xt7bnz80nv3q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bnz80nv3q/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1967-02-21  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, February 21, 1967 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 21, 1967 1967 1967-02-21 2015 true xt7bnz80nv3q section xt7bnz80nv3q lit side Today's Kernel
page of pictures show the view from
the top of the dormitory towers: Page

Americans have some strange
about intelligence Pogc Five.


The Student Center Board is now

terviewing candidates:

of Kentucky
University TUESDAY, FEI. 21,

Vol. 58, No. 102


CIA Funds

. "V

Eight Pages




Aided Rebel
New York Time



Newt Service


of the National Student Association said Monday that the Central Intelligence Agency had
helped subsidize students who
had been exiled from their homelands for fighting colonial regimes supported by official
United States policy.
The students, who did not
know they were receiving CIA
funds, included refugees from Algeria,
South Africa, South-WeAfrica,
and Rhodesia, the former offi-

Page Three.

UK Identification
Soon Required
At SC Cafeteria

Attempting to avoid criticism of competition from privately owned
food facilities, the Student Center cafeteria will require student,
faculty, and staff identification cards for service in the future.
The decision will take effect
Since the cafeteria returned to
Sunday, Robert F. Kerley, vice a cash basis there has once
president for business affairs and been an influx of
diners although signs stating
According to James O. King, that the cafeteria is for the use
head of auxiliary services, "the
of University people only still
change will permit students, remain in
and staff

their families and guests to eat
meals in that facility. Until this
semester food service facilities
were inadequate to serve this
The announcement was made
in an attempt to clear up any
change in student meal assignments, as some groups thought
the cafeteria would be open to
the public. But Mr. Kerley stated
no change would be made in the
original policy of allowing only
those people affiliated with the
University to use its services.
The change to cash basis, he
stated, "has not altered theorigi-na- l
policy which restricted food
service to the student body and
university personnel. Our facilities are not adequate to open
them to the general public."
Mr. Kerley stated that the
return to a cash basis was an
effort to provide better service
to those students who live
since the Student Center cafeteria is the only one on
campus which serves food on a
cash a la carte basis. The other
cafeterias are reserved for students living on campus, with
room and board contracts.

cials said.
The CIA funds were used to

finance scholarships, travel, and
other expenses for student exiles in the U.S. and Europe,
the officials said.
Present leaders of the association have acknowledged using
CIA funds to provide scholarships for Algerians, but the other
links had not previously been disclosed.

reir From
with a

The Top

photographer Rick Bell braved his natural fear of high
very high places to climb to the top of one of the twin
of the new dormitory complex for pictures. This one, shot
telephoto lens, shows students at the complex. A page of
pictures is on page two.

A WS Tells Slates
For March 1 Vote


No Results

In SG Poll
No results are available yet for
the independently sponsored referendum on the reputation and
representation of Student Government which was held last
Les Rosenbaum, one of the
three sponsors of the referendum,
said the votes had not been
counted yet because David
another sponsor, has been
in the Medical Center since last
Wednesday. Darrell Harrison is
the other sponsor.
Holwerk was quoted prior to
the poll as saying, "Perhaps
something constructive can come
from this referendum, something
of a challenge to Student GovHol-wer-

Candidates for AWS Senate posts were announced Tuesday by
senate elections chairman Barbara Bates.
Chosen to run from among more senator slots are Peggy
75 would-b- e
nominees by an Brown, Kate Elliston, Ann
AWS selection committee were
the following women:
Mary Lou Swope, and Laurel
For president, Beth Brandenburg, Winniejo Perry, Jean Ward;
Hoping to represent Town
for vice president, Suellagedorn,
Girls are Roxanne Jacobs, Linda
helping these students."
The former officials noted that Julia Kurtz, Mary Alice Shipley.
Manning, Pat Nick ell, Kathy
Senior senator candidates are Wall, and Pat Wykstra.
since the U.S. government had
Jennifer Burcham, Chris Dun-kestrong ties to France, Portugal, Pat Fogarty, Joy Gockerman,
South Africa, and other regimes Vicki Knight, Jane Tier nan, Vicki
Jill Ceiger, Kathy Grayson,
Beverly Moore, and Norma New-et- t
opposed by the exiles, the De- Vetter, and Cleo Vradelis.
Bunny Baldwin, Cathy Crophope to represent Panhellenic.
partment of State was powerless
Candidates for Women's Resto offer assistance.
per, Mary Jo Ileathman, Jane
"Privatefoundations wouldn't Klingner, Barbara Meyer, and idence Halls representative are
touch a thing like this," one Libby Politano seek to be elected Kelly Kurtz, Mary Korfhage, and
former student officer observed.
Donna Wyatt.
junior senators.
Senate elections are March 1.
Continued On Page 2
Running for the two sopho

Until two years ago the University allowed the public to use

the Student Center cafeteria and
especially on Sundays it was
generally crowded with

Questions on the ballot were:

"Do you feel the present Student

Government is representative,"
and "Do you feel the present
Student Government has the respect of the student body?"




