   *
LETCHER ASHER, 150 pounds, Pineville, Ky. End.
Asher tried hard for the Wildcats. He is out with an injury now as the season closes.
HOWARD KREUTER, 170 pounds, Newport, Ky. End.
As an end on the football team and forward on the championship basketball team, he
rounded out an active athletic career. i
=E= >E¢ $ =k ¢Z= l
O. 1.. DAVIDSON, 215 pounds, Evansville, Ind. Guard.
Davidson was captain of the 1932 football team and played a good brand of football. He
is recognized as one of the South outstanding guards.
=l< ¤!< iii =% >k
RAY ln·`ElnlR3l.»\N, 180 pounds, Newport, Ky. Guard.
A reserve, yet always on hand to do his part, Fehrman has fulfilled his position at .

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