xt7bnz80p05m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bnz80p05m/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1996-07 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, July 1996 text GLSO News, July 1996 1996 1996-07 2019 true xt7bnz80p05m section xt7bnz80p05m /
JULY 1996
v A Pl'macmorx’ or 'rnr: LEXINGTON Gav AM) LESBIAN Seances Onemiza’rrow
US REPS Peter: pitaleO@ukcc.uky.edu
ANNOUNCE THE ADDlTlON OF“ A NEW Washington (AP) Despite a campaign on Elizabeth: bee@mis.net
COLUMNIST. THAT kNOW-lT—ALL Capitol Hill to outlaw federal recognition of Tammy: sappho@mis.net
GAL_ABQUT-TOWN, gay marriage. Congress gives some official fl
acknowledgment to the companions of three THE CHURCH LADY
@631? Qgcfifg Wag gay members, a published report says. The h) Martian“ C'H'isml’ht‘r CHI‘I‘H‘it-d“
PLEASE SEE PAGE 5’ partners of Reps. Gerry Studds, l)—i\iass.;Barney There was a woman named Naomi
Frank, D‘Massu and Steve (iunderson, R-Wis.. who was married to a man whose name
all have congressional spouse identification was lilimelech (whom we will call l‘Ili).
POWER AT THE POLLS: cards, said the july issue of Washingtonian Naomi had two sons with lili. There was a
GROUNDBREAKING NEW SURVEY magazine famine in their home. so the family
PAINTS PORTRAIT or GAY, The cards allow the men to park in journeyed to the land ofMoab to live. The
LESBIAN, AND BISEXUAL VOTE Capitol Hill garages and move freelyin and out Children grew up and when they were at
Now that the primary season is of restricted areas in the Capitol, even when an appropriate age, they married young
effectively over, the major political parties security is heightened for events like the State women of Aloab. 'l‘he wives were named
are planning election strategy. Which of the Union address. ‘This is tocertify thatthe Orpah (that‘s who Oprah Winfrey was
states and constituencies will bring person whose name and photograph appearon named after. but they misspelled it) and
victory? Which states and voters need the card is the spouse of the above named Ruth, Shortly after these marriages, lili
attention? And which can be written off? member of the United States House of died Of course Naomi stated With her
A new survey. released by the National Representatives,"the cards read. An aidein the sons and was welcome there. However.
Gay and lesbian Task Force, for the first office of the House Sergeant At Arms, which after ten years or so, both of Naonii‘s sons
time paints a portrait of a political issues the cards, said that when a member died leaving her With her two daughters—
constituency that Democrats and wants a card issued, all he or she has to do is in-law. Naomi resolved to return to her
Republicans ignore at their own risk. fill out a form and sign it. homeland. She encouraged her daughter-
According to survey. self—identified Frank's communion Herb Moses was [he lIi-lflW [0 return It) their mothers houses
les‘bigay and transsexual voters first of the three to obtain a card, and said he where they wouldbe cared for. But both of
constituted 5.2 percent of the total voting did so for convenience and privacy. “1 don't the daughters kissed Naomi and said. “We
bopulation in the 1992 elections. That is feel like 1111"ng to explain “We” to whoever Will return With YOU [0 YOU? people,"
roughly the size of the national Latino may be mindingthe security of the perimeter," continued on page 2 i
vote in the same year, more than double he told lWIS/JDZg/Ollfflll. “I don't want to have
the size of the Asian vote, and slightly less PEI‘SOIMl conversations with everyone ’
than the Jewish vote. It‘s also as large as everywhere I g0." V
the old staple of American politics, the GLSO Sponsor of the Month
family'farm vote. “Because we know that lYCi LESBlCiAY YOUTH . . .
fear still keeps the matority of gay people HOTLlNE Dlgmty 0f Lexmgton
in the closet, this figure of 5.2 percent 800-347-]‘EEN
7p-midnight Thurs. & Fri. HWWW...W,-.--
continued on page 4

