xt7brv0cwm4p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7brv0cwm4p/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1979-11-16 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, November 16, 1979, no. 300 text The Green Bean, November 16, 1979, no. 300 1979 1979-11-16 2014 true xt7brv0cwm4p section xt7brv0cwm4p H ’ "ll/16/79 . UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY LIBRARIES' NEWSLETTER N0. 300
November 11-30 Undergraduate Student Exhibit. Fine Arts Gallery and
Rasdall Gallery. (Recent work from the department of
art classes).
November 16 Gallery Series: Uk theatre presents a one—act play,
"Scenes from American Life." King Library North,
12:00 noon.
November 19 Project Ahead Open House. (see story inside)
` Seminars on the theory of living systems, "Civili-
zations," by Raymond Betts, Honors Programs. Room
137, Chemistry—Physics Building. 7:00-9:00 PM.
November 20 Council on Aging Forum, "Genealogy," by Charles Atcher, _
UK Archivist. Room 206, Student Center. 4:00 PM.
November 21 Staff Development Committee program: Harry Snyder,
Executive Director, Council on Higher Education.
Gallery, King Library North, 10:30 AM. ,
November 22 Thanksgiving Day Holiday.
November 23 ‘King Library buildings closed for fumigation.
November 26 Seminars on the theory of living systems, "Social
. and psychological integration and col1apse," by
Lee Elioseff, English. Room 137, ChemistryiPhysics
Building. 7:00-9:00 PM.
November 27 Faculty Forum Series: "New Directions — The Ap-
’ palachian Center and Librarianship," by Dr. John
hStephenson, Director, Appalachian Center and Anne
Campbell, Librarian, Appalachian Collection, UK.
November 29 Library Staff Organization Programs: "Introduction
to Genealogy," by Bill Marshall. Gallery, King
Library North. 2:00 PM.

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?‘ ` n l _ Exuxsirs , ·‘ { ,_ l R
, .. _·. King North The German Military Image, 1870-1945. __ f*` _1 .
w' ` King South Portraits and Dreams. . . _'. ·,; ...-
A ( · ` Contributors:— Pam Fields, Faith Harders, Barbara Galik, Gail Kennedy, Claire McCann _
` I (assistant editor), Maureen O'Brien, Terry Warth (editor) ‘ _ U
. ‘ V The Staff Development Committee has invited Harry Snyder, Executive Director of the
_i _ .~» Council on Higher Education, to speak to the Library staff. ,The meeting will be held
· ~ November 21, at 10:30 AM in the Gallery, King North. ‘ [
4 j . .._. The Council is the organization which coordinates the majority of activities concerning
‘ ·- higher education in Kentucky. As Mr. Snyder will be explaining the organization and its
_ l related functions, it would be in your best interest to attend. · °
g ·- A social and business meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 20th at 2:00 PM in the
i _ Staff Lounge, King North. Don't forget to bring your recipes for the LSO cookbook and
‘_ _' I _goodies for Thanksgiving gift distribution. ` '
[ On Friday, November 23, the King Library buildings will be closed for fumigation.
'. _ _ Since Friday is a pay date for the bi—weekly employees, the Director's Office will
I . be open from 10:30 -12:00 AM so the'checks can be distributed.
PR0JEcr AHEAD . · Y I . ,
Z ‘ Project Ahead cordially invites faculty, staff, and students to attend an Open House,
E · ’ d Monday, November 19, from 12~3:0O PM at Ligon House, 658 S. Limestone (next to the
- ` Law Building). jRefreshments will be served.
V` _ On November 13 the Preservation Committee sponsored a conservation workshop conducted
- by Pamela Najar, Conservator at the Indiana Historical Society, The morning session
’· was devoted to a slide show on care of collections in libraries and archives. Damage
caused by high temperatures and humidity, acidic paper, improper binding, water, glue,-
, ` tape, mold, insects, and dirt was stressed. The slides provided graphic examples of
- A hooks and paper in various stages of deterioration and helped emphasize the need for
` concern in the area of conservation. _ . ,; _..
` The afternoon session was devoted to demonstration of conservation techniques and in-
·_ eluded hands-on experience in mending paper tears, surface cleaning of paper, deacidi—
_ A "fication, and encapsulation. ·- Q; R . i‘_.. ‘ _‘ ._.)* . __ . "'
4 Considered a success by all, the.workshop'providedra_worthwhile opportunity for library
` ~. staff to become more familar`withnconservation procedures.‘ It is hoped that an increase
' `in conservation awareness throughout the-1ib;a;y;§yS¤em·w111 benefit all departments and
‘ · lead to implementation of simple preservation precautions on a day to day basis. ‘Further
information on conservation topics can be found in the Preservation File located in
. - Special Collections. " _ _ ·',jQfj~j Igrn —

During last week S KLA annual €0nYentiOn at the Hyatt Regency, The Kentucky SOLINET
q 4 Users group met for its second organizational session. About 40 people from a
B variety of libraries (and departments) were in attendance. Dawn Lamade, assistant
p training coordinator, was also present representing the network office in Atlanta.
Events of the meeting included election of officers, discussion of proposed bylaws
and constitution for the group and a question and answer period in which Dawn re-
sponded to numerous queries from the audience.
Officers elected for 1979/80,are: chair--Gail Kennedy, University of Kentucky;
· secretary——Becky Heath, Jefferson Community College; and treasurer-—Michi Kwak,
Eastern Kentucky University.
An ad hoc com ittee on the constitution will immediately begin writing a document
incorporating suggestions from the~meeting and this will be distributed to the
membership for final approval. Members will also be notified in the next few months
about pians for the next meeting of the Group. Anyone who is interested in the Users
Group but was unable to attend the meeting should contact Gail Kennedy. Welcome
one and all!
This was the editor's first attendance at a KLA meeting so perhaps comments should
‘ be sparing (impossible!). Old friends were welcomed (not looking a day older!) and
two delightful new acquaintances were made. One librarian quoted a little boy who
A said, "I always go to the library when I'm confused." Paul Willis chaired a meeting
with his usual savoir—faire. It was a pleasure to see Gail Kennedy elected to run
the new Solinet Users Group (amusingly there was no discussion on a apostrophe for
The Intellectual Freedom program was one of the most interesting, though, as Joy
Terhune pointed out, everything that could be said has been said on that subject.
Still one wants to keep up with the success or failure of our fight for freedom
to read. "Catcher in the Rye" continues to lead the list of books that people~want
banned. One town is trying to restore McGuffey's readers to the curriculum!
Complaints about rooms at the Hyatt not being available till 2:00 PM, and in one
instance, 5:00 PM, were heard. Gerry Webb rightly remarked on the aggravation of
conflicting programs. Too many interesting ones were held at the same time on "
i Friday. The price for the banquet seemed a bit steep. The pre- and post—conference
meetings had to be cancelled due to lack of interested people (the registration fee
was really discouraging). °
So there were these poor features at KLA but there were many good ones. Indeed, the
impression left on one of us, at least, is that librarians are still sincere caring
individuals and that is still a worthwhile and satisfying thing to be a librarian
in this day and age in Kentucky.
There will be no issue of the Green Bean for November 23.

 ’ A -4-
Head, Original Cataloging Section, Monographic Cataloging Dept. , Duke University.
Salary from $15,000, depending on qualifications and experience. Application dead-
line: December 31, 1979. g‘
Head of the OUGL Media Center, University of Washington Libraries. Salary $18,500
minimum. Application deadline: December 31, 1979. ,