xt7bnz80md4m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bnz80md4m/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1989-06-23 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, June 23, 1989, no. 552 text The Green Bean, June 23, 1989, no. 552 1989 1989-06-23 2014 true xt7bnz80md4m section xt7bnz80md4m =  
Number 552 June 23, 1989
CTuly 21 is the date this year for the annual Library Staff Organization pic-
· nic for all library staff. The picnic will be held from 11:30 a.m. until 1:30
p.m. in the Botanical Gardens in back of King North. A new feature this year
V will be entertainment; Tim Lake, guitarist and banjo player will perform at
noon during the picnic. For more information, please get in touch with Mary
McLaren in Acquisitions at 7-2543. (Submitted by Mary McLaren.) `
[Index a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Library of Congress
i ` Preservation Office is supporting an internship in preservation administra-
’ tion. The internship will provide new preservation specialists with oppor-
F tunities for advanced experience and training. The one year ad inistrative
= internship in the Preservation Office will be available beginning August 21,
The internship will begin with an in-depth orientation to preservation ac-
tivities throughout the Library. The preservation administration intern's
time will then be divided between participating in the daily operations and
planning of Preservation Office activities and conducting special projects
designed to match the intern‘s particular interests with current preservation
I priorities in the Library. Applicants for the administrative intern position
V should have completed a year of advanced study leading to a certificate in
preservation. The administrative intern will be appointed at the GT—9 level
with an annual salary of $23,846.
3 Applicants should submit a completed Standard Form 171 (OPM), copies of
transcripts documenting appropriate educational achievements and a letter
describing preservation experience and interests to Laura Christian, Recruit
a • •
'IEZ Newsletter of the Umversnty
of Kentucky Librar’


 ment and Placement Specialist, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. 20540.
Further information regarding qualifications, requirements and application
procedures may be obtained by calling (202) 707-5627.
DM[r. Willis received the following letter from Dr. George Herring, chair of
the History Department, in response to a memo outlining possible plans for a
new library:
Dean Baer has sent me a copy of your memorandum of May 24 discussing possible
- plans for a new library, and I was thrilled with the proposal you set forth.
Indeed, those of my colleagues with whom I have discussed your memorandum view
this as the most exciting thing to happen at the university in recent years
and, sort of a major salary raise, the greatest morale booster for faculty.
We recognize, of course, the disadvantages that would come from the building
of a new library. The site mentioned would be inconvenient for many faculty,
and the merging of branch libraries would cause some hardships for others.
We are persuaded, however, that these minor disadvantages would be far out-
weighed by the advantages.
Despite a dedicated, able, and hard-working staff, the present library build-
l ` ing simply does not meet the needs of University of Kentucky faculty and
staff. Graduate students and especially undergraduates find its labyrinthine
arrangement impossible to fathom and faulty who have worked with it for years
find it at best difficult to use. There is inadequate study space for stu-
dents and there are no faculty studies, benefits that are taken for granted
with most major research libraries.· When I chaired the Educational Programs
Subcommittee of the Futures Committee appointed by Dr. Singletary several
years ago, we found in talking with students that their major complaint about
the university's academic programs was the inadequacy of the library. Our
graduate students, probably among the most regular users of the library, utter
similar complaints.
A new library would bring untold benefits to the university. It would be a
tremendous boon in recruiting first—rate faculty and graduate students. It
would meet literally dozens of presently unmet needs. It would facilitate the
work of undergraduates, graduate students, and faculty, thus improving the in-
tellectual environment and elevating the attainments of the entire university
community. It would help bring together faculty and students from many dif-
ferent disciplines. It would represent a giant step toward the university's
self—proclaimed goal of joining the nation‘s best comprehensive universities
by the year 2000.
We in the Department of History applaud with unrestrained and unqualified en-
thusiasm your proposal for a new library building, and we would be delighted
to do anything we can to help realize this ambitious and vital goal.