 M* from thefmnt page. ANNUAL PRIDE
gefiyo'?” Small: elvenltually (l;Cld€ to :1) on [1:10pm CELEBRATION A
figffi Hut uti c ung o . aomi. ie to iei, SUCCESS!
flu“ Where YOU go, 1W1” go; where you lOdEEI Pride committee members report «
5%“ W1“ lOdBfi your PEOPIE shall be “11’ people, and that this year’s attendance at Lexington’s
36 your GQd. my 00d.- Where you die, ””11 d‘e ' Pride Month Festivities showed quite an
4»wa there Wllllbe buried. .. . . improvement over last year’s participa—
Lexington/>75? “”1le Ruth said l0 Naomi ‘5 the origin 0f tion The Interweave/GLSO dance was I)
I site the traditional marriage vows today. The week attended, Billy Bailey taught line— 8
Biblical passage is from Ruth 1:16—17. To dancing to an enthusiastic crowd. The T
finish the story of Ruth and Naomi, read the Spirit Drummers provided live music 5,
GLSO News Book of Ruth in the Old Testament Ifeel that The Annual Pride picnic was attended by :1
Published Monthly by the “1956 “so women half to belpretty 1BV01V€1d to an estimated 250 people stopped by for A
L . t G /L b' reCitet ose V0“ 1 “0W1 ave rec1ted tiose lunch on the pleasant grassy sward of Bell e
exmg on ay es tan vows very few times, and meant ”- House. Prizes were given for some of the P
Services Organization In closmg, a passage from Aephaniah more *interesting* picnic spreads
PO. Box 11471 3:18—19,‘Iw1lldealWithallyouroppressorsat (Unfortunately Pam Teflon was not in
Lexington, KY 40575 [Eat time. Anddl mu 531"? the liune and gather attendance). The weather was typical ‘
t e‘outcast, an Iwillcmngetteii shame into summer and the guests were welcomed
Editor praise and renown in all the earth, Come see inside the air—conditioned Bell House for
P t T l us. “We talk about things like this at church.” Booths and concessions. (
e er ay or Next month, I Will start talking, about the Thanks to Flower Garden Originals, l
Biblical passages that are used against us.v who gave out free roses. There were \
Layout Editor: carriage rides, Morris Dancing and l
a" ' ‘wd iti Th
Tammy D. Strong Que” 0 {Ike monfk lauiie 0 Connei plue gu ar e (
Graphics: organizers Wish to extend many thanks, -
Elizabeth A. Gilliam WC don t discriminate. ' to all the generous donors who pi‘ov1ded t
W . l l d t . entertainment, spirit, and raffle prize,
6 Slmpy CXC U C CCI' am including Great Harvest Bread Company, t
(3150 Annual Dues and ,, , . i
types Of PCOPlC. Dandelion Bead Connection, Windy Knoll 5
Newsletter: $15 . Farms, Mariah Cruise at Kentucky
— Lzeuz‘endnt Colonel Gerald 'k , d h ’ ‘
Dues and Newsletter for Wll MIT ROTC Bodem 5 Massage an t e GLSO. A =
C l $20 3 man, special thanks is due to Pride Celebration
CUP es. instructor, defending tlye organizer Mike Taylor as well as all the y
' ‘ unselfish citizens who hel )ed make it the :
\’iews or opinions expressed in the GLSO mzlzz‘ary ban on gays. best )icnic ever‘ I '
News are those ofthe authors and don'tnecessarily , A lTl kl , tl ‘1 Y d 3
represent those ofthe (1150 Board of DirectOis. NOTE: On Monday, July 1’ ‘1 18 wee 5 ga ieiings were cappe
Submissions are welcome All submissions Federal 111396315 court that was by an awards banquet. hosted by the (Jay ‘
become the property of GLSO and must indicate reviewing 21 lower courts Rodeo ASSOCiation 0f LeXington. It was
full name and address of the author. The staff ruling on the Constitutionality attended by approximately 60 Of
reserves the right to edit submissions and ads to of the "Don't Ask, Don‘t Tell, Lexington‘s most distinguished lesbigay-
meet publishing requirements.aswellasthe right Don't Pursue" policy has asked trans citizens Mary Crone, president of
10relecmnYSmeiSSiOHS . . . V that lower court to reconsider the GLSO received the Wasson Award for
d Placenlient of ‘adyertlsme tn GLSO News its ruling. It contends the outstanding volunteer service to the
ben-otesneuterapersonssexuaorientationnora lower court "overlooked key Bluegrass lesbigay and transgendered
usmess customer preference. , ,. , . .
issues in the cases communities. V
GLSO News Page 2

