xt7bnz80p19h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bnz80p19h/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1930 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, October 1930 Vol.2 No.9 text The Kentucky Press, October 1930 Vol.2 No.9 1930 1930 2019 true xt7bnz80p19h section xt7bnz80p19h - .1 “ 1
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E LEE; 1 Page Two THE KENTUCKY PRESS October, 1930
3,915,: 11:“; - " ‘
‘ :1' 1E: ' . ‘ .
1.51:".1: ‘ E" crooks. Wrong again. One of the
5 351.9 EE .
E, EE T H E K E N T U C K Y P R E S S chief purposes is the protection of
1 1 EE‘ ‘ honest men. If a publisher deliberate-
13,11,211; :111: 1 _.____———————-— -. -. '
‘1; {g ; . . . , ' ' 1y falsefies his Circulation statements,
‘1 EE; , Official Publication of the Kentucky Press Assoc1at10n if he knows he has an undesirable list, 1
1.1.3,, 111 , . . - . ~
5. EE 1 1 ‘ ~ VICTOR. R. PORTMANN, Editor—m-Chxef he W111 have an audit. Yet he is able ,
EE {‘1‘ ‘E FRANCES L. HOLLIDAY, Assistant to compete successfully with other non-
EEE EEEE ———————"— _ audited papers. The audit provides a
E 1 1 “ Published by the Department of Journalism, University of Kentucky, Lexmgton means for honest men to successfully ,
1 {EE‘ E “E Printed by The Kernel Press meet such competition. The time has
'E E E E not yet arrived for general condemna-
E N E ‘ Application Pending for Entry as Second Class Matter tion of non-audited papers. Itt must

‘ E 1E! E: .___i__g l_._ "was1——~——w—-—i-—v~-——# —7* not be done. Too many hones pu —
E 5E EE V—#—— PRESS ASSOCIATION OFFICERS lishers are not yet convinced of the
' E :E‘EE HERNDON J. EVANS, Pineville Sun, President value of auditing. Their hesitation and 1
EWIEELE 79“: ‘11E E er-Times, Vice-President opinions must be respected. The ser—
? EEEEE'E EREE . JOE T' LOVETT’ ENE”); lacedindent Chm Exec. Committee vice is not yet general enough to be

I :‘HE'E m “E J6EE JAMES T' NORRIS, AS an n p ’ I . is 'oin' to come, though, when lack

‘ "E‘ "‘ ‘ ' S cretary-Treasurei g g

E 1“, ETEE J. corms ALCOCK1DaanIe Messenger, 6 #1! is going to 0.0m though; whe lack 7
EEiiE? ME :11! E F‘ ’ .__. ‘ Of an audit will become a handicap. ,
E EEEE E7 El 1 E Twenty-three states are already taking
EEEVEEK: ‘E. E ‘ , {E a practical interest in auditing. All 1:3,
EH31»; E‘E if :3 MEMBER amt? . 3,. . l 30 the states will fall in line. The ser- E
;;EE;-,;‘1 LEE 1.61:, W Memberli‘ “1'3;— 9 vice will become available to all who .’
" " ‘ ‘ -._ -‘ 71...... . . . . . .
V‘ E EEEE E. 5E' M “E . ' ' desue it. This Isnt all gomg to be E
1E3. :- E 6 K TUCKY PRES W done gum, patience, persistence, ;
E "E E E‘ E E educational work, showing of results,
EEEEEEEE E E E E ASSOCIATION ‘ ' are all necessary. We have set aside a .
E E E E ‘E E E ORGANIZED “NM” H” special department for this subject. We

' E EEEE E E E E E E firW propose to make circulation audits, and E.
EEEEE :EE - ‘- PROGRAM COMMITTEE MEETS sell‘. You will not buy merchandise circulation area surveys major activi- ;
E5 1E“ :5; E EE "“ 1 7 —-—-— S t Al without a chance to know something “921.0; thisdirliagatzme.—The U-— s- ;
.2ii: 11' 1 11:. 1N President Evans and ecre ary - , Pu 15 e1" an rin er. ,
[E 3 EE E: ‘ E15 cock met with Professors Grehan and 3130‘“ It How can youlask anyone to
{121' 35': 1. E“ 1‘ , E Portman at the university as the com- buy what you sell pure y upon specu— . . 9 . _ 11 .

