xt7bnz80p64b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bnz80p64b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2001-03-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 28, 2001 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 28, 2001 2001 2001-03-28 2020 true xt7bnz80p64b section xt7bnz80p64b Life

When good
times go



"0 WWW
Or media
coverage for
Spartans, Will
Messer tells us


During the course of every
day. bad things happen
to good people. I've
noticed these things
throughout my life,
and now when I look
back at them. or hear
other people's similar
stories. I almost can't
help but laugh. Let me
relate several of the
”Good Times Gone
Bad" stories I know.

While playing wiffle ball as
a young child, I
watched as my friends
tormented the
neighboring girl by
kicking the ball from
her. The girl became
very frustrated and
took a swing at the
ball with the bat. My
friend, at this very
same instant reaches
down to pick it up so
she wouldn't get it and
CLOCK! She drilled him
with the bat. He got
caught across the face
and hand and was laid
flat on his back. It took
a good two months for
his broken finger to
heal - his fear of
women and wiffle ball
bats still lingers.

Everyone has, at one time
or another, called
"shotgun" in an
attempt to avoid
incarceration in the
back seat of a small
car. While l was with a
group of friends at the
mall one guy decided
to call shotgun as we
were leaving (Note:
shotgun must be called
outside). Therefore, a
mad dash through the


mall ensued. We fought
one another through
the doors and we burst
outside. All of us
frantically screamed
"SHOTGUN" in a panic.
One lady who was
about to enter the mall
screamed and began
crying. Each slowly
realized that the
impression given was

March 28, 2001


iiictt tottECEit | PHOTO EDITOR

Kim Mizuno, a contributing photographer for Playboy, shoots polaroids of a prospective UK model for a special edition
of the magazine, Girls of the Southeastern Conference, slated to be released in August.

Competition: More than 50 show up for try-out

By Tracy Kershaw

The tall blond hesitated before
taking off the plush white rope.

“I've got little boobs. does that .1” g“
matter?" she asked I’lrri'hoy pho-
tographer Kim Mizuno. He tells


several l’oloraid photographs.

Stephanie Rauch. a 21 year-old
journalism junior
hopefuls. said posing for I‘lriylmi' is
always wanted to
her friends

something she‘s

boyfriend told her
would be in town. she knew it was

Asian. she said.

(the student hoping she has
that look is sophomore Kristen

"It's something interesting to
say about my life." she said "Anti
a little flattering. too."

(tut in the lialiway. ital
.lankowski waited on his best
friend who was inside for the try
outs. .lankowski thinks much of

and one of the

the maga7ine


not of stupid guys but
rather of an armed
robbery or hostage
situation. Oops!

Bike riding, while fun, can
be hazardous. While
trying out his new
bike, a friend (who
shall remain nameless)
was forced to come to
a sudden stop by a car
while crossing the
street. The car came
around the corner; he
locked up his front
brakes and proceeded
to cartwheel over the
handlebars into the
street. This situation
was made even funnier
by how clumsy he was
to begin with and the
large group of cute
girls across the way

her it‘s fine. and shuts the door so
the photo shoot can begin.

In the other room of suite lfilz
in downtown‘s Hyatt Regency. four
ITK students are waiting for their
turn in front of the camera. It will
only be a few shots with a [’07
laroid. but the pictures will deter
mine who will represent the school
in Playboy‘s Girls of the Southeast
em Conference pictorial.

Most seemed nervous. thumb
iiig through the special college edi
tions on display or making small
talk with t‘ynthia Kaye. the photo
production coordinator whom
oversees makeup. hair and
wardrobe for models

Mizuno said eyei’y woman he
shoots comes in iieryous

'They ie all a little iiitiiiiid it
ed." he said

Playboy could choose around
If) women from the so or on [K stu»
dents who tried out on Tuesday

something she had to try.

"It‘s a college experience." she
said. “It only comes around once in
a long time."

