xt7brv0cvx1c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7brv0cvx1c/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1950 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 02, no. 21, 1950 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 02, no. 21, 1950 1950 1950 2012 true xt7brv0cvx1c section xt7brv0cvx1c ¥ \
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 * L ’ 6 6 9 9
  They Have Earned Thezr L For Loyalty 1 Q1
V K:-i“
. The 1
j  Less than a month remains in which loyal alumni niav participate in the  Q
A, 1949-’50 annual “giving” program sponsored by the Alumni Association to raise gf,,,f{‘,§,,H
 f ‘ funds for the Alumni Loyalty Fund.  ?2°{,‘,§{‘g§,‘f§,g
. . l _ ]une lst marks a new fiscal year for the Alumni Association, so gifts sent in ‘l°“ ‘“°l“‘l
` now and betore May 31st will be attributed to the current campaign, and will rntcretdl
‘ . . . Offce a
swell the grand total to quite good proportions. thelact or
, · To date alumni have contributed $4,428.50 to the Loyalty Fund for 1949-’5(), 1,,,,,,, G, I
2 and while this is not an impressive sum when divided by the total number of §,,;f,,§§
  alumni who are eligible to contribute, still it shows a steadv flow of interest be- l°““ Am
. ° tween our alumni and Alma Mater.
& J. Stepher
l Hil`enm<
.   S , A
1 F Bcrlilgea.
, Dr. Georg:
; ton iteri
` ' Guy Fletcher Boyd ..i............... Box 814, Stuart, Florida Ben Ragland .... American Blower Corp., 228 N. LaSalle $t__ Mrs. John
. Herman F. Scholtz ........ Woodburn Farm, Warrenton, Penn. Chicago, UL Maysvill
1 Henry J. Beam ...,.......... 331 Larchlea, Birmingham, Mich. Perrin Rule ........ Youngstown Sheet & Tube, 9355 Kreiion_ KYLE Wl111
1 Henry Wagner ............ 880 Ridgedale, Birmingham, Mich. I Chicago, 111 l‘l0111€1 L.:
1 Gerson Lowenthal .... 280 Doctors Building, Cincinnati, Ohio R. G. Tucker .... Combustion Engineering-Superheater, Inc_, Vlll° lt€·
1 John C. Myers, Jr. r........ 918 East High St., Lexington, Ky. 1319 N. Branch St., Chicago, 111, James S·
 , , Rabbi Joseph Rauch ,....... 834 South 3rd St., Louisville, Ky. C. W. Gordon .... Combustion Engineering-Su erheater Inc, lmlll El
{ ` . . BV SOI"! ........ IH ID y, S I1 8 l Il, B. . I`8I`lC ., lC8gO, .
` L C D id 322 W' d' g Wa M rio St t'o P 1319 N B h Slt Ch' l Ill, Dwglasp
"* w. G. Keiauver .... 1306 Union Trust Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio H. L. Thornberry College of Agriculture, Univ. or Illinois, S"lllll°l V1
_ Morton Holbrook ,........ . Masonic Building, Owensboro, Ky. F Urbana, Ill. Gly;  
John T. Faig ........ 3345 Whitfield Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio red Z. Goosrnan .............. 10 E. 39th St., New Y k C`t_· ' - .
Dr. Emery V. Smith .... Suite 202, Auburndale Doctors Bldg., C. V. Watson ............. . . . 611 Keith Bldg., Cincinnajg, Ollily l\hl?;r€§;§:
, 2508 Auburn Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio David Leer Ringo ..........., Box 415-A Turke, F t R d, ‘ . .
p James M. Buell ........ 1109 Standiford Lane, Louisville, Ky. Erlahlger, (Ky, Hlggllslllll
  James D, Shouse ....,........... Crosley Broadcasting Corp., J. H. Layman ........ 901 Temple Bar Bldg., 138 E. Court St., 'Tmétgi
‘ » Crosley Sq., Cincinnati, Ohio Cinc' at', Oh'
S. Headley Shouse ........... Versailles Pike, Lexington, Ky. John J. Yager ..... . ....' Georgen-Mackwirth Engilireldrihg Cd? T`t£g)Cut]
V J.] Stephen Watkins .......... 145 E. High St., Lexington, Ky. 813 Sycamore St., Buffalo, N.Y. Guy A P
; Nick T. Puckett .......... The Hofft Co., 44%   Geo{g1aISt;i, Thomas H. Posey .......... Commonwialth Edison Co., 72 W. ,B0a,jd
. - n ianapo is, n . dams St., Chicago, Ill.
,   O. llpltilwinan . .............   Digaces Esozéd, Iilexingtgn, gy. Iéo%1ntLwR2;élif£   ..... 50'734§g§hSSt2;eté Port? Arlington, Va. Joglgclsaag
, een o nson .............. ou r ., ouisvi e, y. 1 er . ings ury .... o 8 h S., A l' t ,V. ·
g Edna Mann ............ 3420 Preston Highway, Louisville, Ky. C0}. and MPS. E. F. DeC0\11‘S€y   . .. Army Meliiglil l3g11i8i·  
Q, H. L. Donovan ...... University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. Washington 12, D.C. C1i1{Bm·ii
    John G. Stoll ...... Lexington Herald-Leader, Lexington, Ky. John S. Sherwood .. 1650 Harvard St., N.W., Washington, D.C. ropmsm
· _=·; Mandy Lee Williams ....... Long Beach, Florida, via Sarasota Harry B. DeAtley   3128 Patterson Place, N. W. Washington
,. 5,. Ted Sanford .................................. Henderson, Ky, Charles K. Dunn .. 1827 Summit Place, N.W., Washington, D.C.