(C\ ’ 1:36—be L , 5 . , §w bu , ,, ,. , _ , , g, , ,
AIDS BENEFIT PLANNED SUMMER VOLLEYBALL benefits breast cancer research, will he held at
Onjuly 25. I996,A\IOL and Club 141 will GI‘OUD forming for outdoor volleyball. the Palomar Clubhouse on August 5. at 7:50
be holding an AIDS Ayum‘enesg and Benefit llIlCl‘lfiSletl women and inert are BIICOLII‘ZIgL’le PM, Everyone IS welcome FOI‘ more
Show, insco revert (STAYING ALIVE). contactioedilated/132. Will selectliestrlflce. information. call 253-7722. v
Tickets are advance purchase only, and cost day, and time when 8‘10 people have GAY PARENTING GROUP TO START
37,00 'I’ogether, we can meet this challenge responded. Let‘s get togetherfor fun and break A gay parenting group has formed for
and support those infected and affected by the Old summer routine. 7 those in our community who have children or
AIDS... with compassion, knowledge and RACE FOR THE CURE MEETING who are planning to have any. The group is
education, not violence and bigotry, All A meeting [0 plan the benefit for the planning to meet once a month. For more
proceeds go to AVOL. 7 Race for the Cure, a fundraising event that information, contact Laura at 276-2685. 1
GD {9° be
63? 6‘6 16' 36mm
' Howdy, Let me introduce myself. I’m done in this matter? But in regards to question two, you
Gertrude Mae Noe — you can call me Gertie Question number two: Can you offer no clue as to why missy is so in the
. Mae. Iam going to be a regular addition to help me convince her that “Out is In"? closet in the first place. is it work, family,
" your little newspaper here. Why, well because religion, or just societal pressures?
I I’m so old I grew up with God — in fact, we Signed, Without this information it is
’ dated as teenagers (where do you think the Away Out difficult for me to give you a specific
v “big bang" came from?) Ihad to call it quits, solution. But at the risk of over—
1 though. Geez, what aknow-it—all. Dear Away Out: simplifying, my response to her would be
v But more importantly, I’ve been around In regards to the first question, as I the same as what the gay faith healer
v the block more times than a Kentucky high see it, you have three choices when this said: “GET OVER 1T, GIRL."
1 school graduate can count and with all this happens next year. You can be the “good Or more to the point, Bill said it best
'l experience I just shouldn't keep it to myself. wife” and stay home with her, or you can with “to thine own self be true.” Out is
\ So I’m going to help you solve your problems. go alone... or the last choice is you can In, because once you get rid of the extern-
I You can send your letters to stay at home and make her life so poraneous [5.8. of hiding in that musty
3 Gertie Mae, c/o GLSO, P.0. Box 11471 miserable she wouldn't think of missing old closet, you can deal with life's real
3 Lexington, KY40575. Nowbrace yourself another Pride event. Although choice problems head on,
for the first installment of Dear Gertie Mae. number three sounds especially luscious
l to me, it should not be tried by a rank Love and Kisses,
y ‘Dear Qeréfg Wag, amateur. I believe what I would do, in
5f I have a two—part question for you your shoes, is enlist some friends I(the Gevfiie Ware
and I really need some sound advrce in more the merrier) and go to the picnic
‘ regards to them. First, my lover is not without her. And of course, when you get
'f as “out” as I am and therefore refused back, y‘all need to talk incessantly about
‘r to attend this year’s Pride events and I the good time you bad. This will lay the
e really would have liked to, especially groundwork for getting the second
d the Pride Picnic. What should I have question answered.
— GLSO News Page 3

