xt7brv0cvw9h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7brv0cvw9h/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1923-11-23  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, November 23, 1923 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 23, 1923 1923 1923-11-23 2012 true xt7brv0cvw9h section xt7brv0cvw9h The Kentucky Kernel





POSITION AS SECRETARY Contest Open to Undergraduates



Hat Accepted An Editorial





Will Be Named At
Soon At





Herbert Graham, alumni secretary
of the University, resigned last week
and left Monday for New York, whore
he will engage in journalistic work.
Mr. Graham, formerly of Frankfort,
has been in charge of the alumni office
since its creation in June, 1920. He is
a graduate of the University in the
class of 1916. He taught journalism
in the University for one year, leavKing in the spring of 1917, shortly after
the entrance of the United States into
the World War, to join the army. At DECEMBER 5 AND 6 DATES
the close of the war be returned to
Frankfort where he joined the staff of
the Frankfort Journal. He was a po- SET
Lexington Herlitical writer for the
ald from April, 1920, through the last
Two Evening Performances And
presidential campaign.
Matinee to Be Given At
During Mr. Graham's term of office
Opera House
as alumni secretary, the work of the
Alumni Association has been put upon
a substantial basis. At the time he
December S and 6 are the dates set
took over the work, there were two for the presentation of the opera "Mar-thatclubs in the association. It now has
which the Music Department of
eighteen within, and sixteen outside the University will offer as its annual
the v state. The greatest accomplishBoUh
ment of the association under his will be at the Lexington Opera House.
leadership was the Greater Kentucky
According to James Baughman, busCampaign, to which more than $210,-00- 0 iness manager of the, production, a spehas already been subscribed. Thirty-- cial matinee will be given December 4
hundred members took part in for the school children of Lexington
this campaign.
and their mothers. The evening perA successor to Mr. Graham will be formance of December 6 will be attendselected immediately and. it is expected ed largely by the students of the Unithat the new secretary will take charge versity and by the people of Lexingof the office by December the first.' ton generally.
The department had originally plan(Continued on page 5.)
ned to present the opera as part of the
tion. However, it was found that all
details of the production could not be
worked out by that time. The "Market
Chorus," which was sung in Freshman
chapel Tuesday, is a part of the opera
Louisville, Wetleyan and George-t- o




Saturday marks the revival' of the
State Cross Country Run which was
discontinued last year, owing to osme
of the schools not having teams. This
year's run will be composed of teams
from the University of Kentucky,
University of Louisville, Georgetown
and Wesleyan. The run will be over
the same course as was the Kentucky-Cincinna- ti
Kentucky has a little edge on the
other teams because of her past showing but is expecting hard opposition
from the representatives of the University of Louisville. Georgetown and
Wesleyan both have good teams and
hope to be close up at the 'finish.
The Blue and White will be worn by
Hatl, Hendricks,
Captain Gorman,
Butler, Davidson and Allen. In this
meet Hall is expected to make a new
state record as he has already lowered
the mark set by Porter in both of the
meets so far this season. All the
other members of the squad have been
making good time in the tryouts and
hope to finish antong" the first


Work Being Done on Large

The Junior and Senior Engineers
accompanied by Professor W. J. Car-re- ll
motored by way of High Bridge
to Dix River Dam last Thursday.
They ate dinner at the contractor's
mess hall and were shown by the engineers the work on the dam.
This dam which is one of the largest pieces of engineering work in the
state will, when finished, furnish power
to Cincinnati and Louisville.
The engineers expect to make the
same trip again in two mouths to see
how much progress has been made in
the work.



Miss Margaret Lavui, of Paris, underwent an operation for appendicitis
Monday, at the Good Samaritan Hospital and from the latest reports Wednesday was resting well.