,   Newton Neel ................................. Henderson, Ky. George W. Mouth   2828 Northampton St., Washington. D·C· High d
bi.; govixgglcigbilyliiiigeik ...............     Henderson, Ky, gladilpsn Small .... 2517 39th St., N.W., Apt. 201, Washington LOUQYCOE
  r. re . e er ............ . . . 0. 6, Lexington, Ky, aul een ................ 11 Custis A e , Al d ` , VH. ‘
,   · James F. Corn ........ Corn & Bell, Box 655, Cleveland, Tenn. L. F. Colbert . ............ 1931 K St., 1¥.Wll,eWaSlii)lrEl;t<2l-sill D-C· ° llilldige Ed
_ y _· ~ Robert sweetser .... si West Lakeside Drive, Lakeside Park. McClelland Gailbraith .... 630 Washington St., Henderson, Kr ingmle
·; L ' M K f ld Sh H h S h I Covington, Ky, Kira; Poxhwn Conway ...................... Henderson, Kr.  _i_ Cams,
 , ouise . orn e   awnee ig c oo , Louisville, K . r ur . illiams ....................,...,. H d ,   .· l
  . 1%. G.CSchy/gnavii ........ Hutchinson Coal Co., Logan, W. V;. Mary Elizabeth Barr ........,..............,.. Higidziiih,   iikigngg
. 1‘$- 801 · 1 1211115 .....................   Somerset, Ky, Herbert Schoepflin ............,....,......... Henderson. KY. p `
 _; Herbert C. Carpenter ..............., Box 723, Evanston, Ill, Bertram L. Klein .......... Rye Ridge Place, Harrison, N.Y·  ,Wi1%d;i:$a§
Joseph K. Roberts .... Standard Oil of Ind., 9.0 s. Michigan ·£°$€Pl;,B· Shelby E A ·-~· 307 WY¤m1¤S A1’€·· Ms¤1sW¤¤d·N·l- Blds. L
  Avenug Chicagm HL ean ayne .. 14 udubon Road. Park Hills, Covington, KY· Bevei V
_ Harold F. Waits .. saw south Hamilton Ave., Chicago 43, ni. W· R· WOK ····-··········-·· 602 Beverly DP- Al°"€’“‘l'l"· V“’ Mls-rclci
U H. Lester Reynolds .. 161 Washington Circle, Lake Forest, Ill. gl?]   {img 'Z ‘‘‘''''''' 4010 SL Ives Court' L0mSV1u€` K);.
if R. B. Cottrell .... American Steel Foundries, 400 N, Michigan, U:i,yl€B lérowncigglsgl; “''`''''''`’`'''``````'` I:I;I;,g;l;g2’   Ad
 ' _ Avenue, Chicag , Ill. · · ' ’ ' '‘‘''‘'''`'‘''` ‘ '''‘‘‘‘‘ ' ` A11 C
Preston ri. Williams ....,,...... 29 s. LaSalle st., Chicagg, 111. Wllllam Lam ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘··‘······· HE"Fl'"S°“‘ Ky' Allin Cgi
Julius Wolf Material Service Co 33 N LaSalle St gif" and Igrsft CLEO.   Ewell   Washington,   A Ballard C
_ H, , C, A __ _, _ _ Chicago,11l. coo. 3 n,...§O.$'T,°§§o varl“1ll§;a*$.,B1l1(l1%vZ,liltriiilililiiillgh,D.C. » $2%*,5,%
arry io ...... mexican Air Filter Col., 228 N. LaSalle St., Pierce V, Keating ., Combusion Engineering-Superheater. l11°·· Bourbon .
Chwago. 111. isis N. Branch st., chicago. 111 Breckinrii
` Caldwell
‘ 1 chestel)
. p 1 3 T H E
 ‘  .
L 11 ,

171 K t It Al `
V Y _   l
Crittenden County—L0uis D Chi M ‘  
The Kentucky Alumnus Cumberland C.nny-L..n..; M‘;“é·.,,;"‘°“
Burkesville a S ’ I
  Da 1 c t —1v1 The Cover ·
Official organllof tl1eKA1Ll¤¤¤l; ASS<>§l;-·li¤g rlallgnaluelalrk, 3l32$;i¤§§,r°€s’ Ow°“Sb°r° S
i the Universi y 0 en uc y_pu _l5 e Estru C¤unly-Sy_ h R· .   , V I .
giiaiielly on the cameos of {hc Universit;. at Floyd Ccunty—Cl;1rr$;- Flfaiielsvigllistonsburg D?”‘g""‘€‘l  D the MCUOPOIP I
§;;5‘*glfi§..b.$.‘;Ei§’lFr§°£ A10 ln“‘i£é“`l$éi‘0é’lii 5?£i‘€2.‘.§"‘&.,?.‘:.‘;‘;‘y;E“*"‘"d,?E“?,€**· Frankfort "‘“ $l"’““ ‘I"“‘°“ ·*SS0°*·¤<>¤ Gl I
. ._ , , _ —· ennmgs ear , F lt r _ ,· ,,
tj0rllI`lC1\.ld€$ Sl1b5€F1DU0¤ to the Alumnus- uzgrard t County—Miss luna }lvlOn\:g,;):l€i·y_ M11 YOI`k City HS CO2lCll of [11C _
 ....-.. ancas er , , ,, V - -
Entered as Second Class Matter at the Post g;;;§§nCggl?;l>{;S§{f;r§ liligly, _MaIyl1-ield \€‘u-’ Adolph F· RuPP¤ the man
· ` . " 3 € . ` ` · r ` l ‘ .