 continuedfromfrontpage this is the profile of a politically vote, or simply take it for granted? Will I)‘
must be considered a floor rather than a progressive constituency," said D'Emilio. the Republican Party castigate the gay tl
ceiling, and a basement floor at that.” The survey also details who gay community like it did in 1992, or try to n
said john D'limilio, NGli'l‘F Policy voters vote for. in 1992, Clinton received avoid polarizing social issues? Will the E
institute director and author of the 45 percent of the total popular vote, but extremist Christian Right make gays the s:
report. “in other words, the total number 72 percent of the gay, lesbian and target of their rhetoric, and thereby L
of these voters iscertain to be higher than bisexual vote. Only Jewish voters and galvanize gays, lesbians and bisexual to v
three percent and is likely to be considerr Al’i‘icanrAmerican voters provided Clinton come out and vote? Will gay organiza— C
ably higher." with larger margins. The gay vote for tions succeed in their plans to coordinate lt
The gay, lesbian and bisexual vote Clinton surpassed the percentage of votes massive voter registration drives, and will tl
isn‘t evenly distributed throughout the he received amongunion households and they be able to mobilize those voters? i:
population, but instead is heavily Latinos But, cautions D'limilio, the gay Stay tuned... a
concentrated in cities. While in towns vote is not guaranteed to any candidate. POI/’C’I‘ A/ [be Pol/s: T/Je (lay, a
with a population between 5,000 and “if the only two options in 1996 were to Lesbian and Biserz/al Vole is based on (
10000 people, the self—identified vote is vote Democratic or Republican. the story exit polling data from the 1992 and 1994 t
slightly more than one percent, in cities would seem to be over. But gay, lesbian elections The data was originally v
with populations between 250,000 and and bisexual voters have a third option: collected by Voter News Service (VNS), a r
500,000, the figure rises to more than they can stay home." major national polling organization, and i
eight percent, "The urban concentration Evidence from the 1994 elections until now has remained largely untapped \
means the $11113 lesbian and bisexual vote supports this assertion in the midterm by the media. The report was produced by t
can be the margin of victory in key elections, when gay issues received less the NGlfl‘l’ Policy institute. it provides
states," said D'limilio. ”It can also make attention than in 1992, and when disap- the first statistically reliable picture of t
the critical difference in many pointmentwas stillfresli from the Clinton self—identified gay, lesbian and bisexual 1
Congressional races and in state and Administration‘s support of the “don't voters. The VNS 1992 exit polling data is 1
local elections as well." D’Emilio points ask, don‘t tell“ policy, the self—identified based on a nationally representative 1
out that eleven states with urban areas gay, lesbian and bisexual vote shrunk by sample of 15,488 voters. The poll allowed (
and well—organized and visible gay, more than a third. "it still remained a gays, lesbians and bisexuals to identify i
lesbian and bisexual communities w heavily Democratic vote, but there were a themselves for the first time in a presiden- t
such as California, New York, illinois, lot fewer votes cast," said D'Emilio. tial election. For a copy of the gay vote I
Michigan and others _ together provide Whether voters stay home in 1996 or report, contact NG1.TF at (202)552—6485, ,
49 percent of the total electoral vote. Add rush to the polls depends on several ext. 5505, or visit the NGLTF Web site at
anv two other states, and a candidate factors, said D’Emilio. Will the http://www.ngltf.org, V
wins the presidency. Democratic party actively court the gay
The polling data shows the gay 1
voter leans heavily toward liberal .
positions on key issues. The gay voter is ’
more likely to favor more government
services and highertaxes to pay for them; ' ' ' I I - 3,"
downplay the importance of deficit .
reduction; support greater access to , .
health care; blame government neglect y '
rather than a decline in moral values for A s A u o I. u N 'l' E E B
social problems; believe that government
should encourage tolerance of diverse ca” M30] at 266-5904
value systems; and support continued
legalization of abortion, “in other words,
GLSO News Page 4

 THE CELLULOID CLOSET transgendered personsin popular movies. It Most of what I would call progress

ll by Peter Taylor is based on the writings of Vito Russo, long- hasn‘t been coming from Hollywood at all,

