xt7bnz80p86m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bnz80p86m/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1941-05-12  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, May 12, 1941 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, May 12, 1941 1941 1941-05-12 2020 true xt7bnz80p86m section xt7bnz80p86m  









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May 12, 1941

The University Senate met in the Assembly Room of Lafferty Hall Monday.
May 12, l94l~ President Cooper presided.

The minutes of April 22 were read and approved.

Professor E. H. Weaver read to the Senate the follOwing report of the Cur~
riculum Committee:

"The College of Education has recowmended the approval of Education

Egg. Teaching Consumer Courses in the High School (2).

By mistake the circular to the Senate asked annroval of this
course for the 1941 summer session, According to a letter from Dean
Taylor to the committee the college had voted to request permanent
authorization. The Committee has considered this course, taking into
account. among other things, the recent recommendations of the Grad-— Q
uate Faculty concerning course numbers. In the committee's opinion
it will be necesSary to reconsider the numbering of courses already
in the University curriculum before these recommendations can be

 Minutes of the University Senate - May 12, 1941

applied fairly to new courses. The committee, therefore, recommends
the approval of this course with the further rec0mmendation that what—
ever body has the responsibility of the University Curriculum next
year be asked to reCOnsider the number of this c0urse along with those
of similar curses which are already a part of the University Curricu-
lum. The committee's recommendation should not be taken as approval
or disapproval of the position of this course on the "200 level”.

The course description is as follows:

Education 260. Teaching Consumer Courses i£_thg Eigh §£§ggl. This
course is designed to provide techniques and devices for teaching pu~
pils in high schools the various aspects of consumer education. The
emphasis is placed on procedure rather than on content.



Prerequisite; 12 credits in Economics and Business Administration,
including Commerce 11 or equivalent.

The addition of prerequisites is made with Professor Lawrence's approval.

The committee makes the following recommendations with respect to the
requests from the College of Arts and Sciences.

1. Approve Mathematics and Astronomy ljgf The Calculus 2i Finite
Differences. A study of the methods of differencing, finite integration,
interpolation, summation of series and difference equations. Topics
will include GregoryeNewton formula of interpolation, divided differences,
central differences, EulersMaclaurin formula, Gregory's formula of numeri~
cal integration, Lubbock and Woolhouse formulae. 3 credits.


PrerequisitezMath. 20b.

2. Approve for the 1941 Summer Session only s Physical Education
205. Current Studies in the Administration 2£_Recreation. For recreac
tion directors, supervisors, leaders and community center workers. A
study of present policies and procedures in adminiStration of national
state, county, municipal and rural recreational projects, 2 credits.



Prerequisite: Physical Education 125, or experience as an employed recrea~

tion worker.

Claims have been made to the committee that this proposed course contains
considerable duplication of existing courses in Administration. The commit—
tee's attention has also been called to the existence of a rapidly increasing
list of courses in Administration, in several departments, and to the danger
of a significant duplication of effort. In spite of the possibilities of du~
plication, the committee recommends the apprOVal of this course for the 1941
summer session, since it is listed in the Bulletin which has already been pub~
lished. The committee believes that the University has some responsibility to
students who may be attracted by listings of courses to be offered. Incident~
ally, the committee has been assured that in the future a new method of check»
ing the summer session bulletin will be used so that unapproved courses cannot
be listed. The committee further reCOmmends that whatever body has the respon-
sibility of the University curriculum next year be asked to call together all
departments that are offering courses in Administration for the purpose of






 :‘e 1 May 12, 1941

r A
> \


w'*c q Girdlna +Cd trooram, The Committee‘s TGCO mime fldzi

evo JiInJC. c J J

anoroval for this cou.se should zot be taken either as an roval or iiseoorov»
al of its position on the “200 level".

(. . . 4 l ,
j. Suing tne annroval oi Art 147, Ar



‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘- 11 ». . . r 4 ,
0e351on only to include enorOVel fir hue regulai eesslons.

as rec0mmenied is as follows:


Art 14Z. Art in America. 3 credits. A critlcel and cistorical
eXamination of American art; architecture, sculpture,nein:1ng end an

arts, from colouial times to the present. A doeumente d and illustrated
course. Lectures and renorts.


Prerequisite; 1 year‘s work in tne istory of Art.

This prerequisite is added with ?rofessor Rannell’s anorOVal.


4. Dron Art 33. Arts end Crafts in America. (2)





Art 41 Architect re i,~ t‘e United 5 (ll
Art 2.i¢int1ng end Sculoture in the United States (I)




These courses are sunolanted by Art 147.