_ lllEil;ill;0lseI`lr[llrl€ll>iil,’ Iig/rl§.M1y 22, 1929, under geneeek COu¤ty_Hm_l_y Biacgrlgawggiggield ln the bi 011 I1 suit xi ho is known
 `Ef;l. *g3$0§s““tY—R¤b€ft M¤N=-lmara, Eliza- to the world gf Simms lis ··Th€
Hi , lng ..... . ...... . .r....,.... 101* Ha] C t__ · · ,_, lr _
{Eze lyleclain ..... I ...... Managing Editor Ha1I:taCour(1`tlyl;,R.T\llIéFE€n;ril;1r,11:;-;cave Baron Ot Bd5k€LbaH’ poses for
§1H1‘Ell§g‘t;l;ucLaughIl'lolggl fgigggélgi Eggg; Hilnderson county-Theodore Sanford, nerr- our cover picture with some of
Oilll B . .,....... ETSO1'1 _
  — W- gl€kkTf\3¤·E:WHFF&n Thompson, Clinton 1115 1949-60 trophies, In his
OD ms ou t —J, C. F`1 ' ' - . I
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Jclgersog C01Fntl,y—George1¥[§¥én?£ig1Sg§lYl1g$ hand 15 the mahogany and grlver  
· - _ · 2. 0.,17th&Ab , ‘ ‘ _ .
I- S""l’“F‘ W"“‘““S· P"5""*“‘ M5 E· H‘g" Jessamine Count .v1ull;%;st L°“‘s"‘u° _ plac ue mzsemed no limi br srrm
Sl, Lexmglim _u y Routt, Nicholas
llT;ei.l nlléNllil`le1il;l;$l.€;r_Lgllsgtgsesldenl- Jolgngm CO\mty_DO¤ Clark Paimsvme Coreiiswet. basketball C1lZl11`lll2lll
ll€ll ' l ' . Y
Helen G King, Executive Seeretai_y__522 Kriefi-£County—Barnard McKeehan, Barbour- Ol {IIC Sugar BOW], for 1115 COH-
Sayre Ave., Lexington L C _ _ _. . .
Emile A_ Slii,,ely_ T,eaSui€i_All.lletic De_ Liaigl é>¤¤f{—S§_nley A. Hager, Hodgenville [11l)ll[lO11S 111 the past to the New
partment, Univ. Of Ky. Lgwre Olgl YT lss Lela Mas°n· London _ O l ,   \\r· _ ._
Dr, George Wilson, 200 N. Upper St., Lexing- nee mm y_G€°rg° R· Burgess. Lumsa r €‘mS I 1 ` mtcr SPOH5 (AIF
lon llerm ex iles i95Ol Lee County—D. C. Anderson, Beattyville · . . .
Mrs John Npmownmg Edgemom R ad Lclchel. C,,,mly__l_ L_ HayS_ Whilesbuig mvzil. To his right, 111 order,
Sane St" \1`al·s»·111e Iterm ex ires,1950) O ' Li“°°*“ C°“¤tY—R¤b€¤ Baushman. Stanford . - ·
*c§$°;tm· Killewliilehead Hargn (term expires l950l {l·€>ganCCounty—Granvi11e Clark, Russellville are Sugar BOWI €hZU11])I0llS1ll]>
El Oil, · ’ _ y t r _ ‘ ‘ . .
I€‘*g°l ‘“· “°1lli§H£§l“§§;,?333 l§§lI‘°“°"‘ *"”°·· L°“'s‘ l~¤·=°€r¤¤1`€'$ Elmilfiifn °lT§§E;,1$‘$$`§“§i0,d- ¤m1>I11’¢ $¤¤¤l¤€=·S¤¤¤‘¤ <»<>¤l€r·
El`, llC.. . . ’ ’ . * ·
eager lll, .lali:;smSéxlil`1(;cg>pflli§l·e, Route 4, Lexington Mc`z§_;ér§agggE;2y_C· wl Hume, Stearns €IlC€ C11ill1lI)lO1'1Sllll) [l`()l)lll' and
iter, Irlil, Douglas Parrish, Paris, (term expires ism) McLean County——Charles Gatton, Sacramento the HCO2lC1l of the Your" ziwurd.
icago, _. Semmr Wl wl Blanton Paris Ky (term ex_ Marion County-Hugh C. Spalding, Lebanon
géllléiillli, plms i952l ’ ‘ Meiadej County—Mrs. Marjorie Watts, Bran-
' . Q G. Lee McClain, Bardstown Ky. (term ex- en urg .
fork C11; E. ‘ · Mercer County—Curt1s Park, Harrodsb (
*¤li·ROh;i° iilélclagrlwx. couings 2200 Newburg Road M°ll{°€ C°““t"—J“s°“S L' Bum T°m;lg“" (I “7ILL SING ONE SONG · · - n
’° °“ · Louisville rterm exoires 1952) I V1 e
iger, Ky. Muhlenberg County—Robert Ed V` k, .