Faculty and Students Are Asked
To Raise The Sum Of

Association Here Operates On
Less Expense Than

The annual finance campaign of
the University Y. M. C. A. will be
conducted on December 4, 5 and 6.
Every male student on the campus
will be asked to give something toward the support of the local activities of the Association. Whether you
are a member of the Y. M. C. A. or
not, your help is urged for all students
share alike in the public, benefits. A
tentative budget of the expenditures
and ireceipts follows:



Telephone and telegraph
Printing and stationery
Blue Ridge Fund
Social Service
State Committee
Int. Committee
Traveling expense sec'y
Salaries, Sec'y and Ass't
Entertainment and socials
Gospel teams
Retirement Fund





City Y. M.

$ 525.00

C. A.

(Continued on page 5)

Students and faculty members driv
ing automobiles on the campus will
olease observe all parking notices
which will be posted soon.
The question of automobile traffic
on the campus is one of great concern. The Men's Student Council
have adopted the following rules in
order to regulate this traffic:
1. Cars must not be parked around
Building except on
sides facing Limestone and side opposite the, building.
Cars may be parked on side opposite the Science Building to point
even with Library on driveway running from rear of Administration
Building to Rose street. From the
point even with the Library, cars may
be parked on each side of the driveway.
Cars may be parked on opposite
side of driveway in front of Neville
4. No parking in front of Science
5. N oparking within 10 feet of any
intersection of driveways.
must be closed and all
unnecessary noises abolished.
Cars may be parked in front of
Armory, in .rear of White Hall, in rear
of Science Building, and in front of
Library; also on right of driveway in
front of Civics and Physics Building.
Will all car owners and drivers
please give their support in behalf of
these rultts.
The Men's Student Council.


3- -3








stateIross country
meet tobejeld here


ANNUAL FINANCIAL DRIVE Journalism Fraternity Pledges Five TO


With the trustees' approval, the
amount of the Bennett prize for 1924
will be forty dollars in cash. As the
prize was not awarded last year it is
hoped a large number will compete
this year. The contest is open to all
undergraduates of the University of
Kentucky. Manuscripts must be in
the President's office before May 1st
Approved topics follow:
The Origin of Parliamentary
Institutions in England or Europe.
2. Growth of Parliamentary Government.
3. The Increase of Republics in the
Twentieth Century.
Dr. Edward Tuthill, of the History
Department, will be glad to confer at
any time, with prospective competitors
for the prize.

M. 9

Alpha Delta Sigma, honorary jour
nalism fraternity, held its annual fall
pledging exercises in the journalism
rooms yesterday at the fifth hour,
pledging the following: Marshal Hail,
Norris Royden, Dwight Bicknell,
Thomas Duncan and Wicliffe Moore.
Following the exercises, which were
private, the pledges and the alumni
were guests of the active chapter at a
luncheon given at the Kentucky Inn.
The active chapter are: Raymond
Kirk, Troy Perkins, Madison Cawein,
Arthur Hodges, Frank Carter,
Bradley, Jasper McClure, Sterling Towles William Tate, Eugene
Moore, Robert Van Pelt and Tyler

Educated Toe of Curtis Sanders
Enables Wildcats to Even




Ramsey and Kirwan Put Up
cellent Games at Flank



Fighting sturdily against Georgia
Tech's shifts and holding the Golden
Tornado to a lone field goal in the first
quarter, the University of Kentucky
Wildcat eleven came back in the third
and fourth quarters to outplay the
Atlanta eleven and tie the count. The
contest ended with the score
markers the result of placement kicks
by opposing backs, Willaims of
Tech counting first with his forty-yar- d
boot in the first quarter, and Sanders
putting the Cats on an even level with
Tech by his fifteen yard place kick in
the third period.
It was quite a different Cat eleven
from the one which tost to Alabama and
Centre. Going into the game against
hopeless odds, the Blue and White
team put up one of the best games any
Tech opponent has displayed this fall.
On the defensive the greater part of
the first half, Jack Winn's eleven put
a crimp in practically everything that
Tornado tried.
Severall unfortunate breaks, however, put Tech within striking distance
of the Cat goal three times only to
have the Cats break up her attempts
to score with the exception of Wilplacement kick in the
first quarter.
Shift Failed
Tech could not get her shift to working properly at any time in the game,
for the backs and forwards shifted