Candid Camera Spots Traffic Violators

Graduate students Bennie Maffett and Malcolm F. Howard, far left, demonstrate the
technique for filming Lexington traffic. The
results are shown on WKYT-Tas "Traffic
Madness." an experiment in driver education. State Commissioner of Safety Cleiui



"This referendum," he continued, "will give us a factual
basis to say that Student Government is not representative and
doesn't have the support of the
student body."
A big factor in this change
Rosenbaum said yesterday
was the opening of a student that a
representative of Student
dining facility in the new dormi- Government will be present at
tory complex at the university.
the counting. He was unable to
This change in university say how many members of Stupolicy also insured compliance dent Government had voted, but
with laws exempting the uni- noted that about 850 persons
versity food service from sales had voted by Thursday, the
fourth day of voting.

closures that NSA took CIA
money is that we were doing
things we would have done anyway if we had other sources of
funds." said a former international affairs vice president who
now teaches government. "But
no one else was interested in



Houston's Hobby admits aiding the
CIA in giving out funds: Page Seven.

Editorial comments on maturity of
those attending the Creek Week
dance: Page Four.


The former officials, who directed the association's international program at various periods between 1955 and 1962, maintain that the CIA had not influenced the association's policies toward the exiled students.
In some cases the former officials said they themselves did
not know the precise source of
the funds and had only learned
of their origin when Ramparts
magazine disclosed that the association had been receiving
money from the CIA since 1952.
"The real tragedy of the dis-

Rupp doesn't want to be liked,
win: Page Six.



Lovcrii, above, views the equipment with
Dr. John Hutchinson, professor of civil engineering, who is in charge of the project. In
the center, Howard demonstrates the camera
sight inside the special car.



21, I!)(i7


on a clear day














ttH:V-- '

you can see a long way








W4;- -






i 111 WQfera

The residents of the upper stories of the twin towers in the new
dormitory complex will have quite a view on a clear day. To
sample it, our photographer climbed the 218 feet to the 23ru
winds to get these
Moor of the tower and braved 35
pictures. Up there often is James Love, above, the superintendent
for construction at the complex. With a telephoto Jens, the
camera caught the vista toward the beltline (above), the Medical
Center (below), and toward the neighboring tower (left).

n WW















f"- ,
















Candidate Interviewing Underivay
To Fill Student Center Posts



Interviews are now underway
the selection of the 1967-6Student Center Board.
Dr. Nicholas I'isacano, faculty adviser to the SCH, is serving as chairman of the screening committee which will send
the names of those eligible for
the executive committee to the
selection committee.
The screening committee is
composed of Frank Harris, Student Center director; Miss Jane
Batchelder, program director;
President Robert Walker; and
Suzi Somes, public relations.
From here, the names will
be sent to the selection com--



Roughen Photography On Display
A woman looks

atoncof themanyphotographs

by William Roughen

Jr. on display in the Student Center Art Gallery through Saturday.
Hours are 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily and 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekends.



Tryouts For 'Good Woman' Set Sunds
Final tryouts will be held for the Department
of Theatre Arts production of Bertolt Brecht's
"The Good Woman Of Setzuan" at 2 p.m. next
Sunday and 7:30 p.m. next Monday in theCuignol
Theatre of The Fine Arts Builting.
All students are invited to tryout for Department of Theatre Arts productions. "The Good
Woman Of Setzuan" has a cast of 14 males, 9
females, 4 children, and several extras.
"The Good Woman of Setzuan" will be the
final Department of Theatre Arts production of
the year and the opening event of the School of
Fine Arts Festival of the Arts.
"The Good Woman" is a morality play telling
the story of Shen Te, a woman who is deemed
good by three gods seeking to justify human ex- -

istence. In her efforts to remain good she encounters the paradox that one cannot be good
and survive. Brecht has been hailed as the most
remarkable German writer since Kafka, and
reaches the peak of his dramatic powers in this
play, considered by many critics his best.
Raymond Smith, associate professor in the
department, who will direct the production explains the play has been chosen for production
because, "The theme of the Festival of the Arts
is, 'The University: The Patron of the Arts' and
in that context it is the responsibility of the
endowed theatre of the University community to
innovate and find new ways to communicate
and express experence. Brecht has certainly done
this as a writer for the theatre."


the entire campus, an


Board was
needed and chairmen should be

In last year's election, some
600 votes were cast, most of
these by Creek affiliates desiring
to see their group peer fill the

from any one Greek organization will be allowed to serve
on the Board at one time.

