xt7bnz80p851 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bnz80p851/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1933-04-17  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, April 17, 1933 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, April 17, 1933 1933 1933-04-17 2020 true xt7bnz80p851 section xt7bnz80p851 “4» _.._..e.._

Minutes of the University Senate a March 13, 1933

Professor Clark announced that a famous painting of Henry Clay by
Hoffey, , which had been in the family of the artist

since its painting in 1845, would be sold at auction by the Anderson
Studios in New York City March 16. He proposed that a sum be sub»
scribed to bid on the painting, each member of the faculty contribu-
ting $1.00, collection to be made only in the event that the Univer»
sity succeeded in obtaining the portrait.

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April 17, 1933

The University Senate met in the Lecture Room of McVey Hall, Monday,
April 17, with President McVey presidinge

The minutes of March 13 were read and approved.

The following report from the Athletic Committee, Prfifessor Grehen as

Chairman, was received and filed:
"To the Senate of the University of Kentucky:

I have been asked by the secretary to present a brief renort on

athletics at the University with special emphasis upon the entrance of

this institution recently into the new Southeastern Conference.

I take it that it is well known that on the occasion of the December
meeting of the Southern Conference in 1932, 13 colleges and universities
withdrew from the old conference of 23 members, and formed an organization

to which it gave the name of the Southeastern Conference.

Tt has been felt for some time that it would be desirable to reduce
the number of members of the Southern Conference so as to minimize the
topheaviness of that organization, and so also as to being int; closer

relationship those institutions that were geographically best located

to compete with one another. The divorce took place without any outward

6Vidence of bad temper, without unkind criticism, but withal. with a





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Yinutes of the University Senate ~ April 17, 1933

feeling of scme actual resentment upon the part of some memners of the
Southern Conference who felt that the organization should have continued
intact. The schism took place actually at a banquet in the Andrew
Johnson Hotel in Knoxville in which all members of both the old and the
new conferences mingled in more or less haupy accord and joined in
mutual felicitations»

It is also known to you that your own President of the University
of Kentucky Was the unanimous choice of the members of the Southeastern
Conference as the first president of that organization, with J. F.
Broussard, of Louisiana State University, as vice president, and A. H.
Armstrong, secretary of the old Southern Couference as secretary and
treasurer of the new organization. “The institutions that withdrew and
so banded themselves together were: the University of Alabama, Alabama
Polytechnic Institute, the University of Florida, the Unhrersity of
Georgia, Georgia School of Technology, University of Kentucky, Louisiana
State University, University of Hississippi, Mississippi State College,
University of the South (Sewanee), University of Tennessee, Tulane and
Vanderbilte By reason of the adroit methods adopted b7 the president
of the new association it was able to procure from the old association
$2,077.78 as its part of monies remaining unexpended at the time of the
scthm - an effort which some of the new association”s members feared
might not succeed.

The purpOSe as given by the association itself for the forming
of the new association appears in the following words:

"Purpose. The Southeastern Conference is organized to from

a more compact group of institutions with similar educational
ideals in order that they may by joint action increase their ability
to render the services for thich they fiere founded and for whichh
they are maintained, by making athletics a part of the educational
plan and by making them subservient to the great aims and objects
of education and placing them under the same administrative control.
The Conference proposes to accomplish this end by promoting mutual
trust and friendly relations between members; by controlling
athletic competition and keening such competition Within the bounds
Of an BdUCational activity; by promoting clean sportsmanship; and
by developing Dublic appreciation of the educational, rather than
the commercial Values in intercollegiate sportSo”

It was decided on the oceasion of the formation of the new conference
that all rules that obtained in the Southern Conference should be kept
in force until the new association adopted a constitution and byelaWS.
and this latter intent was modified later at the first meeting of the
new conference, February 27, so as to make the new regulations effective
as of June 1, the current session.







Minutes of the University Senate a April 17, 1933

The new JSoutheastcrn Conference met in Atlanta, February 27, and adopted
its constitution and byelaws, with President McVey in the chair and Mr.
Armstrong performing the office of secretary.

The first meeting of the new conference, which opened at 9:30 in the
morning in the Vanderbilt Hotel and closed at 6:30 the same day, saw the
entire detail of organization completed and the new institution launched.

The purpose that seemed to dominate the intent to form the new
conference is perhaps best set out Ln the new constitution under the
heading, “Control of Athletics" in which appears the following language:

”The President, or other executive head, of each member of the
conference is hereby charged with full responsibility for en3
forcing all rules and regulations enacted for the control of
intercollegiate athletics”.