Selected to Fill Vacancies Created by Graduates of Last


At the tryouts held last Monday
night by the Student Speakers' Bureau,
H. H. Grooms, H. C. Johnson and
Kenneth Tuggle were chose'n to fill the
vacancies created by the members who
graduated last year. Alternates elected were S. H. Rice. J. H. Berryman
and A. B. Roark.
Besides those who were chosen as
members, Messrs. Sturgil, Bell, Bird,
Butler, Daniels, Mason, Cross, Siler,
Hogg, Nelson, Freyman, Dabney,
Whitehouse and Henry, made fifteen
minute speeches which were all
and well delivered. The
judges were Prof. Enoch Grhan, Dr.
(Continued on page 8.)
J. T. C. Noe, Dr. Wiest and Prof.
the members of
After the
the Bureau held a business meeting,
in which C. M. C. Porter was elected
chairman, and Robert Porter, secretary
hM Kin fP
UL 1
of the organization.
Other members
are James Darnell, Sidney Nea land
and Horn Club to Hold
' Hoof
Rar Ringo.
Meeting at Live Stock
The Student Speakers' Bureau was
organized last year by eight students,
McVey, Her- with the approval of Dr.
Monday, November 26, has been set
bert Graham, the alumni secretary.
InternationaV," which
Its slogan is "No state is greater than for the "Little
Its purpose is is held annually under the auspices of
its state University."
the spreading of the gospel of higher the Hoof and Horn Club, primarily to
education throughout the state, and promote interest in live stock and as
bringing to the people, the realization
a secondary interest a general good
'that the University of Kentucky is the
time for the club. The show will befountainhead of their entire educationgin promptly at 7:30 p. m. in the Live
al system.
It has been estimated that the Bu- Stock Pavilion on the Experiment
eight Station Farm and everybody is correau spoke to approximately
thousand students and members of dially invited.
various civic organizations last year,
It has been the aim of the Club to
in the interest of the "Greater Kengive the public some idea of the big
tucky" campaign. Activities for this shows which are conducted year in
year are to be started immediately, our metropolitan cities and, while but
will be in epitomes in themselves, these "Little
so that the organization
readiness to bring its message before Internationals" have been most sucthe Legislature.
cessful in the past few years and are
gaining in popularity.
A fund of information, a bushel of
fun and a horn of plenty are the an- please refrain
Will all students
from making paths across the campus?
(Continued on pag ? .)
Please ob'serve notices. We must
preserve our campus.
WANTED One "Kester AccountThe Men's and Womens'
ing" Volume I. J. S. Hamilton, phone
92S-Student Councils.
try-out- s,