. LE EEEEE ' f ‘ mittee in charge of the mid—Winter lation? If you do not have a detailed anFi‘II::l’P:1EE;E;CI:EItEIeZ légfifiat: 1:163» 31(3)};
EEEEEEEEEE E 1’ ‘ E meeting and editors’ short course and survey of your territory, make one. If advertising and the only man who can
Ei ”1E. outlined the program for the January you do not feel competent to make a decide the difference is the editor him- ‘
E EEE' EE '1 meeting m Lexmgtonn survey, or haven’t the time, then em- self_ 1
1: :Eu‘ E1; ‘ ‘ The dates set are Friday and Satur- 1 t k 't f * * ;
:.111‘ 11:; EE 1 day January 30-31, and an instructive ploy a capab e person 0 ma e E 91'
E! E‘E’E EEEE EE V and, interesting program has been out- you. After It IS Once made, print It It is unsafe to depend upon general-
E1 SEE EH E 3 l 'lined. Headliners at the meeting will and use it. Revise it from time to izations in the interpretation of postal
E1 EEE -:E 3‘13 61, be Herman Roe, Northfield, Minn, time. Keep it up to date. This is one rules and regulations pertaining to 101;-
; E: 1E E E field director for the National Editor- of the subjects we are going to harp teries. The only safe thing to do, un-
i E E H E E E111 is???”ngitvg’éc‘g‘uegggfi 310$? upon a lot. When you get your sur- less the situation is so plain that there
1 31:1; 1: ‘: 11‘ 1 ia ep 1a, 6 - . . ‘ .
E EEEEEEH E E E‘ E culation' audits and newspaper admin— vey completed, send thls ofiice a COPY‘ fiant be tho posliligliincgicrilme $3; 5:32:11 17;:
‘1? E. E: E3 E istratidn. =1: 9.: =:: :1: Is 0 ge an
E EE ? Eli E The complete program will be pub- How many subscribers have you; how department. One cannot rely upon E
E" EEEEE-‘EE ‘ 1E lished in the November Press. Inv1ta— many delinquents, how many free opinions given by postmasters. 'They 1.
It .jE'E El E “0115. Will be sent. to Everytfegtufifi copies, What territory do you cover, do have no authority to express opinions
E ELF-Ea EE E pub]? her $113211 Edggggfisgs ain‘trelresting you actually cover it, is your list mak- 01' interpretations; few are competent to
E LEM ,‘11 .E i glee; 1:551 that will aid every editor in ing or losing money? These are some do so. The general rule isthat if the
‘E EEG , E1 E E his business! The committee hopes of the questions a circulation audit an— element of chance. enters into a pro“
1 E H1|“. QEE E that every editor in the state can be swers, or helps answer. You may be ject In any way It comes under'the
E. .EgEE. ‘ E E present. putting fifteen hundred papers in the law and connot be legally . mailed.
E. EEE~ E: E e a a s.- :3: mail when only eight hundred of them Chances may appear to be given ab-
NEE-313' |1E What do you know about the terri— are of any actual value to you. Every solutely free, but the element of con- .
‘ E EEEE E E E , ”Cory in which your paper circulates? paper that does not add strength to a Sideration always enters some. plafie.
E: EE‘EE : 1. i 1 Con you give a prospective advertiser list is so much loss. There may be - If one does no more than write 1:15 .
E It 'EEEE; E E. E definite, concrete information that will weak Spots in your coverage. An audit name on a card, or enter a store (g E
E E EEtEi‘B" E E ‘ make it possible for him to decide helps find them. One man added 115 give his name to a clerk, such an ac E.