Ranch. who said she is coin-
foitablc with herself and her body.
thinks any female who has that
confidence should not be criticized
for posing nude.

"Who ever gets it should be ap
plauded for being coiiifor‘table with
herself." she said.

Earlier that day. Rauch's ad,
yiser mentioned that some employ
ers might not approve of her being
in I ’lui boy. “If they want to judge
riiy credibility. they should look at
my work. not what I do in my
spare time." she said.

Today the staff will review the
photos and could choose to do a
shoot in Lexington. perhaps at a
fraternity house with some of the
fraternity me mbt rs in the pho
tographsk aye said. They ll try to
of looks from the

the criticism is unfounded.

”She‘s not any less ofa person
because she‘d rloing this." he said.
“This doesn't make her stupid.
She‘s a biology major."

who saw it began
laughing. I doubt his
pride will ever be
intact again (at least
not as long as | tell
the story).

It may be serious at the
time, but there will
always be stories that
get better with age.

-Jared Whalen


i= .T‘mi: V


5.5 4.?

Rain, it is always

VOL. 38106 ISSUE 8125


News tips ’

Call: 257-1915 or write:


and Wednesday. Each posed in a
swimsuit or bra and panties for

get a vaiitty
school. blond.


brunette. black and

BSU dissents from GPAC with Ochse

'Close': Platform made the difference



lfthe Greek Political Action (‘ominittee is judge
and jury in Student Govei‘niiient elections. then the
Black Student l'iiion has given its dissenting opinion

After a spirited debate. the BSI.’ endorsed Alyshia
Ochse and Josh Walton Tuesday evening as its choice
for SGA president and yice president.

"We are definitely excited." ()clise said

She noted that the timing oftlie endorsement was
peifect with SGA elections beginning today

“lt shows our desire to work with everybody on
campus." Walton added.

A platform centered on a grassrrmts approach to
fostering student involvement in SGA decision-making
appeared to make the difference with RSI' members

Following timed iiitiwluctions. the candidates
were given one minute to respond to questions asked
by students in the audience

At the outset of the debate. the candidates e\r
plained their stances on traditional issues. such as on
proving communication within \‘GA and with I'K stu
dents in general

However. student questions soon shifted the focus
to more specific topics. such as the allocation of scarce
budget funds. affirmative action. and relations with

black student organirations.

Each candidate expressed support for the preser-
vation of affirmative action programs related to edu-
cation. as well as a commitment to establishing quali
ty relationships with student organi7ations.

Overall. the, candidates were pleased with the de-
bate. and viewed it as a learning experience.

()chse was impressed with the format of the de-
bate. in particular the strict time schedule. which she
felt made candidates speak more candidly.

Vice presidential candidate Chris Schwartz said
he felt the debate gave light to new or perhaps forgot
ten issues.

One such issue. relations between historically
black and historically white Greek organi7ations. is
something that needs to be addressed. Schwartz said.

“I'm Greek. and (the debate) is a good reminder
that we need to come together. and not just for com-
munity service." he said.

Many candidates expressed surprise when a stu-
dent mentioned that no historically black Greek orga-
nization has a house on campus.

“It seems to be a big problem." said presidential
candidate Tim Robinson. “it's like the I'niversity has
put the NI'BIAN council at the back of the line."

Following the debate. 881' members engaged in a
rather lengthy deliberation before returning with
their endorsement.

"It was close." said BSI,’ President Keisha Carter.
“but we feel we made the best choice given what We
know about the candidates "

tips his hat to
Robinson ticket

lawyer Gate-
wood Galbraith
talks with a
student outside
the Student
Center on
Tuesday after-
noon. Galbraith
endorsed the
ticket for the
SGA election.



Here's to you: Galbraith said he was
impressed by candidate's platform, campaign

81"?“ Boxiey


Donning the wide briinined hat that has become his trade-
mark. (iatewood Galbraith gave his Student Government Asso-
ciation presidential candidate endorsement Tuesday afternoon
at the Free Speech Area. The ticket that now has the backing
of Galbraith is that of’l‘im Robinson and (‘aroline llarralson.