nrT rnn


� Page Two



for I do want to keep in touch with cently, Mr. Harris has bought the
Benjamin Dunbar Wilson is pro what is going on at the University. Central City Argus and Mr. Taylor is
lessor of soil technology, Department All good wishes for the University now editor of that paper. His address
of Agronomy, at Cornell University. and Association."
W. Lee Smith, 304 is Box 195, Henderson, Ky.
Professor Wilson has been connected Furniture Building, Evansvillc, Ind.
Misses Jessie Fry Moore and Helen
Porter Roberts arc teaching in the
with Cornell university tor many
Editor Alumni Secretary
high school, Louisa, Ky. They have
years, beginning his work there as a
chemist, department of soil technology
"I enclose check for dues and am been recently added to the active
primary and increased that lead in the
and being promoted to the position sorry I have not sent it sooner for I members of the Alumni Association.
final election.
he now occupies. His address is Cald look forward to the coming of the Ker
"I am pleated to receive the KenIn the primary election of an Alumwell Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, nel each week with all eagerness. I tucky Kernel and pass it on to my
ni Trustee of the University Mr. WilDetroit, Nov. 24. (Last SatN. Y.
think the spirit of our Alma Mater is high school students here." Carlos
son led the field again. He is chairurday Regular) dinner, Dixieland
wonderful. I had the pleasure of at- V. Snapp, superintendent of schools,
man of the Executive Committee of
tending the game at Danville and even Van Lear, Ky.
LEXINGTON, NOV. 29. Home the Association, was chairman of "This is to acknowledge receipt of though it rained enough to dampen
"I am enclosing alumni dues and
Dinner-dancFayette county in the Greater KenComing.
your card advising that 'To gain a their ardor and Centre was defeating subscription to the Kernel and would
tucky campaign and saw hn's organizaHotel, 6:00 p. m.
friend is profitable. I might aay that us, the student body had the courage like to have a copy of the Directory. I
tion ''go over the top" to the tunc of
Philadelphia, Dec. 8. Evening
to gain so indispensable a friend as to continue their yells. I hope we am head of Economics Department of
meeting. Home of Mr and Mrs.
more than $89,000. He is a past state
'The Kernel' and to retain that friend continue to maintain this spirit in all Painesvillc City Schools. This is a
George C. Lewis, Sumtnitt Av.,
commander of the American Legion
Best wishes far very desirable location. I am expectfor a year at the cost of two bucks our undertakings.
Bryn Mawr, Pa.
and generally recognized as one of the
is not only profitable but extremely the future success of the University ing to hear great things of old U. K.
coming leaders in public affairs of the
New York, -- Dec. 11. (Second.
economical. Here's the two bucks and the Association." Lena Clem, this year." Lovel H. Liles, 136 East
-- Tuesday
South Street, Painesvillc, Ohio.
and wishes for the continued success Bedford, Ky.
Savarin, 120
12:30 p. m., Cafe
"1 regret having delayed so long in
of the publication." Carroll G. TayK
lor (with C. G. Taylor & Company, sending this check far I am always
Buffalo, Dec. IS. (Third Satur
to hear from the University
investment securities), 27 William St., anxious
day Regular) luncheon at 12.30
and keep in touch with its activities. Will Give Concert in Woodland AudSuite 803, New York City.
p. m., Ellicoitt Club.
itorium, Tuesday, November 27
"Enclosed you will find a check, Hoping to be there on Turkey Day and
Chicago, Dec. 17. (Third Mon- four dollars of which you will please with all good wishes for the Alma
day Regular) .luncheon at 12:30
S. Sherwood, Attor
Ethel Lcginska, the famous English
credit to alumni dues and the balance Mater." John
p. m., Marshal Field's Restaurant,
pianist and composer, who has been
Campaign ney, Cynthiana, Ky.
f.n'c r,rU.
Funeral services for E. A. Gullion, to the Greater Kentucky
called "The Padercwski of women- pifund. I have been intending for
70 years old, veteran editor and edu19
in dues but have just
anists," "The phenomenal pianist,"
cator, who served as president of the months to send
"Due to numerous changes in ad "The Marvel Pianist," will give the
let it go by. Please see that I get the
The Executive Committee of the Kentucky Press Association and the
is going dress of late, I have just received your second colsiccr.t in the Artist Series, in
Association, Kernel as I like to sec what
Alumni Association has accepted the Kentucky
on at old U. K." A. F. Baker, adver- letter of October 10. It gives me pleas Woodland Auditorium, Lexington,' on
Graham as were held at 2 o'clock last Thursday
resignation of Herbert
tising department, News and Observer, ure to donate my bit to such a good Tuesday evening, November 27, ait
Alumni Secretary. He will go to New afternoon, with burial in the New
cause and I hope by this time it is 8:15 o'clock.
Raleigh, N. C. p. o. box No. 11.
