xt7bnz80md2f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7bnz80md2f/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1966 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 42, No. 2, Autumn 1966 text Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 42, No. 2, Autumn 1966 1966 1966 2014 true xt7bnz80md2f section xt7bnz80md2f I I I
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Our cover drawing is by Joanne ,
Vickers, a Canadian graduate of the {
Frontier Graduate School of Mid-  
vvifery in the fall of 1966, and is our 1
Christmas card to you, our readers. 1
  l 1
Published at the end of each Quarter by the Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1
Lexington, Ky. I
Subscription Price $1,00 a Year 2  
Edit0r’s Office: Wemlover, Kentucky   1
Second class postage paid at Lexington, Ky. 40507 ·  
Send Form 3579 to Frontier Nursing Service, Wendover, Ky. 41775 1 1
Copyright, 1966, Frontier Nursing Service, Inc.  
.1 1
1 1

l .
Q; ··—·-
  A Home Visit Juliet Davenport 13
It American Association of
ly Nurse-Midwives 34
. g Beyond the Mountains 43
    Field Notes 46
I   FNS Nurse-Midwife Mary Simmers A Photograph Inside Back Cover
E   God Gave Us (Verse) Author Unknown 2
g Graduation Address Marion A. Carnes, M .D. 18
t In Memoriam 31
j Jonathan, William and
3 Christopher Sparrow A Photograph 12
  Mary Breckinridge Day 15
t Mary Breckinridge Hospital——
ip Progress Report H. E. B. 23
{ Old Courier News 25
g Old Staff News 35
leg Visiting Wide Neighborhoods Roberta Erickson 3
l BRIEF Brrs
I A Christmas Prayer Robert Louis Stevenson 33
    Men of Few Words Modern Maturity 22
E   Never in the History . . . The Colonial Crier 17
E { Quick Quips Modern Maturity 14
K.   Readers’ Motoring Tales The Countryman 30
E Sayings of Our Children 11
Q   We Have Found . .. . Quarterly Bulletin 24
_   White Elephant 42
A l

God gave us hills,  
While hills in lhe moonlighl, lj
And lacy gray shadows  
lhal quiver and run; in
/\nd lighl, llully snowllakes  
Thal sill in lhe dusklighl,  
To a world veiled in slillness  
As nighlis begun.  
God gave us walers,  
lce—bound and lrozen; l
God gave us lillle while  
Tracks in lhe snow; i_
And li++le lal sparrows 1
Thal sleep in lhe church-lops,  
And bells lhal peal oul  
To lhe slillness below. A
God gave usyChrislmas ‘§°'
And brighl wrealhs ol holly;  
Taughl us, like Jesus,  
To bless and lorgive; 1
Filled all our hearls  
Wilh lhal peace universal;  ,
And God gave us love °
And lhe spiril lo give.  
—/\ulhor Unknown  

l by
  Foreword: Roberta Erickson spent six weeks as a vol-
L, unteer with the Frontier Nursing Service in the summer
~ of 1965, while she was still a student at the University
, of Arizona College of Nursing. This story of her expe-
» riences in Kentucky is reprinted, with permission, from
Q, NURSING OUTLOOK, October, 1966.
F I was Iirst made aware of the Frontier Nursing Service by
F my instructor in obstetric nursing at the University of Arizona
,. College of Nursing. She had been an FNS nurse-midwife for a
{ number of years, and her shared memories aroused my admira-
F tion and a sense of curiosity about the work of these remarkable
i women. Thoughts of working in a somewhat remote area with a
é unique cultural group were drawing elements, and FNS country
  sounded like a place where the spirit of adventure was a part of
i the daily course of events. I wanted to be a part of that
Q adventure.
ll Was it possible for a senior nursing student to work with
A the Frontier Nursing Service as a volunteer during the summer
  months.? After a period of correspondence, the reply came from
I Kentucky, "Yes, we will be glad to have you with us this
, summer."
  Stepping into a land of lush green forests and winding rural
  mountain roads is an experience in itself for a desert dweller.
  On arriving in Hyden (where the FNS hospital is located) via a
` succession of airplanes and buses, I was met by an attractive
` young courier. It had taken her some time to come, and she
p, explained that a stop had been necessary along the way to put
Q the jeep back together, hastily adding that this particular vehicle
il was next on the replacement list. She hoisted my suitcase in the
  back, told me to jump in, and we began our climb to a narrow
  shelf halfway up Thousandsticks Mountain overlooking Hyden.
il Horses were the means of transportation in the early days,
Q for roads had not yet come to the mountains. Occasionally a
  nurse still saddles up, but for the most part her current steed is