According to 'l‘.l Litafik. Galbraith's former congressional
race campaign manager. Galbraith has a long history with I'K
and he is very concerned with students' rights l.itafik said
that Galbraith was a student at ITK during the Vietnam War
when protesting was at its height l.itafik went on to assure
that Galbraith's support was not politically motivated

“He‘s (Galbraith) not here to promote Gait-wood. he‘s here
because there is one particular ticket that could best represent
all of IIK.” Litafik said. Litafik also noted the symbolism be?
hind speaking at the Free Speech Area because students' free
speech is an issue that Galbraith holds dear.

Another issue that Galbraith spoke on was parking.

"That (parking) was a problem back in the ‘60s when l was
in college. and they haven't fixed it yet."

Gatewood Galbraith was very blunt about the ticket he is
now endorsing.

“It looks like a darn good choice to me." Galbraith said.
Galbraith said when he was speaking to Robinson about en»
dorsing the Robinson Harralson ticket. he was impressed with
the. intelligence of Robinson. As for the ticket in general. Gal-
braith said that he was impressed with the group‘s coalition.
one that includes 1.3 at large and 28 total senators. their focus
and their commitment to the race.

"I didn‘t have as good a structure for my campaign for con
gress as this campaign has." Galbraith said. “I just like what
they stand for. and I‘m here to give my endorsement."

Eric Mills. a first year UK law student and the communi
cations director for Robinson and Harralson. said the candi
dates did not focus on one group in general on campus.

“We are a platform for all students." Mills said.

Tim Robinson. a secondyear [TK law student and SGA
presidential candidate. said Galbraith and he met through a
mutual friend w ho noticed similarities to their respective plat

Robinson‘s platform includes dealing with reform in legal
services, problems with landlords not respecting students', es-
pecially foreign students'. rights. and the police coming down
on students unfairly Am-ording to Robinson. his platform has
one main goal, unity.

"Bringing people together is the. most important thing."
Robinson said.


by“ om“-
nooihghz.‘ M. hem-




l I mmancunzooi I mm



The Low-down

At least eight dead from train collision

I’h2(‘R()T. Belgium A crowded commuter
train slammed head on into an empty locomotive
Tuesday in central Belgium. killing at least eight
people and seriously injuring at least eight. The
death toll was expected to rise as workers cut

into the carriages that were turned into a pile of

twisted metal. News repons put the death toll as
high as 12. (me of the trains was empty and the
other was crowded with rushliour passengers
when they collided near the village of Pecrot.
said Leen llyterhoeven. spokeswoman for the na-
tional SNt‘B NMBS rail company. The accident
occurred at 8:45 am. about 16 miles east of Iirus»

sets on the line between the university towns of

Leuven and l.ouvaiii-la-Neiive,

President lays out economic vision

BILLINGS. Mont. President Bush was of-
fering a cautiously optimistic assessment of the
economy Tuesday. calling it "winded. but funda
mentally strong" and contending that his poli
cies on education. energy and free trade were
critical for its continued health. Bush was sharp»
ening his arguments for his package of tax cuts
and restrained federal spending in a state‘ofthe-
economy address in Kalamazoo. Mich. The
sweeping overview was designed to spell out
what the president views as the economy's
strengths and weaknesses. and make the case for
his tax cut proposals. Bush was also reminding
the nation anew that the economy began to cool
before he took office. Bush's has proposed to
year. $1.6 trillion tax reduction. In recent days.
the White House has signaled willingness to
make the income tax components retroactive to
swiftly pump up the economy.