York for journalistic work, his form- Castle cemetery.
needed to make the total fund desired
Lcginska stands supreme as a masill health
Mr. Gullion had been in
er profession. The committee will
and that it may be added to the over- ter interpreter and composer of
elect his successor later in conjunction for several months. He was a native
ledger." Alvin intelligence and
e subscribed side of the
Ernest Louis Becker is
unbounded charm.
of Carrollton and during his career as
with President McVey.
Kohn. The Highway Construction Delicacy and taste, personality
Adwith the Prathcr-Allc- n
Mrs. Nell H. Turner, who has been a newspaper man, wmcn extended vertising
Company, 728 Southern Company, 406 Masonic Temple, Ely-ri- temperament, coupled with unusual
assistant to the secretary since Decem over a period of more than forty years,
Railway Building, Cincinnati, Ohio.
creative idealism place: her among the
ber 1, 1920, and was in charge during was editor and owner of the Carroll- foremoist women pianlislts of the day.
He married Miss Sarah Lorell October
his absencb through the early fall will ton Democrat, the Eminence News
She holds her audience enraputred'
They have a little s on,
30, 1920.
will be and the Henry County Local. He re
continue in that capacity and
Otto C. Gartin is practicing law with from the beginning of the program
Ernest Lorell, boc.n January 13, 1923.
assistant to the new Alumni Secretary tired as editor of the latter publication
The family reside at 1544 Ruth Ave- offices in the Grand Theatre Building, the end, and hsy linger lolng urging
in July.
when elected.
Ashland, Ky.
her to continue her art as long as
nue, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Mr. Gullion was a member of the
Louise Smiscr is teaching she will.
1922 General Assembly and introduced
home economics in the high school at
Season tickets are itc be used for
prohibition law, the
Since November, 1922, William Col- Hopkinsville, Ky. Address 733 South this concent. The prices of the single
Alumni from all parts of Kentucky one now in force.
lins has been chief of the Field Ser Walnut street.
tickets are $1.10, $2.20, $2.75 and resand many ohter states will come to
He was also a loyal supporter of vice Department, Burlcy
ervation sho'uld be made immediately
"Lexington November 29 for the an- the University, at which institution he
Association, 620 South
by writing or telephoning the Lexnual Home Coming. Reservations on obtained a part of his education. Maj.
Miss Mary Marshall Graves is teach ington
Broadway, Lexington, Ky. After reCollege of Music.
trains, at local hotels and with friends Allen W. Gullion, '14, Judge Advocate
ceiving his B. S. degree in Agriculture ing in the Lexington public schools.
by the Blue Department
were made months ahead
U. S. A., stationed at in 1912, Mir. Collins conducted a very Her address is 425 East High Street.
and White followers.
Island, New York; Car successful farming business in Bour: Lexington, Ky.
Laying the cornerstone of the new roll H. Gullion, '04, industrial engi bon county except for the period of
Crawford C. Anderson is a topo
She "Whait's the team leaving the
basketball building will be one of the neer, switt ana company, vmcago, the World War when he served his graphic engineer with the U. S. Army
chief features of th; fail festival. This and Major
Address 40 Municipal field for?"
Walter Gullion
country as a captain of cavalry, U. S.
It "Iit's the end of the half."
will indicate formal'the successful Judge Advocate Department, U. S. A. After his return to civilian life he Building, Chattanooga, Tenn.
She "Well, I'm not surprised. It's
alumni drive A., Tien Tsin, China, his three sons,
conclusion of the recent
conducted 'his farming business until
a wonder they haven't killed some'22
for $200,000 although subscriptions and seven grandchildren survive him. he entered the employ of the Burley
"Kindly change address of Kernel body before 'this."
Courier-Journa- l,
probably will continue to come from
November 13.
Association. He married Miss Myrtle
Madisonville, to Box 133, Stone,
alumni and friends of the University
Glass, of Georgetown, Ky., October from
Ky." 'Charles R. Bourland (engineer
for months.
16, 1922. They arc living at Preston
with Fordson Coal Company.)
Esten W. Spears, active member of Arms Apartments.
It is expected that Governor-eleNOTICE TO LAW ALUMNI
Raymond H. Graig has recently reFields will be one of the guests of the Alumni Association, and booster
turned from a business trip to Canada.
honor at the cornerstone laying and for the Alma Mater, is manager of the
at the football game with Tennessee Fayette Cigar Company, located in
Sufficient money for final payJames Alfred "Fred" Myers, is an He has been with the Armstrong Cork
which will follow. A universdty min- the Fayette National Bank Building. engineer, Maintenance of Way De- & Insulation Company ever since rement on the Dean Lafferty porstrel is one of the entertainment fea- He married Miss Dorothy Loughridge, partment with the Big Four Railroad ceiving his degree and is now located
