xt7brv0cvw8x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7brv0cvw8x/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1928-03-09  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March  9, 1928 text The Kentucky Kernel, March  9, 1928 1928 1928-03-09 2012 true xt7brv0cvw8x section xt7brv0cvw8x mitt





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sume Duties In APril; Suc- ceeds Professor Hooper



KY, MARCH 9, 1928




SuKy Sponsors New
Custom on Campus


Former Iowa Instructor to As


Circle Urges Freshmen to Speak
lo Upperclassmen of
Universil v


MEET MARCH 15-1- 7

Extra Appropriation Made By Agricultural Fordyce Ely, of been Iowa
William Gess, president of SuKy Thirty-tw- o
Teams. Winners of
State For Construction of
circle, states that the circle will sponpointed head of the dairy division of
Regional Tourneys, to ParExperiment Stations
sor a new custom on the campus that
the Agricultural College of the Uni
ticipate in Elimination
now prevails in many of the larger
versity to succeed Prof. J. J. Hooper,
universities of the East and West.
and will arrive in Lexington the first
This custom is the practice of fresh- SPORTSMANSHIP
MUCH NEEDED LIBRARY of April to assume his new duties
men speaking to upper classmen.
Professor Ely graduated from the
University of Minnesota, but obtain
Mr. Gess says that this custom has
Other Appropriations Made to
proven a success and he believes that
ed his M. A. at Iowa State College
University Amount to ApUniversity Gymnasium Scene of
this act of courtesy will create a bet
where he also held the position of asVoter should cut out entire ballot and indicate the candidate of his choice by marking an X on
proximately $938,425.60
Opening Game Thursdav
ter feeling of fellowship on the cam-- J
sistant professor of dairying. He has
one of the dotted lines opposite the candidate's name.
Vote only for one man, either Democrat or
Morning at 9 o'CIock
pus ana estaDiisn a more Inendlv at
had broad experience in the field of
Do not vote for one Democrat and for one Republican.
Frankfort, Ky., March 5. The Uni- dairying, having been in charge of
Boxes for ballots will be
titudc among the students.
found in Administration building and Campus book store.
versity will receive an extra appro- a Minnesota dairy herd for a num
Be sure to sign this, otherwise vote will
The Tenth Annual High School
This idea is similar to the plan of
not be counted.
priation of $300,000 for the construc ber of years, and was, soon after his
Howdy Day which was inaugurated Basketball Tournament
place at the University, in the Men's
Voter's name
on the campus last year, but if the
tion of an educational training school j graduation from college, an employe
gymnasium, beginning
practice of freshmen speaking to up
and a dairy barn on the experiment of the Twin Cities Milk Producers'
per classmen should become a habit March 15, and extending through FriAt the request of The Independent,
(The Telegram)
station farm near Lexington, if the
i party
so far as the evolving of a on and off
day, March 1G. and Saturday. March
The Iowa State Dairy Association
magazine published at Boston,
recommendation of the state budget passed a resolution expressing apprealoh, urns., mar. o, xio. atf0rm s ennrnrnP.? Tho lpnrlino- doubt, breakthe campus, itofwould,bar 17. There are 32 teams entered this
down many
ciation of Professor Ely's work in Mass., The Kernel is holding an elec Editor in Chief, Kentucky Kernel
gencommission is approved by the
candidates, however, have made defi riers toward acquiring acquaintances, year, consisting of eight class A boys'
teams, eight class B boys' teams,
Iowa, and extended congratulations tion today and Saturday to determine University of Kentucky.
eral assembly.
their atti- according to Mr. Gess.
The Independent asking publica- nite
eight class A girls teams, and eight
to the University and to Kentucky in whom
A plea is also made to all first year
the University favors as the tions in all leading colleges and uni- tude to this question.
budget bill was in- obtaining his services
class B girl's teams.
All of the
next president.
troduced in the house of representaversities to assist in the taking of a Ritichie, and Reed,
.Democrats, men to wear their freshman caps.
teams participating in the tournaThe Kernel was notified of this re poll of student and faculty members. favor
tives today by Rep. Lester Jeter, of
the repeal of the Volment have won sectional and regional
quest by a telegram received Wednes- Preferences regarding the following stead act, while Hoover Lowden, WilTo
Lincoln county, and includes the aptournaments.
day morning, wherein it was stated presidential candidates, Curtis, Hoo- lis and Curtis, Republicans, have expropriations for all the state's instiThe tourney will be nlaved in n