The have been it plethora 0t gay— time movie critic at the Village Voice who but from Independent filmmakers and from
t: themed movies withing easy reach this past unfortunately died before he could see this European films, often with marginal or
[6 month, Phde Vnotw1thstandmg. TOTAL production realized. nonexistent releases. The truth told,
re 1316/1”) 55 and CARR/NGFON both bynthe It’s fun, and has a lot of juicy little lesbians and gays are still cruelly marginal—
IV :Dame screenwriter ,fWhO, also WIOte moments to be sure. l'll never forget the two ized and demonized in major studio
'6 {WGEROMX LIA/50M) were released'on cowboys in john Ford‘s RED R/lr’ER, vehicles. liven in a movie whose theme is the
1_ Vldee- I t ht hopefully anttc1pating gleefully flirting with each other by showing humanizing of a gay man dyingofAiDS, the
te CAR/{[Ao/ON, because et all the WW thtel“ the other his gun, or Mrs. Danvers in producers refuse to show a kiss.
11 lectuals itflco’nceins, hJU‘t havent yet found Hitchcock's REBEC'C‘A, reverently showing lncongruously enough, that pedestrian
s? the “the 100th MU] ‘55 0” the other hand calf-eyed Joan Fontaine her idol Rebecca’s medium TV is making all the progress in
t ‘5 qutte 31h ordeal. It deals W'th thhflhd underwear drawer. Perhaps best of all. Gore depicting “normal“ lesbigays.
1, flhd Verlaine, two important poets, we as it Vidal recounts the fey joke that he and the One need only look at look at a couple
H; appears methld creeps 0t the late t9th director directed to play on their obviously of the big box—office draws of the year to see
)4 Lentury Pflhhhth art scene. The movre 15 unwitting “straight" man, Charlton Heston what i‘m talking about. in THE BIRUC'AGE,
lv taken laboriously from the” own personal in BEN HUR. Charlton of course still the first gay-themed movie to gross over 100
£1 Whhhgs and” 1t ‘5 a tt‘ttVtht I dont doesn’tgetit. He fired off an indignantletter million dollars so far, the only actual love
1d recommend the lh'lhell’ats are both rather of denial to Time .llzzgazz‘ne about just this scene is between one of the gay men and the
3 d interesting, 1h Pitttlehhh' Leonardo DiCaprio, when it was reported in that magazine's woman he had a single encounter with 20
by “fl? appears to have it penchant for playing review of the film. years before, The movie depicts him sitting
e; ttlttletllt genius types et people. But all fun aside, I have to say that I on a park bench consoling his partner like
of Surely. the premier event Of the month wished for more. The picture is a victim of Mr. Rogers and some lost kid he's just found.
al for me lhflthtS held “has to, bet/he local it’s format. Everything is crammed into a The comic relief in THE ROCK is some
is premrerol‘ [HEM/441110.”) “405131.- ltwas too-small time and it makes the narrative queeny hairdresser, who obsesses about
ve thOSth' 3 very eXh‘hh'tttlhg experience to seem shallow and at times glib. The film evet'yone's hairstyle (personally, I'd rather
ed hhflhY see the covert subtexts et the past particularly fails to show the currentstate of style Sean (Ionnery's chest hair with my
ifv century exhumed flhd examined 1h the hght the issue. offering a vague and rather fingers). it‘s 1996, ”the movies" are over a
n; of ditt- tor anyone who hhght have missed inaccurate nod at what's been happening hundred years old, and we're still sitting out
He the whole hoopla about thts the“? h 1? it since THE [30)18' IN THE BAND. 1 was left here in the dark, waiting to see our true
l3. documentary, narrated hf hlh' lomhn, with the idea that Hollywood is moving in selves and our real lives reflected on the
:fi whichdeconstructs Hollywoods destructive the right direction. and that's wishful silver screen — just average to wonderful
‘ ithd d15t01'ted portrayals 0t leShtE’flY and thinkingtobe sure! ordinary people. V

Are you bemg discrlmmated against 1n Kentucky due
. .
to your sexual orientatlon?
Call the GLSO Discrimination Project, and help to put our discrimination
on the books.