trait for the College of Law has
tures planned for the visitors to fill in June 14, 1916. They have one son, Company. He is now located at in their office at 808 Powers Building,
not yet been subscribed. Checks
between the annual alumni dinner and Esten W. Spears, Jr., five year sold. Galion, Ohio. In 1915 he married Rochester, N. Y.
may be sent to W. S. Hamilton,
'he residence address is 445 West Miss Anna Bollerer and they have one
the dance at the Phoenix Hotel.
'07, 707 Marion E- Taylor Bldg.,
The committee on arrangements was1 ixth Street, Lexington.
Louisville, Ky.
son, James B., aged six years.
"I am sorry to have neglected writ
requested to leave as many open per- '03
ing and sending in my dues for so
iods as possible to allow for informal.
Miss Sara Chorn, who has been
reunions and celebrations.
George Edelen Kelly was a member long. I just can't do without the Kerteacher of Romance Languages, Wash- of the Class of '14 and the well known nel any longer. I am teaching mathSTUDENT SPEAKERS READY ington College, Chestertown, Md., has Faraday Society, a Tau Btea Pi man, ematics in the high school here. I
Dues and The Kernel
recently been promoted to the office Lamp and Cross and Mystic Thirteen, know you are having a wonderful year
The Student Speakers Bureau, one of Dean of Women of that institution. and to quote the annual, "held the rec- at the University and wish I could be
One Year
of the most potent organizations on Miss Chorn received her B. A. degree ord of the class as a joiner of frater- there. Yours for dear Old State."
the campus, has been reorganized for at he University of Kentucky in '03 nities." Immediately after graduating Margaret Ligon.
its winter campaign. Talks before and M. A. degree in 'OS. For several he returned to his home and is now
A recent visitor on the campus was
luncheon clubs throughout the State, years she was Assistant Professor of seoretary and manager of the Leba- Henry Taylor. Since last June Mir.
women's clubs, high schools and var- Modern Languages here. Afterwards non Light, Ice & Power Company. He Taylor has been with Leigh Harris,
University of Kentucky,
ious other public bodies made up the she was professor of Spanish and Ital- married Miss Frances Durham, April publisher of the Morning Gleanor and
program last winter, a sig- ian at Mary Baldwin Seminary. She 6, 1921. They have one son, George Evening Journal, Henderson, Ky. Re
ordinary has traveled etxonsively in Europe, E. Jr., seventeen months old. Adnificant departure from the
Tryouts perfecting her knowledge of foreign dress, Lebanon, Ky.
were held in the last week to fill va languages and only recently returned
cancies in the bureau. A score of from her last trip, when she was in
young orators were in the competi France, Italy and Spain.
Miss Laura Steele and Mr. William
Hooker Arthur were united in mar
750 FreUnghuyMn Avenue,
riage November 14, at the home of the
Individual alumni and clubs have
with this bu"Enclosed find check for dues and bride's uncle, Mr. O. L. Steele, hi
Newark, N. J.
"been asked to
After a short wedding
reau which aims to tell the true story Kernel. Perhaps it may interest you Lexington.
Boeton, Buffalo, Chicago, Ntw York, Philadelphia
of the University, its work and aims, to know that since graduating from trip Mr. and Mrs. Arthur will make
and to show the value of a higher ed the University of Kentucky, I have their home in Ashland, Ky., where
ucation. Communications can be ad received the degree of M. S. (chemis the bridegroom is employed by the
dressed to C. M. C. Porter, chairman, try major) from the University of New York Life Insurance Company.
(cemUtry major)
Chicago and
in care of the Alumni office.
"This check was long over due and
with the help of the following Ktntuckiana:
from New York University. Best that fact was brought forcibly to my
wishes for a successful year at the attention by the sample copy of the
J. I. Lyle. 'M
E. BoMtag, '15
University of KentuckyV Thomks Kernel sent out not long ago, so please
. Wefaaas. 'if
I. T. Lyle, '00
L. L. Lewie, '07
the class If, Smith, Professor of Chemistry, see that the Kernel reaches me at
K. WateriU, '2t
W. C. Wilson, mentor of
M 1. Imith. 'Oi
J. H. Bailey. '24)
C. "Tom" Taylor,
of '13 throughout its career from the New York University, University Greenville, Ky."- -.
W, B, Taenia, 21
It L. Jeee. '12
"prep" to the senior yeair, recently led Heights, New York. Professor Smith with the W. G. Duncan Coal Company.
J. It Dmcm, '12
N. O. Bek. 2
the ticket in the Lexington Commis- married Miss Mary Ida Fisher, AugA. P. ttaakka, '21
"Just received your card informing
It It Taliaferro, '13
1912. They live at 2015 Uni- me that I have neglected to remit for
sioner's race. He was several hundred ust 6,
my alumni dues. Enclose my check
ahead of the nearest candidate in the versity Avenue, New York City.