4 rnowrxna Nnasxne snnvxca  
a 4—wheel drive jeep. The couriers who are responsible for the  
care of the horses and jeeps are valuable members of the FNS _ `
staff. These young women volunteer their time and provide Q,
excellent service as guides, helpers., and general handy women.  
The hospital matron (supervisor) was waiting for us and .
said tea would soon be ready—the English iniiuence already!  
Just before supper every evening, those members of the gl;
staff not on duty meet for vespers in St. Christopher’s Chapel. ll;
It was there, on my first night with the FNS, that I met Helen -{
E. Browne, director of the Service since the death of Mrs. Mary  
Breckinridge in May, 1965. It was fascinating to meet this  
woman of whom I had read so much in Wide Neighborhoods} _?
"Brownie’s" welcome was warm and sincere. It seemed very Y
appropriate that my first common action with the Frontier nurses ·-
was kneeling with them in prayer, for the Service was founded ,¤
on a love of mankind and took for its motto, "He shall gather the  
lambs with His arm and carry them in His bosom, and shall L,
gently lead those that are with young."2  
The remarkable Mrs. Breckinridge began the Frontier Nurs- gi
ing Service in 1925 as a demonstration in the nursing care of Q
mothers and children in remotely rural areas. In the years that  
have passed since then, the organization has grown to encompass i
nursing care to the sick in their homes, outpatient clinics, both  
hospital and district work, social service, midwifery and a gradu—  
ate school for the training of nurse-midwives, and the offer of ‘
its field work for study and observation to those who live beyond  
the mountains. E  
Over the 40—year period of its work, the Frontier Nursing .
Service has cared for almost 58,000 people. There have been T
more than 14,500 midwifery patients delivered (many in their i
homes), and only 11 maternal deaths, two of which were not 3
related to puerperal causes. During the last year, 369 registered ?
midwifery patients were delivered by the nurse-midwives and -
students of the Frontier Graduate School of Midwifery. Of these, .
only five were delivered by the medical director. There was no »
maternal death.
Last year, 1,300 patients made use of the 27 beds and 12 `
bassinets of Hyden Hospital, and over 18,000 visited the hos-
pital’s outpatient clinic. District nurses cared for more than (

