xt7bnz80md31 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bnz80md31/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1985-04-12 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, April 12, 1985, no. 453 text The Green Bean, April 12, 1985, no. 453 1985 1985-04-12 2014 true xt7bnz80md31 section xt7bnz80md31 J   (Lo/S5; {L
M-12-8  No. 41453
April 1M-20. Mathematics Education Week A
National Building Safety Neek
A National Library Week ,
E April 15 & 16 A Using Federal Government Statistics
April 18 · Treasures from the Attic and the Cellar 4
T April 21-27 Professional Secretaries Week I
April 2M Robert Bailey Thomas' Birthday (1776) .
‘Apri1 26-27 Spring Book Sale
May 9-10 A -LOEX Library Instruction Workshop
May 10 _ UK Distinguished Alumni Induction
Banquet _` A
May 16 Computer Assisted Instruction and
May l7 Management Communication in Special
_ ` Libraries ·
The Art of Persuasion
Next "Green Bean" issue: Friday, April 26, 1985
Deadline for inclusion: Monday, April 22, 1985
Production Staff: Cecil Madison, Sandy Hardwick,
A A Rob Aken (editor) I

Spring Book Sale i .
Staff volunteers are still needed for the annual Book Sale to be held
on April 26-27. Help is needed on Thursday afternoon, April 25, to
set up the sale. Additional help is needed on Friday and Saturday to
continue putting out books and to take money at the sales tables.
Anyone interested in volunteering should contact Paula Pope at
7-lM66. f (Paula Pope)
LSO Book Sale Participation
LSO will have two tables available for the book sale April 26-27. We
will need both volunteers and books for the sale. Anyone who wishes
to volunteer or donate books can contact Dan Barkley in GPD at 7-3139.
(Dan Barkley)
Staff Development Lunch _
Bill Cooper will present the program at the next Staff Development ·
brown bag lunch meeting. "Treasures from the Attic and the Cellar"
will be the topic of the program focusing on Modern Political Papers.
The meeting will take place on April 18, from 11:30-12:30, in the King
North Staff lounge. Bring your lunch and join us for an informal and
informing session. . (Paula Pope)
May 9 Staff Development Lunch Rescheduled
The May 9 Staff Development lunch has been rescheduled for May 16. A
The topic will be "Computer Assisted Instruction and Microenhancers." _
Former UK Librarian Takes New Position
Nancy L. Baker was appointed Associate Director of Libraries for
Public Services [at the University of Washington] effective January
17, 1985. Ms. Baker came to the libraries last July as Assistant
Director for Undergraduate Services; but since August 20, 198M, she
has also served as Acting Associate Director of Public Services.
Ms. Baker holds a B.A. in English Literature from the University of
Connecticut, an A.M.L.S. from the University of Michigan, and an M.A.
in English Literature from State University of New York (SUNY) at
Prior professional experience of Ms. Baker has been in college and
university libraries; and she has worked with most of the public
service areas found in large university libraries. Most recently she
was Head of General Reference at the University of Utah (since 1981).

_ Before that she served as Head of the Reference Department at the
University of Kentucky and in earlier reference positions at
Middlebury College and at SUNY-Binghamton. While she was at the
University of Kentucky, Ms. Baker also taught Reference classes in the
College of Library Science. ‘
Ms. Baker has often been published in library literature and has been
asked to contribute to various professional publications. The second
edition of her book, A Research Guide for Undergraduate Students:
English and American Literature will be published in November.
(FOCUS, Spring, l§B5, p.;)
UK Distinguished Alumni Induction Banquet "
The UK National Alumni Association will induct 13 new members into the
Hall of Distinguished Alumni on May l0 at 7 p.m. at the Hyatt Regency
Hotel. The inductees are A. Sidney Behrman, George Blanda, James A.
Caywood, Wendell Cherry; Gov. Martha Layne Collins, Adolph M. Edwards,
Jr., Dr. Phillip R. Edwards, Lt. Gen. Jack J. Gregory, Dr. F. Story
Musgrave, Dr. J.C. Powell, Warren W. Rosenthal, Dr. James Urbanich and
Earl I. Wallace. Tickets are $20.00. See the Director's Office for
reservation forms.
Cohen, Barbara G.F. Human Aspects in Office Automation.
Amsterdam: Elsevier, l98U. (HF755H7.5/.H857l§8U$ ’
Contents include: Tackling Tight Building Syndrome: What Can
~ Workers Do? (Michaels); The Impact of
( - Organizational Factors on Visual Strain in
Clerical VDT Work (Gunnarsson); Overview of
_ Management Concerns and Problems in Office
and Clerical Work (MacLeod); Video Display
Terminal Users Perspective (McGee); Ergonomic
Aspects of Health Problems in VDT Operators
. (Smith); Some Issues Surrounding the Design
of Ergonomic Office Chairs (Dainoff); ,
Comparison of worksite Relaxation Methods
(Murphy); The Process of Relaxation Training
in the Management`of Job Stress (Schleifer).
Diebold, John. Managing Information: The Challenge and the
Op ortunity. New York: American Management Associations,
l9§5. ZHF755M8.2/.D5l2/1985)
Contents: Today's Information Age: What It Means for Business;
Future Perspectives on Information as an 'Executive
‘ Resource; Information Resource Management; Corporate
Information Policy; Interactive Videotex; Information
Service Opportunities; The Need for a U.S. Information