E 1 ,EEEE‘ : EE 1 Whether or not it isto his advantage new names in a part of his territory is interpreted as a consrderation. Pos- i
E 2’ HE EE ‘ to use your paper? D0 you know the shown by his audit to be weak. An- sibilitiesof Interpretation are endleis- E
EEEEEEE “ EEE ' E average value of farms, the average other man collected more than $800 Uniformity appears to be lmpOSSlb e. E
i ‘ 'EEE 1 EE , 1 value of farm products, the leading from delinquents as a result of having Two men in the department make ’opt- ;
i tEEEEEE E. farm products? Can you supply a cor— them shown up to him by an audit. posite deOISIons onlthe same subjec. ;
E ,hEEEg Eff rect list of retail trade outlets? Try Too many publishers jump to the con— Confusion is unavmdable. Hence thle1 ‘
E Egl‘il; E 515i " to prepare a survey of your territory clusion that the chief aim of an audit only way to be certain is to make eac I
E El ‘E‘ E E? '1: from the information you now have is to help get more national advertis— proposal an indiVidual case, and get a 1‘
E EEEEE: E 1 and the chances are you will be as- ing. The chief value is to the publish- decision upon it alone. If a publisher; ; .
E.» E1171 ‘ EE‘: tonished at your limited knowledge. er himself. National advertising is a has a decision direct from the pasta ‘
E 1§E E? E? i The possibilities of your territory is by-product of circulation auditing. department, then he may safely pro-
l‘ : EEEEE‘EEE E; one of the chief things you have to Many think auditing is to uncover ceed.—Ole Buck.
: 1,11 11: 1 p
:21}. E11211: ‘
. 13': 1125155166 :1 ‘
1111111 1 .1, ' :

E 1': "EMF“- ~ E. 1 E 1
':i. E11151; ,;1 . f
r: ‘ WE’RE E; ' . I:
1,116 . _ ,
‘Enléul’ hi1- .‘ 1 131

1 ,;‘-1~1.‘."11f 1E3. " 1 ‘ 1 , .

«and :1 V,

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,II ‘ ”BI I I
I II I I; :1 ~21 I
I October, 1930 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three 3‘; 3 I II
~ I5 I. II ‘ ‘.
I . f ‘ III I
<2x——, ._..i__.fi..mflimn- Ive—ML ~~—-- —~—————-—~—7ei~~ W~~————————————w I, I 5 a I
, 0 ' Reprinted from the 1930 i3I I II II
lrcu atlon Au its Mm °f NW I I I I
. Editorial Association I ‘ I III
W7___i._..i#m77A,_77_,__7______________® ; :1» I II II
George 0. Leonard, Campbell—Ewald but it does mean that, as compared have in the development of the audit. I II II III
Company, Detroit, Member, Country with three years ago, the situation is There has been a crying need for years 3" I‘ I III
Newspaper Committee, A. A. A. A. most satisfying. The fine co-operation for such a move but the events of the I? I ' I I
Mr. President, Ladies and Gentle- of the country papers, in bringing this past few months have greatly increased ’I" ‘ I: I :I
men: It is a fact that Larry Kelly situation about, is evidence of their the necessity for it. The days of pro- II II II I
’ should have been here but he is so willingness to aid in improving the ma- miscuous haphazard space buying are I ' I I
busy in New York and this was so chinery of newspaper advertising. It is already past. The days Of space pur- i" I I I
I much of a jump that I am pinch hit- evidence, too, that they are willing and chasing on faith and hope instead 0f II ‘ I I II
ting for him. We have been dividing anxious to do those things which will basic facts are fast passing. Although I f: ‘ I II
I' our work. It is a real privilege to be place them in an increasingly favorable I make these assertions mainly from I' ; I ‘1 II
here and see so many people I have position to serve national advertisers. the standpoint of the agency and the .II , I I Ii
met in the various state press meet- And'so we have all made very real national advertisers, I know that to a I 'I I
ings. I am particularly proud to be progress in understanding one anoth- lesser but marked degree the same I. I
here, not as a representative of the er’s problems and in co—operation to 1101515 true 0f local space buying. Keen III ‘ II
7 Campbell-Ewald Company, but rather make our business relationships more competition, reduced profits, high sales I i I
as a representative of the American pleasing and profitable for all concern- eXDenses, have definitely changed the I' I