2 7 6 - 5 3 8 3

— GLSO News Page 5

 31% July 1996 , E
*‘ ‘1 ' ' ' ° C 1 d ALPALFA
Gay and Lesbian Serv1ces Organization 21 en ar
Wednesday Thursday sadddddy ‘ - ”hm
1 2 3 4 5 6 - .e'I -". .'
730 PM Pride ClI. 12300 PM GLAA ADDS/HIV Sth-Gfpd Ind endence 7130 P M Gay/116553111“ 9:00 AM Frontrunners - ' ' - ‘
' 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian 6:00 PM Frontrunners L— 8:30 PM Louisville .
TaSkforce ArAmn (Woodland Park) 22}: Youth Group (Fairness
845 PM Rainbow Bowl- 7100 PM Ebony Male Mtg: 8:00 PM HIV/AIDS Ofc)
-. . 7:00 PM MCC
mg (Joyland Lanes) 8:00 PM Gay/Lesbian AA Sppt. Grp_ R E S T A U R A N T
557 S. Limestone
7 9 10 I] 12 13 Lexington KY
L35” 9‘“ 12:00 PM GLAA AIDS/HIV Sppt.Grp. 7 :00 PM Lex.Men's 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian AA Louisville Gender Society I
11:30 AM Metropolitan 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian Al- 6:00 PM Frontrunners Chorus Rehearsal Mtg- 253-001 4
Community Church Anon (Woodland Park) 9:00 AM Frontrunners
4:00 PM TSGRA Mtg. 7:30 PM P-FLAG (Chapel Hill 7:00 PM Morehead St. Student 8:00 PM HIV/AIDS
. . . Pr b .) .
7_‘00 PM Dlgmty 8:4selfMyRainhow Bowling 70(0ng MCC Sppt. Grp.
WMWSbM “WW” WWW Renowned Weekend anc :
14 15 I 6 I 7 18 I 9 20 ,
Imperial Ct. (RISC) Mtg. ~=-M°°n _ 12:00 PM GLAA AIDS/HIV Sppt.Grp. Crosspon (Cincinnati) Integrity (St. Augustine's) 9:00 AM Fronmmners serving b/Ué‘bef f y bUC/( when}
11:30 AM Metropolitan 7:30 PM Falrness Me- 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian GLSO News Deadline 71013 mfl‘fijfiffigw (at 7:30 PM Gay/Leshlan AA 10.00 AM Men's Network / b a, 1‘ la,
Community Church eting (Alfalfa's) Al-Anon 6:00 PM Frontrunners 700 PM LexMeds 8330 PM Lomsvflle_ [DO/KO ( e5, 9995 ene I C GINO ,
12:30 PM Interweave 8:45 PM Rainbow Bowl- (WOOdland Park) ' _ Youth Group (Fairness
Dinner ing (Joyland Lanes) 7300 PM MCC , ClggerPlgvl/lzglsagsal Ofc) ' l7 / hie;
7:00 PM Gay/Lesbian AA 3:00 PM Gay/Lesbian AA 3‘00 pp ' Gm fpan/f ome e ,
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 and much more... .
1130 AM MeUOpOlitafl izmM GLAA AIDS/HIV SPPt-GFP 7:00 PM Lex.Men's 7530 PM Gay/L555“ AA 9:00 AM Frontrunners
Community Church ' . 6:00 PM Frontrunners Chorus Rehearsal
. - 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian (W d1 d Park) -
3.88 SE 1133:1223: POUHCk Al-Anon 7:00 1:131 firehead St. Student 8.00 PM HIV/AIDS WCdlleSday ls
‘ . 8:45 PM Rainbow Bowl- Gm Sppt. Grp. . .
7100 PM Gay/Lesbian - 7=°0PM MCC . Internatlonal N1 ht
AA mg (Joyland Lanes) 8:00 PM Gay/Lesbian AA 9'00 PM COLTS mg g
28 29 30 31 J Au
Imperial Ct. (RISC) Mtg. 11-15%?)an GLAA AIDS/HIV Sppt.Grp. .S_M T [iii/6T F 31 S M T w T1 1; 5; Breads and desserts
~ - 1 6:00 PM F tnd . . -
“-30 AM .Me‘mPOman 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian (Weddid‘r‘r’é'pdrnff‘s 3 is r: r; 1‘; i3 12 I; I; g; 1; 1: 1: :3 baked daily m 01"” kitchen
Z‘ggrliubI/iuénfiégllxlmm Al-Anon 7‘00 PM MCC i? i: i? i: ii 321; 33 18 l9 20 21 22 23 24
P01 ding ews 8:45 PM Rainbow Bowl- 8100 PM Gay/Lesbian 30 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

N a m e ( e) ______________________________________#_____
Add reee __~_________________________________________
City, State, Zli’ ______________________________________
_____$15 Memberehip and Neweletter
____$20 Couple Memberehip and Neweletter
____l do not wieh for my name to be added to the Community
Mailing Liet ueed exclueively by and for Kentucky
‘ Gay/Leebian organizatione.
Pleaee become a member: help eupport and
build our community and receive your
newsletter by mail!
MAIL TO: GLSO Neweletter, 17.0. Box
11471, Lexington, KY 40575