Peterson, Lorna. Wa e Determination and Com arable Worth for
Librarians: A Checklist of Materials. Monticello: Vance
Bibliographies, February 1985. (Ref7Z/7l6U/.A2/P8MO/P-1635/1985)
Smith, Harold T. The Office Revolution: Strategies for Managing
Tomorrowls Workforce. illow rove, A: Admin s rative
Management Society Foundation, 1983. (HF/55N7/.8578/1983)
SPEC Kit #112, _"Automation and Reorganization of Technical and
Public Services" (March 1985), includes 1N documents (95 pages)
including SPEC survey results, program descriptions, organization
charts, recommendations, and job descriptions. SPEC kits are
available in the Reference Department.
The following is the eighth in a special nine part series drawn from .
Mary Ruth Brown's article in The Encyclopedia of Library and Infor-
mation Science. ·
The Library Associates ·
A group of faculty, alumni, and friends organized the Library
Associates in 195N for the purpose of promoting the growth and
development of the University of Kentucky Libraries. Over a period of
lO years members of this organization made substantial contributions
in terms of books, research materials, ~and funds for special
purchases. Gradually, the Associates became inactive.
In 1977 the Associates were reactivated and reorganized with the
primary objectives of building the library collections, increasing the
organization's membership, and providing programs of interest to the
public. Two years later they began publishing The Kentuck Review,
designed as a general humanities journal with the added purpose of
keeping the membership informed of worthwhile acquisitions and
Reprinted from The Enc clopedia of Library and Information Science,
vol. 37, pp. l9U—5, by courtesy of Marcel Dekker, Inc.
The following programs will be held at noon in the W. Hugh Peal
Gallery (King North).
Friday, April 19 "Historic Photographs of Lexington"
Lecture and slide presentation by
Betty Kerr, author of Lexington:
A Century in Photographs.

 c / l
; Management Communication in Special Libraries · May 17
Sponsored by the Kentucky Chapter of the Special Libraries
Association, this workshop will be conducted by Herbert S. White, Dean
“ of the School of Library and Information Science at Indiana
University. _
'Some of the topics that will be addressed include: _ J
*the purpose of communication _ -.
*communicating with the boss
*methods of communication avoidance
*communications techniques
*communications which bypass the management chain
*responding vs. initiating - the role of anticipation .
*specific communications formats.
~ Registration fees: - Students: $10; SLA members: $15; Nonmembers:
Registration deadline: May l ($5 late registration fee). Location:
· Bellarmine College. A
For more information, contact Toni Powell (7-8360) or Karen Croneis
(7-8365). .
The Art of Persuasion: Convincing Others _
To See It Your Way _ May 17
Sponsored by the KLA Professional Development Committee and Jefferson
‘ Community College, this workshop will explore organization, equipment,
body language, and audience analysis. Speakers: Maria Miller, Jeanne
Ferguson, and Dennis Guagliardo. Y
Registration fees: $20 I
Location: Jefferson Community College
For more information, contact Ellen Korn, JCC, Downtown Campus, 109 E. g
Broadway, Louisville, KY M0202. g
Computer Assisted Instruction for f
Academic Libraries May 28 S
Presented by the Library Orientation and Bibliographic Instruction {
Caucus of the Florida Library Association, this preconference workshop §
will provide hands on instruction in the use of an authoring languauge {
(PILOT) on microcomputers (TRS-80 Model U's). Conducted by Rob Aken g
and Laura Olson. {