5. Change Mathematics and Astronomy 130 to M.themetics and Astron~
omy 223. Inteé ral Equatio; is. 3 credits. Add to the descri otion
Prereiuic tes Mata. 135e 0:” 106a


the nrerequisites are added with the anorovel of Professor LeStourgeon.

6. Authorize Zoologl 25. Genere l Anima.l Biolcgv 3 credits for

the regular year as well as for the sumxer sessionn

On December 18 the College of A-rts and Sciences requested the approval
of vaiene 518.. Per sona_l Hea th Pro .bl Le s (2 ') and fiygiene 51b. Community

Health Problems (2). Acting under the clairn.anshin of Pro ofess oz Eylend, the
regular chairman having disqualified himsel.f, the committee voted to recom
mend the isruurov .l of 51a at the March meeting of the Senate. At the re—
quest of the Hygiene Department, this recommendation was Withheld to allow
the nresentation of further data to the committee. The Hygiene Department
now has transmitted to the Committee a request to be allowed to withdraw the
request for authorization 0: both courses. Anna rently this constitutes final
disno,al of the request frcm the Col leg qe of Arts and Sciences and the commit
tee is so reporting it to the Senate.



The Committee recommends the nDnroval of the request of the College of
Agriculture to be ellOwed to extend Fa qrm Economics 124 Farm L anagement for

a chnn.1nu Agr ricult_ure (1.) to Farm Ec0n0m1c5124a,b,c. (1,1,1). Authorize"
tion is :or Summmer Session only.’



Tne renort of the Curriculum Committee was anoroved as read.


 Minutes of the University Senate - May 12, 1941

The following standing COmmittees of the Senate presented renorts of their
work in accordance with the request of the Senate made earlier in the school
year: Scholarship and Attendance; Auditing Committee for Student Enternrises;
Haggin Fund Publications. The reports were received and ordered included in
the minutes, as follows:


"Report of tie Jommlttee on Scholarship and Attendance

May 12, 1941



The Committee on Scholarship and Attendance was authorized in the fol~
lowing action of the Senate on May 29, 1922:
"A Senate committee, composed of one member from each college, with the
deans of men and of women as ex~cfiicio members, shall be constituted
to consider Cases of students delinquent in studies or attendance referred
to it by the Deans of Colleges, and to consider the appeals for reinstate~
ment of students dropped for unsatisfactory work."

Later, in 1924, the Council, in order to have time to consider more gen~
eral questions of University policy asked the committee to handle also oeti~
tions for extra work and remission of penalties for absences before and after

Most of the committee's time has been devoted to netitions for reinstate"
ment of students who have been dropted and for removal of nenalties for absen~
see before or after holidays. Occasionally the Registrar has asked the advice
of the committee in individual cases, involving matters such as misstatements
by students in their entrance applications, requests for extension work in the
senior year, requests for changes in the records.

Three changes in our nrocedure have grown out of our experience. We have
found that readmitting dropped students on trial for periods less than a semes-
ter is not satisfactory and that such students should be required to apply for
admission to the summer terms as well as to the semesters, and that some stu~
dents who have been dropned from one college can often make good in another.

There are various points of View reoresented in the committee membership.
Some are inclined to be hard~boiled and to mete out the full measure of the
law while others tend to place more reliance on the nossibility of adjustment
of schedules and living conditions and renewed purposes so as to bring success
for the student. In this respect the cemmittee is a fair cross section of the
Senate itself. It can be said that all members are sincerely trying to do
what is best for the student and the University in a field that is highly im—
portant in human Values and that at the same time demands good judgment. It
is not a committee that any one would choose unless it were a part of his adv
ministrative job or he felt himself peculiarly well qualified to deal with
such problems.