emllrl Sl" H.T£él;2;lmore, Frankfort, Ky. (Board of Greenville I lc The   Kentucky Home 1S
·=l§i:lgO(l*(;° T. H. Cutler, Frankfort, Ky. {Board Or Trng- N‘§§@§‘i C°““‘y_B€"““S S“"‘“°1‘· B"""' beckoning to Kentucky Alumni
i ·· teesl . . ’
i$lf)Hl`I\iZ G`{§,,§,`id*{,‘}g§‘§f;t;iee’§j"‘r°W R°**d· L¤Xi¤g*¤¤ N(l{3§?il;lr?a.§iy'—Pa°l K""`a”d' lm Bath Scattered all over the world, to
icago. Ill. lqlm R, Bull,) k 603 D- » T - l Ohio County—Whayne Priest, Hartford , ·
air ll   tlmirdirgr gi? »»?¥`·i€'%l»   Btzrcssxxxiazsla mdatrassn °""" ""’"€ ‘" ’“"“‘ I
ll Center. Lexrrl {Ou lc· aug m` 226 E` Maxwell St" Powell County—Ralph B. Conlee, Stanton There IS Special Significance tv
C _ E life member, honorary) .
gill? gc-  Cllgllrgsrlrllel, Yogktown, Indiana (’49 crass P*gg;§;rSiQ“¤‘Y—~'°h“ P"**h°'- B°" 1°“· every Kentucky alumnus in home-
, _. -- naive, onor·arv1
ashmgton ‘ Rockcastle C0unty—Rudolph Burdett, Renfro · ·
lim gg, APPOINTIVE MEMBERS Rlilsaileycou l Om ua G kms Russell coming this year, as the year 1950
[ OD, . 4 , , . , S8 Tl y— E BS , '
aShi,,gl0,, mlgrgogayrzrlkelllevriie S Seiiegs l J C M K l ht G l has been designated by the Goo-
rdrla_ vn,   l _ oo oun y- . . c mg , eorge own . . ·<
[muy Die Jlgrlge Ef1\\lX1lDenney_ Ml, vcnlml Shelby C0imly_Freneh Smeee Shelbyville QYHOI ofthe CO171.l7l01lto€t1lth as My
iism, K,. `ll Elllmet Ml1‘*'¤¤”d» 468 W· Third St.. Lex- simpson county-Woodrow Coots Franklin Old Kelltllckl HOm€COm· ” d
rsoll,   ,]_ gallisle Myers, Jrw 319 Holliday Road ¥pel1cerCCou?ty§Har¤l%Lgvel,tg‘a;gorsvgl.l§_ _] l i I lng; an
airy];.   llillenrréioll * Qui); °““ Y- my · ml · °“‘*’ 2 S to that hearty invitation from the
` · ~‘ QB rady Stewart Count C t H ‘ · · ·
_ Ky, · Y our 0¤$€» Todd Cc>unty—Logan Webb, Guthrie , . . . .
  N.Y. . wllidaylsakll Tow d Union County—Lowe1l Truitt, Morganfield Chief executive we are adding the
/<>¤¤l-ly Bldg., Léxrnglogsen ‘ Bamk Of C°""“"'°° Wlgrili BC°‘i¥**yEP'°S‘°“ C*‘°">’· Helm urgent plea to every Kentucky
glen, y. Beverly waaam Madison ill °?’ °wmg ree" -
l~ldl·l3lV;1_ Ml-s_ Cecil Wllllénls 134 is/II ele wBSh]hg[0h C0u¤lZy·—Ch3I'1€S J. H3Yd0¤, gyaduatg and forfney Student tO
lvlliel Kyl . ap St., Somerset springfield _
_ Ky. Webster County-—Harold Trader, Providence _ (1 k t th al
ez:.       .... .;m,;§.r$.$z;?,E:rSC . ,.   r B· J°“¤5°“ · W   b 6111 " gf ° r’§"'” fi"` ’ 
. _ y. _ _ S on. o um 18 mms reunions ’(ll (Ulf um? (UU ...
Q-3;): l),C. : ggllgrglgjwligfggitgégge Scclgltsxiilllef Woodford County—Mrs. Eugene Barnes, Ver- _` ’  
?$;i’ gg; A g2li'€80S°;¤¤ly—Basil Preestggl Glhiggwe @3:;;: c1nerrmati—Leon McCrosky, 21 Glen- (Continued vn Page 4)
latex   · Bourbun Il:‘§’LE}§l'£IB¤E5r11g`l*dPe111€\1Ig·ll·is cn1Ygg’e1;E1>r'£`e};l)q;i1ia1{ Williams 29 S L3Sal1€  
ucagm I B§°kl'"ldg€‘ C0¤nty—Fred Petersi I-lrrrdlns- 5; g h ` l C1eveland—Robert McDowell, 3208 W. 71st St.
, Calzweli Count L New York—William E. Butler, 41 Cliffsidff, P}‘g1aCL€1l3°l'\tl§i—:Ui11l;’m A. Lurtey, 312 Jericho
. . Y- owry Caldw ll_ p ‘ g T l; ll oa , mg on, a.
g§Ql?"3‘ C°¤¤W—Jesse Keith, §-Igpklggsglggn wagllflnztga D, C,-Lewis F. Colbert, 1778 Atlanta—Hugh Adcock, 539 Hurt Bldg.
Clieil 9“‘“Y`H¤¤Y>' A. Quisenberry, Win- Lanier P1., N.W. New Orleans——Bernard Freedman, 7728 Bei- I l .