Association of Advertising Agencies. ed. It was the logical first step and attitude of the buyer 0f advertising I. I I
The things I say—I shall attempt to you are now starting to take another space. He demands to know more def- l g I I I
tell you what the agency thinks—and and even more important step. We re— initely what he is getting for his money I I I I
the illustrations used must come most— fer of course to Audited Circulations— because tOday his advertising dollars i; I ‘ I
ly from our organization because I am 0111‘ subject today. must do more work than they used to if I I
‘ familiar with those. Whereas the proper handling of in- do if he is to survive. In previous ‘5: ' I I
I The last time we appeared before sertion orders, checking copies, and in— years he may have considered adver- "I I III
-,‘ your Association was in Memphis in voices, which we discussed at Memphis, tising as a thing he didn’t fully under- ‘.I I I I I I
1923. Since then much water has flow- is merely a matter of the mechanical stand but as something he ought ’00 use 3‘ E II 1 I '
ed under the bridge, from 3,11 indica- handling of accounts in the most bus— because others used it; tOdayI With nar- " E I.
tions, a large part of it has also been iness-like manner; today’s question of row margins 0f DYOfitI he must be 1 I I II
turning busy mill wheels to useful pur- the audit goes much deeper because it shown if, why. and where he should do i I j .
poses. has to do with basic values. An audit advertising. Today he is looking for I ‘; I I,
As I remember the Memphis session concerns itself with the quantity of cir- the facts in the case. ‘: I I, , I,
I with you, we talked about insertion or- culation, with the distribution of cir- And so I say again that this audit _: » I I‘
I ders and checking copies, about in- culation, and with the soundness of cir- movement comes none too soon to meet .;- I I I
I voices and cash discounts, about local culation- And since today’s space buy- the Peculiar demands 0f the times As I I I
r and foreign rate problems. It is typi— ing is done With values in mind more a matter 0f fan the country news- III II 'II' I I
cal of progress that we are today con- than ever before, this a most important paper, because 0f the definite and re- ‘1 IEI I I
cerned about another problem. But be— consideration. stricted area in which it circulates, :II I I I s I_ I‘
fore we take up today’s discussion of Newspapers difier radically from might logically have been one Of the I I I
the audit, let us look back over the past manufactured articles in that they are fiTSt IPStegd 0f 9119 0f the last to an— t ' I; l
two or three years and see what the not standardiZed products. By this I alyze its Circulation and place the sell- I I II I I
hearty c0-operation of agencies and mean that, whereas, Lucky strikes, mg 0f “$513309” Hound and Teas°n‘ I‘I I ‘ I
neWSpapers has done to the problems Gold Dust, Atwater Kent Radios, and able has“ . I I
we discussed at Memphis which were Buick automobiles are standard mer- Speaking of the present as being a I II, I I
I so acute in those days. chandise the country over and can be wise time to push to push the develop— I I I, I
If we are not mistaken, the Camp— purchased wholesale or retail in any merit of the circulation audit. we want III {I I I I
I bell-Ewald Company was one of the city with full knowledge of their char- to one a few reasons in support of this Ii; I I 3
I first agencies to send a representative acteristics and worth, one cannot size statement. We realize that it takes 1 I II
I to state and national meetings of coun- Up a newspaper’s advertising space on courage and foreSight on the part Of It I I II
‘ try newspaper publishers to discuss the any such standardized basis. Each publishers to do things that COSt added 7 I I I
problems of billing, checking, etc, A newspaper serves its own peculiar com- money and work in a period Of lessen- II II II II I
I little later other agencies aided and, munity, has its own editorial and ad- ed. business activity but I want to sub- I I I III
I still later, theAmerican Association of vertising 13011ny its own standard 0f mm to ‘you that very frequently sum 1' I III