that leading college publications ver, Dawes, Lowden, Willis, Repub- pressed their intentions of enforcing
tutions and activities for the next
K Shop Sponsored
reguhr elimination method, the class
throughout the country we're taking licans; Donahey, Reed, Ritchie, Smith, the eighteenth amendment with all
the legislative 'and judicial
By SuKy Circle A teams playing one another and the
part in the poll, the results to be Walsh, Democrats. This poll should vigor.
departments excepted. The expendiclass B teams doing likewise. The
tures of a total of $6,604,479 for the
Waller Jones, the present drum made known to The Independent not be completed Monday, March 2G and
The attitude college men take on
next two years is covered in the meas major of the University Band, is to later than March 26. Candidates for results telegraphed here. Harvard this question and this attitude will be
SuKy circle, pep organization of winners of each class will be repreure, an increase of $54,000 over the retain his office during the coming the vote were designated as Curtis, Crimson begins its poll March 18. shown by the men favored in this the campus, is sponsoring the sprinc sented in the finals, both boys and
preceding biennium.
year, Elmer G. Sulzer, director of the Dawes, Hoover, Lowden, Willis, Re Hope you are willing to hold election election poll will be watched with opening of The K Shop, next to the urday finals, which will be played Satnight. The games will hpo-ipublicans; Donahey, Reed Ritchie, same date. If you will cooperate by interest.
Tavern, today and tomorrow, from Thursday
band, announced Tuesday.
Refuse Library
moming at 9 o'clock and
Tryouts will be held as usual next Smith, Walsh, Democrats. Boxes will wiring results during election, wo can
The Kernel, as one of the sponsors 1:00 to 5:30 o'clock. Len Tracy, gradThe request of the University to
continue until 12 o'clock. Thursday
be placed in the Administration build- wire
of all colleges reaching
uate student of the University, is the afternoon
the budget commission for an appro- fall, for the purpose of selecting an ing and the Campus book store. As you totals convenient publication of the election trusts that students manager
from 1 to 5 o'clock, games
of the store, and renuests will be played.
and faculty will show their interest
priation for a new library and funds assistant drum major who will serve each Kjernel carries a ballot, stu- dates.
Thursdav niffht nlnv
one year
by voting as early as is convenient that all students call at the shop some will
to equip the new recitation building wielding as an understudy before dents are requested to take only one
start at 7 o'clock and go on until
P. S. Bailey, The Independent
the baton himself.
Remember the election is from Friday , time during the two days,
10 o'clock.
were refused by tl;e budget commisThe schedule for Friday
paper, that each person may have the
10 Arlington street.
The understudy will lead the band
morning at 9 o'clock until Saturday
A complete line of new snrine- will be: 10 to 12
sion. The four white normal schools
o'clock in the momProhibition is the
throughout the year opportunity of voting.
of each at noon.
Iwearincr annarpl will ho m ,i;,nin,. ing, 2 to 5
of the state were appropriated un- at various times this,
o'clock in the afternoon.
and, because of
Director Sulzer
'Sinfl riKfAmflM .un ,1..U1 .1
nn uuuuic uiu pleasure and 7 to 10 o'clock
der the budget bill $125,000 each for
in the evening.
any candidate for the poof contributing to the circle, and ob Saturday the
new buildings, $210,000 less than was stated that
sition must be willing to play some
tain the newest fashions for the com will take place. The girls' and finals
allowed for the preceding two years.
during his apprenticeship
ing Easter season.
will be played from 10 to 12 SaturDepartmental appropriations, for the instrument will be present
at all band
day morning, the boys'
next two years were virtually the so that he
are scheduled for Saturday afternoon
same as during the past two fiscal
years with the exception of the state
from 2 to 1, and both finals will be
played Saturday night, beginning at
board of health which was allowed an
8 o'clock.
Engineers to Present Play At
additional appropriation of $10,000
Are Among Speakers at Meetfor dental health work.
Romany During Week March
The trophies to be presented are:
B' Ry
ing of Lexington Credit Men's!
19; Sets Completed: Initial
silver basketball by the University;
$150,GGU Is Supplement
"We don't moan so mournfully over
Urge Students to Assist State silver basketball for the runner-u- p
Performance Formal.
Of the $300,000 allowed the univerIn Mammoth Cave Park Fund: boys' team by the Sutcliffe Co., of
the death of a
or so
sity for construction at Lexington, President Talks on Necessity of