` ` CI Detr0it—'Yhomas Walters, 19859 San Juan Dr. fast St. _

  .v . Travel where you may, wander ` __ V T if
g fm. as you Sometimes must, you LET'S MEET AT THE 1950 LLASS REUNIONM I •
  y will never find anything or any- Iwill bc there ....................W»..........»....».....».......»..........»................................... [] 'll"’“"'
I  place comparable to Kentucky in For the banquet ..~.»--.·-·--»-»··-----------Y----·----——»»»---»»----Y-----»-»--»·-·»»---·»—-------..·......>. [ ] "lll“· lng
-_ . ]une. This is the time of year when l"<>¤` [llc lllmhcllll -»»--~—--—-—»-————---—··--------------——--Y-----~----·~·-----------——»»»-----——»~-·------».. [ ] *l‘“ wm
’ the campus of your Alma Mater 1 will ll=l*‘¢ [ ] ¥“°“*” (‘l"Q°md
*`Ei ` . . blooms in splendor, and when N‘*‘“° ·····*···*··’···‘··*·e‘‘‘··‘’‘‘‘··‘‘‘·‘‘‘>‘‘‘‘·*‘‘··’’‘‘·‘‘*‘‘>o»‘·‘‘··‘·····‘······*····‘’···`‘···»»··········-··--·-—»e- ”l_l;C;“;:
» . - memories spring from behind each ‘\fl(lmS§_ ``‘`‘`‘“ j`";"`i` °_`>``' ff ```'````_ ` if "```’`````'`` I "`"`''`‘’ _ ``°```' i `‘`` _ ‘```‘`‘‘````````‘ Q ‘‘```‘``‘` _ `’‘`‘‘‘ I ’ ‘······ ililfulnilh
V gnarled Old tree and Slip from the (lLllll()1   note. l lease (lll) this toupon land tetutn it to the Lxeeutige gg]-Q_ ·lv yl
. - . _ _ t;uy_ U lx .·\lllllllll r\§5()(l¤lU()1l. Ronin lll btudent Union, by l\luv 21, il you mgm ll
· Corners Ol: the my-Covered build- plun to attend anv ul the lestivities.) { I llll'€§"*'”
ings to haunt you with the care- ’ my Buy,
_ ree recollections o dats that are my mu
_ » _ lgone. f J wANTm>z Alumna Makes New l was
 _ Come back to Kentucky for lane Ong wp`. of the 1;cb,.u,lg. 19,,17 YOI°k VOICB Début $l)uil;ei· l
F`0lml0¤S—PN€€l old Cl¢1$$mlil€$» $@0 issue ul the lilLN'l`U(IliY $¤Sa11 l‘1`i<‘€ Brown. *10. I.t-xiiigm,  'l“' Ulm
, UOUT f01‘IllCl' l€(lCllG1'S, I'€I1€lU (lC· ALUMNUS to be btiund as part $**[>l`2i!\<>. 1112KlC l1Cl` New York ilglml hll glmh
zi quaintances at the fountain of of the 1947 volume tor the lsi- Nov. I3 in a recital at the Curl 1·‘i,(·im Plelllc" ‘
 > memory wh ich springs forever lirury ol Congress {iles. Music Hall. "“"*"l` ”"
; fresh from the heart of your Alma Any alumnus having a copy of '1`1¤<> New York Herald Tribune {H 'l9'l=l*
` Alater. You men and woman who this issue and who is willing to l`€"l€\\'lil§-{ tire ¢`<>¤l<`€I`l Said: “`her rid] ll". Im I
  do not Come back will be the losers, part with it, will greatly actt<>1n— <`UlUl1`€l1l [llc Ullirgl. gllitllllltmil
 ’ DK H- L. Dmwuan Said at thc _\]lmmj _\ss(,(»{;m(m_ g sity, Mrs. Brown traveled in the '\_`n(_‘  
I _ _ {gum, |g.]_ gmilcm [}m(m_ United States with her husliund tluriiig ‘ H ml
  lmllllllct ll"` the Unwersllll Ol Ke"' [,(-Xgngmll g9_ |;e,mu-ky his .·\r1ny tour. She and her litislnnl_ ml lllld
{ y llwkll b“·"kCtl’”ll lealll Hull he 'l`H.\Nli YOU! .\lan Brown. advertising exertititelu- °llll=l1l*l‘·
[ ;__ . l¤0P€¢l ·9lllfl€¤l-Y, alum-m and ]°Vl¢"€l$ a pliurinaceuticul muipaiul. resitle ll Ul l"“' "
 _ of the University would set an ex- the booing seems to have been an New \'t>rk_ ‘ ` I -*ll°ll· lll
ample of “real sportsmanship” outgrowth of the days when the 2-————— Bllllillllill
  when the Wildcat basketball team Wildcats were vastly stronger than _ _ *h“ lllll
f . begins playing in the new Memo- most of the visiting teams. V I \yA5’(’RAl)UATED [lim lillll
  rial Coliseum next winter. This However, students during thc I _ `)0l'\ Ellkb Acplw I, k MEI; Ti