\\C\>Q\\~ The GLSO Board decided
\ ’ \%$\3 that in order to achieve true
\ x. \ $\ financial stability, it would seek a sponsor
\ \\ W ‘ for the costs of the newsletter for one month,
\ \ \\ ‘9 and use its other advertising income for a number of
\% ‘ \ other ongoing projects.
For more information, please call Mary at 266-5904.
ii The GLSO News IS proud to announce our
El supporters so far for 1996:
H Sue Strong, Ph.D., Licensed Psychologist ..t................t...255—4964
ll Scorsone and Ransdell, Attorneys at Law .......................255—5766
l} Craig Hudson, for the Catholic group Dignity
Tri-~State Gay Rodeo Association
l Terry..............255~5469
, Paul ...............278—8023
Lexington Men’s Chorus 231—0900
Front Runners 254—6850
Russell Beam Bookkeeping 8i Tax Services .....................266—2903
Unitarian Universalist Church 2564 Clays Mill Road ......223-l448
' seeking a diverse congregation: Sunday worship i0:45
l Metropolitan Christian Church 271—1407
1 Elizabeth 81 Tammy Gilliam—Strong
% Pegasus Travel.................................................;..............253—1644
t Pegasus Travel donates 1% of your ticket costs to GLSO
_ _________________————————
GLSO News Page 9

 "JOKE or THE MONTH" - , _ . ,
contributed by Elizabeth Gilliam _ 1‘

One thing that my company if ' j p i - r '3 ,
does is provide Web access and r _ ”A . , , M-- s
design for other companies, so it -‘ A“:th . 1 REV»? .1” .. g. 7 a
is sometimes actually our job to <34 .‘ 371.3: "-‘ngg g . 7"
to surf Web sites for various 4 «91* 31:13::753 if‘? >
states‘ Democratic Parties. {3! *KAT;JFJQ _ .' . X 7' 3 v.’ A i

The following joke was taken “flint/LU" Hw'éx “iii“ ' *- 7-7 .
from the Oregon State Democratic
Party site. I always enjoy good There’s a new race in long
political humor‘ so I thought I‘d _ _
pass it on to you. (As you may dlstance. And we thlnk
remember, the Oregon Citizens’ -

Alliance (OCA) was the driving second place '5 for losers-
force behind the anti—gay That's why we Were the first long distance company an the US
initiatives and anti—gay rhetoric to o‘t’et' customers up to 50% savings And that‘s why we wiii
and violence during the 1992 continue to go the extra mile by offering lower basic rates" and
Ballot Measure 9 debates.) personal, independent representatives. Switch your long distance
service to a winner. Choose Excel. For more information on resV

Question: dentiai and small business long dis-
How many OCA members does it tance services. call today. momma“, “magnum”
take to Change a light bulb? =¥r=: ’—
Answer: Calling Plans for Every Part or Your Life.
3 _ to announce that the darkness ~0ri [Kiel ~. [mm-<1 slanuariioomnsnc Vales rmsrovwwum mm «mm; slanUrvcmftw
is a liberl/ gay coverup for special GLSO-Associates Excel Independent Representatives
rights that the conservative
Christian community isn’t going to Carrie Straub, MR . . . l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 606.253.3462
put up with anymore Denise Peskar, MR,AC(Certified Trainer) . . . 606233-3462

Gina Baker, MR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 606.289.8505/1800.717.4524
120 - to write a series of initiatives
that would stop people who are
in the dark from declaring
themselves as minorities ”‘0‘: Rea (116 $2 5
1 - to run for US Congress on the (a “0:?
platform of eliminating burned- O O o Female-Oriented Cards
out lightbulbs in America (like the 0&0 Mary Sojourner Crone
Bible says)

-attributed to Tyler V. Jones, 266-5904
Precinct Committee Person #212, Makes a Great Holiday Gift Certificate
Marion County, Oregon 7
GLSO News Page 10

 The GLSO Sponsor of the Month for
July 1996
of Lexmgton
“Come pray with us and make life-
long friends."
Dignity meets the first and third Sunday of
each month at 7:00 p.m.
Call Don at 299-4458 for further