Members Knowing Rules of Production, sale and credit are theisnakes, but we do hereby voice our An announcement has been made
Record Contributions by New-Pla- Louisville; silver basketball to the
$150,000 will be used for the educaUniversity; Faculty Desires hree dynamos of business according !objcctions to havi it rubbed . , SQ that the senior engineers' play, "Jus-t- o
of Remembrance Book. runner-u- p girls' team by the Phoenix
tional training building and this will
b. J. Schneider, secretary-managenotel; gold basketballs to individuals
Club Room.
be supplemented with an additional
1J im5t,ead of
to speak." This is the sentiment of "C' SV oDen
of the Louisville Association of CreAit
Members of the University Assem
University students have been call of the winning team and to runner-u-p
March 12. Due to an error, informa
$150,000 from the general .education
board. The dairy building, which will bly met Thursday afternoon, at 4 Men, in an address before the semi- - the zoology department, epressed tion was given to the local papers ed upon to aid in the drive to com- in each class; a loving cup to the team
include a modern dairy barn and ex- o'clock in the auditorium of the Ed- annual meeting of the Lexington because of a letter received from that March 12 would be the opening plete the S2,000,000 fund to establish that displays the most sportsmanship,
on and off the floor, and a sold charm
date for the production.
periment station for the purpose of ucation building. President McVey Credit Men's Association at the La- -' Texas this week
All the iuammotn Lave National Park. The
to the individual who plays the cleanconducting tests for the benefit of the presided, and various problems tint fayette hotel Wednesday night. Oth-- 1
PPrtnin lnn.,vt frames for the five large sets have work is well under way, according est game throughout
dairy industry of the entire state, confront the University and Univer
ment stated a few days ago, These Keen comP'eted by engineers under to governor Flem D. Sampson, chair- given by the state Y. M. C.tournament
A. of Kenwill be constructed at a cost of $150,-00- sity staff were discussed.
iUr' JOhn U,Cker at man of the state campaign executive
some feai
nd '
tucky; and a silver basketball to the
dent of the central district National TeXan? su.re
One of the problems discussed was
committee. Practically every city,
An additional appropriation of
individual scoring the most field goals
Association of Credit Men; Dr. Frank sensational animals or should I use
The scenes include a law office, town, and county in the state
$2,500 for the construction of a dairy that of cheating.
'stories' with
adjectives?" He
in any one game offered by H. M.
In the talk by President McVey, he L. McVey, of the University; C. W. was referring thesethese
barn and silo on the experiment stato
wonder frog with a view of an outer office which shouldering the responsibility assign- Hubbard.
necessity of the members White, Louisville Association of Cred- tales emitting
tion farm at Princeton also was al- stressed the
from the cowboy state. has windows looking over the roofs ed them and are taking a part in tiie
The officials of the tourney are:
of the faculty knowing the rules and it Men, and Edward Wiest, dean of
The cause of this article, as has of London. The second scene is the project which shows their apprecia
the College of Commerce at the Unibeen aforementioned, is a letter ad- greatest courtroom scene in modern tion ot its value to them and to the Frank Lane, of Cincinnati; John
The other appropriations for the regulations of the University.
During the meeting a heated dis- versity. W. B. Talbert president of dressed to
Head, of Louisville; Jack Travenicek,
University, which bring the total for
the "Dead Department of English drama, and it contains a mas state.
the local association, presided. About
President McVey has suggested that Chicago; W. II. Hanson and Bart
Zoology, University of Kentucky." Of sive setting much larger in area than
the two years to $938,428.60, were cussion arose when Prof. J. C. Jones 50 attended.
recommended by the budget commis- of the political science department,
course we realize that the little Texas the set for "Sister Beatrice," one of the students in the University coop- Peak of the University.
Mr. Scales, in his address, outlined
Students will be admitted for 50
The erate with the citizens of the state to
sion as follows: $50,000 for experi- made a motion that the Assembly
steno maybe meant to write "Head" Romany s greatest successes.