President Walker has emphasized the importance of recruiting members from all areas of
the campus.

Previously, the executive committee members were appointed
by the outgoing executive board
and committee chairmen voted
upon in a campus election.
Applications for committee
chairmen were first screened, nar--




Our March issue



is now on sale


fiendish torture
dynamic BiC Duo
writes first time,
every time!



mc's rujwd pair of
stick pens w ins aain in

unending war against
skip, c lou and
smear. Despite horrible
punishment by mad
scientists, me still writes
first time, every time.
And no wonder, uic's
"Dyamite" Hall is the
hardest metal made,
encased in a solid brass
nose tone. Will not skip,
clou or smear no matter
w hat devilish abuse is
devised for them by
sadistic students. (let
the dynamic me Duo at
your campus store now.



wonderful world of fantasy





A lively


Yearly, by mail
Per copy, from files
Editor, Managing Editor
Editorial Page Editor,
Associate Editors, Sports ....
News Desk


Next year's Board will not
have assistant chairmen.
In the latter part of fall semester, SCB could not decide
whether to elect or appoint committee chairmen.
It was decided that because
of the scope of the Student Center Board in programming for

Are you up with what's happening in Medicine? In Religion?
In Music? In Crime? In Literature? In Social Science? In Law?
Find out in our March issue of Pageant where we don't pull
articles to nose
punches. We've got 31 timely eyebrow-raisin- g
through. There's a lot of other things to get worked up about besides Vietnam and Mao

the school year except holidays and
exam periods.
Published by the Board of Student
Publications, UK Post Office Box 4986.
Nick Pope, chairman, and Patricia
Ann Nickell, secretary.
Begun as the Cadet in 1894 and
published continuously as the Kernel
since 1915.
Advertising published herein Is intended to help the reader buy. Any
false or misleading advertising should
be reported to The Editors.

Ken-tuckia- n.


All the
current events
aren't happening
in Viet Nam.

Girls: Would you like to make
over $300 per month during your
senior year just for attending
college? A counselor from the
Women's Army Corps will be
visiting UK to discuss the Army's
Keys, sophomore men's hon- new Student Program for potenorary, is accepting applications tial WAC officers. She will talk
for membership. Applicants must at 4 p.m. Thursday in the Drill
have a 3.0 overall. Address ap- Hall of Buell Armory.
plications to Bill Moss, 410 Hose
Coke party will be given at
4 p.m. Wednesday in Room 206
The UK Student Chapter of of the Student Center for all
the Association for Computing women students to meet AWS
Machinery will hold its meeting Senate candidates.
at 7:30 p.m., Feb. 22, in Room
257 of the Engineering Building.
The Kentucky Kernel
"Programming Languages" is The Kentucky Kernel, University
the subject of the program. For- Station. University of Kentucky. Lex40506. Second class
tran, Cobol, Algol, and PI 1 will ington, KentuckyLexington, Kentucky.
postage paid at
Published five times weekly during
be covered.

This is the last week for Residence Hall sittings for the
All men and women
residents (except those in Complex 5 and Cooperstown) must
call 2825 or go to Room 214
of the Journalism Building.

rowed to two, then an election
was held to determine who
chairman and assistant


The Air University Presentations Team will discuss America's future in space at 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday and at 5:30 p.m.
Thursday at Memorial Hall.


mittee which will consist of
of the screening committee, the remainder of the retiring executive board, and four
students chosen by the Board
but not connected with it.
The seven standing committee chairmen art, forum, hospitality, recreation, special events,
social, and theater will be selected by the incoming and outgoing executive boards, along
with the recommendations of
former committee chairmen.
Drawn up from plans used
by the University of South Carolina, the University of Tennessee,
Indiana University, and Ohio
State, this method was decided
upon so that the selection of
the new Board would not be
chosen from within SCB alone.
No more than two members

145 N. UPPER ST.

UK Bulletin Board

The Theological Forum Committee will meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday, in the Presbyterian SC.
Anyone interested is invited to