Alumni N otes

Betwixt Us








ex-1- 0,






Carrier Engineering Corporation

to make "Every day a good day"




Alpha Tad Omega Dance
The Alpha Tau Omega fraternity of
the University of Kentucky entertained Friday with a house dance in honor
of the freshman football team of
University, several of whom
arc members of the fraternity.
The chapcroncs were Mr. and Mrs.
W. D. Hamilton, Mr and Mrs. Frank
Bell, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Shropshire,
Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Blazer, Mrs. W. A.
Harbold and Mrs W. T. Morris.
Members of the active chapter, who
were hosts, are: Messrs. John Dab-ncArthur Morris, Albert Harbold,
Andrew Quarlcs, Ben Vicvit, Wallace
Shropshire, Tom Campbell, Hugh
Forest Taylor, Arthur
Bickcll, J. K. Ellis, Jr., William King,
Vilcy Bell, Karl Rohs, Edward Wiley,
Sam Roysitcr, L. S. Burnham, Dr. C.
C. Mayhall, P. P.
Baker, John McKenzie, Ed Dabncy, Leonard Rouse,
William Walker, Bart Peak, Harry
Milward, Joe Roberts, Dowcll Williams, Foster? Adams, George
J P. Avcritt, Jim Colvin, Tom
Clore and Milton Vunna.
The pledges are James Augustus,
Ben King, Harry McKenzie, Lloyd

Friday, Nov. 23. Kappa Kappa Gamma
at Patterson Hall,
from four to six.
Lamp and Cross fraternity dinner
and theatre party.
Thirteen fraternity skating party.
Saturday, Nov. 24. Formal dance lor
girls only at Patterson Hall, given
by VV. S. G. A. Council.
Kappa Alpha Dance
The Alpha Thcta chapter of Kappa
Alpha fraternity was host at a delightful dance Friday night at the Phoenix
Hotel. The Centre College and University of Louisville chapters were invited, with many local young people.
Profcssoti and Mrs. L. R. Dingus, of
College, were chapcr-oneTransylvania