ment station instruction; $142,241.30 recommend that a room adjoining the the progress of the national associa- instead of "Dead." Nevertheless, we jury box, the judge's stand, barris help put the drive "over the top." In cents plus their athletic tickets, othto match federal funds for the ex- new cafeteria that is being built, be tion since its start 33 years ago and still insist that we are not "dead" ters' stand and witness box are all an event of this kind, it is fitting that erwise the admission will be one dolperiment station; $30,000 per year for set aside as a club for the men of the pointed out that the protection de- just because the Texas rattler is the constructed of heavy paneling and the future citizens take an active in- lar.
Immediately there arose partment has obtained more than only living
It has been requested by the U. K.
terest in making Mammoth Cave a
rise tier on tier.
agricultural instruction; $10,000 per faculty.
protests from the women, whose part 1,000 indictments, 350 convictions and department. snake remaining in the At the back of the room are three national park for they will benefit by A. A. that the students refrain from
year for summer school; S22.000
Although these Texans
by Dean Anderson of recovered goods valued at more than
"booing and jeering" the contestants
for public service laboratory; was College of Engineering
have a perfectly plausible excuse for arched windows through which can Kentucky's prosperity.
and Doc- $600,000 for its members.
A. new feature that has recently of the tournament, also that the stu$20,000 per year for the experiment the
thinking thus; for if their snakes are be seen a typical London fog, of smotor Minor of the psychology departDoctor McVey declared that a cred- as vivacious as their tales, they sure ky grey. Over forty characters take been added to the campaign is that dents refrain from smoking in the
station at Princeton; $25,000 per year
all contributors will have their names gymnasium during the tournament.
for the experiment station at Quick- ment. debating, the question was it manager should know the purch- are vile reptiles, and would naturally part in this dramatic scene.
The third scene is laid in the office go down in history. A remembrance
asing capacity of the community in "deaden" the atmosphere in the vicinsand; $20,000 for payment on the
settled in favor of the ladies. The which he is wrokmg and to give the ity of their abode.
of the prison warden.
Through book of historical importance is to be
track at Quicksand.
room is to be recommended to be set students in the College of Commerce
barred windows at the back can be prepared which will be a permanent
aside and to be used by both men and at the University an opportunity to
seen prisoners pacing back and forth. record of all those who make a gift
Dr. J. W. Pryor, of the physiolbgy
women of the faculty as a sort of a learn how to ascertain a communi
The next set represents a corridor to the fund. The names, which will department, will address the
Will Give
club room where they can rest and ty's purchasing limit, the University
in the prison showing a row of cells. be available from subscription cards,
Friday afternoon,
25 talk when they want a place to spend is planning the introduction of
The next scene, which ends the third will be inscribed in such a way that March 16, at 4 o'clock in Room 206,
a few idle moments.
act, is perhaps the most effective of the completed work will be of an au- Science building. Every member is
course on this subject in the College
The idea of a men's club, however, of Commerce. The progress and work
The third concert by the UniverMothers of the pledges and activi- all as no word Js spoken during its thentic, documentary nature, to which urged to attend as the meeting is
is still in the minds of several of the of the college was outlined by Dean
sity band will be given in the Men's
ties of the Phi Kappa Tau fraternity progress. The setting is the cell of reference may be made in years to
gymnasium, Sunday afternoon, March men and it was suggested that a club Wiest. Mr. White reminded the Lex- held a meeting Sunday, March 4, for young Falder and he is the only per- come.
of this sort be considered In the fu ington association of the cooperation the purpose of organizing
25, at 3:30 o'clock.
a Mother son in the scene.
The last act is the same law office
which they might always expect and Chapter which is to be known as Phi
"The Mystery of Night," by Denni ture.
shown in the first setting, the action
receive from the Louisville organi Eta, and which is to be
will be given as a baritone solo by
All orders for senior cla3 rings
affiliated with being
Niel Plummer, formerly of The will be taken in
Hugh Adcock. There will be several
three years latei
Orders for senior invitations will zation.
the fraternity.
the Administration
Monday, March 19, at 8:30 o'clock Kernel staff, has taken over Mr. Grif building March 15, 16
popular selections of the melodies cf be taken at the Administration build
At a meeting Wednesday afternoon,
and 17. A
The new