  10,000 persons, paying 23,000 visits to homes and receiving 18,500
visitors at their nursing centers and special clinics.3
  During my first weeks in Kentucky, I worked at Hyden Hos-
  pital in the outpatient clinic-emergency room. Special general
clinic days were held twice weekly. Many and varied were the
\¥ people and their ills that came to us for care—-the young miner
  whose coal-blackened face and hands were reminiscent of a
  vaudeville showman’s, the proud mother whose mentally retarded
ij child had just taken his iirst steps, the 4-year old who could say
  "thank you" after having a nasty cut sutured, and the thin, sad
  woman for whom the doctor prescribed tender loving care. Car-
l ing for the mountain youngsters was a special joy. As one FNS
}1 nurse put it, it was wonderful helping little children learn to be
_ brave.
Z I found that the clinic nurse needs to be a skillful evaluator
  and organizer and learns rapidly to take the responsibility for
  many tasks essential to the provision of nursing service that are
  often taken for granted in those well-endowed and advantaged
Y hospitals of our large cities. We did our own autoclaving, partici-
  pated in the taking of x-rays, did some minor laboratory work,
F and saw to the use of the county’s main pharmaceutical supply
  which was housed in a rather large cupboard in the clinic.
{ The latter part of my stay was spent at two of the five out-
] post nursing centers. The first was Beech Fork, oldest of the
{7 outposts, built in 1926 by two nurses who, when they began, knew
nothing whatever about construction. That the center stands
{ q firmly today shows they must have learned quickly and well.
I l Then came Wolf Creek, the newest outpost center. A courier
[ and I had quite a ride there. It was raining, the road was a new
I one through the forest, and very boggy at this point. By means
j of a crude map, intuition, and "hollerin’ " for directions along the
Q way, we iinally came to a deep curve in the road and had our
A first view of Wolf Creek, with its low, white buildings and barns,
U and its verdant pasturelands spreading toward the mountains.
AV The outpost nurses are neighbors of the mountain people
who live within their districts. They know one another well, and
. a call for the nurse brings not a stranger, but the services of a
trusted friend. When the lanky mountaineer said, "You fellers
are mighty fine," he spoke sincerely.

 6 Faowrxizzn NURSING smnvicm i
In the district, the jeep becomes an especially valued com- {
patriot. I have been down many rough roads and paths where .
no other vehicle would have been satisfactory. Our Wolf Creek  
jeep, "Cappy," traveled ten miles each morning to take us to an  ’
elderly woman who needed insulin; it carried an old man with  _
a cane to his cabin so he need not walk so far; it took us up a  ‘
lonely and forgotten-looking path for an emergency call; it car-  c
ried two nearly blind women, a young mother with two small  _
children, a small boy, and myself to the center for a special doc-  
tor’s clinic with the motor stopping only once, and that on the  ·
steepest hill.  H
I have come from the mountains with three distinct and yet  
interrelated impressions of the Frontier nurses and the people  
they serve. I became very much aware of the heavy responsi—  
bilities carried so willingly by the nurses and nurse-midwives, the g
loyalty and hospitality of the mountain people, and the joys of _;
a life spent close to natural things.  _
While the Frontier nurses have the services of an excellent `
medical director, they are expected to use their heads wisely and -
well——and they do. I can still see the doctor sitting on a high i 
stool in the Hyden Hospital delivery room, interested in the pro-
ceedings and remaining calmly available for a delivery a bit out i l
of the ordinary, but seeing no need to intervene when both i
mother and child were in capable hands. I
Both hospital and district nurses are called on for a high  
level of judgment and technical skill. Many factors necessitate *
this; FNS covers some 700 square miles that is yet remote; the  
population is scattered, with many people living far back in  -
the mountain hollows and along the creeks; and there was but A
a single physician on the staff at this time. In 1952, Mrs. Breck- T
inridge wrote that ". . . not only does a Frontier nurse-midwife j
sometimes have to hold the fort until the medical director can .
reach her, but she often has to take final responsibility in the
knowledge that he cannot reach her in time."‘* Although roads, ·
vehicles, and telephones have increased in number and quality, L
her statement applies today. A
Of necessity, the district nurses especially have available  
a number of standing orders from the medical director and from I
the Service’s medical advisory committee. These physicians have  -