M L)

"The Lord of the Rins" Trilogy




!)5 c





v it Midi


wti.m: hooks

Unless of course it's a box of Hollingsworth's candies. Any
other gift would be an insult to her ego . . . and to yours.












mr' mrntL





w .wars




BiCF.ne Point 2iC

Pomt ISC


� The Kentucky Kernel
The South' Outstanding College Daily
Univf.hsity of Kentucky




Editorials represent the ojnnions of the Editors, not of





21, 1967



Wii.mam Knaii

Stkvk H(k:co, Editorial rage Editor

Business Manager

Maturity Lacking

The Kernel has recently questioned the maturity of students in
respect to AWS' refusal to abolish
hours for women residents and the
law students' slow adoption of an
honor code. Following the Greek
Week Dance, held Saturday in the
Student Center which suffered extensive damage, we must again
question the maturity of some UK

Things became so rowdy that the
campus police finally had to end
the dance shortly after midnight.

glass in a fire extinguisher compartment, a restroom flooded because of
plugged drains, and six fire alarms
pulled. In addition, there was general disregard for rules prohibiting
drinking on state property and a
riot nearly broke out.

We hope that the time is rapidly
approaching when such childish
elements will be abolished from this
University and we can fully concentrate on business at hand, namely
a mature search for Truth through
an earnest quest for knowledge.

Damage included a broken light
fixture in the ballroom, tile torn
out of the third floor ceiling, broken

Such actions speak pitifully poor
of a substantial number of University students. At a time in which
the Faculty Senate and mature students are attempting to abolish in
loco parentis restrictions, a number
of students, all too representative,
have shown that their hands must
still be held and that authorities
must still tuck them in bed.

Gym Opening Beneficial
Vice President for Student Affairs Robert Johnson and Chairman of the Physical Education Department Don Cash Seaton are to
be commended for engineering the
reopening of Alumni Gym on weekends.

The athletic facility is now open
for general student use from noon
until 4:30 p.m. on Saturday and
from 1 to 4:30 p.m. Sundays. The
gym's closure on weekends had
been a bone of contention among
students who had little chance
to exercise at any other time or

Vice President Johnson
noted, "It's a shame to have the
facility and not make it available
for students." The gym had been
closed weekends because of a lack
of funds, but Johnson made it a
top budget priority.
We hope the University continues to search for ways to provide both indoor and outdoor physical activity. For example, Southeast Community College in Cumberland recently marked off a college parking area to accommodate
volley ball and shuffle board for
the students and the community
when the lot is not in use.

Down The Rabbit Hole

The Kernel welcomes letters from readers wishing to comment on any topic.
We reserve the right to edit letters received, which should he limited to 300
words. The letters suhmitted should he typewritten and double spaced.
All must he signed as follows: for students, name and college and class and
local phone numher; for faculty, name, department and academic rank; for
alumni, name, hometotvn and class; for University staff memhers, name,
department and position; for other readers, name, hometown and hometown
phone numher. Address letters to the Editor, Kentucky Kernel, Journalism
Building, University of Kentucky 40506, or leave them in Room 113-tlie Journalism Building.



Letters To The Editor

Many Animals Were Visible Near Doomed Patterson House
Note: The following
written in reply to an article
giving an historical sketch of three
buildings Carnegie Museum,
House and White Hall
which will be razed soon to make
way for a tower office building.
The letter is directed particularly
to statements about Patterson
To the Editor of the Kernel:
A friend of mine kindly sent
me a copy of your fine paper, the
Kernel of Feb. 6, knowing that I
was interested in President Patterson and his early service to the
struggling A & M College in 1882,
when three buildings were proudly
made available to the Common-wealt- h
of Kentucky. These buildings were to become the nucleus
of other structures.
In the interest of historical accuracy I would appreciate it if you
would call lo the attention of
your readers two misstatements
in the article.
Professor Patterson did not move
into the president's home in 1922.
He was unmarried and had been


in residence at the home since the
time it was opened to his brother,
James K. Patterson, in 1882. You
may remember it was the latter
who at his death made provision
for the Patterson School cf Diplomacy set up from the remnant of
his salary which for 30 years was
about $2,500-- $3
thousand and in
1905 was increased to $5 thousand
per annum.
I was a resident in this home
from 1917 to 1932 and enjoyed
the "lovely rural scene" from its
windows: a horse for a horse drawn
carriage; a flock of pure-bre- d
Rock chickens; a pure-bre- d
cow, hogs and other such animals.
I can think of nothing more
abhorrent to Walter K. Patterson
whose fine garden and selected
grape arbor and fine fruit trees
made the table of the Patterson
home a picture of Schottish thrift
and frugality.
I believe one of the earliest
scholarly research books described
pigs and other such
Since this may be the final
reference to these gentlemen and

their services to the University,
I can not let the opportunity pass.
Thank you and thank you very
much if you would see fit to revise the matter of "hogs and other
Mabel Pollitt Adams
Tampa, Florida