the opera, "Faust" by Bounod, and ing from 1 until 4 o'clock on the aft routine business was brought before bers presentorganization liad 13 mem- the opening performance will be giv fin's class of advanced reporting. Mr. small deposit will be requirvil before
at its first meeting. The en and the occasion will be formal, re- Griffin is is the hospital
1812." ernoons of March 12, 13, 14, 15 and the members and the
undergoing any order is filled. This will be abmothers were entertained with a din- quiring evening dress.
Complete program will be announced 10. All orders, must be in by 4 p. m. charge-off- s
Saturday, treatment and the
ner previous to the convening of the March 24, has been set aside as a to the University isdate of his return solutely the last chance for the senMarch 16 or they cannot be filled.
iors to secure their rings.
special night for the freshman enY. W. C. A.
Officers were elected
as follows: gineers and on account of the Tau
Will Be Held
14 Mrs. A. B. Tompkins, president; C. S. Beta Pi dance on that night, the cur
F. D. Boyd, vice president; Mrs.
tain will rise promptly at 7 o'clock.
recording secretary; Mrs.
Hours For Balloting Are 8 to 6 Douglas Webb, corresponding secreO'CIock In Halls of the
tary; Mrs. J. A. Stephens, treasurer; Y. W. C. A.
Co-E- ds
Mrs. Andrew Hammon, marshal. Oth
er members present were Mesdames
(B Sara Elvove)
Election of new officers for the Y. R. Rhode, J. B. Hammersley, Edwar.l Miss Agatha
(By Kady Elvove)
rades' disaster, by the danger 'of fuNewcomers to the gentle art of
j it."
Harrison Will Adthe time has come to remove the horseback riding are given a horse
There was silence in the barns out ture canine raids, or by other mis- W. C. A. of the University will take Henneberg, L. R. Campbell, F. Gilb,
dress Students In Patterson
C. D. Rothenberg, Alvin B. Davis.
veil surrounding the mysterious rea- - j (guaranteed mild, not
Tables will be
on the experiment station grounds. fortunes which beset the world of place March 14.
a kick in a
Hall at Six O'CIock
why certain Kentucky
Peacefully the animal world lay slum- pigs, the
pedigreed placed in the Administration build- and John Hieber.
are load) and the first lesson of
8 to 4 o'clock, and in the
refusing invitations to cokes and oth- - to Ride Like a Ladv" i Wim "How
bering on clean, dry straw. Suddenly Poland China, Berkshire, Hampshire, ing from
Miss Agatha Harrison, of the De- er collegiate refreshments, in prefsquealing
reverberated and Duroc aristocrats play happily halls from 8 to G o'clock. All mema loud
"To mount a horse," says
inpartment of Education and Research erence for "standing" or "walkinc" structor, oratorically, "place the
bers of the campus Y. W. C. A. are
throughout the building. The inhab- eat hoggishly, and sleep soundly.
entitled to vote in this election.
dates. One look at the condi tinn nf with a particularly high heel, in foot
awoke in alarm.
Like to Play
of the national Y. W. C. A., will speak
itants of the barn
Will Be
The following names have been
"Pigs aren't afraid of people as
Oscar, the herdsman came running
to the students and town people Sun- the horses at the Kentucky Saddle hand of your escort so then throw
Club,, and presto! there's nn need the other leg over
with a light to investigate. "Thieves you would think," the University pig submitted by the nominating comthe horse's back
Convocation day evening at 6 o'clock in Patterson for paging Sherlock Holmes. The
or dogs, I wonder which," he muttered expert explains. "They like to play. mittee and endorsed by the present
gracefully O no
hall. A tea for Miss Harrison will explanation is simple. The girls have Don't grab his miss, not that way!
If you pick a little piglet up in your Y. W. C. A. cabinet. They are as
mane so frantically,
Rabbi James G. Heller, professor be given at 5:30 o'clock
President, Margaret Gooch
and the stu- learned what it is to straddle the you'll hurt the beast."
Then he stopped amazed. There on arms he'll squeal his head off, but follows:
the floor of the barn, surrounded by pick him up by his tail and he won't and Elise Bureau, (the defeated can at Union College, of Cincinnati, and dents and public at large are also in- back of a Kentucky (?) thoroughbred
Once on, the
hold on for
well known lecturer, will speak at the
for the first time in their young lives. dear life. Very, very slowly, and
her wondering relatives lay No. 35 make a sound. A little girl came out didate will become
eighth convocation at 9 o'clock Mon- vited to this affair.
Since the organization of riding carefully she allows the horse to
sound asleep, but grunting noisily. to our meat laboratory one day and, Secretary Mildred Kidd, Katherine
Miss Harrison is spending only a classes at the University,
"These pigs do beat all things," said seeing the pigs, went over the fence Hatherjohn and Evelyn Cooley. As- day morning, March 10 in the Men's few