g demonstrated their trust in the acuity of the Frontier nurse’s
. judgments about her patients and her ability to respond with
  proper treatment.
 ' Health care sometimes goes beyond human concerns. A
 . neighboring family at Wolf Creek had a sick mule. They de-
 1 pended on this animal for their livelihood, and its restored health
 " was as important to them as their own. One of the district nurses
, took the responsibility to consult a veterinarian in the next
E county and saw to the carrying out of his instructions. How well
 · I remember the morning and evening walks down the road to
 ~ administer antibiotic injections to the mule.
  Mrs. Breckinridge often commented on the hospitality of the
  mountain people and their loyalty to friends and kin. I saw this
  time and time again.
Q On visits into the homes, there was always a welcome. FNS
Q is highly respected, and simply being recognized as an FNS
 . staff member was the "open sesame" into the mountain of accept-
‘ ance, welcome, and generosity.
J  After holding an out-of-district clinic one day, the district
 , nurse and I went to visit a couple and the husband’s elderly
_ mother who couldn’t come down to us. We gave typhoid immuni-
l I zations all the way around and stayed for a cup of coffee. Then,
i on up the road to see another couple. They, too, invited us for
A coffee. We went into the kitchen, and promptly found ourselves
  being served spareribs, cabbage, fried potatoes, green beans,
· fresh tomatoes, biscuits, cookies, and coffee. They had made
  extensive preparations just in case the nurses happened to
 - stop by.
A If any one characteristic of family life is outstanding, it is
T the Kentucky mountaineer’s love for his children. The child
i comes first. I often saw an adult stop his work just to caress a
I small son or daughter who appeared at his knee. The children
of these hills are among the most beautiful I have ever seen. On
· their mothers’ rich milk, they grow chubby, glossy haired, and
 _ rosy cheeked. It was a joy just to sit and watch them play and
hear them speak mountain dialect, which their size and youthful
  voices made all the more charming.
. But as the young are beautiful, with maturity the moun-
 L taineer seems to age beyond his years. Life can be hard, and for

 8 F1>.oNT1ER NURSING smnvxcm E
those who have married in their early teens and raised large  
families, the strains are plainly visible in their lanky strength and
the gauntness of their faces. Ei
In the city, our lives are rushed and hurried. When we turn .
to worship, we call for the relief of quietness, darkness, and peace. Eg
Reverence is a bowed head, folded hands, and a silent prayer. In L
contrast, mountain life carries an intense loneliness unknown T
to the city dweller. Life is not easy, and it is often lived in rela- l
tive seclusion. When the mountaineer praises his God, he does so ‘
with jubilation. At a service I attended one evening, the music »
was by banjo, guitar, tambourine, and cymbals. The worshipers p
sang, and their singing was magnificent and powerful. They »
stamped their feet and clapped their hands to accent the rhythm,
and their expressions showed the intense feeling of the moment. '
The psalmist who wrote, "Praise Him with timbrel and dance;
praise Him with strings and pipe; praise Him with sounding cym-
bals; praise Him with loud clashing cymbals!", would have been
quite at home in the mountains} ·
At this same meeting, it was made known to the group that
one of their own was desperately ill and in need of blood dona— I
tions. On returning to the hospital later that evening, I found
that several of them were already there to take action on their  
loyalty to a brother in need. Y  
The supporting nature of this loyalty became very personally Z
evident when tragedy befell an FNS nurse. One of our English it
nurse-midwives was showing her visiting sister some of the area. S1
As they traveled up a one-lane, dirt road, their jeep triggered a H i
crude dynamite bomb which had been in no way intended for .
them. Both were severely injured, the sister receiving the full  ‘
force of the explosion. I
The mountain people responded immediately in word and ;
deed. All expressed their concern and did their best to relieve A
our work at this time. Churchwomen in Hyden collected dona-  ·
tions to help with the expenses of long treatment. The citizens of  .
the county were deeply distressed that not only had one of their  ,
nurses been hurt, but a visitor to their country had also suffered.  lg
The Frontier nurses demonstrate a close bond between the  ii
citizens of two nations. British and Americans have jointly car-  £
ried on the work of the Service since its organization. When Mrs.  