Advertising Agencies lent its co-oper- ethics, its own degree of progressive— IS preClsely the right time.to do the I II II‘
I ation by appointing a committee to ness. Neither local nor national adver- needed thing. In this case it seems to I ~ I j
I - work with press associations in the in- tisers have any definite way of arriving be particularly so. Here are the rea- 'I . I II
I terests of a greater co-ordinating of at actual or relative worth or value, 50115 that we offer. We shall fiI'St state I II
II efforts by agencies, advertisers and nor can they have until the newspaper them briefly and later expand each l,‘ i I I
I publishers. Your speaker today is one is rightly analyzed. The purpose, reason. I ‘ II II
of the members of this committee and therefore, of a standardized audit is to 1~ The space buyer and advertiser is ‘ II II
f is representing it at this meeting. get and verify the vital facts about today demanding more facts and in- I I I:
. During the past two years the co—op- newspaper circulations, and because formation about publications and their I - I I‘
I eration of publishers has been most these facts and figures are standardiz— Circulations. Why not, therefore, bring I, I I ' I
wholehearted and as a result of a bet- ed and verified, to be able to determine the country newspaper into a favorable I I I: , ‘
tel” understanding of one another’s values and usefulness therefrom. It is, strategic position by supplying the . I I I
needs and problems, the task of plac- of course, impossible to standardize facts needed when they are most want- ' ‘ II I
mg advertising with many small town newspapers themselves but, thru an ac- eel—particularly since the request is I II, I I, I
pap?“ has been greatly facilitated. credited audit system, one can stand- reasonable? I _ I I I I
. Officers and field secretaries of state ardize measurements and comparisons 2- The audit Will Dilt country news— ' II ‘ II Ii I
I and national associations have, too, co- and get a pretty accurate idea of val- papers in a better position to meet the I I I III I
operated so fully that conditions are ues. vigorous sales efforts of competitive II ‘ E 'III
I greatly improved and are still improv— It is extremely fortunate, it seems to forms 0f advertising. Much pressure _I II I I I
mg This does not mean that agencies us, that the various state press associa— is being put forth by 370111” competition ‘ , I
no longer have billing and checking tion, their field managers, and the N. and this aggressiveness Will increase as I
I problems with small town newspapers, E. A. have progressed as far as they time goes on. . I III I
I . . I ' I I I III
3 l III I 'II
_ ',l ”I II

 111 1 r 1
1 :‘:_:=.:»1. 1a 1»-
1 1
,’ ”ii-.1 ~ - .
1,1: ‘ :9 Page Four THE KENTUCKY PRESS October, 1930 1
. 3132'. Z. '
“1%“: 1 3. The audit give country newspa- you that they are continually conduct— nitely how much circulation you have; 1
' '11 11331 1 pers a powerful selling weapon to use ing investigations and digging up facts, when ‘you can tell them exactly where 1
-‘ §§1itffl1 in securing local advertising which, af— at great expense, that will prove their this c1rculation is; when you. can show
E”? 11193:. ter all, is the backbone of their busi— right to an ever increasing proportion that your subscribers are interested be-
§§1{"1 1 ness. of national and local expenditures. cause they patronize you liberally and
' ‘11111 4. The condition of your own busi— There was a time when the country pay for their subscriptions promptly;
l 1, “' ness and methods you employ may not newspaper had the advertising in the when you can prove that you cover the l
"EJ111511 1‘ fully satisfy you. Audits invariably small town and the surrounding county market because you can prove your cir-
1 213 j-{,1 help the publisher to detect leaks and pretty much to itself. Within recent culation parallels it; and when you can
1 1111-5: weaknesses. Now, then, is an oppor- years certain tl’pes of magazines have ShOW that these are 'verified. facts;
2,11 1;".1, 1- - tune time to put your own business on cultivated this field rather extenSively then you are in an env1able pos1t10n to .