there has
days here enroute to the West come from feminine sources, sudden around the short track, jumping dutiAlice Gardner gymnasium.
to scare them. 'Don't both- sistant treasurer
the astonished herdsmen, shoving the and tried
fully every time the horse jogs, as per
Rabbi Heller has spoken in Lexing- and the Y. W. C. A. is very fortunate and unexpected grimaces and groans,
Whittinghall and Elizabeth Cramer.
slumbering porker with an ungentle er those pigs,' her father remonstratdirections, meanwhile mentally noting
The present assistant treasurer, ton on numerous occasions and has in having her. She is an English moues and Moans, and occasionally, a the riding habit of her fellow suffered. 'They're afraid.' But they werefoot. "I've heard of nightmares but
this is the first time I ever heard n't. Instead a great number of them Miss Dora May Duncan, will be tlv earned an enviable reputation as a woman, formerly teacher in the Lon- limp.
er, as a woman will do. Many indeed,
don school of Economics, who, bespeaker.
"But what about the poor horse," are the colors and styles adopted by
gathered by the fence and almost new treasurer.
of pig mares!"
The April convocation speaker has cause of her familiarity with women remarked one of the riders to a parThe office of undergraduate "repbegged to be "shooed" again. They're
Afraid of Dogs
the University horse enthusiasts,
That's why resentative has been abolished by the not yet been announced but the May in industry and the whole labor ticularly hefty young lady, "you hav- nunning from khaki knickers, and
It was true nevertheless. No 35, intelligent, all right!
convocation will be addressed by Dr. movement, was sent to China ten en't anything to be sore about."
member of the Kentucky Experiment they're so often used in circus per- campus Y. W. C .A. and, accordingly,
sweaters, to tailored tweed and velGeorge G. Arps, dean of the College years ago by the National Board to
no nominee appears for that office.
"I haven't, haven't I," snapped the vet riding habits and even long trouStation pork ranks, and scarred vet- formances."
of Education, Ohio State University. represent the Y. W. C. A. in negoti- unfortunate miss, to whom an easy
The returns of this election will be
eran of a recent historic fight with
sers. Some of the riders evidently
ation affecting women and girls in chair was another pain, "well, just
dogs which broke into the experiment calls Oscar and in the rush for food, announced for the first time at the
think that a horseman is known by
industry. She spent five years in wait till I see that horse again."
barns and killed over thirty shoats, all thoughts of intelligence are for- Woman's Banquet, Thursday evening.
the clothes he wears.
China and is said to have done a
Those who are not members of the
The Kentucky Saddle Club, where
was recalling her terrifying exper- gotten by pig and piglet. Shoving
A riding lesson consists of appret-imatel- y
very splendid piece of work.
Kentucky's two boasted products
eti- Y. W. C. A. are not entitled to vote.
ience and suffering even in her sleep. is quite proper according to pig
an hour's time, at the ond
A general assembly of all students
These last five years she has been beautiful women and pretty horses
hurry to bolt
"The sxrvivers among our shoats quette. But they don't
of which, the rider thankfully
in the College of Agriculture will be connected with the National Y. W.
get together, is located a little dis- down the horse's tail, catchas aslMi
nervous wrecks," declares E. J. down hay and such food. Soft slop
held Saturday morning, March 10, at C. A. Board and has been of great
tance off Sherman avenue. Most of and heads for home and Sloan's
Willard, of the College of Agriculture and corn are their favorite dishes.
9 o'clock, at the Judging Pavilion. service in
promoting a sense of the the riding, as yet, has been done inwho is in charge of the pork produc- "Most city folks think pigs must have
158 students now classi
And when, the next day, the
There are
Dean Cooper will be the principal
of the world through side a building, described by one of boy friend asks, "Why
tion department. And No. 35 and big stomachs, because they eat so fied in the Graduate School, approxi- speaker of the assembly which is industry
the limp?" se
and industrial workers. She the would-b- e sportswomen, as "an old airily replies,
five other survivors feebly acquiesce.
of whom will receive compulsory for all agricultural
is also very interested in the cause barn, with a muddy field in front of
Unalarmed, however, by their com-- 1
(Continued on Page Ten)
"Oh, I bumped my shin in th krk,
their master's degree in June
and cure of war.
it, and a two by four track inside of last night."