I wasn’t
It’s not
like I
fickle. ”

- Tiger
to reporters,
after ending
his so-cailed
slump (and
picking up a
$1.08 million
check) at the

Regulators consider increasing rates

SAN FRANCISCO California‘s top energy
regulator is considering raising rates by almost
50 percent to send a message to "electricity hogs"
to ease up on power usage. Ratepayers have la
beled the plan a "rip-off“ that would bit it) mil
lion homes and businesses fighting to stay cool
amid rolling blackouts and spiraling energy
costs The higher rates could be in effect as early
as 'l‘uesday‘. after the Public Utilities (‘ommis
sioii hears its president's plan to raise prices by
an average of :1 cents per kilowatt hour


West pressures Macedonia, rebels

TE'I‘UVU. Macedonia The European
l'nioii‘s security chief on Tuesday i‘eaftiriiied his
push for a peaceful solution to end {\lacedonia's
ethnic Albanian insurgency. urging the rebels to
let the political process run its course. "You have
to achieve a solution to these problems not by


\(' \I)I-‘\1l(‘ \ F \R 200l~2002
I-tll iiitsPRiM.
Ina .ii ’ix‘l \l is \l\iiil<\ -illlllll§‘ that they had crashed in the
mountainous terrain. oflicials said.

Train heads for German dump

I).1\NNI{NBICRG. Germany Protesters try-
ing to obstruct a nuclear waste shipment Tues-
day attached themselves to a rail bridge over a
river as the transport rumbled through Germany
in the first such shipment in four years. Police in
rubber boats tried to persuade the roughly half-
dozen Greenpeace activists who were dangling
by ropes from the underside of the bridge to
come down, The bridge is about 15 miles from the
Gorleben nuclear waste dump in northern Ger
many where the Hilton waste shipment was head-
ed. About an more activists took to the river in
boats. li‘our police Iielicopters hovered overhead.
The train crossed into southwestern Germany
from France late Monday. delayed by about an
hour by small groups ofdemonstrators who were
cleared from the tracks by police.

Man charged with murder

PIKEVILLE. Ky. A man was charged murr
der after allegedly causing a two-car collision
that resulted in the deaths of a pregnant woman
and her unborn baby. authorities said. (‘harles
(‘hristopher Morris. 28. of Zebulon. was arrested
by Kentucky State Police Wednesday, He was
lodged in the Pike (‘ounty Detention (‘enter. por
lice said, \‘eroiiica 'l‘hornsbury. 22. of Kiinper.
and her unborn child died Sunday afternoon in
tli ‘ wreck on I'.S. 119 near Buckley (‘reek. state
police saiil.

Compiled from wire reports.





Conference back
for third year

Take a look: Women's Studies Conference
to address the topic of gendered violence

By Jenny Macklewicz

They're back.

And this time the issue
they are tackling is gendered

The Women's Studies
Graduate Student Conference
will make its third appearance
this year on the UK spring
agenda. with women as the fo-
cus and diversity as the key.

Women‘s Studies. in coop-
eration with several other de-
partments on campus. has
planned the upcoming confer-
ence based on the topic “Gen-
dered Violence: Epistemolo-
gies and Practices."

The purpose of this confer-
ence is to promote campus
unity under a common goal by
binding together the interest
of learning and growing in
ideas. The promoters hope. to
receive attention from UK as a
learning community with par-
ticipants from across depart
mental and organizational

“This really is a global
conference and is such a great
forum for constructing an in-
teractive dialogue on gendered
violence here at UK." said
Sara Sahni. an English senior
and vice president of the UK
Feminist Alliance.

Scheduled sessions range
from “Dangerous Women:
Witches. Masochists and Les—
bian ‘Killer Males'." to a work-
shop arranged by the founder
of the Men for Gender Justice.
Rus Hrvin Punk. entitled “(‘re-
ating a (‘oordinated (‘ampus
(‘onimunity Response to
Men‘s Violence".