 _ S.,gge$u.,,i of ale unieeiuiy plea- peer season were criticized for U, ll[Q'Q_,l{Q_",'QQ'QIQQQQ. ‘;’l‘fl',; .]‘“m  hc,. .,,l`[§,
E dent, if carried out, certainly would genuine boeing of officials and l_g_Ci\_iC `UL `G U I   il Iugm Imlimlh
I.   add noticeably to Kentucky’s al- visiting players in closely contested ;g`_m_d i ‘ (mm; Ch
 »   ready-great basketball prestige. games. Under such circumstances, WS [ ] No [ ] C.,,,mmlC
 ·   Those who have seen basketball the practice hardly can be viewed I will bc mem -l·lmmI,g,_ Alum. '{ll](l.lcH`C
, .-ig games at the University in the last objectively as good-natured horse- l_ [.,1- ,\h,,,mi imlqllcl vice eluu
_ i I _··. few years realized that a good deal play, and should it continue, the yes [ ] No [ ] Health iu
  of the student booing at games University’s reputation for sports- {wm hc time ir,-;(|i,y_ hlimtrg. member
 l stemmed more from youthful ex- manship would suffer. lor t·uuuueut·euieut lllll(`llCllll Sclllllll ol
 i uberance than from poor sports- Dr. Donovanls hope that fans in Yes [ ] No [ ]  lllls Boil
f manslr-ip. Much of it originally was the future will “set ii good example ............................................-.......----- "l_lll¤ lil
, L pure horseplay, particularly when of sportsmanship at the University” (NW10)  l’"'g'l ‘“
 l_ officials were booed for rulings is commendable, Kentucky hog -.-.»....----»------------»--------·----—»-----·--··-···· · I HF l"*'
Z against opposing teams that were been acclaimed for bringing big- (·‘\‘l‘l"°”l _ _l Ii0"ll`l]l`
` trailing the VVildeats by wide mar- league basketball to the South. A Ml 50'l°*"`_gmdlmlcs mic mgu jllwlli
y ,,· _ S·m·[ rl th t dent f ,._ rg It t· n . U _ _ l to clip this and return lll lll lll v
4 gms 1 ia y, e s u s cieer pt aio for good sportsmanship _ _ _. wi W Orgmum
A ed opposing teams when they also is worth striving for. Mllllllll _Om((` Rwsn ` ` l Ol]  
, . . , dent Union, at once. lll
gy I scored against the \V1ldcats. Thus Lexington Herald tim lh,
.-  · " THE xzzvrvcxy ALUMNUS HQE"
l  1
 ri. . .

` A B ll t` ’25 I S
I T. · 3 311 11161 1 0 peak At Banquet 1 1
[ ·l·h1,m11g ,-\. Ballantine, ’25, ol I.(')lllS-  
``---·Y l \.i11C_ l11~esicle11t ill1(I general counsel ol ’
    [hy LOIIISVIIIC 'I`21Xl<`ilI) iII1(I ’,Il1`Zll'l$[(j1` rk      
”Y`'*`` l l (;,,,_ ;1]](I il director ol the University 1 I   GOES T0 “7€1St€rn I
1 1·111111·11y .\tl1letit1s ASSt)(`li1ll(>l1. will 1- ‘‘'‘`'   “ I _ _ _ , 1
»·...,.......V. lll lll _ 1.       I W. Arch Bennett. 21. ol 1·1·;111kl11rt,
1,U1|1C I)1`lIl(`l1)11I S|)Ci\Ii('1` at the illlllllill - ,   :=_· ,   · _ _
._l....,__,_ __ _ I I III IK htm TIIIII (I ~ 1       lornterly ol H€I1(I€I`SOl1, l1;1s I)€Cll
. , . )1ll1( l1(‘ f * ‘s ay    I. I _ _
wc gmw nlllllllll I _ y _ · I; I _:v, ,   .     named business manager ol \’V€Sl€l`l1
ir .. ni1,]11_ l1l1]C I All (12511 l).111. lll lI1(*   . 1   `‘‘' 1’  .,1    1§   . , . _
_/I II IIIII H _ I I   W I   ··v<-  y I-   I\(fl]{ll(`I{y State College 111 Bowling
‘ ·11- -11ss rooin ol the Student Union.   . 11,/*     . , `
Illllt 1 . . .
¤ II _ I I _II I I I _I   gy  -11     (·1een a11d took olhce on ]2lIlll2lI`\' 1.
· 1 1 llI1(fS cass wt (`C€)1`2l e 1 s » 1 ,; .1 ,1,  . . ‘ . . ’ _
lll‘ lll lll I _ ’ y  _, .·\ graduate ol the Umversttv 111 1921,
11:   I1 [115 vear. =;  _-       lv'.- l T   - . ' ,
qew —~llll lllllllll I_ \I I' II I    _ __    .4   NIF. Bennett OI)[l111l€(I l11s masters l1ere
. 1 ‘· . .0:111 (`()1l11I\l. v.. t ·   l  ’’‘’ A  . .  =‘’     · . . . . .