This presentation was amended, however, so as to read as follows:

”The President, or other executive head, and the faculty

of each member of the conference are herewith charged with
full responsibility for enforcing or having enforced all rules
and regulations enacted for the control of intercollegiate

Thus it will be seen that the new conference expects to bring
the faculty more prominently into the picture, and to make the University
itself responsible for direction of all athletics, and therefore for
correction of any shortcomings or violations of the spirit of this moves
ment that may ensue.

Indeed, all talks delivered to the new conference on the occasion
of its inception in Knoxville the December previous and at the Atlanta
meeting were directed to the one end of bringing about the rescuing
of the Universities in their athletic departments from outside ins
fluences, which had been disastrous in may cases. No less positive an
advocate of this position was there than the President of the University
of Tennessee who had stated both privately and publicly that athletics
in the University of Tennessee had gotten out of control of the
University, to the University's detriment, and that in his opinion
similar conditions obtained in various other univeristies of the
Southern Conference; that in his judgement drastic steps must be taken
now to make athletics an institutional enterprise, rather than an outs
side adjunct dominated by what we are pleased to call the ”drugostore"
element and the ”curbnstone GoaCheSHo If this intent is carried out
to its legitimate analysis, I think it follows, unquestionably, that
athletics will have been rescued from mawyof the unfortunate conditions
into which associated colleges has fallen.

















Minutes of the University Senate a April 17, 1933

I am happy to report to you that up to this time I have not heard
any criticism whatever against the University of Kentucky for ViOlations
of the rules and regulations governing the old Southern Conference,
nor those which would run counter to the best sportsmanship in athletics.
Nor do I mean to say that Kentucky is in any sense alone in enjoyment
of this gratifying reputation; nevertheless, there has been from time
to time vigorous criticism to the effect that member colleges of the
Southern Conference were riding rougheshod over both the spirit and
the letter of rules upon which they had agreedo

I take it that there is no element in this report that will be more
interesting to you at this time than to point out some differences
between eligibility rules that obtained in the old conference and those
that have been adopted by the new conferenceo

Broadly speaking, the eligibility rule applied by each institution
for graduation of its students was accepted in good faith by the
Southern Association as the association’s rule of eligibilitye That
is, when a registrar and a faculty chairman certified that a given
student Was a bona fide eligible student, it was accepted in good
faith by the association, and the rules nrovided no machinery by which
lflm registrar's certification might beehedmd,or gainsaid. This, of
course, left the whole matter of eligibility to the individual integrity
of the institutions, and here Was the rock upon which some of the
Southern Conference members splita They did not feel that rules were
being applied with entire integrity in all instances. and that certim
fication by the registrar and the faculty chairman was ”carelessly”
done in some of them.

The crux of the new eligibility rules appears under Rule II and
Rule V which are taken verbatim from the new association's rules:


Sec. 3 No student having been a member of any Varsity athletic town
and having been in attendance for less than one semester or
two terms during that college year shall be permitted to
participate in any interecollegiate contest until he shall
have been in attendance for one semester or two quarterse

Sec. 4 A student participating in intercollegiate athletics who
drops out at the end of a semester or two quarters shall
not be eligible the following year unless at the time he dropoed
out he had met the Conference scholastic requirementSe










Minutes of the UniVersity Senate a April 17, 1933


RULEV 3 , ‘3

Sec. 1 A freshman shall be eligible for competition during the
first term or semester immediately upon matriculation. For
further competition he.must have gained credit during the ; ,
preceding term or semester for threeefourths of the work of i 5' i
that period required for graduation. ii; i


Sec- 2 A student to be eligible for competition during his first i . .
varsity year must have gained credit in the freshman year for j ‘v‘ if’
threeefourths of the hours required in that year toward L ‘, ‘§,.
graduation: 3“ iii“



Sec, 3 A student to be eligible for competition during his second
and third varsity years must have passed during the preceding
year threemfourths and during the preceding semester or
, quarter threeefifths of the proportionate percentage of hours
required for graduation in the ocurse in which he is registered.


‘ I
The difference between the old rules and the new rules is that the ._ f f
student, under the new rules, to be eligible for competition during his 1' 1
second and third Varsity years, must have passed during the preceding ‘ ,
year 3/4, and during the preceding semester or quarter, 3/5 of the Jim
proportionate percentage of hours required for graduation in the course ”
in which he is registered. Under the old rule he was required to do 12
hours work with passing grade and a standing of 1.0.