The talks will surround a
wide array of subjects based
on a foundation of violence
against women. The topics of
discussion include technology.

environmental degradation.
hate crimes. prisons. science.
poverty. violent media. dis-
courses and representations
and a montage of others all as»
sociated with gendered vio-

Also making an appear
ance at this year‘s conference
is Geeta Patel, from the
Women's Studies Department
at Wellesley College. Patel has
been on staff at Wellesley
since 1994. when she left the
University of Iowa. The focus
of her research is sexuality
and colonialism in South Asia.
as expounded in her new book
Lyrical Movements. Historical
Huntings: ()n Gender. Colo-
nialism and Desire in Miraji‘s
Urdu Poetry. She will deliver
the keynote address. “Mark-
ing ‘The Quilt‘: Veil,
Harem/Home. and Sexual
Subversion Within Them“.

Kristi Branham. a graduate
student in Women‘s studies and
the chair of the conference or-
ganizing the committee. is ex-
cited about the high standards
the program promises to meet.
She said she hopes this pro
gram will “increase awareness
of gendered violence. to expand
our worldviews. to provide a
comfortable space for students
to explore ideas and share re-
search and to bring recognition
to the University. its programs
and its departments."


The third annual Graduate
Student Conference takes place
this weekend. This year's
theme is Gendered Violence:
Epistemologies and Practices.
The event is sponsored by the
Women's Studies Program. For
a complete list of the events see
pag * 5.

See WOMEN on 5





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F02 me 55COND 5T2A16UT YEAR



oxptm April w, 2001
must be original copy

LEX‘INéTON, CH 00503




DVD means movies

Hi tech


Bridging the gap between home entertainment and personal computing is the new Panasonic own-£10 DVD
recorder, which records onto a removable DVD-RAM disk. Key benefits oi this iirst-oi-its-kind product include
high-resolution video quality, superb audio quality, iast random access memory. enormous storage capability.
rewritability and playback oi DVD video discs, DVD-RAM discs and video and audio (:05.

Giving another look: New DVD features are looking more and more
like the future with deleted scenes, outakes and special features

By Patrick Avery

ASSiSiiNi stint Hilton

Home theater crossed into
the new millennium along with
the rest oftlie world by moving
DVD itito the mainstream. DVD.
a far superior way of watching
movies at home. has recentlv be
come more affordable to the av
erage movie audience

Since money is not an ob
.lect. more people .‘ll‘t‘ snatching
up the discs and spending hours
searching through the endless
number ofspecial features an
dio commentaries and behind
the‘scenes documentaries for ev

Here are some of the best
looking DVDs available now.

- Magnolia: New Line
Platinum Series: Love it or
hate it. this movie is an epic
treasure. The disc contains the
best behind thesceiies docunien
tary out right now and some
great Tom (‘ruise outtakes

. Seren: New Line Plot
inum Series: David l‘dlit‘lii‘l‘K

best tiiovie shines in this in
credible twodisc D\'D pack
age. ()ne of four audio coinr
inetitaries include David
lt‘incher. lirad Pitt and Morgan
Hawaiian going over the ends
and outs of the entire movie.
clearly made better liy the fact
they have had several years to
tliitik over one of the most gris
l\ serial killer movies of today.
()tlier goodies included the
original ending

- The Last ”I'emptation of

Christ: Criterion Collection :
.\ Martin Scorcese masterpiece
I‘s brought to life by an audio
commentary by Scorcese and
star Willem lialt‘oe. Scoi‘cese's‘
passion for this project shines
in this Criterion disc that also
includes aii interview with l’e

ter (iabriel. the composer of

the movie's score.

- Rushmore: Criterion
Collection: This film. starring
Bill Murray. was a treat for the
few that caught it on the big
st‘t‘eeti lillt it has i'tii'ey'et‘
foittid a home with this DVD.


The greatest pleasure of this
disc is the fictional plays the
main character puts on duritig
the film. and the disc captures
each and every one of those at
full length.