-1******* I°I Il I I B I - `· II ll     111 1956 il11(I taught at (1\'Il[I11Zl112l High 1 I r
_ _y,_. 1 · I M .;-·¤» · `_ , .-1'·= I _ · A "
ut ,],1,11.11 holla ilk ¢<51t¢ 111111 _. School ll`()lll 1951 to 195:1. He WHS
I IV`, .,1]1·1111iye11s1ty and shortly Iollowtng _     . Wim (.Om.din.um. I-OI. the Nation,.} -
I I,4.H]gIIIII I I » H 4 l I l yr I   .   1 1 1  
\.III_k IICIIIII II15 gI.I(IlItlII.lUIl nas 111.11r1(tI to 1\l.1111 ,     I ._ YIIIIIII AdI“IIIiSmIIiOII [mm I935 III
CMI l_-IIIIIII l’lt‘tll¢'V ‘ll l·‘llll?lIlllL· ·l lllllllcl Ul"'     :'“‘’ Q    _A . 1937, lientuclty deputy (`()l11l'11ISSl()l1€]` 1
\`€¤`>1ll'>lll‘l“lll· lll“l°_lllll'“ llll`“` “‘lll”· Qi         ol welfare Ill`()111 1937 to 1941, (`()l]1l)-
,l_I_iIIIIIICI III 11cI|1;1s served as 21$§|$U|I·1I. tI|1'€(`I<>|' ol i “  ’ A "   1 troller and C()l1ll11ISSI()I1Cl` ol` the State
Id: ..hCI_ IIIII l1l\\' lor lIlt‘ (·1l)' Ul I·*’111$1`1ll€$ _l11(l1L§¢l y ;,- .     I)CI)111`l111Cll[ ol` I"I11il11(`€ I1`0111 1941 to
IIN IIIUII [lll) te111 111 the t1l1a11<1ery I)1`£ll1(`I1 ol   4 ` 1 I,1‘   MM
I1c|11·111111 (.1111111 (.111111. and Iltlb been · 1·11r 111e past six years Mr. I‘l€l1l1ClL
>II(lI_IIII_IIIII_II giigiigctl 111 the I)l`i|(`l|(`C ol law 111 has been Cl1g1lg€(I i11 private business
II I.t1ll1S\'lIlC Sl11(`C three 111()l1[I1S alter his laureate services this y1ear will be l1eld i11 FI`1I11I(f()I`{_ 1-le is married to tl1e
mc UIIIIIII gl`11(Il12\lIUI1. (111 Tuesday. May 30, Memorial Day. at former Polly Roberts ol Frankfort iI11(l
;_l(_Il III III 111 11112 11e enlisted 111 t11e U. S. Artny \\'Ill(`Il ti111e the l1;11111s11111e new Mem- lI1€}' have two cltildren. Martha Allen.
sImIIdIIIII_IIII_ .111 (lorps as :1 (`1l1)[ill11. served until ())`lLlI (l()ll$Clllll will be 11l`G1:i;1lly tletli. 111. and Henry Roberts. 16.
hu IIIIIIIIIIIII · 1915 :11111 was separated witl1 tl1e 11111114 11111-11 11, 1gCm111-111-’, (tend 1,1 \Vm—1(1 —..~.-....—....
. 11l 111;1i111·. He returned to the practic(· \\’·11· 11
cxe1111t111~l111 » · · - , _
I _ 1 111 l11\\` i11 Lottisyille witl1 the firm ol` \ll   · —— ·1··l l· A` O` Nclseh lormcrll of Ncwlmm
. . . . rettnets .11e lll et to 1.111 to . .
lll· lllllll lll 1 . . . B l Kv. a member ol the staff of the di-
.‘llICI1. xI(`ILI\\'lilI1. I)II1I1l1lg. (IILIYIQC ill1(I (1()1]1Q l);1(‘k 11 (lay (111 1_“·() Curly this _’_l _ _ _ _
BIH . _I. H _. _1 .I ls _l_ __ ._ . _ I _ · vision of design m the State Highway
11 Mlllllt o ontng 1l5(l5( 1111gC IIOI11 year lor tl1e IllI1t‘ RCIIIIIUI1 1)I`()({1`11I11.
l_ \._(. _ _ I I _ y_'_ I   . 3 1 _‘ _ Department, has been promoted to
lll . I1 1(l1])h, .l11( \\ .15 115h(>(.l1llC'(I \\'1lI1 111 order 11) be 1111-56111 (11; 11115 my. head of his division
BYU) llllll Hllll lllllll _llll1l1¥11`)' I 1l1l$ \'€i\1`- >ressive (`(‘1`CI11()11\'. l
- l l ' \lr Neiser a raduate of t}1e Uni-
1()! “l1€11 lit' 1`€$1gl1€tI. At the time this 1111lg2lll11€ goes to I _ ` _ 19;,7 _g . d I.
.  ._ ·._ _, . . ver1t1m . sareistere 1r0es-
1~1m,(— 111111 A Ht I1115 s(11e(l as (I11€(l(11 1ll1(I l11(f111· press, class $€(`l`(‘li1l`lL'S are \\’0I`Ii111§2; on _ sl; _ i` l H g d l F
. .. · . ....   _ - I ~ _ . . . ·1ona en meer. e succee s . . .
Jlmp g_1.1 1111 ol 1111 tsttutnt (t)111111ll[C(. ol the §l)(*(`l;ll 1`(‘lllll()ll (ll1111('1`S Zll1(I Il111(`I1C0|1$·   _ wg h I b ‘ll
. · .· A , , U _. __ . ll ers, , w o 1as ee11 I1'l1ll(f( lll]
ll IIlll1ll('l` l·‘llll>\lIIl tlhlpltl. :\l1lt*1l(1l1l Red l)ll[ we (1:111 ilI1I1t)llI1(`(‘ tltul lI1C (`IIISS ol   I . I . l
-. .   _ - . _ _ I . . ._ . . , assistam 11 1¥V‘lV e11 tneer.