is Breckinridge began her work in Kentucky, she saw a. definite
< place for the nurse-midwife. Since none were then trained in the
F United States, she drew her early staff from England. Indeed,
  many of the present Frontier nurses claim British citizenship.
E] At our Independence Day celebration, it seemed quite fitting to
_ begin with a "march" of the Americans on the British. Retalia-
V. tion came later with the sailing of the "H.M.S. B0ston," a FNS
V jeep serving for the moment as a British battleship.
Underlying the humor and good feelings of the group were
I intense loyalty and comradeship. Always present in everyday
s working relationships, it was at that time poignantly visible. On
A one of the walls in the "big house," Mrs. Breckinridge’s home at
. Wendover (FNS headquarters) are the flags of both countries,
their staffs crossed in union.
The lure of service in the out-of-doors was one of the reasons
I had been drawn to the Frontier Nursing Service. We were close
. to natural things in the most literal sense. In the district, we
grew much of our own produce, and many families shared their
I garden products with us. Wild blackberries abounded in certain
spots and found their way into many delightful dishes. The bank
of a stream was the place to stop for dinner and the refreshment
  of its coolness. A thick coat of dust enveloped us as the jeep
`, churned up the dry summer crust of the dirt roads.
Q, Salaried employment often takes people away from the
  security of dependence on natural things, but when employment,
I I too, is taken away, life can be extremely difficult. One afternoon
I visited an antepartum patient in her home. She seemed glad
 i that someone had come, and she told me about the ten of them
l living there. Her husband was unemployed and had no oppor-
_ tunity for even the government-sponsored work programs for
 . another six months. It was hard to find odd jobs, but he man-
. aged to get his family by. Yet, even with the absence of economic
 A security, this family was not without its joy. The husband was
 * proud of his family, and his wife eagerly pointed out several
  promotion-to-high-school certificates and pictures on the walls.
  The children played like happy children everywhere.
 g An aspect of life I found most wonderfully natural was child-
  birth. So very often today, we take birth out of the mainstream
 * of living and surround it with an aura of unnaturalness in which

 10 FRoN·rm1>. NURSING smavicm i_
not even the mother is a fully alert participant. But childbirth  
is an ever new miracle. I remember one mother at Hyden Hos-
pital inquiring excitedly throughout her delivery about the new i
baby: Had its head come yet? What did it look like? Was it a
boy or a girl? Question after question. How her features lighted j
as she gazed on her newly "caught" boy—child.
The wonder of childbirth is not without its humorous side.
One day toward the middle of the summer, a woman visited the !
hospital clinic complaining of stomach pains. A while later one
of the nurses helped her into the bathroom, and-splash!!—
wahhh! !— she unexpectedly gave birth to a 5-pound baby boy.
The strange thing was that neither she nor any of the staff
realized she was pregnant! _
Most of the FNS nurses are young. They come from beyond
the mountains where they could receive two or three times the i_
salaries FNS can afford to pay them. All are thus, in part, vol- -
unteers who channel their altruism and energies into a most
worthwhile service. In skills and judgment, they are mature
beyond their years. They are highly respected by the mountain
people they care for, by visitors from all over the world who
have come to study the Service as a model, and by at least one
student from the desertland of Arizona. ,
I went to Kentucky seeking adventure. I found adventure i
and very much more. I learned that nursing care can be given as 5
a natural part of life, that heavy responsibilities can be carried .<°
with light hearts, and that loyalty and hospitality are more than  
just desirable virtues. I have a better understanding of rural
America and the type of nursing care that meets the needs of j 
its people. There is now a personal basis of experience for my =
admiration of frontier nursing with its honest concern, worth-
while and responsible service, and the joy of a life lived close to -
natural things. Mrs. Breckinridge wrote: Y
My own longing for adventure and hardship when I was young, my ‘
own choice of nursing as the field in which *I felt I could give the most serv-
ice, enable me to understand the motives that lead most of my young asso-
ciates to the Frontier Nursing Service for at least two or three years of
their buoyant lives. It will be sad if the time comes when such aspirations ‘
of the ardent young heart find no answering echo from the leaders of
Neither buildings nor equipment can be given credit for the  .
excellent nursing care provided by the Frontier Nursing Service, ·