- Chasing Amy: Criterion
Collection. Arguably Kevin
Smith's greatest filtii. Den .-\f
Deck and Jason Lee star iii a
film that is truly blessed by
t‘riterion's DVD treatment
The outtakes and deleted
\ceiies are introduced by
Smith and the crew and are
iiist as entertaining as the
\t‘t‘lll‘\ llit‘liifs't‘lVi‘s

- Do the Right ’I‘hing:
Criterion Collection: This re
centlv released two-disc set is
best described as incredible.
The film quality has never
been better and the endless ex
tras llit‘ltlllt' footage of the first
readtlirongh and the music
video of Public l‘liieiiiy‘s “Fight
the I‘ower "

When you have these in
your collection. you can't

Home theaters make the jump
into digital age with both feet

Make it yours: Home theaters,
while expensive, are attainable

DywAlan Slope

You're starving. You haven't had money
for soap. lautidry detergent or copies for your
classes in weeks. You didn't buy books. and
you can't put gas in your car. much less pay
the insurance.

But at least you have a sweet DVD player
and surround sound system iii your room.

"Surround sound receivers are really hot
right now.” says Stephen Melvin. a home the-
ater designer for (Motion of Lexington. Sur»
round sound. along with affordable DVD tech
nology. has brought the eyperience of the big
screen itito the living rooms of families (and
college students) everywhere.

lti the last couple of years Digital Video
Discs have pushed their way itito the main
stream of home electronics (lone are the days
of VCRs screwing up tapes and tracking poorly

nevertiiind lessthan perfect audio

Melvin. a former l'lv’ student. suggests
that people start out piecing together systems
instead of buying every thing at once.

According to Melvin. a complete system
including a DVD player. surround sound re
ceiver. six speakers and all the cabling can
run you between $1.700 and $3.000. not llit'lllll
ing a TV.

Why surround sound and DVDs" Sur
round sound systems. such as laicasfihn‘s
THX or Dolby. are exactly what brings the

Sony now otters 53- and 61-inch ill-Scan
ioooi raar-prolaction televisions to display
nrsc programming that approaches high-
deilnltlon. plus the ability to display high-
daiinltion broadcasts when paired with a
digital set-top box with HD component
inputs. Now shipping, the KP-53Il5i0 and
liP-GlliSlD (pictured) Incorporates the lat-
est generation oi Digital Reality Creation
technology. which converts analog signals
to near-high definition quality, resulting in
clean. vibrant images. the KP-53llSiD and
KP-dlllSlo sells ior about $3.200 and
83,700 respectively.

theater experience into the home. The tech
nology behind these audio formats (previous-
ly only used in theaters) is what takes advan-
tage of DVDs , the digital encoding is an ex-
act copy of what was recorded in the studio.
Analog tapes like VHS allow for tape speed
and wear on the tape heads. creating inferior
sound and picture quality.

What if you’re looking for a TV? The two
hottest ’l‘Vs right now, according to Melvin.
are High Definition and Plasma Flat Screen.
Another new entertainment toy to join the
digital revolution, HDTV’s uses are somewhat
limited currently. While DVDs and other
recorded forms are able to take advantage of
its crisper images, the only broadcasts that
are ill) in the Lexington area are those from a
lioiite satellite provider. such as DirecTV or
l’riiiiestar. Most everyone in the local broad-
cast arena. however. will come “online” with-
in the next few years. And. with the prices in
the multiple thousands. HDTV is usually out
of the grasp of most college students.

As for Plasma Flat Screen TVs. the appeal
is sliearly in their size. Ranging from three to
six inches thick. these TVs can be tnounted
anywhere from a wall to a ceiling, While
looking cool. nothing is cool about their price
tag almost $10000 a set. again putting this
technological getn outside altnost every col-
lege student's grasp.

So. if you‘re wanting either a movie the
ater experience without having to shell out
six bucks every time. or just want to impress
your neighbors. DVD and surround sound is
the way to go. Just leave yourself enough
money to buy a few good movies instead of
being left with Ernest ( ,‘ocs 'I'o Camp.





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