Registration fees: $M0. _
Location: Orlando
For more information, contact Rob or Laura. _ n
Healthful Use of Video Display .
Terminals in Libraries May 3l
Sponsored by. the KLA Professional Development Committee and the
Kentucky Solinet Users Group, this workshop presents information on
terminal work station design and health effects. Presenter: Bruce
Miller, Indiana University. » ‘
i Registration fees: KSUG/KLA members: $9 (includes lunch)
Non-members: $10 (includes lunch)
j At the door: $15 (lunch not included) _
Q Deadline: May l0 c
; Location: Eckstrom Library Auditorium,
V University of Louisville `
For more information, contact Neil Nixon, Kornhauser Health Sciences
Building, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY N0292. Phone: ‘
<502> 588-5771; or Tom Heath, ·25l W. Second St., Lexington, KY
Y N0507. Phone: 231-5568. _
Q Poetry Workshop in Greece June 15-29
  The primary aim of this workshop will be to help participants find and
g develop their own poetic voices and to train participants to become an
{ effective critics of their own work as well as that of others. The
5 workshop will meet regularly in the morning, and individual
I conferences will be staggered over several afternoons to enable
g participants to benefit from the recreational facilities and sight-
1 seeing of the locale. Sponsored by The University of Oklahoma's
i Program Development Series. ‘
. Cost: $1,950
Deadline: April 26
For more information, contact Program Development Services, 1700 Asp
Avenue, Norman, OK 73037. Phone: (N05) 325-6602.
x .

(For more information, ask at the Reference Desk.)
Science and Technology Cataloger, Auburn University. Salary: $18,000
minimum. Deadline: May 15. ‘
$ Arizona
Collection Development Coordinator for Science, and Engineering,
Arizona State University. Salary: $18,000 minimum. Deadline: April
30. — ‘
Science Reference Librarian/Engineering Subject‘ Specialist, Arizona
State University.° Salary: $17,000 minimum. Deadline: May 31.
Assistant University Librarian for Central Public Services, University
of Arizona. Salary: $38,000 minimum. Deadline: June 15.
t ,: California
Librarian for Slavic Collections, University of California at
Berkeley. Salary: $21,02M-$M7,880. Deadline: May 31.
University Librarian, University of Santa Clara. Salary: not
· specified. Deadline: May 15. a I
v Illinois
Visiting Assistant Education and Psychology Librarian (one year only),
Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. Salary: $8,200 minimum.
Deadline: April 30.
Head Documents Librarian,1 University of Illinois at Chicago. Salary:
not specified. Deadline: April 22.
`A Indiana
Head of Public Services, Indiana University - Purdue University at
Indianapolis. Salary: $19,800 minimum. Deadline: April 30.
Public Services Librarian, Library/Learning Resources Center, Indiana A
University East. Salary: $15,500 minimum. Deadline: May 17.
Assistant Head of Acquisitions, University of Notre Dame. Salary: 7
$20,000 minimum. Deadline: June 1. y

  ) -
$ ‘ Iowa ~ 4
· Instructor, Library Instruction Department, Iowa State University.
; Salary: $13,500. Deadline: May 10.
i Kentucky l -
Director of Libraries, Western Kentucky University. Salary: not
— specified. Deadline: May 31. _
Q R °F Massachusetts · ‘
A Roman Jakobson Linguistics Collection Cataloger (six month
, appointment), MIT. Salary: not specified. Deadline: not specified.
l New Hampshire '
l Clinical Nursing Reference Librarian," Dartmouth College. Salary:
{ $16,500 minimum. Deadline: May 15. .~ r
I New Jersey
Slavic/Germanic Bibliographer, Princeton University. Salary: not
1 specified. Deadline: May 6.
I Head, Art Library, Rutgers University. Salary:_ $2¤,192 minimum.
  Deadline: May 15. ‘
Assistant Engineering Librarian, Princeton University. Salary: not _
A specified. Deadline: May l0.
New York
Collections Librarian, Agricultural and Life Sciences Library, Cornell
University. Salary: $31,235 minimum. Deadline: May 30.
Head, OMI/College of Applied Science Library, University of
Cincinnati. Salary: $20,000 minimum. Deadline: April l9._
Head of Cataloging, University of Oklahoma. Salary: $25,000 minimum.
Deadline: May 31.

 r  _
» lm
Humanities Reference Librarian, University of Oklahoma. Salary:
$16,000. Deadline: May 6.
Automation Librarian, Middle Tennessee State University. Salary: _
$20,000-$23,000. Deadline: June 1. ‘
Assistant University Archivist, University of Virgin1a.' Salary:-
$18,000 minimum. Deadline: July 1. `
(If interested, contact Ann Howell in the Director's Office.)
LT III, grade 5, Agriculture Library.