Future History Lesson
Someday in the
future one unit taught in history
will be on why






failed. The whole of the unit will
revolve on only two points.
One, the democratic countries
refused to see that the ultimate
goal of Communism was world
conquest. The instructor will say,
"They believed in
while they
we cond,

The second point will be how
they (the lovers of peace at any
cost) did not learn from history
on appeasement. The teacher will
say, "They had seen appeasement
fail from the times of the Greeks
to Napoleon and especially with

Hitler and yet they thought we
would be happy with half a world.
"Sure we took a little each
time, we even gave in once in
a while, two steps forward, one
back; first eastern Europe, then
China, then Cuba.
"The big step occurred in Vietnam. When the peace lovers forced
the imperialist from defending that
country, everything then became
easy. First South Vietnam, then
Southeast Asia, then India. The
Middle East was next, and by that
time most of Africa.
"So it went until there were
no more capitalists. We owe a
great deal to those Americans, who
believed that peace at any cost
was better than defending their
interest. It's a good thing they
were so
With that the class will end
and the teacher will Wish his students a good day. "May Lenin,
Stalin and Mao bless you and
keep the Peoples Republic of the
United States."
Tom Juul
History Major
short-sighted- ."


KERNEL, Tuesday, IYI. 21.



Americans Have Quaint View Of Intelligence
attend international meetings or
to fight penetration didn't
mean they were agents'

Nw York Timet Nwt fttrvlce

neccs-sairl- y

PARIS What our government
calls "the intelligence community" is regarded as sordid by some
embarrassed Americans who still,
to an endearing but impractical
degree, continue to cherish the
innocence of their forefathers.
'To them CIA is a dirty word
and any organization even
touching it is held thereby to be tarnished.
The origin of this attitude
can be traced to our ancestors
who fled the distant outer world,
venerated George Washington's
insistence on avoiding connections abroad, and, through the
isolationist movement, resented a
20th Century policy of intervention. Many Americans still think
foreigners and the devil can be
escaped by hiding.
The CIA and its immediate
predecessors were incubated during the Cold War when Stalinism sought to subvert Europe and
the United States had no organization with which to combat
such efforts. The financing of
certain student, labor union, propaganda, and cultural groups
started in that atmosphere. The
fact that such groups received
funds otherwise not available to

Some remaining ties from that
Cold War period might w ell shed
such CIA connections. Undoubtedly the thrust toward investigating CIA links with
groups will expose relationships
that may shock innocents still
greatly influenced by our provincial and puritanical heritage.
While OSS veterans were
studying British Intelligence with
a view to creating the CIA, a
special service called the Office
of Political Control or OPC was
non-offici- al


already functioning and using
help to combat Cold

War pressures.
Foreign friends of the American Labor movement helped
fight Communism in trade unions and also garnered informa-

tion for Washington. One particularly useful source was the
international Transport Federation which collected useful Material from Eurpoean train crews,
dock workers and seamen. This
may surprise amny Americans
but should not shock them. It
is naive to support a Central
Intelligence Agency while asking
it not to do its job.
The U.S. government and its

intelligence branches have sometimes intervened in political affairs abroad. They helped supxut
the third force which initiated the
French Fourth Republic. They
worked strongly for Italy's Christian Democrats in the critical
1918 election They worked
against Mossadegh in Iran and
Arbenz in Guatemala but such
acts were scarcely contrary to
U.S. interests.

Nothing is gained by comparing intelligence functions in
our own open society with tliosc
of Russia's closed society. A better standard is the role of intelligence in France and England.
During the Fourth Republic
France's ardently democratic if
mature equivalent of J. Edgar
Hoover casually told a foreigner
his telephones were tapped. This
was no surprise; the Paris Table
D'Ecoutcis audible.
When allied delegations went
to Moscow for the 1917 foreign
ministers meeting, British "diplo-

armed with equipment to detect
hidden listening devices in their
embas sy a nd French ' ' diplo mat s' '
included youthful White Russians
who could mingle with university students while keeping their
ears open.