Spring Opening of

Post of Drum Major





7W Supported






j: SchneiSotor



"Murder?' Zoology 'JUSTICE'
Department Head



semi-fina- ls

semi-fina- ls




















Fraternity Mothers


Organize Chapter



Experiment Station Porker, 35,
Experiences Terrible Night Mare

Speak Sunday

How to Ride Like a Lady" Is
Would Master




Rabbi James Heller
Speaker at







� P,iE


THE EEJfltUf&y



Subscribe for

Edited by

Published By And For University Alumni

And Help the Association







University of Kentucky Club of
Greater Cincinnati: Luncheon at
noon on first Saturday in each
month at Industrial
Club, Pike
Madison avenue, Covington, Ky.
Note Will the officers of other
Alumni Clubs please send us the
dates and places of their regular



James Park, '15
Mrs. Rodes Estill,





L. Kirk, '24

Dr. George H. Wilson, '04
Dr. E.. C. Elliott, '02
Wm. H. Townsend, 12

Walter Hillenmeyer, '11
Wayland Rhodes, '15
W. C. Wilsen, '13

The contract for the erection of the Memorial
Building, which is to be built as a memorial to
those Kentuckians who lost their lives in the
World War, has been let. This beautiful building
will be built in the form of an auditorium on the
campus of the University. The building is being
begun with a feeling of assurance that all the
pledges to this fund and also to the Greater KenThis building
tucky Fund will be paid in full.
will be the only substantial memorial in Kentucky
erected solely in memory of those brave Kentuckians who gave their lives for their country.
The University believes

that you will keep faith

in this undertaking. Do not disappoint your Alma








Alumni Give Luncheon in Honor
of Basketball Team; Lawrence McGinnis Made Captain




Among the Alumni who attended
he luncheon were Miss Marguerite
McLaughlin, who acted as toastmast- cr. She introduced W. C. Wilson, for-

merly secretary of the Alumni Association, who spoke a few words of
commendation to the members of the
team. He lnturn introduced the Guyn
brothers, J. White Guyn, of Lexington, and Les Guyn, of Canada, both
members of the Alumni Association