1 :1r a more efi‘ective basis. . andubitllboards are appearing even 1n Igeotsout and sell your space to local out-
1.1M rig: ' 5. With verified facts and figures sma owns. , ' , ,
- 1 111-1151 11:. 1 about circulation at its finger tips a Among the newer developments is The average retailer in your town
' 13‘3“; 19:1. :I . . - th r dio which ten ars a 0 was ‘ust knows very little about advertisin and ‘1-
l 121.11 1. . newspaper can go out and sell its space e a. . ye g l, , g
1 1.11;; aggressively Country newspapers have beginning but which today has an 1n- many, ma vague sort of way. doubtless 1
1311’ 1 been in a defensive selling position for come 0f some $43,000-000 from adver— conSider 1‘ ‘15 somehow a necessary ex- ‘
1: =1; 1351‘ ‘ years. Why not step into an offensive tising sources. Moreover, radios are pense. AUdlted figures W111 enable you 1
. 3111 E1 ‘ position? found today in the homes of nearly all to educate and develop present and po- .-
. 1.1711151 ‘ 1 Let us take these five points, one at a 0f your subscribers and here is very tential advertisers 1“ the ways 0f ad- 5
111.1 ‘1 11E1 - time, and study and develop them a lit- real competition for local influence in vertiSing and W11" Without question, ‘
111 {-1.121 1311;. he further. your locality. .The radio advertiser can greatly increase. local lineage if proper; .
1 19‘5“ . Our first one was that the space buy— talk very intimately to your fellow 13' used. T1115 15 not a surmise but ‘s
1 E 1:11 113,1 er and advertiser is today demanding townsmen about products that are for the actual testimony of many small rs,
1 111111 1 more facts and information about pub— sale in your own community and it Will town publishers Who have given the 1
11111111111 1'1 » 1 lications. Why not, therefore, bring me only a few years—perhaps sooner aud1t a fair. test. _
1 {1111-1111 1,-1 1 1 the country newspaper into favorable -—when, w1th telev1s10n, your subscrib— .Audited' Circulations are worth many
11 111113.11 1 position by supplying the facts needed ers can see the product and watch it times the“. cost for the value they have '
111151'2-3 j when they are most wanted—partiou- demonstrated, as they sit in their easy in stimulating 'local business. It is
111:; 111% larly since the request is reasonable? chairs in their own homes, at the same probably the biggest Single reason for
11 1331,, .. The situation here is so obvious that time they are listening to radio de— an audit. The national advertiser Wu]
1 111. :31 11 it seems unnecessary to say much scriptions and sales arguments for 1t. appreCiate and use your audit and W111
. . 1113,-1‘ 1 about it. The facts in the case are that And they will get this advertising sugar be more likely to_ use your newspaper 1‘-
' 1.111111 11 both the local and the national adver- coated With a fine program of enter— but the local retailer, to be really suc-
1.1121111} 11- tiser are anxious to reach down and tainment. cessful, must use your newspaper. 1‘ 1 touch the minds of people right where I merely cite-these things to show In addition to this is the fact that
11111111: :11 1 they live and if given a fair chance will you that, in addition to the fact that a anything that builds up the value. of ~
.i 111 ‘11 1 patronize country newspapers even newspaper should naturally want to your newspaper as a local advertismg
11151-1131 ‘- more liberally. In the past advertisers present Itself in the best light of its medlum Is greatly to your advantage in
1-. :E 19 ,1 . have used country newspapers in spite patrons, there is also a very real com- seeking national lineage. An aggres- .
1;; 1.1133111; ‘1 of the lact of information about them. petitive reason why it cannot afford to sive newspaper, well patronized by local 1
111;.1‘115’ 1 Today, and increasingly in the years to fall behind its natural competition in advertisers, has a very favorable appeal ‘
1‘ 11;; 1.91" 1'1 1 1 come, every dollar spent in sales and presenting a strong story to both local to the out—of—town advertiser because it 1,
1111111111! 11 1 . advertising will be carefully scrutinized and national advertisers. We cannot is very evident that such a paper has 1
£11111 -‘ 1 and the places where these dollars are halt progress and competition in busi- advertising acceptance and vigor in its
1111111i to be spent will be checked and dou- ness but we can organize to at least community.