We pay, through lots of
productive time by reading the
contents of a newsletter we do
not want to receive.
On the face of it, we appear
to be getting a very bad bargain.
It is natural that, feeling our
purses plucked cavalierly, we

New York Timei Newi Service

Intelligence Agency seems to be
waging an undercover struggle

to keep America fully employed.
Hardly a day passes any more
without disclosure of yet another
organization that is being secretly
financed by the silent service.

should like an explanation of
what we are getting in return.
The National Student Association may or may not have been
instrumental in spreading the
gospel of humane capitalism, but
as humane capitalists we are entitled to be skeptical. Those international student conferences
at which the CIA wanted to make
the American student's voice resoundwere they really worth a
boost in the payroll withholding

The National Student Association, it turns out, has been on
the payroll for years. The
Foundation has been
taking a cut of the intelligence
budget. So have the International
Marketing Institute, the American Society of African Culture,
the American Friends of the Middle East, and the International
Development Foundation.
What these organizations do
for their money is largely a mystery. The American Friends of
the Middle East, which is based
in Washington, mails out a newsletter periodically to correspondents, most of whom, unless they
are desperate with boredom, deposit it immediately in the trash

Does it matter that European
students assemble in Prague and

write petitions at variance with

U.S. foreign policy? What do we

gain from having American stu-- "
dents there? Is it worth real
money to infect East European
college youth with a taste for
American fraternity songs?
Perhaps so. But if so, someone should be willing to tell


How many other such enterprises the CIA is bankrolling,
no one can say. There has been
a great commotion about w hether
secret CIA patronage corrupts
institutions and organizations
supposedly dedicated to education, but the even more inflammatory pocket book issue has been

u s why.

Spending our money for purposes we are not given a chance
to argue about is becoming abaci
habit with the government. Both
the CIA and the U.S. Information Service, for example, have
been engaged in the publishing
business for several years.
We who salute the Internal
Revenue Service with form 1040
They covertly finance books
each April 15 have a right to an and
magazines, and in some cases
assurance from someone in gov- publishing houses, to assure pubernment that we are getting some- lication of material they deem
thing for our money.
helpful to the government's purshould we have to pay poses. The difficulty arises beWhy
the American Friends of the Mid- cause the publications are repredle East to send us mail we do sented not as government works
not want to receive? In fact, we but as privately originated material bearing the imprimatur of
pay for it four times:
reputable publishing houses.
1. We pay increased local
Here we take a financial beattaxes to make up for the amount
ing all around the compass. First,
of tax money the Federal gov- we
pay an author and publisher
ernment cannot return to the localities because it is deverted to
Central Kentucky's Largest
the American Friends of the Middle East.
2. Through the CIA budgets,
(Other Than Text)
we pay to publish the newsletter.
3. We pay, through taxes, the


subsidy which
high "juiic-mail- "
the American Friends of the Middle East uses to distribute the



257 N. Lime

Near 3rd

York Times Foreign service, I wo
British brigadiers from intel-

ligence separately asked me for
journalistic jobs. One subsequently joined a London paper. Kim
Philby, once slated to beet) me
chief of British Intelligence, skipped off to Russia from a journalistic jx) st in Beinit.

Intelligence sometimes mixes
unpleasantly in facets of society that imaginethemselvespure.
The CIA has set up trading companies, air lines, and special
funds to handle particular jobs.
But provincial prigs should bear
in mind Britian's experience
which shows that distinguished
university figures, for example,

occasions without endangering
British democracy.
It is certainly desirable that
trusted sources of political

or public


should stay clear of contact with
intelligence. Soon after our involvement in World War II, the
first precursor of OSS asked The
New York Times if its foreign correspondents could "help." The
request was politely refused.
Although it would be well advised to review connections with
lxxlies and terminate those which are no longer
useful, m emotional witch hunt
should harass the CIA the American people must remember that
in our society an Intellig--'cagency needs help from the private sector which dominates industry, research and technology.
It is lunacy to deprive it of such

Dear Unknown Student,







fed up with being fodder for computers, a 'plain joe
or jane number clogged up in mazes of wires and
circuits? Ever dream of being an individual with a
set of numerals that are prestige-loaded- ?



to write and produce a book we
may never see. If we do see it
and want to read it, we have
to lay out cash for it at the bookshop, thus paying for it twice.
If we read it and hate it,
we cannot telephone our congressman and say, "Look here,
what's the idea of using my
money to produce