 ‘ •PERSC)Zb~TN}:i3L ]E·$!`(Z§>'”.Y.`]’ES•
L STAFF ACTI_VITIES following 1et‘i;e;r from Joe Ann Clif·~
ton, national president of the Spe-
cial Libraries; Association:
At the annual meeting of SOLINET in
__ May in Atlanta, Gail Kennedy, As- I'd like tc taéae this opportunity to
sociate Director, was elected to the thank you ici.: your support of Joanne
Board of Directors for a three-year M. Goode‘s Sigia activities.
term. Miko Pattie, Assistant Direc-
tor for Technical Services, was Joanne has 4Lemonst2;·ated outstanding
elected an alternate delegate to the leadership capability and excellent
OCLC Users Council. interpersonal skills. We are very
A appreciative of her many contribu-
tions to the Association and the
She is a credit both to you and your
Gail Kennedy recently received the
CAIJIFGRNIA Collection i·Gan.agemn1t, Northwestern
University, Evanston. Salary:
$50,000 minimum. Deadline: September
Engineering Librarian, University of 20, 1989.
California, Irvine. Salary: $26,136 ·—
$59,5556. Deadline: August 1, 1989. University Librarian, University of
Illinois at Chicago. Salary: $70,000
— $95,000. Deadline: September 1,
Assi.stanii.. Catalog Librarian (Music
and Humanities Cataloger, Southern
Humanities and Social Sciences Illinois einiversity, Carbondale.
Reference Libfatian and Selec  Salary: $21.,900 minimum. Deadline:
tOI', University of Florida, July 17, 1989.
Gainesville. Salary: $22,500 Assistani; 1idu.\;a.t.i.cn and Psychology
minimum. Deadline: August 31, Librarian, Sunizlxein Illinois Univer-
1989. sity, Ca;.?‘¤=.;;·¤.wle. Salary: $21,900
minimum,. 'ueeadiinec July 17, 1989.
Assistant 1·snm.mities Librarian
(h.a1.f·~t.i1zw.e pv ·’‘. siitzizim),Southern Il-
ILLINOIS linois Unia··.s‘:‘sitrg, Carbondale.
* Salary: ;s10_&i&.<`1 minimum. Deadline:
July 17, 1989.
Assistant University Librarian for

Assistant Management and Economics International / State Documents
= Librarian, Purdue University, West Librarian, University of North
Lafayette. Salary: $22,000 minimum. Carolina, Chapel Hill. Salary:
Deadline: August 20, 1989. $19,000 minimum. Deadline: June 15,
Physics and Earth and Atmospheric 1989.
.. _ Sciences Librarian, Purdue Univer-
sity, west Lafayette. Salary: $24,000 Rare Materials Catalog Librarian,
1 minimum. Deadline: Deadline: August Duke University, Durham. Salary:
20, 1989. $22,250 - $24,250. Deadline: June
30, 1989.
Head, Catalog and Database Main- Documents Reference / State Documents
tenance Section, Notre Dame Univer- Librarian, Duke University, Durham.
~ sity, South Bend. Salary: $25,000 Salary: $22,500 - $23,500. Deadline:
minimum. Deadline: August 15, 1989. June 30, 1989.
Research Assistant (Library Automa- Map Librarian, University of Ten-
tion Analyst, University of Kansas, nessee, Knoxville. Salary: $25,000
Lawrence. Salary: $25,000 — $32,500. minimum. Deadline: September 1,
Deadline: July 12, 1989. 1989.
Library Director, Calloway County Head, Documents Division, Texas A‘& M
Public Library, Murray. Salary: University, College Station. Salary:
$22,000 — $25,000. Deadline: July $32,000 minimum. Deadline: July 1, .
15, 1989. 1989.
Head, Resource Development Division,
Texas A & M University, College Sta-
tion. Salary: $32,000 minimum. Dead-
NEW JERS__E_§_(; line: July 1, 1989.
Resource Development Librarian,
Humanities, Texas A & M University,
Library Direc;t<,»:, Rutgers University, College Station. Salary: $23,000 min-
New Brunswick. Salary: $50,000 mini- imum. Deadline: July 1, 1989.
mum. Deadline: August 1, 1989. · - _
Physical Sciences Reference Librarian
NEW MEXIQQ /Bibliographer, University of Hous-
ton. Salary: $20,500 minimum. Dead-
line: August 31, 1989.
Director of Special Collections, Coordinator of Library Instruction,
University of New Mexico, Albu-. University of Houston. Salary:
querque. Salary: $35,000 minimum.
Deadline: September 1, 1989.

 . QA"
- $22,500 minimum. Deadline: August Temporary, Virginia State Library and
31, 1989. Archives, Richmond. Salary: $21,666 -
._ 0 $29,595. Deadline: June 16, 1989.
_, Librarian B (Serials) (Full-Time
_ Temporary), Virginia State Library Coordinator, Library Systems and
and Archives, Richmond. Salary: Automation, West Virginia University,
$21,666 — $29,595. Deadline: June Morgantown. Salary: $36,000 minimum.
16, 1989. Deadline: June 20, 1989.
Librarian B (Documents) (Full-Time
Bonnie Cox, editor and typist; Cecil Madison, printer