 Gm any
GLSO Board (\ltll\)l66-590‘l Bluegrass COLTS (Mark) 233-7266
GLSO Discrimination Project (Jeff) 2765;35 Cumberland (12111356176767)
GLSO: News (l’etel)27%§849 E-Male (lllll())3§2-Z%§3
Advertisements (8110554864 Fairness of Lexington HOTLINFFSWIZ
Calendar (Rwy/(15%;?) Fairness of Louisville...L....,....l.....,.m....l.,.,,..l....L....,...(303) 895-0788
Folding (.\1ury)l(l(HL)(H Front Runners (Keith) 2346830
Layout (yummy 3579)) Gay Parenting Group (Laura) 3‘62683
GLSO PRIDE COMMITTEE (Mike)..........................,,...l....,,..nll§»1838 G/L AA (Charlie) 324—406»,
GLSO Speakers Bureau (Mun)..l.4,.......L...L,..h....,....l....l....,.”266-5904 G/L Defense Fund(5()2) ”9'3390
GLSO Support Group (311113")n........,........,,,...H............L..,,,.““366-3904 IGBO(SIC\C)3—'h$()§8
Kentucky Legislature
STUDENT GROUPS Bill Status llne(§t()()) SSE-243$
‘ , Legislator Message Line......,.....,..._l..l...,.,...u..o(800) 572-7181
ACE League‘flere“ (W (”7771” Meeting Info Llne(‘%()())(135-L)(ti()
AGLF: NKU (l’zll)o71?604 Lexington Men's Chorus (Shelby) 2310090
3'6““ “‘1“? 90116126 my“)---~-H---~~---~~--~--”-‘---~~~~--353‘j553 Louisville Youth Groupbo’) 635—1502
GUESS: EKU (W) (”“16 Names Project, Lexington (Kalle)..4........l...4,,..n....l...,.V....l,4..272-2538
Morehead State (Angela) ”8732970 Newcomers Group (Joe) 2%“);
UK Lambda (“we”) ““‘i‘ri‘ “1”"777°‘7 P-FLAG (hobby \Illlle)7667931
Rainbow Bowling League (Shawn) 557W)
1955mm“My---~~--~-~----------~~-~~--~~---------~--~~--~---~---~---~-885"*”9 RISC autumnal
Le‘ing‘0“'FaYe“e “WWW?“ (jack) 77mm
Madison County ‘Zijfll Tri-State Gay Rodeo Assn. (Tern) 2555469
Woodford Countyéflalw (Paul)..“4...,M..,,,..l..,.l..,...27878()23
AIDS INFO/SERVICES The Women’s Chorus (Connie).L.....,.11..,.l....l...,.....W......,.,,..1276-2§§4
AIDS “mm” 0f Le“"g‘°““-~'"-W-'W--W'“"~W““W-"W-378'393 Dignity [Catholic] (Don)199~mh
AVOL Legal Advocacy ngm‘“ “”9“ Episcopal Diocese AIDS Ministry (Ste\'e)7%%17‘%7
"calm Departme‘“ HIV 3mm“ ngm'“5 ) Honesty [Southern Baptist] (latltiicl ..V...,L....4...l..,(502) 6574609
(l’ltt\)2882377 (Dorothy)to...u.,..l...l.(902) 58-5392
(Amanda) 3882374 Interweave [Unitarian] (Davina)“mum,“.t...,..w.m.......L.,.271—617’-l
HIV/AIDS Legal Project...,.W..L....l...L...,...L..,,4........l...(503) $841334 _ . , , - 7 ""‘-607'
HIV-Education Youth Group778749+ MCC El‘éabethtown (“I“)'“""'"”‘""'"“"'“'"“"""""(”0“) i”) ,, 5
HIV Support (Somerset)L..,1.......L..,...t.l....l,......L....,..1L........1679-7578 MCC-Lexnngton (Rex) -1711407
6783814 MCC-LoulsVllle (502) 777—6636
Thursday HIV+/AIDS Support Group Pagan Forum (Pat) 2681640
(Hospice of the Bluegrass) 3765344 RainboWind-(legim) (Sarah) 3527673
r0! a malllng address update, To add or update a directory page listing. please
contact Pete! at 213-5845 contact Tamm ' at 225-3953
. _____—____—___—____________
GLSO News Page 12