Among those present were Misses
Mary Harbison, Dorothy Humphries,
Rachel Shacklette, Betty Barbour,
Green, Carolyn Niichols,
- Betty Regenstdin, Anna Pcarcc
Madeline Arthur, Edna Lewis
Wells, Louise Connetl, Mary Snell
Ruby, Margaret Turley, Elizabeth
.Millard, Mary Hanson Peterson, Janet
Margaret Arnold, Edwina
Morrow, Pearl McCormick, Carolyn
Boswor'th, Dorothy Arnold, Virginia
Owsley, Lurline Bronaugh, Lucille
Stillwell, Annelle Kelly, Elizabeth
Williams, Elizabeth Helm, Parthenia
Davis and Nannie Gay.
Messrs. Oliver Lambent, James Wilder, Warren Haytkn, Carl Rohs, Jim
Allen, Ed Goodson, Maguire Beard,
James. Baugihman, Branthwaitc
Clarence Moseley, Dan Morse,
Harry V. Tilton, Harry Melton, Willie
Wa'llton, Downer Brame, James Willis Rursell VanSant, Robert Williams,
William Scarce, Fred K. Augsburg,
Henry Harper, Guy Briggs, Harvey
Embry, Joe Waltlers, William Poyntz,
Judy Jones, Grant WilHis, James
Coger, Gus Bright, John Chenault,
Willi'am Tate,
Buddy Smith, Robert Baldwin, Floyd
McAuley, Cliff Fuller, Troy Perkins
R. B. Boyd, Jack Green, Jim McFar
land Sneed Yager, Jimmy Davidson,
Gardner Baylies, Oscar Hamilton, R
Neal, Sitanley Courtney, William Edg- er, J. D. Augustus, Joe Roberts, Harry
McKenzie, Tom Ballantine, William
Sewell Earl Heavrin, Givens Martin
Percy Beard, Dave Mjclirtine, John
Stone, John True, Newton Combs,
Joe Morford, Joe Graves, Robert Van
Me'ter, Joe Gardner, Frank
Lewis Shackelford, Edgar Vaughan,
John Da.vis, Dan Bowmar, M. M. Ben
ton and Guthrie Yager.





Page Three

Ficken, Ralph Taylor, Floyd Arnold,
Truman Rumbcrgcr, Hanold Gross,
Watson Armstrong, John VanDcrcn,
Lester McCluro, Russell Hanlo1!! and
Andrew Howard.
The guests were Misses Frances
Smith, Pearl McCormick, Louise Con- ndl, Sue Lockctt Mitchell, Jane Hay-deElsie Coleman, Jean Wall, Madeline Arthur, Virginia McVey, Mary
Hanson Peterson, Corncllia Skinner,
Jeannette Sasher, Elizabeth Williams,
Margaret Baker, Lucille Dunn, Mary
Whitfield, Eleanor Smith, Eleanor
Trapp, Virginia Shivcly, Elizabeth
Helm, Frances Whitfield, Dorothy
Cooper, Lucille Wagner, Jane Earl
Middle'ton and Mrs. John McKenzie;
Messrs. Joe Walters, James Battgh-maEninieitt Milward, Tom Foster,
Gardner Baylcss, Sam Caldwell, Dan
Courtney, Dell Ramsey, Charles Gibson, Arthur Bcntley, Layman Mays,
Marshall Barnes, Marion Gorman,
LcRoy Miles, Lon Rogers and Jack

Sciences, left yesterday for Fairvicw.
Ky., a small town near Hopkinsvillc.i
where she will accept a position as
principal of the Fairvicw

There arc 618 universities, colleges
aml professional schools in the United
States, Fifty of them arc in New York
state, 48 in Pennsylvania, and 40 in
Ohio. Texas, the larges