  for its facilities do not compare with those of the modern city
hospitals. The nurses make the difference-——and it is this kind
.§ of difference that I hope will always be a part of my own nursing
care. I returned from Kentucky with a belief in the value of
nursing care:
—which is given in the home as a part of everyday living
—where there is continuity of persons in the nurse-patient
! relationship
i —where life is unhurried and there is always enough time
to "sit a spell"
—when necessary reliance on one’s own thinking leads to
ingenuity and dedication
—which is adaptable in principle and practice to different
times and places and to the constantly changing profes-
tion of nursing.
I 1. Bgreckinridge, Mary. Wide Neighborhoods. New York, Harper & Row,
1 52.
2. Isaiah 40:11. (King James' Version)
3. Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Fortieth annual report. Front.Nu1·s.Sev·a1.
Qaart.BaZZ. 41 :11-15, Summer 1965.
4. Breckinridge, op. cit., p. 308.
5. Psalm 150:4-5. (Revised Standard Version)
6. Breckinridge, op. cit., p. 305.
ei _________
 . _ Small boy concerning his sister: "If she starts that cheer-
i leadin’ stuff today, I’ll clobber her, ’cause it puts a headache in
1 my ner·ves."

 12 Faowrxmn NURSING sERv1cE  
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Sons ol: Dr. and Mrs. Frank A. Sparrow (Old Courier Anne Reynolds) I
These enferprising youngslers sold lemonade over a long week end +0 {he crowd  V
who wen} +o Woodsiock, Vermonl, +0 {he An+ique Car Show early in {he summer. (See  l
Old Courier News.)  

* A nom; v1s1T
S by
Louisville, Kentucky, Courier
i The day broke bright at Wolf Creek and the trees on the
E. surrounding mountainsides glowed with a proud green from
  their washing in the night. It was a confused day—neither sum-
  mer nor fall but vying for the best of both seasons. I could see
I my breath in the chilly morning air while the sun, with a promise
Y of later heat, warmed my face. A good day.
, With her nursing bag packed and stowed in our jeep, the
district nurse and I set off on our spine—shattering, bottle-clanking
ride down the rutty road to visit the sick patients in need of a
house call. Having had no medical training beyond a waterfront
A lifesaving course, I was of no practical use to the nurse but I
wouldn’t dream of missing these opportunities afforded me to
I talk with the Kentucky mountain families, and to be graciously
l admitted into their homes. We have never been met without
L enthusiasm and warm hospitality. In fact, it’s sometimes difficult
E g to get away for other business without "settin’ a spell" first.
The sun fulfilled its promise and the day was hot as we
stopped for the fourth and last call. The exterior of the house
‘ was impressively neat with a well-tended flower garden bordering
i the walk, and a fresh coat of paint on the porch floor.
i I As we entered the house I was immediately struck by a pair
. of wide and very blue liquid eyes fastened on me from one of the
most kindly and intelligent, elderly faces I have seen. Her hair
· was white and as silky as the summer coat of a grass-fed pony;
A and she smelled of sun—iilled linen and warm toast. Her ample
  lap, as she sat down, was inviting and had undoubtedly soothed
A many a troubled head in the past. She spoke with the attractive
 { softness of speech characteristic of the Kentucky mountaineer,
as she bid us sit down.
 , An unfamiliar sight in these remote houses was the piano
which stood in the corner——a big, polished upright piano which
  obviously was the pride of the family. At our urging our hostess
_   sat at the bench to play. One could not help but notice her hands
 ¥ with long, thin, sensitive fingers. She looked straight ahead,