In order to present to the Senate a partial picture of the committee's
work, I have tabulated the record of the drops and reinstatements for the
last three years. In this time 489 students were drowned and, of these, 170
were reinstated on probation. This is 34% of the number dropped. Dr. Croft
has contributed the following information concerning reinstated students who
were under his care. Of 103 students reinstated, 57 or 61% of the 94 who
finished their semester of probation oas5ed in 12 credits or more for the



H w - . . _ i , , ,p
Minutes of the University senate " may i4,

Semester, 9 left colleve before the end of the semester. Another tabula—
tion shows that of 139 students drOpoed and reinstated 33 or lj.9% were

, . ,. ‘ - . . _ . - h‘. r 1; I} ‘_~ ,A : «1
in the lst ouintile in the general ability teed, 2] or L4.)% meie LL bfle .

r ”m - C" , - , c‘ '\ 17; ”
2nd 0 or 20.6w in the d u or 20.1% in the 4th, and 5) or 29.ip Jere
n _./ / , ,
in the 5th. A further investigation of mine into the records in mathematics
ocurses of freshmen who fell in the lowest ouintile in the general ability
test shows that of 46 such students taking mathematics during the iirst
semester of this year, 27 or 55.7% passed. By way of comparison. in the
‘ ~ . ,‘ ’1 r r’ 71

some semester there were 511 students in these courses and 3)? or 70,79
of them massed. In anoreximate terms, for the whole grout about 4 out of
5 massed, while for the lowrability group about 3 out of 5 massed.

These figures indicate, first, ttat it would be a very inaccurate
procedure to exclude from the University, even if we could, all 9th and
10th decile students, or even all 10th decile ones, as rated by our nresent
general ability test; and second, that the Dolicy of the Committee on
Scholarshii and Attendance of considering the dronnei student indizidnélly,
and with as much care and wisdom as we can apnly, has been justified.

Paul P. Boyd, Chairman"

1 .

"REPORT or THE Attlritu C“MQIT 33 o
may 5, 1941



To the University Senate:

The accounts of thirty-nine organizations for l939~1940 have been
audited and are being printed for distribution to student officers, Unie

versity officers, deans, heads of departments, and others desiring conies
of the retort.

The thirty—nine organizations are: The Agricultural Council, Alpha
Zeta, Association of Women Students, Bacteriological Society, Baptist .
Student Council, Block and Bridle, Cwens, Dairy Club, Golf Fund, German
Club, Guignol Theatre, Home Economics Club, Interfraternity Council, In-
tramural Shorts, Kentuckian, Kentucay Kernel, Keys, Mortar Board, Music
Committee, Omicron Delta Kapoa, Pershing Rifles, Phi Beta, Phi Upsilon
Omicron, Pi Mu Epsilon, Poultry Club, Pryor PreeMedical Society, Scabbard
and Blade, Sigma Pi Sigma, Student Bar Association, Student Government
Association, SuKy, Swimming Team, Theta Sigma Phi, University of Kentucky
Band, Women‘s Administrative Council, Women's Athletic Association,
Women's Pen-Hellenic Council, Y.M.C.A., and Y.W.C.A.

Five of the above are reuorting for the first time. These are: the
Dairy Club, Home Economics Club, Phi Beta, Student Bar Association, and
the Student GOVLrnment Association,

The Tennis Fund has been transferred to the Physical Education De~
Dartment, this Denartment now having control of the tennis courts. ‘.

fl". 1 ' 1 h V o . , 1 n '
ine tunes of all of the above organizations, except those of the vulg”
nol Theatre, are now handled through the University Business Office. It

was at firSt thought that some of the students would disannrove of the ulan


Minutes of the University Senate * May 12, 1941

of handling the monies through the Business Office, but the student coopera-
tion has been very good.

The Committee's detailed retort, containing incomes and disbursements,
will annear soon as its Twentieth Annual Report.

Signed by:~ H. H. Downing
D. H. Peak

(No written report on the Haggin Fund Publications was nresented.
The renort was given orally by Dr. Frank L. McVey.)

The followinc recommendation from the College of Arts and Sciences was

”The College of Engineering has requested the Denartment of
Physics to expand the instruction in Physics for sophomore Engi-
neers to a twelveehOur course. Because of this change we must
change the sophomore requirements in the course in Industrial Chem-
istry to Physics 3a and Physics 3b. This will increase the require-
ments one hour each semester, to a total of 156.3."


.. _...———_..——._ ..i __-i_._._d.__.


June 4, 1941

The University Senate met in the Assembly Room of Lafferty Hall Wednesday,
June 4, 1941. President Cooper presided.

The minutes of May 12 were read and annroved.

The followin persons, who had com leted all requirements, were recommended
3 _ . i
to the Board of Trustees for the degrees indicated“



Candidates for the Degree gt Eachelg; oi Arts

Armand Paul Angelucci Jean Wallace Branson
Uhel Overton Barrickman Bertha Anne Feldman Brown

Pauline Belcher Frances Elizabeth Brown

William Boyd Bell William Brown Buford

Hilary Johnson Boone, Jr. Alexander Doniphan Burrus