(M11. lI1·I|Il1111l1 ol the dtsastet 1(’I1L'I 1£12;1 l\ilS ;11111;111g(·1l a (Il11I1€1` lor \\et1— g l' g
, [ ] Ullllllllllttf 111('1l1I)L'l` ol` tl1(· Louisville |]('$(l(l)' 11igl1t, May Ill at 6230 o't11<1t‘l<
-$11;.1-_`111111~ ¤·1<1_1t·111·1·s1111 (Ionnty 1~1oart1 ol 1-le;11t11; i11 [l1(‘ Tl1111·1111g11111·e11 room ol` the 1`€1111€1`$ will llc llclll lmlll lll lll 12
1 IWC <`l1i¤l1`11litt1 and (`I11lll`l1l11Il ol the 1>1m(;11{X 1—1O11~1_ 0111131- P;11·1iC$ wi]1 be noon i11 the .·\It1n1ni Olllife. R00111 12*1
1 [ ]  illfillllt and \\’ell`;11·e Cmiiieil; yi I`{`[C[]l[y' Mmmm-C(1 1mm; $0 ppm [O (Gmc back $Lll(l€]1[ Union, and t11e co111111ence—
uy__I11111·Q, I111€11ll1(‘1` and trustee of the Jefferson lor your special l`Clll1l011 [DHYI)'. lllclll lllllcllellll Wlll l)€ lleltl lll llllll
1](`I1C(1II S€ll‘l‘ll ol IMWZ tlirector of tl1e Louis- ,—\s n1111o1111ce(l i11 the Febrttary llllll llnll lll lllc Blllcgmss mlllll of llle
11 [ ]  “ll<` ll<>¤111<1 of Trattlez and (`l1IlIl`111£1]1 1—\11UMNUS. llresi1le11t 2111(l Mrs. Do11o— Ul1l(lll· Cllllllllellfelllelll ***11 llc llelll
_______,....    lll llls l$l·l8-`—lll (I(1111l11lll1l[}’ Chest (`(ll1]- \`(lll will give their 111111111lI tea at Nlilx- llllllnll lllglll lll llllll lllllllck lll lllc new
 lllllgll lll l·‘l11l$\'llIU. well lllace'1`l111rs1lay 21IllC1`11(1<)11. IIUIIC 1. \l“lll‘ll`llll (·‘lll$€lllll·
,_...........·»- -  ‘ llc 11*15 €l€t`tcd president ol 1116 [111111 l`11111~ to six, 111111- l`11ll11we(l;1t(1:E1l1 'l`ry to rnake it it week ol I`<‘I11C111·
 II.l1lIlh\'|IIC (iI12l11lI)(‘1` ol` (l()l11l]lCI`(`(.‘ last tl1at L‘\`(`l1I11g` by the 2lIl1ll1I1l bantluet I)1'illl(`C. by cotning back early and
s111‘et¤1`1§l`ll ·llllllllll`1`¥ MMI is t1i1·ect111· ;1111l ;1 11113111. ;111(l Q[]]|]1|Q|I ]]l(‘(‘[ll]g 111 the ,-\l1111111i staying late. as il special leature ol the
1`Clt1I`I1 lll llll 'll \`1¤1`iot1s ()[l1(fl` (·iy·i1· 111111 $111-1111 _\m11—i;11i1111_ New 11t`li1·1·1·$ llll(I tlirec- (`<)11111l('11(`C111CI1I ]>l`Ul.{1`1\111 will be the
1 121. $111  I‘ll`1~5*"11/4tti<111s illltl (`I1|I)$_ 1,,,-, .,1 1111- _.\W1(-111111111 will 111- illl- ])1`C‘S(‘1ll1llI(1I1 ol G<1I(Il‘11 _1t1biIe¢· certifi-
 1 ()tl1er ('(>Il1l11l1S ol` the .·\l.l1MNl1S l1t)ll1l(`(‘(I at that 111L'('ll11g`. cates to the gratluates ol the class ol I
 lllll the ill111t)lIl1(`(‘l11<‘l1I IIlil[ I)1l(`(`11· liritlay 111()I`11ll1g. 1·t·gist1‘¤¤lio11 lor all lllllll. 1
S " r ·~--— —`-_--.
LUMNU TH `W 1 ·"‘ **#"“*“"
 V I

 9 ° S·n\I.l-llle f" -~  
. Grover Creech, 20 Resoluttons Passed *‘ I “’ 71 ""“*‘ IIIIIM11 t 3
D, I L . .1] _ student from Elizabethtown, lng ll
les n Oulsvl 6   Atlanta Alumnl signed as market news 11111111-st lll   ,
_ ____ W ____  F...,,c,.,.  , the State De 'll`l · t I` A   . iii? IYIII
  \\’hen Coach Adolph la Rupp took b f_I)ll mm 0 i"‘“I'IIIt §;;1iv:.;.·r;.jg
 -*-1* ‘4 *‘·  %j;j';_~`*?·"   , . to CCO] e te 1 .·e*ret· ·1 ` · ;‘:.iL—“l"j§
   ;.l»;_j»,,_j; q    his basketball team to Atlanta, Ga., 111 “ I ( _ MI O me l\\. y;_,;.j.t;s,;.m
  . ..     . . ,- _ chapter of the National F11111111iill,, iii}?  
  ;    lztnuary to meet (ieorgta lech. tl1e l_ 1 [ {_1 P I _ _l l It  
 ._ l l»   `· ;;y;;,>’ i_     ` _ . Ol` I1 'll] l C 2 l‘1   I ‘ *· 4. T`?
=     .l     *5  Atlanta :\l\l1ll1l1 Club entertained tl1e _ 'L _ ll 'Im ""I I*"IIIIII·•¤·  
.     —  t   l—l_ .1,   . . ters 0 1 . . 5
 $—1§{??;:         Baron, l11s assistant, Coach Harry Hin I uw!  I k
-     ’ _ i . wt  '··»f;i