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It will therefore be seen thatthe old question of what is meant ,’ ‘ E
by "passing” is thus raised again, and that the definition of ”passing" 3 i}: 7?
4 uniformly in Southeastern Conference colleges is a grade even as low ', 2 7!

as D; hence it follows that a student might complete his four years in
c011ege, meet every requirement of eligibility imposed by the association,
and still not have met the point requirements of some member colleges ‘ {
required for graduation. Of course, this is by no means an ideal

situation and will certainly, from time to time, press for modification

by the conferences Nevertheless, it does take a step in the direction

0f making all members more nearly equal in the matter of scholastic

eligibility because, under the old conference rules, a student had to

pass a certain amount of his work in accordance with the eligibility

point rule required for graduation, which this rule does not stress.

This means, to some extent, unquestionably. two separate recognitions

of eligibility: one that Satisfies the requirements of the conference,

and the other which the institutions themselves impose for graduation.

Personnlly, I do not think this is a satisfactory solution, but for the

time being it Will have to suffice.

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Minutes of the University Senate a April 17, 1933

On a second reading of the registrar‘s notice, I took it that he
also desired me to make some report upon conditions in local athletics.
This report must of necessity be incomplete, because we are in the midst
of the athletic year with track meetings and other athletic events yet to
be decided, and with our financial status effected by that unfinished
progrmn. In a general way, however, I should like to say that this has
been a some hat stormy year in athletics upon this campus. Certain elements
of students on the campus inspired by outsiders, having taken umbrage at
certain methods employed by the head coach, took steps to bring about a
severance of relations between the athletic association and the head coach.
Discussion of these conditions brought om many unpleasant and unhappy
passages of crimination and recrimination which, when thrashed out by
bodies designated by the President to handle them, fortunately were shown
to have had insufficient cause for action. An examination indeed of the
athletic finances of this institution showed all funds properly accounted
for, not only for the Current year, but going back over a period of a
number of years, as disclosed by reports of Chicago and other auditing
associationSo The athletic year of 1932 found the Athletic Association
with a deficit of approximately $8,500.00. It became necessary to
borrow money in midesummer to carry on throughout the fall season- This
money was readily obtained from a local bank by your Athletic Council,
and promptly paid upon the maturity of the 3 months” note upon which it
ias borrowed. On account of reduced gate receipts throughout the foot”
ball season of 1932, which Was far below what we had estimated they would
be, we will likely find ourselves with another deficit the forthcoming
summer, necessitating the borrowing again of what we estimate now will
amount to approximately $l0,000.00. We have, however, an admirable
schedule arranged for next fall and we are counting upon that again to
pull us out of the hole, so to sneak, financially. It is interesting
to note in this connection that virtually every college athletic
association in America, with the exception of those upon the western
coast, suffered proportionately with us, and in many instances were
harder hit than we were. With our schedule for the forthcoming fall we
are hoping to open the gates to larger gatherings and thus take care of
our deficit.

Finally, two other incidents occurred during the football season
and basket ball season that were both annoying and alarming. For the
first time during my connection of 14 years with the Athletic Council,
not only were the fences smashed and gates broken by roystering crowds,
who broke into football games, but similar conduct ensued on the
occasion of the Ohio State basketball game, when, after the doors were
closed and the customary announcement made that no more people could be
seated, the doors were smashed and again the roystering crowd overran
our barrierSo I take it that the outstanding contributing cause to this
unhappy condition was the serious depression which made it impossible for
many to attend the games and pay their entrance fee. I leave this brief
report with yomr.

Enoch Grehan
Chairman, Athletic Council










Minutes of the University Senate « April 17, 1933

Following Professor Grehan“s report, firesident McVey stated that a

faculty committee would be appointed to have charge of all scholarships and
that financial assistance given to athletes in the future would be made a
matter of record; that if a person is an athlete he should not be

discriminated against, and the committee would have charge of all financial
assistance given to students.

The following report from the Arts and Sciences College regarding
comprehensive examinations was presented by Dean Boyd:

”The departments of Anatomy and Physiology, Ancient Languages,
Geology, Mathematics and Astronomy, Philosophy, Physics, Zoology, believe
that the introduction of compulsory comprehensive examinations for their
senior majors to supplement the present requirements for graduation will
result in better direction and stimulus to the student and make possible
a more unified and more vital grasp of the field, and will tend to im»
prove the methods of teaching for uppermdivision sutdents. They believe
that they can carry on, without increased cost, a sufficient amount of
tutorial direction and seminar work in preparation for the examinations
to insure success for the projects