1111311111111“ :1 ble-checked. Needless to say, proof keep up with it. Our point here, there- Our fourth point was the relation- 1
1.1111 1 ' of values will be sought and Where the fore, is that the audit, one of the most ship of the audit to your own business
1:13;. 1 111; 11 ' evidence to prove value is lacking it is obvious ways of proving the strength and included the statements that cir—
,1 11 11.31311, :1 : only human for them to turn to other and acceptance of your paper in your culation audits invariably aids publish-
" 11 1111,1- 11 forms of advertisinfi where such evi- locality, should by all means be devel- ers in analyzing their own particular
11', . dence has been made available. To oped without delay. needs, and thereby operate to greater 1
‘- 113137;; 1 have a valuable advertising medium Our third point was that the audit profit.
111 1 - and not put oneself in a position to gives country newspapers a selling It is pefectly obvious that an audit
1111 11:17.19 1 ' 1 prove it, is almost as bad as not having weapon in the securing of local adver- will tell you many things about your ’
E 11 {1312-1- 1 ‘ the value. Certainly it is less excus- tising which, after all, is the backbone circulation and your methods that you 1
1 1251111111, 1 ‘ able. of their business. It is perfectly ob- ought to know. It Will tell you whether
E 11:; 7:115 “ 9 Inasmuch as these requests for defi- vious that the local advertiser—the or not your total circulation is what it
1 111.1. . . nite facts about country newspaper cir- man Who secures practically all of his should be for the. Size of the commun-
{g 1111. 31:1 culaticn are admitted by all of us to patronage from the locality in which ity which you are attempting to serve. 1
t 11 '1‘ 1,; 1' be just and right, it woo-«1 seem that the country newspaper is located—can It Will ShOW you what sections 0f your
it 1:11 12.1211 - ' now is the psychological moment to put and should use that newspaper to a locality, both town and rural, are 1101
f- 111211 1 1 added effort behind this audit move. greater advantage than can any out- COVEI‘Ed as they ShOUId be; it Will ShOW ,
f; {-11 1:11;! 1 1- . In talking With the space buyers of va- sider. All his interests are bound up you whether you attempt to reach out
1111;1151” 3 1 rious advertisingagencies, we are more in the community and his ability to too far with your circulation, or not far
51. 11:1; 1 5 and more co_nsc10us of the pressure present himself and his wares favora- enough in consideration of the trading 1 '
r; .1 1 which advertisers are placmg on all of bly to the people of the community territory of your town; it will show you
1.. 111 :11“ 3 us to furnish them with the facts and spells the degree of his success. To 10- how much you are losing by subscrip- .
g 1; 1‘. 1 figures which will make space buying a cal advertisers country newspapers owe tions in arrears; it will bring to light 1
-1j11‘11»‘lg - busmesslike procedure instead of a a great responsibility because the value many things about your circulation 1‘
"1322-151: haphazard undertaking. of advertising space is contingent up- which you have not thought of or -
1:1 11 1» Our second point was that theaudit on the thoroughness and soundness of which you have neglected to attend to.
E 1?: .i j‘ DUtS a publisher 1n a better pos1t10n to the circulation. If, then, the value, of More than that, the regularity of the
E" 13,153. meet the vigorous sales efforts 0f com- the local newspaper is thoroughly un— audit will keep you informed from year 1
1E1 1‘ 3' :31 ‘1‘ petitive forms 0f advertising. derstood by and sold to local advertis- to year and permit you to revise your
1512.1 If you were-in a space buyer’s office ers and generously and profitably used plans accordingly.
1!: 1i: 1 . ‘21 ' . for a little While you would realize how by them, it is evidence of successful op— Circulation facts and figures are the -
‘1: 1.: 1‘. competitive thlS market 15- MagaZine, eration. very foundation of your business. They 1
‘E 1‘; i 1. '. outdoor advertising, direct mail, metro- The audit is of untold advantage in reflect the interest in your editorial 1
t.- 1: 11 - politan newspapers, and radio, are developing local advertising acceptance pages and when you go out to solicit 1
i 3111‘; .1; 1 working more intensively than ever to because of the fact that it provides you advertising they measure the influence 1
‘1 13 33‘1- get their Shares and more of the avail- with excellent arguments for selling and coverage which you have to sell. 1‘
1% 1‘1 ' able business. I do not need to tell your space. When you can show defi- If you are furnishing editorial matter 1 ‘
' 1 .' ‘ ‘
1% ‘11“ -
1 Q-‘ j
11111111‘ 1
: 4| 21"" 1. .