 14 Fnoiwriian NURSING smnvicn  
and as her fingers searched and fumbled for the opening chord, {
I suddenly realized that she was blind. As she played an old ;
familiar hymn, the room seemed filled with a happiness insepa- =,•
rable from the sorrow and pain which she buttressed with her I
faith. The age which had taken her sight had in return given
her a dignity reserved for very few.
I wondered what she could have told us about her past and V
the close link which her life had had with her ancestors, the cou-
rageous pioneers who had stopped on their way west to settle
here among these rugged mountains of promise and incredible
Our duties done, her great, blue eyes filled with tears as we
prepared to leave. Unfaltering, she accompanied us to the porch
and begged us to come back for Sunday dinner or sooner if we ·
could. For comfort she held out her hand and I felt the strength V
of her grasp as her iingers closed around mine. Slowly, as her -
sightless eyes fastened upon my face, she raised my hand to her Q
lips and kissed it. i
The bank robber shoved a note across to the teller. It read: `
"Put the money in a bag, sucker, and don’t make a move." 4
The teller pushed back another note: "Straighten your tie, _
stupid, we’re taking your picture."  V
—M0dern M aturity, Oct.-Nov., 1966 .

Ag The Craft Show
The festivities for the Fifth Annual Mary Breckinridge Day
began on Friday night, September 30, with a Craft Show held
, in the library of the Leslie County High School. Mrs. Edward N.
Farmer was chairman of the Show and she had assembled a
delightful display.
Mrs. Nannie Shepherd, Mrs. Frank Sizemore, Mrs. Flora
Wilson, Mrs. Violet Simpson, and Mrs. Dallie Joseph were there
with their lovely quilts, bonnets, pillow covers, and other needle-
work. Mrs. Eliza Hall again showed her entrancing cornshuck
dolls and Mrs. Eddie J. Moore exhibited some of the handwork
A done by her grandmother. Mrs. Lundy Adams had a booth of
A needlework from the Hound Dog Industries in Blackey, Kentucky.
, Bob Melton showed some of his handmade furniture and Jim
. Hayes some of his oil paintings. Miss Jean Tolk and Miss Zilpha
· Roberts sold many lovely articles, made by the women of the
Dryhill Community, for the beneiit of the Mary Breckinridge
Hospital Fund. The young people of the Wooton area contributed
half of the profits from the sale of their handicrafts to the Hos-
pital Fund. Lorraine Jerry and Jane Lossing had set up a most
i attractive booth to display furniture and needlework of all kinds
V` made by residents. of the Flat Creek area, and Mable Spell and
. Elsie Maier helped with the booth where articles made by the
 i young people of the Big Creek Community were sold. Mrs. Cleve-
. land Marcum donated one of her own lovely paintings to be sold
I for the benefit of the Mary Breckinridge Hospital Fund.
Much hard work had gone into the preparation of these ex-
, hibits and the Show, which continued on Saturday, was a huge
_ success.
The Parade and Program
A Unfortunately, Mary Breckinridge Day dawned chill and
’ rainy and the parade, originally scheduled for 10:00 a.m., had
, to be postponed. At a little after eleven o’c1ock the parade came
° into view, winding along the road below the bend of the river.
 ‘ An honor guard of four soldiers, proudly bearing the flags of
T their country and their state, led the cavalcade. Immediately

 16 FRONTIER Nuasmc smavxcn jp
behind were Kate Ireland, Sue Cross and Marie Sullivan riding ‘i
Ace, Boo Daddy and Trigger. Then came the floats and the jeeps,  
the pony club and the school band, the 4-H Club and the contest- l
ants for the title of "Queen of the Day", with their escorts and A
attendants. After them walked groups of school children and
more jeeps and cars filled with guests and friends. The parade
must have stretched a good mile.
It was a beautiful and moving picture in a beautiful and
impressive setting: the brown, rolling river in the foreground,
the grey road beyond filled with movement and color, and, above
and behind, the backdrop of the green covered mountainside
where the trees were just beginning to flash the first glories of
their autumn colors.
The ceremonies on the school grounds were opened by the _
Reverend William George, president of the Leslie County Minis-
terial Association, who gave the Invocation. Judge George `
Wooton gave the welcoming address and crowned Miss Glenda
Morgan the Mary Breckinridge Day Queen. A drill was pre-
sented by the Bridle and Saddle Club.
Dr. Francis Hutchins, the President