It is requested therefore that these departments be allowed to
require comprehensive examinations of all their major students as partial
requirement for graduation- They desire to enter upon this project in the
spirit of experimentation, assuring the faculty that if, after a reason»
able trial, they find their hopes unfounded and their results unsatis«
factory and their resources too limited for the task, they will not
hesitate to ask its abandonment-

While they believe that considerable autonomy whould be given to
the various departments. they propose the following general provisions
for all:

1. The examinations will first be required at the end of the
second semester of 1933e34a

2. Each major student is to be assigned to an adviser at the
beginning of his junior year« The adviser will, during his
junior year, if the department elects, meet him in conference
weekly, discuss his current work, assign outside work for
study and report at the next conference, paying particular
attention to matters of review and supplementary material
designed to fill in gaps inthe student's course—work, and to
relate the major work to other subjects of the concentration

3. For the tutorial work done with his adviser in the junior
year, the student will be eligible to one credit Der semester.
A student entering the college later in his course will be

excused from the preceding tutorial requirements.



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the University Senate ~ April 17, 1933
4. During the senior year the advisory direction of the student
will take the form of independent work courses, conferences
or seminars carrying from one to three credits per semester.
All of this work will be designed to encourage in the student
an intensive pursuit of some chosen tonic and a reasonable All
adequate coordination of the brances in his field of knowledge.
A senior may° at the discretion of the instructor, be excused
from the final examinations in his last semester courses in
order to have more time to prepare for the comprehensive
















5. A committee will be appointed to make a continuous study of
.the types of examination used and to advise the Various departments A g
in the formulation of their examinations. It is realized that the dep
‘ examination must be something different from the ordinary course ‘ the
3_ examinations. / Dea
i wer
It 6. The examinations will be written for the most Dart, although it]
‘fi‘ oral examinations may be added at the discretion of the department. to
”‘ The
74L: 7. At the start, departmental examiners will be used. Later, 0f
‘ f however, examiners may be brought in from other institutions if . not
1- t up“:‘ Y the department so desires.
” H Id?“ "i 8~ Passing in the comprehensive examination will be a prerequisite Sen
t for graduation for majors in these departments- On the basis con
I of the student's record and his performance in the cemprehensive
M examination, he may be graduated with special departmental honors.
i If the student fails to graduate because of failure in the
+4 examination, he may be given another examination when the departa
. i . ment is convinced that he has made sufficient additional preparation. Th
| ‘l v e
,J 9. The total time given to the examination will be not less than 4
four hours. Ann
be I
10. Special courses, Tutorial Work in the subject, open only to at
departmental undergraduate majors, will be asked for to take
care of the credits allowed for the conference feature. Ann
The Faculty also asks fer approval of the following tutorial courses, but
called for bv the above plan:
‘ Mathematics and Astronomy 16a,b,c.d, Tutorial Work in Mathematics. beh
One credit per semester. big
fohysics 15a,b,c,d. Tutorial Work 33 Physics. One credit per semester0




Ancient Languages lBan. Tutorial Worklin Ancient Language . One
credit per semester.







Minutes of the University Seante - April 17, 1933

\ .
'Eéfilgsophy 35a,_bo Tutorial Egrg in Philosgghy. One credit per
semester. .

All of these courses are described as follows:

weekly conferences with major students, reports on assigned
readings inpreparation for the comprehensive examination.
Only open to junior and senior major students. One credit
per semester."

A general discussion followed. Some advocated the principle that all
departments should be required to adopt the same policy. Some expressed
the fear that it would militate against students from other colleges-

Dean Boyd explained that some departments were favorable to it and some
were not, and that they are introducing it as an experiment. He thought
it more satisfactory to have the departments that are interested in it

to make the first experiment. A motion was made to vote by closed ballot.
The motion was lost. Another motion weevmade to refer it to the College
of Arts and Sciences faculty for further consideration, was lost. The
motion was approved as first presented by a majority vote.

The Acting Dean of the Graduate School presented for approval of the
Senate, a recommendation that an honorary degree, Doctor of Laws, be
conferred on the followings

H. L. Donovan, President Eastern State Teachers College Richmond
J. He Payne " Morehead State Teachers College Morehead
James Richmond, Superintendent of Public Instruction ‘ Frankfort

The motion was approved.

Announcements were made that the alumni reception at the K. E. A. would
be at the Brown Hotel, also the local alumni would have a dinner at 6:30
at the Brown.

Announcement was made of the opening of the Women's Building, Wednesday
afternoon. An invitation was extended to the faculty to visit the
building at this time. ~

President McVey asked the faculty to cooperate with a study that is
being made by the Brookings Institute of Economics by filling out the
blanks submitted by the institution.

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