' i 1 “1111 1, 1 _

 ‘ ‘1 ' if” V iI "
I Ia:.I ; I ;
I: I .I ‘
. I I I d, .I I
I I: , I I “ I I
. i ' l
I October, 1930 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Five . I I It I
' I I .
l and advertising lineage to a good share rapid now that the pioneering has been appeared occur largely in the smaller ;,"I . I I I II
of your subscribers who are not paying done and its desirability established. villages, which have lost residents to u; I: I
their subscriptions, it is obviously a re- Today a magazine or metropolitan the more progressive communities that ~iI . I: ' I
flection on your payer or your business newspaper without A.B.C. figures is un- offer better church, banking and edu- “I I II ; I
methods. In either case the advertiser thinkable. The time will soon come cational facilities. I; I II» I
. is the loser. The experience of many whennewspapers will be overwhelming. Main Street, with its opportunities I I ' I I I
publishers who have adopted the audit IndiVidual newspapers will shortly have for neighborly contacts, will thrive i' .1 I . II
is that the audit has given them the to choose whether they will join the and prosper in this machine and ~-,. I‘ III
opporturéitytrhand the flaits to clegfi up {firward-lgokinguglroup Ivho are laying motorized era. .1? . ' II III
many 0 eir Circua ion pro ems. eir car 5 on e abe face u , or - - ' _ 3‘ .. . I l
. Just as a matter of comparison, how whether they will continue to leave: the (Chp the aboveEzriitiriise as editorial 33f I I . III
long would a motor car manufacgurelsr agency, the advertiser, and even them- ' I3; : ‘ I: I I
be able to do business with his ea - selves, in the dark as to the character - . " I 1. II
. ahtentlon t0 the covenng properly 9f And let me make this one point clear lanta the tentative dates being May I . I
1115 sales territory; (2) If he got Pald before I close. From the standpoint of 25 to, 23 The Press hopes that every 2' I. II ' I
I I“ only a part Of. the ears he .50“; .(3’ the agency and the advertiser. the aud- editor in Kentucky will take his va- . .9 . I ' I;
If he elalmed '90 lhelu‘Ie certam eqmp' iting of circulations is not looked upon cation at that time and attend this i“. I - II
' meht and then falle‘j‘. to deliver cars so as a policing move. It is 1’10‘6 an EffOI‘t always instructive gathering of the , I 1 I ' -I
Equlpped§ (4) 1f In 1115 SpeClficathnS 0f t0 ShOW up dishonest circulation fig- nation’s leading newspapermen_ II I I, III
. the car, he “advertised apprOXimate ures even though that may be a by— Sure it’s all ri ht to borrow your I; , I I
. wheel base, incorrect. horse power, product. The great value and the rea- nei hbhr’s aper Entil you have time I? I , , I
wrong Size of tires; claimed a gasoline son for its existence lie in the fact that to gcome Inpand subscribe i”: I " i =1
(c giige 0&1 dash1 twhfen thetre yaiogog; through an audit—authorized and ' II II
caime weig 0 car 0 e 5- standardized—country news a ers can ——_‘_ I;
more than was actually the case, etc., prove, individually and Eollfectively, Teiginessig nexglspoape; Ififfigilzfee £931: II . I:
and (5) it he offered no guarantee 0h their influence and worth. May it be mans 81;: b ‘; fiunhber of their m_ I! “ ‘i
the meter‘alehd workmansmp 0f ms that Country heWSPaperS W111 rally mressge mIamh'ers subscribing $18 a 3: II
product: This is a rather far fetched round the audit standards and do ignonth for six B months When will If ‘